Below are guidelines for contributing to the incubator repository hosted on GitHub. These guidelines are primarily recommendations rather than strict rules. Use your discretion and feel free to suggest changes to this document by submitting a pull request.
This guide assumes that you have finished the onboarding process, which involves joining the Hack for LA Slack, GitHub, and Google Drive. If you haven't completed onboarding yet, please visit the Getting Started Page.
The team recommends using VS Code as the preferred text editor for working on code, but feel free to utilize a text editor of your preference.
If you have any additional questions about your contribution process, please feel free to reach out to the team in the #incubator Slack channel.
- Go to and click
"Sign In to the Console" > "Create a new AWS account."
- Enter your email, create a password, and input your basic details. Then provide your contact information and complete the identity verification process.
- Enter your credit/debit card information for billing purposes, opt for the free basic support.
- Agree to the AWS Customer Agreement and Service Terms, complete the registration by clicking
"Create Account and Continue"
, verify your phone number via text or call, confirm your email address following the instructions in the confirmation email, and finally sign in to access your new AWS account using your email and password. - Follow this video guide for deeper explanations.
Fork the hackforla/incubator repository by clicking Fork
. A fork is a copy of the repository that will be placed on your GitHub account.
Note: It should create a URL that looks like the following -><your_GitHub_user_name>/incubator
For example ->
Be Aware: What you have created is a forked copy in a remote version on GitHub. It is not yet on your local machine.
Create a new folder in your computer that will contain hackforla
In your command line interface (Terminal, Git Bash, Powershell), move to where you want your new folder to be placed and create a new folder in your computer that will contain hackforla
projects. After that, navigate into the folder(directory) you just created.
For example:
mkdir hackforla
cd hackforla
and run the following commands:
git clone<your_GitHub_user_name>incubator.git
For example if your GitHub username was octocat
git clone
You should now have a new folder in your hackforla
folder called incubator
. Verify this by changing into the new directory:
cd incubator
Verify that your local cloned repository is pointing to the correct origin
URL (that is, the forked repo on your own Github account):
git remote -v
You should see fetch
and push
URLs with links to your forked repository under your account (i.e.<your_GitHub_user_name>/incubator.git
). You are all set to make working changes to the devops-security on your local machine.
However, we still need a way to keep our local repo up to date with the deployed incubator. To do so, you must add an upstream remote to incorporate changes made while you are working on your local repo. Run the following to add an upstream remote URL & update your local repo with recent changes to the hackforla
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
After adding the upstream remote, you should now see it if you again run git remote -v
origin<your_GitHub_user_name>/incubator.git (fetch)
origin<your_GitHub_user_name>/incubator.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
What if you accidentally cloned using the repository URL from the HackForLA Github (instead of the fork on your Github)?
Set your forked repo on your Github as an origin
git remote set-url origin<your_GitHub_user_name>/incubator.git
For example if your GitHub username was octocat
git remote set-url origin
Add another remote called upstream
that points to the hackforla
version of the repository. This will allow you to incorporate changes later:
git remote add upstream