- Gamma now depends on VIATRA 2.0.2 and Yakindu 3.4.3.
- The Gamma Composite Language has a new syntax.
- Gamma supports two synchronous (synchronous composite and cascade composite) and two asynchronous composition modes (asynchronous adapter and asynchronous composite).
- Cascade composite components support the definition of an execution list.
- Gamma statecharts are serialized with a human-readable syntax.
- Imports in .gcd files now must be specified using a workspace URI.
- The model checking is executed on a background thread.
- The formal verification of both synchronous and asynchronous component models is supported.
- Generate Test Set functionalitiy for deep validation is implemented.
- The results of the verification are serialized with a human-readable syntax.
- Improvements have been made regarding content assist while editing the models in the Xtext editor.
- Imports can be defined relatively to the importer file.
- Multiple triggers (in or relation) in Yakindu are transformable.
- Improvements have been made regarding content assist while editing the models in the Xtext editor.
- Icons are added to .gcd, .ggen and .get files.
- Validation rules regarding asynchronous adapters are extended.
- Timing bug regarding asynchronous adapters is fixed.
- Type checking regarding statecharts while editing the models in the Xtext editor is greatly improved.
- Content assist regarding the message queues of the asynchronous adapters is improved.
- Validation rules regarding the priority of message queues of asynchronous adapters are extended.
- Gamma now depends on VIATRA 2.1.0 and Yakindu 3.5.2.
- Components are now parameterizable. Parameterization is supported by both formal verification and code and test generation functionalities.
- Gamma interfaces, Java code, UPPAAL model and JUnit test suites (in addition to Gamma statecharts) can be generated using the generator model.
- Gamma execution traces now must have a name.
- Transition-covering test sets can now be generated.
- Statecharts can be executed in a bottom-up execution mode (subregions are executed first) in addition to the up to now supported top-down execution mode.
- Asynchronous adapters are now defined with the "adapter" keyword and adapt (paramterizable) component instances instead of component types.
- Bug regarding exit events of composite states is fixed.
- Bug regarding the linking of packages is fixed.
- Compatibility issues with the new VIATRA version are resolved.
- Queries generated with the GUI are now appended with an expression specifying activeness (isActive) when referring to states.
- Validation rules regarding fork and join nodes are added.
- Gamma now depends on VIATRA 2.1.1 and Yakindu 3.5.3.
- A new action language has been introduced (GAL), wich provides new elements in actions, such as cycles and branches.
- The GCL metamodel and grammar have been refactored, they now depend on the GAL.
- Validation rules regarding the control specifications of asynchronous adapters are added.
- The Gamma-UPPAAL transformation has been optimized.
- The Component element of the GSL metamodel has been moved to the composite package.
- The analysis task now has include and exclude component features.
- Bugs regarding the generation of imports in the generated code and tests are fixed.
- Gamma Constraint Language has been renamed to Gamma Expression Language.
- Prioritized transitions in the GSL have been introduced.
- A reflective API to the generated Java code has been introduced.
- Validation rules have been added.
- The reflective API has been extended with a checkVariableValue method.
- The generated tests now access the class implementations through the reflective API (Java interface).
- Optimization regarding timings has been introduced.
- State references in the query generator have been fixed.
- Bugs in the reflective class wrapper have been fixed.