A Chef cookbook for restoring a mongodb database
Add to your Berksfile or Cheffile:
cookbook 'mongodb-restore', :git => 'git://github.com/gesinger/chef-mongodb-restore.git'
Specify the attributes you want to use, and the mongodb-restore::default recipe in your run list (this example uses the vagrant synced folder):
"mongodb_restore": {
"db": "mydb",
"collection": "mycollection",
"file": "/vagrant/files/mongo_dump.bson"
"run_list": [
See full documentation for mongorestore for all available parameters.
- The location of the file to restore on the remote hostmongodb_restore[:db]
- The mongodb database namemongodb_restore[:collection]
- The mongodb collection namemongodb_restore[:host]
- Any additional parameters you want to pass to mongorestore
mongodb-restore uses an internal cookbook for testing called mongodb-restore-test. This does some file copying and external cookbook running in order to properly test that the data was restored.
In order to test everything yourself:
- Check out the repo
- Run
bundle install
- Run
berks install
- Run
kitchen test