Package | Release | Pre-release |
BeanstalkWorker.SimpleRouting |
CI | Status | Platform(s) | Framework(s) | Test Framework(s) |
AppVeyor | Windows |
nestandard2.0 |
netcoreapp3.1 |
Allows to route a SQS
message to a specific endpoint on the Worker
instead of having a single endpoint handling all the messages.
Relies on the SQS message attributes. This is distributed via a NuGet
package but the implementation is so simple that you can just copy the classes into your own solution if that works better for you.
// Instantiate your model
StronglyTypedMessage model = new StronglyTypedMessage();
var sendMessageRequest = new SendMessageRequest
// Serialize your model as JSON (you can use Newtonsoft.Json if you prefer)
MessageBody = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(model)
// Set the QueueUrl and other properties as you see fit
// AddRoutingAttribute is an extension method in the "BeanstalkWorker.SimpleRouting" namespace
A sample Web
app is provided in samples/SampleWeb.
You can send two distinct types of messages by hitting two different endpoints:
GET http://localhost:5000/send/work
GET http://localhost:5000/send/nothing
Create a iAM
user (if you don't have one already) which has access to SQS
You'll need to configure four settings using user secrets:
- region code, for exampleap-southeast-2
of theSQS
queue, for example
- this is theAccess key ID
of youriAM user
- this is theSecret access key
of youriAM user
In the Configure
method of your Startup
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
// The simple routing middleware needs to be added **before** configuring endpoint routing
app.UseEndpoints(endpoint => endpoint.MapControllers());
// This is important, we do not want a prefix in front of the action's route
public class SomeController : ControllerBase
// The route template has to match the argument given to AddRoutingAttribute
public async Task<IActionResult> SomeMethod(StronglyTypedMessage model)
// Abbreviated for clarity
A sample Worker
app is provided in samples/SampleWorker.
If you wish to run the Worker
without deploying to AWS Beanstalk
you can leverage my Beanstalk Seeder project.
- Does not support periodic tasks
- It could be added fairly easily if required
and above only