正體中文(zh-TW)| English (en-US)
Facebook comments plugin for Hexo!
- Hexo 5 or above
npm i hexo-tag-fb-comments
yarn add hexo-tag-fb-comments
Add the following config into your _config.yml
which at project root:
enabled: true
Recommend additional item app_id
, that you can manage comments in FB app. Here is complate config item:
enabled: true # Enable FB comments plugin or not.
to: post # post, page or default (everywhere), etc.
app_id: # FB app id
lang: zh_TW # language
num_posts: 5 # The number of comments to show by default.
order_by: reverse-time # The order to use when displaying comments. Can be "reverse_time" or "time".
colorscheme: light # The color scheme used by the comments plugin. Can be "light" or "dark".
width: 100% # The width of the comments plugin on the webpage.
See more on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/
Put tag at where you wnat to embed the plugin:
{% fb_comments %}
- No need to edit theme files.
- You can change position of comments plugin by moving tag easily.
Thanks these giants: