Why that's my spirit: But was not this nye shore? Why speakes my father so vngently? Why in good time Gon. Why Doth it not then our eye-lids sinke? Why how now hoa; awake? Why, I said nothing Ste. Why, what did I? Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custome with him I'th afternoone to sleepe: there thou maist braine him, Hauing first seiz'd his bookes: Or with a logge Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake, Or cut his wezand with thy knife. Why that's my dainty Ariell: I shall misse Thee, but yet thou shalt haue freedome: so, so, so, To the Kings ship, inuisible as thou art, There shalt thou finde the Marriners asleepe Vnder the Hatches: the Master and the Boat-swaine Being awake, enforce them to this place; And presently, I pre'thee Ar. Why how now Stephano? Why then my hornes are his hornes, whether I wake or sleepe Pro. Why Sir, how doe you beare with me? Why? Why not on Protheus, as of all the rest? Why he, of all the rest, hath neuer mou'd me Lu. Why didst thou stoope then? Why? Why this it is: my heart accords thereto, And yet a thousand times it answer's no. Why then this may be yours: for this is but one Val. Why sir, who bad you call her? Why, how know you that I am in loue? Why sir, I know her not Val. Why? Why if it please you, take it for your labour; And so good-morrow Seruant. Why she hath not writ to me? Why, doe you not perceiue the iest? Why she hath giuen you a Letter Val. Why muse you sir, 'tis dinner time Val. Why then wee'll make exchange; Here, take you this Iul. Why, he that's tide here, Crab my dog Pant. Why Lady, Loue hath twenty paire of eyes Thur. Why Valentine, what Bragadisme is this? Why then, how stands the matter with them? Why, stand-vnder: and vnder-stand is all one Spee. Why, thou whorson Asse, thou mistak'st me, Lau. Why Foole, I meant not thee, I meant thy Master Spee. Why, I tell thee, I care not, though hee burne himselfe in Loue. Why? Why then your Ladiship must cut your haire Iul. Why eu'n what fashion thou best likes (Lucetta. Why then I would resort to her by night Duk. Why then a Ladder quaintly made of Cords To cast vp, with a paire of anchoring hookes, Would serue to scale another Hero's towre, So bold Leander would aduenture it Duk. Why any cloake will serue the turn (my Lord) Duk. Why Phaeton (for thou art Merops sonne) Wilt thou aspire to guide the heauenly Car? Why Sir, Ile strike nothing: I pray you Pro. Why man? Why, as blacke as Inke Sp. Why that word makes the faults gracious: Well, ile haue her: and if it be a match, as nothing is impossible Sp. Why then, will I tell thee, that thy Master staies for thee at the North gate Sp. Why didst not tell me sooner? Why nere repent it, if it were done so; But were you banisht for so small a fault? Why, my pretty youth? Why do'st thou cry alas? Why then She's fled vnto that pezant, Valentine; And Eglamoure is in her Company: 'Tis true: for Frier Laurence met them both As he, in pennance wander'd through the Forrest: Him he knew well: and guesd that it was she, But being mask'd, he was not sure of it. Why this it is, to be a peeuish Girle, That flies her fortune when it followes her: Ile after; more to be reueng'd on Eglamoure, Then for the loue of reck-lesse Siluia Pro. Why, Boy? Why wag: how now? Why this is the ring I gaue to Iulia Iul. Why sir, (for my part) I say the Gentleman had drunke himselfe out of his fiue sentences Eu. Why if it be so; I will marry her vpon any reasonable demands Eu. Why doe your dogs barke so? Why then let Kibes ensue Fal. Why this is the very same: the very hand: the very words: what doth he thinke of vs? Why look where he comes; and my good man too: hee's as farre from iealousie, as I am from giuing him cause, and that (I hope) is an vnmeasurable distance Mis.Ford. Why sir, my wife is not young Pist. Why then the world's mine Oyster, which I, with sword will open Fal. Why, Sir; shee's a good-creature; Lord, Lord, your Worship's a wanton: well: heauen forgiue you, and all of vs, I pray - Fal. Why, you say well: But I haue another messenger to your worship: Mistresse Page hath her heartie commendations to you to: and let mee tell you in your eare, shee's as fartuous a ciuill modest wife, and one (I tell you) that will not misse you morning nor euening prayer, as any is in Windsor, who ere bee the other: and shee bade me tell your worship, that her husband is seldome from home, but she hopes there will come a time. Why, I will Qu. Why? Why now let me die, for I haue liu'd long enough: This is the period of my ambition: O this blessed houre Mist.Ford. Why (alas) what's the matter? Why, what haue you to doe whether they beare it? Why thou must be thy selfe. Why how now? Why none but mine owne people Mis.Page. Why? Why woman, your husband is in his olde lines againe: he so takes on yonder with my husband, so railes against all married mankinde; so curses all Eues daughters, of what complexion soeuer; and so buffettes himselfe on the for-head: crying peere-out, peere-out, that any madnesse I euer yet beheld, seem'd but tamenesse, ciuility, and patience to this his distemper he is in now: I am glad the fat Knight is not heere Mist.Ford. Why, do's he talke of him? Why then you are vtterly sham'd, & hee's but a dead man. Why, this passes M[aster]. Why, this is Lunaticks: this is madde, as a mad dogge Shall. Why man, why? Why it is my maids Aunt of Brainford Ford. Why yet there want not many that do feare In deepe of night to walke by this Hernes Oake: But what of this? Why sir, they were nothing but about Mistris Anne Page, to know if it were my Masters fortune to haue her, or no Fal. Why, now is Cupid a child of conscience, he makes restitution. Why Sir Iohn, do you thinke though wee would haue thrust vertue out of our hearts by the head and shoulders, and haue giuen our selues without scruple to hell, that euer the deuill could haue made you our delight? Why this is your owne folly, Did not I tell you how you should know my daughter, By her garments? Why? Why went you not with Mr Doctor, maid? Why? Why heere's a change indeed in the Commonwealth: what shall become of me? Why how now Claudio? Why her vnhappy Brother? Why do'st thou not speake Elbow? Why, very well: I telling you then (if you be remembred) that such a one, and such a one, were past cure of the thing you wot of, vnlesse they kept very good diet, as I told you Fro. Why very well then Esc. Why very well: I hope here be truthes: he Sir, sitting (as I say) in a lower chaire, Sir, 'twas in the bunch of Grapes, where indeede you haue a delight to sit, haue you not? Why very well then: I hope here be truthes Ang. Why no Clo. Why do'st thou aske againe? Why doe you put these sayings vpon me? Why, As all comforts are: most good, most good indeede, Lord Angelo hauing affaires to heauen Intends you for his swift Ambassador, Where you shall be an euerlasting Leiger; Therefore your best appointment make with speed, To Morrow you set on Clau. Why giue you me this shame? Why 'tis good: It is the right of it: it must be so. Why 'tis not amisse Pompey: farewell: goe say I sent thee thether: for debt Pompey? Why, what a ruthlesse thing is this in him, for the rebellion of a Cod-peece, to take away the life of a man? Why no question but he was Luc. Why should he die Sir? Why? Why you are nothing then: neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife? Why iust, my Lord, and that is Angelo, Who thinkes he knowes, that he nere knew my body, But knows, he thinkes, that he knowes Isabels Ang. Why thou vnreuerend, and vnhallowed Fryer: Is't not enough thou hast suborn'd these women, To accuse this worthy man? Why should their libertie then ours be more? Why, headstrong liberty is lasht with woe: There's nothing situate vnder heauens eye, But hath his bound in earth, in sea, in skie. Why Mistresse, sure my Master is horne mad Adri. Why first for flowting me, and then wherefore, for vrging it the second time to me S.Dro. Why, is Time such a niggard of haire, being (as it is) so plentifull an excrement? Why, but theres manie a man hath more haire then wit S.Dro. Why thou didst conclude hairy men plain dealers without wit S.Dro. Why prat'st thou to thy selfe, and answer'st not? Why call you me loue? Why how now Dromio, where run'st thou so fast? Why giue it to my wife, and fetch your mony Gold. Why thou peeuish sheep What ship of Epidamium staies for me S.Dro. Why man, what is the matter? Why sir, I brought you word an houre since, that the Barke Expedition put forth to night, and then were you hindred by the Serieant to tarry for the Hoy Delay: Here are the angels that you sent for to deliuer you Ant. Why Dromio? Why sir, I gaue the Monie for the Rope Ant. Why so I did Ab. Why what an intricate impeach is this? Why this is straunge: Go call the Abbesse hither. Why looke you strange on me? Why heere begins his Morning storie right: These two Antipholus, these two so like, And these two Dromio's, one in semblance: Besides her vrging of her wracke at sea, These are the parents to these children, Which accidentally are met together Fa. Why yfaith me thinks shee's too low for a hie praise, too browne for a faire praise, and too little for a great praise, onely this commendation I can affoord her, that were shee other then she is, she were vnhandsome, and being no other, but as she is, I doe not like her Clau. Why then your visor should be thatcht Pedro. Why he is the Princes ieaster, a very dull foole, onely his gift is, in deuising impossible slanders, none but Libertines delight in him, and the commendation is not in his witte, but in his villanie, for hee both pleaseth men and angers them, and then they laugh at him, and beat him: I am sure he is in the Fleet, I would he had boorded me Bene. Why that's spoken like an honest Drouier, so they sel Bullockes: but did you thinke the Prince wold haue serued you thus? Why how now Count, wherfore are you sad? Why these are very crotchets that he speaks, Note notes forsooth, and nothing Bene. Why what effects of passion shewes she? Why did you so, doth not the Gentleman Deserue as full as fortunate a bed, As euer Beatrice shall couch vpon? Why you speake truth, I neuer yet saw man, How wise, how noble, yong, how rarely featur'd. Why euerie day to morrow, come goe in, Ile shew thee some attires, and haue thy counsell, Which is the best to furnish me to morrow Vrsu. Why, what's the matter? Why then take no note of him, but let him go, and presently call the rest of the Watch together, and thanke God you are ridde of a knaue Verges. Why you speake like an ancient and most quiet watchman, for I cannot see how sleeping should offend: only haue a care that your bills be not stolne: well, you are to call at all the Alehouses, and bid them that are drunke get them to bed Watch. Why then let them alone till they are sober, if they make you not then the better answere, you may say, they are not the men you tooke them for Watch. Why then depart in peace, and let the childe wake her with crying, for the ewe that will not heare her Lambe when it baes, will neuer answere a calfe when he bleates Verges. Why how now? Why then you are no maiden. Why how now cosin, wherfore sink you down? Why doth not euery earthly thing Cry shame vpon her? Why euer was't thou louelie in my eies? Why had I not with charitable hand Tooke vp a beggars issue at my gates, Who smeered thus, and mir'd with infamie, I might haue said, no part of it is mine: This shame deriues it selfe from vnknowne loines, But mine, and mine I lou'd, and mine I prais'd, And mine that I was proud on mine so much, That I my selfe, was to my selfe not mine: Valewing of her, why she, O she is falne Into a pit of Inke, that the wide sea Hath drops too few to wash her cleane againe, And salt too little, which may season giue To her foule tainted flesh Ben. Why then God forgiue me Bene. Why then she's mine, sweet let me see your face Leon. Why no, no more then reason Bene. Why then your Vncle, and the Prince, & Claudio, haue beene deceiued, they swore you did Beat. Why then my Cosin Margaret and Vrsula Are much deceiu'd, for they did sweare you did Bene. Why that to know which else wee should not know Ber. Why? Why should I ioy in any abortiue birth? Why, this was quite forgot Ber. Why? Why tough signeur? Why tough signeur? Why tender Iuuenall? Why tender Iuuenall? Why sir is this such a peece of study? Why, will shall breake it will, and nothing els Nau. Why all his behauiours doe make their retire, To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire. Why villaine thou must know first Clo. Why did he come? Why did he see? Why she that beares the Bow. Why he comes in like a periure, wearing papers Long. Why, vniuersall plodding poysons vp The nimble spirits in the arteries, As motion and long during action tyres The sinnowy vigour of the trauailer. Why that contempt will kill the keepers heart, And quite diuorce his memory from his part Quee. Why that they haue, and bid them so be gon Boy. Why take you hands then? Why demand you this? Why lookes your Highnes sadde? Why aske you? Why that's the way to choke a gibing spirit, Whose influence is begot of that loose grace, Which shallow laughing hearers giue to fooles: A iests prosperitie, lies in the eare Of him that heares it, neuer in the tongue Of him that makes it: then, if sickly eares, Deaft with the clamors of their owne deare grones, Will heare your idle scornes; continue then, And I will haue you, and that fault withall. Why should not I then prosecute my right? Why is your cheek so pale? Why, what you will Bot. Why art thou heere Come from the farthest steepe of India? Why then may you leaue a casement of the great chamber window (where we play) open, and the Moone may shine in at the casement Quin. Why do they run away? Why should you think y I should wooe in scorn? Why should hee stay whom Loue doth presse to go? Why seek'st thou me? Why are you growne so rude? Why then you left me (O the gods forbid) In earnest, shall I say? Why get you gone: who ist that hinders you? Why will you suffer her to flout me thus? Why then we are awake; lets follow him, and by the way let vs recount our dreames. Why gentle sweet, you shall see no such thing Hip. Why all these should be in the Lanthorne: for they are in the Moone. Why then you are in loue Anth. Why should a man whose bloud is warme within, Sit like his Grandsire, cut in Alablaster? Why looke you how you storme, I would be friends with you, and haue your loue, Forget the shames that you haue staind me with, Supplie your present wants, and take no doite Of vsance for my moneyes, and youle not heare me, This is kinde I offer Bass. Why feare not man, I will not forfaite it, Within these two months, that's a month before This bond expires, I doe expect returne Of thrice three times the valew of this bond Shy. Why then you must: but heare thee Gratiano, Thou art to wilde, to rude, and bold of voyce, Parts that become thee happily enough, And in such eyes as ours appeare not faults; But where they are not knowne, why there they show Something too liberall, pray thee take paine To allay with some cold drops of modestie Thy skipping spirit, least through thy wilde behauiour I be misconsterd in the place I goe to, And loose my hopes Gra. Why Iessica I say Clo. Why Iessica Shy. Why, 'tis an office of discouery Loue, And I should be obscur'd Lor. Why man I saw Bassanio vnder sayle; With him is Gratiano gone along; And in their ship I am sure Lorenzo is not Sol. Why all the boyes in Venice follow him, Crying his stones, his daughter, and his ducats Sol. Why then to thee thou Siluer treasure house, Tell me once more, what title thou doost beare; Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserues: And well said too; for who shall goe about To cosen Fortune, and be honourable Without the stampe of merrit, let none presume To weare an vndeserued dignitie: O that estates, degrees, and offices, Were not deriu'd corruptly, and that cleare honour Were purchast by the merrit of the wearer; How many then should couer that stand bare? Why yet it liues there vncheckt, that Anthonio hath a ship of rich lading wrackt on the narrow Seas; the Goodwins I thinke they call the place, a very dangerous flat, and fatall, where the carcasses of many a tall ship, lye buried, as they say, if my gossips report be an honest woman of her word Sol. Why I am sure if he forfaite, thou wilt not take his flesh, what's that good for? Why there, there, there, there, a diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Franckford, the curse neuer fell vpon our Nation till now, I neuer felt it till now, two thousand ducats in that, and other precious, precious iewels: I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the iewels in her eare: would she were hearst at my foote, and the duckets in her coffin: no newes of them, why so? Why, shall wee turne to men? Why, if two gods should play some heauenly match, And on the wager lay two earthly women, And Portia one: there must be something else Paund with the other, for the poore rude world Hath not her fellow Loren. Why he a harmlesse necessarie Cat? Why he a woollen bag-pipe: but of force Must yeeld to such ineuitable shame, As to offend himselfe being offended: So can I giue no reason, nor I will not, More then a lodg'd hate, and a certaine loathing I beare Anthonio, that I follow thus A loosing suite against him? Why sweate they vnder burthens? Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? Why this bond is forfeit, And lawfully by this the Iew may claime A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off Neerest the Merchants heart; be mercifull, Take thrice thy money, bid me teare the bond Iew. Why then thus it is: You must prepare your bosome for his knife Iew. Why doth the Iew pause, take thy forfeiture Shy. Why then the Deuill giue him good of it: Ile stay no longer question Por. Why I were best to cut my left hand off, And sweare I lost the Ring defending it Gra. Why this is like the mending of high waies In Sommer, where the waies are faire enough: What, are we Cuckolds ere we haue deseru'd it Por. Why this that I speake of Clo. Why Cosen, why Rosaline: Cupid haue mercie, Not a word? Why should I not? Why, whether shall we goe? Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you? Why would you be so fond to ouercome The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke? Why, what's the matter? Why whether Adam would'st thou haue me go? Why how now Adam? Why how now Monsieur, what a life is this That your poore friends must woe your companie, What, you looke merrily Iaq. Why who cries out on pride, That can therein taxe any priuate party: Doth it not flow as hugely as the Sea, Till that the wearie verie meanes do ebbe. Why I haue eate none yet Orl. Why, if thou neuer was't at Court, thou neuer saw'st good manners: if thou neuer saw'st good maners, then thy manners must be wicked, and wickednes is sin, and sinne is damnation: Thou art in a parlous state shepheard Cor. Why we are still handling our Ewes, and their Fels you know are greasie Clo. Why do not your Courtiers hands sweate? Why should this Desert bee, for it is vnpeopled? Why God will send more, if the man will bee thankful: let me stay the growth of his beard, if thou delay me not the knowledge of his chin Cel. Why what meanes this? Why I am sorry for thee gentle Siluius Sil. Why that were couetousnesse: Siluius; the time was, that I hated thee; And yet it is not, that I beare thee loue, But since that thou canst talke of loue so well, Thy company, which erst was irkesome to me I will endure; and Ile employ thee too: But doe not looke for further recompence Then thine owne gladnesse, that thou art employd Sil. Why, 'tis good to be sad and say nothing Ros. Why then 'tis good to be a poste Iaq. Why how now Orlando, where haue you bin all this while? Why hornes: w such as you are faine to be beholding to your wiues for: but he comes armed in his fortune, and preuents the slander of his wife Orl. Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing: Come sister, you shall be the Priest, and marrie vs: giue me your hand Orlando: What doe you say sister? Why now, as fast as she can marrie vs Ros. Why, tis a boysterous and a cruell stile, A stile for challengers: why, she defies me, Like Turke to Christian: womens gentle braine Could not drop forth such giant rude inuention, Such Ethiop words, blacker in their effect Then in their countenance: will you heare the letter? Why, thy godhead laid a part, War'st thou with a womans heart? Why how now Ganimed, sweet Ganimed Oli. Why, thou saist well. Why then to morrow, I cannot serue your turne for Rosalind? Why do you speake too, Why blame you mee to loue you Orl. Why Belman is as good as he my Lord, He cried vpon it at the meerest losse, And twice to day pick'd out the dullest sent, Trust me, I take him for the better dogge Lord. Why sir you know no house, nor no such maid Nor no such men as you haue reckon'd vp, As Stephen Slie, and old Iohn Naps of Greece, And Peter Turph, and Henry Pimpernell, And twentie more such names and men as these, Which neuer were, nor no man euer saw Beg. Why will you mew her vp (Signior Baptista) for this fiend of hell, And make her beare the pennance of her tongue Bap. Why, and I trust I may go too, may I not? Why sir, what am I sir, that I should knocke you heere sir Petr. Why nothing comes amisse, so monie comes withall Hor. Why came I hither, but to that intent? Why sir, I pray are not the streets as free For me, as for you? Why how now Dame, whence growes this insolence? Why that is nothing: for I tell you father, I am as peremptorie as she proud minded: And where two raging fires meete together, They do consume the thing that feedes their furie. Why then thou canst not break her to the Lute? Why no, for she hath broke the Lute to me: I did but tell her she mistooke her frets, And bow'd her hand to teach her fingering, When (with a most impatient diuellish spirit) Frets call you these? Why, what's a mouable? Why heere's no crab, and therefore looke not sowre Kate. Why does the world report that Kate doth limpe? Why how now daughter Katherine, in your dumps? Why then the maid is mine from all the world By your firme promise, Gremio is out-vied Bap. Why gentlemen, you doe me double wrong, To striue for that which resteth in my choice: I am no breeching scholler in the schooles, Ile not be tied to howres, nor pointed times, But learne my Lessons as I please my selfe, And to cut off all strife: heere sit we downe, Take you your instrument, play you the whiles, His Lecture will be done ere you haue tun'd Hort. Why, I am past my gamouth long agoe Hor. Why, is it not newes to heard of Petruchio's comming? Why no sir Bap. Why Petruchio is comming, in a new hat and an old ierkin, a paire of old breeches thrice turn'd; a paire of bootes that haue beene candle- cases, one buckled, another lac'd: an olde rusty sword tane out of the Towne Armory, with a broken hilt, and chapelesse: with two broken points: his horse hip'd with an olde mothy saddle, and stirrops of no kindred: besides possest with the glanders, and like to mose in the chine, troubled with the Lampasse, infected with the fashions, full of Windegalls, sped with Spauins, raied with the Yellowes, past cure of the Fiues, starke spoyl'd with the Staggers, begnawne with the Bots, Waid in the backe, and shoulder-shotten, neere leg'd before, and with a halfe-chekt Bitte, & a headstall of sheepes leather, which being restrain'd to keepe him from stumbling, hath been often burst, and now repaired with knots: one girth sixe times peec'd, and a womans Crupper of velure, which hath two letters for her name, fairely set down in studs, and heere and there peec'd with packthred Bap. Why sir, he comes not Bap. Why that's all one Bion. Why sir, you know this is your wedding day: First were we sad, fearing you would not come, Now sadder that you come so vnprouided: Fie, doff this habit, shame to your estate, An eye-sore to our solemne festiuall Tra. Why hee's a deuill, a deuill, a very fiend Tra. Why she's a deuill, a deuill, the deuils damme Gre. Why thy horne is a foot and so long am I at the least. Why Iacke boy, ho boy, and as much newes as wilt thou Cur. Why therefore fire, for I haue caught extreme cold. Why a horse Gru. Why she hath a face of her owne Cur. Why she comes to borrow nothing of them Nat. Why when I say? Why then the Beefe, and let the Mustard rest Gru. Why then the Mustard without the beefe Kate. Why this was moulded on a porrenger, A Veluet dish: Fie, fie, 'tis lewd and filthy, Why 'tis a cockle or a walnut-shell, A knacke, a toy, a tricke, a babies cap: Away with it, come let me haue a bigger Kate. Why sir I trust I may haue leaue to speake, And speake I will. Why thou saist true, it is paltrie cap, A custard coffen, a bauble, a silken pie, I loue thee well in that thou lik'st it not Kate. Why true, he meanes to make a puppet of thee Tail. Why heere is the note of the fashion to testify Pet. Why sir, what's your conceit in that? Why so this gallant will command the sunne. Why how now Kate, I hope thou art not mad, This is a man old, wrinckled, faded, withered, And not a Maiden, as thou saist he is Kate. Why how now gentleman: why this is flat knauerie to take vpon you another mans name Peda. Why, tell me is not this my Cambio? Why then let's home againe: Come Sirra let's awaie Kate. Why are our bodies soft, and weake, and smooth, Vnapt to toyle and trouble in the world, But that our soft conditions, and our harts, Should well agree with our externall parts? Why there's a wench: Come on, and kisse mee Kate Luc. Why vnder Mars? Why thinke you so? - Why, that you are my daughter? Why Hellen thou shalt haue my leaue and loue, Meanes and attendants, and my louing greetings To those of mine in Court, Ile staie at home And praie Gods blessing into thy attempt: Begon to morrow, and be sure of this, What I can helpe thee to, thou shalt not misse. Why doctor she: my Lord, there's one arriu'd, If you will see her: now by my faith and honour, If seriously I may conuay my thoughts In this my light deliuerance, I haue spoke With one, that in her sexe, her yeeres, profession, Wisedome and constancy, hath amaz'd mee more Then I dare blame my weakenesse: will you see her? Why 'tis the rarest argument of wonder, that hath shot out in our latter times Ros. Why there 'tis, so say I too Ol.Laf. Why your Dolphin is not lustier: fore mee I speake in respect- Par. Why then young Bertram take her shee's thy wife Ber. Why dooest thou garter vp thy armes a this fashion? Why these bals bound, ther's noise in it. Why I say nothing Clo. Why do you not know him? Why he will looke vppon his boote, and sing: mend the Ruffe and sing, aske questions and sing, picke his teeth, and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of melancholy hold a goodly Mannor for a song Lad. Why should he be kill'd? Why is hee melancholly? Why if you haue a stomacke, too't Monsieur: if you thinke your mysterie in stratagem, can bring this instrument of honour againe into his natiue quarter, be magnanimious in the enterprize and go on, I wil grace the attempt for a worthy exploit: if you speede well in it, the Duke shall both speake of it, and extend to you what further becomes his greatnesse, euen to the vtmost syllable of your worthinesse Par. Why do you thinke he will make no deede at all of this that so seriouslie hee dooes addresse himselfe vnto? Why then to night Let vs assay our plot, which if it speed, Is wicked meaning in a lawfull deede; And lawfull meaning in a lawfull act, Where both not sinne, and yet a sinfull fact. Why do's he aske him of me? Why sir, if I cannot serue you, I can serue as great a prince as you are Laf. Why do you looke so strange vpon your wife? Why so I do, the Noblest that I haue: O when mine eyes did see Oliuia first, Me thought she purg'd the ayre of pestilence; That instant was I turn'd into a Hart, And my desires like fell and cruell hounds, Ere since pursue me. Why let her except, before excepted Ma. Why he ha's three thousand ducates a yeare Ma. Why I thinke so: I am not such an asse, but I can keepe my hand dry. Why, would that haue mended my haire? Why dost thou not goe to Church in a Galliard, and come home in a Carranto? Why of mankinde Ol. Why, what would you? Why he sent her none; I am the man, if it be so, as tis, Poore Lady, she were better loue a dreame: Disguise, I see thou art a wickednesse, Wherein the pregnant enemie does much. Why this is euident to any formall capacitie. Why, thou hast put him in such a dreame, that when the image of it leaues him, he must run mad Ma. Why man? Why sir, her names a word, and to dallie with that word, might make my sister wanton: But indeede, words are very Rascals, since bonds disgrac'd them Vio. Why then me thinkes 'tis time to smile agen: O world, how apt the poore are to be proud? Why then build me thy fortunes vpon the basis of valour. Why I your purse? Why what's the matter, does he raue? Why how doest thou man? Why appeare you with this ridiculous boldnesse before my Lady Mal. Why this is verie Midsommer madnesse. Why euery thing adheres togither, that no dramme of a scruple, no scruple of a scruple, no obstacle, no incredulous or vnsafe circumstance: What can be saide? Why how now my bawcock? Why we shall make him mad indeede Mar. Why man hee s a verie diuell, I haue not seen such a firago: I had a passe with him, rapier, scabberd, and all: and he giues me the stucke in with such a mortall motion that it is ineuitable: and on the answer, he payes you as surely, as your feete hits the ground they step on. Why, what are you? Why there's for thee, and there, and there, Are all the people mad? Why it hath bay Windowes transparant as baricadoes, and the cleere stores toward the South north, are as lustrous as Ebony: and yet complainest thou of obstruction? Why this is excellent Clo. Why should I not, (had I the heart to do it) Like to th' Egyptian theefe, at point of death Kill what I loue: (a sauage iealousie, That sometime sauours nobly) but heare me this: Since you to non-regardance cast my faith, And that I partly know the instrument That screwes me from my true place in your fauour: Liue you the Marble-brested Tirant still. Why do you speake to me, I neuer hurt you: You drew your sword vpon me without cause, But I bespake you faire, and hurt you not. Why some are borne great, some atchieue greatnesse, and some haue greatnesse throwne vpon them. Why, that was when Three crabbed Moneths had sowr'd themselues to death, Ere I could make thee open thy white Hand: A clap thy selfe, my Loue; then didst thou vtter, I am yours for euer Her. Why lo-you now; I haue spoke to th' purpose twice: The one, for euer earn'd a Royall Husband; Th' other, for some while a Friend Leo. Why, that's some comfort. Why then the World, and all that's in't, is nothing, The couering Skie is nothing, Bohemia nothing, My Wife is nothing, nor Nothing haue these Nothings, If this be nothing Cam. Why he that weares her like her Medull, hanging About his neck (Bohemia) who, if I Had Seruants true about me, that bare eyes To see alike mine Honor, as their Profits, (Their owne particular Thrifts) they would doe that Which should vndoe more doing: I, and thou His Cup-bearer, whom I from meaner forme Haue Bench'd, and rear'd to Worship, who may'st see Plainely, as Heauen sees Earth, and Earth sees Heauen, How I am gall'd, might'st be-spice a Cup, To giue mine Enemy a lasting Winke: Which Draught to me, were cordiall Cam. Why (my sweet Lord? Why what neede we Commune with you of this? Why boy, how is it? Why should I carry lyes abroad? Why this is a passing merry one, and goes to the tune of two maids wooing a man: there's scarse a Maide westward but she sings it: 'tis in request, I can tell you Mop. Why, they stay at doore Sir. Why how now Father, Speake ere thou dyest Shep. Why looke you so vpon me? Why, be so still: here's no body will steale that from thee: yet for the out-side of thy pouertie, we must make an exchange; therefore dis- case thee instantly (thou must thinke there's a necessitie in't) and change Garments with this Gentleman: Though the penny-worth (on his side) be the worst, yet hold thee, there's some boot Aut. Why Sir? Why what a mad-cap hath heauen lent vs here? Why stand these royall fronts amazed thus: Cry hauocke kings, backe to the stained field You equall Potents, fierie kindled spirits, Then let confusion of one part confirm The others peace: till then, blowes, blood, and death Iohn. Why answer not the double Maiesties, This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne Fra. Why dost thou looke so sadly on my sonne? Why holdes thine eie that lamentable rhewme, Like a proud riuer peering ore his bounds? Why do you bend such solemne browes on me? Why seek'st thou to possesse me with these feares? Why vrgest thou so oft yong Arthurs death? Why should I then be false, since it is true That I must dye heere, and liue hence, by Truth? Why may not I demand of thine affaires, As well as thou of mine? Why heere walke I in the black brow of night To finde you out Bast. Why know you not? Why then I will: farewell old Gaunt. Why then the Champions, are prepar'd, and stay For nothing but his Maiesties approach. Why Vncle, thou hast many yeeres to liue Gaunt. Why (Cosine) were thou Regent of the world, It were a shame to let his Land by lease: But for thy world enioying but this Land, Is it not more then shame, to shame it so? Why Vncle, What's the matter? Why hop'st thou so? Why haue you not proclaim'd Northumberland And the rest of the reuolted faction, Traitors? Why, is he not with the Queene? Why haue these banish'd, and forbidden Legges, Dar'd once to touch a Dust of Englands Ground? Why foolish Boy, the King is left behind, And in my loyall Bosome lyes his power. Why, it containes no King? Why should we, in the compasse of a Pale, Keepe Law and Forme, and due Proportion, Shewing as in a Modell our firme Estate? Why do'st thou say, King Richard is depos'd, Dar'st thou, thou little better thing then earth, Diuine his downfall? Why Bishop, is Norfolke dead? Why, what is't my Lord? Why Yorke, what wilt thou do? Why, what a poxe haue I to doe with my Hostesse of the Tauerne? Why, Hal, 'tis my Vocation Hal: 'Tis no sin for a man to labour in his Vocation Pointz. Why, that's well said Prin. Why, we wil set forth before or after them, and appoint them a place of meeting, wherin it is at our pleasure to faile; and then will they aduenture vppon the exploit themselues, which they shall haue no sooner atchieued, but wee'l set vpon them Prin. Why yet doth deny his Prisoners, But with Prouiso and Exception, That we at our owne charge, shall ransome straight His Brother-in-Law, the foolish Mortimer, Who (in my soule) hath wilfully betraid The liues of those, that he did leade to Fight, Against the great Magitian, damn'd Glendower: Whose daughter (as we heare) the Earle of March Hath lately married. Why what a Waspe-tongu'd & impatient foole Art thou, to breake into this Womans mood, Tying thine eare to no tongue but thine owne? Why look you, I am whipt & scourg'd with rods, Netled, and stung with Pismires, when I heare Of this vile Politician Bullingbrooke. Why, it cannot choose but be a Noble plot, And then the power of Scotland, and of Yorke To ioyne with Mortimer, Ha Wor. Why, you will allow vs ne're a Iourden, and then we leake in your Chimney: and your Chamber-lye breeds Fleas like a Loach 1.Car. Why that's certaine: 'Tis dangerous to take a Colde, to sleepe, to drinke: but I tell you (my Lord foole) out of this Nettle, Danger; we plucke this Flower, Safety. Why, my Lord of Yorke commends the plot, and the generall course of the action. Why dost thou bend thine eyes vpon the earth? Why hast thou lost the fresh blood in thy cheekes? Why, my horse (my Loue) my horse La. Why then your browne Bastard is your onely drinke: for looke you Francis, your white Canuas doublet will sulley. Why you horson round man? Why thou Claybrayn'd Guts, thou Knotty-pated Foole, thou Horson obscene greasie Tallow Catch Falst. Why, how could'st thou know these men in Kendall Greene, when it was so darke, thou could'st not see thy Hand? Why heare ye my Masters, was it for me to kill the Heire apparant? Why, thou knowest I am as valiant as Hercules: but beware Instinct, the Lion will not touch the true Prince: Instinct is a great matter. Why, he hackt it with his Dagger, and said, hee would sweare truth out of England, but hee would make you beleeue it was done in fight, and perswaded vs to doe the like Bard. Why, what a Rascall art thou then, to prayse him so for running? Why so it would haue done at the same season, if your Mothers Cat had but kitten'd, though your selfe had neuer beene borne Glend. Why so can I, or so can any man: But will they come, when you doe call for them? Why, I can teach thee, Cousin, to command the Deuill Hotsp. Why, that will I Hotsp. Why, Harry, doe I tell thee of my Foes, Which art my neer'st and dearest Enemie? Why my skinne hangs about me like an olde Ladies loose Gowne: I am withered like an olde Apple Iohn. Why there is it: Come, sing me a bawdy Song, make me merry; I was as vertuously giuen, as a Gentleman need to be; vertuous enough, swore little, dic'd not aboue seuen times a weeke, went to a Bawdy-house not aboue once in a quarter of an houre, payd Money that I borrowed, three or foure times; liued well, and in good compasse: and now I liue out of all order, out of compasse Bard. Why, you are so fat, Sir Iohn, that you must needes bee out of of all compasse; out all reasonable compasse, Sir Iohn Falst. Why, Sir Iohn, my Face does you no harme Falst. Why Sir Iohn, what doe you thinke, Sir Iohn? Why an Otter Prin. Why an Otter? Why? Why Hal? Why thou horson impudent imbost Rascall, if there were any thing in thy Pocket but Tauerne Recknings, Memorandums of Bawdie-houses, and one poore peny-worth of Sugar-candie to make thee long-winded: if thy pocket were enrich'd with anie other iniuries but these, I am a Villaine: And yet you will stand to it, you will not Pocket vp wrong. Why comes he not himselfe? Why say you so? Why, thou ow'st heauen a death Falst. Why? Why didst thou tell me, that thou wer't a King? Why then I see a very valiant rebel of that name. Why may not hee rise as well as I: Nothing confutes me but eyes, and no-bodie sees me. Why, Percy I kill'd my selfe, and saw thee dead Fal. Why is Rumour heere? Why should the Gentleman that rode by Trauers Giue then such instances of Losse? Why, he is dead. Why sir? Why, a Prince should not be so loosely studied, as to remember so weake a Composition Prince. Why, I tell thee, it is not meet, that I should be sad now my Father is sicke: albeit I could tell to thee (as to one it pleases me, for fault of a better, to call my friend) I could be sad, and sad indeed too Poin. Why, because you haue beene so lewde, and so much ingraffed to Falstaffe Prin. Why this is a Certificate Prin. Why then couer, and set them downe: and see if thou canst finde out Sneakes Noyse; Mistris Teare-sheet would faine haue some Musique 2.Draw. Why that was well said: A good heart's worth Gold. Why this is the olde fashion: you two neuer meete, but you fall to some discord: you are both (in good troth) as Rheumatike as two drie Tostes, you cannot one beare with anothers Confirmities. Why doth the Prince loue him so then? Why thou Globe of sinfull Continents, what a life do'st thou lead? Why rather (Sleepe) lyest thou in smoakie Cribs, Vpon vneasie Pallads stretching thee, And huisht with bussing Night, flyes to thy slumber, Then in the perfum'd Chambers of the Great? Why then good-morrow to you all (my Lords:) Haue you read o're the Letters that I sent you? Why not to him in part, and to vs all, That feele the bruizes of the dayes before, And suffer the Condition of these Times To lay a heauie and vnequall Hand vpon our Honors? Why art thou not at Windsor with him (Thomas? Why doth the Crowne lye there, vpon his Pillow, Being so troublesome a Bed-fellow? Why did you leaue me here alone (my Lords? Why Dauie Dauie. Why then be sad, But entertaine no more of it (good Brothers) Then a ioynt burthen, laid vpon vs all. Why there spoke a King: lack nothing, be merry. Why now you haue done me right Sil. Why then say an old man can do somwhat Dau. Why then Lament therefore Shal. Why heere it is, welcome those pleasant dayes. Why how now Gentlemen? Why, what reade you there, That haue so cowarded and chac'd your blood Out of apparance Cam. Why so didst thou. Why so didst thou. Why so didst thou. Why then reioyce therefore Flu. Why, this is an arrant counterfeit Rascall, I remember him now: a Bawd, a Cut-purse Flu. Why 'tis a Gull, a Foole, a Rogue, that now and then goes to the Warres, to grace himselfe at his returne into London, vnder the forme of a Souldier: and such fellowes are perfit in the Great Commanders Names, and they will learne you by rote where Seruices were done; at such and such a Sconce, at such a Breach, at such a Conuoy: who came off brauely, who was shot, who disgrac'd, what termes the Enemy stood on: and this they conne perfitly in the phrase of Warre; which they tricke vp with new-tuned Oathes: and what a Beard of the Generalls Cut, and a horride Sute of the Campe, will doe among foming Bottles, and Ale-washt Wits, is wonderfull to be thought on: but you must learne to know such slanders of the age, or else you may be maruellously mistooke Flu. Why the Enemie is lowd, you heare him all Night Flu. Why do you stay so long, my Lords of France? Why now thou hast vnwisht fiue thousand men: Which likes me better, then to wish vs one. Why all our rankes are broke Dol. Why I pray you, is not pig, great? Why heere hee comes, swelling like a Turkycock Flu. Why no, I say: distrustfull Recreants, Fight till the last gaspe: Ile be your guard Dolph. Why ring not out the Bells alowd, Throughout the Towne? Why? Why, what is he? Why then Lord Talbot there shal talk with him, And giue him chasticement for this abuse. Why for my King: Tush, that's a woodden thing Mar. Why what concernes his freedome vnto mee? Why here's a Gyrle: I think she knowes not wel (There were so many) whom she may accuse War. Why what (I pray) is Margaret more then that? Why should he then protect our Soueraigne? Why droopes my Lord like ouer-ripen'd Corn, Hanging the head at Ceres plenteous load? Why doth the Great Duke Humfrey knit his browes, As frowning at the Fauours of the world? Why are thine eyes fixt to the sullen earth, Gazing on that which seemes to dimme thy sight? Why this is iust, Aio aeacida Romanos vincere posso. Why, as you, my Lord, An't like your Lordly Lords Protectorship Glost. Why Suffolke, England knowes thine insolence Queene. Why how now, Vnckle Gloster? Why that's well said: What Colour is my Gowne of? Why then, thou know'st what Colour Iet is of? Why now is Henry King, and Margaret Queen, And Humfrey, Duke of Gloster, scarce himselfe, That beares so shrewd a mayme: two Pulls at once; His Lady banisht, and a Limbe lopt off. Why yet thy scandall were not wipt away, But I in danger for the breach of Law. Why, Madame, that is to the Ile of Man, There to be vs'd according to your State Elianor. Why 'tis well known, that whiles I was Protector, Pittie was all the fault that was in me: For I should melt at an Offendors teares, And lowly words were Ransome for their fault: Vnlesse it were a bloody Murtherer, Or foule felonious Theefe, that fleec'd poore passengers, I neuer gaue them condigne punishment. Why, our Authoritie is his consent, And what we doe establish, he confirmes: Then, Noble Yorke, take thou this Taske in hand Yorke. Why that's well said. Why do you rate my Lord of Suffolke thus? Why then Dame Elianor was neere thy ioy. Why Warwicke, who should do the D[uke]. Why how now Lords? Why what tumultuous clamor haue we here? Why onely Suffolke mourne I not for thee? Why com'st thou in such haste? Why dost thou quiuer man? Why Buckingham, is the Traitor Cade surpris'd? Why rude Companion, whatsoere thou be, I know thee not, why then should I betray thee? Why what a brood of Traitors haue we heere? Why Warwicke, hath thy knee forgot to bow? Why art thou old, and want'st experience? Why dost thou pause? Why faint you Lords? Why whisper you, my Lords, and answer not? Why should you sigh, my Lord? Why how now Sonnes, and Brother, at a strife? Why doe we linger thus? Why comm'st thou in such poste? Why come you not? Why art thou patient, man? Why therefore Warwick came to seek you out, And therefore comes my Brother Mountague: Attend me Lords, the proud insulting Queene, With Clifford, and the haught Northumberland, And of their Feather, many moe proud Birds, Haue wrought the easie-melting King, like Wax. Why then it sorts, braue Warriors, let's away. Why that is spoken like a toward Prince. Why, that's my fortune too, therefore Ile stay North. Why how now long-tongu'd Warwicke, dare you speak? Why linger we? Why so I am (in Minde) and that's enough Hum. Why? Why then I will doe what your Grace commands Rich. Why stoppes my Lord? Why then, thy Husbands Lands I freely giue thee Wid. Why then you meane not, as I thought you did King. Why then thou shalt not haue thy Husbands Lands Wid. Why then mine Honestie shall be my Dower, For by that losse, I will not purchase them King. Why, 'tis a happy thing, To be the Father vnto many Sonnes: Answer no more, for thou shalt be my Queene Rich. Why Clarence, to my selfe Rich. Why then I doe but dreame on Soueraigntie, Like one that stands vpon a Promontorie, And spyes a farre-off shore, where hee would tread, Wishing his foot were equall with his eye, And chides the Sea, that sunders him from thence, Saying, hee'le lade it dry, to haue his way: So doe I wish the Crowne, being so farre off, And so I chide the meanes that keepes me from it, And so (I say) Ile cut the Causes off, Flattering me with impossibilities: My Eyes too quicke, my Heart o're- weenes too much, Vnlesse my Hand and Strength could equall them. Why Loue forswore me in my Mothers Wombe: And for I should not deale in her soft Lawes, Shee did corrupt frayle Nature with some Bribe, To shrinke mine Arme vp like a wither'd Shrub, To make an enuious Mountaine on my Back, Where sits Deformitie to mocke my Body; To shape my Legges of an vnequall size, To dis-proportion me in euery part: Like to a Chaos, or an vn-lick'd Beare-whelpe, That carryes no impression like the Damme. Why I can smile, and murther whiles I smile, And cry, Content, to that which grieues my Heart, And wet my Cheekes with artificiall Teares, And frame my Face to all occasions. Why say, faire Queene, whence springs this deepe despaire? Why Warwicke, canst thou speak against thy Liege, Whom thou obeyd'st thirtie and six yeeres, And not bewray thy Treason with a Blush? Why stay we now? Why, knowes not Mountague, that of it selfe, England is safe, if true within it selfe? Why so: then am I sure of Victorie. Why then, let's on our way in silent sort, For Warwicke and his friends, God and Saint George. Why, no: for he hath made a solemne Vow, Neuer to lye and take his naturall Rest, Till Warwicke, or himselfe, be quite supprest 2.Watch. Why Warwicke, when wee parted, Thou call'dst me King Warw. Why Brother Riuers, are you yet to learne What late misfortune is befalne King Edward? Why then, though loth, yet must I be content: Wee'le yoake together, like a double shadow To Henries Body, and supply his place; I meane, in bearing weight of Gouernment, While he enioyes the Honor, and his ease. Why, and I challenge nothing but my Dukedome, As being well content with that alone Rich. Why, Master Maior, why stand you in a doubt? Why shall we fight, if you pretend no Title? Why Brother, wherefore stand you on nice points? Why then 'tis mine, if but by Warwickes gift War. Why, trowest thou, Warwicke, That Clarence is so harsh, so blunt, vnnaturall, To bend the fatall Instruments of Warre Against his Brother, and his lawfull King. Why aske I that? Why, what is Pompe, Rule, Reigne, but Earth and Dust? Why then I would not flye. Why is not Oxford here, another Anchor? Why courage then, what cannot be auoided, 'Twere childish weakenesse to lament, or feare Prince. Why should shee liue, to fill the World with words Edw. Why what a peeuish Foole was that of Creet, That taught his Sonne the office of a Fowle, And yet for all his wings, the Foole was drown'd Hen. Why I (in this weake piping time of Peace) Haue no delight to passe away the time, Vnlesse to see my Shadow in the Sunne, And descant on mine owne Deformity. Why this it is, when men are rul'd by Women: 'Tis not the King that sends you to the Tower, My Lady Grey his Wife, Clarence 'tis shee, That tempts him to this harsh Extremity. Why then he is aliue Rich. Why that was he Rich. Why dost thou spit at me An. Why then giue way dull Clouds to my quick Curses. Why so I did, but look'd for no reply. Why lookes your Grace so heauily to day Cla. Why so: now haue I done a good daies work. Why Madam, haue I offred loue for this, To be so flowted in this Royall presence? Why do weepe so oft? Why do you looke on vs, and shake your head, And call vs Orphans, Wretches, Castawayes, If that our Noble Father were aliue? Why grow the Branches, when the Roote is gone? Why wither not the leaues that want their sap? Why with some little Traine, My Lord of Buckingham? Why so hath this, both by his Father and Mother 3. Why my good Cosin, it is good to grow Yor. Why, what should you feare? Why Buckingham, I say I would be King Buck. Why so you are, my thrice-renowned Lord Rich. Why then thou hast it: two deepe enemies, Foes to my Rest, and my sweet sleepes disturbers, Are they that I would haue thee deale vpon: Tyrrel, I meane those Bastards in the Tower Tyr. Why should calamity be full of words? Why then, by Heauen Qu. Why, what would'st thou doe there, before I goe? Why then Al-soules day, is my bodies doomsday This is the day, which in King Edwards time I wish'd might fall on me, when I was found False to his Children, and his Wiues Allies. Why our Battalia trebbles that account: Besides, the Kings name is a Tower of strength, Which they vpon the aduerse Faction want. Why then 'tis time to Arme, and giue direction. Why, what is that to me More then to Richmond? Why the Diuell, Vpon this French going out, tooke he vpon him (Without the priuity o'th' King) t' appoint Who should attend on him? Why all this Businesse Our Reuerend Cardinall carried Nor. Why this it is: See, see, I haue beene begging sixteene yeares in Court (Am yet a Courtier beggerly) nor could Come pat betwixt too early, and too late For any suit of pounds: and you, (oh fate) A very fresh Fish heere; fye, fye, fye vpon This compel'd fortune: haue your mouth fild vp, Before you open it An. Why shold we (good Lady) Vpon what cause wrong you? Why how now Cromwell? Why well: Neuer so truly happy, my good Cromwell, I know my selfe now, and I feele within me, A peace aboue all earthly Dignities, A still, and quiet Conscience. Why? Why my Lord? Why, what a shame was this? Why Masters, my good Friends, mine honest Neighbours, will you vndo your selues? Why the great Toe? Why I pray you Vlug. Why? Why 'tis no great matter: for a very little theefe of Occasion, will rob you of a great deale of Patience: Giue your dispositions the reines, and bee angry at your pleasures (at the least) if you take it as a pleasure to you, in being so: you blame Martius for being proud Brut. Why then you should discouer a brace of vnmeriting, proud, violent, testie Magistrates (alias Fooles) as any in Rome Sicin. Why that way? Why in this Wooluish tongue should I stand heere, To begge of Hob and Dicke, that does appeere Their needlesse Vouches: Custome calls me too't. Why so he did, I am sure All. Why eyther were you ignorant to see't? Why, had your Bodyes No Heart among you? Why this was knowne before Brut. Why then should I be Consull? Why shall the people giue One that speakes thus, their voyce? Why force you this? Why? Why stay we to be baited With one that wants her Wits. Why speak'st not? Why, thou Mars I tell thee, We haue a Power on foote: and I had purpose Once more to hew thy Target from thy Brawne, Or loose mine Arme for't: Thou hast beate mee out Twelue seuerall times, and I haue nightly since Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thy selfe and me: We haue beene downe together in my sleepe, Vnbuckling Helmes, fisting each others Throat, And wak'd halfe dead with nothing. Why so: you haue made good worke: A paire of Tribunes, that haue wrack'd for Rome, To make Coales cheape: A Noble memory Com. Why do'st not speake? Why what of that? Why harke you: Trumpets, Hoboyes, Drums beate, altogether. Why Noble Lords, Will you be put in minde of his blinde Fortune, Which was your shame, by this vnholy Braggart? Why Boy, although our mother (vnaduised) Gaue you a daunsing Rapier by your side, Are you so desperate growne to threat your friends? Why how now Lords? Why are ye mad? Why, mak'st thou it so strange? Why then it seemes some certaine snatch or so Would serue your turnes Chi. Why are you sequestred from all your traine? Why I haue patience to endure all this? Why dost not comfort me and helpe me out, From this vnhallow'd and blood-stained Hole? Why 'tis no matter man, if they did heare They would not marke me: oh if they did heare They would not pitty me. Why Marcus so she is Luc. Why dost thou laugh? Why I haue not another teare to shed: Besides, this sorrow is an enemy, And would vsurpe vpon my watry eyes, And make them blinde with tributarie teares. Why Marcus, no man should be mad but I: What violent hands can she lay on her life: Ah, wherefore dost thou vrge the name of hands, To bid Aeneas tell the tale twice ore How Troy was burnt, and he made miserable? Why lifts she vp her armes in sequence thus? Why do the Emperors trumpets flourish thus? Why, what a catterwalling dost thou keepe? Why then she is the Deuils Dam: a ioyfull issue Nurse. Why ther's the priuiledge your beauty beares: Fie trecherous hue, that will betray with blushing The close enacts and counsels of the hart: Heer's a young Lad fram'd of another leere, Looke how the blacke slaue smiles vpon the father; As who should say, old Lad I am thine owne. Why so braue Lords, when we ioyne in league I am a Lambe: but if you braue the Moore, The chafed Bore, the mountaine Lyonesse, The Ocean swells not so as Aaron stormes: But say againe, how many saw the childe? Why there it goes, God giue your Lordship ioy. Why villaine art not thou the Carrier? Why, did'st thou not come from heauen? Why I am going with my pigeons to the Tribunall Plebs, to take vp a matter of brawle, betwixt my Vncle, and one of the Emperialls men Mar. Why sir, that is as fit as can be to serue for your Oration, and let him deliuer the Pigions to the Emperour from you Tit. Why Lords, What wrongs are these? Why thus it shall become High witted Tamora to glose with all: Aside. Why should you feare? Why dost not speake? Why she was washt, and cut, and trim'd, And 'twas trim sport for them that had the doing of it Luci. Why art thou thus attir'd Andronicus? Why hast thou slaine thine onely Daughter? Why there they are both, baked in that Pie, Whereof their Mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herselfe hath bred. Why such is loues transgression. Why Romeo art thou mad? Why hee's a man of waxe Old La. Why may one aske? Why how now kinsman, Wherefore storme you so? Why Vncle, 'tis a shame Cap. Why that same pale hard-harted wench, that Rosaline torments him so, that he will sure run mad Ben. Why what is Tibalt? Why is not this a lamentable thing Grandsire, that we should be thus afflicted with these strange flies: these fashion Mongers, these pardon-mee's, who stand so much on the new form, that they cannot sit at ease on the old bench. Why then is my Pump well flowr'd Mer. Why is not this better now, then groning for Loue, now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo: now art thou what thou art, by Art as well as by Nature, for this driueling Loue is like a great Naturall, that runs lolling vp and downe to hid his bable in a hole Ben. Why she is within, where should she be? Why dost thou stay? Why dost thou wring thy hands Nur. Why rayl'st thou on thy birth? Why how now Iuliet? Why I am glad on't, this is well, stand vp, This is as't should be, let me see the County: I marrie go I say, and fetch him hither. Why Lambe, why Lady? Why hearts ease; Pet. Why siluer sound? Why I descend into this bed of death, Is partly to behold my Ladies face: But chiefly to take thence from her dead finger, A precious Ring, a Ring that I must vse, In deare employment, therefore hence be gone: But if thou iealous dost returne to prie In what I further shall intend to do, By heauen I will teare thee ioynt by ioynt, And strew this hungry Churchyard with thy limbs: The time, and my intents are sauage wilde: More fierce and more inexorable farre, Them emptie Tygers, or the roaring Sea Pet. Why dost thou call them Knaues, thou know'st them not? Why haue you that charitable title from thousands? Why I haue often wisht my selfe poorer, that I might come neerer to you: we are borne to do benefits. Why? Why how now Captaine? Why dost thou weepe, canst thou the conscience lacke, To thinke I shall lacke friends: secure thy heart, If I would broach the vessels of my loue, And try the argument of hearts, by borrowing, Men, and mens fortunes could I frankely vse As I can bid thee speake Ste. Why this hits right: I dreampt of a Siluer Bason & Ewre to night. Why then preferr'd you not your summes and Billes When your false Masters eate of my Lords meat? Why do fond men expose themselues to Battell, And not endure all threats? Why then, Women are more valiant That stay at home, if Bearing carry it: And the Asse, more Captaine then the Lyon? Why say my Lords ha's done faire seruice, And slaine in fight many of your enemies: How full of valour did he beare himselfe In the last Conflict, and made plenteous wounds? Why fare thee well: Heere is some Gold for thee Tim. Why me, Timon? Why this Spade? Why? Why do'st thou seeke me out? Why should'st y hate Men? Why dost aske that? Why I was writing of my Epitaph, It will be seene to morrow. Why Sir, a Carpenter Mur. Why sir, Cobble you Fla. Thou art a Cobler, art thou? Why do'st thou leade these men about the streets? Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus, and we petty men Walke vnder his huge legges, and peepe about To finde our selues dishonourable Graues. Why should that name be sounded more then yours Write them together: Yours, is as faire a Name: Sound them, it doth become the mouth aswell: Weigh them, it is as heauy: Coniure with 'em, Brutus will start a Spirit as soone as Caesar. Why you were with him, were you not? Why there was a Crowne offer'd him; & being offer'd him, he put it by with the backe of his hand thus, and then the people fell a shouting Bru. Why for that too Cassi. Why for that too Bru. Why Antony Bru. Why are you breathlesse, and why stare you so? Why, saw you any thing more wonderfull? Why so I do: good Portia go to bed Por. Why doest thou stay? Why know'st thou any harme's intended towards him? Why he that cuts off twenty yeares of life, Cuts off so many yeares of fearing death Bru. Why Friends, you go to do you know not what: Wherein hath Caesar thus deseru'd your loues? Why aske you? Why farewell Portia: We must die Messala: With meditating that she must dye once, I haue the patience to endure it now Messa. Why com'st thou? Why I will see thee at Philippi then: Now I haue taken heart, thou vanishest. Why did you so cry out sirs, in your sleepe? Why do you crosse me in this exigent Octa. Why now blow winde, swell Billow, And swimme Barke: The Storme is vp, and all is on the hazard Bru. Why then leade on. Why now thou dyest, as brauely as Titinius, And may'st be honour'd, being Cato's Sonne Sold. Why this, Volumnius: The Ghost of Caesar hath appear'd to me Two seuerall times by Night: at Sardis, once; And this last Night, here in Philippi fields: I know my houre is come Volum. Why did you bring these Daggers from the place? Why doe we hold our tongues, That most may clayme this argument for ours? Why see you not? Why so, being gone I am a man againe: pray you sit still La. Why how now Hecat, you looke angerly? Why sinkes that Caldron? Why should I Mother? Why I can buy me twenty at any Market Son. Why one that sweares, and lyes Son. Why, the honest men Son. Why then (alas) Do I put vp that womanly defence, To say I haue done no harme? Why in that rawnesse left you Wife, and Childe? Why are you silent? Why well Macd. Why it stood by her: she ha's light by her continually, 'tis her command Doct. Why should I play the Roman Foole, and dye On mine owne sword? Why then, Gods Soldier be he: Had I as many Sonnes, as I haue haires, I would not wish them to a fairer death: And so his Knell is knoll'd Mal. Why 'tis a louing, and a faire Reply, Be as our selfe in Denmarke. Why she, euen she. Why, what should be the feare? Why right, you are i'th' right; And so, without more circumstance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands, and part: You, as your busines and desires shall point you: For euery man ha's businesse and desire, Such as it is: and for mine owne poore part, Looke you, Ile goe pray Hor. Why then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison Rosin. Why then your Ambition makes it one: 'tis too narrow for your minde Ham. Why any thing. Why did you laugh, when I said, Man delights not me? Why one faire Daughter, and no more, The which he loued passing well Pol. Why, As by lot, God wot: and then you know, It came to passe, as most like it was: The first rowe of the Pons Chanson will shew you more. Why I should take it: for it cannot be, But I am Pigeon-Liuer'd, and lacke Gall To make Oppression bitter, or ere this, I should haue fatted all the Region Kites With this Slaues Offall, bloudy: a Bawdy villaine, Remorselesse, Treacherous, Letcherous, kindles villaine! Why would'st thou be a breeder of Sinners? Why shold the poor be flatter'd? Why let the strucken Deere go weepe, The Hart vngalled play: For some must watch, while some must sleepe; So runnes the world away. Why looke you now, how vnworthy a thing you make of me: you would play vpon mee; you would seeme to know my stops: you would pluck out the heart of my Mysterie; you would sound mee from my lowest Note, to the top of my Compasse: and there is much Musicke, excellent Voice, in this little Organe, yet cannot you make it. Why do you thinke, that I am easier to bee plaid on, then a Pipe? Why how now Hamlet? Why look you there: looke how it steals away: My Father in his habite, as he liued, Looke where he goes euen now out at the Portall. Why now you speake Like a good Childe, and a true Gentleman. Why out of this, my Lord? Why aske you this? Why 'tis found so Clo. Why there thou say'st. Why he had none Clo. Why ee'n so: and now my Lady Wormes, Chaplesse, and knockt about the Mazard with a Sextons Spade; heere's fine Reuolution, if wee had the tricke to see't. Why, because he was mad; hee shall recouer his wits there; or if he do not, it's no great matter there Ham. Why? Why heere in Denmarke: I haue bin sixeteene heere, man and Boy thirty yeares Ham. Why he, more then another? Why sir, his hide is so tan'd with his Trade, that he will keepe out water a great while. Why may not Imagination trace the Noble dust of Alexander, till he find it stopping a bunghole Hor. Why I will fight with him vppon this Theme. Why, euen in that was Heauen ordinate; I had my fathers Signet in my Purse, Which was the Modell of that Danish Seale: Folded the Writ vp in forme of the other, Subscrib'd it, gau't th' impression, plac't it safely, The changeling neuer knowne: Now, the next day Was our Sea Fight, and what to this was sement, Thou know'st already Hor. Why man, they did make loue to this imployment They are not neere my Conscience; their debate Doth by their owne insinuation grow: 'Tis dangerous, when the baser nature comes Betweene the passe, and fell incensed points Of mighty opposites Hor. Why, what a King is this? Why as a Woodcocke To mine Sprindge, Osricke, I am iustly kill'd with mine owne Treacherie Ham. Why haue my Sisters Husbands, if they say They loue you all? Why Bastard? Why brand they vs With Base? Why so earnestly seeke you to put vp y Letter? Why came not the slaue backe to me when I call'd him? Why my Boy? Why? Why my Boy? Why no Boy, Nothing can be made out of nothing Foole. Why after I haue cut the egge i'th' middle and eate vp the meate, the two Crownes of the egge: when thou clouest thy Crownes i'th' middle, and gau'st away both parts, thou boar'st thine Asse on thy backe o're the durt, thou hadst little wit in thy bald crowne, when thou gau'st thy golden one away; if I speake like my selfe in this, let him be whipt that first findes it so. Why to keepe ones eyes of either side 's nose, that what a man cannot smell out, he may spy into Lear. Why? Why to put's head in, not to giue it away to his daughters, and leaue his hornes without a case Lear. Why then I care not for thee Kent. Why do'st thou vse me thus? Why, what a monstrous Fellow art thou, thus to raile on one, that is neither knowne of thee, nor knowes thee? Why art thou angrie? Why do'st thou call him Knaue? Why Madam, if I were your Fathers dog, You should not vse me so Reg. Why Foole? Why Gloster, Gloster, I'ld speake with the Duke of Cornewall, and his wife Glo. Why not by'th' hand Sir? Why the hot-bloodied France, that dowerlesse tooke Our yongest borne, I could as well be brought To knee his Throne, and Squire-like pension beg, To keepe base life a foote; returne with her? Why might not you my Lord, receiue attendance From those that she cals Seruants, or from mine? Why not my Lord? Why should she write to Edmund? Why then your other Senses grow imperfect By your eyes anguish Glou. Why I do trifle thus with his dispaire, Is done to cure it Glou. Why, this would make a man, a man of Salt To vse his eyes for Garden water-pots. Why is this reasond? Why farethee well, I will o're-looke thy paper. Why should a Dog, a Horse, a Rat haue life, And thou no breath at all? Why, there's no remedie. Why? Why? Why at her Fathers? Why go to bed and sleepe Rod. Why thou silly Gentleman? Why, 'tis not possible Iago. Why none, why none: A slipper, and subtle knaue, a finder of occasion: that he's an eye can stampe, and counterfeit Aduantages, though true Aduantage neuer present it selfe. Why, he drinkes you with facillitie, your Dane dead drunke. Why this is a more exquisite Song then the other Iago. Why very well then: you must not thinke then, that I am drunke. Why how now hoa? Why? Why Masters, haue your Instruments bin in Naples, that they speake i'th' Nose thus? Why no: the day had broke before we parted. Why stay, and heare me speake Cassio. Why your Lieutenant Cassio: Good my Lord, If I haue any grace, or power to moue you, His present reconciliation take. Why then to morrow night, on Tuesday morne, On Tuesday noone, or night; on Wensday Morne. Why, this is not a Boone: 'Tis as I should entreate you weare your Gloues, Or feede on nourishing dishes, or keepe you warme, Or sue to you, to do a peculiar profit To your owne person. Why of thy thought, Iago? Why then I thinke Cassio's an honest man Oth. Why say, they are vild, and falce? Why? Why go too then: Shee that so young could giue out such a Seeming To seele her Fathers eyes vp, close as Oake, He thought 'twas Witchcraft. Why did I marry? Why do you speake so faintly? Why that's with watching, 'twill away againe. Why that the Moore first gaue to Desdemona, That which so often you did bid me steale Iago. Why, what is that to you? Why how now Generall? Why man? Why do you speake so startingly, and rash? Why so I can: but I will not now: This is a tricke to put me from my suite, Pray you let Cassio be receiu'd againe Oth. Why, who's is it? Why, I pray you? Why then 'tis hers (my Lord) and being hers, She may (I thinke) bestow't on any man Oth. Why, that he did: I know not what he did Othe. Why the cry goes, that you marry her Cas. Why, sweete Othello? Why? Why, with my Lord, Madam? Why did he so? Why should he call her Whore? Why, now I see there's mettle in thee: and euen from this instant do build on thee a better opinion then euer before: giue me thy hand Rodorigo. Why then Othello and Desdemona returne againe to Venice Iago. Why, by making him vncapable of Othello's place: knocking out his braines Rod. Why, would not you? Why, the wrong is but a wrong i'th' world; and hauing the world for your labour, 'tis a wrong in your owne world, and you might quickly make it right Des. Why I should feare, I know not, Since guiltinesse I know not: But yet I feele I feare Oth. Why, how should she be murdred? Why any thing: An honourable Murderer, if you will: For nought I did in hate, but all in Honour Lod. Why then we kill all our Women. Why sir, giue the Gods a thankefull Sacrifice: when it pleaseth their Deities to take the wife of a man from him, it shewes to man the Tailors of the earth: comforting therein, that when olde Robes are worne out, there are members to make new. Why should I thinke you can be mine, & true, (Though you in swearing shake the Throaned Gods) Who haue beene false to Fuluia? Why Madam? Why do you send so thicke? Why there's more Gold. Why? Why Enobarbus: When Anthony found Iulius Caesar dead, He cried almost to roaring: And he wept, When at Phillippi he found Brutus slaine Eno. Why me think's by him, This Creature's no such thing Char. Why will my Lord, do so? Why then goodnight indeede Cam. Why should he follow? Why should he not? Why is my Lord enrag'd against his Loue? Why there then: Thus I do escape the sorrow of Anthonies death Ant. Why how now Charmian? Why that's the way to foole their preparation, And to conquer their most absurd intents. Why came you from your Master? Why do you pitty me? Why so I say 1. Why should I write this downe, that's riueted, Screw'd to my memorie. Why Tribute? Why should we pay Tribute? Why should excuse be borne or ere begot? Why, one that rode to's Execution Man, Could neuer go so slow: I haue heard of Riding wagers, Where Horses haue bin nimbler then the Sands That run i'th' Clocks behalfe. Why render'st thou that Paper to me, with A looke vntender? Why, I must dye: And if I do not by thy hand, thou art No Seruant of thy Masters. Why hast thou abus'd So many Miles, with a pretence? Why hast thou gone so farre To be vn-bent? Why good Fellow, What shall I do the while? Why should his Mistris who was made by him that made the Taylor, not be fit too? Why, worthy Father, what haue we to loose, But that he swore to take our Liues? Why, he but sleepes: If he be gone, hee'l make his Graue, a Bed: With female Fayries will his Tombe be haunted, And Wormes will not come to thee Arui. Why did you suffer Iachimo, slight thing of Italy, To taint his Nobler hart & braine, with needlesse ielousy, And to become the geeke and scorne o'th' others vilany? Why stands he so perplext? Why did you throw your wedded Lady fro[m] you? Why old Soldier: Wilt thou vndoo the worth thou art vnpayd for By tasting of our wrath? Why fled you from the Court? Why, why dost thou hang back? Why leavest thou the war? Why I neighbour him so close, Now list. Why open'dst not upon us? Why are thy thoughts thus riveted? Why buoy ye up aloft your unfleg'd souls? Why partest from me, O my strength? Why pensive journey thus ye three alone? Why they gave the appellation of Diana to the imagined stream, Venturi says he leaves it to the antiquaries of Sienna to conjecture. Why. Why then delays Thy voice to satisfy my wish untold, That voice which joins the inexpressive song, Pastime of heav'n, the which those ardours sing, That cowl them with six shadowing wings outspread? Why doth my face," said Beatrice, "thus Enamour thee, as that thou dost not turn Unto the beautiful garden, blossoming Beneath the rays of Christ? Why longer sleepst thou? Why climb'st thou not the Mount Delectable, Which is the source and cause of every joy? Why, why dost thou delay? Why is such baseness bedded in thy heart? Why dost leave the war? Why is thy sight still riveted down there Among the mournful, mutilated shades? Why dost thou still mistrust? Why doth thy mind so occupy itself," The Master said, "that thou thy pace dost slacken? Why floats aloft your spirit high in air? Why doth my face so much enamour thee, That to the garden fair thou turnest not, Which under the rays of Christ is blossoming? Why cost thou not answer me, O my master? Why and wherefore? Why this hurry? Why? Why? Why upon thee is laid the burden of so many sorrows? Why have ye come, not too frequent visitors before, chief among goddesses that ye are? Why is thy wrath so steadfast? Why should we suppose that conscientious motives, feeble as they are constantly found to be in a good cause, should be omnipotent for evil? Why was it that, in that epidemic malady of constitutions, ours escaped the destroying influence; or rather that, at the very crisis of the disease, a favourable turn took place in England, and in England alone? Why, after the King had consented to so many reforms, and renounced so many oppressive prerogatives, did the Parliament continue to rise in their demands at the risk of provoking a civil war? Why not pursue an end confessedly good by peaceable and regular means? Why was James driven from the throne? Why was he not retained upon conditions? Why then did he cede Franche Comte? Why this was done Temple declares himself unable to comprehend. Why such an artist was selected to deface so fine a Torso, we cannot pretend to conjecture. Why were the best English regiments fighting on the Main? Why were the Prussian battalions paid with English gold? Why do you cast those anxious looks on each other? Why hesitate? Why not in the devastation of the island by the Gothic pirates, during the reign of Claudius. Why might not St. Ignatius, who had lived with the apostles or their disciples, repeat in other words that which St. Luke has related, particularly at a time when, being in prison, he could have the Gospels at hand? Why, thou wilt make it well-nigh impossible through not being a knight nor having any desire to be one, nor possessing the courage nor the will to avenge insults or defend thy lordship; for thou must know that in newly conquered kingdoms and provinces the minds of the inhabitants are never so quiet nor so well disposed to the new lord that there is no fear of their making some move to change matters once more, and try, as they say, what chance may do for them; so it is essential that the new possessor should have good sense to enable him to govern, and valour to attack and defend himself, whatever may befall him. "Why!" "Why, how dost thou know that noblemen have equerries behind them?" Why Love should like a spiteful foe Thus use him, he hath no idea, But hogsheads full- this doth he know- Don Quixote's tears are on the flow, And all for distant Dulcinea Del Toboso. "Why dost thou say that, Sancho?" "Why, what share have you got?" Why, they say this singer is a muleteer! Why, this is a thing that would astonish a whole university, however wise it might be! Why, the schoolboys know that from the time they were babes. Why, the bachelor Samson Carrasco (that is the name of him I spoke of) says the author of the history is called Cide Hamete Berengena. "Why, you idiot and wife for Barabbas," said Sancho, "what do you mean by trying, without why or wherefore, to keep me from marrying my daughter to one who will give me grandchildren that will be called 'your lordship'?" Why, in the great city of El Toboso. Why should I go looking for three feet on a cat, to please another man; and what is more, when looking for Dulcinea will be looking for Marica in Ravena, or the bachelor in Salamanca? "Why, what are you thinking about?" "Why, to be sure I am!" "Why, is there anyone who doubts that those histories are false?" Why, then, should not he do the same who has to make the whole journey of life down to the final halting-place of death, more especially when the companion has to be his companion in bed, at board, and everywhere, as the wife is to her husband? Why! Why, even if he wished it he has not had time to imagine and put together such a host of lies. "Why, how so?" Why, this is not the first time in my life I have carried messages to high and exalted ladies. Why, there's a ballad that says they put King Rodrigo alive into a tomb full of toads, and adders, and lizards, and that two days afterwards the king, in a plaintive, feeble voice, cried out from within the tomb- They gnaw me now, they gnaw me now, There where I most did sin. "Why not?" Why the devil should you be vexed if I make use of what is my own? Why dost thou compel them to smear the cracks in their shoes, and to have the buttons of their coats, one silk, another hair, and another glass? Why must their ruffs be always crinkled like endive leaves, and not crimped with a crimping iron? Why do ye persecute her, ye empresses? Why ye pursue her, ye virgins of from fourteen to fifteen? "Why so?" Why, you villain, I have not yet had the government half a day, and you want me to have six hundred ducats already! "Why shan't I make thee sleep in gaol?" Why if I wanted to deal in them, opportunities came ready enough to me in my government. Why, look at these gentlemen bearing thee company! Why, to make choice of evils, it's better to be a knight-errant than a shepherd! Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Why shall I be deprived of both my sons in one day? Why wouldst thou run away privately, and not acquaint me, that I might have brought thee on the way with joy, and with songs, and with timbrels, and with harps? Why therefore shall we die before thy eyes? Why sittest thou alone, and all the people wait from morning till night? Why did you not eat in the holy place the sacrifice for sin, which is most holy, and given to you, that you may bear the iniquity of the people, and may pray for them in the sight of the Lord. Why are we kept back that we may not offer in its season the offering to the Lord among the children of Israel? Why then were you not afraid to speak ill of my servant Moses? Why have you brought out the church of the Lord into the wilderness, that both we and our cattle should die? Why have you made us come up out of Egypt, and have brought us into this wretched place which cannot be sowed, nor bringeth forth figs, nor vines, nor pomegranates, neither is there any water to drink? Why strikest thou me, lo, now this third time? Why is his name taken away out of his family, because he had no son? Why do ye overturn the minds of the children of Israel, that they may not dare to pass into the place which the Lord hath given them? Why shall we die therefore, and why shall this exceeding great fire comsume us: for if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any more, we shall die. Why have you forsaken the Lord the God of Israel, building a sacrilegious altar, and revolting from the worship of him? Why dwellest thou between two borders, that thou mayst hear the bleatings of the flocks? Why are the feet of his horses so slow? Why then shall we serve him? Why have you for so long a time attempted nothing about this claim? Why wouldst thou do thus? Why dost thou cry? Why then do you call me Noemi, whom the Lord hath humbled, and the Almighty hath afflicted? Why have you kicked away my victims, and my gifts which I commanded to be offered in the temple: and thou hast rather honoured thy sons than me, to eat the firstfruits of every sacrifice of my people Israel? Why do you harden your hearts, as Egypt and Pharao hardened their hearts? Why then hast thou spoken this word to me? Why then didst thou not hearken to the voice of the Lord: but hast turned to the prey, and hast done evil in the eyes of the Lord? Why therefore wilt thou sin against innocent blood, by killing David, who is without fault? Why didst thou go in to my father's concubine? Why did you go near the wall? Why therefore hast thou despised the word of the Lord, to do evil in my sight? Why wentest thou not with thy friend? Why wilt thou throw down the inheritance of the Lord? Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the Lord, and the commandment that I laid upon thee? Why will you add to our sins, and heap up upon our former offences? Why did I not die in the womb? Why received upon the knees? Why is light given to him that is in misery, and life to them that are in bitterness of soul? Why have you detracted the words of truth, whereas there is none of you that can reprove me? Why dost thou not remove my sin, and why dost thou not take away my iniquity? Why didst thou bring me forth out of the womb? Why do I tear my flesh with my teeth, and carry my soul in my hands? Why hidest thou thy face, and thinkest me thy enemy? Why doth thy heart elevate thee, and why dost thou stare with thy eyes, as if they were thinking great things? Why doth thy spirit swell against God, to utter such words out of thy mouth? Why are we reputed as beasts, and counted vile before you? Why do you persecute me as God, and glut yourselves with my flesh? Why then do you say now: Let us persecute him, and let us find occasion of word against him? Why then do the wicked live, are they advanced, and strengthened with riches? Why, then, it may be asked, did they not operate with equal force upon the princes of the House of Austria? Why, then, still burden the country with his presence? Why, then, is it, when neither law nor justice forbids it, that we are asked to spend our time and money in inquiring into its truth? Why, Sir, not many days since, one gentleman upon this floor, who, by the way, I have no doubt is now ready to join this hue and cry against the Bank, indulged in a philippic against one of the Bank officials, because, as he said, he had divulged a secret. Why, Sir, the gentleman from Coles, the mover of this resolution, very lately denied on this floor that the Legislature had any right to repeal or otherwise meddle with its own acts, when those acts were made in the nature of contracts, and had been accepted and acted on by other parties. Why then shall we spend the public money in such employment? Why, then, shall we suffer a severe difficulty, even though it be but temporary, unless we receive some equivalent for it? Why I say it is reasonable that you will feel very badly yet, is because of three special causes added to the general one which I shall mention. Why, you know she had none. Why, Speed, if you did not love her although you might not wish her death, you would most certainly be resigned to it. Why," says he, "I 'm mad as the devil, Aunt 'Becca! "Why," says he, "I've been tugging ever since harvest, getting out wheat and hauling it to the river to raise State Bank paper enough to pay my tax this year and a little school debt I owe; and now, just as I 've got it, here I open this infernal Extra Register, expecting to find it full of 'Glorious Democratic Victories' and 'High Comb'd Cocks,' when, lo and behold!" Why," says I, looking as dignified and thoughtful as I could, "it seems pretty tough, to be sure, to have to raise silver where there's none to be raised; but then, you see, 'there will be danger of loss' if it ain't done. Why, Shields didn't believe that story himself; it was never meant for the truth. Why did n't Carlin and Carpenter sign it as well as Shields? "Why, Jeff, you 're crazy: you don't mean to say Shields is a Whig!" "Why, look here!" Why, his very looks shows it; everything about him shows it: if I was deaf and blind, I could tell him by the smell. "Why," says I, "we'll just write and ax the printer." Why dost Thou now desire to have me enter this impure sperm, I who am holy and pure, and a part of Thy glory? Why did they obey me, and not Thee? Why strivest thou against us without any reason? Why art thou distressed and anxious? Why didst Thou abandon the highest of the heavens, the seat of Thy glory and Thy exalted Throne in 'Arabot, and descend to men, who pay worship to idols, putting Thee upon a level with them? Why did you not turn to God during all the hundred and twenty years which the Lord appointed unto you as the term of repentance? Why dost thou give thyself so much trouble? Why, then, cravest thou my blessing? Why do you take delight in your own destruction this day? Why, who is he? Why laugh ye? Why have ye slain my hounds? Why dost thou so? Why should I not prove adventures? Why should I not ride this way? Why say ye so? Why cometh he, said the knight, in such array? Why, said Beaumains, an he be such a knight as ye make him, he will not set upon me with all his men, or with his five hundred knights. Why, said Plenorius, is there another manner knight behind of your fellowship? Why name ye not Sir Tristram? Why, God would be content With but a fraction of the love Poured thee without a stint. Why, nothing, only, Your inference therefrom! Why Strachey acted thus it is possible to conjecture. Why, they ask, does the sun run his course like a tamed beast? Why is the pelican parti-coloured? Why does the red-robin live near the dwellings of men, a bold and friendly bird? Why is the hawk so hated by birds? Why is the crane so thin? Why is dawn red? Why are donkeys slow? Why have mules no young ones? Why this great sin? Why separate us? Why, my good fellow, you must be mad! "Why, this fellow must be the devil in person!" "Why, you knew it, Porthos," said Aramis. Why did you so maladroitly restore me the handkerchief? "Why did you so awkwardly let it fall?" Why, it is with him I am also going to fight," said Porthos. "Why, this is a victory!" "Why, monsieur, very ill indeed!" Why you told me he was a young man? "Why he is a very devil, this Bearnais!" "Why does she love what we hate most in the world, the Spaniards and the English?" Why, they want to know if the Duke of Buckingham is in Paris, and if he has had, or is likely to have, an interview with the queen. "Why so?" "Why did you deprive yourself of the merit of doing so at once?" "Why did he not tell them his name?" Why did he not tell them he knew nothing about this affair? Why, the sacrilege is the separation of two hearts formed by God for each other. "Why, I am ready to tell everything," cried Bonacieux, "at least, all that I know." "Why, did not I tell you she had been stolen from me?" "Why did she not let me know sooner?" "Why did not Madame de Lannoy come and inform you instantly?" Why did you not have him arrested while in Paris? Why it was he who carried me off! Why, you sell yourself, body and soul, to the demon, the devil, for money! "Why, then, are you about to betray it to me?" "Why has she not written to me, then?" "Why so?" Why? "Why that question, my dear host?" Why, it is indeed a true royal jewel, which is worth a thousand pistoles if it is worth a denier. "Why so, Planchet?" Why, there is nothing improper in our conversation, my dear Planchet, and no one could find fault with it. Why I was here only ten or twelve days ago. "Why, to be sure, he promised to rejoin us, and we have seen nothing of him." "Why should I do that?" "Why, she is the old wife of a procurator* of the Chatelet, monsieur, named Madame Coquenard, who, although she is at least fifty, still gives herself jealous airs." Why, on making a thrust at my adversary, whom I had already hit three times, and whom I meant to finish with the fourth, I put my foot on a stone, slipped, and strained my knee. "Why did you not have yourself conveyed to Paris?" "Why so?" Why, people jest with death. "Why, it must have been the king who made you such a present." Why, he imprisoned himself, I swear to you he did. Why you have drunk more than a hundred pistoles' worth! "Why, this man is a cask!" "Why, here is the simple fact." Why the devil! Why, in the first place I gave you fifty. Why did you give him six pistoles? Why, it is poor Lubin, the lackey of the Comte de Wardes--he whom you took such good care of a month ago at Calais, on the road to the governor's country house! Why does not he go about his business? Why, that is that you would have acted much more wisely if you had not required me to make myself known. "Why so?" Why, I meant to pass it over to you, my dear Athos. "Why, you killed him!" "Why, they may amount to--", said Porthos, who preferred discussing the total to taking them one by one. Why, that is a fortune! Why, this woman was a monster! "Why, we are looked upon with a rather favorable eye by a lady of quality, the Duchesse de--but, your pardon; my master has commanded me to be discreet." "Why, that I may be dangerously wounded--killed even." "Why, about fifteen or eighteen days ago." "Why, by your marchioness, your duchess, your princess." Why should not the king of France have the same chance as the emperor? "Why, I think there were not many intruders." "Why, you see plainly enough we are going to the bastion." Why should we load ourselves with a useless burden? Why," replied Athos, carelessly, "she is probably going to write to the cardinal that a damned Musketeer, named Athos, has taken her safe- conduct from her by force; she will advise him in the same letter to get rid of his two friends, Aramis and Porthos, at the same time. Why not? Why did you talk of a regiment, Athos? Why the devil, then, do we plague ourselves about money, when there is a diamond? "Why, I think," said Aramis, blushing as usual, "that his ring not coming from a mistress, and consequently not being a love token, d'Artagnan may sell it." "Why, good God!" Why, every day in the trenches we go cheerfully to expose ourselves to worse than that--for a bullet may break a leg, and I am convinced a surgeon would give us more pain in cutting off a thigh than an executioner in cutting off a head. Why did he detain her? Why should you expose your game to your adversary? "Why, upon the frontiers of Artois and of Flanders." Why, you are squeezing that letter into your pocket! Why do you sing thus, and with such a voice? "Why, then," cried Milady, with an incredible tone of truthfulness, "you are not his accomplice; you do not know that he destines me to a disgrace which all the punishments of the world cannot equal in horror?" Why didn't the baron come himself? Why, this evening," said the abbess; "today even. "Why, then, only see!" Why do you not apply to them, if you stand in need of help? "Why," replied Milady, embarrassed, "why, by the title of friend." "Why is it not done already?" "Why?" Why, in passing through Lilliers you will send me your chaise, with an order to your servant to place himself at my disposal. "Why, I have related the events to you." "Why all these precautions?" Why, my companion. Why did you not accept it? Why should they not have the sentiment of self-respect, for, as a rule, they are men of a noble nature? "Why, marry," replied Robin, "this fellow would not let me pass the footbridge, and when I tickled him in the ribs, he must needs answer by a pat on the head which landed me overboard." "Why," said Robin, "my men and even the Sheriff of Nottingham know me as Robin Hood, the outlaw." Why had he not told the band? Why are you so gay, fellow? Why we laid hold of the beggar, as you did order, when he offered to pay for his release out of the bag he carried upon his back. Why come you to the greenwood alone, Master Partington? "Why as for the news," laughed the stranger, "I hear that two tinkers were set i' the stocks for drinking too much ale and beer." Why did you not tell me? "Why, as I live, it is our honest tinker who was seeking Robin Hood!" Why, who are you, bold fellow, to range so boldly here? "Why, God-a-mercy," said Arthur; "I may thank my staff for that--not YOU." Why should we not hold another shooting-match? "Why who are you to come thus brawling upon my premises?" Why, Jack," she cried, "what have you been doing? Why, Jack! Why couldn't Agnes have left me alone? Why can't I be left alone--left alone and happy? Why didn't you stick on as Gods till things was more settled? "Why?" Why don't you write something like theirs? Why it's true! Why only the other night--But go back please and read 'The Skerry of Shrieks' again. Why, 'of course,' Charlie? "Why?" Why? Why? Why do you? "Why do you look at the thing, then?" Why can't you be rational? "Why to The Dancing Master?" "Why couple me with the Hawley Boy?" Why do you ask? Why didn't the Doctor say this was coming? Why should Losson be able to sleep when Simmons had to stay awake hour after hour, tossing and turning on the tapes, with the dull liver pain gnawing into his right side and his head throbbing and aching after Canteen? "Why, it's Jerry Blazes!" Why should I change my mind--our mind--because I change my sky? Why should I and the few hundred Englishmen in my service become unreasonable, prejudiced fossils, while you and your newer friends alone remain bright and open-minded? Why, no, sir; I heard Mr. Pagett was coming, and as our works were closed for the New Year I thought I would drive over and see him. Why I have come all the way from England just to see the working of this great National movement. "Why, certainly." Why should such folk look up from their immemorially appointed round of duty and interests to meddle with the unknown and fuss with voting- papers. "Why, no!" Why it's like giving a bread- pill for a broken leg. Why, even of the funds devoted to the Marchioness of Dufferin's organization for medical aid to the women of India, it was said in print and in speech, that they would be better spent on more college scholarships for men. Why can't you let me alone? Why you should, therefore, return thanks to a Being who never did exist--who is only a figment--" "Blastoderm," grunted the man in the next chair, "dry up, and throw me over the Pioneer. Why do I want to go? Why wouldn't Dicky have his wife and the baby out? Why, I have never been able to understand. "Why?" "Why?" "Why not six square acres, while you're about it?" "Why in the world didn't you come to me?" "Why not?" "Why the Dickenson do you want to work on a weekly paper?" Why, I thought it was a man! "Why, what's happened?" "Why, it isn't seven yet!" "Why, it's the same as ever!" "Why?" Why am I wrong in trying to get a little success? "Why?" Why," said Maisie, making as though she had not noticed, "can you see things that I can't? "Why threepence?" Why, I don't even know if you have sense enough to put on warm things when the weather's cold. Why can't it be like this always? "Why don't you put the damned dabs into something that will stay, then?" Why don't you try something of the same kind now? Why wasn't I born and bred and dead in a three-pair back? Why in the world shouldn't you listen to her? Why did you bring me out? Why didn't some one tell me? Why didn't you tell me? "Why, what has happened?" Why, he couldn't have begun to understand how beautiful you read. "Why?" Why isn't there any one to look after you? Why should they?--and Mr. Beeton really does everything I want. Why, you talked of retiring and buying a public-house the other day. Why to Suakin? Why? Why? Why not change Eleven for a square? Why did you keep me waiting so long? Why didn't he go Home and pick his wife there? Why shouldn't he? Why doesn't he get away? Why, young Mallard-- Anthony. Why must I 'twixt the leaves of coronal Put any kiss of pardon on thy brow? Why should the other women know so much, And talk together--Such the look and such The smile he used to love with, then as now. Why didn't you wait till the spoon was out of his mouth? Why not? Why, you're shaking all over. Why have you brought all that smelly leather stuff into the house? Why don't you ask some nice people in to dinner? Why am I not to be told? Why? Why, dear? Why didn't you tell me that at first? Why does it stop there? Why should I? Why? Why do you call him that? Why at all? Why should I hurt the little children? Why should you seek to slay me? Why, Betts, am not I as dear t m husband as my lord Mayor's wife to him? Why, I am a prentice as thou art; seest thou now? Why, well said, wife; yfaith, thou cheerest my heart: Give me thy hand; let's kiss, and so let's part. Why, when the humors are purged, not this three years. Why, I'll show the reason: This is no age for poets; they should sing To the loud canon heroica facta; Qui faciunt reges heroica carmina laudant: And, as great subjects of their pen decay, Even so unphysicked they do melt away. Why, sure, this is not he. Why, now thy face is like an honest man's: Thou hast played well at this new cut, and won. Why, farewell, frost. Why, then, a word, Master Morris. Why dost thou follow me? Why, this is cheerful news: friends go and come: Reverend Erasmus, who delicious words Express the very soul and life of wit, Newly took sad leave of me, and with tears Troubled the silver channel of the Thames, Which, glad of such a burden, proudly swelled And on her bosom bore him toward the sea: He's gone to Rotterdam; peace go with him! Why, yet go you and keep them company; It is not meet we should be absent both. Why, play on till that scene come, and by that time Wit's beard will be grown, or else the fellow returned with it. Why, Oagle was not within, and his wife would not let me have the beard; and, by my troth, I ran so fast that I sweat again. Why, this is right: Good morrow to the sun, to state good night! Why ask you that, dear madame? Why, how now, wife! Why do you weep? Why, how now, Master Thomas, how now? Why, knave, I say, have I thus carked & car'd And all to keep thee like a gentleman; And dost thou let my servants at their work, That sweat for thee, knave, labour thus for thee? Why should my birth keep down my mounting spirit? Why, then, assure your self to see him straight, For at your suit I have arrested him, And here they will be with him presently. Why such as he will break for fashion sake, And unto those they owe a thousand pound, Pay scarce a hundred. Why, is he come to Antwerp, as you here? Why would you not acquaint me with your state? Why, can this news be true? Why, then, soon will we meet again. Why yet Cromwell hath one friend in store. Why, man, thou art my Doctor, And brings me precious Physic for my soul.-- My Lord of Bedford, I desire of you, Before my death, a corporal embrace. Why, then, I'll tell you what y'are bets to do: If you suspect the King will be but cold In reprehending him, send you a process too To serve upon him: so you may be sure To make him answer 't, howsoe'er it fall. Why, if he will not be spoken withal, then will I leave it here; and see you that he take knowledge of it. Why, you drab monger, cannot the secrets of all the wenches in a shire serve your turn, but you must come hither with a citation? Why, master Murley, you shall be a Knight: Were you not in election to be shrieve? Why, who but he shall be our General? Why so, lord Cobham? Why seem ye so disquiet in your looks? Why do you not put them on your heels? Why, thus you shew your self a Gentleman, To keep your day, and come so well prepared. Why so? Why sir, tis gold. Why, you should be as salt To season others with good document, Your lives as lamps to give the people light, As shepherds, not as wolves to spoil the flock. Why do you look so ghastly and affrighted? Why any of these, or, if you will, I'll cause A present sitting of the Counsel, wherein I will pretend some matter of such weight As needs must have his royal company, And so dispatch him in the Counsel chamber. Why, is all the gold spent already that you had the other day? Why, neighbor Club, how comes this gear about? "Why!" "Why, Ned, why?" "Why?" Why could I not communicate to Conseil the lively sensations which were mounting to my brain, and rival him in expressions of admiration? "Why, Conseil?" Why had our incomprehensible guide led us to the bottom of this submarine crypt? "Why not?" "Why not, M." Why should we be unable to preserve a remembrance of them? "Why?" "Why, Captain?" Why did the Nautilus visit its tomb? Why should I not sit with them? Why dost thou not give me to drink, O my brother? Why dost thou say that she is noble,[FN#249] while she is of the scum of slave girls and of the refuse of folk? Why then,' rejoined she, 'should he manage people's affairs and yet be unmindful of them? Why didst thou not pass the night by the side of thy beloved and why hast thou not fulfilled thy desire of her? Why not make thy heart as soft as thy sides! Why should we believe that he would have been more scrupulous with regard to Voltaire? Why a spirit was to be evoked for the purpose of talking over such matters and seeing such sights, why the vicar of the parish, a blue- stocking from London, or an American, such as Mr. Southey at first supposed the aerial visitor to be, might not have done as well, we are unable to conceive. Why go as deep into a question as Burke, only in order to be, like Burke, coughed down, or left speaking to green benches and red boxes? Why should they not take away the child from the mother, select the nurse, regulate the school, overlook the playground, fix the hours of labour and of recreation, prescribe what ballads shall be sung, what tunes shall be played, what books shall be read, what physic shall be swallowed? Why should not they choose our wives, limit our expenses, and stint us to a certain number of dishes of meat, of glasses of wine, and of cups of tea? Why should the Directors of the Railway Company, in their collective capacity, profess a religion? Why not roast Dissenters at slow fires? Why, then, is this prerogative of punishment, so eminently paternal, to be withheld from a paternal government? Why does he reserve his greatest liberality for the most monstrous errors? Why does he pay most respect to the opinion of the least enlightened people? Why does he withhold the right to exercise paternal authority from that one Government which is fitter to exercise paternal authority than any Government that ever existed in the world? Why, then, should not every free inquirer agree with the Church? Why, then, do Dr. Wordsworth and Mr. Hallam agree in thinking two sides of a triangle greater than the third side, and yet differ about the genuineness of the Icon Basilike? Why has it ceased to be so? Why has so violent a movement been followed by so long a repose? Why is it that Protestantism, after carrying everything before it in a time of comparatively little knowledge and little freedom, should make no perceptible progress in a reasoning and tolerant age; that the Luthers, the Calvins, the Knoxes, the Zwingles, should have left no successors; that during two centuries and a half fewer converts should have been brought over from the Church of Rome than at the time of the Reformation were sometimes gained in a year? Why Bacon had recourse to such a topic it is difficult to say, It was quite unnecessary for the purpose of obtaining a verdict. Why then resort to arguments which, while they could add nothing to the strength of the case, considered in a legal point of view, tended to aggravate the moral guilt of the fatal enterprise, and to excite fear and resentment in that quarter from which alone the Earl could now expect mercy? Why remind the audience of the arts of the ancient tyrants? Why deny what everybody knew to be the truth, that: a powerful faction at Court had long sought to effect the ruin of the prisoner? Why above all, institute a parallel between the unhappy culprit and the most wicked and most successful rebel of the age? Why he took this present publicly and the rest secretly, is evident. Why was this? Why," asked Collier, "should the man laugh at the mischief of the boy, and make the disorders of his nonage his own, by an after approbation? Why he was chosen for so great an honour, it is not now possible to know. Why Addison gave no assistance to the Guardian, during the first two months of its existence is a question which has puzzled the editors and biographers, but which seems to us to admit of a very easy solution. Why all this childish jealousy of the power of the Crown? Why, then," said an objector, "do you not kill yourself? Why," said the Queen, "I don't pick them up myself. Why does Fright go behind Rebellion, and Murder before? Why should not Murder fall behind Fright? "Why do you want to know?" "Why, yes, of Beauvais." "Why, look at you all!" Why don't you go and fetch things, instead of standing there staring at me? Why don't you go and fetch things? Why do you write in the public streets? Why? "Why!" Why should you be? "Why, it's on the tip of your tongue." "Why, man alive, she was the admiration of the whole Court!" "Why does he make that abominable noise?" Why need I speak of my father's time, when it is equally yours? Why, I have been ashamed of your moroseness there! Why do I do it? Why, no, thank you; this is a private visit to yourself, Mr. Lorry; I have come for a private word. "Why?" Why wouldn't you go? "Why, to be sure!" Why, you're at it afore my face! Why not? Why not? Why so? Why, I am a boy, sir, to half a dozen old codgers here! "Why?" "Why, Mr. Darnay?" Why am I confined alone? Why not? Why need you tell me what I have not asked? Why not say so? Why stop? Why stop? "Why not?" "Why, then," said Mr. Lorry, grasping his eager but so firm and steady hand, "it does not all depend on one old man, but I shall have a young and ardent man at my side." Why have the Gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things? Why, O Lord, hast thou retired afar off? Why art thou sad, O my soul? Why hast thou forgotten me? Why art thou cast down, O my soul? Why turnest thou thy face away? Why shall I fear in the evil day? Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity? Why suspect, ye curdled mountains? Why suspect, ye curdled mountains?. .Why do you suppose or imagine there may be any other such curdled mountains? Why dost thou turn away thy hand: and thy right hand out of the midst of thy bosom for ever? Why hast thou broken down the hedge thereof, so that all they who pass by the way do pluck it? Why have I hated instruction, and my heart consented not to reproof, 5:13. Why art thou seduced, my son, by a strange woman, and art cherished in the bosom of another? Why is earth, and ashes proud? Why doth one day excel another, and one light another, and one year another year, when all come of the sun? Why are ye slow and what do you say of these things? Why do you consume my people, and grind the faces of the poor? Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel: My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God? Why do you spend money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which doth not satisfy you? Why have we fasted, and thou hast not regarded: have we humbled our souls, and thou hast not taken notice? Why then is thy apparel red, and thy garments like theirs that tread in the winepress? Why hast thou made us to err, O Lord, from thy ways: why hast thou hardened our heart, that we should not fear thee? Why will you contend with me in judgment? Why dost thou endeavour to shew thy way good to seek my love, thou who hast also taught thy malices to be thy ways, 2:34. Why then is this people in Jerusalem turned away with a stubborn revolting? Why do we sit still? Why then is not the wound of the daughter of my people closed? Why wilt thou be as a wandering man, as a mighty man that cannot save? Why is my sorrow become perpetual, and my wound desperate so as to refuse to be healed? Why came I out of the womb, to see labour and sorrow, and that my days should be spent in confusion? Why hath he prophesied in the name of the Lord, saying: This house shall be like Silo; and this city shall be made desolate, without an inhabitant? Why will you die, thou and thy people by the sword, and by famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon? Why should this city be given up to desolation? Why criest thou for thy affliction? Why are thy valiant men come to nothing? Why then hath Melchom inherited Gad: and his people dwelt in his cities? Why gloriest thou in the valleys? Why hath a living man murmured, man suffering for his sins? Why wilt thou forget us for ever? Why did the beasts groan, why did the herds of cattle low? Why should they say among the nations: Where is their God? Why hast thou shewn me iniquity and grievance, to see rapine and injustice before me? Why lookest thou upon them that do unjust things, and holdest thy peace when the wicked devoureth the man that is more just than himself? Why dost thou meddle with things which concern thee not? Why do we not forthwith fight,[52] ye on behalf of the Hellenes, since ye have the reputation of being the best, and we on behalf of the Barbarians, with equal numbers on both sides? Why did he not tell us how much was granted? Why not apply it, then, upon this question? Why, as to improvements, magnify the evil, and stoutly refuse to see any good in them? Why, in their eagerness to get at General Taylor, several Democratic members here have desired to know whether, in case of his election, a bankrupt law is to be established. Why no necessity then for repeal? Why was the repeal omitted in the Nebraska Bill of 1853? Why was it omitted in the original bill of 1854? Why in the accompanying report was such a repeal characterized as a departure from the course pursued in 1850 and its continued omission recommended? Why did you do this? Why ask us to do what you will not do yourselves? Why ask us to do for nothing what two hundred millions of dollars could not induce you to do? Why has he so spoken of them a thousand times? Why has he constantly called them a series of measures? Why does everybody call them a compromise? Why was California kept out of the Union six or seven months, if it was not because of its connection with the other measures? Why, in point of mere fact, I think so too. Why, this same Supreme Court once decided a national bank to be constitutional; but General Jackson, as President of the United States, disregarded the decision, and vetoed a bill for a recharter, partly on constitutional ground, declaring that each public functionary must support the Constitution "as he understands it. Why, according to this, not only negroes but white people outside of Great Britain and America were not spoken of in that instrument. Why, that object having been effected some eighty years ago, the Declaration is of no practical use now--mere rubbish--old wadding left to rot on the battlefield after the victory is won. Why, there was a shouting and ringing of bells and whistling on all the boats as it fell. Why did the Afton then, after she had come up smelling so close to the long pier sheer off so strangely. Why are you not afraid before God on account of your treatment of me? Why do you act thus toward me? Why, then, will you speak lies unto us? Why dost thou not disclose to him that which is in thy heart, rather than suffer thy life to perish through this thing? Why, there is none in the house. Why do you inflict such evil upon him? Why did you not save the yield of one or two years against the day of your need? Why, then, will ye all boast before us? Why shouldst thou desire to see me united with a vagabond, a slave," she cried out, "one that does not even belong to our nation, but is the son of a Canaanitish herdsman, a fellow that attempted to violate the honor of his mistress, and in punishment for this misdemeanor was thrown into prison, to be liberated thence by Pharaoh for interpreting his dream? Why should we be servants to the poor? Why should Israel, he would ask himself, suffer more than all the other nations? Why should I risk the safety of my person, seeing that I know not whether Israel possesses merits making them worthy of redemption? Why, then, are not the descendants of Esau and Ishmael held in bondage, too? Why, said Sir Tristram, will ye do battle with me but if I tell you my name? Why so? Why sir, said the knight, seem ye that I am weak and feeble? Why should I not? Why said Sir Harry, what knight is he? Why, said La Beale Isoud, are ye a knight and be no lover? Why should I not pass the water? Why, said Galahad, will ye all have ado with me at once? Why? Why, said Lionel, will ye let me? Why, said Colgrevance, is this sooth that ye will slay him? Why? Why Sir Bors, said she, should I not call him traitor when he bare the red sleeve upon his head at Winchester, at the great jousts? Why should ye put her from you? Why say ye so, said the queen, do ye forthink yourself of your good deeds? Why? Why say ye so? Why hidest thou thyself within holes and walls like a coward? Why withdrawest thou thee? Why, now write what you think, Louise," replied Montalais. "Why, yes; but request him, if you please, that my visit be announced to his royal highness as soon as possible." Why am I to be disturbed? "Why, home, to be sure; have you not to prepare your toilette?" Why should I require less to-day than yesterday? Why, because it would appear that it requires several years, as regards fashion, to travel the distance! "Why does the floor seem hollowed out at this spot?" "Why not?" "Why yes, am I not devoted body and soul to your majesty?" "Why did you sign yours so low down, sire?" Why should you evade it, sire? "Why so?" "Why did you cry out this evening, down below in the salons -- `The king's service!" "Why, forever, sire." Why not? "Why, where can you come from," said Bazin, rather irreverently, "that you don't know that?" "Why, monsieur le surintendant, our neighbor." "Why, my friend," said D'Artagnan, "M. du Vallon, in truth, possesses the most subtle and amiable mind that I know." Why, yes. Why monsieur, that is magnificent! "Why, that is all you have, monsieur." "Why, then the nation." "Why, at one gulp he swallowed all England." Why, we sailors, my lord, who are accustomed to study the water and the air -- that is to say, the two most changeable things in the world -- are seldom deceived as to the rest. "Why not?" "Why so?" Why, then, have you not addressed yourself to him? Why do you not ask the fisherman for his cutlass? Why, monsieur, what secret can you expect to find in the hollow head of a soldier? Why had these men come back after having returned to the camp? Why should I be? "Why not, sire?" Why should I? Why, the English bags, Mordioux! Why, monsieur, have your antipathies survived mine? "Why," interrupted Mazarin, without any regard for the king's pride -- "does not your majesty know that it is to M." Why, Monk was in his camp. Why should you not desire that? "Why, those you possess, my lord." Why, my good God! "Why, it is but an hour since I left his eminence," said the king. Why, that man was a gulf! "Why not, sire?" "Why?" Why, it is not habitable. "Why then he will get M. Fouquet to allow him a pension, and will go and compose verses at Fontainebleau, upon some Mancini or other, whose eyes the queen will scratch out." "Why so?" Why, monsieur le chevalier, you are mad! "Why not?" "Why, of the crimes they wish to impute to you." Why, upon all that I have said to you, monsieur. "Why, yes, sire." "Why, you surely are not going to undertake the defense of Madame Vanel?" "Why, yes, monseigneur." "Why a hundred men?" "Why, yes, I do put that question to you." "Why, monsieur the superintendent, I only want one valet de chambre, for my part, and even if I were alone, could help myself very well; but you, you who have so many enemies -- a hundred men are not enough for me to defend you with." Why not? Why," said La Fontaine, "does not our master Epicurus descend into the garden? "Why, yes!" Why can I not, on the contrary, say ill enough of her to prevent your going to her? "Why, she got into her carriage, looking deadly pale." Why, then, monseigneur does not know? "Why, something like five thousand livres, monseigneur." "Why did you not tell me monsieur, that you came to relate me this?" Why, yes, he could not be badly off for money," replied D'Artagnan -- "it may be believed, since M. Fouquet, instead of paying me a quarter or five thousand livres ---- " "A quarter or five thousand livres! Why the boat which sets out for Belle-Isle! "Why, yes, monsieur, M. Fouquet has the walls of the castle repaired every year." "Why, not always." "Why, dame!" "Why should he not Have I, perchance, deserved to lose his confidence?" Why, you are stronger than ever," said D'Artagnan, "and still, happily, in your arms. Why, it appears," said he, "that you may see what I am doing here. Why," said he, "you know I am a bourgeois, in fact; my dress, then, has nothing astonishing in it, since it conforms with my condition. "Why incredible?" "Why, these fortifications are admirable." "Why, we are all mortal, are we not?" Why, you say the house, when speaking of Belle-Isle, as if you were speaking of the chateau of Pierrefonds. "Why so, Porthos?" "Why, in the first place, he threw a man out of the window, as he would have flung a sack full of flock." Why," said he, fixing his eyes upon Aramis, "on account of two farmers of the revenues, friends of M. Fouquet, whom the king forced to disgorge their plunder, and then hanged them. Why, it seems to me ---- " "If these culprits were hanged, it was by order of the king. "Why of no use?" "Why?" "Why, he is scarcely twenty-five years old!" Why, it is fifteen leagues from this place to Etampes? Why does he not come himself? Why does he not make use of his credit, then? "Why did you not say so at once, my dear M." Why the deuce are young men of family taught Latin? "Why so?" "Why hate him, therefore?" Why, he pretends," continued the prince, "that Mademoiselle Henrietta is better looking as a woman than I am as a man. "Why, she is lame," said the Chevalier de Lorraine, stretching himself on his cushions. Why is Louise's name spoken of here? "Why not in France?" Why do you distill into the heart of the man you term your friend all the bitterness that infects your own? Why not, if what you assert is untrue? Why," said he, "should I occupy myself any longer about my cousin? Why will not the marechal advance me a portion of my patrimony? "Why so?" "Why should not she be a maid of honor, as well as myself?" "Why should I?" Why this order, monsieur? "Why did you suffer him to live?" "Why does my wife retain an English court about her?" Why? "Why so?" "Why not Manicamp?" Why so? "Why do you look first on one side and then on the other, as if you were afraid of being arrested yourself, you whose business it is to arrest others?" "Why, what connection can there be ---- " "How stupid you are!" Why the deuce cannot that knave Colbert be as easily satisfied as you are -- and I should give myself far less trouble than I do. "Why, in order to render him a service in the first place, and afterwards ourselves." "Why not?" "Why not, monseigneur." "Why not get half a dozen cats to deal with them?" Why should this be the case, unless it be to enjoy the pleasures of my kitchen? Why hush? "Why not?" "Why?" Why fifteen francs for him, and only three francs for poor Seldon? "Why so?" "Why, it seems that his crime is a lasting one, and, consequently, his punishment ought to be so, too." "Why?" Why did they let him learn Latin? "Why are you not so now?" "Why not?" "Why so?" Why, boy, thy mother's milk is yet scarce dry upon thy lips, and yet thou pratest of standing up with good stout men at Nottingham butts, thou who art scarce able to draw one string of a two-stone bow. "Why, marry," answered jolly Robin, "yon stout fellow hath tumbled me neck and crop into the water and hath given me a drubbing beside." Why, lads, did I not meet that mad wag Simon of Ely, even at the famous fair at Hertford Town, and beat him in the ring at that place before Sir Robert of Leslie and his lady? Why, thy wits are like beer, and do froth up most when they grow sour! "Why, yon same is a right stout fellow whom men hereabouts do call Robin Hood, which same--" "Now, by'r Lady!" "Why, how now," quoth the King wrathfully. Why, how now," quoth he, "is thy proud stomach quailing? Why," answered Robin, "dost thou not see that I have brought goodly company to feast with us today? Why, how now, Reynold Greenleaf? "Why, no more do I," said the Cook. Why, Reynold Greenleaf! "Why, how now, Reynold Greenleaf," cried the Sheriff, "art thou dreaming or art thou mad, that thou dost bring me such, a tale?" Why, thou great oaf! "Why, how now, master," quoth Little John, "what heat is this?" Why, how now, good master," said he. Why, how now," quoth he, "what change is here? Why, thou didst but just now rap me thrice, and I thee never a once, save by overbearing thee by my strength. Why should we speak of this little matter? Why, so thou hast, Little John," said Robin. "Why," quoth Robin in a mighty passion, "yon traitor felt low hath come as nigh slaying me as e'er a man in all the world." Why, how now," quoth he, "is this the guest that thou hast brought us to fill our purse? Why, truly, methinks I have heard it ere now. Why, how now, Fangs! Why, how now! "Why, Tuck, dost thou not know of my ill happening with my father's steward?" "Why, uncle, thou hast not far to go," said Will Scarlet, pointing to the Friar, "for there he stands beside thee." "Why, truly," said the Friar demurely, "some do call me the Curtal Friar of Fountain Dale; others again call me in jest the Abbot of Fountain Abbey; others still again call me simple Friar Tuck." "Why, truly, thou didst not ask me, good master," quoth stout Tuck; "but what didst thou desire of me?" "Why, master," quoth Little John, taking the bags and weighing them in his hand, "here is the chink of gold." Why dost thou not play, fellow? Why, how now! Why, how now," said Robin, after a time, holding Sir Richard off and looking at him from top to toe, "methinks thou art a gayer bird than when I saw thee last. "Why, as for that," quoth Little John, grinning, "mayhap he hath lent me aid to learn a ditty or so." "Why truly, gossip," spoke up Little John, "methinks it would be well to boil our pot a little faster, for the day is passing on." "Why, mayhap there is some other cold fare therein," said the Beggar slyly. "Why," quoth the Beggar, peeping into the mouths of his bags, "I find here a goodly piece of pigeon pie, wrapped in a cabbage leaf to hold the gravy." Why," quoth Robin, "I came this morning from sleeping overnight in Sherwood. "Why, I myself am on the way to Newark," quoth merry Robin, "so that, as two honest men are better than one in roads beset by such a fellow as this Robin Hood, I will jog along with thee, if thou hast no dislike to my company." "Why, as thou art an honest fellow and a rich fellow," said the Corn Engrosser, "I mind not thy company; but, in sooth, I have no great fondness for beggars." "Why, in sooth," said Queen Eleanor, laughing, "I know nought of such matters, but if thou hast a mind to do somewhat in that way, I will strive to pleasure thee." "Why," said young Partington, "for the matter of that, it is ill enow." Why," said he at last, "in the one is good March beer, and in the other is a fat capon. Why, how now, Robin! Why, in sooth, Little John," said he, "thou hast a blundering hard- headed way that seemeth to bring thee right side uppermost in all thy troubles; but let us see who cometh out best this day. Why, forsooth, to come here to Sherwood to hunt up one Robin Hood, also an outlaw, and to take him alive or dead. Why," quoth he, "it is a merry thing to think of one stout outlaw like Robin Hood meeting another stout outlaw like Guy of Gisbourne. Why, I hear that he hath never let blood in all his life, saving when he first came to the forest. "Why, truly, some folk do call him a great archer," said Robin Hood, "but we of Nottinghamshire are famous hands with the longbow." "Why, this," said the Sheriff. Why, certes," quoth he, "yon fellow is the same. Why, man, thy clothes are all over blood! "Why, thus," said Sir Hubert, "let Your Majesty and us here present put on the robes of seven of the Order of Black Friars, and let Your Majesty hang a purse of one hundred pounds beneath your gown; then let us undertake to ride from here to Mansfield Town tomorrow, and, without I am much mistaken, we will both meet with Robin Hood and dine with him before the day be passed." Why, master, thou dost bestow buffets from thy strapping nephew as though they were love taps from some bouncing lass. "Why," quoth merry Robin, rising from the grass, "these are certain gentle guests that came with us from the highroad over by Newstead Abbey." " `Why growest thou so cold, my daughter?" Why growest thou so cold and white, Daughter, my daughter? Why," quoth he, "give thee a se'ennight and thou wilt be roaming the woodlands as boldly as ever. Why, no, I say; distrustful recreants! Why ring not out the bells aloud throughout the town? Why, art not thou the man? Why, what is he? Why, then, Lord Talbot there shall talk with him, And give him chastisement for this abuse. Why speak'st thou not? Why, for my king; tush, that 's a wooden thing! Why, what concerns his freedom unto me? Why, here's a girl! Why, what, I pray, is Margaret more than that? Why should he, then, protect our sovereign, He being of age to govern of himself?-- Cousin of Somerset, join you with me, And all together, with the Duke of Suffolk, We'll quickly hoise Duke Humphrey from his seat. Why droops my lord, like over-ripen'd corn, Hanging the head at Ceres' plenteous load? Why doth the great Duke Humphrey knit his brows, As frowning at the favours of the world? Why are thine eyes fix'd to the sullen earth, Gazing on that which seems to dim thy sight? Why, this is just 'Aio te, Aeacida, Romanos vincere posse. Why, as you, my lord, An 't like your lordly lord-protectorship. Why, Suffolk, England knows thine insolence. Why, how now, uncle Gloster! Why, that's well said. Why, then, thou know'st what colour jet is of? Why, now is Henry king, and Margaret queen; And Humphrey Duke of Gloster scarce himself, That bears so shrewd a maim; two pulls at once-- His lady banish'd, and a limb lopp'd off. Why, yet thy scandal were not wip'd away, But I in danger for the breach of law. Why, madam, that is to the Isle of Man; There to be us'd according to your state. Why, 't is well known that, whiles I was protector, Pity was all the fault that was in me; For I should melt at an offender's tears, And lowly words were ransom for their fault. Why, our authority is his consent, And what we do establish he confirms.-- Then, noble York, take thou this task in hand. Why, that's well said. Why do you rate my Lord of Suffolk thus? Why, then, dame Margaret was ne'er thy joy. Why, Warwick, who should do the duke to death? Why, how now, lords! Why, what tumultuous clamour have we here? Why only, Suffolk, mourn I not for thee, And with the southern clouds contend in tears, Theirs for the earth's increase, mine for my sorrows? Why dost thou quiver, man? Why, Buckingham, is the traitor Cade surpris'd? Why, rude companion, whatsoe'er thou be, I know thee not! Why, what a brood of traitors have we here! Why, Warwick, hath thy knee forgot to bow?-- Old Salisbury, shame to thy silver hair, Thou mad misleader of thy brainsick son! Why art thou old, and want'st experience? Why whisper you, my lords, and answer not? Why should you sigh, my lord? Why, how now, sons and brother! Why do we linger thus? Why com'st thou in such post? Why come you not?--what! Why art thou patient, man? Why, therefore Warwick came to seek you out, And therefore comes my brother Montague. Why then it sorts; brave warriors, let's away. Why, that is spoken like a toward prince. Why, that's my fortune too; therefore I'll stay. Why, how now, long-tongued Warwick! Why stand we like soft-hearted women here, Wailing our losses whiles the foe doth rage, And look upon, as if the tragedy Were play'd in jest by counterfeiting actors? Why linger we? Why, so I am, in mind; and that's enough. Why, am I dead? Why, then, I will do what your grace commands. Why stops my lord? Why, then, thy husband's lands I freely give thee. Why, then, you mean not as I thought you did. Why, then thou shalt not have thy husband's lands. Why, then mine honesty shall be my dower, For by that loss I will not purchase them. Why, Clarence, to myself. Why, then I do but dream on sovereignty, Like one that stands upon a promontory, And spies a far-off shore where he would tread, Wishing his foot were equal with his eye, And chides the sea that sunders him from thence, Saying, he'll lade it dry to have his way. Why, love forswore me in my mother's womb; And, for I should not deal in her soft laws, She did corrupt frail nature with some bribe To shrink mine arm up like a wither'd shrub; To make an envious mountain on my back, Where sits deformity to mock my body; To shape my legs of an unequal size; To disproportion me in every part, Like to a chaos, or an unlick'd bear-whelp That carries no impression like the dam. Why, I can smile, and murther while I smile, And cry 'Content! Why, say, fair queen, whence springs this deep despair? Why, Warwick, canst thou speak against thy liege, Whom thou obeyedst thirty and six years, And not bewray thy treason with a blush? Why stay we now? Why, knows not Montague that of itself England is safe if true within itself? Why, so! Why then, let's on our way in silent sort; For Warwick and his friends, God and Saint George! Why, no; for he hath made a solemn vow Never to lie and take his natural rest Till Warwick or himself be quite suppress'd. Why, brother Rivers, are you yet to learn What late misfortune is befallen King Edward? Why, then, though loath, yet I must be content. Why, and I challenge nothing but my dukedom, As being well content with that alone. Why, master mayor, why stand you in a doubt? Why shall we fight if you pretend no title? Why, brother, wherefore stand you on nice points? Why, then, 't is mine, if but by Warwick's gift. Why, trow'st thou, Warwick, That Clarence is so harsh, so blunt, unnatural, To bend the fatal instruments of war Against his brother and his lawful king? Why ask I that? Why, what is pomp, rule, reign, but earth and dust? Why, then I would not fly.--Ah, Montague! Why, is not Oxford here another anchor, And Somerset another goodly mast? Why, courage then! Why should she live to fill the world with words? Why, what a peevish fool was that of Crete That taught his son the office of a fowl! Why, this it is when men are rul'd by women:-- 'Tis not the king that sends you to the Tower; My Lady Grey his wife, Clarence, 'tis she That tempers him to this extremity. Why, then he is alive. Why, that was he. Why dost thou spit at me? Why, so I did; but look'd for no reply. Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spider, Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about? Why looks your grace so heavily to-day? Why, then he'll say we stabb'd him sleeping. Why, so he doth, when he delivers you From this earth's thraldom to the joys of heaven. Why, so. Why, madam, have I off'red love for this, To be so flouted in this royal presence? Why do you weep so oft, and beat your breast, And cry "O Clarence, my unhappy son! Why do you look on us, and shake your head, And call us orphans, wretches, castaways, If that our noble father were alive? Why wither not the leaves that want their sap?-- If you will live, lament; if die, be brief, That our swift-winged souls may catch the king's; Or, like obedient subjects, follow him To his new kingdom of perpetual rest. Why with some little train, my Lord of Buckingham? Why, so hath this, both by his father and mother. Why, my good cousin? Why, what should you fear? Why, Buckingham, I say I would be king. Why, so you are, my thrice-renowned lord. Why, then thou hast it: two deep enemies, Foes to my rest, and my sweet sleep's disturbers, Are they that I would have thee deal upon:-- Tyrell, I mean those bastards in the Tower. Why let it strike? Why should calamity be full of words? Why, then, by God,-- QUEEN ELIZABETH. Why, what wouldst thou do there before I go? Why, then All-Souls' day is my body's doomsday. Why, our battalia trebles that account: Besides, the king's name is a tower of strength, Which they upon the adverse faction want.-- Up with the tent!--Come, noble gentlemen, Let us survey the vantage of the ground;-- Call for some men of sound direction:-- Let's lack no discipline, make no delay; For, lords, to-morrow is a busy day. Why, then 'tis time to arm and give direction.-- [He advances to the Troops. Why, what is that to me More than to Richmond? Why should their liberty than ours be more? Why, headstrong liberty is lash'd with woe. Why, mistress, sure my master is horn-mad. Why, first,--for flouting me; and then wherefore, For urging it the second time to me. Why is Time such a niggard of hair, being, as it is, so plentiful an excrement? Why, but there's many a man hath more hair than wit. Why, thou didst conclude hairy men plain dealers without wit. Why prat'st thou to thyself, and answer'st not? Why call you me love? Why, how now, Dromio? Why, give it to my wife, and fetch your money. Why, thou peevish sheep, What ship of Epidamnum stays for me? Why, man, what is the matter? Why, 'tis a plain case: he that went like a bass-viol in a case of leather; the man, sir, that, when gentlemen are tired, gives them a sob, and 'rests them; he, sir, that takes pity on decayed men, and gives them suits of durance; he that sets up his rest to do more exploits with his mace than a morris-pike. Why, sir, I brought you word an hour since that the bark Expedition put forth to-night; and then were you hindered by the sergeant, to tarry for the hoy, Delay: here are the angels that you sent for to deliver you. Why, Dromio? Why, sir, I gave the money for the rope. Why, so I did. Why, this is strange:--Go call the abbess hither: I think you are all mated, or stark mad. Why look you strange on me? Why, here begins his morning story right: These two Antipholus', these two so like, And these two Dromios, one in semblance,-- Besides her urging of her wreck at sea,-- These are the parents to these children, Which accidentally are met together. Why hunt I then for colour or excuses? Why should the worm intrude the maiden bud? Why hath thy servant, Opportunity, Betray'd the hours thou gav'st me to repose? Why work'st thou mischief in thy pilgrimage, Unless thou couldst return to make amends? Why should the private pleasure of some one Become the public plague of many mo? Why art thou thus attir'd in discontent? Why, Collatine, is woe the cure for woe? Why, boy, although our mother, unadvis'd, Gave you a dancing-rapier by your side, Are you so desperate grown to threat your friends? Why, how now, lords! Why, are ye mad? Why mak'st thou it so strange? Why, then, it seems some certain snatch or so Would serve your turns. Why, hark ye, hark ye,--and are you such fools To square for this? Why are you sequester'd from all your train, Dismounted from your snow-white goodly steed, And wander'd hither to an obscure plot, Accompanied but with a barbarous Moor, If foul desire had not conducted you? Why have I patience to endure all this? Why doth your highness look so pale and wan? Why dost not comfort me, and help me out From this unhallow'd and blood-stained hole? Why dost not speak to me?-- Alas, a crimson river of warm blood, Like to a bubbling fountain stirr'd with wind, Doth rise and fall between thy rosed lips, Coming and going with thy honey breath. Why, 'tis no matter, man: if they did hear, They would not mark me; if they did mark, They would not pity me; yet plead I must, And bootless unto them. Why, foolish Lucius, dost thou not perceive That Rome is but a wilderness of tigers? Why, Marcus, so she is. Why dost thou laugh? Why, I have not another tear to shed: Besides, this sorrow is an enemy, And would usurp upon my watery eyes, And make them blind with tributary tears: Then which way shall I find revenge's cave? Why, Marcus, no man should be mad but I. Why do the emperor's trumpets flourish thus? Why, what a caterwauling dost thou keep! Why, then she is the devil's dam; a joyful issue. Why, there's the privilege your beauty bears: Fie, treacherous hue, that will betray with blushing The close enacts and counsels of thy heart! Why, so, brave lords! Why, there it goes: God give his lordship joy! Why, villain, art not thou the carrier? Why, didst thou not come from heaven? Why, I am going with my pigeons to the tribunal plebs, to take up a matter of brawl betwixt my uncle and one of the imperial's men. Why, sir, that is as fit as can be to serve for your oration; and let him deliver the pigeons to the emperor from you. Why, lords, what wrongs are these! Why should you fear? Why dost not speak? Why, she was wash'd, and cut, and trimm'd; and 'twas Trim sport for them which had the doing of it. Why art thou thus attir'd, Andronicus? Why hast thou slain thine only daughter thus? Why, there they are, both baked in that pie, Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred. Why, Bellman is as good as he, my lord; He cried upon it at the merest loss, And twice to-day pick'd out the dullest scent; Trust me, I take him for the better dog. Why, sir, you know no house nor no such maid, Nor no such men as you have reckon'd up, As Stephen Sly, and old John Naps of Greece, And Peter Turf, and Henry Pimpernell; And twenty more such names and men as these, Which never were, nor no man ever saw. Why will you mew her up, Signior Baptista, for this fiend of hell, And make her bear the penance of her tongue? Why, and I trust I may go too, may I not? Why, sir, what am I, sir, that I should knock you here, sir? Why came I hither but to that intent? Why, sir, I pray, are not the streets as free For me as for you? Why, how now, dame! Why, that is nothing; for I tell you, father, I am as peremptory as she proud-minded; And where two raging fires meet together, They do consume the thing that feeds their fury: Though little fire grows great with little wind, Yet extreme gusts will blow out fire and all; So I to her, and so she yields to me; For I am rough and woo not like a babe. Why dost thou look so pale? Why, then thou canst not break her to the lute? Why, no; for she hath broke the lute to me. Why, what's a moveable? Why, here's no crab, and therefore look not sour. Why does the world report that Kate doth limp? Why, how now, daughter Katherine, in your dumps? Why, then the maid is mine from all the world, By your firm promise; Gremio is out-vied. Why, gentlemen, you do me double wrong, To strive for that which resteth in my choice. Why, I am past my gamut long ago. Why, is it not news to hear of Petruchio's coming? Why, no, sir. Why, Petruchio is coming, in a new hat and an old jerkin; a pair of old breeches thrice turned; a pair of boots that have been candle- cases, one buckled, another laced; an old rusty sword ta'en out of the town armoury, with a broken hilt, and chapeless; with two broken points: his horse hipped with an old mothy saddle and stirrups of no kindred; besides, possessed with the glanders and like to mose in the chine; troubled with the lampass, infected with the fashions, full of windgalls, sped with spavins, rayed with the yellows, past cure of the fives, stark spoiled with the staggers, begnawn with the bots, swayed in the back and shoulder-shotten; near-legged before, and with a half- checked bit, and a head-stall of sheep's leather, which, being restrained to keep him from stumbling, hath been often burst, and now repaired with knots; one girth six times pieced, and a woman's crupper of velure, which hath two letters for her name fairly set down in studs, and here and there pieced with pack-thread. Why, sir, he comes not. Why, that's all one. Why, sir, you know this is your wedding-day: First were we sad, fearing you would not come; Now sadder, that you come so unprovided. Why, 'tis impossible. Why, he's a devil, a devil, a very fiend. Why, she's a devil, a devil, the devil's dam. Why, thy horn is a foot; and so long am I at the least. Why, 'Jack boy! Why, therefore, fire; for I have caught extreme cold. Why, a horse. Why, she hath a face of her own. Why, she comes to borrow nothing of them. Why, when, I say?--Nay, good sweet Kate, be merry.-- Off with my boots, you rogues! Why then the beef, and let the mustard rest. Why then the mustard without the beef. Why, this was moulded on a porringer; A velvet dish: fie, fie! Why, sir, I trust I may have leave to speak; And speak I will. Why, thou say'st true; it is a paltry cap, A custard-coffin, a bauble, a silken pie; I love thee well in that thou lik'st it not. Why, ay: come, tailor, let us see't. Why, what i' devil's name, tailor, call'st thou this? Why, true; he means to make a puppet of thee. Why, here is the note of the fashion to testify. Why, sir, what's your conceit in that? Why, so this gallant will command the sun. Why, how now, Kate! Why, sir, what 'cerns it you if I wear pearl and gold? Why, tell me, is not this my Cambio? Why, then, let's home again. Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth, Unapt to toll and trouble in the world, But that our soft conditions and our hearts Should well agree with our external parts? Why, there's a wench! Why then, my horns are his horns, whether I wake or sleep. Why, that's noddy. Why, sir, how do you bear with me? Why, couldst thou perceive so much from her? Why not on Proteus, as of all the rest? Why, he, of all the rest, hath never moved me. Why didst thou stoop, then? Why, what of him? Why, this it is: my heart accords thereto, And yet a thousand times it answers 'no. Why, then, this may be yours; for this is but one. Why, sir, who bade you call her? Why, how know you that I am in love? Why, sir, I know her not. Why? Why, if it please you, take it for your labour. Why, she hath not writ to me? Why, do you not perceive the jest? Why, she hath given you a letter. Why muse you, sir? Why, then, we'll make exchange. Why weep'st thou, man? Why, he that's tied here, Crab, my dog. Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with my tears; if the wind were down, I could drive the boat with my sighs. Why, lady, Love hath twenty pair of eyes. Why, Valentine, what braggardism is this? Why then, how stands the matter with them? Why, stand-under and under-stand is all one. Why, thou whoreson ass, thou mistak'st me. Why, fool, I meant not thee, I meant thy master. Why, I tell thee I care not though he burn himself in love. Why? Why then, your ladyship must cut your hair. Why even what fashion thou best likes, Lucetta. Why then I would resort to her by night. Why then a ladder, quaintly made of cords, To cast up with a pair of anchoring hooks, Would serve to scale another Hero's tow'r, So bold Leander would adventure it. Why, any cloak will serve the turn, my lord. Why, Phaethon--for thou art Merops' son-- Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car, And with thy daring folly burn the world? Why, sir, I'll strike nothing. Why, a horse can do no more: nay, a horse cannot fetch, but only carry; therefore is she better than a jade. Why, it is at sea. Why, man? Why, as black as ink. Why, that word makes the faults gracious. Why, then will I tell thee,--that thy master stays for thee at the North-gate. Why didst not tell me sooner? Why, ne'er repent it, if it were done so. Why, my pretty youth? Why dost thou cry 'Alas'? Why then, She's fled unto that peasant Valentine; And Eglamour is in her company. Why, this it is to be a peevish girl That flies her fortune when it follows her. Why, boy! Why, this is the ring I gave to Julia. Why, that to know which else we should not know. Why, all delights are vain; but that most vain Which, with pain purchas'd, doth inherit pain: As painfully to pore upon a book, To seek the light of truth; while truth the while Doth falsely blind the eyesight of his look. Why should I joy in any abortive birth? Why, sadness is one and the self-same thing, dear imp. Why tough senior? Why tough senior? Why tender juvenal? Why tender juvenal? Why, sir, is this such a piece of study? Why, will shall break it; will, and nothing else. Why, all his behaviours did make their retire To the court of his eye, peeping thorough desire; His heart, like an agate, with your print impress'd, Proud with his form, in his eye pride express'd; His tongue, all impatient to speak and not see, Did stumble with haste in his eyesight to be; All senses to that sense did make their repair, To feel only looking on fairest of fair. Why, it carries it. Why, it is a fairer name than French crown. Why, then, three-farthing worth of silk. Why, villain, thou must know first. Why, she that bears the bow. Why, he comes in like a perjure, wearing papers. Why, then incision Would let her out in saucers: sweet misprision! Why dost thou tear it? Why, universal plodding poisons up The nimble spirits in the arteries, As motion and long-during action tires The sinewy vigour of the traveller. Why, that contempt will kill the speaker's heart, And quite divorce his memory from his part. Why, that they have; and bid them so be gone. Why take we hands then? Why looks your Highness sad? Why look you pale? Why ask you? Why, that's the way to choke a gibing spirit, Whose influence is begot of that loose grace Which shallow laughing hearers give to fools. Why, what a madcap hath heaven lent us here! Why answer not the double majesties This friendly treaty of our threaten'd town? Why dost thou look so sadly on my son? Why holds thine eye that lamentable rheum, Like a proud river peering o'er his bounds? Why do you bend such solemn brows on me? Why seek'st thou to possess me with these fears? Why urgest thou so oft young Arthur's death? Why should I then be false, since it is true That I must die here, and live hence by truth? Why may I not demand Of thine affairs, as well as thou of mine? Why, here walk I, in the black brow of night, To find you out. Why, know you not? Why then, I will. Why then, the champions are prepar'd, and stay For nothing but his Majesty's approach. Why, uncle, thou hast many years to live. Why at our justice seem'st thou then to lower? Why, cousin, wert thou regent of the world, It were a shame to let this land by lease; But for thy world enjoying but this land, Is it not more than shame to shame it so? Why, uncle, what's the matter? Why hop'st thou so? Why have you not proclaim'd Northumberland And all the rest revolted faction traitors? Why, so! Why, is he not with the Queen? Why have those banish'd and forbidden legs Dar'd once to touch a dust of England's ground? Why, foolish boy, the king is left behind, And in my loyal bosom lies his power. Why, 'twas my care, And what loss is it to be rid of care? Why, it contains no king? Why should we in the compass of a pale Keep law and form and due proportion, Showing, as in a model, our firm estate, When our sea- walled garden, the whole land, Is full of weeds; her fairest flowers chok'd up, Her fruit trees all unprun'd, her hedges ruin'd, Her knots disordered, and her wholesome herbs Swarming with caterpillars? Why dost thou say King Richard is depos'd? Why, Bishop, is Norfolk dead? Why, what is it, my lord? Why, York, what wilt thou do? Why do I rail on thee, Since thou, created to be aw'd by man, Wast born to bear? Why, such is love's transgression.-- Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast; Which thou wilt propagate, to have it prest With more of thine: this love that thou hast shown Doth add more grief to too much of mine own. Why, Romeo, art thou mad? Why, may one ask? Why, how now, kinsman! Why, uncle, 'tis a shame. Why, what is Tybalt? --Why, is not this a lamentable thing, grandsire, that we should be thus afflicted with these strange flies, these fashion-mongers, these pardonnez-moi's, who stand so much on the new form that they cannot sit at ease on the old bench? Why, then is my pump well-flowered. Why, is not this better now than groaning for love? Why dost thou stay? Why rail'st thou on thy birth, the heaven, and earth? Why, how now, Juliet? Why, I am glad on't; this is well,--stand up,-- This is as't should be.--Let me see the county; Ay, marry, go, I say, and fetch him hither.-- Now, afore God, this reverend holy friar, All our whole city is much bound to him. Why 'Heart's ease'? Why I descend into this bed of death Is partly to behold my lady's face, But chiefly to take thence from her dead finger A precious ring, --a ring that I must use In dear employment: therefore hence, be gone:-- But if thou, jealous, dost return to pry In what I further shall intend to do, By heaven, I will tear thee joint by joint, And strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs: The time and my intents are savage-wild; More fierce and more inexorable far Than empty tigers or the roaring sea. Why art thou here, Come from the farthest steep of India, But that, forsooth, the bouncing Amazon, Your buskin'd mistress and your warrior love, To Theseus must be wedded; and you come To give their bed joy and prosperity. Why seek'st thou me? Why, then you are in love. Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster, Sleep when he wakes, and creep into the jaundice By being peevish? Why, look you, how you storm! Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it; Within these two months, that's a month before This bond expires, I do expect return Of thrice three times the value of this bond. Why, then you must. Why, Jessica! Why, 'tis an office of discovery, love, And I should be obscur'd. Why, that's the lady: I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes, In graces, and in qualities of breeding; But more than these, in love I do deserve. Why, that's the lady: all the world desires her; From the four corners of the earth they come, To kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint: The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds Of wide Arabia are as throughfares now For princes to come view fair Portia: The watery kingdom, whose ambitious head Spits in the face of heaven, is no bar To stop the foreign spirits, but they come As o'er a brook to see fair Portia. Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail; With him is Gratiano gone along; And in their ship I am sure Lorenzo is not. Why, all the boys in Venice follow him, Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his ducats. Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house; Tell me once more what title thou dost bear: 'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wrack'd on the narrow seas; the Goodwins, I think they call the place, a very dangerous flat and fatal, where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my gossip Report be an honest woman of her word. Why, the end is, he hath lost a ship. Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt not take his flesh: what's that good for? Why, revenge. Why there, there, there, there! Why, so: and I know not what's spent in the search. Why, thou--loss upon loss! Why, shall we turn to men? Why, if two gods should play some heavenly match, And on the wager lay two earthly women, And Portia one, there must be something else Pawn'd with the other; for the poor rude world Hath not her fellow. Why sweat they under burdens? Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? Why, this bond is forfeit; And lawfully by this the Jew may claim A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off Nearest the merchant's heart. Why then, thus it is: You must prepare your bosom for his knife. Why doth the Jew pause? Why, then the devil give him good of it! Why, this is like the mending of high ways In summer, where the ways are fair enough. Why, what a pox have I to do with my hostess of the tavern? Why, Hal, 'tis my vocation, Hal; 'tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation. Why, that's well said. Why, we will set forth before or after them, and appoint them a place of meeting, wherein it is at our pleasure to fail; and then will they adventure upon the exploit themselves; which they shall have no sooner achieved but we'll set upon them. Why, yet he doth deny his prisoners, But with proviso and exception, That we at our own charge shall ransom straight His brother-in-law, the foolish Mortimer; Who, on my soul, hath wilfully betray'd The lives of those that he did lead to fight Against that great magician, damn'd Glendower, Whose daughter, as we hear, the Earl of March Hath lately married. Why, what a wasp-stung and impatient fool Art thou, to break into this woman's mood, Tying thine ear to no tongue but thine own! Why, look you, I am whipp'd and scourged with rods, Nettled, and stung with pismires, when I hear Of this vile politician, Bolingbroke. Why, it cannot choose but be a noble plot:-- And then the power of Scotland and of York To join with Mortimer, ha? Why, my Lord of York commends the plot and the general course of the action. Why dost thou bend thine eyes upon the earth, And start so often when thou sitt'st alone? Why hast thou lost the fresh blood in thy cheeks; And given my treasures and my rights of thee To thick-eyed musing and curst melancholy? Why, my horse, my love, my horse. Why, then, your brown bastard is your only drink; for, look you, Francis, your white canvas doublet will sully: in Barbary, sir, it cannot come to so much. Why, you whoreson round man, what's the matter? Why, thou nott-pated fool, thou whoreson, obscene greasy tallow- keech,-- FAL. Why, how couldst thou know these men in Kendal green, when it was so dark thou couldst not see thy hand? Why, hear ye, my masters: Was it for me to kill the heir-apparent? Why, he hack'd it with his dagger; and said he would swear truth out of England, but he would make you believe it was done in fight; and persuaded us to do the like. Why, what a rascal art thou, then, to praise him so for running! Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend Vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years? Why, so it would have done at the same season, if your mother's cat had but kitten'd, though yourself had never been born. Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them? Why, I can teach you, cousin, to command the Devil. Why, that will I. Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, Which art my near'st and dearest enemy? Why, my skin hangs about me like an old lady's loose gown; I am withered like an old apple-John. Why, there is it: come, sing me a song; make me merry. Why, you are so fat, Sir John, that you must needs be out of all compass, --out of all reasonable compass, Sir John. Why, Sir John, my face does you no harm. Why, Sir John, what do you think, Sir John? Why, she's neither fish nor flesh; a man knows not where to have her. Why, Hal, thou know'st, as thou art but man, I dare; but as thou art prince, I fear thee as I fear the roaring of the lion's whelp. Why say you so? Why, thou owest God a death. Why? Why, then I see A very valiant rebel of the name. Why may not he rise as well as I? Why, Percy I kill'd myself, and saw thee dead. Why, it is affectations. Why, sir, for my part, I say the gentleman had drunk himself out of his five sentences. Why, if it be so, I will marry her upon any reasonable demands. Why do your dogs bark so? Why, then, let kibes ensue. Why, he hath not been thrice in my company! Why, I'll exhibit a bill in the parliament for the putting down of men. Why, this is the very same; the very hand, the very words. Why, look where he comes; and my good man too: he's as far from jealousy as I am from giving him cause; and that, I hope, is an unmeasurable distance. Why, sir, my wife is not young. Why then, the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open. Why, sir, she's a good creature. Why, you say well. Why, I will. Why? Why, this boy will carry a letter twenty mile as easy as a cannon will shoot point-blank twelve score. Why, now let me die, for I have lived long enough: this is the period of my ambition: O this blessed hour! Why, alas, what's the matter? Why, what have you to do whither they bear it? Why, thou must be thyself. Why, how now! Why, none but mine own people. Why? Why, woman, your husband is in his old lunes again. Why, does he talk of him? Why, then, you are utterly shamed, and he's but a dead man. Why, this passes, Master Ford! Why, this is lunatics! Why, man, why? Why, it is my maid's aunt of Brainford. Why, yet there want not many that do fear In deep of night to walk by this Herne's oak. Why, sir, they were nothing but about Mistress Anne Page: to know if it were my master's fortune to have her or no. Why, now is Cupid a child of conscience; he makes restitution. Why, Sir John, do you think, though we would have thrust virtue out of our hearts by the head and shoulders, and have given ourselves without scruple to hell, that ever the devil could have made you our delight? Why, this is your own folly. Why, did you take her in green? Why went you not with Master Doctor, maid? Why is Rumour here? Why should that gentleman that rode by Travers Give then such instances of loss? Why, he is dead. Why, sir, did I say you were an honest man? Why, a prince should not be so loosely studied as to remember so weak a composition. Why, because you have been so lewd and so much engraffed to Falstaff. Why, this is a certificate. Why, then, cover, and set them down: and see if thou canst find out Sneak's noise; Mistress Tearsheet would fain hear some music. Why, that 's well said; a good heart's worth gold. Why, then, let grievous, ghastly, gaping wounds Untwine the Sisters Three! Why does the prince love him so, then? Why, thou globe of sinful continents, what a life dost thou lead! Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs, Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee And hush'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber Than in the perfumed chambers of the great, Under the canopies of costly state, And lull'd with sound of sweetest melody? Why then, good morrow to you all, my lords. Why not to him in part, and to us all That feel the bruises of the days before, And suffer the condition of these times To lay a heavy and unequal hand Upon our honours? Why art thou not at Windsor with him, Thomas? Why doth the crown lie there upon his pillow, Being so troublesome a bedfellow? Why did you leave me here alone, my lords? Why, Davy! Why, there spoke a king. Why, now you have done me right. Why then, say an old man can do somewhat. Why then, lament therefore. Why, i' faith, methinks she's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise; only this commendation I can afford her, that were she other than she is, she were unhandsome, and being no other but as she is, I do not like her. Why, then, your visor should be thatch'd. Why, he is the prince's jester: a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising impossible slanders: none but libertines delight in him; and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villany; for he both pleases men and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat him. Why, that's spoken like an honest drovier: so they sell bullocks. Why, how now, count! Why these are very crotchets that he speaks; Notes, notes, forsooth, and nothing! Why, what effects of passion shows she? Why did you so? Why, you speak truth. Why, every day, to-morrow. Why, what's the matter? Why, then, take no note of him, but let him go; and presently call the rest of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of a knave. Why, you speak like an ancient and most quiet watchman, for I cannot see how sleeping should offend; only have a care that your bills be not stolen. Why then, let them alone till they are sober: if they make you not then the better answer, you may say they are not the men you took them for. Why then, depart in peace, and let the child wake her with crying; for the ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes, will never answer a calf when he bleats. Why, how now? Why then, some be of laughing, as ah! Why, then are you no maiden. Why, how now, cousin! Why, doth not every earthly thing Cry shame upon her? Why had I one? Why ever wast thou lovely in mine eyes? Why had I not with charitable hand Took up a beggar's issue at my gates, Who smirched thus, and mir'd with infamy, I might have said, 'No part of it is mine; This shame derives itself from unknown loins? Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse That which appears in proper nakedness? Why then, God forgive me! Why, this is flat perjury, to call a prince's brother villain. Why, what's the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness? Why then, she's mine. Why, no; no more than reason. Why, then, your uncle and the prince and Claudio Have been deceived; for they swore you did. Why, then my cousin, Margaret, and Ursula, Are much deceiv'd; for they did swear you did. Why, so didst thou. Why, so didst thou. Why, so didst thou. Why, so didst thou. Why then, rejoice therefore. Why, this is an arrant counterfeit rascal. Why, 't is a gull, a fool, a rogue, that now and then goes to the wars, to grace himself at his return into London under the form of a soldier. Why, the enemy is loud; you hear him all night. Why do you stay so long, my lords of France? Why, now thou hast unwish'd five thousand men, Which likes me better than to wish us one. Why, all our ranks are broke. Why, I pray you, is not pig great? Why, here he comes, swelling like a turkey-cock. Why, sir, a carpenter. Why, sir, cobble you. Why dost thou lead these men about the streets? Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world Like a Colossus; and we petty men Walk under his huge legs and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves. Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Why, you were with him, were you not? Why, there was a crown offer'd him; and being offer'd him, he put it by with the back of his hand, thus; and then the people fell a-shouting. Why, for that too. Why, for that too. Why, Antony. Why are you breathless, and why stare you so? Why, saw you anything more wonderful? Why, so I do. Why dost thou stay? Why, know'st thou any harm's intended towards him? Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life Cuts off so many years of fearing death. Why, friends, you go to do you know not what. Why ask you? Why, farewell, Portia. Why comest thou? Why, I will see thee at Philippi, then. Why did you so cry out, sirs, in your sleep? Why do you cross me in this exigent? Why, now, blow wind, swell billow, and swim bark! Why then, lead on. Why dost thou show to the apt thoughts of men The things that are not? Why didst thou send me forth, brave Cassius? Why, now thou diest as bravely as Titinius; And mayst be honour'd, being Cato's son. Why, this, Volumnius: The ghost of Caesar hath appear'd to me Two several times by night; at Sardis once, And this last night here in Philippi fields: I know my hour is come. Why, this that I speak of. Why, cousin; why, Rosalind;--Cupid have mercy!--Not a word? Why should I not? Why, whither shall we go? Why are you virtuous? Why would you be so fond to overcome The bonny prizer of the humorous duke? Why, what's the matter? Why, whither, Adam, wouldst thou have me go? Why, how now, Adam! Why, how now, monsieur! Why, who cries out on pride That can therein tax any private party? Why, I have eat none yet. Why, if thou never wast at court thou never saw'st good manners; if thou never saw'st good manners, then thy manners must be wicked; and wickedness is sin, and sin is damnation. Why, we are still handling our ewes; and their fells, you know, are greasy. Why, do not your courtier's hands sweat? Why should this a desert be? Why, God will send more if the man will be thankful: let me stay the growth of his beard, if thou delay me not the knowledge of his chin. Why, what means this? Why do you look on me? Why, I am sorry for thee, gentle Silvius. Why, that were covetousness. Why, 'tis good to be sad and say nothing. Why then, 'tis good to be a post. Why, horns; which such as you are fain to be beholding to your wives for: but he comes armed in his fortune, and prevents the slander of his wife. Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?--Come, sister, you shall be the priest, and marry us.--Give me your hand, Orlando:--What do you say, sister? Why, now; as fast as she can marry us. Why, 'tis a boisterous and a cruel style; A style for challengers: why, she defies me, Like Turk to Christian: women's gentle brain Could not drop forth such giant-rude invention, Such Ethiop words, blacker in their effect Than in their countenance.--Will you hear the letter? Why, thy godhead laid apart, Warr'st thou with a woman's heart? Why, how now, Ganymede! Why, thou say'st well. Why, then, to-morrow I cannot serve your turn for Rosalind? Why do you speak too,--'Why blame you me to love you? Why, 'tis a loving and a fair reply: Be as ourself in Denmark.--Madam, come; This gentle and unforc'd accord of Hamlet Sits smiling to my heart: in grace whereof, No jocund health that Denmark drinks to-day But the great cannon to the clouds shall tell; And the king's rouse the heaven shall bruit again, Re-speaking earthly thunder. Why, she would hang on him As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on: and yet, within a month,-- Let me not think on't,-- Frailty, thy name is woman!-- A little month; or ere those shoes were old With which she followed my poor father's body Like Niobe, all tears;--why she, even she,-- O God! Why, what should be the fear? Why, right; you are i' the right; And so, without more circumstance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands and part: You, as your business and desires shall point you,-- For every man hath business and desire, Such as it is;--and for my own poor part, Look you, I'll go pray. Why, then 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison. Why, then, your ambition makes it one; 'tis too narrow for your mind. Why, anything--but to the purpose. Why did you laugh then, when I said 'Man delights not me'? Why-- 'One fair daughter, and no more, The which he loved passing well. Why-- 'As by lot, God wot,' and then, you know, 'It came to pass, as most like it was--' The first row of the pious chanson will show you more; for look where my abridgment comes. Why, what an ass am I! Why should the poor be flatter'd? Why, let the strucken deer go weep, The hart ungalled play; For some must watch, while some must sleep: So runs the world away.-- Would not this, sir, and a forest of feathers--if the rest of my fortunes turn Turk with me,--with two Provincial roses on my razed shoes, get me a fellowship in a cry of players, sir? Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you make of me! Why, how now, Hamlet! Why, look you there! Why, then the Polack never will defend it. Why, now you speak Like a good child and a true gentleman. Why ask you this? Why, 'tis found so. Why, there thou say'st: and the more pity that great folk should have countenance in this world to drown or hang themselves more than their even Christian.--Come, my spade. Why, he had none. Why, e'en so: and now my Lady Worm's; chapless, and knocked about the mazard with a sexton's spade: here's fine revolution, an we had the trick to see't. Why, because he was mad: he shall recover his wits there; or, if he do not, it's no great matter there. Why? Why, here in Denmark: I have been sexton here, man and boy, thirty years. Why he more than another? Why, sir, his hide is so tann'd with his trade that he will keep out water a great while; and your water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body. Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander till he find it stopping a bung-hole? Why, I will fight with him upon this theme Until my eyelids will no longer wag. Why, even in that was heaven ordinant. Why, man, they did make love to this employment; They are not near my conscience; their defeat Does by their own insinuation grow: 'Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes Between the pass and fell incensed points Of mighty opposites. Why, what a king is this! Why, as a woodcock to my own springe, Osric; I am justly kill'd with mine own treachery. Why does the drum come hither? Why, so I do, the noblest that I have: O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purg'd the air of pestilence; That instant was I turn'd into a hart; And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, E'er since pursue me.--How now! Why, let her except, before excepted. Why, he has three thousand ducats a year. Why, I think so; I am not such an ass but I can keep my hand dry. Why, would that have mended my hair? Why, of mankind. Why, what would you? Why, this is the best fooling, when all is done. Why that? Why, she may command me: I serve her, she is my lady. Why, this is evident to any formal capacity; there is no obstruction in this;--And the end,--What should that alphabetical position portend? Why, thou hast put him in such a dream, that, when the image of it leaves him, he must run mad. Why, man? Why, sir, her name's a word; and to dally with that word might make my sister wanton. Why, then, methinks 'tis time to smile again: O world, how apt the poor are to be proud! Why, then, build me thy fortunes upon the basis of valour. Why I your purse? Why, what's the matter? Why, how dost thou, man? Why dost thou smile so, and kiss thy hand so oft? Why appear you with this ridiculous boldness before my lady? Why, this is very midsummer madness. Why, everything adheres together; that no dram of a scruple, no scruple of a scruple, no obstacle, no incredulous or unsafe circumstance,--What can be said? Why, how now, my bawcock? Why, we shall make him mad indeed. Why, man, he's a very devil; I have not seen such a virago. Why, there's for thee, and there, and there. Why, it hath bay windows transparent as barricadoes, and the clear storeys toward the south-north are as lustrous as ebony; and yet complainest thou of obstruction? Why, this is excellent. Why should I not, had I the heart to do it. Why do you speak to me? Why, 'some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrown upon them. Why should I war without the walls of Troy That find such cruel battle here within? Why, Paris hath colour enough. Why, he is very young, and yet will he within three pound lift as much as his brother Hector. Why, you know, 'tis dimpled. Why, go to, then! Why, he esteems her no more than I esteem an addle egg. Why, this is brave now. Why, this will do Helen's heart good now, ha! Why, have you any discretion? Why then, you princes, Do you with cheeks abash'd behold our works And call them shames, which are, indeed, nought else But the protractive trials of great Jove To find persistive constancy in men; The fineness of which metal is not found In fortune's love? Why, 'tis most meet. Why, how now, Ajax! Why keep we her? Why, she is a Whose price hath launch'd above a thousand ships, And turn'd crown'd kings to merchants. Why, brother Hector, We may not think the justness of each act Such and no other than event doth form it; Nor once deject the courage of our minds Because Cassandra's mad. Why, there you touch'd the life of our design. Why, my cheese, my digestion, why hast thou not served thyself in to my table so many meals? Why am I a fool? Why should a man be proud? Why will he not, upon our fair request, Untent his person and share the air with us? Why 'tis this naming of him does him harm. Why should you say Cressida? Why, this is kindly done. Why, they are vipers. Why was my Cressid then so hard to win? Why have I blabb'd? Why, 'a stalks up and down like a peacock--a stride and a stand; ruminaies like an hostess that hath no arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning, bites his lip with a politic regard, as who should say 'There were wit in this head, an 'twould out'; and so there is; but it lies as coldly in him as fire in a flint, which will not show without knocking. Why, he'll answer nobody; he professes not answering. Why, but he is not in this tune, is he? Why sigh you so profoundly? Why tell you me of moderation? Why, beg then. Why then, for Venus' sake give me a kiss When Helen is a maid again, and his. Why, then will I no more. Why dost thou so oppress me with thine eye? Why, thou picture of what thou seemest, and idol of idiot worshippers, here's a letter for thee. Why, thou full dish of fool, from Troy. Why, his masculine whore. Why, thou damnable box of envy, thou, what meanest thou to curse thus? Why, no, you ruinous butt; you whoreson indistinguishable cur, no. Why art thou, then, exasperate, thou idle immaterial skein of sleave silk, thou green sarcenet flap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse, thou? Why, Greek! Why, then farewell; Thou never shalt mock Diomed again. Why stay we, then? Why, my negation hath no taste of madness. Why then, fly on; I'll hunt thee for thy hide. Why should our endeavour be so lov'd, and the performance so loathed? Why under Mars? Why think you so? Why not a mother? Why,--that you are my daughter? Why, Helen, thou shalt have my leave, and love, Means, and attendants, and my loving greetings To those of mine in court: I'll stay at home, And pray God's blessing into thy attempt: Be gone to-morrow; and be sure of this, What I can help thee to thou shalt not miss. Why, doctor 'she': my lord, there's one arriv'd, If you will see her, --now, by my faith and honour, If seriously I may convey my thoughts In this my light deliverance, I have spoke With one that in her sex, her years, profession, Wisdom, and constancy, hath amaz'd me more Than I dare blame my weakness: will you see her,-- For that is her demand, --and know her business? Why, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder that hath shot out in our latter times. Why, there 'tis; so say I too. Why, your dolphin is not lustier: 'fore me, I speak in respect,-- PAROLLES. Why, then, young Bertram, take her; she's thy wife. Why dost thou garter up thy arms o' this fashion? Why, these balls bound; there's noise in it. Why, I say nothing. Why, do you not know him? Why, he will look upon his boot and sing; mend the ruff and sing; ask questions and sing; pick his teeth and sing. Why should he be killed? Why is he melancholy? Why, if you have a stomach, to't, monsieur, if you think your mystery in stratagem can bring this instrument of honour again into his native quarter, be magnanimous in the enterprise, and go on; I will grace the attempt for a worthy exploit; if you speed well in it, the duke shall both speak of it and extend to you what further becomes his greatness, even to the utmost syllable of your worthiness. Why, do you think he will make no deed at all of this, that so seriously he does address himself unto? Why, then, to-night Let us assay our plot; which, if it speed, Is wicked meaning in a lawful deed, And lawful meaning in a lawful act; Where both not sin, and yet a sinful fact: But let's about it. Why does he ask him of me? Why, sir, if I cannot serve you, I can serve as great a prince as you are. Why do you look so strange upon your wife? Why, 'twas a commandment to command the captain and all the rest from their functions; they put forth to steal. Why, here's a change indeed in the commonwealth! Why, how now, Claudio, whence comes this restraint? Why her unhappy brother? Why dost thou not speak, Elbow? Why, very well: I telling you then, if you be remember'd, that such a one and such a one were past cure of the thing you wot of, unless they kept very good diet, as I told you,-- FROTH. Why, very well then. Why, very well; I hope here be truths: He, sir, sitting, as I say, in a lower chair, sir;--'twas in the 'Bunch of Grapes', where, indeed, you have a delight to sit, have you not?-- FROTH. Why, very well then;--I hope here be truths. Why, no. Why dost thou ask again? Why, every fault's condemn'd ere it be done; Mine were the very cipher of a function, To find the faults whose fine stands in record, And let go by the actor. Why, no; I, that do speak a word, May call it back again. Why, all the souls that were were forfeit once; And He that might the vantage best have took Found out the remedy. Why do you put these sayings upon me? Why does my blood thus muster to my heart, Making both it unable for itself And dispossessing all the other parts Of necessary fitness? Why, As all comforts are; most good, most good, in deed: Lord Angelo, having affairs to heaven, Intends you for his swift ambassador, Where you shall be an everlasting leiger: Therefore, your best appointment make with speed; To-morrow you set on. Why give you me this shame? Why, 'tis good: it is the right of it: it must be so: ever your fresh whore and your powdered bawd--an unshunned consequence:; it must be so. Why, 'tis not amiss, Pompey. Why, what a ruthless thing is this in him, for the rebellion of a codpiece to take away the life of a man! Why should he die, sir? Why? Why, you are nothing then:--neither maid, widow, nor wife? Why, just, my lord, and that is Angelo, Who thinks he knows that he ne'er knew my body, But knows he thinks that he knows Isabel's. Why, thou unreverend and unhallow'd friar, Is't not enough thou hast suborn'd these women To accuse this worthy man, but, in foul mouth, And in the witness of his proper ear, To call him villain? Why, you bald-pated lying rascal! Why, there's no remedy; 'tis the curse of service, Preferment goes by letter and affection, And not by old gradation, where each second Stood heir to the first. Why, wherefore ask you this? Why, what's the matter? Why, go to bed and sleep. Why, thou silly gentleman! Why, he drinks you, with facility, your Dane dead drunk; he sweats not to overthrow your Almain; he gives your Hollander a vomit ere the next pottle can be filled. Why, this is a more exquisite song than the other. Why, very well then: you must not think, then, that I am drunk. Why, how now, ho! Why, but you are now well enough: how came you thus recovered? Why, masters, have your instruments been in Naples, that they speak i' the nose thus? Why, no; the day had broke Before we parted. Why, stay, And hear me speak. Why, your lieutenant, Cassio. Why then to-morrow night; or Tuesday morn; On Tuesday noon, or night; on Wednesday morn:-- I pr'ythee, name the time; but let it not Exceed three days: in faith, he's penitent; And yet his trespass, in our common reason,-- Save that, they say, the wars must make examples Out of their best,--is not almost a fault To incur a private check. Why, this is not a boon; 'Tis as I should entreat you wear your gloves, Or feed on nourishing dishes, or keep you warm, Or sue to you to do a peculiar profit To your own person: nay, when I have a suit Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed, It shall be full of poise and difficult weight, And fearful to be granted. Why of thy thought, Iago? Why, then, I think Cassio's an honest man. Why, say they are vile and false;-- As where's that palace whereinto foul things Sometimes intrude not? Why, why is this? Why, go to then; She that, so young, could give out such a seeming, To seal her father's eyes up close as oak,-- He thought 'twas witchcraft, --but I am much to blame; I humbly do beseech you of your pardon For too much loving you. Why did I marry?--This honest creature doubtless Sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds. Why do you speak so faintly? Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona; That which so often you did bid me steal. Why, what's that to you? Why, how now, general! Why, man? Why do you speak so startingly and rash? Why, so I can, sir, but I will not now. Why, whose is it? Why, I pray you? Why, then, 'tis hers, my lord, and being hers, She may, I think, bestow't on any man. Why, sweet Othello,-- OTHELLO. Why, what art thou? Why, with my lord, madam. Why did he so? Why should he call her whore? Why, now I see there's mettle in thee; and even from this instant do build on thee a better opinion than ever before. Why, by making him uncapable of Othello's place;--knocking out his brains. Why, would not you? Why, the wrong is but a wrong i' the world; and having the world for your labour, 'tis a wrong in your own world, and you might quickly make it right. Why, how should she be murder'd? Why, anything; An honourable murderer, if you will; For naught did I in hate, but all in honour. Why have my sisters husbands if they say They love you all? Why bastard? Why brand they us With base? Why so earnestly seek you to put up that letter? Why came not the slave back to me when I called him? Why, fool? Why, for taking one's part that's out of favour. Why, my boy? Why, no, boy; nothing can be made out of nothing. Why, after I have cut the egg i' the middle and eat up the meat, the two crowns of the egg. Why, to keep one's eyes of either side's nose, that what a man cannot smell out, he may spy into. Why? Why, to put's head in; not to give it away to his daughters, and leave his horns without a case. Why then, I care not for thee. Why dost thou use me thus? Why, what a monstrous fellow art thou, thus to rail on one that's neither known of thee nor knows thee? Why art thou angry? Why dost thou call him knave? Why, madam, if I were your father's dog, You should not use me so. Why, fool? Why not by the hand, sir? Why, the hot-blooded France, that dowerless took Our youngest born, I could as well be brought To knee his throne, and, squire-like, pension beg To keep base life afoot.--Return with her? Why might not you, my lord, receive attendance From those that she calls servants, or from mine? Why not, my lord? Why, thou wert better in thy grave than to answer with thy uncovered body this extremity of the skies.--Is man no more than this? Why the king of France is so suddenly gone back know you the reason? Why, good sir? Why should she write to Edmund? Why, then, your other senses grow imperfect By your eyes' anguish. Why I do trifle thus with his despair Is done to cure it. Why dost thou lash that whore? Why, this would make a man a man of salt, To use his eyes for garden water-pots, Ay, and for laying Autumn's dust. Why is this reason'd? Why, fare thee well: I will o'erlook thy paper. Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, And thou no breath at all? Why, worthy thane, You do unbend your noble strength to think So brainsickly of things.--Go get some water, And wash this filthy witness from your hand.-- Why did you bring these daggers from the place? Why do we hold our tongues, That most may claim this argument for ours? Why, see you not? Why do you make such faces? Why, so;--being gone, I am a man again.--Pray you, sit still. Why, how now, Hecate? Why do you show me this?--A fourth!--Start, eyes! Why should I, mother? Why, I can buy me twenty at any market. Why, one that swears and lies. Why, the honest men. Why in that rawness left you wife and child,-- Those precious motives, those strong knots of love,-- Without leave-taking?--I pray you, Let not my jealousies be your dishonors, But mine own safeties:--you may be rightly just, Whatever I shall think. Why are you silent? Why, well. Why, it stood by her: she has light by her continually; 'tis her command. Why should I play the Roman fool, and die On mine own sword? Why then, God's soldier be he! Why did he marry Fulvia, and not love her?-- I'll seem the fool I am not; Antony Will be himself. Why, then we kill all our women: we see how mortal an unkindness is to them; if they suffer our departure, death's the word. Why, sir, give the gods a thankful sacrifice. Why should I think you can be mine and true, Though you in swearing shake the throned gods, Who have been false to Fulvia? Why, madam? Why do you send so thick? Why, there's more gold. Why, this it is to have a name in great men's fellowship: I had as lief have a reed that will do me no service as a partizan I could not heave. Why? Why he's the Jupiter of men. Why, Enobarbus, When Antony found Julius Caesar dead, He cried almost to roaring; and he wept When at Philippi he found Brutus slain. Why, methinks, by him, This creature's no such thing. Why have you stol'n upon us thus? Why will my lord do so? Why, then, good night indeed. Why should he not? Why is my lord enrag'd against his love? Why, there then [falls on his sword]!--thus do I escape the sorrow Of Antony's death. Why, how now, Charmian! Why, that's the way To fool their preparation and to conquer Their most absurd intents. Why, masters, my good friends, mine honest neighbours, Will you undo yourselves? Why, I pray you? Why, how are we censured? Why, 'tis no great matter; for a very little thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of patience: give your dispositions the reins, and be angry at your pleasures; at the least, if you take it as a pleasure to you in being so. Why, then you should discover a brace of unmeriting, proud, violent, testy magistrates,--alias fools,--as any in Rome. Why that way? Why in this wolvish toge should I stand here, To beg of Hob and Dick that do appear, Their needless vouches? Why, so he did, I am sure. Why either were you ignorant to see't? Why, had your bodies No heart among you? Why, this was known before. Why, then, should I be consul? Why shall the people give One that speaks thus their voice? Why did you wish me milder? Why force you this? Why? Why stay we to be baited With one that wants her wits? Why speak'st not? Why, thou Mars! Why, here's he that was wont to thwack our general,--Caius Marcius. Why do you say, thwack our general? Why, he is so made on here within as if he were son and heir to Mars; set at upper end o' the table: no question asked him by any of the senators but they stand bald before him: our general himself makes a mistress of him, sanctifies himself with's hand, and turns up the white o' the eye to his discourse. Why, then we shall have a stirring world again. Why, so!--you have made good work! Why dost not speak? Why, what of that? Why, hark you! Why, noble lords, Will you be put in mind of his blind fortune, Which was your shame, by this unholy braggart, 'Fore your own eyes and ears? Why dost thou call them knaves? Why, Apemantus? Why, I have often wished myself poorer that I might come nearer to you. Why? Why, how now, Captain! Why dost thou weep? Why, this hits right; I dreamt of a silver basin and ewer to-night. Why, this is the world's soul; and just of the same piece Is every flatterer's spirit. Why then preferr'd you not your sums and bills, When your false masters eat of my lord's meat? Why do fond men expose themselves to battle, And not endure all threats? Why, this Will lug your priests and servants from your sides, Pluck stout men's pillows from below their head: This yellow slave Will knit and break religions; bless the accurs'd, Make the hoar leprosy ador'd; place thieves, And give them title, knee, and approbation, With senators on the bench; this is it That makes the wappen'd widow wed again; She, whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores Would cast the gorge at, this embalms and spices To the April day again. Why, fare thee well: Here is some gold for thee. Why me, Timon? Why this spade, this place? Why? Why dost thou seek me out? Why shouldst thou hate men? Why should you want? Why want? Why dost ask that? Why, how shall I requite you? Why, I was writing of my epitaph; It will be seen to-morrow. -- Why should this change of thoughts, The sad companion, dull-eyed melancholy, Be my so used a guest as not an hour, In the day's glorious walk, or peaceful night, The tomb where grief should sleep, can breed me quiet? Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones: I can compare our rich misers to nothing so fitly as to a whale; a' plays and tumbles, driving the poor fry before him, and at last devours them all at a mouthful. Why, man? Why, are your beggars whipped, then? Why, I'll tell you: this is called Pentapolis, and our king the good Simonides. Why, wilt thou tourney for the lady? Why, do'e take it, and the gods give thee good on 't! Why, sir, say if you had, Who takes offence at that would make me glad? Why do you make us love your goodly gifts, And snatch them straight away? Why will you kill rne? Why would she have me kill'd? Why lament you, pretty one? Why, are you foolish? Why, I cannot name't but I shall offend. Why, the house you dwell in proclaims you to be a creature of sale. Why, hath your principal made known unto you who I am? Why, your herb-woman; she that sets seeds and roots of shame and iniquity. Why, I could wish him to he my master, or rather, my mistress. Why do you weep? Why came you from your master? Why do you pity me? Why, so I say. Why should I write this down, that's riveted, Screw'd to my memory? Why did you suffer Iachimo, Slight thing of Italy, To taint his nobler heart and brain With needless jealousy; And to become the geck and scorn O' the other's villainy? Why so sadly Greet you our victory? Why stands he so perplex'd? Why did you throw your wedded lady from you? Why, old soldier, Wilt thou undo the worth thou art unpaid for, By tasting of our wrath? Why fled you from the court? Why, that was when Three crabbed months had sour'd themselves to death, Ere I could make thee open thy white hand And clap thyself my love; then didst thou utter 'I am yours for ever. Why, lo you now, I have spoke to the purpose twice; The one for ever earn'd a royal husband; Th' other for some while a friend. Why, that's my bawcock. Why, happy man be 's dole!--My brother, Are you so fond of your young prince as we Do seem to be of ours? Why, that's some comfort.-- What! Why, then the world and all that's in't is nothing; The covering sky is nothing; Bohemia nothing; My is nothing; nor nothing have these nothings, If this be nothing. Why, he that wears her like her medal, hanging About his neck, Bohemia: who--if I Had servants true about me, that bare eyes To see alike mine honour as their profits, Their own particular thrifts,-- they would do that Which should undo more doing: ay, and thou, His cupbearer,--whom I from meaner form Have bench'd and rear'd to worship; who mayst see, Plainly as heaven sees earth and earth sees heaven, How I am galled,--mightst bespice a cup, To give mine enemy a lasting wink; Which draught to me were cordial. Why, my sweet lord? Why, what need we Commune with you of this, but rather follow Our forceful instigation? Why, boy, how is it? Why should I carry lies abroad? Why, this is a passing merry one, and goes to the tune of 'Two maids wooing a man. Why, they stay at door, sir. Why, how now, father! Why look you so upon me? Why, be so still; here's nobody will steal that from thee: yet, for the outside of thy poverty we must make an exchange; therefore discase thee instantly,--thou must think there's a necessity in't,--and change garments with this gentleman: though the pennyworth on his side be the worst, yet hold thee, there's some boot. Why, sir? Why, that's my spirit! Why speaks my father so ungently? Why, in good time. Why Doth it not then our eyelids sink? Why, how now! Why are you drawn? Why, thou deboshed fish thou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I to-day? Why, I said nothing. Why, what did I? Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him I' th' afternoon to sleep: there thou may'st brain him, Having first seiz'd his books; or with a log Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake, Or cut his wezand with thy knife. Why, that's my dainty Ariel! Why, how now, Stephano! Why the devil, Upon this French going out, took he upon him, Without the privity o' the King, to appoint Who should attend on him? Why, all this business Our reverend Cardinal carried. Why, we take From every tree lop, bark, and part o' the timber; And, though we leave it with a root, thus hack'd, The air will drink the sap. Why, this it is: see, see! Why should we, good lady, Upon what cause, wrong you? Why, how now, Cromwell! Why, well, Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell. Why? Why are we met in council? Why, my lord? Why, what a shame was this! Why, good Ladies, This is a service, whereto I am going, Greater then any was; it more imports me Then all the actions that I have foregone, Or futurely can cope. Why strong inough to laugh at misery, And beare the chance of warre, yet we are prisoners, I feare, for ever, Cosen. Why, Madam? Why, Palamon? Why whats the matter, Man? Why, gentle Madam? Why, then, would you deale so cunningly, So strangely, so vnlike a noble kinesman, To love alone? Why is he sent for? Why should a friend be treacherous? Why, my Lord? Why should I love this Gentleman? Why, Timothy! Why? Why? Why, as it should be; they that nev'r begd But they prevaild, had their suites fairely granted, The prisoners have their lives. Why doe you aske? Why, let it be so: Farewell, Coz. Why, doe you thinke she is not honest, Sir? Why, a daies Iorney, wench. Why, play at stoole ball: What is there else to doe? Why doe you rub my kisse off? Why, the knights must kindle Their valour at your eye: know, of this war You are the Treasure, and must needes be by To give the Service pay. "Why fourteen, north, and she has been going seven knots ever since." Why else a rich man (sailors call every man rich who does not work with his hands, and wears a long coat and cravat) should leave a Christian country, and come to such a place as California, to pick up shells and stones, they could not understand. Why does not he run? Why should I care for them,--poor Kanakas and sailors, the refuse of civilization, the outlaws and beach-combers of the Pacific! Why didst thou not tell me the truth? Why should the blamer abuse thee in his pride? Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the ancients? Why do you not understand that it was not concerning bread I said to you: Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Why doth this man speak thus? Why do You molest her? Why cumbereth it the ground? Why seek you to kill me? Why do you not know my speech? Why would you hear it again? Why hear you him? Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor? Why askest thou me? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thy heart? Why hurt you one another? Why should it be thought a thing incredible that God should raise the dead? Why so? Why do you not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Why are they then baptized for them? Why also are we in danger every hour? Why then was the law? Why was the amendment, expressly declaring the right of the people, voted down? Why was the court decision held up? Why even a Senator's individual opinion withheld, till after the Presidential election? Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement? Why the delay of a reargument? Why the incoming President's advance exhortation in favor of the decision? Why mention a State? Why are the people of a Territory and the people of a State therein lumped together, and their relation to the Constitution therefore treated as being precisely the same? Why, my friend the Judge is not only, as it turns out, not a dead lion, nor even a living one,--he is the rugged Russian Bear! Why, it is the sovereignty of the people! Why, the reason that he urges against that constitution I urged against him a year before. Why, yes, Douglas did it! Why declare that within twenty years the African slave trade, by which slaves are supplied, might be cut off by Congress? Why were all these acts? Why, decisions apparently contrary to that decision, or that good lawyers thought were contrary to that decision, have been made by that very court before. Why, he tried to persuade you last night that our Illinois Legislature instructed him to introduce the Nebraska Bill. Why, Judge, if we do not let them get together in the Territories, they won't mix there. Why, he is contending for the right of the people, when they come to make a State Constitution, to make it for themselves, and precisely as best suits themselves. Why is it that twenty shall be entitled to all the credit of doing that work, and the hundred none of it? Why, if, as Judge Douglas says, the honor is to be divided and due credit is to be given to other parties, why is just so much given as is consonant with the wishes, the interests, and advancement of the twenty? Why did he oppose it? Why did they not put it in themselves? Why must he look farther than their platform when he claims himself to stand by his platform? Why must he go around hunting for some one who is supporting me or has supported me at some time in his life, and who has said something at some time contrary to that platform? Why do we hold ourselves under obligations to pass such a law, and abide by it when it is passed? Why, I know this people better than he does. Why, then, dost Thou desire to make my children perish in the sea? Why comes He not before me, like all the kings of the world, and why doth He not bring me a present like the others? Why have ye not learnt knowledge from me? Why has this man, who was quite innocent, been slain, and why hath the true thief gone unpunished? Why do not ye exhort God to have pity upon us since the well of Miriam had vanished with her death? Why? Why did Moses smite me? Why, then, dost thou conceal the commission God hath entrusted to thee? Why then dost Thou inquire after my brother? Why then should I die? Why dost thou stand before me? Why? "Why didn't you do it?" "Why do you doubt it?" Why," he said, "does he enter without first asking for an audience? "Why do you say that?" Why, it seems to me that the way in which he left us needs no explanation. "Why," cried the queen; "how is that?" Why? "Why, what in the world," cried Aramis, "is that animal Bazin doing?" "Why," replied Porthos, "Mouston, of course." "Why didn't you say so?" Why did she not ask from any one of us a home instead of from Mazarin? Why, it is a veritable pilgrimage, my dear friend, that you are making to the Temple of Friendship, as the poets would say. "Why, yes," replied D'Artagnan, with embarrassment. Why does he go in secret? "Why?" "Why, in this way: if Coysel says loud enough for the cardinal to hear him, on such or such a day such a prisoner will escape, 'tis plain that the cardinal will take measures of precaution and that the prisoner will not escape." "Why does he take my comb?" "Why do you take my lord's comb?" Why didst thou take it? "Why not?" "Why?" "Why, good Lord!" "Why, really, it was all exactly as you say!" Why, he is surrounded by sultanas, like a Turk. "Why?" "Why bind thee?" Why, then, doesn't he attend to it himself, as at Chantilly? "Why not?" "Why, then, didn't you reply?" "Why didn't thou do as thou didst to the first man?" "Why," said Porthos, "that was very good of him, it seems to me." "Why, it seems that I crushed for him a parliament councillor." "Why, Vulcan and Bayard cost me each about two hundred pistoles, and putting Phoebus at a hundred and fifty, we should be pretty near the amount." "Why?" "Why do you ask me that?" Why did we not destroy the child with the mother? "Why does my lord, belonging to the church, now receive me in the dress of an officer, with a sword at his side and spurs to his boots?" Why did you leave the closet, Monsieur d'Artagnan? "Why so?" Why is she not come? "Why, prithee?" "Why, what is the matter?" Why not, sir? Why don't we go in with them? Why," said Aramis, "one-half were hanged and the other half were shot. Why did you not say so at once, my dear sir! "Why," said Groslow, "that is just what we are taking him to London for." "Why, he would be annoyed if I did not play with him." Why, one of them is a rich lord from Touraine and the other a knight of Malta, of noble family. "Why, the idea of taking quarters with Senor Perez seems to me very reasonable, and for my part I agree to it." "Why, how extraordinary!" Why are not my Frenchmen here? "Why so?" Why, then, have you laid it aside? Why buy what one can take? "Why?" "Why not?" "Why not?" "Why?" "Why, they are our men." "Why, yes, I think so -- in the street," said Athos; and he looked smilingly at Aramis, who looked at him with an expression of surprise. "Why have you hated him?" "Why, yes, very nearly." "Why do you not take your chance and be arrested with me?" "Why so?" "Why, then they would be laughed at, and a master pastrycook must never be laughed at." "Why?" Why, thou art posted here by Heaven! "Why, I should say that we had too much trouble in taking him to let him off so easily." Why did you not say all this before you took action, sir? "Why not?" "Why, I expect to be made Marechal of France!" Why then dost thou laugh in mockery of thyself? Why dost thou turn from me in severance? Why do I see thee bemoaning the house in this wise? Why is Theodoric surnamed After? Why will you persist in hopeless obstinacy? Why will you ruin yourself, your family, and nation? Why then should Gaius maintain silence concerning an innovation so much more important than that of which he speaks? Why, I believe that everything Judge Trumbull had proposed, particularly in connection with this question of Kansas and Nebraska, since he had been on the floor of the Senate, had been promptly voted down by Judge Douglas and his friends. Why, Trumbull has not said it was not stricken out, but Trumbull says he [Douglas] put it in; and it is no answer to the charge to say he afterwards took it out. Why does he stand playing upon the meaning of words and quibbling around the edges of the evidence? Why, sir, there is not a word in Trumbull's speech that depends on Trumbull's veracity at all. Why, I understood that at one time the people of Chicago would not let Judge Douglas preach a certain favorite doctrine of his. Why, gentlemen, I can show you that the substance of the Chicago speech I delivered two years ago in "Egypt," as he calls it. Why did they make provision that in all the new territory we owned at that time slavery should be forever inhibited? Why stop its spread in one direction, and cut off its source in another, if they did not look to its being placed in the course of its ultimate extinction? Why, this is a monstrous sort of talk about the Constitution of the United States! Why then do I yield support to a Fugitive Slave law? Why, there is not such an Abolitionist in the nation as Douglas, after all! Why, then, dost thou seek to corrupt the people of the Lord, saying, 'Baal is God, let us worship him'? Why should you not join us? Why not? Why hast Thou driven out my children, slain them with swords, left them at the mercy of their enemies? Why, it is for thine own sake that I refuse to heed they order. Why this is so, and what is good or evil in the emotions, I propose to show in this part of my treatise. Why didst thou this ill thing? Why? Why, the public sense was then in favor of the abolition of the slave trade; but there was at the time a very great commercial interest involved in it, and extensive capital in that branch of trade. Why, if I may, be allowed to answer the question, it is to retain a hold upon the North, it is to retain support and strength from the free States. Why, it is to drive it out. Why, gentlemen, I think you are as gallant and as brave men as live; that you can fight as bravely in a good cause, man for man, as any other people living; that you have shown yourselves capable of this upon various occasions: but, man for man, you are not better than we are, and there are not so many of you as there are of us. Why, he will get no slave States, after all,--he has tried that already until being beat is the rule for him. Why? Why, that our party has no existence in your section--gets no votes in your section. Why are you so careful, so tender, of this one wrong and no other? Why was this? Why did n't they do it? Why, John Brown was not a Republican! Why, that our party has no existence in your section--gets no votes in your section. Why all this excitement? Why all these complaints? Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Why? Why? Why this deliberate pressing out of view the rights of men and the authority of the people? Why, then, we'd have to invent one! "Why so, if you please?" "Why?" "Why so?" "Why, that this lake, the lower extremity of which is in two degrees and thirty minutes, must extend also two degrees and a half above the equator." "Why, that makes scarcely one hundred and twenty miles--in other words, a nothing." Why, I'd go with him wherever he pleases! "Why, my master, and you, and I, are all to be weighed to-day!" "Why, no, Mr." Why, your master must be Old Nick himself. Why, you don't feel yourself going, and Nature takes the trouble to spread herself out before one's eyes! Why a dozen of them would make a forest! "Why, certainly I do!" Why, about the steaks you're broiling, to be sure! Why, do you think the doctor would desert us? "Why, it sounds to me as if he was defending himself against something." "Why, I wouldn't put it past them to make a god of him!" Why, what would any one ask more than that? Why is it that such savage countries get all these fine things? Why, we're moving! "Why, what's the reason, sir?" "Why, are there still loftier trees in existence?" "Why so?" Why, doctor, can you light up such darkness as this? Why, doctor, you speak of the thing quite at your ease. Why should there be, in one place, such extreme luxuriance of vegetation yonder, and here, this extreme aridity, and that in the same latitude, and under the same rays of the sun? "Why, I'll make the doubters swallow the pieces of the balloon, without either salt or pepper!" "Why, are there any more of those rascally Nyam-Nyams around here?" "Why!" "Why, positively, a balloon need fear no enemies!" "Why, are you afraid of those fowls?" "Why, we have a bullet for each of them!" Why shouldn't I work my way out of the scrape as well as they did? "Why should it?" Why so? Why do I see thee change colour and in suffering? Why must therefore the version and comment suppose the modest and insufficient reckoning of 90,000? Why might not the author be of Syrian extraction? Why do ye seek to affright us by vain and indirect menaces? Why is he so arrogant and ungrateful towards the Most High? Why does he seek earthly and transitory rewards for his labors, and in his wanton speech liken himself to the Creator? Why did they allow the ordinance to go into effect? Why did they not assert themselves? Why stand passive and allow themselves to be trodden down by minority? Why did they not hold popular meetings and have a convention of their own to express and enforce the true sentiment of the State? Why should they leave this country? Why I attach so much importance to coal is, it will afford an opportunity to the inhabitants for immediate employment till they get ready to settle permanently in their homes. Why, the rebel soldiers are praying with a great deal more earnestness, I fear, than our own troops, and expecting God to favor their side: for one of our soldiers who had been taken prisoner told Senator Wilson a few days since that he met nothing so discouraging as the evident sincerity of those he was among in their prayers. Why can you not reach there before him, unless you admit that he is more than your equal on a march? Why may not our country at some time average as many? Why did you not leave before being besieged? Why should they do anything for us if we will do nothing for them? Why so? Why didst thou cook the pigeons? Why must thou make a stench so early in the morning? Why didst thou not tell me it was his child? Why so? Why didst thou not ask him, O my nurse, if he had any desire, that we might fulfil it for him? Why can’t the paper be sparkling? Why didn’t you stick on as gods till things was more settled? Why shall A adopt the plan of B rather than B that of A? "Why not?" "Why, no; I entered his service the very day we left London." "Why was this robber so anxious to prove, by the visa, that he had passed through Suez?" "Why?" "Why yes," replied Fix, who spoke cautiously. Why, he's made of iron! "Why, you are a man of heart!" Why, we are prisoners! Why, I left you at Bombay, and here you are, on the way to Hong Kong! "Why," responded Fix, a little embarrassed, "I don't know; perhaps--" "Ah, if you would only go on with us!" "Why, what are you saying?" "Why not?" "Why," replied Passepartout, a little vexed that his nationality should cause this question, "we Frenchmen know how to make grimaces, it is true but not any better than the Americans do." Why have the soldiers of the Union invaded the soil of Utah? Why has Brigham Young, our chief, been imprisoned, in contempt of all justice? Why did my master make this journey in winter? "Why not ten years hence?" "Why not?" Why not to China? Why? Why should he present himself at the Reform? "Why," said Andrew Stuart nervously, "if I should see him, I should not believe it was he." "Why so?" Why, I've just this instant found out--" "What? Why, I make thy ten dinars every day! Why seek my favours? * Why not that to these alter, make here go there? Why dost thou not carry me to thy father's dwelling? Why do they thus smoke the sky? Why should a rule of interpretation prevail, as between the two sides of the Atlantic, different from that which holds good as to the two sides of the Mediterranean Sea? Why is it that the origin of wheat, barley, oats, maize, and rye--the essential plants of civilization--is totally lost in the mists of a vast antiquity? Why is it that we find in Ptolemy's "Geography of Asia Minor," in a list of cities in Armenia Major in A.D. 140, the names of five cities which have their counterparts in the names of localities in Central America? Why this diversity of complexion I cannot tell, nor can they themselves account for it. Why should these extraordinary structures crop out on the banks of the Nile, and amid the forests and plains of America? Why would any people have altogether left such a home? Why, when their civilization had spread to the ends of the earth, did it cease to exist in the peaceful region where it originated? Why dost thou dread war and tumult? Why weepest thou, Patroclus, like some prattling little child who runneth to her mother and biddeth her take her up, catching at her garment and checking her movement and gazing at her tearfully till she lifteth her? Why do you forbid us to walk abroad or to be caught peeping out? Why use such pains to preserve this evil thing? Why, of course he is intoxicated at the magnitude of his successes and builds castles in the air; but I am quite sure that he will never choose a policy such that the most hopeless fools here are likely to know what it is, for gossipers are hopeless fools. "Why shouldn't I be satisfied?" Why, I made it. Why, all the about them there is, is that when they were here they taught us to make beer out of the heath, and the secret's in my family ever since. "Why," said Conall, "should not I do the pleasure of the king, though there should be no souls of my sons in dread at all." 'Why will you be silent? Why shouldn't I have them all to myself? Why, the aspect and form of the men when seen are these," said the hunter: "they have the colour of the raven on their hair, their skin like swan on the wave in whiteness, and their cheeks as the blood of the brindled red calf, and their speed and their leap are those of the salmon of the torrent and the deer of the grey mountain side. "Why, Gold-tree, your daughter." "Why, Gold-tree, your daughter." "Why, Gold-tree, your daughter." Why don't you come to breakfast, my dear? Why what has a poor old man like you to play for? "Why," said Fin, "ever since I was the height of a round tower, I was known to be fond of having a good prospect of my own; and where the dickens, neighbours, could I find a better spot for a good prospect than the top of Knockmany?" "Why, then, no," she replied; "and if ever a man left his house in a fury, he did." "Why," said she, "that's Fin's bread--the only bread he ever eats when at home; but, indeed, I forgot to tell you that nobody can eat it but himself, and that child in the cradle there." Why say so when you were at home every Sunday? Why a flail to be sure), and he knocked off one grain. Why he effected no diversion while the Imperial troops were marching upon Rome, and why he delayed to relieve the city, was never properly explained. Why does not the man come forward who has to pronounce my doom?” The guard replied: “He is too grieved for you, and sheds tears.” Then I called him by his name of Messer Benedetto da Cagli, [1] and cried: “Come forward, Messer Benedetto, my friend, for now, I am resolved and in good frame of mind; far greater glory is it for me to die unjustly than if I had deserved this fate. Why am I going there now? Why, a stupid thing like this, the most trivial detail might spoil the whole plan. Why, it's just such trifles that always ruin everything. "Why am I not at my duty, honoured sir," Marmeladov went on, addressing himself exclusively to Raskolnikov, as though it had been he who put that question to him. Why am I not at my duty? Why, I ask you, should he give it to me? "Why do you go?" Why am I to be pitied? Why am I to be pitied, you say? Why! Why is she consenting then? Why, for his sake we would not shrink even from Sonia's fate. Why should he outrage her! Why, they've all come to it like that. "Why, Mikolka, are you crazy to put a nag like that in such a cart?" Why have you stopped? Why wouldn't she gallop then? Why did they . Why am I going over it again, then? Why am I hesitating? Why, why then am I still . Why are you lying like a log? Why, why, why did I assume this so certainly? "Why, Alyona Ivanovna, you know me ." Why do you look at me as though you did not know me? Why, he had seen Lizaveta afterwards! Why? Why! "Why, don't you see?" Why the porter? Why, you'll never get downstairs! Why, I have warned you ten times over that I would not let you off the eleventh! Why should they have called the porter, if it had been their doing? Why is it, or can it be my fancy? Why to the Neva? Why, he lives here, in that house," he thought, "why, I have not come to Razumihin of my own accord! Why, brother, you've cut me out! Why, this is . Why was he ill-treating her like that, and . Why should we trouble you? Why don't you put the sugar in your tea, Nastasya Nikiforovna? Why do you start? Why did Razumihin bring him? "Why I told you all about it this morning." Why, nowadays you would cost more than that--eighty copecks! Why, your own, what the messenger brought from Vahrushin, your mother sent it. Why, I am sure I shouldn't be worth a baked onion myself . "Why, it's all about a house-painter." "Why, haven't I told you about it?" Why, he was accused of the murder," Razumihin went on hotly. Why didn't you go to work with Dmitri the other day? Why did you run away from Dushkin's? 'Why, Dmitri and I were painting there all day, and we were just getting ready to go, and Dmitri took a brush and painted my face, and he ran off and I after him. "Why, there's no supposing." "Why, because everything fits too well ." Why, he did not foresee obstacles, perhaps! "Why, carry out logically the theory you were advocating just now, and it follows that people may be killed ." Why, if ever again . Why, she's pretty," he said, drawing himself up and looking at her. Why, Razumihin told me only yesterday you were unconscious. Why do you keep on . Why don't you drink your tea? Why, half a hundred people meeting for such an object--what an idea! "Why, could you stand it then?" Why don't you catch him then? Why did you seek me out at the beginning of my illness? "Why, Mr. Razumihin, I do believe you'd let anybody beat you from sheer benevolence." Why are you preening and prinking? "Why, the old woman and her sister were murdered here." Why have you washed away the blood? Why have you been to the flat? Why was he going into /that/, what's in his mind, eh? Why are you hanging about? Why waste time talking to him? Why, he was drunk and threw himself under the horses! Why had he never expected, never thought of them, though the news that they had started, were on their way and would arrive immediately, had been repeated to him only that day? "Why can't you?" Why, I know one case in which a hypochondriac, a man of forty, cut the throat of a little boy of eight, because he couldn't endure the jokes he made every day at table! Why is he so set against this Luzhin? Why, you are in a sentimental mood to-day, are you? Why, what am I afraid of? Why, people in perfect health act in the same way too," observed Dounia, looking uneasily at Zossimov. "Why, were they on such bad terms?" Why, are you all afraid of me? Why did you say that, Dounia? Why did you smile just now? Why are you laughing again? Why do you demand of me a heroism that perhaps you have not either? Why do you look at me like that? Why are you so pale? "Why?" "Why, I did give it to you." Why, it is a piano they have got, I declare . Why, that Sofya Semyonovna, who was there just now. "Why?" Why? Why, you gave your address to Polenka yesterday. "Why, had you forgotten?" Why, you sat on your chair in a way you never do sit, on the edge somehow, and you seemed to be writhing all the time. Why, I do believe you've got pomatum on your hair! Why, won't he even say good-morning? Why, it was at your rooms we met yesterday," he said easily. Why did I say that about women? Why, did you know that he had pledges /there/? Why did I add that? Why are they torturing me? Why did he say bluntly, 'With her'? Why did Zametov add that I spoke artfully? Why do they speak in that tone? Why did I come? Why, you might get some money out of them for the article! Why do you ask all this? "Why, are you both joking?" "Why do you care about that?" "Why the word /ought/?" Why, it was on the day of the murder the painters were at work, and he was there three days before? Why? Why, we are just here. Why, he there was asking whether a student lived here, mentioned your name and whom you lodged with. Why do you . Why has he only now sprung out of the earth? Why was that fool Razumihin abusing the socialists? Why have you let me slip? Why do I hate them now? Why did she come in? Why don't they weep? Why don't they moan? Why is that cloak here? "Why, have you been a card-sharper then?" "Why, would you go up?" "Why, ordinary ghosts." "Why, but I've come here to speak about her; how can I avoid mentioning her?" "Why, on that 'journey'; you spoke of it yourself." Why, who was that? "Why didn't you ask?" "Why, who can tell?" Why, Rodya, this morning we had only three roubles in our pocket and Dounia and I were just planning to pawn her watch, so as to avoid borrowing from that man until he offered help. Why, why should we let our chance slip when we have one of the chief means of success--money of our own! Why, I know--and I kept the secret--two or three books which one might get a hundred roubles simply for thinking of translating and publishing. Why are you standing? Why, I know, you gave your last penny yourself, though you'd seen nothing of it, and if you'd seen everything, oh dear! Why, I'm . Why, do you know who killed her? Why did I put in 'I believe'" passed through his mind in a flash. Why am I so uneasy at having put in that '/I believe/'? Why, do you imagine that was why I spoke about government quarters . Why, they are all sick, nervous and irritable! "Why this, Rodion Romanovitch, that I know more than that about you; I know about everything." Why, my dear fellow, you may drive yourself into delirium if you have the impulse to work upon your nerves, to go ringing bells at night and asking about blood! Why, I learnt it all from you yourself! Why, if I had the slightest suspicion of you, should I have acted like that? Why, you are like a child asking for matches! Why do you force yourself upon us, eh? "Why, you could not betray yourself any further, my dear Rodion Romanovitch." "Why deputies, my good man?" Why, I gave orders . Why have you brought him so soon? Why, his teeth are chattering as he asks, he-he! "Why comical?" Why, how you must have been torturing and harassing that poor Nikolay psychologically, after your fashion, till he confessed! "Why, in the next room." Why, then you were the surprise? Why, don't you know? Why, I was telling you last night what I think about all such ceremonies. Why should I? Why, you thrashed Katerina Ivanovna a month ago. Why not? Why should I disguise it? Why? Why? Why do you cling to this /legality/ of marriage? Why was he brought? Why! Why, she'd give away her last penny! "Why, what have I done then?" Why you did it secretly, I mean? "Why do you ask about what could not happen?" Why have I come to torture you? Why, really? Why, why didn't I know you before! Why didn't you come before? Why did I let her know? Why do you do it? Why should one? Why, how can you talk to your mother? Why should I go to them? Why, they would laugh at me, and would call me a fool for not getting it. Why should I go to them? Why had he come back here? Why had he gone to her to beg for her tears? Why are you whimpering? Why, I've taught you, you know some phrases. Why, you're all crying again! Why is that policeman edging up to me? Why did you run away. Why, I lodge here at Madame Resslich's, the other side of the wall. "Why, it's pretty plain." "Why, he's playing his professional tricks again," Raskolnikov thought with disgust. Why am I explaining this to you? Why, /you/, Rodion Romanovitch! Why should I put you in safety? Why, even if I were guilty, which I don't admit, what reason should I have to confess, when you tell me yourself that I shall be in greater safety in prison? Why, is it the bourgeois disgrace you are afraid of? Why are you smiling again? Why? "Why don't you say at once 'it's a miracle'?" "Why in such haste?" "Why, simply as an interesting subject for observation." Why? "Why, you might have challenged them ." Why should I give up women, since I have a passion for them? Why, I told you . Why, you are dropping them even now. Why are you so frightened? "Why, of course." Why are you frightened like a child? Why have you come? Why, you know him, and you've seen him, can he be a thief? Why, you used to reproach me with breadth! Why is this door locked? Why, it's my revolver, an old friend! "Why, be starting for America, and be stopped by rain!" Why wait? Why should it be Petrovsky? "Why shouldn't it be the place?" Why, who will tell me anything about you? Why, you have shed blood? Why are you crying? Why am I consenting to that life now? Why should he go now when he knew that it would be so? Why is she grieving too? Why does she weep? Why is she looking after me, like my mother or Dounia? Why, with what object did I go to her just now? Why is he here? Why abuse it? Why insult honourable people, as that scoundrel Zametov does? Why did he insult me, I ask you? Why should he strive? Why, he had been ready a thousand times before to give up existence for the sake of an idea, for a hope, even for a fancy. "Why does my action strike them as so horrible?" Why had he stood looking at the river and preferred to confess? Why do you separate men from women at table? Why should we let our youth study? Why, then, should any soul insist On such pernicious, pois'nous stuff? Why did you choose this way you're in, which all mankind despise? Why did you partition the property? Why are _all_ communists remarkably cleanly? Whyte milates . Why did she pity me? Why did she weep? Why didn't she answer my avowal? Why didn't she tell me something? Why don't you fire? Why will the seamen always become morbid when possible? Why, whatever is the matter? Why," says the mother, "look at that horrid mallet. Why, lookye," she said, "look at all that beautiful grass. Why," they say, "matter enough! Why, yes," said the man, "I make a great deal of money, to be sure, and it is a wonderful instrument. Why, to near the castle of Nix Nought Nothing's father and mother. "Why," says she, "as I love my life." "Why," says she, "better nor all the world." "Why, I love you as fresh meat loves salt," says she. Why, the beautifullest lady you ever see, dressed right gay and ga'. Why of course it's the laddie you caught last night that I've broiled for your breakfast. Why," quoth Jack, "I want nothing but the old coat and cap, together with the old rusty sword and slippers which are at your bed's head. Why, certainly, Turkey-lurkey," said Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky- daddles, and Goosey-poosey. Why certainly, Foxy-woxy," said Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky- daddles, Goosey-poosey, and Turkey-lurkey. "Why of course, certainly, without doubt, why not?" Why, of diamonds and emeralds, and all manner of precious stones. Why, bodies and skeletons of beautiful young ladies all stained with blood. "Why, my mother is making a pudding this very day," said Tommy Grimes, "and I am sure she'd give you some, if I ask her." Why don't you go to work my lad? Why, to be sure, I would put up with almost anything now, to be Lord Mayor of London, and ride in a fine coach, when I grow to be a man! Why, there was the Baron's ring, the very one he had thrown over the cliff at Scarborough. Why, by casting a tree across; so Jack climbed up to the top of the tree and threw his weight on it, so that when the man had rooted the tree up, Jack and the tree-head dropped on the farther bank. Why he went about from stall to stall taking up things from each, here some fruit, and there some eggs, and so on; and no one seemed to take any notice. Why he went is largely a matter of speculation. "Why say, 'Sail on!" Why are there men and women that while they are nigh me the sunlight expands my blood? Why when they leave me do my pennants of joy sink flat and lank? Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me? Why, rising by the roadside here, do you the colors greet? Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight, and not of tradition? Why should the discovery of fire be regarded as of more significance than the discovery of steam? Why has the invention of the bow-and-arrow been of greater importance than the invention of gunpowder? Why was India better known in ancient times than China? Why was a canal through the isthmus of Suez less needed in ancient times than to-day? Why did the Greek traveler, Herodotus, call Egypt "the gift of the Nile"? Why did the existence of numerous slaves in Egypt and Babylonia tend to keep low the wages of free workmen? Why is it true that civilization may be said to have begun "with the cracking of the slave whip"? Why is it so much lower in modern countries? Why should the Phoenicians have been called the "colossal peddlers" of the ancient world? Why was Europe better fitted than Asia to develop the highest civilization? Why not so well fitted as Asia to originate civilization? Why has the Mediterranean been called a "highway of nations"? Why was the island of Cyprus a natural meeting place of Egyptian, Syrian, and Greek peoples? Why is Greece in its physical aspects "the most European of European lands"? Why has the Delphic oracle been called "the common hearth of Hellas"? Why are the earliest laws always unwritten? Why did the colonies, as a rule, advance more rapidly than the mother country in wealth and population? Why has Marathon been considered such a battle? Why did Xerxes take the longer route through Thrace, instead of the shorter route followed by Datis and Artaphernes? Why has the Peloponnesian War been called an "irrepressible conflict"? Why has it been called the "suicide of Greece"? Why was the tyranny of Sparta more oppressive than that of Athens? Why were the Hellenistic cities the real "backbone" of Hellenism? Why do great cities rarely develop without the aid of commerce? Why have Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica been called the "suburbs of Italy"? Why have the consuls been called "joint kings for one year"? Why has Carthage been called the "London" of the ancient world? Why did the Romans call the Second Punic War the "War of Hannibal"? Why did the cattle breeder in Italy have no reason to fear foreign competition? Why was the rule of the Senate, unsatisfactory though it was, to be preferred to that of the Roman populace? Why is the First Triumvirate described as a "ring"? Why does the First Triumvirate mark a distinct step toward the establishment of the empire? Why can wars with barbarous and savage peoples be justified as "the most ultimately righteous of all wars"? Why should Rome have made a greater success of her imperial policy than either Athens or Sparta? Why should Mithraism have proved "the most formidable foe which Christianity had to overcome"? Why did the Germans progress more slowly in civilization than the Greeks and the Romans? Why is modern civilization, unlike that of antiquity, in little danger from barbarians? Why has the battle of Adrianople been called "the Cannae of the fourth century"? Why has Alaric been styled "the Moses of the Visigoths"? Why was Attila called the "scourge of God"? Why does classical literature contain almost no "love stories," or novels? Why do you like it? Why is it likely that the bust of Nerva (illustration, page 200) is a more faithful likeness than that of Pericles (illustration, page 103)? Why was the extinction of the Ostrogothic kingdom a misfortune for Italy? Why did Italy remain for so many centuries after the Lombard invasion merely "a geographical expression"? Why has Lothair's kingdom north of the Alps been called the "strip of trouble"? Why has Justinian been called the "lawgiver of civilization"? Why was it necessary to codify Roman law? Why did heresies develop in the East rather than in the West? Why has the separation of the Greek and Roman churches been described as "the most momentous fact in the history of Christendom during the Middle Ages"? Why could not such an institution as the Papacy develop in the East? Why had the Arabs, until the time of Mohammed, played so inconspicuous a part in the history of the world? Why is the defeat of the Moslems before Constantinople regarded as more significant than their defeat at the battle of Tours? Why has the Baltic Sea been called a "secondary Mediterranean"? Why is an acquaintance with Scandinavian mythology, literature, and history especially desirable for English-speaking peoples? Why is Hastings included among "decisive" battles? Why was the feudal system not found in the Roman Empire in the East during the Middle Ages? Why has feudalism been called "confusion roughly organized"? Why was war the usual condition of feudal society? Why has chivalry been called "the blossom of feudalism"? Why has the Roman Church always refused to sanction divorce? Why has the medieval Papacy been called the "ghost" of the Roman Empire? Why is the Second Crusade often called "St. Bernard's Crusade"? Why has the Third Crusade been called "the most interesting international expedition of the Middle Ages"? Why should the steppes of central and northern Asia have been a nursery of warlike peoples? Why did the Mongol conquest of Russia tend to strengthen the sentiment of nationality in the Russian people? Why were the invasions of the Mongols and Ottoman Turks more destructive to civilization than those of the Germans, the Arabs, and the Northmen? Why was the Parliament of 1295 A.D. named the "Model Parliament"? Why has England been called "the mother of parliaments"? Why have queens never ruled in France? Why was Spain inconspicuous in European politics before the opening of the sixteenth century? Why was the German system of elective rulers politically less advantageous than the settled hereditary succession which prevailed in England and France? Why does an American city have a charter? Why has the medieval city been called the "birthplace of modern democracy"? Why was there no antagonism between labor and capital under the guild system? Why were fairs a necessity in the Middle Ages? Why are they not so useful now? Why was the purchasing power of money much greater in the Middle Ages than it is now? Why are modern coins always made perfectly round and with "milled" edges? Why was the money-changer so necessary a figure in medieval business? Why was Venice called the "bride of the sea"? Why has Siegfried, the hero of the _Nibelungenlied_, been called the "Achilles of Teutonic legend"? Why is there some excuse for describing a Gothic building as "a wall of glass with a roof of stone"? Why has scholasticism been called "a sort of Aristotelian Christianity"? Why was Friday regarded as a specially unlucky day? Why did the Renaissance begin as "an Italian event"? Why was the revival of Greek more important in the history of civilization than the revival of Latin? Why has Froissart been styled the "French Herodotus"? Why did the classical scholar come to be regarded as the only educated man? Why has Marco Polo been called the "Columbus of the East Indies"? Why did no one suggest that the New World be called after Columbus? Why did Balboa call the Pacific the "South Sea"? Why is Roman law followed in all Spanish-American countries? Why did the Germans fail to take part in the work of discovery and colonization? Why has Wycliffe been called the "morning star of the Reformation"? Why was Mary naturally a Catholic and Elizabeth naturally a Protestant? Why did the reformers in each country take special pains to translate the Bible into the vernacular? Why is the Council of Trent generally considered the most important church council since that of Nicaea? Why is it very desirable for the United States to adopt the budget system? Why did the French language in the seventeenth century become the language of fashion and diplomacy? Why were the reformers within the Church of England called "Puritans"? Why has the Bill of Rights been called the "third great charter of English liberty"? Why did it prove more difficult to establish a despotic monarchy in England than in France during the seventeenth century? Why, the Seer," he replied, still staring at it ruefully. Why, the darling old soul hasn't a penny to bless himself with, except his pension. Why on earth should you doubt them? Why, the Count of Lebenstein. Why, you're not going back to Glen-Ellachie to-night, surely? Why, I often wear that sweetly pretty brooch you gave me at Nice, when I was Madame Picardet! "Why do you insult me by telling me all this?" Why, you were there yourself," the man cried. Why, all the world would have known, and Golcondas would have been finished. Why, certainly," he said; and, for the first time, I detected a lingering trace of American accent. Why, when we began to suspect the Honourable David Granton, had we not, as if by accident, tried to knock his red wig off? Why, when the Reverend Richard Peploe Brabazon first discussed the question of the paste diamonds, had we not looked to see if any of Amelia's unique gems were missing? Why, when Professor Schleiermacher made his bow to assembled science at Lancaster Gate, had we not strictly inquired how far he was personally known beforehand to Sir Adolphus Cordery and the other mineralogists? Why, Sey, he spies out everything. "Why, of course," Medhurst answered. Why, you've got them in your hand! Why, I knew a promoter who did, and also the director of fourteen companies! Why, of course I do," Sir Adolphus answered. Why, I've known Marmy Gaskell ever since we were at Trinity together. Why, that's just where we're going too, Elihu! Why, I laid it down here just two minutes ago! Why, the Quackenbosses left Lake George on Tuesday morning, and I had the dispatch-box in my own hands on Wednesday. Why, then, did I get White Heather to purloin your dispatch-box, with intent to return it? Why should not some grain of compunction have stirred his soul still? --some remnant of conscience made him shrink from betraying a man who confided in him? Why, that was almost dishonest," the Senator said, drawing back. Why, Dolly, how did you get them? "Why, what harm was there in that?" Why, you _must_ understand. Why, these," he said, "are taken on Herbert Winslow's method, Miss Lingfield. "Why, of course," Charles cried. Why, I know that fellow! Why, it's worse than New York. Why, good gracious," she cried, "if it isn't Césarine! Why, I bear these. Why, that's the lake, by Zeus, Whereof he spake, and yon's the ferry- boat. Why, how am _I_ to pull? Why look! Why, I'd like nothing better than to achieve Some bold adventure, worthy of our trip. Why, she's stewing slices Of juicy bird's-flesh, and she's making comfits, And tempering down her richest wine. Why! Why how could _you_ (the vain and foolish thought! Why, how can I, A slave, a mortal, act Alcmena's son! Why "good gracious"? Why, what's the matter? Why not? Why he's obscure Even in the enunciation of the facts. Why, at first starting here's a fault sky high. Why this is worse than all. Why, just consider: I'll explain. Why, if a man had happened to meet me Out in the street, and intelligence brought of it, I should have thought he was trying to cheat me; Thought that his story was false and deceiving. Why, how came that about? Why should you bother about that-- REGINA. Why do you want me? Why, you see, I thought of putting the money into some paying speculation. Why, how wet it is? Why, my dear Regina-- REGINA. Why, certainly--that is undeniable. Why, you married them yourself. Why--good heavens!--what are you talking about! Why--a man's conscience--it can be bad enough now and then. Why, of course he is; but-- ENGSTRAND. Why, this alters the case considerably. Why can't you? Why do you wait? Why, it all came of this here prayer-meeting, you see. Why can't you say "thou" to me, Regina? Why have you never spoken of this in writing to me? Why should you fancy that? Why dost thou curse it? Why, here we have gain added unto gain. Why do I bear on me these mockeries, This prophet's wand, this fillet round my neck? Why did ye not pursue her while she lived? Why, when the riddling Sphinx was here, didst thou Fail by thy skill to save the commonwealth? Why should man fear whose life is but the sport Of chance, to whom the future is all dark? Why do I not at once, as here I am Wishing thy good, relieve thee of that fear? Why ask? Why, O Cithaeron, didst thou cherish me, Not end my life at once, that so my kind Had never learned the secret of my birth? Why dost thou gird at me thus fruitlessly? Why tell a flattering tale, when soon the lie Must be exposed? Why art thou downcast, lady, at my words? Why? Why dost thou gaze on me thus mournfully? "Why have they put the green bark on the top of the log?" "Why does it burn so fast?" Why were you all so hungry? Why," said Crocker, "I used to go up and down that road in my car like a mad bull, stopping along where there was anything wrong, raising Cain with the men that were not up to time. Why fiction? Why not history? Why fiction! Why not history? Why does Shakspere combine them in one play? Why does Hamlet delay in killing King Claudius after the revelation by his father's Ghost in I iv? Why does he feign madness? Why is Fortinbras included in the play? Why so many? Why then, the reader may ask at this point, another garden book? Why, and for what audience or what readers, did somebody, in a late age of brief lyrics and of philosophic poems, take the trouble to harmonise the body of discrepant wandering lays, and codify them in the _Iliad_? Why is there so much excitement at the assembly of Book II.? Why? Why did the late poets act so inconsistently? Why were they ignorant of small circular shields, which they saw every day? Why are they so recklessly anachronistic and "up-to-date" with the corslets and greaves, and so staunchly but inconsistently conservative about keeping the huge shields? Why, if they were bent on modernising, did they not modernise the shields? Why did not these late poets, it is asked, make him take off his corslet, if he had one, as well as his shield? Why did they leave corslets out, while their predecessors and contemporaries were introducing them all up and down the _Iliad_? Why, then, did the late poetic interpolators, who knew that the spears and swords of the old warriors were of bronze, and who describe them as of bronze, not know that their knives and axes were also of bronze? Why did they describe the old knives and axes as of iron, while Hesiod knew, and could have told them--did tell them, in fact--that they were of bronze? Why, then, had Homer's men in his time not made this step, seeing that they were familiar with the use of iron? Why do they use bronze for swords and spears, iron for tools? Why, then, do the supposed late continuators represent tools, not weapons, as of iron? Why do they not cleave to the traditional term--bronze--in the case of tools, as the same men do in the case of weapons? Why do they desert the traditional bronze? Why had Thrasymedes the shield of his father? Why it should be unlikely that a people confessedly familiar with writing used it for the preservation of literature, when we know that even the Red Indians preserve their songs by means of pictographs, while West African tribes use incised characters, is certainly not obvious. "Why?" Why, ladies," went on the official, radiantly, "my son is taking courses with M. Darbois at the Sorbonne. Why, she had none. Why there they are, the Darbois. Why should he not declare himself, or at least try to find some encouragement? Why, how pale you are, Jean! Why notice it? "Why, no, it is out of the question." Why it seems to be almost a duty. "Why?" Why should my father care to belong to the Academy at all? Why so pensive, little daughter? Why did he let me come here? "Why did you come to tell me yourself, instead of sending my man?" Why what is the matter with you. Why are you so nervous? Why not? Why? "Why did he go away in such haste?" "Why have you never told me?" Why, now I remember," she spoke gently with a charming smile, "that you are part of all my visions, but I do not know any more how, or why.... And Albert, where is he? Why does he not come? Why impossible? Why does the theatre draw me so that I am willing to sacrifice for it even those I love? Why not give English readers the ghostly part of the story? Why, I was told that both of you were dead! Why repeat such unlucky words?... Why, the simple fact that you long supposed O-Tsuyu to be dead, and repeated the Nembutsu for her, and made offerings before her tablet, is itself the proof!... "Why not?" Why, yes," he made answer,--"if you believe it worth thinking about. "Why, this way!" "Why," the Tengu exclaimed, "that pious wish of yours can easily be satisfied." "Why should not the young lady write a small volume, to be entitled-- let us say--_The Children's Book of American Birds_, and dedicate it to Mr. Worple!" Why, Mr. Wooster! "Why, whatever makes you think that?" Why, of course, I see now! "Why Jeeves?" Why interfere with life's morning? Why? "Why Boston?" "Why, this is really the best thing that could have happened." Why isn't he Lord What-Not? Why, in no time you'd have the place covered knee-deep in hens, all laying eggs, at twenty-five cents for every seven. "Why, yes, sir." Why? Why, that would be nothing to what I could make if I started a chicken farm. Why, if I wanted him to dine with me, I used to post him a letter at the beginning of the week, and then the day before send him a telegram and a phone-call on the day itself, and--half an hour before the time we'd fixed--a messenger in a taxi, whose business it was to see that he got in and that the chauffeur had the address all correct. Why, that bet on Tuesday. "Why don't I what?" "Why don't you wish her many happy returns?" "Why, they change the programme every week there." Why, hang it, this is a play, ready-made. Why, old top," I said, "this lets you out. "Why, you chump," I said, "it's going to save you." Why, I really do believe it would work," he said. "Why, about Stella." Why? Why, Count," she said, "what ages since we met in Vienna! Why I didn't notice it before I don't know, but it was not till Elizabeth showed it to me after dinner that I had my first look at the Yeardsley "Venus. Why, it's the most wonderful compliment to him. Why, you know all about it. Why is it surprising that I should visit my only nephew? "Why, the allowance your aunt was giving you." Why, for example, is the _Life of Cowley_ one of the most valuable of the _Lives_? Why, indeed, should Sebastian plot against his brother in the following scene, unless he knew how to find the kingdom which be was to inherit? Why, then some be of laughing] This is a quotation from the Accidence. Why may not the same experiment be ventured upon Shakespeare. Why may we not read for a shift, without much effort, _the time_ invites _us_? Why didst thou delay until this hour? Why, you should be glad like I am, Marcella," she cried, as she showed the slave-maiden the necklace of pearls that she had just finished stringing. Why, king, they be a hundred to one! Why, then, my Rane," asked the boy, "may we not cut our way out through that lowland fen, to the open sea and liberty? Why make a long story of what took but five minutes to do? "Why, that I know; and so, when I put up at an inn, 'tis my custom always to pay for it the price of stronger drink, which I cannot take." "Why, don't you know?" Why don't they go up to the town and fight like--" "Come, let's get the drum. Why, Marcel! Why, my poor lad, what--" But Marcel had thrust the packet into his hand, and dropped as one dead at his feet. Why, Massa Linkum, eberybody knows 'bout he. Why should she? Why don't you eat, for pity's sake? Why I have got a priceless treasure, that I found his morning, in rummaging in old Hevelius's shop, the Jew. Why, Bozerian, Closs, or Purgold might have been proud of such a binding! Why that is the name of another Icelander, a savant of the sixteenth century, a celebrated alchemist! "Why?" Why? Why was I dumb at such a crisis? Why so insensible to my uncle's interests? Why should it not be the same with the internal heat? Why should it not, at a certain depth, attain an impassable limit, instead of rising to such a point as to fuse the most infusible metals? "Why do you doubt?" "Why is that?" "Why?" "Why not to-day?" "Why did not you say so then?" "Why do you suppose that?" Why not? Why was he leaving us? "Why should we trouble ourselves to stop the stream from coming out at all?" Why should not so firmly convinced a man as my uncle, furnished with so industrious a guide as Hans, and accompanied by so determined a nephew as myself, go on to final success? "Why, this is the very limit assigned by science to the thickness of the crust of the earth." "Why, we must fill our pockets with stones." Why had I not thought of that sooner? "Why?" "Why not?" "Why," I said, "a raft would be just as hard to make as a boat, and I don't see -" "I know you don't see; but you might hear if you would listen." Why should not some of the strange birds restored by the immortal Cuvier again flap their 'sail-broad vans' in this dense and heavy atmosphere? Why am I unable to move my foot? Why, you are talking about the return before the arrival. Why, that's nothing. "Why gunpowder, to be sure!" Why should we fear the horrors of famine, when death was swooping down upon us in a multitude of other forms? Why, it would be simply disgraceful! "Why does the man want to be always bothering about himself!" "Why, what is it?" Why now? "Why, what else?" Why don't you marry her, then? Why, I met him a minute ago. Why good-bye. Why the sound seemed to me strange and peculiar I could not say, but at once I went towards it. "Why, that," he pointed to the brass comb lying on the little toilet table. "Why, yes, what of it?" "Why, in that way, for instance," his uncle had answered, pointing to Akim's beard, which he had begun to clip in order to please his betrothed, though he had refused to shave it completely.... Akim looked down; while the old man turned away, wrapped his tattered sheepskin about him and walked away, shaking his head. Why, he keeps saying such funny things," she said, without any particular embarrassment. "Why, the one on the high road not far from here." Why, it stands on your land. Why, he is richer than you are, upon my word, he is! Why, it's my house, isn't it? Why should you be worried! Why should he complain? "Why should I kill you, Arefyevna?" Why grieve? Why, it's our money, my husband's money and the inn is ours...." "No, Avdotya Arefyevna," Naum interrupted her, "the inn was not yours. Why, he'd set fire to the house to-morrow if I did. "Why, like this." Why, you got on without me in the past, you can get on in the future. Why, like this: Naum, after having kept the inn successfully for about fifteen years, sold it advantageously to another townsman. "Why, just that." Why ashamed? Why, of course. Why have you shut the door? "Why you have been hiding away from me all this time?" "Why not?" Why do you move away? Why don't you drink it? Why is that? Why, am I ..." "You mustn't talk, you mustn't excite yourself," the doctor interrupted. Why, what's this? Why, this is what I am _needing_,' I said, and put the writing in his hand. Why, you have taken leave of your senses! Why, don't you know? Why do you spoil him like this? "Why?" "Why, you heard that the cook has gone to buy a coffin." Why, the merchant's wife who lives beyond the rampart. "Why, for instance: I hope you will live a long _while_." "Why, she is a year older than you are." Why, isn't it there? "Why, how old are you?" Why will not a picture seen by both eyes produce the effect of relief, as [real] relief does when seen by both eyes; and why should a picture seen with one eye give the same effect of relief as real relief would under the same conditions of light and shade? Why when the eye has just seen the light, does the half light look dark to it, and in the same way if it turns from the darkness the half light look very bright? Why an object is less distinct when brought near to the eye, and why with spectacles, or without the naked eye sees badly either close or far off [as the case may be]. Why, to two [eyes] or in front of two eyes do 3 objects appear as two? Why, when you estimate the direction of an object with two sights the nearer appears confused. Why the 2 lights one on each side of a body having two pyramidal sides of an obtuse apex leave it devoid of shadow. Why is the shadow _e a b_ in the first grade of strength, _b c_ in the second; _c d_ in the third? Why, at the intersections _a_, _b_ of the two compound shadows _e f_ and _m e_, is a simple shadow pfoduced as at _e h_ and _m g_, while no such simple shadow is produced at the other two intersections _c d_ made by the very same compound shadows? Why the intersections at _n_ being composed of two compound derived shadows, forms a compound shadow and not a simple one, as happens with other intersections of compound shadows. Why the eye sees bodies at a distance, larger than they measure on the vertical plane?. Why objects seen at a distance appear large to the eye and in the image on the vertical plane they appear small. Why an impetus is not spent at once [but diminishes] gradually in some one direction? Why are paintings seen more correctly in a mirror than out of it? Why does not the weight _o_ remain in its place? Why the planets appear larger in the East than they do overhead, whereas the contrary should be the case, as they are 3500 miles nearer to us when in mid sky than when on the horizon. Why do we find so many fragments and whole shells between layer and layer of stone, if this had not formerly been covered on the shore by a layer of earth thrown up by the sea, and which was afterwards petrified? Why do we find the bones of great fishes and oysters and corals and various other shells and sea-snails on the high summits of mountains by the sea, just as we find them in low seas? Why does the inundation of the Nile occur in the summer, coming from torrid countries? Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than with the imagination being awake? Why did nature not ordain that one animal should not live by the death of another? Why dost thou not wake and behold thy creatures thus ill used? Why Hungarian ducats have a double cross on them. Why the mountain shines at the top, from half to a third of the night, and looks like a comet to the inhabitants of the West after the sunset, and before day to those of the East. Why this comet appears of variable forms, so that it is now round and now long, and now again divided into two or three parts, and now in one piece, and when it is to be seen again. Why, in God's name, of all the letters I have written to you, have you never answered one. Why dost Thou leave me here? Why must I live? Why art thou So motionless? Why should we linger here? Why dost thou come here? Why have they treated thee In such a fashion--why abandoned thee In solitude? Why should she render thee Unhappy? Why was it thou Wert not beside the Queen? Why shouldst thou leave us now? Why dost thou weep so bitterly? "Why should I Be long away?" Why art thou not gay? Why do you act so to me? Why do you conduct yourself in this fashion toward me? Why, then, should his Majesty be so much disturbed over the weakening of his physical forces? Why," said he, "were you willing, with a word, to cause the loss of many men and countries? Why don't you pay attention to my orders? Why then should I hesitate a moment for a superb cloak of scarlet? Why did you refrain from appearing before me at court to-day, at the same time with the ministers and grandees? Why, now that you are here, are you the only one to wear a sad and mournful appearance and a long face, while all the others show their joy? Why, if such a thing exists, and if we, or some one else, should attempt to bring all those precious stones to this earth, it would revolutionize the diamond industry of the world. "Why, I suah did," was the reply, "I did come t' tell yo' dat Perfesser Henderson would be pleased to hold some conversations wid yo', but when Massa Jack done mentioned about dem diamonds, I clean fo'got it." Why, a trip to the moon ought to be a little pleasure jaunt, like an automobile tour. Why, this note. Why, he's running to beat the band! Why? Why? Why not? Why, then, we can tell where to start from. Why, gee whiz! Why, of course! Why, I'm going to keep you here until your friends have left in the projectile," was the answer. Why didn't you capture my chum Jack, too, while you were about it? "Why?" Why not? Why, Mark, what happened? Why didn't you wait for me? "Why not?" Why did you come alone? Why didn't you send us word where you were as soon as you were conscious, and we would have come for you. Why don't you leave for the moon to-night, professor? "Why didn't you come home?" "Why didn't you wait for me at the barn, when I went to send the telegram, as you promised you would?" Why didn't I wait for Jack at the barn, as I promised? Why don't they go on without that confounded rooster? Why did he do it? Why, we're only going about twenty miles a second," and he spoke as if that was a mere nothing. Why, I suppose you'll make a dive for a hatful of diamonds, won't you? Why, we're rushing right at the moon! Why," broke in Mark, who was a trifle better student than was his chum, "don't you remember that the moon rotates on its axis once a month, or in about twenty-eight days, to be exact, and so half of that time is day and half night, just as on our earth, when it revolves on its axis in twenty-four hours, half the time is day and half the time is night. Why, what's the matter? "Why, I do believe Washington's afraid!" Why was this man off here alone? Why, it must be. Why, I feel better already," asserted Jack, as he munched some sandwiches which Washington White had made. Why, the matter is that I'm a double-barrelled dunce," was the answer. Why, you must be crazy! Why, no one has been alive here for thousands and thousands of years! Why, I'm going to blast out some of this meat, that's what I'm going to do! Why--why--the stone has disappeared! "Why?" Why, there is the ransom of a thousand kings spread out before us! Why flows with tears thine eye? Why are not armies sent to break these prison bars, and bring Back to her home the Moorish maid, the favorite of the King? 'Why art thou absent still so long? Why wilt thou not forgive me, why wilt thou not forget? Why should I dress in robes of joy, whose heart is wounded sore, By curses, that requite so ill the duteous love I bore? Why stay ye from the window far, nor gaze with all the town? "Why rise ye not, Xarifa, nor lay your cushion down?" Why gaze ye not, Xarifa, with all the gazing town? Why dost thou turn out the water? Why," says he, "didst thou not kill me in my sleep? Why take so much care About a tree that bears not any dates? Why do you laugh, negress? Why? Why all this coldness, O my best beloved? Why, El Mannoubyya? Why? Why? Why? Why the long way thou hast begun, without one gentle word to me? Why doth she fail? Why hath he sunk?--so true, So brave and steadfast, and so free from pride! Why didst thou quit thy brethren on the way, And Krishna, and the dear-loved Draupadi, Attaining firm and glorious to this Mount Through perfect deeds, to linger for a brute? Why may not I clasp thy loved hands and exchange true words with thee? Why shouldst thou weep, sister dear? Why regret that thou hast at last forgotten Sichaeus? Why stoppest thou here? Why have ye laid my heartstrings bare? Why did you carry with you brides ye loved not, treacherous curs? Why tear their flesh in Corpes wood with saddle-girths and spurs, And leave them to the beasts of prey? Why I will thee tell we are such neighbors nigh. Why sank I not in ocean," (was her cry), "When first I reared my sail upon the main? Why not sit and eat? Why is Johnson pompous, Goldsmith simple? Why is one author abrupt, another rhythmical, another concise? Why, positively, you do not recognize your own good fortune when you are told of it. Why, it is a thing to be meditated on when we have said it--they depend almost more on earth than they do on heaven, almost more on us than on Him; so He has willed it on whom all depend, and without whom there is no dependence. Why? --'Why, have you already rented your house? Why, sir, it is a very harmless doctrine. Why, sir, if it be once established that there are souls in Purgatory, it is as proper to pray for them as for our brethren of mankind who are yet in this life. Why, sir, we must either suppose that passage to be metaphorical, or hold with many divines, and all purgatorians, that departed souls do not all at once arrive at the utmost perfection of which they are capable. Why, no, sir. Why does love, infinite, tender love, inflict such intense pain? Why does the parent turn away from his child, and forbid him his presence for a time? ... Why, but because suffering is needed as an atonement to justice, because love cannot be perfected without fear. Why had they only taught me, "Believe, and you shall be saved? Why had I never known this gentle Mother! Why could I not catch her mantle, and clinging to it, pass from waiting to fulfilment! Why she was called "the lady of the abyss," and elsewhere "the voice of the abyss" (/Me-abzu/) is not known. Why this should have taken place is not by any means certain, for Nebo was a deity adored far and wide, as may be gathered from the fact that there was a mountain bearing his name in Moab, upon which Moses--also an "announcer," adds Jastrow--died. Why? Why art thou a stealer of hearts? Why lags the word, "_Am I not your Lord_"? Why should we not go even beyond Paul, and honour God by assuming a number of Christs, among whom--if we approach the subject impartially --would be Socrates, Zarathustra, Gautama the Buddha, as well as Jesus the Christ? Why, indeed, should we not? Why do you scorn the Jew? Why do you constantly scrutinize the _man_ to find the _Jew_ in him? Why should I extol the eternal people, for you detest its virtues, you desire not to hear of them.... "Why weepest thou, my afflicted sister?" Why do you do them wrong? Why should these dogs have the right to bite and bark? Why not apply the law to human groups, or nations? Why should the Greeks, the Roumanians, desire a national emancipation, and Israel, the people of the Bible, not?... --'Why, I handed my money over long ago, it is my bread. Why, this very Azubian could not resist the tempter, and is hard at work studying Russian. Why don't you look for a place to lie down in? Why does He make one to enjoy all the blessings of life and another to suffer all miseries throughout eternity? Why is one born with good tendencies and another with evil ones? Why is one man virtuous throughout his life and another bestial? Why is one born intelligent and another idiotic? Why? Why are they invisible to us now? Why is there this difference? Why is it that the children of the same parents show a marked dissimilarity to their parents and to each other? Why do twins develop into dissimilar characters and possess opposite qualities, although they are born of the same parents at the same time and brought up under similar conditions and environments? Why? Why is it that Pascal, when twelve years old, succeeded in discovering for himself the greater part of plane geometry. Why does He not create all souls equal? Why will one soul be highly advanced spiritually while another is entirely ignorant and idiotic? Why should a greater manifestation choose more limited forms in preference to those of others? Why did Hannibal fail? Why? Why did he fail? Why was the failure of the agitation of the Gracchi of very great significance? Why this was styled _carmen_ is not known. Why do we not offer Him something which Messala's blear-eyed progeny with all his wealth cannot offer, a spirit at one with justice and right, holy in its inmost depths, and a heart steeped in nobleness and virtue? Why seek we Heaven outside? Why do you not, my son," he said, "why do you not live as others live? Why, hell, I suppose," replied the other, with great deliberation, while the purser fell on his knees, and begged of Heaven that we might not all perish for the sake of Jonas. Why should I tire you with a description of our unutterable sorrow at the fatal news of this event, the remembrance of which now fills my aged eyes with tears! Why did you consent to my leaving you?--but I know the reason--you thought you had got more creditable friends, and grew ashamed of my acquaintance. Why don't you take up your habitation in your beloved France, where you may rail at England without censure? Why, now, this looks almost as well as a diamond. Why, I suppose, if you had a bad run last night, you would scarce come off for less than ten or twelve shilling. Why are you so exquisitely fair?--why are you so enchantingly good?-- why has nature dignified you with charms so much above the standard of woman? Why should I tire you with particulars of my consequence? Why, a long and weary march remained yet to be taken into countries far remote and strange; where, under the name of lands given them to cultivate, they had unhospitable bogs to drain, and the wild wastes of mountains to manure. Why did you the other day, oh unseasonable and too officious friends! Why would he not rather have tortured the minister of the poison? Why not inquired into the author of the poison? Why not observed towards his only son, a son hitherto convicted of no iniquity, that slowness and hesitation, which, even in his proceedings against strangers, was inherent in him? Why the connection terminated has never been exactly known; but it is certain that Lord Shelburne behaved with the utmost consideration and kindness towards Priestley; that he fulfilled his engagements to the letter; and that, at a later period, he expressed a desire that Priestley should return to his old footing in his house. Why, there is not a function of a single organ in the body which has not been determined wholly and solely by experiment? Why, exactly because the former depends on a definition, the latter on a type. Why is it that educated men can be found to maintain that a slaughter- house in the midst of a great city is rather a good thing than otherwise?--that mothers persist in exposing the largest possible amount of surface of their children to the cold, by the absurd style of dress they adopt, and then marvel at the peculiar dispensation of Providence, which removes their infants by bronchitis and gastric fever? Why is it that quackery rides rampant over the land; and that not long ago, one of the largest public rooms in this great city could be filled by an audience gravely listening to the reverend expositor of the doctrine--that the simple physiological phaenomena known as spirit-rapping, table-turning, phreno-magnetism, and I know not what other absurd and inappropriate names, are due to the direct and personal agency of Satan? Why is all this, except from the utter ignorance as to the simplest laws of their own animal life, which prevails among even the most highly educated persons in this country? Why should we be worse off under one _régime_ than under the other? Why should he not? Why not make him belong to the Iron and Steel Institute, and learn something about cutlery, because he uses knives? Why Englishmen, who are so notoriously fond of good living, should be so helplessly incompetent in the art of cookery, is one of the great mysteries of nature; but from the varied abominations of the railway refreshment-rooms to the monotonous dinners of the poor, English feeding is either wasteful or nasty, or both. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? Why should the great master, who exhausted in his dramatic personages almost all types of human nature, not have put such a character also on the stage? Why strive for the knowledge of things if we become more cowardly thereby? Why, here's our fellow _Shakespeare_ puts them all down--I, and _Ben Jonson_ too. Why, then thy dogmatical silence hath left thee? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why should Bacon not have been one of the noblemen who, after the performance of a play, were initiated, in the Mermaid Tavern, into the more hidden meaning of a drama? Why not Malevole in folio with us, as Jeronimo _in decimo sexto_ with them? "Why, of course he doesn't," answered my grandfather. "Why, of course I did," my grandfather would answer; "it was Prosper, Mme." Why, yes," she began again suddenly. Why, what in the world is there that we should care for if it's not our lives, the only gift the Lord never offers us a second time? Why, he couldn't even tell me what the weather was like. Why he doesn't know me. Why, it's Bergotte! Why, it was just his Lordship himself who started the outcry about the window, by proving that it represented Gilbert the Bad, a Lord of Guermantes and a direct descendant of Geneviève de Brabant, who was a daughter of the House of Guermantes, receiving absolution from Saint Hilaire. "Why yes, have you never noticed, in the corner of the window, a lady in a yellow robe?" Why, gracious heavens, it must be a regular musical box, that house out there! "Why, as if anybody could refuse anything to a little piece of perfection like that." Why, I have never anything to do. Why do you want the rest? Why," she wrote, "did you not forget your heart also? Why, of course not; there's absolutely nothing in it; in fact, between you and me, I think she's making a great mistake, and behaving like a silly little fool, which she is, incidentally. Why, good heavens, just fancy, at your age, having to be told what the smart places are in Paris! "Why, silly, the balls people give in Paris; the smart ones, I mean." Why, he's celebrated all over Europe. Why, Swann was in the regiment then; he must have known him. Why, do you know, she wants so much to meet you again some day at luncheon. Why doesn't he say, straight out, that we keep a disorderly house? Why, if he went down there, in defiance of her prohibition, he would be able to see her that very day! "Why, you, of all people, ought to know that it's true," replied the Princesse des Laumes, "for you must have asked him a hundred times, and he's never been to your house once." Why should you? Why, I might get a most hostile reception. Why? Why, they must have 'countries' everywhere, those creatures! Why, surely! Why, yes, that's just what I was saying to myself, how sensibly they're behaving! Why be so distressed? Why should not Gilberte do the same as that lady? Why, she's perfectly horrible, and always has been. Why, of course I did," answered my mother, who always seemed afraid lest, were she to admit that we were not on the warmest of terms with Swann, people would seek to reconcile us more than she cared for, in view of the existence of Mme. Why, I thought as much. Why did you baptize that Iroquois? Why did you not darken your light, that he might be stricken with horror at his crime? Why, you have commended the book so warmly, that you should be ashamed of reading your name before the dedication. Why, he told you that nobody was with him a shooting when he killed the partridge; but he knows" (here he burst into a flood of tears), "yes, he knows, for he confessed it to me, that Black George the gamekeeper was there. Why, husband," says she, "would any but such a blockhead as you not have enquired what place this was before he had accepted it? "Why, ay," says the squire, "I believe I do know a little of that matter, as you say." Why sorry," cries the squire: "Where is the mighty matter o't? Why, Allworthy loves a wench himself. --"Why, if you was," cries her mistress, "I see no reason that you should be ashamed of it; for he is certainly a pretty fellow. --"Why, ma'am," answered Mrs Honour, "he came into the room one day last week when I was at work, and there lay your ladyship's muff on a chair, and to be sure he put his hands into it; that very muff your ladyship gave me but yesterday. Why, hussy, says he, starting up from a dream, what can I be thinking of, when that angel your mistress is playing? Why, my girl, will you give it such liberties? --"Why, I would not have you mention this any more," said Sophia, "for it may come to my father's ears, and he would be angry with Mr Jones; though I really believe, as you say, he meant nothing. Why do you mention another man to me? --"Why, I must confess," says Square, "as the matter was misrepresented to me, by that parson Thwackum, I might condemn the corruption of innocence: it was that, sir, it was that--and that--: for you must know, Mr Jones, in the consideration of fitness, very minute circumstances, sir, very minute circumstances cause great alteration. --"Why should you think I would kill you? Why will we not modestly observe the same rule in judging of the good, as well as the evil of others? --"Why, she doth not complain of anything," cries Western; "and she hath had the small-pox. --"Why, lookee, sister," said Western, "I do believe you have as much as any woman; and to be sure those are women's matters. Why, you betrayed yourself yesterday at dinner. Why truly," says Allworthy, "I could wish you had not given him so many opportunities with her; and you will do me the justice to acknowledge that I have always been averse to his staying so much at your house, though I own I had no suspicion of this kind. "Why, zounds," cries Western, "who could have thought it?" Why, to be sure, ma'am, my master no sooner told Squire Allworthy about Mr Jones having offered to make love to your la'ship than the squire stripped him stark naked, and turned him out of doors! Why will you not confide in me for the management of my niece? Why will you interpose? Why--why--why--did I not overhear you telling her she must behave like a princess? --"Why then you may gi' it me, if you think you are able," cries the squire; "nay, I suppose your niece there will be ready enough to help you. Why yesterday, of all the days in the year? --"Why so? --"Why do you repeat her impudence so often? --"Why, measter," cries the fellow, "you must be come out of your road the Lord knows whither; for thick way goeth to Glocester. Why, you be going away from Bristol," answered the fellow. --"Why, you must keep the strait road. --"Why, you must keep the right-hand road, and then gu strait vorwards; only remember to turn vurst to your right, and then to your left again, and then to your right, and that brings you to the squire's; and then you must keep strait vorwards, and turn to the left. Why, would it not be better for her to be dead, than to be a beggar? Why now, there is above forty shillings for window-lights, and yet we have stopt up all we could; we have almost blinded the house, I am sure. "Why, I believe there is such a command," cries the lieutenant; "but a man of honour can't keep it." Why, in that of my honour. Why, I have seen the young volunteer that was killed yesterday. Why don't you go up? Why, you thought, sir, I knew nothing of the matter, I warrant you, about Madam Sophia. Why, there it is now," cries the landlady. --"Why, then," answered she, "as I hope to be saved, and may the devil fetch me if I speak a syllable more than the truth, I have heard her mention Mr Jones; but in a civil and modest way, I confess; yet I could perceive she thought a great deal more than she said. Why was such a rascal as I born, ever to give her soft bosom a moment's uneasiness? Why am I cursed? --"Why, look you there now," says the landlady; "I told her you was a constant lovier. --"Why do you conclude so? Why, I will drink a bottle with you if you please; for I dearly love good-nature; and as you have found me out to be a comical fellow, so I have no skill in physiognomy, if you are not one of the best-natured gentlemen in the universe. --"Why he told me his name was Jones," says she: "perhaps he goes by a wrong name. --"Why doth he not go by the name of his father? Why then, upon my soul," cries Benjamin, "it would require a great deal of art to keep you from being well after a very few dressings; and if you will suffer me to apply some salve of mine, I will answer for the success. Why, he's the bastard of a fellow who was hanged for horse-stealing. --"Why, sure he would not be angry with you," said Jones, "for doing a common act of charity? "Why that, sir," says the stranger, "is a cant phrase for the gallows; for as gamesters differ little from highwaymen in their morals, so do they very much resemble them in their language." `Why now, that's strange,' answered he; `neither you, nor any of my friends, would ever allow me to know anything of the matter, and yet I believe I _am_ as good a hand at every game as any of you all; and I heartily wish I was to play with you only for your whole fortune: I should desire no better sport, and I would let you name your game into the bargain: but come, my dear boy, have you the hundred in your pocket? Why now, that's friendly," said he; "d--n me, I hate to see two people bear ill-will to one another after they have had a tussel. Why did not you ask him whether he'd have any supper? "Why sure," cries the landlady, "her ladyship's honour can never intend it." "Why, Susan," cries the landlady, "is there a fire lit yet in the Wild-goose?" Why, truly, madam," answered the landlady, "you could not take me again at such a disadvantage; for I must confess I have nothing in the house, unless a cold piece of beef, which indeed a gentleman's footman and the post-boy have almost cleared to the bone. Why there," says Susan, "I hope, madam, your ladyship won't be offended; but pray, madam, is not your ladyship's name Madam Sophia Western? Why that man, that the gentlewoman spoke of, who is in the kitchen, told about you last night. Why, madam," continued Susan, "that man told us all in the kitchen that Madam Sophia Western--indeed I don't know how to bring it out. Why would you interfere? Why, then, depend upon it; mind what I say--depend upon it, they are certainly some of the rebel ladies, who, they say, travel with the young Chevalier; and have taken a roundabout way to escape the duke's army. ----"Why, it is," answered the wife, "that she is too humble to be any very great lady: for, while our Betty was warming the bed, she called her nothing but child, and my dear, and sweetheart; and, when Betty offered to pull off her shoes and stockings, she would not suffer her, saying, she would not give her the trouble. Why, that's true," replied the wife; "and I heartily hope she will have it in her power. Why, you would not harbour rebels, would you? Why, why, would you marry an Irishman? Why should I not? Why, I am a middle-aged man now, and yet I may live a great number of years. Why do you beat me in this manner, mistress? "Why, certainly," replied the exciseman, "I should be a very ill man if I did not honour the king, whose bread I eat." "Why, that is what I say," cries the landlord, "whenever folks say who knows what may happen!" Why, here's more news of Madam Sophia come to town. Why, then, here's Miss Lalage's health with all my heart," cries Dowling. "Why, see," said Jones, "that you have made her daughter distractedly in love with you." Why, what can I do? Why, pray, what fortune do you imagine this lady to have? Why, at the utmost, perhaps £200. Why, ay," replied the old gentleman, "so I would have them; but then I would have them chuse wisely.--Indeed, Jack, you must and shall leave the girl. --"Why, he is," said she, "what I am sorry to say most happy men with us are, one of the lowest fellows in the world. Why, he hath killed a man this morning in a duel, that's all. Why, my good lord," answered she, "do you think any woman in England would not laugh at you in her heart, whatever prudery she might wear in her countenance?----You force me to use a strange kind of language, and to betray my sex most abominably; but I am contented with knowing my intentions are good, and that I am endeavouring to serve my cousin; for I think you will make her a husband notwithstanding this; or, upon my soul, I would not even persuade her to fling herself away upon an empty title. Why dost unt speak? Why dost unt answer? --"Why wout ask, Sophy? "Why, there lies the key on the table," cries the squire. "Why then I will deliver it to you.--There 'tis," cries the squire. "Why, you are to blame, brother," answered she. "Why then, sister, if you think so," said the squire, "here's your good health with all my heart." Why will you not leave everything entirely to me? "Why, who," cries Jones, "dost thou take to be such a coward here besides thyself?" ----"Why, what a pox is the matter now? "Why, I say, sir," answered she, "that I never was more concerned at anything in my life; but, if the fact be true, I am convinced the man, whoever he is, was in fault." Why, then," says the squire, "to tell you plainly, we have been all this time afraid of a son of a whore of a bastard of somebody's, I don't know whose, not I. Why, zounds! Why, then, sir," cries Allworthy, "I can truly say, without a compliment either to you or the young lady, that when this match was proposed, I embraced it very readily and heartily, from my regard to you both. Why, is unt it to make her happy? Why may I not hope then by such perseverance at last to gain those inclinations, in which for the future I shall, perhaps, have no rival; for as for this lord, Mr Western is so kind to prefer me to him; and sure, sir, you will not deny but that a parent hath at least a negative voice in these matters; nay, I have heard this very young lady herself say so more than once, and declare that she thought children inexcusable who married in direct opposition to the will of their parents. Why, then," said Sophia, "will you not suffer me to refuse this once? Why, I only beg that I may not be left alone, at least this evening; grant me that, and I will submit, if you think, after what is past, I ought to see him in your company. Why, what do they say? Why, your face is more miserable than any dungeon in the universe. Why, what is the matter? Why then, the Lord have mercy upon your soul, and forgive you," cries Partridge; "but as sure as I stand here alive, you have been a-bed with your own mother. Why yes, sir, I have something to tell you about her. Why, your lawyer, sir," said she, "that you so kindly sent to enquire into the affair. Why then do you tell him, my dear sir," cries she. "Why, you may see un an you will presently at my lodgings; for there is to be a meeting of lawyers there this morning about a mortgage." --"Why, sir, Mr Blifil sent me to find out the persons who were eye- witnesses of this fight. --"Why, so I did," cries Western, "as long as it was possible; but to hear a wench telling such confounded lies----Zounds! Why then," says she, "I have been with your young lady, and have explained all matters to her, as they were told to me by my son Nightingale. Why dost not speak? Why should I confess, sir," says Sophia, "since it seems you are so well acquainted with my thoughts? Why then to-morrow morning shall be the day, papa, since you will have it so," says Sophia. Why, there," cries Western, "you may bid her unsay all again if you will. Why, prithee, who art engaged to? Why dost look so grave? Why men do not attain quickly to the perfect Love of God--Of Four Degrees of Prayer--Of the First Degree--The Doctrine profitable for Beginners, and for those who have no sensible Sweetness XII. Why Men Do Not Attain Quickly to the Perfect Love of God. Why should it not rather proceed to other matters which our Lord places before it, and for neglecting which there is no reason? Why, then, give graces so high to souls who have been such great sinners? Why, O Lord, dost Thou pass by most holy persons, who have always served Thee, and who have been tried; who have been brought up in religion, and are really religious--not such as I am, having only the name--so as to make it plain that they are not recipients of those graces which Thou hast bestowed upon me? Why, then, do we desire it? Why His Majesty doeth this is, because it is His pleasure, and He doeth it according to His pleasure; even if the soul be without the fitting disposition, He disposes it for the reception of that blessing which He is giving to it. Why should I not believe them? Why have I not strength enough to fight against all hell? Why do we seek blessings and joys so great, bliss without end, and all at the cost of our good Jesus? Why has it not arrived at the summit of perfection? Why, then, did I fail in courage to serve One to whom I owed so much? Why? Why was the whole after-deck full of coal? Why, the end of the lashing was nailed down with a little tack, such as one would use to fasten labels. Why he had not told it before is difficult to explain. Why should they sever themselves from these? Why is the devil so loth to have testimony borne against you? Why were they killed? Why not take them to America? Why not found a new colony there where men might dwell in peace and comfort, with the aim not of amassing wealth, but of living sober and useful lives? Why should they complain of the Navigation Acts? Why should they feel aggrieved at the restriction on their manufactures? Why, O Lord, cannot we burn like them with silent love? Why cannot I love Thee infinitely? Why not then seek in the latter, the happiness which he had vainly dreamed of finding in the former? Why not choose one among the many paths to distinction which untried life held out so temptingly, and take his chance of success as others had done before him? Why, she is but half-alive, and not young either! Why this juvenile attachment was a source of unhappiness we have no positive means of ascertaining. Why, after putting myself to a considerable expense in equipping and providing necessaries for the campaign, I went out, was soundly beaten, and lost all! Why, soldiers, why? Why the Jews should have called Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and the Kings books of the Prophets is not clear; perhaps because they were supposed to have been written by prophets; perhaps because prophets have a conspicuous place in their histories. Why were they suffered to perish? Why not? Why does he not set it aside? Why, then, should he enter upon a kind of discussion which would have tended to confuse and obscure the main truths which he came to teach? Why should we venture on the assertion that if adopted by the writers of the Old Testament it would make them guilty of falsehood?...There is nothing that need startle us in the thought that an inspired writer might use a liberty which has been granted without hesitation to the teachers of mankind in every age and country. Why should it be regarded as a dangerous, almost a diabolical proceeding, to let the Bible tell its own story about its origin, instead of trusting to rabbinical traditions and mediæval guesses and _a priori_ theories of seventeenth century theologians? Why, for example, did each one of them omit so much that the others had written? Why is this? Why should this place lie idle? Why should this great tract of country in such a lovely climate be untenanted and uncultivated? Why should not the highlands Of Ceylon, with an Italian climate, be rescued from their state of barrenness? Why should not the plains be drained, the forests felled, and cultivation take the place of the rank pasturage, and supplies be produced to make Ceylon independent of other countries? Why should not schools be established, a comfortable hotel be erected, a church be built? Why, a man might as well take the rudder off a ship because he could not steer, and then abuse the vessel for not keeping her course! Why should not governors serve an apprenticeship for five years as colonial secretaries to the colonies they are destined for, if five years is still to be the limited term of their office? Why then dost thou exalt them to this highmost pitch of importance that they imagine them it was they gave thee this kingship and advanced thee to this rank and that it is they who confer favours on thee, albeit they have no power to do thee the least damage? Why did ye not make due enquiry of him? Why did ye make him out a thief and disgrace him amongst the folk? Why doth he not ask her in marriage and dower her and make her a wedding festival and marry her, in accordance with that which is pleasing to Allah and His Apostle? Why then," asked the Merman, "is it grievous to you that Allah should take back His deposit and wherefore weep ye over it? Why didst thou not have patience with him and question him of his case? Why dost thou hold off from me? Why, then, O my father, dost thou not outfit me with merchandise, so I may fare with it and find my luck? Why, then, wilt thou oppress this poor man thus? Why hast thou beaten this good woman and broken her forearm and knocked out her tooth and entreated her thus? Why should the blamer abuse thee in his pride, iii. Why dost thou weep when I depart and thou didst parting claim, v. 295. Why not incline me to that show of silky down, iv. Why then waste I my time in grief, until, i. Why so? Why have you acted thus? Why do you not advance! Why so? Why do you not sit down," said the King, "for all your wishes are now fulfilled? Why did you promise that," said Sudun, "let us rather overcome them with the sword, and take Shama from them. Why Jonathan Scott, LL.D., should have thought to better Galland, while Mr. Lane's version is in existence, and has just been reprinted, it is impossible to say. (Why not 1,001? Why will not poets mind their quantities, in lieu of stultifying their lines by childish ignorance? Why should I attempt to conceal it? "Why, indeed?" Why should she hand it over to anyone else? "Why, indeed?" "'Why that?" 'Why,' says he, 'here's another vacancy on the League of the Red- headed Men. "'Why, what is it, then?" "'Why, I wonder at that, for you are eligible yourself for one of the vacancies." Why, I have lost four pound a week. "Why did you pick him?" "Why did you beat the pavement?" "Why serious?" Why, dear me, it sounds quite hollow! "Why did you come away to consult me in such a hurry?" Why, all the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to be true; and that even if something quite unforeseen occurred to separate us, I was always to remember that I was pledged to him, and that he would claim his pledge sooner or later. Why, bless my soul! Why should you raise up hopes which you are bound to disappoint? Why? Why does fate play such tricks with poor, helpless worms? Why," said I, glancing up at my companion, "that was surely the bell. 'Why, what on earth does this mean, John? Why did you come to me," he cried, "and, above all, why did you not come at once? Why, Watson, let us put their own devilish trade-mark upon them. "Why," said my wife, pulling up her veil, "it is Kate Whitney." "Why, what do you mean?" Why, it's a dummy," said he. Why should I slink away without having carried out my commission, and without the payment which was my due? Why? Why," he shrieked, "you're looking at the wrong side! Why shouldn't we be married right away, then,' said he, 'and then I will feel sure of you; and I won't claim to be your husband until I come back? "Why is he silent, then, if he is innocent?" Why, you are like a magician," said she. "Why, it is after nine now," I answered. Why, dash it all! Why should they give you 120 pounds a year, when they could have their pick for 40 pounds? 'Why, what did you think? 'Why do you think that I lock this door? Why could I not have been contented to labor with my companions, and not wish to be idle all the day like that useless little Lapdog! Why," he replied, "I am in need of immediate help, and he is wont to give his good gifts very slowly. Why do you not go faster? Why were your feet so slow? Why, you two fellows are better able to carry the poor beast than he you. Why," said the Kite, "do I see you with such a rueful look? Why, are you able to secure the means of living by your plunder? Why Elaine? Why not? Why shouldn't she be conspicuous if she chooses? Why should she slink about as if it were she who had disgraced herself? "Why, yes, sir," said Archer, who usually tossed off half a dozen papers with his morning coffee. Why--have you waited long? Why not make one's own fashions? Why aren't we very well off as we are? "Why not--why not--why not?" "Why?" Why not now? Why don't you get into touch? Why don't you all get together and be `they' yourselves? Why should he not be, at that moment, on the sands of St. Augustine with May Welland? Why--do you mean that you've been overtaken? Why--the house is open! Why shouldn't we be married in Lent? Why shouldn't we make them real? Why should we dream away another year? Why had she bidden him to come early if she was having people to dine? Why a bouquet? Why not come with me? Why are you crying? Why this sacrifice? Why, of course, the first week in April. Why? Why, they might take a photograph of my child AND PUT IT IN THE PAPERS! Why not wear your wedding- dress? Why does he never write? "Why should he?" Why shouldn't we go out a little on the bay? Why shouldn't we? Why didn't you come down to the beach to fetch me, the day I was at Granny's? Why the devil," Archer explosively continued, "should you have thought --since I suppose you're appealing to me on the ground of my relationship to Madame Olenska--that I should take a view contrary to the rest of her family? Why? Why, what's happened? Why should I be? "Why--you know it will, don't you?" Why are we stopping? Why poor? Why not? Why not? Why, that I believe you came to New York because you were afraid. Why-- since she's going back to Europe so soon; since Granny approves and understands, and has arranged to make her independent of her husband--" She broke off, and Archer, grasping the corner of the mantelpiece in one convulsed hand, and steadying himself against it, made a vain effort to extend the same control to his reeling thoughts. Why did she write this? Why should I? Why, this used to be one of the old Cesnola rooms," he heard some one say; and instantly everything about him vanished, and he was sitting alone on a hard leather divan against a radiator, while a slight figure in a long sealskin cloak moved away down the meagrely- fitted vista of the old Museum. Why not, I'd like to know? Why--aren't you well? 'Why do you catch them? Why, don't you see how it is cut? Why is she not out with her brother? Why, look there! 'Why, nobody shall that isn't thankful for them. 'Why, my dear, I should have thought you had had enough of it. 'Why so?--I shall not be present at the ball. 'Why didn't you tell me before? 'Why, middling, Miss, i' myseln--my eyes is no better, but I'm a deal easier i' my mind nor I have been,' replied she, rising to welcome me with a contented smile; which I was glad to see, for Nancy had been somewhat afflicted with religious melancholy. 'Why, Miss, he seemed to scorn me. '"Why," says he--he says, "if you do your best to get to heaven and can't manage it, you must be one of those that seek to enter in at the strait gate and shall not be able. 'Why,' said I, 'I thought you wanted to live in London yourself. Why couldn't they have their dolt of a brother with them? Why don't you tell him, at once, that you are engaged? 'Why? Why have I recorded it? Why,' said I--'why should you suppose that I dislike the place? 'Why so? Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house! Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make ONE respectable person! `Why,' said the Dodo, `the best way to explain it is to do it. `Why, SHE, of course,' said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, `Prizes! Why, she'll eat a little bird as soon as look at it! Why, there's hardly room for YOU, and no room at all for any lesson- books! Why, it fills the whole window! `Why? Why, I haven't had a wink of sleep these three weeks! `Why should it? `Why did they live at the bottom of a well? `Why not? `Why, SHE,' said the Gryphon. `Why,' said the Gryphon, `you first form into a line along the sea- shore--' `Two lines! `Why? `Why, what are YOUR shoes done with? `Why, you don't even know what they're about! `Why, there they are! Why, sir," said I, "how like is all this to Jean Jacques Rousseau--as like, I mean, as the sensations of frost and fire, when my child complained yesterday that the ice she was eating BURNED her mouth. Why, she gets her living, does she not," said he, "without her mother's help? "Why, Taylor," said he, "is better acquainted with my HEART than any man or woman now alive; and the history of my Oxford exploits lies all between him and Adams; but Dr. James knows my very early days better than he." "Why, now, do but see how the world is gaping for a wonder!" Why," replied he, "I was inclined to DOWN them sure enough; but then a fellow DESERVES to be of Oxford that talks so. Why, child," said he, "what harm could that do the fellow? Why," says Johnson, pulling a heap of halfpence from his pocket, "did not the king make these guineas? Why, you and I and HERCULES, you know, were all troubled with MELANCHOLY. Why, what would you expect, dear sir," said he, "from fellows that eat frogs? Why," said he, "I was a fierce fellow, and pretended to be very angry; and Thomas was a good-natured fellow, and pretended to be very sorry; so THERE the matter ended. Why, no," replied he, "why should I always write ridiculously? Why do not you oftener make use of copper? Why, madam, if a creature is neither capable of giving dignity to falsehood, nor willing to remain contented with the truth, he deserves no better treatment. Why, life must be filled up," says Johnson, "and the man who is not capable of intellectual pleasures must content himself with such as his senses can afford. Why, a fellow must do something; and what, so easy to a narrow mind as hoarding halfpence till they turn into sixpences. Why, now, is it not strange that a wise man, like our dear little Evans, should take it in his head to preach on such a subject, in a place where no one can be thinking of it? Why, what are they thinking upon, sir? Why, the men are thinking on their money, I suppose, and the women are thinking of their mops. Why does nobody," said our Doctor, "begin the fashion of driving six spavined horses, all spavined of the same leg? Why, what do they DO to her, man? Why, what DO they do to her, my lad? Why, nothing, sir, I'm sure, sir. Why, then go back directly and dance, you dog, do; and let's hear no more of such empty lamentations. Why, dear sir," said I, "how odd you are! Why will you ask him in terms that he does not comprehend? Why do you delight," said he, "thus to thicken the gloom of misery that surrounds me? Why, her head looked so like that of a woman who shows puppets," said he, "and her voice so confirmed the fancy, that I could not bear her today. Why association with the mule should thus demoralize a man, has always been a puzzle to me, for while the mule, as Col. Ingersoll has remarked, is an animal without pride of ancestry or hope of posterity, he is still not a coward by any means. Why they did this has been one of the unsolved problems of my life. "Why, thar--right thar--a-standin' agin the Ded Line." "Why, you Rebel fool, that's a chunk of wood." Why his supernatural slowness and clumsiness did not result in his being killed at least once a day, while in the service, was even still farther beyond the power of conjecture. Why, our old Colonel ain't only twenty-four years old now, and he has been in command ever since we went into Vicksburg. Why, the rest of the troops over in West Tennessee used to call our Brigade 'Leggett's Cavalry,' for they always had us chasing Old Forrest, and we kept him skedaddling, too, pretty lively. Why, part of them were on one side of the works, and go along a little further and here was a regiment, or part of a regiment on the other side, both sets firing in opposite directions. Why--darning needles stuck in pumpkin seeds, of course. Why don't you shoot the ---- ---- Yankee son---- -- - -----? Why I believed it, God only knows. Why didn't you answer to your name when it was called at the gate yesterday, sir? Why, we've quit fightin' 'em except with the Bummers advance. Why in ---- don't you stiffen up, and hump yourself around, and make these men mind, or else belt them over the head with a capstan bar! Why could not I by that strong arm be slain, And lie by noble Hector on the plain, Or great Sarpedon, in those bloody fields Where Simois rolls the bodies and the shields Of heroes, whose dismember'd hands yet bear The dart aloft, and clench the pointed spear! Why this unmanly rage? Why should I fawn? Why this protracted war, when my commands Pronounc'd a peace, and gave the Latian lands? Why do you then these needless arms prepare, And thus provoke a people prone to war? Why should I name Idomeneus, in vain Restor'd to scepters, and expell'd again? Why put I not an end to this debate, Still unresolv'd, and still a slave to fate? Why, it was only last week I read in the paper how a man and his wife up west of the Island took a boy out of an orphan asylum and he set fire to the house at night--set it ON PURPOSE, Marilla--and nearly burnt them to a crisp in their beds. Why, a bride, of course--a bride all in white with a lovely misty veil. Why, because it sounds so nice and romantic, just as if I were a heroine in a book, you know. Why, Robert sent word down by his daughter Nancy and she said you wanted a girl--didn't she Flora Jane? Why, Anne, what do you mean? "Why, of course, if you want me to," assented Anne cheerfully. Why must people kneel down to pray? Why, child, whatever is the matter? Why, I felt just as reverent as could be. Why couldn't I? Why, I guess so," she said frankly. Why it's dreadfully wicked to swear," she said rebukingly. "Why, I meant to, Marilla, as much as could be." "Why, you said you'd keep me here until I confessed," returned Anne wearily, "and so I decided to confess because I was bound to get to the picnic." Why, he makes fun of all the girls. Why, Diana, what is the matter? Why, three of those big glasses would have made her sick even if it had only been cordial. "Why, of course I do." Why, Diana, I didn't think anybody could love me. "Why didn't you tell them it was my fault?" Why, it's only twilight. Why, it's all just a funny mistake that anybody might make. Why, even Superintendent Bell came to see me, and he's really a very fine man. Why--why--Matthew, is that for me? Why--why--Anne, don't you like it? "Why, it's as easy as wink," said Anne. Why, it's GREEN! Why didn't somebody come? Why, it's so romantic! Why didn't you call me, Marilla? Why can't women be ministers, Marilla? Why, Anne, how you've grown! "Why, go to school next year and try again," said Marilla unconcernedly. "Why, you came out splendidly in the exams Miss Stacy gave." Why, we have sixteen years to our credit, and we're happy as queens, and we've all got imaginations, more or less. Why, last fall it seemed so long to look forward to--a whole winter of studies and classes. Why? Why won't you take things easier? Why, what do you mean? Why, I thought they had promised it to Gilbert Blythe! Why wonder about this? Why was he not else a lawgiver to himself, but a transgressor, and to be expelled by his own magistrates; both for the wanton epigrams and dialogues which he made, and his perpetual reading of Sophron Mimus and Aristophanes, books of grossest infamy, and also for commending the latter of them, though he were the malicious libeller of his chief friends, to be read by the tyrant Dionysius, who had little need of such trash to spend his time on? Why should we then affect a rigour contrary to the manner of God and of nature, by abridging or scanting those means, which books freely permitted are, both to the trial of virtue and the exercise of truth? Why else was this nation chosen before any other, that out of her, as out of Sion, should be proclaimed and sounded forth the first tidings and trumpet of Reformation to all Europe? Why, he had seventy deaths! Why," said he, "the white corporals always showed me the way home. Why, she scrubbed the kitchen floor every second day," Mrs. Lynde told Marilla Cuthbert indignantly, "and if you could see it now! "Why, what other strangers are coming in?" Why do you call him Ginger? Why on earth did you offer to canvass this road, Anne? Why, there are ever so many bright sides, Miss Andrews. Why, Anne, I've learned more in the weeks I've been teaching the young the ideas of White Sands than I learned in all the years I went to school myself. Why is it that they never seem to think it a duty to tell you the pleasant things they hear about you? Why? Why ain't whopper as good as falsehood? Why, Davy Keith," she said solemnly, "something dreadful HAS happened to you this very day" Davy looked sceptical. Why is this? Why, girls, there are hundreds of them. "Why, it's in the catechism," said Davy. `Why should we love God? Why can't men angels wear trousers, Anne? "Why not?" Why is it called the Tory Road? "Why can't we walk?" Why, where are we? Why do you call it Echo Lodge? "Why do you call her Charlotta the Fourth?" Why, the thing is human. Why, who is coming? Why don't YOU get married, Marilla? Why can't they, Marilla? Why, Miss Shirley, ma'am, yesterday I bruk her green and yaller bowl that's always stood on the bookcase. Why, Miss Shirley, ma'am, you're crying! Why, the baby! Why, it is but the other day we were married! Why, my wife is a precious woman! "Why, then, Squills," said my father, familiarly, "you son would know that though a scholar is often a fool, he is never a fool so supreme, so superlative, as when he is defacing the first unsullied page of the human history by entering into it the commonplaces of his own pedantry." "Why, how then can my domino-box be changed into a geranium and a blue- and-white flower-pot?" "Why, sir," said the shopman, "I fear we could not afford to give more than eighteen shillings for it, unless the young gentleman took some of these pretty things in exchange." Why, for that fine boy's sake you ought not to lose so certain an occasion of wealth, I may say, untold. Why, sir, England could not get on if gentlemen like you had not a little philanthropy and speculation. "Why, good heavens!" Why should not all admire him as we do? "Why, about that time your grandfather died; and shortly after an aunt, on the mother's side, who was rich and saving, died, and unexpectedly left each sixteen thousand pounds." "Why, he was as inconstant as my father, and I am sure without so good an excuse." Why, uncle, there are honorable men in all callings. Why, you--you--you young jackanapes! Why could not my mother have rung the bell and ordered the servant to light a fire? "Why," said my uncle, reddening, "I have tried to improve myself with studies a little more substantial." Why, Uncle Jack will come here as often as ever, I hope. Why," continued his friend, "my companion here, who, I suppose, is about your own age, he could tell you what a play is,--he could tell you what life is. Why we should be ashamed of being taunted for goodness, I never could understand; but certainly I felt humbled. Why, I have known him, of course, since I could know anything; but I have never yet discovered what my father does like. "Why not?" "Why, my father is fastidious; however, he owns that he is satisfied on the whole." "Why, the Duke to be sure," said the boy, contemptuously. Why should he go to a play if he enjoys it so little? "Why, sir, not if it pained you and my dear mother; otherwise, indeed--" "Papoe!" Why should there be two of us? Why when my new speculation has succeeded, I shall be a millionnaire! "Why?" Why? Why, you will find your whole life plucked away with its roots! Why, the right to speak of love and aim at power. Why? Why, you see, sir [another courtesy], the gent only arrived last night at our hotel, sir,--the Lamb, close by Lunnun Bridge,--and he was taken ill, and he's not quite in his right mind like; so we sent for the doctor, and the doctor looked at the brass plate on the gent's carpet- bag, sir, and then he looked into the 'Court Guide,' and he said, 'There is a Mr. Caxton in Great Russell Street,--is he any relation? Why is it that you stop to speak to me,--one of whom you know nothing, or worse than nothing? "Why?" "Why, it matters very little to either of us; and my question answers yours." Why are you not going to the opera? Why wish to fly till you have got your wings? Why stay to imbibe this sweet poison that was corroding the very springs of my life? Why are you weeping? "Why should there be none?" Why did you let him go there? Why? "Why!" Why do you linger? "Why, the doctor said it ought to have killed me; but it took a great deal more than a paltry bottle of physic to kill a man in my regiment." "Why, I believe, early next week." Why, you must know," said my father, "that Sisty has fished up a friend of whom he can give no account that would satisfy a policeman, and whose fortunes he thinks himself under the necessity of protecting. "Why, I've been thinking," continued Blanche, not relaxing a muscle, and without the least bit of a blush--"I've been thinking that I'll be your little wife; and then, of course, we shall all live together." Why," said he, "some years ago that poor fellow you now see as my servant, and who is gardener, bailiff, seneschal, butler, and anything else you can put him to, was sent out of the army on the invalid list. Why, then, you are right to thank Heaven, for your true treasures are untouched. Why she should think of blaming herself because poor Jack took wrong ways to enrich us, I cannot understand. "Why, he would not have been in prison if I had not been so blindly forgetful of his weakness, poor man!" Why, you foolish young man, don't you see that with his ignorance of business where he himself is concerned,--though for any other one's business, neither Rollick nor Cool has a better judgment,-- and with his d--d Quixotic spirit of honor worked up into a state of excitement, he would have rushed to Mr. Tibbets and exclaimed, "How much do we owe you? "Why, he has got a broad-shouldered, stooping fellow, in spectacles and cotton stockings, who has written upon 'Rent,' I believe,--an imaginative treatise in his case, I fear, for rent is a thing he could never have received, and not often been trusted to pay." "Why, it has that misfortune, Mr. Squills; but with your help," said my uncle, slyly, "a great alteration for the better may be effected in that respect." Why are you making knots in that ribbon, and writing invisible characters on the floor with the point of that busy little foot? "Why, Bolt,--don't be angry with him." "Why," said my mother generously, "you forget the money's worth that you contribute,--all that your grounds supply, and all that we save by it." Why, what but books can kill time until, at the age of forty, a lucky chance may permit me to kill something else? Why are you here all alone, cousin? "Why, I am not sure, since you say his name is Gower." "Why, sir,--but pray step into the parlor." "Why, sir, before Lady Ellinor set out she was afraid that there might be something in the papers to alarm Miss Fanny, and so she sent Henry down to Lady Castleton's to beg her ladyship to make as light of it as she could; but it seems that Henry blabbed the worst to Mrs." Why did not Mrs. Bates go with her? "Why, sir, you know how old Mrs. Bates is, and my young lady is always so kind that she would not hear of it, as she is going to travel night and day; and Mrs. Mole said she had gone all over the world with her last lady, and that--" "I see it all." "Why, with Mr. Trevanion, I believe, sir." Why, if Trevanion were really ill, had the false servant concealed it from me? Why suffered me to waste his time, instead of hastening to Lady Ellinor? Why now, if there were no design of which bliss Trevanion was the object, why so frustrate the provident foresight of her mother, and take advantage of the natural yearning of affection, the quick impulse of youth, to hurry off a girl whose very station forbade her to take such a journey without suitable protection,--against what must be the wish, and what clearly were the instructions, of Lady Ellinor? Why, sir, the linch-pin was all rotted away, I suppose, and came out. "Why, yes." "Why, the footman, being out of his mind, invented this mad story of Trevanion's illness, frightened Lady Ellinor and Miss Trevanion out of their wits with his own chimera, and hurried them both off, one after the other." Why enter into painful details, so easily divined by the intelligent reader? Why, I think yes,--it is but fair. Why, I wonder. Why, yes," said the marquis, with a father's becoming pride, "I hope neither of them will shame his grandsire, Trevanion. Why, that ambition of hers would suck dry all the mother's milk in the genus mammalian. Why, then, hast thou outraged mine honour and entered my house and played traitor with me and tookest thou no thought of all I have done thee of benefits? Why dost thou on this wise at this time and in the like of this place? Why, then, dost thou postpone the putting him to death? Why didst thou not tell me? Why didst thou that? Why, hello, Henry; is it you? Why, what the devil--" began the youth again. Why don't they send supports? Why can't somebody send us supports? Why," began the youth, "I--I--that is-- why--I--" He turned away suddenly and slid through the crowd. Why, Jim," he said, in a dazed way, "what's the matter with you? Why--why, pardner, where yeh goin'? Why--why--" stammered the youth strug- gling with his balking tongue. "Why--why--" stuttered the youth. Why, what corps is that in? Why, I thought they wasn't engaged t'-day-- they 're 'way over in th' center. Why didn't yeh say so first? Why, I thought you was dead four hours ago! Why in good thunderation can't you be more easy? Why, lord, man, you didn't see nothing of the fight. Why! Why, no," he hastened to say in a concili- ating voice, "I don't think I fought the whole battle yesterday. "Why didn't yeh stay there?" Why, liberty! "Why not?" Why, only the other day I heard our master say to Mrs. Blomefield, `My dear madam, you need not be anxious about the children; my old Merrylegs will take as much care of them as you or I could; I assure you I would not sell that pony for any money, he is so perfectly good- tempered and trustworthy;' and do you think I am such an ungrateful brute as to forget all the kind treatment I have had here for five years, and all the trust they place in me, and turn vicious because a couple of ignorant boys used me badly? Why, sold off in a jiffy, and no character, and I might find myself slaved about under a butcher's boy, or worked to death at some seaside place where no one cared for me, except to find out how fast I could go, or be flogged along in some cart with three or four great men in it going out for a Sunday spree, as I have often seen in the place I lived in before I came here; no," said he, shaking his head, "I hope I shall never come to that. Why don't they cut their own children's ears into points to make them look sharp? Why don't they cut the end off their noses to make them look plucky? Why, she in the workhouse and I hoeing turnips! Why, what's the matter with you, Joe? Why, the horse has been down and thrown him! Why, if he had been in his right senses he would just as soon have tried to ride him over the moon. Why, they have sent us out with a lame horse! "Why, you see," said she, "men will go so fast, and if one can't keep up to other horses it is nothing but whip, whip, whip, all the time." Why, this is only August; and with your light work and good food he ought not to go down like this, even if it was autumn. "Why, my dear, Mr. Briggs wants me to take Mrs. Briggs to church every Sunday morning." "Why, Polly, you are as good as the minister, and so, as I've had my Sunday-morning sermon early to-day, you may go and tell Dinah that I'll be ready for her as the clock strikes ten; but stop -- just step round to butcher Braydon's with my compliments, and ask him if he would lend me his light trap; I know he never uses it on the Sunday, and it would make a wonderful difference to the horse." Why, Dolly, what is the matter? "Why, father, I thought blue was for Liberty." "Why, missis," said Jerry, "you can't get there walking through crowds like this!" Why, it is the name of Mrs. Fowler's place -- mother's old mistress, you know -- the lady that father met last summer, who sent you and me five shillings each. Why, Beauty! Why then is it that the actual myths and legends of Egypt concerning the origin of the world and its civilization should have failed to impress the Hebrew mind, which, on the other hand, was so responsive to those of Babylon? Why should such a God limit his love and benefaction to one land, and, as it were, to one family? Why should the Truth be longer kept a secret for the selfish solace of the priesthood? Why may I not see the redemption, O God? Why? Why not I? Why not you also? Why not you step out of the narrow circle which, as I have shown, is all of noble life your laws and customs allow? Why should I, even in Caesar's presence; feel the shrinking of a slave? Why may not I take sword and indulge the passion of war? Why not? Why, he is but a boy. Why, thou hast not even got back thy land legs. Why not learn that, at this age, there were in all earth but two peoples capable of exaltations of the kind referred to--those who lived by the law of Moses, and those who lived by the law of Brahma. "Why?" Why? Why went he there? Why, Esther, heard you ever the like? Why, child? Why stand ye there? "Why?" Why--" She faltered, looked down, stopped. Why not rather make peace with her, and be at rest? Why did you ask? Why that name instead of Arrius? Why, they say, is he not perfect in his training? Why? Why not he resort to the Roman's methods? Why are you here? Why shall I not tell the rabbis on you? Why should there be a Soul in every man? "Why, then, are you armed?" Why, now that it is at an end, shall not we see to which the chaplet belongs? Why alas? Why the d--l! Why did the Great Spirit ever send the whites to this island to drive us from our homes and introduce among us poisonous liquors, disease and death? Why not keep it? Why, nothing whatever but bite and scratch! Why, what a lot of his feathers he has lost! Why did you bring me from down yonder? Why, from themselves. Why, I would not use esparto for my bed,[1] even though I had nothing but bands of rushes. Why, wretch, to what sacred feast are you inviting the vultures and the sea-eagles? Why these splendid buskins? Why, great gods, I don't know. Why, if you were treated according to your deserts, no Iris would ever have more justly suffered death. Why, of ourselves, the gods of heaven. Why, I am an accuser of the islands,[1] an informer... f[1] His trade was to accuse the rich citizens of the subject islands, and drag them before the Athenian court; he explains later the special advantages of this branch of the informer's business. Why, 'tis a whip! Why, it's past noon. Why, the Triballi. Why, the gods will be much more powerful if the birds govern the earth. Why, conclude peace. Why, you are seeking your own downfall. Why, be on my side, I will make you a king and will feed you on bird's milk and honey. Why do you ask? Why am I so different from other children, and why is it my fault, dear godmother? Why, wherever you are going," said the gentleman. Why, here's an extraordinary thing! "Why, cousin John," said Ada, clasping her hands upon his arm and shaking her head at me across him--for I wanted her to be quiet-- "Esther was their friend directly." Why, just as you may suppose," said Mr. Jarndyce, his countenance suddenly falling. Why should I regret my incapacity for details and worldly affairs when it leads to such pleasant consequences? Why did you do it? Why did you? Why, what a cod's head and shoulders I am," said Mr. Jarndyce, "to require reminding of it! Why not? "Why, yes, it was about a will when it was about anything," he returned. Why, so it is," he answered much more cheerfully; "and it is wisdom in you to keep me to the bright side of the picture. Why do you call it my allowance, and never let me spend it? Why, I've been drunk for three days; and I'da been drunk four if I'da had the money. Why, I give it her; and if she says I didn't, she's a lie! Why, I got rid of ten pounds which I was quite content to get rid of and never expected to see any more. Why, guardian," I explained, not without reddening a little at hazarding what was in my thoughts, "there is something so tender in his manner, after all, and he is so very courtly and gentle to us, and --" Mr. Jarndyce directed his eyes to where he was sitting as I have just described him. Why, Mrs. Piper has a good deal to say, chiefly in parentheses and without punctuation, but not much to tell. Why, do you know how pretty you are, child? Why, yes. Why, my pet of pets, I could have told you that weeks and weeks ago! Why, my darling," said I, "what a goose you must take me for! Why, you never mean to say--" I was beginning in joke. Why, good gracious me, Miss Summerson," she returned, justifying herself in a fretful but not angry manner, "how can it be otherwise? Why don't I know him? Why hasn't he thirty thousand a year? Why did I eat spring lamb at eighteen-pence a pound, my honest friend? Why not that way as soon as another! "Why, I said that if he could arrange with Mr. Gridley, I could arrange it with the other lodgers and should not so much mind its being liked or disliked in the yard." Why should Mr. Tulkinghorn, for such no reason, look out of window? Why, Mr. Carstone," said Mrs. Badger, "is very well and is, I assure you, a great acquisition to our society. Why, you see, my dears," said Mrs. Badger, "--you'll excuse me calling you my dears? Why," said Mr. Badger, "to tell the truth, Miss Clare, this view of the matter had not occurred to me until Mrs. Badger mentioned it. Why, then, you know," he added, suddenly becoming gay again, "we travel outside a circle to what I said just now. Why, Caddy, my dear," said I, "what beautiful flowers! Why does she say that? Why should my landlord quarrel with HIM? Why, my dear Miss Clare," he returned, "I think they may perhaps understand each other; but you will see them soon, I dare say, and I must learn from you on such a point--not you from me. Why should I be frightened! Why, indeed, sir, unless it is to cool her down! Why can we not fly, my friends? Why, bless my heart," says Mr. Snagsby, "what's the matter! Why do you not cool yourself in that stream now? "Why, you don't mean it!" "Why, what I may think after dinner," returns Mr. Jobling, "is one thing, my dear Guppy, and what I may think before dinner is another thing." Why, he might be robbed fifty times over! Why not? Why, it's partly a habit, Mr. George, and--yes--it partly helps the circulation," he replies. "Why, Mr. George?" Why, no. "Why, I generally say customer myself," replies Mr. Snagsby. Why? Why, what age do you call that little creature? "Why, you an't such an unnatural woman, I hope," returns Bucket sternly, "as to wish your own child dead?" Why do you do it? Why, you'll tell me I'm my own mother next," says Mr. Bucket. Why not, when you can have one so devoted to you! "Why, no, I can't say I am settling down," said Richard, strongly emphasizing "down," as if that expressed the difficulty, "because one can't settle down while this business remains in such an unsettled state." Why, not quite, my dear," said Mrs. Jellyby in the calmest manner. "Why, so you are," said I, stooping down in astonishment and giving her a kiss. "Why is it best, sir?" "Why, the man was so badgered and worried and tortured by being knocked about from post to pillar, and from pillar to post," said Mr. George, "that he got out of sorts." Why, he began by being a small Shropshire farmer before they made a baited bull of him," said Mr. George. Why, he's a model of the whole British army in himself, ladies and gentlemen. Why, Lord bless your soul, what times we have had together! Why, I am surprised to hear a man of your energy talk of giving in. Why did he never come? Why does he look at Mr. Snagsby? Why should he do that, but that Mrs. Snagsby sees it all? Why else should that look pass between them, why else should Mr. Snagsby be confused and cough a signal cough behind his hand? Why? Why is he? "Why, you see, commander," says Phil, "I ain't acquainted with anythink else, and I doubt if I ain't a-getting too old to take to novelties." "Why, I have heard of him--seen him too, I think." "Why, sir," returns the trooper. Why, Quebec, my poppet," says George, following, on invitation, into that department. "Why, no, sir, I couldn't." "Why is it so difficult, my dear?" Why, then, it is that you will marry some one very rich and very worthy, much older--five and twenty years, perhaps--than yourself. Why could not I, going up to bed with my basket of keys, stop to sit down by her fire and accommodate myself for a little while to her, at least as well as to anybody else, and not trouble myself about the harmless things she said to me? Why was it so worrying to me to have her in our house, and confidential to me every night, when I yet felt that it was better and safer somehow that she should be there than anywhere else? "Why, it was very distressing, you know, to see poor Pa so low and hear him say such terrible things, and I couldn't help crying myself." Why, how you stare! Why, there's not much air to be got here; and what there is, is not very freshening," Weevle answers, glancing up and down the court. "Why, I have noticed myself that there is a queer kind of flavour in the place to-night," Mr. Weevle rejoins. Why, I said about ten. "Why, what's the matter with you, Tony?" Why, Tony, what on earth is going on in this house to-night? Why, Tony," remonstrates his friend, "how you look! "Why, it's true," returns one of the policemen. "Why, good gracious, gentlemen," says Mr. Snagsby, somewhat promptly backed away, "I was at this door last night betwixt ten and eleven o'clock in conversation with the young man who lodges here." "Why do YOU come here?" Why, I wouldn't pass another night there for any consideration that you could offer me," says Mr. Weevle, haggardly staring. Why, we discovered it. Why, thank you, Mr. Guppy, I am very well! "Why?" Why didn't he marry," Mrs. Bagnet answers, half laughing and half crying, "Joe Pouch's widder in North America? Why not? "Why, bless her, Mat," returns the trooper, "I think the higher of her for it!" "Why this," returns George, not able to be very conciliatory at first, "is Matthew Bagnet, who has obliged me in that matter of ours, you know." "Why, I don't know," Mr. George interposes, "that the young woman need give herself that trouble, for to tell you the truth, I am not inclined to smoke it to-day." Why, con-found you--it, I mean--I tell you so, don't I? "Why, yes, I did," returns the trooper in his off-hand way, "but I don't care to know particularly, if it's all correct and pleasant." Why, soldiers, why--should we be melancholy, boys? Why, George! Why, no, my dear," he replied. "Why, who can she be?" "Why, my dear," she answered promptly, "of course it would!" Why not, Fitz Jarndyce? Why, good gracious," said Miss Flite, "how can you say that? Why, what had I to fear, I thought, when there was this nobility in the soul of a labouring man's daughter! "Why, Charley," said I, "who can possibly want me at the public- house?" "Why not?" Why," acknowledged Richard, "that may be true enough, my love. "Why, of course I am," said Richard, astonished at my simplicity. Why, I hear of her, Esther," replied Caddy, "through Pa, but I see very little of her. "Why, what a laborious life!" "Why, what IS done?" Why, Mr. Guppy, there are people in London who would give their ears to be you. "Why, my Lady has been but poorly, ma'am, since she was last here-- I don't mean with the family, ma'am, but when she was here as a bird of passage like." Why, I could tell you a story--with Lady Dedlock's permission. Why have you told my story to so many persons? "Why," Mr. Tulkinghorn returns methodically as he softly rubs his hands, "I should like to be assured of your acquiescence in my arrangements, Lady Dedlock." Why, what do you mean? "Why yes, sir, that's all," says Mr. Snagsby, ending with a cough that plainly adds, "and it's enough too--for me." "Why, it matters this much, mistress," says the lawyer, deliberately putting away his handkerchief and adjusting his frill; "the law is so despotic here that it interferes to prevent any of our good English citizens from being troubled, even by a lady's visits against his desire." "Why," he slowly replied, roughening his head more and more, "he is all sentiment, and--and susceptibility, and--and sensibility, and-- and imagination." Why should I go about asking them what seven and sixpence is in Money --which I don't understand? Why, Esther," said he, breaking into a smile, "our visitor and you are the two last persons on earth I should have thought of connecting together! "Why did they separate, guardian?" Why, if this bubble hadn't broken now," he said, tearing the letter he had written into fragments and moodily casting them away, by driblets, "how could I have gone abroad? "Why, I must get a lodging of some sort," said Richard, pondering. Why, I suppose so from the colour of the clay upon your bag and on your dress. Why have you come here now? "Why, he is not in this place." Why, what had you been doing? "Why, then I'll tell you, sir," returns the trooper, stopping short and folding his arms on his square chest so angrily that his face fires and flushes all over; "he is a confoundedly bad kind of man." Why, I spend half my life now, pretty well, loitering and dodging about his door. Why? Why, this is a private asylum! Why, not to put too fine a point upon it, this is Bedlam, sir! "Why, she is not well-bred, you see," returns Mr. Rouncewell with some quickness in his manner, as if he were glad to have the lawyer to retort upon, "and she is an inexperienced little thing and knows no better." "Why, Lady Dedlock," says the lawyer, taking a chair at a little distance from her and slowly rubbing his rusty legs up and down, up and down, up and down, "I am rather surprised by the course you have taken." Why, bless my soul, Lady Dedlock, transparenfly so! Why should she spare others? Why, you are worse than I thought you," says Mr. Tulkinghorn, muttering reproof to his watch. "Why, it's a wonder, George!" "Why, it's Bucket!" Why, I never heard of such a thing! Why should you ever have been otherwise? Why, great heaven, I was there last night! "Why, my love!" "Why then, my dear," said I, "there can be nothing amiss--and why should you not speak to us?" Why, my dear Minerva," answered Richard with his old gay laugh, "it is neither a rural nor a cheerful place; and when the sun shines here, you may lay a pretty heavy wager that it is shining brightly in an open spot. Why, as to me, what had I to forgive! "Why, I declare," said I, "I never saw such a wife." "Why, yes, guardian," said I, "I am afraid I have been, a little." "Why, sir, it is under remand at present." "Why, heaven save us, man," exclaimed my guardian, surprised into his old oddity and vehemence, "you talk of yourself as if you were somebody else!" "Why not?" "Why, George," exclaimed Mrs. Bagnet, who had been unpacking her basket, in which there was a piece of cold pickled pork, a little tea and sugar, and a brown loaf, "you ought to know it don't." Why, what but too many cooks should hinder you from having a dozen lawyers if the gentleman recommended them to you" "This is a very sensible woman," said my guardian. Why, don't I know him! Why, sir," he answered, "when my ill fortune took me to the dead man's staircase on the night of his murder, I saw a shape so like Miss Summerson's go by me in the dark that I had half a mind to speak to it. "Why, then, miss," the old girl proceeded, untying the strings of her bonnet for more air, "you could as soon move Dover Castle as move George on this point unless you had got a new power to move him with." "Why--not tonight, Sir Leicester Dedlock, Baronet." Why you see, miss," returns Mr. Bucket, bringing the finger into persuasive action--and such is his natural gallantry that he had almost said "my dear"--"it ain't easy to answer those questions at the present moment. Why, you're six foot two, I suppose? Why, take yourself, Sir Leicester Dedlock, Baronet. Why, he might have been going to reveal it the very morning when I examined the body! "Why, they killed him," says Mr. Bucket, "on account of his having so much cheek." "Why, he paid you for them, you know, and handsome too," says Mr. Bucket. Why, it's an unreasonable proposal! Why are we now in the mansions of the rich and great, my friends? Why, of course you wanted to get in," Mr. Bucket asserts with cheerfulness; "but for a old gentleman at your time of life--what I call truly venerable, mind you!--with his wits sharpened, as I have no doubt they are, by the loss of the use of his limbs, which occasions all his animation to mount up into his head, not to consider that if he don't keep such a business as the present as close as possible it can't be worth a mag to him, is so curious! Why, my angel," returns Mr. Bucket, "we shall see. "Why?" Why, I r-r-r-ruin my character hy remaining with a ladyship so infame! "Why, George," returns Mrs. Bagnet, "was always free with me, ma'am, and when he said at our house to my Woolwich that of all the things my Woolwich could have to think of when he grew to be a man, the comfortablest would be that he had never brought a sorrowful line into his mother's face or turned a hair of her head grey, then I felt sure, from his way, that something fresh had brought his own mother into his mind." Why, Mrs. Bagnet,' says George, 'it's because I AM melancholy and penitent both, this afternoon, that you see me so. Why, Mrs. Bagnet,' says George, shaking his head, 'what I have done has been done this many a long year, and is best not tried to be undone now. "Why, mother, perhaps not for good and all--though I may come to ask that too--but keep it now, I do entreat you." Why should I ask it! Why indeed, Mrs. Bagnet expresses with the umbrella. Why does she come so close? Why, my dear? Why, now I'll tell you, Miss Summerson," he replied. "Why, now," says the trooper, glancing round him and speaking in a lower voice, "I begin to understand how you come to think as you do think, mother." Why did you not tell me, Mrs. Why did you wish for secrecy? Why, Sir Leicester is much the same, miss. Why, no, I can't say he has, miss. Why, my dear! Why, you see, Mr. Woodcourt"--he had caught the name from me--"we are a-going at present into the next street. Why, Lord! "Why, you see," said Mr. Bucket, "the girl's subject to fits, and has 'em bad upon her to-night." Why? Why, at the very moment while I speak, I know what your mind's not wholly free from respecting this young lady. Why, I am ashamed of you! Why--yes--perhaps," returned my guardian, beginning his answer in a very deliberate manner. Why, little woman," returned my guardian, smiling, "not being an oracle, I cannot confidently say, but I think so. Why should you allude to anything that is NOT a pleasant matter? Why SHOULD I go there? Why should I go to see them, therefore? Why surprised? Why, master," quoth the workman, "do I know my own name? Why, I don't know which I want. Why, he sees those chimneys--the tallest ones! Why, how you sob, Dame Durden, how you sob! Why, honour to her old Welsh blood, my dear," cried my guardian with enthusiasm, "I believe the heart it animates beats no less warmly, no less admiringly, no less lovingly, towards Dame Durden than my own! Why, get along with you," said she to my guardian, "what do you mean? Why don't you get out? Why, not much has been done; not much. "Why, so have I been thinking too, Rick," said my guardian, "and our little woman likewise; she and I have been talking of it this very day." Why should any one hereafter tremble at the thought of offending Juno, when such rewards are the consequence of my displeasure? Why do you refuse me water? Why do you hang round my neck and still entreat me? Why should he alone escape? Why will you not take a lesson from the tree and the vine, and consent to unite yourself with some one? Why should you wish to behold me? Why should Latona be honored with worship, and none be paid to me? Why hast thou murdered this Duchess? Why, who is he? Why should I not prove adventures? Why dost thou ask my name? Why? Why," said Sir Lionel, "will ye stay me? Why hidest thou thyself within holes and walls like a coward? Why withdrawest thou, false traitor? Why, therefore, should either of us perish? Why tarry the horses of Rinaldo and Ricciardetto? Why have you thought evil of me? Why, I don't intend to shoot anybody. Why did you harm me," it seemed to say, "who never harmed any living thing--who claimed only the right to live my frugal life in the forest, digging up the frozen mosses under the snow, which no mortal creature except myself can eat? Why not defend ourselves? Why, Hector, you fool, don't you know me? Why don't you take your lunkhead of a son home to his mother, if he isn't bright enough to understand fun! Why, that is old Grim the carpenter," said someone. Why must you drag that child with you wherever you go, Nils? Why can't you leave him at home? Why don't you open the door for papa? Why do you run so, mamma? Why, no! Why, no," cried Nils. Why, deposit it to the credit of the bear," said a jocose executor; "then, in the absence of other heirs, his slayer will inherit it. "Why not?" Why should it not have obtained in ancient Latium? Why was he called the King of the Wood? Why was his office spoken of as a kingdom? Why cling to beliefs which were so flatly contradicted by experience? Why exactly many savages have made it a rule to refrain from women in time of war, we cannot say for certain, but we may conjecture that their motive was a superstitious fear lest, on the principles of sympathetic magic, close contact with women should infect them with feminine weakness and cowardice. Why were you our enemy? Why is this? Why the Phrygians should have worshipped the pine above other trees we can only guess. Why then did the Greeks represent the corn both as a mother and a daughter? Why were men and animals burnt to death at these festivals? Why, since he can put his life outside himself, should he not transfer one portion of it to one animal and another to another? Why should it cost a specific $200,000 to pass any proper bill through Congress? "Why so?" Why was it bad? "Why should he not go to the home of his fathers?" Why should a man walk on tiptoe down the alley? Why, yes," said he, "and the strange thing is, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, that if my friend here had not proposed coming round to you this morning I should have come on my own account. "Why, of course, that would explain it." "Why, no, Mr. Holmes." Why in thunder should anyone follow or watch me? "Why should I not go?" "Why, you look very serious over it." Why, there's no good my telling you things, for you seem to know as much as I do already," said he. Why had he done this? Why should I go back? "Why, who do you think this is?" Why, you had not very much time for talk," her brother remarked with the same questioning eyes. Why should he wish to live at the place of danger? Why should you mind what they call it? Why should I deny it? "Why then, did you not write to Sir Charles and explain this?" Why should she turn so pale? Why should she fight against every admission until it was forced from her? Why should she have been so reticent at the time of the tragedy? "Why, then we may find the lady of service." Why should we not seize him at once? Why, Dr. Watson, that's not you, is it? "Why about Sir Henry in particular?" "Why should we not arrest him at once?" Why should I stay here alone? Why should I preserve faith with him who never kept any with me? Why should I try to shield him from the consequences of his own wicked acts? Why should I, (answered Beauty,) it would be very needless, for my father shall not suffer upon my account, since the monster will accept of one of his daughters, I will deliver myself up to all his fury, and I am very happy in thinking that my death will save my father's life, and be a proof of my tender love for him. Why did I refuse to marry him? 'Why--there's standing for a dozen horses,'said the archdeacon. Why no, it was not very probable that any Barchester-bred living thing should like Mr Slope! Why, he must have thought we were two candidates for ordination. Why silence him at all, suggested Mr Harding. 'Why so, papa? Why she had chosen Paulo Neroni, a man of no birth and no property, a mere captain in the pope's guard, one who had come up to Milan either simply as an adventurer or as a spy, a man of harsh temper and oily manners, mean in figure, swarthy in face, and so false in words as to be hourly detected, need not now be told. Why doesn't she come? Why, in the way we've left the matter, it's very odd if the heads of colleges don't have their own way quite as fully as when the hebdomadal board was in all its glory; what do you say, Mr Dean? 'Why, papa, what is the matter? 'Why not? Why shouldn't she like him? Why, Mr Bold has only been dead a year. Why is he visiting there as a confidential friend, when he never ought to have been admitted inside the house? Why is it that she speaks to him of about your welfare and your position, as she clearly has done? Why should he not make the twelve hundred a year his own? 'Why do you ask me? Why don't you ask himself? 'Why should not my father see him? Why, to tell the truth,' said Mr Slope, with a look of sorrow, as though he greatly bewailed the want of charity in his patron, 'the bishop fancies he has cause of anger against your father. 'Why,' said Eleanor, 'my father is the mildest, the gentlest man living. Why, my dear, there is a difficulty,' said the bishop. Why, she is a married woman. Why, Mrs Proudie,' said he, 'I did but fetch her something to eat when she was hungry. 'Why, sir; the commission was L 100, or so, and I took the remainder in paving-stones and rocking-horses. Why shouldn't there be a race of salamanders in Venus? Why, Eleanor, he must be very fond of you, I think; he seems to follow you everywhere. Why is that clergymen alone should indulge themselves in such unrestrained liberty of abuse against each other? Why, moreover, should the Barchester clergy have looked so coldly on Mr Quiverful? 'Why not? Why, my dear,' said he, 'Mr Slope and I are very busy. Why was your husband such a fool,' said she, now dismounted from her high horse and sitting confidentially down close to her visitor, 'as to take the bait which that man threw to him? Why did she not do as Cleopatra did? Why did she not take out her ships and insist on going with him? Why do you want lands and income? Why--what gulls do you men make of us,' she replied. Why do you ask me such a question? Why couldst thou not have asked herself? Why, indeed, should he have wished to have aught further to say to the future wife of Mr Slope? Why do you tell me that I should practise what I preach? Why did you speak calumny of me to Dr Grantly behind my back? 'Why I said that I thought that if, that is, should--should the dean die, that is, I said I thought--' As he went on stammering and floundering, he saw that his wife's eye was fixed sternly on him. Why should he encounter such evil for a man whom he loved so slightly as Mr Slope? Why should he give up his enjoyments and his ease, and such dignity as might be allowed to him, to fight a losing battle for a chaplain? Why fight at all? Why contend? Why be uneasy? 'Why, my dear, I did speak to the archbishop. 'Why,--my dear, I haven't assisted him--much. Why have you mixed your name up in any thing so ridiculous? 'Why, I did just mention it; I just did say that--that in the event of the poor dean's death, Mr Slope would--would--' 'Would what? Why, my dear,' said he, 'it appeared to me that you and Mr Slope did not get on quite as well as you used to do. Why did he interfere with me, and fill your mind with such falsehood? Why, dear Miss Thorne, we left Courcy Castle just at eleven; it was only just past eleven, was it not, John? 'Why what an idiot the man must be! Why had she been so stiff-necked when asked a plain question? Why had she not answered a plain question, and so put an end to his misery? Why aren't you shooting with bows and arrows, Mr Arabin? Why, what ails you, Mr Arabin? 'Why do you let the Slopes of the world out-distance you? Why does God permit his bishops one after the other to have their five thousands and ten thousands a year if such wealth be bad and not worth having? Why are beautiful things given to us, and luxuries and pleasant enjoyments, if they be not intended to be used? Why do you say I do not regard it? Why were women made beautiful if men are not to regard them? Why had not Miss Thorne boldly gone to the intruder and said: 'Friend, thou hast come up hither to high places not fitted for thee. Why Bertie and I have been looking for you everywhere. Why, my child, what on earth is the matter with you! 'Why, I believe I can hardly tell you. Why, you are not going to leave us? Why, papa, what nonsense that is. 'Why, what on earth has she done now? Why don't you look up and speak? Why it can't possibly be that this woman has been fool enough to refuse you? Why, it is your father! Why did he look into her eyes? Why did he not speak to her? Why can't you speak out if yo have anything to say? Why should not Mr Arabin be the new dean? 'Why, what have I done amiss, my lord? Why have you had so may words with that Signora Neroni? Why have you disgraced yourself, you a clergyman, by constantly consorting with such a woman as that--with a married woman--with one altogether unfit for a clergyman's society? "Why, yes, it is," said the aged man slowly. Why did you? "Why, I guess so," said Mrs. Bobbsey, slowly. Why, you'll be in the poorhouse first thing you know. Why! Why, we won't do anything about it, except to let them come. Why not? Why, that way? "Why, we're stopping at his place--Snow Lodge," said Bert. "Why not?" Why, it's money! Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? Why do I believe in cause and effect? Why NOT? Why might not the world WHICH CONCERNS US--be a fiction? Why Atheism nowadays? --Why?--"I am not a match for him. Why should we still punish? Why did we choose it, this foolish task? Why wilt thou forbid me to drink thereof in thy house? Why, she will neither see nor listen to you, and if I had not run away, I should have felt the weight of a great iron bar upon my shoulders. Why," said his pupil, "you must know that last night, just as I had entered the lady's house, who should come in but her husband, and in such a rage! Why, Signor Mutio, what meanes this hurly burly? Why, quoth Mutio, and how did you escape? Why," said Cola, "I am come to consult you, in great hopes you will be of use to me. Why, what is the matter? Why," said Cola, "to tell the truth, if I were to proceed against my relations I believe I might get it; but such a thing would ruin my business, my dear Juccio, for ever: the world would know I was worth money, and I should get no more money from the world; so I fear I shall hardly be able to profit by your kindness, though I shall always consider myself as much obliged as if I had actually cleared a large sum. Why were they keeping him pent up in this narrow crate? Why shouldn't it? Why value ye the diamond, and The pearl from Ceylon's balmy shore, When stones unnumber'd strew the land, And in the sea are millions more? Why treasure ye each silver bar, And watch, with Argus eye, your gold, When lead and iron, near and far, Are strewn beneath the rocks and mould. Why do you ask, O sad inquirer? Why, know'st thou not the birds for thee do sing, The flow'rs for thee with perfum'd beauty grow, With melody for thee the wild birds sing, With rippling laugh, the cheerful streamlets flow? Why vex her now, who's rul'd so long Upon her virtuous throne? Why sing her such a doleful song, And send her such a groan? Why crave from you this humble boon? `Why? `Why did you get married? Why give it as a reason for not coming now? `Why do you doubt your senses? Why did I walk through crowds of fellow-beings with my eyes turned down, and never raise them to that blessed Star which led the Wise Men to a poor abode! `Why, it isn't possible,' said Scrooge, `that I can have slept through a whole day and far into another night. Why was he rejoiced beyond all bounds to see them? Why did his cold eye glisten, and his heart leap up as they went past? Why was he filled with gladness when he heard them give each other Merry Christmas, as they parted at cross-roads and bye-ways, for their several homes? `Why, it's Ali Baba. Why do you delight to torture me? `Why to a poor one most? `Why, bless your heart alive, my dear, how late you are! `Why, where's our Martha? `Why, what was the matter with him? `Why then, don't stand staring as if you was afraid, woman; who's the wiser? `Why not? Why did he not go on? `Why, that you were a good wife,' replied Bob. `Why do you point away? Why show me this, if I am past all hope? `Why, Christmas Day! `Why, it's impossible to carry that to Camden Town,' said Scrooge. `Why bless my soul! Why should he study, and make himselfe wood* *mad <17> Upon a book in cloister always pore, Or swinken* with his handes, and labour, *toil As Austin bid? Why cried'st thou? Why should I not as well eke tell you all The portraiture, that was upon the wall Within the temple of mighty Mars the Red? Why wouldest thou be dead? Why grudge we, why have we heaviness, That good Arcite, of chivalry the flower, Departed is, with duty and honour, Out of this foule prison of this life? Why grudge here his cousin and his wife Of his welfare, that loved him so well? Why art thou angry with my tale now? "Why, yes, for God," quoth Hendy Nicholas; "If thou wilt worken after *lore and rede*; *learning and advice* Thou may'st not worken after thine own head." Why should I telle them, since they he told? Why is my neigheboure's wife so gay? Why, take it all: lo, have it every deal,* *whit Peter! Why fare ye thus with me this firste night? Why should I tell the answer of the knight? Why will he thus himself and us beguile? Why should I you rehearse in special Her high malice? Why speak ye thus? Why should I make a longer tale of this? Why should I more examples hereof sayn? Why should I longer of this case indite? Why so? Why is she so? Why speakest thou so proudly then to me? "Why?" Why should I tellen each proportion Of thinges, whiche that we work upon, As on five or six ounces, may well be, Of silver, or some other quantity? Why should I tarry all the longe day? Why should I sowe draff* out of my fist, *chaff, refuse When I may sowe wheat, if that me list? Why must we suffer such adversity, Dian' to serve, and Venus to refuse? Why should I make longer tale Of all the people I there say,* *saw From hence even to doomesday? "Why, then, lo!" Why, nay, pardie! Why, nay, withoute doubt! Why list thee to espyen? Why seekest thou this place? Why n'ilt* thou fly out of the woefulest *wilt not Body that ever might on grounde go? Why li'st thou in this wise, Since thy desire all wholly hast thou had, So that by right it ought enough suffice? Why should I tell his wordes that he said? Why, he's protected by the Duke of Candal! .Why turn you not a jest on his nose? Why so pale? --Why, why keep silence all these fourteen years, When, on this letter, which he never wrote, The tears were your tears? Why should I tell more of her complaining? Why liked me thy youth and thy fairness And of thy tongue the infinite graciousness? Why does he not go killing flies around Woloda's bed? Why did you call my attention to his feet? Why not try and please us this time? Why, when my head is going round like a whirlpool, there you come along with your dressing- case! Why must I be kept forever muffled up in a scarf and padded boots? "Why need he bother about my tuft?" Why has our dear Natalia Nicolaevna not come to-day" asked the Prince after a silence. Why grieve and weep over imagined evils? Why on earth don't you do so? Why have you done this? Why did I not step forward to comfort and protect him? Why, I gave it back to him. Why had Woloda made signs to me which every one saw, yet which could in no way help me? Why had that disgusting princess looked at my legs? Why had Sonetchka--she was a darling, of course!--yet why, oh why, had she smiled at that moment? Why had Papa turned red and taken my hand? Why should the children lose a mother's love? Why must you, my husband, experience such a heavy and unlooked-for blow? Why must I die when your love was making life so inexpressibly happy for me? Why were those eyes so sunken? Why was the expression of the whole face so cold and severe? Why were the lips so white, and their outline so beautiful, so majestic, so expressive of an unnatural calm that, as I looked at them, a chill shudder ran through my hair and down my back? Why, indeed, am I still here? Why so merry, cousin? Why does not Linde attempt to explain why Harun, Walid, Razi, Al Suli, the Khalifs, and others up to the Shahnama poem, Anna Comnena and Aben Ezra call it chess, and nothing else, and again we ask how can he reconcile his own author, Masudi's statement that Al Suli's chess was declared more beautiful than all in the Caliph's garden (he died in 946), with his own statement that chess was first known in Arabia, in 954. Why do they not dissolve it themselves--the union between themselves and the State--and refuse to pay their quota into its treasury? Why is it not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform? Why does it not cherish its wise minority? Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt? Why does it not encourage its citizens to put out its faults, and do better than it would have them? Why does it always crucify Christ and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels? Why," said he, "they accuse me of burning a barn; but I never did it. Why it ant possible, said the Clockmaker, in apparent surprise, looking at his watch, why as I'm alive it is 4 o'clock, and if I hav'nt been two hours here--how on airth shall I reach River Philip to-night? Why there are twice as many harbors and water powers were, as we have all the way from Eastport to New OrLEENS. Why, says Daniel, let me see, I have to go down south to Washington, to plead the great Insurance case of the Hartford Company--and I've got to be at Cincinnati to attend the Convention, and I don't see how I can go to Rhode Island without great loss and great fatigue; it would cost you may be more than you'd be willing to give. Why our country aim to be compared to this, on no account whatever; our country never made us to be the great nation we are, but we made the country. Why, Sir, the land between Boston and Salem would starve a flock of geese; and yet look at Salem, it has more cash than would buy Nova Scotia from the King. Why the critters would say it wont pay; but I say the sum ant half stated. Why it aint possible! Why, says he, look here, Mr. Slick. Why, says I, I've been away up south a speculating in nutmegs. Why, says he, that eternal scoundrel, that Captain John Allspice of Nahant, he used to trade to Charleston, and he carried a cargo once there of fifty barrels of nutmegs: well, he put half a bushel of good ones into each eend of the barrel, and the rest he filled up with wooden ones, so like the real thing, no soul could tell the difference until HE BIT ONE WITH HIS TEETH, and that he never thought of doing, until he was first BIT HIMSELF. Why,' says be, 'the facture of wooden nutmegs; that's a cap sheef that bangs the bush--its a real Yankee patent invention. Why, says Capt. Why, says he, I didn't get ON airth here at all, but I came right slap THROUGH it. Why, they can't get at their own backside settlements, without a voyage most as long as one to Europe. Why, says Alden, I presume I have the Dyspepsy. Why, says he, they are dreadful pretty fruit, ant they? Why I was a goin to tell you, said he, when you stopped me. Why, says he, I made a bet the fore part of summer with Leftenant Oby Knowles, that I could shoulder the best bower of the Constitution frigate. Why, says he, that's a real clipper of yourn, I vow. Why, says I, that's a notch above my mark, I guess it's too plagy dear for me, I cant afford it no how. Why, said the little boy, mother said tother day you were next door to a fool, and I wanted to know who lived next door to you. Why it's the fault of the legislature; they don't encourage internal improvement, nor the investment of capital in the country: and the result is apathy, inaction and poverty. Why, said he, quite short, if I did'nt think so, I would'nt say so. Why you hant got a single thing worth havin, but a good harbor, and as for that the coast is full on 'em. Why, your folks are cute chaps, I vow; they'd puzzle a Philadelphia Lawyer, they are so amazin knowin. Why, I guess you'd think be was an old fool. Why, you look like a subject the doctor boys had dropped on the road arter they had dug you up, and had cut stick and run for it. Why, says I, if drinkin water instead of tea is natur, so is eatin grass accordin to natur; now all flesh is grass, we are told, so you had better eat that and call it vegetable; like a man I once seed who fasted on fish on a Friday, and when he had none, whipped a leg o' mutton into the oven, and took it out fish, says he it's "changed PLAICE," that's all, and "PLAICE" aint a bad fish. Why massa, why you ax that are question? Why, my Gor, massa, that's a ---. Why, as I'm alive--well if that don't beat all natur, why he has hanged himself by one leg, and's a swingin like a rabbit upside down, that's a fact. Why, if he aint snared, Sam; he is properly wired I declare--I vow this is some o' your doins, Sam--well it was a clever scheme too, but a little grain too dangerous, I guess. Why, says the Lawyer to his wife, Increase my dear, what on earth is the meanin o' that? Why, Squire, you might jist as well expect a horse to go right off in gear, before he is halter broke, as a Blue Nose to get on in the world, when he has got no schoolin. Why, says he, he is the member for Isle Sable County, and if he don't let the great folks have it, its a pity. Why, says I, Judge, it depends on the natur of the case. Why, says I, I'd do as Dr. Why, says I, he put him into such a sweat as I never seed him in afore, in all my born days, since I was raised, by sending him in his bill, and if that did'nt sweat him it's a pity; it was an ACTIVE dose you may depend. Why what on airth is the meanin of this, said the Captain, why dont they haul down that damn goose and gridiron (thats what he called our eagle and stars on the flag. Why, says the first leftenant, I guess they are all dead men, that shot frightened them to death. Why, says I, I guess you'll return rather lighter than you came--and that's more nor I can say, any how, and then I gave him a wink and a jupe of the head, as much as to say, "do you take? Why you foolish critter, says he, it tante the buildin that's broke, its the consarn that's smashed. Why it's only a sort of first chop Grand Jury, and nothin else. Why jist a decent Grand Jury. Why, what on airth is the matter of you--what makes you in such an everlastin hurry, driven away like one ravin distracted mad? Why, I wouldn't have sold half a dozen, you may depend. Why deacon, said Jerry, why surely your honor isn't a goin for to sell me separate from my poor old wife, are you? Why, says I, that feller that bought him is a pauper himself, to my sartan knowledge. Why nothin, says she, only "FIRE'S IN THE DAIRY," and Beck's in the swill tub, that's all. Why that are hen-partridge's head, to be sure, said he; don't you see how special wonderful wise it looks, a flutterin about arter its head. Why Judges, and Banks, and Lawyers, and great folks, have swallered all the money. Why Sir, that's A. Why that's E. F.'s he was the greatest farmer in these parts, another of the aristocracy, had a most a noble stock o' cattle, and the matter of some hundreds out in jint notes; well he took the contract for beef with the troops; and he fell astarn so, I guess its a gone goose with him. Why, says I, possible! Why, says he, Mr. Slick, I couldn't well avoid it; times are uncommon dull over the bay; there's nothin stirrin there this year, and never will I'm thinkin. Why, says he, the moon is up a piece, I guess its seven o'clock or thereabouts. Why the very sight of the Yankee galls is good for sore eyes, the dear little critters, they do look so scrumptious, I tell you, with their cheeks bloomin like a red rose budded on a white one and their eyes like Mrs. Adams's diamonds, (that folks say shine as well in the dark as in the light,) neck like a swan, lips chock full of kisses--lick! Why twelve minae to Pasias? Why did I borrow them? Why did you light the thirsty lamp? Why, what shall I learn? Why thus do I loiter and not knock at the door? Why then do we admire Thales? Why, what are these doing, who are bent down so much? Why then does their rump look toward heaven? Why, where are my fellow-tribesmen of Cicynna? Why callest thou me, thou creature of a day? Why, what, if they should see Simon, a plunderer of the public property, what do they do? Why, how then, you foolish person, and savouring of the dark ages and antediluvian, if his manner is to smite the perjured, does he not blast Simon, and Cleonymus, and Theorus? Why do you talk nonsense? Why are you distressed? Why, how, when my money is gone, my complexion gone, my life gone, and my slipper gone? Why so, pray? Why so? Why, pray, did you laugh at this? Why do you talk foolishly? Why, is any day old and new? Why, pray, did he add the old day? Why, then, do the magistrates not receive the deposits on the new moon, but on the Old and New? Why, what good should I get else from his instruction? Why, pray, do you talk nonsense, as if you had fallen from an ass? Why, pray? Why do you delay? Why, how can it be just to beat a father? Why, how with justice? Why then is it less lawful for me also in turn to propose henceforth a new law for the sons, that they should beat their fathers in turn? Why then, since you imitate the cocks in all things, do you not both eat dung and sleep on a perch? Why, how? Why, pray, did you not tell me this, then, but excited with hopes a rustic and aged man? Why, is there any Jove? Why, what else, than chopping logic with the beams of your house? Why, Bessie," he said, "did you think I would kill your pet? Why, I NEVER had such a happy Christmas before," said sweet little Agnes. Why, didn't you know us? Why, where were your drum-sticks? "Why?" Why, it is in the water! Why, you would scream with fright, and swim to your mother as fast as you could, and catch hold of her tail for protection. Why did you leave her foot out in this way? Why Flora," she said, as puss darted out of the room, "what are you beating Griffin for? Why didn't you learn? Why," said the caller, "how you can be contented to live as you do I cannot imagine, and to bring up your children in such ignorance fills me with surprise. Why is Tommie in all the bubbles? Why so fierce your mien? "Why, what is a silhouette party?" Why must there be THAT-- making one be in the government? Why must one be so severe? Why must one read books before he can be considered to have learned? Why must there be such rectification? Why must you think of going to see Kung-shan? Why not try the re-introduction of the red-coat of the Queen's soldier --that soldier to be enlisted and officered, let us hope in the early future, from every portion of the Queen's Dominions--as of the one Imperial army;--an Imperial army paid for by the whole Empire. Why such a red herring as this was allowed to decoy us from the straight path of the words of the Treaty is what, in the words of Dundreary, 'No fellah can understand. Why I refer to this broad fact, which distinguishes the populations of all the four seaward Provinces, as much as it does Lower Canada herself, is, to show the fixity and stability of that population; to show that they are by birth British-Americans; that they can nearly all, of every origin, use that proud phrase when they look daily from their doors, 'This is my own, my native land. Why, the seaports aimed at, for our common subjugation. Why, Sir,' was the reply, 'you know, it would be as much as my life is worth. Why,' was the rejoinder, 'three of our preachers were expelled from those very States not a month ago. Why should they be separated? Why, the whole practice of mankind is founded on an entirely different assumption. Why, chiefly earthworks, with a force behind them; and, though that force is inferior in numbers to the force which threatens it, it has hitherto remained in Confederate hands. Why, the whole coast of the United Kingdom; and we might as well say that it would be necessary for the security of this country that we should line our whole coast with defensive works because we may be attacked at any point of that great and extensive frontier. Why, as you are not able to cope with the United States in Canada, where you have a large army, and where you can join your forces to those of the Canadians, you should send an expedition and attack the people of the United States in their own homes and in the centre of their own resources, where they can bring a larger force to repel our invasion. Why, when the great body of mankind had become familiar with this great discovery-- when they learned that a new source was opened to them of influence and enjoyment--is it wonderful that from that hour the heart of nations has palpitated with the desire of becoming acquainted with all that has happened, and with speculating on what may occur? Why, the very name of the institution that brings us together illustrates the fact--I can recall, and I think I see more than one gentleman around me who equally can recall, the hours in which we wandered amid "Fields that cool Ilyssus laves. Why is it that such men are excluded from office at home? Why, it is rising finely, like a conscript at the sound of the reveille. Why, I am the population. Why not? Why not? Why is it that you doubt my word? Why, had they not been sailing persistently to the east? Why, Gibraltar had been reached as if it had been just at Corfu, and some three hundred and thirty degrees of the earth's circuit had vanished utterly. Why, if the new land is a fragment of the old--why does it not retain its old formation? Why, there's not a Russian could endure it! "Why, Ben Zoof, what's the matter?" "Why not?" Why should not the moon have fallen within the limits of Gallia's attraction, and become her satellite? "Why, on skates of course; no difficulty in that, I should imagine," answered Servadac, and he appealed to the count for confirmation of his opinion. "Why not rough-shoe the two horses?" "Why, that perhaps the stranger had come from the northern shores of the Mediterranean, and that I might ask him--" He paused again, and gave a glance at the captain. Why? Why afraid? "Why should we not all go?" "Why, old Ephraim, do you suppose we are going to weigh a mountain with it?" Why, that the density of Gallia is just about double the density of the earth, which we know is only five kilogrammes to a cubic decimeter. Why, we shall pay you in gold and silver and copper, while our money lasts, and when that is gone we shall pay you in bank notes. Why not? Why should Gallia be exempt from the destiny that seemed to await every other heavenly body? Why should it not roll onwards, like the moon, a dark cold mass in space? Why should we doubt that the elements of a comet which has once come into collision with the earth have by this time been accurately calculated? "Why not?" Why, they will weigh it with my steelyard, of course. Why, Nehemiah, he says he shan't give you any. "Why?" Why, to get off the comet before the shock comes. Why, isn't her mass diminished? Why should he trust himself to a balloon, that would blaze up like a piece of paper? Why should he leave the comet? Why should he not go once again upon its surface into the far-off realms of space? Why is the constitution of England sickly, but because monarchy hath poisoned the republic, the crown hath engrossed the commons? Why is it that we hesitate? Why do ye not leave that, which ye call God's Work, to be managed by himself? Why do you not do yourself the honour to kneel when you address His Grace? Why, I have often told you that my mother was the nurse to whose charge he was entrusted! Why have we wasted all this time? Why didn't we marry ten years ago? Why, you don't mean to say you are going to separate us from our wives! Why, of course. Why not? Why not! Why, their wives, of course. Why, how's that? Why, we should all be as yellow as frogs if it wasn't for the make-up! Why, my good girl, for ten years past I've ruled a theatrical company! Why, instead of playing Troilus of Troy for a month, I shall play Grand Duke of Pfennig Halbpfennig for a lifetime! Why, bless my heart, don't you see that, as your leading lady, I am bound under a serious penalty to play the leading part in all your productions? Why, of course, the leading part in this production will be the Grand Duchess! Why, what did you suppose I was going to play? Why, what a dreadful situation! Why, gracious powers, No chum of ours Could eat three sausage-rolls with relish! Why, what's the matter? Why, I'm not quite myself, my pet. Why--dear me--here's your biography! Why, it says that although you're going to marry me to-morrow, you were betrothed in infancy to the Princess of Monte Carlo! Why, every hour we delayed I should lose a lot of you and you'd lose a lot of me! Why, it'll come off! Why, it is the Grand Duke! Why, look at me! Why, look at me! Why, what's that? Why, what's the matter? Why, what's the matter? Why, what's the matter? Why, what's the matter? Why, what's the matter? Why, I've been thinking that as you and I have to play our parts for life, it is most essential that we should come to a definite understanding as to how they shall be rendered. Why, that's quite my idea. Why, what's that? Why, what's the matter with the little donkey? Why, Ludwig challenged Rudolph and won, and now he's Grand Duke, and he's revived the law for another century! Why, you goose, I should marry again within a month! Why, who is this approaching, Upon our joy encroaching? Why, you forward little hussy, how dare you? Why, you impudent little hussy-- LISA. Why, she wrote all our songs and arranged all our dances! Why? Why, she was invaluable to me! Why, you might fall in love with the Lord Chancellor himself by that time! Why did five-and-twenty Liberal Peers come down to shoot over your grass-plot last autumn? Why did five-and-twenty Conservative Peers come down to fish your pond? Why, this ridiculous protege of yours is playing the deuce with everything! Why, who are you who ask this question? Why, that's the highest rank a citizen can attain! Why, that's never you? Why, I love her myself. Why not? Why not? Why, you cold-blooded scoundrel, are you aware that, in taking your life, you are committing a crime which--which--which is---- Oh! Why, who is this whose evil eyes Rain blight on our festivities? Why so? Why not? Why, hang it all, you're under contract to die by the hand of the Public Executioner in a month's time! Why, I shall have to be executed in your place! Why, I never even killed a blue-bottle! Why, you don't suppose that, as a humane man, I'd have accepted the post of Lord High Executioner if I hadn't thought the duties were purely nominal? Why should I kill you when making an affidavit that you've been executed will do just as well? Why not! Why linger here, Where all is drear? Why, in all probability we are the first human beings who ever set foot on this enchanting spot. Why, how old you've grown! Why, you've changed too-- You were a singularly handsome child! Why, bless my heart, she's so particular She'll hardly suffer Dr. Watts's hymns-- And all the animals she owns are "hers"! Why? Why, we can prove, We women -- household drudges as we are-- That two and two make five -- or three -- or seven; Or five and twenty, if the case demands! Why, tyrant Man himself admits It's a waste of time to argue with a woman! Why? Why, see -- we're covered to the very toes. Why, don't you know me? Why, these are men! Why, damsel, when I think of man, Contempt is not the word. Why, bless my heart alive, You and Hilarion, when at the Court, Rode the same horse! Why not? Why, these are men! Why, lord love ye, Rob, that's but a trifle to what we have done in the way of sparing life! Why, you're a fine strapping muscular young fellow--tall and strong as a to'-gall'n'-m'st--taut as a forestay--aye, and a barrowknight to boot, if all had their rights! Why, it says, "Dick," it says--(it calls me Dick acos it's known me from a babby)--"Dick," it says, "you ain't shy--you ain't modest-- speak you up for him as is! Why, no, I can't truly say she do. Why not? Why not? Why, how came you here? Why, of course. Why waken from its slumbers The aching memory of the old, old days? Why, she is quite a little woman, I declare! Why, where be oi, and what be oi a doin', A sleepin' out, just when the dews du rise? Why, that's the very way your health to ruin, And don't seem quite respectable likewise! Why? Why you don't rise til six and you're in bed again by five; you should have a turn at my work and see how you like that--out all night. Why they've--ha.ha.ha. Why that young scamp Mercury says that we do nothing, and leave all the duties of Olympus to him. Why, I can remember the time when people offered us human sacrifices, no mistake about it, human sacrifices. Why, bless the boy, he's quite demented. Why, what's the matter, sir, with you? Why, mortals up the mount are swarming Our temple on Olympus storming, In hundreds--aye in thousands, too. Why, what's this? Why, I should go mad. Why do you hate him? Why did the gods make him a manager. Why did the gods make him a manager? Why did the gods make him a manager? Why, Nicemis, love, you are eating nothing. Why don't you all go down to earth, incog, mingle with the world, hear and see what people think of you, and judge for yourselves as to the best means to take to restore your influence? Why Sparkeion, of course. Why it's as straightforward as possible. Why there hasn't been a hitch of any kind since we came up here. Why it's mere child's play. Why I could do it on my head. Why I called the company together and I said to them: "Here we are, you know, gods and goddesses, no mistake about it, the real thing. Why whenever I opened my mouth he jumps down my throat. Why, what's wrong now? Why, it's been a foggy Friday in November for the last six months and the Athenians are tired of it. Why, confound it. Why, consider. Why, how well you look and how lovely you have grown! Why, she's a goddess! Why, you must be blind!--She's entrancing--enthralling--intoxicating! Why, what's this? Why not settle it in the English fashion? Why do you permit these things? Why, the fact is that, in the cartoons of a comic paper, the size of your nose always varies inversely as the square of your popularity. Why, what does this mean? Why, through the innovations introduced by the Flowers of Progress all our harmless schemes for making a provision for our old age are ruined. : Why, what put that in your head? Why, an English girl of the highest type is the best, the most beautiful, the bravest, and the brightest creature that Heaven has conferred upon this world of ours. Why, I had forgot- ten the most essential element of all! Why, you know as well as I do that I don't even like them. Why? Why, when there's naught else to laugh at, I laugh at myself till I ache for it! Why, the girl was raving! Why, that is no other than thy brother, Leonard Meryll! Why does he love me? Why does he expect me to love him? Why, love is of all passions the most essential! Why, what a wicked girl I must be! Why, let me look! Why not disguise yourself, disfigure yourself, anything to escape this persecution? Why, so it would! Why, that's true! Why not? Why, that's true. Why, bless my heart! Why Rookery? Why, that's the Wrong hand, Davy! Why do I do myself the injustice of calling myself a girl? 'Why, I don't know that Brooks understands much about it at present,' replied Mr. Murdstone; 'but he is not generally favourable, I believe. Why then I'll as good as bet a guinea,' said Peggotty, intent upon my face, 'that she'll let us go. Why, sir, his father giv it him,' said Mr. Peggotty. Why, who's that, Mr. 'Why yes, I've took a short spell at The Willing Mind tonight,' said Mr. Peggotty. Why, Peggotty! Why hasn't she come out to the gate, and what have we come in here for? Why that horse,' said the carrier, jerking the rein to point him out, 'would be deader than pork afore he got over half the ground. Why you see,' said the waiter, still looking at the light through the tumbler, with one of his eyes shut up, 'our people don't like things being ordered and left. Why, a chop's the very thing to take off the bad effects of that beer! Why, bless me, so it is! 'Why, a batter-pudding,' he said, taking up a table-spoon, 'is my favourite pudding! 'Why? Why, where does he go a-begging? Why, you know not,' said Mr. Creakle. Why, you have,' returned Traddles. Why, how you have growed! Why it's as black as jet! Why, no,' said Mr. Barkis. Why, what's put that in your silly little head? Why should she be inclined to forgive him now? Why don't you? 'Why - I suppose you would like me as much then, Peggotty, as you do now? Why, you knew who it was, Em'ly,' said I. Why, Lord love my heart alive, if it ain't a treat to look at him! 'Why, what do you mean? Why then, I tell you what,' said he. 'Why, if I was you,' said Mr. Dick, considering, and looking vacantly at me, 'I should -' The contemplation of me seemed to inspire him with a sudden idea, and he added, briskly, 'I should wash him! Why, I don't know,' said my aunt. Why, to make the child happy and useful. Why, because Annie's a charming young girl, and the old Doctor - Doctor Strong, I mean - is not quite a charming young boy,' said Mr. Jack Maldon, laughing. 'Why, it's but a dull life that we lead here, boy, I am afraid,' he said. Why, really' said Mr. Dick, 'I don't see how it can have been in that year, Trotwood. Why do I secretly give Miss Shepherd twelve Brazil nuts for a present, I wonder? 'Why, you have always been in earnest! Why, here,' said Mrs. Markleham, taking a letter from the chimney- piece above the Doctor's head, 'the dear fellow says to the Doctor himself - where is it? Why, Copperfield, old boy, don't be overpowered! Why, how do you come to be here? 'Why, you see we wasn't aware, sir,' returned the waiter, still apologetically, 'as Mr. Copperfield was anyways particular. 'Why, there's a pretty wide separation between them and us,' said Steerforth, with indifference. Why, the fact is,' he returned, 'I did that. 'Why, I was thinking that this evening would be a good time, Steerforth, when they are all sitting round the fire. 'Why, yes,' I said, 'I must see Peggotty first of all. 'Why, Lord bless my soul! Why, in that very ride, if you'll believe me, the day was named for my Minnie to marry Joram. 'Why, in the name of Heaven, where do you naturally belong? Why, that you two gent'lmen - gent'lmen growed - should come to this here roof tonight, of all nights in my life,' said Mr. Peggotty, 'is such a thing as never happened afore, I do rightly believe! 'Why, being gone, I am a man again," like Macbeth. 'Why? 'Why, what on earth does she do here? 'Why, hasn't he now? Why, you see, Mas'r Davy,' he rejoined, in a hesitating manner, 'Em'ly, she's talking to some 'un in here. 'Why to London? Why am I ever so to you, when I should think of nothing but how to be grateful, and to make you happy! 'Why, she reminds me, Steerforth,' said I, 'that I came out on this expedition to look about me, and to think a little. 'Why, yes,' said I. Why, he is a sort of monkish attorney,' replied Steerforth. Why, I want to ask, aunt, as this seems, from what I understand, to be a limited profession, whether my entrance into it would not be very expensive? Why, this is the very thing, aunt! Why, Daisy, what a rare old bachelor you are here! 'Why that, Master Copperfield,' said Uriah, 'is, in fact, the confidence that I am going to take the liberty of reposing. Why, you went into the Arches. Why, you went to the Delegates. Why, the Ecclesiastical Delegates were the advocates without any business, who had looked on at the round game when it was playing in both courts, and had seen the cards shuffled, and cut, and played, and had talked to all the players about it, and now came fresh, as judges, to settle the matter to the satisfaction of everybody! Why, I have the fourth of a room and a passage, and the fourth of a clerk,' returned Traddles. Why, yes,' said Traddles, rubbing his hands slowly over one another. Why, I am intimately acquainted with them! Why, Daisy, old boy, dumb-foundered! Why, Daisy, here's a supper for a king! 'Why, from your old nurse,' he returned, taking some papers out of his breast pocket. Why, of course it would. 'Why so I can, if I choose,' said I. Why, bless my life and soul! 'Why so? Why should it be made a longer one than is needful? 'Why that, you know,' he returned, rubbing his double chin again, 'can't naturally be expected. Why, you doen't mean to ask me that! 'Why, how should I ever spend it without you? Why, this here candle, now! Why, at the present minute, when I see the candle sparkle up, I says to myself, "She's a looking at it! Why not? 'Why do you bring division between these two mad creatures? Why do you bring this man here? Why, what an unexpected pleasure! Why should you be so uncomfortable? Why, yes, that's all, except, "And she lived happy ever afterwards. Why, my dear Copperfield,' said the Doctor, 'you are a man! Why, the plain state of the case, Mrs. Micawber,' said Traddles, mildly breaking the truth to her. Why should you? 'Why, bless my soul, he made that very remark! Why on monument? 'Why, I have not mentioned, Agnes,' said I, a little embarrassed, 'that Dora is rather difficult to - I would not, for the world, say, to rely upon, because she is the soul of purity and truth - but rather difficult to - I hardly know how to express it, really, Agnes. Why should you be inconvenienced? 'Why yes, I do,' said I. Why should I not be in all the world's power if I am in yours? Why shouldn't you be in all the world's power, Mr. Wickfield? Why, though I'm umble, I'm useful to him, you know; and he understands his interest when he isn't in liquor! Why should he go to India, except to harass me? Why,' replied Traddles, on whose attentive face a thoughtful shade had stolen, 'it was rather a painful transaction, Copperfield, in my case. 'Why, I can't say they did,' he returned. Why don't he go? Why, she sings ballads, sometimes, to freshen up the others a little when they're out of spirits,' said Traddles. Why, though I am a lawyer, Master Copperfield,' he replied, with a dry grin, 'I mean, just at present, what I say. Why should I dread your doing your worst to all about you? Why does Traddles look so important when he calls upon me this afternoon in the Commons - where I still occasionally attend, for form's sake, when I have time? 'Why, Doady? Why not, my love? Why so? 'Why, what a sight for such bright eyes at midnight! Why has she done nothing to set things right? Why has HE done nothing? Why didn't you tell me your opinion of me before we were married? Why didn't you say, you hard-hearted thing, that you were convinced I was worse than a transported page? Why hadn't I said, even the day before we went to church, that I knew I should be uneasy, and I would rather not? Why should I seek to change,' said I, 'what has been so precious to me for so long! 'Why, what a sensitive pet it is! Why, he was a poor creature to be taken by that delicate mock-modesty, and that hanging head! Why don't they whip these creatures? Why, my limbs only made my breath shorter when I used 'em. Why she should consider it necessary to make any show, I don't undertake to tell you. Why, we have not been idle, sir. 'Why, what a question! Why don't you make him speak? 'Why, there's Copperfield, mother,' he angrily retorted, pointing his lean finger at me, against whom all his animosity was levelled, as the prime mover in the discovery; and I did not undeceive him; 'there's Copperfield, would have given you a hundred pound to say less than you've blurted out! Why, what a thing it would be for yourselves and your family, Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, if you were to emigrate now. 'Why, the fact is,' returned Traddles, 'Mr. 'Why, Mr. Micawber has entered the transactions - he calls them transactions - with great form, in a book,' rejoined Traddles, smiling; 'and he makes the amount a hundred and three pounds, five. 'Why, my dear Copperfield,' said Traddles, sticking his hair upright with both hands, and then putting his hands on my knees, 'I am married! Why, my dear boy, she's behind the window curtain! 'Why, yes,' said I, 'decided enough. Why, Mas'r Davy, you was but the heighth of the littlest of these, when I first see you! Why, someun even made offer fur to marry her! Why then should nature have visited our reason with restless aspirations after it, as if it were one of our weightiest concerns? Why did we not express ourselves in a manner exactly the reverse of this and, instead of accusing the cosmological idea of over stepping or of falling short of its true aim, possible experience, say that, in the first case, the empirical conception is always too small for the idea, and in the second too great, and thus attach the blame of these contradictions to the empirical regress? Why, see here, I--" Harvey dived into his pocket for the wad of bills. Why, yes. Why, these are strawberries! , "Why, I heard him calling Penn a farmer last night when the boats bumped. Why, Harve, I've seen thet man hitch up a bucket, long towards sundown, an' set twiddlin' the spigot to the scuttle-butt same's ef 'twas a cow's bag. Why, he's all covered with little crabs," cried Harvey, turning him over. Why can't we always fish from the boat instead of from the dories? "Why in thunder didn't them blame boys tell us you'd struck on?" Why, the dory's loaded like a freight-car," he cried. Why, you an' me could set thet trawl! Why, it's just as if she was alive," he said. Why, Pennsylvania Pratt," Salters would shout "You'll fergit me next! Why, o' course it was so," said Salters, "you bein' skipper here; an' I'd cheerful hev stopped on a hint-not from any leadin' or conviction, but fer the sake o' bearin' an example to these two blame boys of aours. Why don't he git out, then? "Why didn't that Eastport man bid, then?" Why, they sunk him six miles to south'ard o' the Fleet, an' we're two miles from where she's lyin' now. "Why didn't you tell him to put you ashore?" Why, Phil Airheart he went from this very town six year back-no, seven-an' he's mate on the San Jose-- now-twenty-six days was her time out. Why, we~" "I know it, dear. Why, in that case, you come right in with me, my son. Why-why couldn't they put these things in the papers, where they belong? "Why, you see, Edmond," replied the owner, who appeared more comforted at every moment, "we are all mortal, and the old must make way for the young." "Why, it was he who spoke to me, sir," said Dantes, with a smile. "Why, that which Dantes left at Porto-Ferrajo." "Why, I paid him." "`Why, with his father, no doubt,' replied Danglars." "Why, it seems M. Morrel has promised him the thing." "Why, yes, he is actually insolent over the matter -- has already offered me his patronage, as if he were a grand personage, and proffered me a loan of money, as though he were a banker." "Why should I?" "Why, we must inquire into that," was Caderousse's reply; and turning towards the young man, said, "Well, Catalan, can't you make up your mind?" Why, when a man has friends, they are not only to offer him a glass of wine, but, moreover, to prevent his swallowing three or four pints of water unnecessarily! Why, you see, he did not expect to see Dantes return so suddenly -- he thought he was dead, perhaps; or perchance faithless! Why, I'll wager I can go up into the belfry of the Accoules, and without staggering, too! Why, what ails you? "Why, thus it is," replied Dantes. "Why," replied he, "I think it just possible Dantes may have been detected with some trifling article on board ship considered here as contraband." "Why, as for that, I could only know what I was told respecting the merchandise with which the vessel was laden." "Why, you know I told you," replied Danglars, "that I considered the circumstance of his having anchored at the Island of Elba as a very suspicious circumstance." Why, if my information prove correct, a sort of Bonaparte conspiracy has just been discovered. "Why so?" "Why, this is the way of it," said the minister, with the gravest air in the world: "Napoleon lately had a review, and as two or three of his old veterans expressed a desire to return to France, he gave them their dismissal, and exhorted them to `serve the good king." "Why did you not mention his name at once?" "Why, sir, a man of about fifty." "Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers, has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of Bordeaux by Robespierre's bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things." "Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the next day in the Seine." Why, three days ago the emperor had not landed. Why, really, the thing becomes more and more dramatic -- explain yourself. Why didn't they search more vigilantly? "Why from the French government?" "Why," exclaimed Dantes, with astonishment, "do you possess any?" Why not try to find an opening in another direction from that which has so unfortunately failed? "Why, I made a vocabulary of the words I knew; turned, returned, and arranged them, so as to enable me to express my thoughts through their medium." Why your writing exactly resembles that of the accusation. "Why, it is not altogether impossible he might have had, for he made me promise several times never to speak of that letter to any one, assuring me he so advised me for my own interest; and, more than this, he insisted on my taking a solemn oath never to utter the name mentioned in the address." "Why, you poor short-sighted simpleton, can you not guess who this Noirtier was, whose very name he was so careful to keep concealed?" "Why so?" Why," replied Dantes, "I see nothing but broken lines and unconnected words, which are rendered illegible by fire. Why, about ten or eleven o'clock. "Why, yes, the abbe runs a chance of being wet," said the other; and then there was a burst of brutal laughter. Why, on board the tartan," replied the sailor. "Why, the grottos -- caves of the island." "Why," said Dantes, "if in two or three days you hail any fishing- boat, desire them to come here to me." Why, Edmond Dantes and myself were intimate friends! Why, he was so called as truly as I myself bore the appellation of Gaspard Caderousse; but tell me, I pray, what has become of poor Edmond? Why does not God, if he really hates the wicked, as he is said to do, send down brimstone and fire, and consume them altogether? "Why, everything is relative," answered the abbe. Why, I lived almost on the same floor with the poor old man. "Why, the doctors called his complaint gastro-enteritis, I believe; his acquaintances say he died of grief; but I, who saw him in his dying moments, I say he died of" -- Caderousse paused. Why, of downright starvation. Why, the vilest animals are not suffered to die by such a death as that. Why should you meddle with what does not concern you? "Why, he was not altogether forsaken," continued Caderousse, "for Mercedes the Catalan and Monsieur Morrel were very kind to him; but somehow the poor old man had contracted a profound hatred for Fernand -- the very person," added Caderousse with a bitter smile, "that you named just now as being one of Dantes' faithful and attached friends." Why, what good would it do? "Why, did you not hear all we said?" "Why, surely a man of his holy profession would not deceive us!" Why, if you ever make use of the details I am about to give you, that you will never let any one know that it was I who supplied them; for the persons of whom I am about to talk are rich and powerful, and if they only laid the tips of their fingers on me, I should break to pieces like glass. Why, he left Marseilles, and was taken, on the recommendation of M. Morrel, who did not know his crime, as cashier into a Spanish bank. Why, much the same story. "Why, when I found myself utterly destitute, I thought my old friends would, perhaps, assist me." Why should that man give me a false diamond? "Why, the fair is on at Beaucaire, there are always jewellers from Paris there, and I will show it to them." Why I think that they are rising faster than they have any business to do, and that they would not be so black if they didn't mean mischief. `Why,' I says, `I still think you've got too much on. Why did her father ask for this key which she always kept, and which was only taken from her in childhood as a punishment? "Why, if to-day before eleven o'clock your father has not found someone who will come to his aid, he will be compelled at twelve o'clock to declare himself a bankrupt." Why, that's as long as the Almighty took to make the world! "Why?" Why," he remarked to Gaetano, "you told me that Signor Sinbad was going to Malaga, while it seems he is in the direction of Porto- Vecchio. Why, in the first place, his yacht is not a ship, but a bird, and he would beat any frigate three knots in every nine; and if he were to throw himself on the coast, why, is he not certain of finding friends everywhere? "Why?" `Why should an exception be made in her favor? Why, she did not know, but yet she did not the less feel that these reproaches were merited. "Why, you see, he has a good understanding with the shepherds in the plains, the fishermen of the Tiber, and the smugglers of the coast." "Why, you see, no one knows what may happen." "Why, I have only had the honor of being in her society and conversing with her three or four times in my life; but you know that even such an acquaintance as that might warrant my doing what you ask." "Why, you know, my dear fellow, when one has been accustomed to Malibran and Sontag, such singers as these don't make the same impression on you they perhaps do on others." "Why, that he is no other than Lord Ruthven himself in a living form." Why, I did not expect to see you before to-morrow. Why, here -- they give you their hand -- they press yours in return -- they keep up a whispering conversation -- permit you to accompany them home. Why, if a Parisian were to indulge in a quarter of these marks of flattering attention, her reputation would be gone forever. "Why, you know it is quite impossible to procure a carriage." "Why, the number of persons condemned to suffer, their names, and description of the death they are to die." Why, your excellency," returned the landlord, chuckling and rubbing his hands with infinite complacency, "I think I may take upon myself to say I neglect nothing to deserve the support and patronage of the noble visitors to this poor hotel. "Why, upon my soul, my dear fellow, it strikes me that our elegant and attentive neighbor must either be some successful stock-jobber who has speculated in the fall of the Spanish funds, or some prince travelling incog." "Why so?" Why for him and not for me? "Why, he must be a nabob." "Why did he not bring it to me here?" "Why, that I should think it very amusing," replied Franz, "if it had happened to any one but poor Albert." "Why did you not tell me all this -- you?" Why have you caused me thus to fail in my word towards a gentleman like the count, who has all our lives in his hands? Why the devil do you rouse me at this hour? Why, you must have lost your senses. "Why, really the thing seems to me simple enough." Why do you not join our party, my dear Beauchamp? "Why, he is a second Ariosto." Why should he doubt it? Why, it seems to me," replied Morrel, "that in delivering M. de Morcerf, whom you did not know, you did good to your neighbor and to society. "Why, you have just said, -- a man of high distinction." Why, this very morning, in my rooms, he made his entree amongst us by striking every man of us with amazement, not even excepting Chateau- Renaud. "Why, he pleases me in spite of Franz d'Epinay, who tries to convince me that he is a being returned from the other world." "Why, my dear mother, it is necessary, in order to make your advice turn to account, that I should know beforehand what I have to distrust." Why, what has happened to you? Why, you must see, your excellency," cried the steward, "that this is not natural; that, having a house to purchase, you purchase it exactly at Auteuil, and that, purchasing it at Auteuil, this house should be No. -- `Why, your brother has been involved in a quarrel, and killed in a duel. Why, I have as much money as I want; mother Assunta always furnishes me when I ask for it! `Why,' she inquired in a hoarse voice, `did you invite him to sleep here to-night? -- `Why? `Why, the good God sends him back again. -- `Why should you threaten me with death,' cried I, `when I have already declared my innocence? "Why," replied Danglars, "not entirely so; with the servants, -- you understand." "Why," said Danglers, "in the letter -- I believe I have it about me" -- here he felt in his breast-pocket -- "yes, here it is." "Why, truly," replied Monte Cristo, determined not to lose an inch of the ground he had gained, "my reason for desiring an `unlimited' credit was precisely because I did not know how much money I might need." "Why," replied Monte Cristo, "since we mutually understand each other -- for such I presume is the case?" "Why, yes," replied the count. "Why, in truth, sir," was Monte Cristo's reply, "man is but an ugly caterpillar for him who studies him through a solar microscope; but you said, I think, that I had nothing else to do." "Why should they not?" "Why?" "Why do you address me so coldly -- so distantly?" Why should I leave you? `Why,' said he, `does not the emperor, who has devised so many clever and efficient modes of improving the art of war, organize a regiment of lawyers, judges and legal practitioners, sending them in the hottest fire the enemy could maintain, and using them to save better men? Why, it was won by a horse and rider utterly unknown on the course. "Why, our Lord Ruthven -- the Vampire of the Salle Argentino!" "Why, do you not recollect the name of the celebrated bandit by whom I was made prisoner?" Why, the man must owe me a fearful grudge. "Why," said Albert, "he was talked about for a week; then the coronation of the queen of England took place, followed by the theft of Mademoiselle Mars's diamonds; and so people talked of something else." "Why not?" Why, diamonds -- and she is covered with them. Why, to converse with him, of course. "Why, in the first place, I heard it from Madame Danglars, who, by the by, is dying to see you in her box, or to have you seen there by others; secondly, I learned it from Beauchamp's journal; and thirdly, from my own imagination." Why, if you sought concealment, did you call your horse Vampa? "Why, the music you have been listening to." Why, count," exclaimed Eugenie, "what has happened to your ward? "Why do you do so?" Why, really I know no one," said the major. "Why, as to that -- I think, my dear son, you must be by this time so accustomed to France as to look upon it almost as a second country." Why? "Why, you know very well that you are reflecting on yourself, Valentine." "Why not?" Why do you like that best? Why should I? "Why?" Why," said she, "you could plant one of the chestnut-trees in the Tuileries inside! "Why?" "Why not?" "Why so?" Why should we not imagine this the apartment of an honest mother? "Why bury it there if it were dead?" "Why do you wish to know?" "Why, just think for a moment; with this red handkerchief on my head, with scarcely any shoes, no papers, and ten gold napoleons in my pocket, without reckoning what was there before -- making in all about two hundred francs, -- why, I should certainly be arrested at the barriers." "Why so!" "Why not?" "Why not?" Why, to accuse the man, do you address the woman? Why did he kill himself instead of you? "Why, how could you make such a mistake -- such an old stager?" Why, the thing has made a tremendous noise. "Why?" "Why did you not invite M. and Madame de Morcerf to your dinner?" "Why so?" "Why so?" Why did you deceive me? "Why so?" "Why should you not be there?" "Why do you not seek revenge?" "Why so?" Why do you call me baron? "Why so?" Why was not M. de Saint-Meran also grandfather to Mademoiselle Danglars? Why, what can have happened? Why should I obtain you by violence, if our love is mutual? "Why do you ask me that?" Why do you stop here? "Why?" Why do you doubt? Why, did not the countess, the proud Mercedes, the disdainful Catalane, who will scarcely open her lips to her oldest acquaintances, take your arm, lead you into the garden, into the private walks, and remain there for half an hour? Why, your protege, M. Andrea Cavalcanti! Why, it is a rank of itself in France, and from the way in which you lavish money, it is a place that must be worth a hundred thousand francs a year. "Why, simply from the circumstance of my having bought her one day, as I was passing through the market at Constantinople." `Why does the boat go so fast? Why should my father fly? "Why, what can be the use of mixing a woman up in the affair?" "Why?" "Why not?" Why do you not realize a six months', a year's advance even, and retire to Brussels? "Why not?" "Why the devil have they any stairs with such windows?" "Why?" "Why should I stand in a comrade's way?" "Why not?" "Why, then, not let me out by the door?" "Why do you ask me now?" "Why?" "Why do you say so?" Why, you are mad, Albert! Why do you remember when it forgets? Why was I a prisoner? Why are you bequeathing all your fortune to me? "Why, when all was arranged?" Why has he not painted a spot upon his heart? "Why?" Why? Why is he not here that I may tell him so? Why are the glass and decanter empty? Why do you torment them? Why the devil does that foolish girl, who pretends to wish to speak to me, not come into my study? "Why, the same we had intended doing three days since -- set off." Why is that gendarme there? "Why, you said," answered Mademoiselle Danglars, "that you would be condemned to die like the worst criminals." Why should they? "Why?" Why, this Count of Monte Cristo must be a nabob? Why did you not tell me so before? Why, it is as good as a century! Why do you mention my father? "Why so?" Why should I risk an imprudent step? Why did you not come down to breakfast? Why? Why do we love? Why do we hate? "Why, what nonsense are you telling us?" Why not? Why, having recognized you, and I the only one to do so -- why was I able to save my son alone? "Why, you are like No." "Why, how came you to be so well acquainted with all this?" "Why do you offer me 4,000,000 for what is worth 5,000,000?" Why should we not spend the last three hours remaining to us of life, like those ancient Romans, who when condemned by Nero, their emperor and heir, sat down at a table covered with flowers, and gently glided into death, amid the perfume of heliotropes and roses? Why should one death be great, while our sacrifice is horrible? Why and by whom no one ever knew, but a cloud remained upon its title until a recent day, for it was thought that at some time the nuns might return. Why had fate decreed that they should be enemies? Why do you torment me about what you might all see? Why are you not gone? Why is the old Berkshire town so troubled? Why was the heavy iron knocker placed on the door? Why sink your hearts? Why! "Why did you signal to stop?" Why sadden the poor children, and damp their newly cherished hopes? Why, look at him this very moment! Why, the ship we're on, of course--a good ship that has been commended to me, not only for its physical qualities, but also for the moral qualities of its commander, the brave Captain Burton. "Why not?" Why, madam, the Indians are not anthropophagi! "Why, it is a perfect palace, I call it," said Paganel; "we only want flunkeys and courtiers." "Why, of course, because the man speaks badly," replied the learned geographer, getting impatient. Why, it is a second confusion of tongues, like Babel. Why, if I go on like this, some day I shall be throwing myself out of the window instead of my cigar! Why Glenarvan proposed this was, that the banks of the Guamini seemed to be the general rendezvous of all the game in the surrounding plains. "Why, Major," exclaimed Paganel, "for purposes of classification into orders, and families, and species, and sub-species." Why, for my part, on the contrary, I should have taken special care to preserve megatheriums and pterodactyles, and all the antediluvian species of which we are unfortunately deprived by his neglect. "Why not?" "Why not, my worthy friend?" "Why not, Paganel, if it would give you any pleasure." Why, not a man-of-war-- not the best among them, I mean--could chase her! Why? "Why, to the English," replied Toline, as if the fact was quite settled. "Why, sir?" Why, as it is pronounced, of course," replied Glenarvan. Why, it is impossible to say; that is a mystery which the future may explain. "Why does not your honor give orders for a raft to be constructed?" "Why!" "Why, John?" "Why, John?" "Why not animal flesh?" "Why, what is that to you, Mr." "Why?" Why! Why not? Why had the DUNCAN come to the eastern coast of New Zealand? Why? "Why, of course, Tom." "Why was he imprisoned?" Why was it that he must needs turn his powers to such evil account? "Why not, Paganel?" "Why should I be vexed, my child?" Why, this is Maria Theresa! Why was it that Paganel remained always hermetically fastened up in his clothes, with a big comforter round his throat and up to his very ears? Why, bless thee, child,' said the old man, patting her on the head, 'how couldst thou miss thy way? Why, who ever loved a child as I love Nell? Why, then, it was a goodish stretch, master,' returned Kit. 'Why, then, I do consider myself rather so, master,' was the answer. Why dost thou sob? Why should a grandson and grandfather peg away at each other with mutual wiolence when all might be bliss and concord. Why not jine hands and forgit it? Why do you hunt and persecute me, God help me! Why do you bring your prolifigate companions here? Why not? Why should there be? 'Why an't you of your mother's way of thinking, my dear? Why dear me! Why, Betsy,' said the old woman, 'you haven't been--you don't mean to say you've been a--' 'Sitting up all night? 'Why don't you hit one of your size? Why did he say that? 'Why, Mr Trent,' returned Dick, 'there is a proverb which talks about being merry and wise. 'Why, certainly,' replied Dick. 'Why, sir,' returned Dick, 'between Miss Sophia Wackles and the humble individual who has now the honor to address you, warm and tender sentiments have been engendered, sentiments of the most honourable and inspiring kind. Why, I hope not,' returned Mr Swiveller, 'but the average number of letters it take to soften her is six, and this time we have got as far as eight without any effect at all. Why shouldn't Mr Cheggs be jealous if he likes? Why neighbour, what's the matter? 'Why, how tired you look, my dear! 'Why didn't you say who YOU were? Why is it that we can better bear to part in spirit than in body, and while we have the fortitude to act farewell have not the nerve to say it? 'Why do you come here to do this? Why you see,' rejoined the little man, 'we're putting up for to-night at the public-house yonder, and it wouldn't do to let 'em see the present company undergoing repair. 'Why what harm can it do? 'Why, the fact is,' said Short, 'that we are going the longest way, because then we could stop for the night, a mile and a half on. Why, I remember the time when old Maunders as had three-and-twenty wans--I remember the time when old Maunders had in his cottage in Spa Fields in the winter time, when the season was over, eight male and female dwarfs setting down to dinner every day, who was waited on by eight old giants in green coats, red smalls, blue cotton stockings, and high-lows: and there was one dwarf as had grown elderly and wicious who whenever his giant wasn't quick enough to please him, used to stick pins in his legs, not being able to reach up any higher. Why didn't you tell me your little history--that about you and the poor old gentleman? Why, bless me,' cried the old gentleman, 'the lad is here! 'Why, of course it does,' Dick observed, testily. Why don't you come and bite me, why don't you come and tear me to pieces, you coward? Why, let me see,' said Quilp. Why have I alluded to it? 'Why, bless you, child, what are you thinking of? Why, what do you call yourselves? 'Why I am ready. 'Why? Why should they be, when we will win them back? Why, the gayest feather in Miss Monflathers's cap, and the brightest glory of Miss Monflathers's school, was a baronet's daughter--the real live daughter of a real live baronet--who, by some extraordinary reversal of the Laws of Nature, was not only plain in features but dull in intellect, while the poor apprentice had both a ready wit, and a handsome face and figure. Why were the eyes of little Nell wet, that night, with tears like those of the two sisters? Why did she bear a grateful heart because they had met, and feel it pain to think that they would shortly part? Why don't she change it--melt down the brass, and take another name? Why, we'll buy another stool, sir,' returned Brass. Why, who are you? 'Why don't you show 'em yourself? 'Why you see,' said Dick, 'my name is not Brass, and--' 'Who said it was? Why then, Mr Richard,' said Brass, darting at him a supercilious and reproachful look, 'it's my opinion that you've mistaken your calling, and will never make a lawyer. 'Why are you in hopes? Why YOU are a good deal better looking than her, Barbara. Why, Sir, I don't think he can be in earnest when he says that. Why isn't she here? Why is that woman always out of the way when she is most wanted? Why should I help a man to the means perhaps of winning all I have, unless I considered him my friend? 'Why, that's brave,' cried Isaac, jumping up and slapping him on the shoulder; 'and I respect you for having so much young blood left. Why had they ever come to this noisy town, when there were peaceful country places, in which, at least, they might have hungered and thirsted, with less suffering than in its squalid strife! 'Why did you bring me here? Why did you force me to leave it? 'Why, that's exactly what we've done, sir! 'Why then, I do believe you are in earnest,' rejoined the landlady, with ready good-humour, 'and I'm very sorry I have teazed you. Why it was only last night, sir,' whispered Kit's mother, 'that I left him in Little Bethel. Why, are you not? 'Why, how did he come here, mother? 'Why, rather sour, sir,' replied Mr Swiveller. 'Why, the fact is, you see,' said Mr Swiveller, 'that they HAVE been brought together. 'Why, instead of my friend's bursting into tears when he knew who Fred was, embracing him kindly, and telling him that he was his grandfather, or his grandmother in disguise (which we fully expected), he flew into a tremendous passion; called him all manner of names; said it was in a great measure his fault that little Nell and the old gentleman had ever been brought to poverty; didn't hint at our taking anything to drink; and--and in short rather turned us out of the room than otherwise. Why, that's right! Why not? 'Why, this it is,' said the sexton. Why, only think how old she looked. 'Why, they say , replied the boy, looking up into her face, that you will be an Angel, before the birds sing again. Why would you go, dear Nell? Why not! Why, my good feller, do you know what o'clock it is--half-past nine a.m. in the morning? 'Why? Why, yes,' returned Sampson, 'I should say as good as done. Why, how thin you are! Why, how old are you? 'Why, really Marchioness,' said Mr Swiveller, thoughtfully; 'several ladies and gentlemen--not exactly professional persons, but tradespeople, ma'am, tradespeople--have made the same remark. 'Why,' replied his sister with an air of triumph, 'hasn't there been somebody always coming in and out of this office for the last three or four weeks; hasn't that somebody been left alone in it sometimes-- thanks to you; and do you mean to tell me that that somebody isn't the thief! Why, what do you call him--Kit. Why anything the matter? 'Why then,' said Brass, suddenly turning upon him and thrusting his face close to Kit's with such a repulsive smile that the latter, even in the very height of his gratitude, drew back, quite startled. Why then, it's done. 'Why don't you leave him alone? Why not? Why not? 'Why not? Why not, you rogue of a lawyer, why not? Why, he's an uglier-looking thief than can be seen anywhere for a penny. 'Why, your friend,' replied the man. Why? Why, you know, sir,' returned Brass, venturing to be more familiar: ' --the fact is, sir, that any allusion to these little combinings together, of friends, for objects in themselves extremely laudable, but which the law terms conspiracies, are--you take me, sir?--best kept snug and among friends, you know. Why do you talk to me of combining together? Why not? 'Why, sir,' returned Brass, 'he--dear me, Mr Quilp, sir--' 'What's the matter? 'Why, sir,' replied Brass, 'if there was such a thing as a mouthful of water that could be got without trouble--' 'There's no such thing to be had here,' cried the dwarf. 'Why, sir,' replied Brass, 'upon my word I think Sarah's as good an economiser as any going. 'Why, you see,' returned the Marchioness, 'when you was gone, I hadn't any friend at all, because the lodger he never come back, and I didn't know where either him or you was to be found, you know. Why, how is this? 'Why, it is connected with the law, certainly. Why does she give me notice when it's too late? Why, since Kit has been away, the pony would take his food from nobody but her, and Barbara, you see, not dreaming that Christopher was there, and just looking in, to see that everything was right, has come upon him unawares. Why, she is trembling now! Why should Barbara be cross? Why, I do,' said Kit. Why do you ask? Why dost thou lie so idle there, dear Nell,' he murmured, 'when there are bright red berries out of doors waiting for thee to pluck them! Why dost thou lie so idle there, when thy little friends come creeping to the door, crying "where is Nell--sweet Nell? Why do you not take some rest? Why, you yourself--you wear the colour too? 'Why then, I'll go where you will,' said the old man, turning to the child. Why they did not send out a small party and capture us, I do not know. Why they did not do so I do not know. Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command? Why there should have been a panic I do not see. Why any troops, except artillery with a small infantry guard, were kept on the mountain-top, I do not see. Why not attack at once? Why? Why he did not, was to me a mystery then and is now; for I know that he saw the move; and had his wagons loaded up at one time for a start toward Frankfort, passing between our two camps. Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command? Why," said I, "General Grant, you are besieged;" and he said, "It is too true. Why," said he (and he was an Irishman), suiting the action to the word, "forty rounds in the cartridge-box, and twenty in the pocket. Why not go now, when all the arrangements are completed for the transfer,--instead of waiting till the plunging shot of contending armies will renew the scenes of the past months. Why he did not turn on him at Franklin, after checking and discomfiting him, surpasses my understanding. Why," she said, "when he was a young man he used to be our friend in Charleston, and here is a book he gave me. Why," said General Barry, "that was General Sherman you were talking to. Why," said General Sherman, "my bummers don't do things by halves. Why was this, or why was all mention of any field of duty for the head of the army left out of the army regulations? Why," said the boy, "I will plant myself in the doorway just as he does, and then when he wants to go in to breakfast I will say 'You cannot have breakfast yet: HE is busy with some people,' and when he comes for dinner I will say 'No dinner yet: HE is in his bath,' and as he grows ravenous I will say 'Wait a little: HE is with the ladies of the court,' until I have plagued and tormented him as he torments me, keeping me away from you, grandfather, when I want to come. Why, the stags leapt up against the sky as though they had wings, and the wild-boars came rushing to close quarters like warriors in battle! Why, even as they lie dead there," cried he, "they look finer than those poor walled-up creatures when alive! Why," answered they, "who so fit to persuade him as yourself? Why, I would give him a whipping, as a warning not to do it again, and then treat him as though nothing had happened. Why, to snare birds you would get up by night in the depth of winter and tramp off in the cold; your nets were laid before the creatures were astir, and your tracks completely covered and you actually had birds of your own, trained to serve you and decoy their kith and kin, while you yourself lay in some hiding-place, seeing yet unseen, and you had learnt by long practice to jerk in the net before the birds could fly away. Why should you, any more than we, be found lacking in that power which takes the goods of weaklings and bestows them on the strong? "Why," repeated the other, "simply to raise a laugh, and make a brag like the impostors that they are." Why, even now, when you know we only wish to amuse you, not to make you suffer, you must needs hold us up to shame. Why not simply issue a general order that you intend to do this? Why is it, then, that to-day you have neither brought the tribute nor sent the troops, and are building forts? Why should they ever be afraid to dash up and harry us, when they know full well that they run no greater risk at our hands than if we were stumps in their orchards? "Why," said Cyaxares, "as Cyrus and his men found those they went to seek." Why? Why should I try to speak? Why? Why plural, "the trenches"? Why doesn't he point out its hollowness also? Why is the Hyrcanian never named? Why was she not present? Why art thou in this state? Why hast thou come to-day and not tomorrow from the presence of the King thy father, and why carriest thou so triste a countenance? Why are they thus running;" inquired Belli Ahmad of a Turk. Why, then, may not I also do the same? Why hast thou absented thyself so long from my house? Why should I not grieve? Why, when I was a nipper every morning of my life I had a cold bath, winter and summer. Why should she be unhappy? Why, man alive," said Ignatius Gallaher, vehemently, "do you know what it is? Why was it so unconscious and ladylike? Why had he married the eyes in the photograph? Why have I always to complain of you? Why didn't he think of it sooner? Why had he withheld life from her? Why had he sentenced her to death? Why don't you put him to something? "Why so?" "Why didn't you remind him?" "Why, blast your soul," said Mr. Henchy, "I'd get more votes in five minutes than you two'd get in a week." Why should we welcome the King of England? Why, now, would we welcome a man like that? Why isn't it your business? "Why should I be ashamed of myself?" "Why?" Why? Why? Why did they never play the grand old operas now, he asked, Dinorah, Lucrezia Borgia? Why, what was wonderful about Johnny? Why? Why did she seem so abstracted? Why does that make you cry? Why, Gretta? Why, sir,' said the boy, 'you told me to plough to the red cow, and I kept after her, but she always kept moving. Why, sir," Crockett answered, "run down the Mississippi till you come to the Oberon River. Why do you bring them to me? Why? Why are you crying? Why, the end of the world we can reach, I vouch, Dear kangaroo, with me in your pouch. "Why don't they drink at the waterhole?" Why, my fifth pair of nerves are larger than a man's! Why don't you bring in gum leaves for to-morrow, instead of sleeping all day and half the night too? Why not? Why it's enough to make a Kangaroo's sides split with laughter to see such foolery! Why, I'd do it myself, in a moment, only your claws are better suited for the purpose than mine. "Why he is in the same part that he nested in last season." "Why are the birds all perching together over there?" Why don't you call the Dingo at once? Why! Why the devil don't you get out of the way? Why, too, had he pretended they were not his when I had remarked about them at first? Why am I here now, an outcast from civilisation, instead of being a happy man enjoying all the pleasures of London? Why should a man go on all-fours and drink with his lips? Why? Why, then, do you fear them? "Why did you set--your people onto me when I was in the hut?" Why you should pay him liberal wages and then do his work for him, I cannot see. Why do you want to go today particularly? Why the nobility and gentry of this burg should think that I'm their affinity just because I've got golden hair--which is perfectly genuine, Mac; I can show you the pedigree--and because I earn an honest living singing off the key, is more than I can understand. Why, when I was single, if I got 'old of a sure thing for the three o'clock race and picked up a couple of quid, the thrill of it didn't seem to linger somehow. Why, then, had that super-fatted individual been able to demoralize her to the extent of flying to the shelter of strange cabs? "Why, hullo, Reggie." "Why, what happened to Percy?" Why, Percy punched a policeman. Why shouldn't the girl have got into a cab? Why must a girl walking along Piccadilly be my daughter Maud just because she got into a cab. Why will you not let yourself be guided by those who are older and wiser than you? Why, when I was at Oxford in the year '87," he said chattily, "I fancied myself in love with the female assistant at a tobacconist shop. Why should anyone laugh at locksmiths? Why, we were thinking of advertising for you, or going to the police or something. Why didn't Geoffrey come? Why could it not have been Geoffrey who waited in ambush outside the castle, and not a pleasant but negligible stranger? Why, she told me! "Why, a thing you puts names in 'ats and draw 'em and the one that gets the winning name wins the money." Why, write me out a ticket marked "Mr. Why, I knew from the first. Why, Reggie, more than anyone else, ought to be foaming with rage at the insolence of this American fellow in coming down to Belpher and planting himself at the castle gates. Why? Why don't you come out with me sometimes when I take a country walk? Why not? "Why--oh, I couldn't!" "Why not?" "Why, it's nothing." Why, a week ago I didn't know you, and, if anybody had told me Alice Faraday was going to marry me, I'd have given one of those hollow, mirthless laughs. Why, now you put it like that," he exclaimed, "I can see that I jolly well am! Why don't you let George marry your daughter, Lord Marshmoreton? "Why, he's a rich man!" "Why Lord Peebles?" Why, that tricky thing--you know, in the second act--is the darlingest thing I ever heard. "Why, of course!" Why shouldn't I announce the engagement? Why had Geoffrey told her to meet him in a cavern of gloom like this instead of at the Savoy? "Why?" Why not? Why do you say 'Hello'? Why he was taken to this under-world? Why has the bear no tail? Why are fishes dumb, the swallow cleft- tail? Why did men begin to quarrel? Why do dead persons come back? Why threaten us with ghastly dooms, maiden? Why dost thou pass thy years unwed, following arms, thirsting for throats? Why dost thus beat me back with thy shield, threatening with thy bold lance, when thou art so covered with wretched crimes and spotted all over? Why name thee, Hiartuar, whom Skulde hath filled with guilty purpose, and hath suffered thus to harden in sin? Why sing of thee, villain, who hast caused our peril, betrayer of a noble king? Why do I linger? Why are your hearts afraid? Why is your sword faint and blunted? Why doth the locked bolt close the folding- gates? Why count over my troubles? Why weave the thread of my miseries anew? Why grant life to him whom thou hast robbed of honour? Why am I to be kept to live on for all this ignominy? Why do ye spare the guilty? Why do ye stay your hand from the throat of your persecutor? Why, surely the gods themselves have forbidden that a man who is kind to others should commit unnatural self-murder. Why stand ye aghast, who see me colourless? Why stand ye aghast who see me colourless? Why doth a broken spear gird thy huge side? Why, perchance, dost thou defend thy stalwart breast with a feeble sword, and forget the likeness of thy bodily stature, trusting in a short dagger, a petty weapon? Why dost thou, sluggard, think only of feasting, and lean thy belly back in ease, more effeminate than harlots? Why dost thou vex me with insolent gaze, thou who honourest the foe guilty of thy father's blood, and art thought only to take thy vengeance with loaves and warm soup? Why seek the gifts to reward that guidance, which thou shouldst have offered for naught? Why mock and jeer with insolent speech at him whom thou shouldst have offered to guide upon his way? Why give to dishonour my deeds of old, which deserve the memorial of fame? Why requite my service with reproach? Why pursue with jeers the old man mighty in battle, and put to shame my unsurpassed honours and illustrious deeds, belittling my glories and girding at my prowess? Why do I linger? Why, it's a great deal for Uncle Hugson, but not for me. "Why don't you walk down?" Why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the secluded Land of the Mangaboos? Why did you wickedly and viciously send the Rain of Stones to crack and break our houses? Why," cried Dorothy, in amazement, "it's Oz! Why not? Why, he's vegetable! Why not let them live? "Why, Eureka," said Dorothy, reproachfully, "what a cruel question!" Why, they're better than piglets--or even milk! Why, there seems to be no night at all in this country," Zeb replied. Why destroy me? Why, they are driving us toward the Black Pit, into which they threatened to cast us," replied the kitten. Why, right beside you," spoke a tiny voice. "Why, yes," stammered the Wizard. Why do you not eat the damas? "Why did you leave the surface of the earth?" Why, we can see each other again! Why, where's Eureka? Why, it's a dragon! "Why not, Mr." "Why shouldn't I?" Why, I feel like a colt today," replied Jim. Why are you so bad? "Why do you want me?" "Why, that's for you to find out," replied Eureka. "Why, in the world, Uncle," answered Zeb, with a laugh. Why, there is hardly a foot of soil in all this region that has not been enriched by the blood of men, patriots or invaders. Why, even the peasant that you tell me of who marked the place of the flame would not know where to look in daylight even for his own work. Why should not I imitate him, and go in by his window? Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? Why, it's them that, not content with printin' lies on paper an' preachin' them out of pulpits, does want to be cuttin' them on the tombstones. Why, there be scores of these laybeds that be toom as old Dun's `baccabox on Friday night. Why, I could name ye a dozen whose bones lie in the Greenland seas above," he pointed northwards, "or where the currants may have drifted them. Why, I've sat here off an' on for nigh twenty years past, an' it hasn't done me no harm. Why not advance science in its most difficult and vital aspect, the knowledge of the brain? "Why not now?" Why so? Why, these flowers are only common garlic. Why mutilate her poor body without need? "Why not?" Why, your expression makes it a harder puzzle than before. Why his heart was simply breaking. Why was it that Methuselah lived nine hundred years, and `Old Parr' one hundred and sixty-nine, and yet that poor Lucy, with four men's blood in her poor veins, could not live even one day? "Why not?" Why, I myself am an instance of a man who had a strange belief. Why do you smile, friend John? Why, 'e took up 'is end o' the boxes like they was pounds of tea, and me a puffin' an' a blowin' afore I could upend mine anyhow, an' I'm no chicken, neither. Why not? Why do you plague me about souls? Why not in this place so central, so quiet, where he come and go by the front or the back at all hours, when in the very vast of the traffic there is none to notice. Why take that money? "Why?" (Why did I hesitate to write the word? Why not go on? Why fear for me? Why, Faustus, hast thou not attain'd that end? Why, then, belike we must sin, and so consequently die: Ay, we must die an everlasting death. Why, dost not thou know? Why, didst thou not say thou knewest? Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it:<57> Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells, In being depriv'd of everlasting bliss? Why, French crowns. Why, now, sirrah, thou art at an hour's warning, whensoever or wheresoever the devil shall fetch thee. Why, the signiory of Embden shall be mine. Why,<81> have you any pain that torture<82> others! Why shouldst thou not? Why, think'st thou, then, that Faustus shall be damn'd? Why, Faustus, Thinkest thou heaven is such a glorious thing? Why should I die, then, or basely despair? Why, Robin, what book is that? Why, sir, will he not drink of all waters? Why, sir, what would you? Why, he's fast asleep: come some other time. Why, thou seest he hears thee not. Why did not Faustus tell us of this before,<169> that divines might have prayed for thee? Why wert thou not a creature wanting soul? Why struggle after future advantage at the expense of the present pain, seeing that the results were so very doubtful? Why, he said yesterday that he would have no more going to town at all; that he was barely able to pay the claims made on him, and keep up the house here, and that he would not--' 'Would not what? Why, he said that he would not utterly ruin poor Frank. Why, Mary and Augusta Gresham had for years, we will hardly say for how many, passed their mornings together in the same schoolroom; had quarrelled, and squabbled, and caressed and kissed, and been all but sisters to each other. Why else had she told him then, for the first time, that she did not know where to rank herself? Why could not the old woman send for Dr Century? Why, thou canst not as yet have left thy mother's apron-string. Why, Frank, I am talking to you of your prospects in life, of your future position, of that on which everything hangs, and you tell me of your degree! 'Why, yes, he is in bed; for when he was first took he couldn't very well help hisself, so we put him to bed. Why do you think I can't work without Dutch courage? Why do you take it then? Why do you do it? Why should not I make an eldest son as well as Lord de Courcy or the Duke of Omnium? 'Why, what the devil could I say? 'Why, how the deuce can I be more explicit? Why can't that Dr Century manage his own people? Why, uncle, what do you take me for? Why do you talk of buying a French bonnet for me? Why, I must go to Boxall Hill again to-morrow. Why, he's ill in bed. 'Why not? Why could he not be shown into the sick man's room? Why no,' said Hannah, after a little deliberation; 'no, I'm afeard I couldn't. Why, you see, Dr Fillgrave, Sir Roger finds hisself vastly better this morning, vastly so. 'Why, Dr Fillgrave, sir, you see, he finds hisself so much hisself this morning, that he a'most thinks it would be a shame to trouble you. Why Lady Scatcherd--' Lady Scatcherd saw that she had nothing for it but to make the whole matter intelligible. Why should you want to spite her? Why should you try to do her such a terrible injury? Why should I deceive you? Why should it be that this subject of Mary Scatcherd's child moved him so deeply? Why don't you go down and ferret her out in the village? 'Why his position in life; an only son, you know. 'Why, doctor, the squire's position with regard to money matters. 'Why, uncle; what is the matter? Why, luke at this 'ere town,' continued he of the sieve, 'the grass be a-growing in the very streets;--that can't be no gude. Why, luke 'ee here, zur; I do be a-standing at this 'ere gateway, just this way, hour arter hour, and my heyes is hopen mostly;--I zees who's a-coming and who's a-going. Why these two mighty nobles put their heads together in order that the tailor's son should represent Barchester in Parliament, I cannot explain. Why, in May we came through all the way from Rome to Paris without sleeping--that is, without sleeping in a bed--and we were upset three times out of the sledges coming over the Simplon. Why, I wasn't to say tired even then. 'Why not? Why, that's a good speech too. Why; he isn't even a tailor. Why, he's so dumb a dog that he can't bark even for a bone. Why make a good man miserable for such a trifle? Why marry a penniless girl--for Augusta's trifle of a fortune was not a penny in his estimation--while there was Miss Dunstable in the world to be won? Why should he give over the chase because the rich galleon had escaped him on this, his first cruise in pursuit of her? 'Why, I know you have been writing to him. Why should I not write to him? Why, Mr Gresham, what on earth do you mean? Why I hardly got at him. Why, his life was not worth four years' purchase; of that he was perfectly aware: he could not now live without the stimulus of brandy; and yet, while he took it, he knew he was killing himself. Why should she have been less prone to love than he was? Why, indeed, but because I have no one else to say it to. Why--Mr Rerechild: mightn't he go away, do you think? Why should she thus weep for him in paroxysms of truest grief? Why, that's well, governor,' said the son; 'you'll be as right as a trivet in a day or two--eh, governor? 'Why should I alter it? Why should he? Why, when I speak to him he treats me like a child. Why torture me now? Why not, Thorne? 'Why impossible? Why, doctor, what is it you expect for this girl? Why should you thus harass yourself? Why, you know, I always get it directly your back it turned. Why, when I came out of jail that time, the poor creature had hardly a shoe to her foot. Why, Lady Arabella, do you suspect your own daughter as well as your own son? Why should I object? Why should I object? Why? Why he would think of it as though a lamb and a wolf were to stand at the altar together. Why, you see, I haven't exactly popped to her yet; but I have been doing the civil; and if she's up to snuff, as I take her to be, she knows very well what I'm after by this time. Why should Lady Arabella rob her of her heart's joy? Why, what a head of hair you have got, and so dark too! 'Why, sir, I was obliged to go out to-day, and therefore, it had to be either the old mare or the young horse. 'Why didn't you take Ramble? Why was she brought here among us? Why should she talk of her own unhappiness? Why should she speak of her own love when she was fully determined not to speak of Frank's promises. Why had she not obeyed her conscience and her better instinct int hat moment when the necessity for deciding had come upon her? Why had she allowed him to understand that he was master of her heart? Why, what is the matter, Mary? 'Why not? Why can I not marry him? Why! Why, sir,' said Janet, 'the poor girl was so put about that she did give him one touch across the face with the rolling-pin, and he be all bloody now, in the back kitchen. Why, my beard to his is only a little down. Why, his beard descends to his ankles, and he is obliged to tie it in a bag at night, because his feet get entangled in it when he is asleep! Why, squire, it's just here. Why, now, what sum of money of mine do you think those d---- doctors are handling? Why, now, Gresham, we're all totted now, you see; you're down in my books, I take it, for pretty near a hundred thousand pounds. Why does he not advise me? Why, d--n, doctor! Why should Augusta derogate from her position by marrying beneath herself, seeing that Lady Amelia had spent so many more years in the world without having found it necessary to do so? Why is he now in debt, as you say? Why is he not holding the family seat in Parliament? Why, I tell you that she will be living here while you are living there at the parsonage, for years and years to come. 'Why, there was Greyson, in London, and--' 'Greyson! Why was she brought here? Why was she ever brought into this house? Why have you not been able to find that out? Why, what on earth would they live on? Why had he not spoken to her of all this? Why had he not warned her? Why have you not told me what to do? Why have you not advised me? Why are you always so silent? Why, indeed? Why, a patience of ten years would be as nothing to her. Why did they do it? Why should you talk of it as my matter while my father is not yet forty-five? Why, Harry, I should be as bad as Moffat. 'Why not let me take a farm? Why is Mr Gresham coming here--that is, the squire? Why does he not come to me? 'Why, you wouldn't break both their hearts now? Why, uncle, I think you've been asleep,' said Mary to him that evening as he moved for a moment uneasily on the sofa. Why, they would have--how much? Why should we offer to confine free spirits to one form when we cannot so much as confine our bodies to one fashion of apparel? Why these animals, as well as the progenitors of man, should have lost the power of erecting their ears, we cannot say. Why should not variations occur during an early period of development, having no relation to reversion; yet such variations might be preserved and accumulated, if in any way serviceable, for instance, in shortening and simplifying the course of development? Why the organs now used for speech should have been originally perfected for this purpose, rather than any other organs, it is not difficult to see. Why certain bright colours should excite pleasure cannot, I presume, be explained, any more than why certain flavours and scents are agreeable; but habit has something to do with the result, for that which is at first unpleasant to our senses, ultimately becomes pleasant, and habits are inherited. Why should a man feel that he ought to obey one instinctive desire rather than another? Why is he bitterly regretful, if he has yielded to a strong sense of self-preservation, and has not risked his life to save that of a fellow- creature? Why then does man regret, even though trying to banish such regret, that he has followed the one natural impulse rather than the other; and why does he further feel that he ought to regret his conduct? Why both sexes do not thus acquire the characters of their fathers, will be considered hereafter. Why certain characters should be inherited by both sexes, and other characters by one sex alone, namely by that sex in which the character first appeared, is in most cases quite unknown. Why, again, with cats, the tortoise-shell colour should, with rare exceptions, be developed in the female alone. Why the males subsequently lost their horns, we know not; but this may have been caused through the principle of compensation, owing to the development of the large horns and projections on the lower surface; and as these are confined to the males, the rudiments of the upper horns on the females would not have been thus obliterated. Why do not such spare birds immediately pair together? Why variations have occurred at different periods of life, even sometimes with species of the same group, we do not know, but with respect to the form of transmission, one important determining cause seems to be the age at which the variations first appear. Why various characters should have been transmitted sometimes in one way and sometimes in another, is not in most cases known; but the period of variability seems often to have been the determining cause. Why do the women wear these things? Why have you mentioned him? Why, then, do I hesitate, crazed as I am? Why not? Why does Death delay and hesitate to come and seize me without respite? Why did Erec treat his wife with such severity? Why? Why then did he weep? Why? Why, his is the master and mine the slave; and the slave can have no will of his own, but only do his master's will and forsake all other affairs. Why is not my heart as independent as his? Why, don't you see? Why art thou so in fear of me, when before my lord thou weft so brave? Why cannot I lay hands upon thee now? Why does she wring her lovely hands and beat and tear her breast? Why does the soul still tarry in my body? Why do I not take my life? Why? Why do you flee? Why not? Why not? Why was he carried in a cart? "Why is that?" Why? Why is not her joy complete? Why should its existence be prolonged one hour? Why master was so careful of her, may be safely left to conjecture. Why his career was so short, I do not know, but suppose he lacked the necessary severity to suit Colonel Lloyd. Why am I a slave? Why should I fret? Why [Greek] at the beginnings of Books ii. Why then should you keep on being so angry with him? Why should not we drive in the best of these cows and offer them in sacrifice to the immortal gods? Why should a man like you go about telling lies in this way? Why should you want to see this stranger turned out of the house? Why can you not go elsewhere? Why then should you mind if men talk as you think they will? Why should you thus mock me when I have trouble enough already-- talking such nonsense, and waking me up out of a sweet sleep that had taken possession of my eyes and closed them? Why do you not sit by his side and begin talking to him and asking him questions? Why then didst thou not tell the truth before the Chief of Police? Why!! Why!!! Why should he be dragged from a career he liked in a place he loved, into a career he detested, in a place and climate he shunned? Why had no President ever cared to employ him? Why was she unknown in America? Why was one to be forced to affirm it? Why add up the elements of resistance and anarchy? Why, I hope you will not a hawking now, will you? Why, what unhallowed ruffian would have writ In such a scurrilous manner to a friend! Why should he think I tell my apricots, Or play the Hesperian dragon with my fruit, To watch it? Why, you may have my master's gelding, to save your longing, sir. Why, a fine wisp of hay, roll'd hard, master Stephen. Why, what an I had, coz? Why then E. Know. Why, be so, gentle coz: and, I pray you, let me entreat a courtesy of you. Why, I do think of it: and I will be more proud, and melancholy, and gentlemanlike, than I have been, I'll insure you. Why, that's resolute, master Stephen!--Now, if I can but hold him up to his height, as it is happily begun, it will do well for a suburb humour: we may hap have a match with the city, and play him for forty pound.--Come, coz. Why, sir, an ancient lineage, and a princely. Why mighty, why mighty, I pray thee? Why do you laugh, sir? Why, was he drunk? Why, thus, sir,--make a thrust at me--[Master Mathew pushes at Bobadill] come in upon the answer, control your point, and make a full career at the body: The best-practised gallants of the time name it the passado; a most desperate thrust, believe it. Why, you do not manage your weapon with any facility or grace to invite me. Why, I will learn you, by the true judgment of the eye, hand, and foot, to control any enemy's point in the world. Why, do you hear? Why't cannot be, where there is such resort Of wanton gallants, and young revellers, That any woman should be honest long. Why true; she heard me, all the world to nothing. Why, but I will buy it now, because you say so; and there's another shilling, fellow; I scorn to be out-bidden. Why, were thy education ne'er so mean, Having thy limbs, a thousand fairer courses Offer themselves to thy election. Why, was't not rare? Why? Why, say'st thou! Why, I pray you, sir, make use of my study, it's at your service. Why, at the beleaguering of Strigonium, where, in less than two hours, seven hundred resolute gentlemen, as any were in Europe, lost their lives upon the breach. Why do you pish, captain? Why, you have done like a gentleman; he has confest it, what would you more? Why how, in the name of wit, com'st thou transmuted thus? Why, how now, Cob? Why, Brainworm, who would have thought thou hadst been such an artificer? Why, dost thou not know him? Why, speak, poor neighbour. Why, dost thou go in danger of thy life for him, friend? Why, you monkeys, you, what a cater-wauling do you keep! Why, how now! Why, how now, brother, who enforced this brawl? Why, you are no soldier, I hope. Why, what's the matter, trow? Why, sweet. Why, by--what shall I swear by? Why thus, sir. Why, are you so sure of your hand, captain, at all times? Why, sir, you mistake me: if he were here now, by this welkin, I would not draw my weapon on him. Why, I believe thee: Where is Cob, now? Why, what should they say; but as of a discreet gentleman; quick, wary, respectful of nature's fair lineaments? Why so! Why, here comes his man; let's speak to him. Why, you were best get one O' the varlets of the city, a serjeant: I'll appoint you one, if you please. Why, sir, you are no constable, I hope? Why, what's the matter with you? Why, hear you, sir. Why, what's the matter here, 'what's here to do? Why, is there no cause? Why do you not go? Why, now you are deceived, gentlemen. Why how now, signior gull! Why, is not here your cloak? Why, sir, I hope you cannot hang me for it: can he, fellow? Why then let him do his worst, I am resolute. Why this is a mere trick, a device; you are gull'd in this most grossly all. Why, when, knaves? Why, an he were, sir, his hands were not bound, were they? Why, Master Downright, are you such a novice, to be ser'ved and never see the warrant? Why so! Why, now I see thou art honest, Tib, I receive thee as my dear and mortal wife again. Why humour, as 'tis 'ens', we thus define it, To be a quality of air, or water, And in itself holds these two properties, Moisture and fluxure: as, for demonstration, Pour water on this floor, 'twill wet and run: Likewise the air, forced through a horn or trumpet, Flows instantly away, and leaves behind A kind of dew; and hence we do conclude, That whatsoe'er hath fluxure and humidity, As wanting power to contain itself, Is humour. Why, this is right furor poeticus! Why, will that Make it be sooner swallowed? Why, therein I commend your careful thoughts, And I will mix with you in industry To please: but whom? Why, do you suspect his merit? Why, the equal division of it into acts and scenes, according to the Terentian manner; his true number of actors; the furnishing of the scene with Grex or Chorus, and that the whole argument fall within compass of a day's business. Why so? Why, but do you speak this seriously? Why, for undertaking the prologue for me. Why, and for my wealth I might be a justice of peace. Why, after you have kept them a fortnight, or so, and shew'd them enough to the world, you may turn them away, and keep no more but a boy, it's enough. Why, now you ride to the city, you may buy one; I'll bring you where you shall have your choice for money. Why, Who am I, sir? Why, sir? Why, let 'em starve, what's that to me? Why so? Why might he not as well have hated Sordido as him? Why, this fellow's discourse were nothing but for the word humour. Why, he loves dogs, and hawks, and his wife well; he has a good riding face, and he can sit a great horse; he will taint a staff well at tile; when he is mounted he looks like the sign of the George, that's all I know; save, that instead of a dragon, he will brandish against a tree, and break his sword as confidently upon the knotty bark, as the other did upon the scales of the beast. Why, but do you remember no particulars, signior? Why, is porridge so hurtful, signior? Why, sir, to-morrow I will associate you to court myself, and from thence to the city about a business, a project I have; I will expose it to you sir; Carlo, I am sure has heard of it. Why, be they not the same persons in this, as they would have been in those? Why, gentle wife, is now thy walk too sweet? Why, an I did find fault, sir? Why, those were growing flowers, And these within my walk are cut and strewed. Why, my sweet heart? Why should I take you for him? Why look you so pale, brother? Why, I'll tell you now, in good faith, and by this chair, which, by the grace of God, I intend presently to sit in, I had three suits in one year made three great ladies in love with me: I had other three, undid three gentlemen in imitation: and other three gat three other gentlemen widows of three thousand pound a year. Why, assure you, signior, rich apparel has strange virtues: it makes him that hath it without means, esteemed for an excellent wit: he that enjoys it with means, puts the world in remembrance of his means: it helps the deformities of nature, and gives lustre to her beauties; makes continual holiday where it shines; sets the wits of ladies at work, that otherwise would be idle; furnisheth your two-shilling ordinary; takes possession of your stage at your new play; and enricheth your oars, as scorning to go with your scull. Why, sir? Why, what has he in him of such virtue to be regarded, ha? Why, an he had good clothes, I'd carry him to court with me to-morrow. Why, but e'en now; did you not meet him? Why, by that proportion, the court might as well take offence at him we call the courtier, and with much more pretext, by how much the place transcends, and goes before in dignity and virtue: but can you imagine that any noble or true spirit in court, whose sinewy and altogether unaffected graces, very worthily express him a courtier, will make any exception at the opening of such as empty trunk as this Brisk is? Why, on my feet, sir. Why, this is without parallel, this. Why, do you see, sir, they say I am fantastical; why, true, I know it, and I pursue my humour still, in contempt of this censorious age. Why, does she love activity? Why are you so melancholy, brother? Why are you not merry then? Why, you may soon see him sir, for he is to meet signior Puntarvolo at a notary's by the Exchange, presently; where he meant to take up, upon return. Why, I came but now from a hot-house; I must needs look smooth. Why say, that they should shew the frothy fool Such grace as they pretend comes from the heart, He had a mighty windfall out of doubt! Why, all their graces are not to do grace To virtue or desert; but to ride both With their gilt spurs quite breathless, from themselves. Why, as I am a gentleman, I thank you, knight, and it shall suffice. Why, I tell you, sir; he has been the only 'Bid-stand' that ever kept New-market, Salisbury-plain, Hockley i' the Hole, Gadshill, and all the high places of any request: he has had his mares and his geldings, he, have been worth forty, threescore, a hundred pound a horse, would ha' sprung you over the hedge and ditch like your greyhound: he has done five hundred robberies in his time, more or less, I assure you. Why, had he more aiders then? Why, but signior, how comes it that Fungoso appeared not with his sister's intelligence to Brisk? Why, how much have you there, sir? Why, it may easily be made to forsake her, in my thought. Why, I'll show you, gentlemen. Why, you may go with these gentlemen now, and see fashions; and after, as you shall see correspondence. Why, then, gallants, you two and Carlo go afore to prepare the jest; Sogliardo and I will come some while after you. Why, this it is to dog the fashion. Why, go along to court with us, and remember it; come, gentlemen, you three take one boat, and Sogliardo and I will take another; we shall be there instantly. Why, therein his art appears most full of lustre, and approacheth nearest the life; especially when in the flame and height of their humours, they are laid flat, it fills the eye better, and with more contentment. Why, you were best leave him at the porter's lodge. Why, but will you leave him with so slight command, and infuse no more charge upon the fellow? Why, dost thou not keep a dog? Why, I thought, sir Puntarvolo, you had been gone your voyage? Why, has she deciphered him, gentlemen? Why, gallants, let me laugh at you a little: was this your device, to try my judgment in a gentleman? Why, none was here when we came in now, but cavalier Shirt; enquire of him. Why, believe me, it was not. Why, how now, Carlo! Why, but which of the munition is miscarried, ha? Why, my good German tapster, I will. Why, how so? Why, you may when you please, 'tis all ready below that was bespoken. Why, I thank you, signior; but what is that you tell me may concern my peace so much? Why, Fido! Why are you in this passion? Why, how now, signior Deliro! Why, look you, sir, I told you, you might have suspected this long afore, had you pleased, and have saved this labour of admiration now, and passion, and such extremities as this frail lump of flesh is subject unto. Why here's a change! : Why, do not you know it, sir John Daw? Why, did you think you had married a statue, or a motion, only? Why, I do as you see, empress, empress. Why, if he be angry for that, I'll stay here till his anger be blown over. Why, he shall have them. --Why, now you are friends. Why, all their actions are governed by crude opinion, without reason or cause; they know not why they do any thing: but, as they are inform'd, believe, judge, praise, condemn, love, hate, and in emulation one of another, do all these things alike. Why are the persons in that merry group laughing and chattering instead of listening to Mr. B----? Why do kings and princes wish to make war upon each other (180)? -- Why then man? Why has not man a microscopic eye? Why drew Marseilles' good bishop purer breath, When Nature sickened, and each gale was death? Why is not man a god, and earth a heaven? Why risk the world's great empire for a punk? Why--if I must" (then wept)--"I give it Paul. Why then declare good-nature is her scorn, When 'tis by that alone she can be borne? Why pique all mortals, yet affect a name? Why, take it, gold and all. Why Shylock wants a meal, the cause is found-- He thinks a loaf will rise to fifty pound. Why she and Sappho raise that monstrous sum? Why did I write? Why am I asked what next shall see the light? Why, if the nights seem tedious--take a wife: Or rather truly, if your point be rest, Lettuce and cowslip wine: Probatum est. Why had not I in those good times my birth, Ere coxcomb pies or coxcombs were on earth? Why will you break the Sabbath of my days? Why, of two brothers, rich and restless one Ploughs, burns, manures, and toils from sun to sun; The other slights, for women, sports, and wines, All Townshend's turnips, and all Grosvenor's mines; Why one like Bu--- with pay and scorn content, Bows and votes on, in Court and Parliament; One, driven by strong benevolence of soul, Shall fly, like Oglethorpe, from pole to pole; Is known alone to that directing power, Who forms the genius in the natal hour; That God of Nature, who, within us still, Inclines our action, not constrains our will: Various of temper, as of face or frame. "Why, yes, 'tis granted, these indeed may pass: Good common linguists, and so Panurge was; Nay troth the Apostles (though perhaps too rough) Had once a pretty gift of tongues enough: Yet these were all poor gentlemen!" Why, answer, Lyttelton, and I'll engage The worthy youth shall ne'er be in a rage; But were his verses vile, his whisper base, You'd quickly find him in Lord Fanny's case. Why rail they, then, if but a wreath of mine, Oh, all-accomplished St. John! Why do on this wise and lie down and allow a man to ride thee, and at this moment he worketh his will on thee. Why did ye not seize them. Why didst thou not salute us? Why do we suffer ourselves foolishly to perish; not considering the gift which the Lord has truly sent to us? Why then dost thou imagine these wicked things against me? Why, said I, is the Son of God in this parable, put in the place of a servant. Why art thou disquieted, and fillest thyself with care? Why did these stones come out of the deep, and were placed into the building of this tower, seeing that they long ago carried those holy spirits? Why has government been instituted at all? Why should we do more in proportion than those who are embarked with us in the same political voyage? Why should we consent to bear more than our proper share of the common burden? Why the terms FREE INHABITANTS are used in one part of the article, FREE CITIZENS in another, and PEOPLE in another; or what was meant by superadding to ``all privileges and immunities of free citizens,'' ``all the privileges of trade and commerce,'' cannot easily be determined. Why may not illicit combinations, for purposes of violence, be formed as well by a majority of a State, especially a small State as by a majority of a county, or a district of the same State; and if the authority of the State ought, in the latter case, to protect the local magistracy, ought not the federal authority, in the former, to support the State authority? Why may not it be said, with the strictest propriety, when a writ of error is brought from an inferior to a superior court of law in this State, that the latter has jurisdiction of the fact as well as the law? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? ``Why,'' say they, ``should we adopt an imperfect thing? Why not amend it and make it perfect before it is irrevocably established? Why he is still there he does not know; but he feels unspeakably happy where he is, and his parents make no objections to this procrastination. Why am I doomed to be here so lonely and forsaken? Why may I not at least be your drummer? Why should I not embrace it?... Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element? Why did you rob me of my last consolation? Why did you confess? Why does man boast of sensibilities superior to those apparent in the brute; it only renders them more necessary beings. "Why do you call to my remembrance," I rejoined, "circumstances of which I shudder to reflect, that I have been the miserable origin and author?" Why did you form a monster so hideous that even YOU turned from me in disgust? Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? Why had I not followed him and closed with him in mortal strife? Why do you answer me so roughly? Why am I to give an account of myself? Why did I not die? Why did they preserve so miserable and detested a life? Why did I not then expire! Why am I here to relate the destruction of the best hope and the purest creature on earth? Why, that requires not this preparation; ye need not have come thus far and dragged your captain to the shame of a defeat merely to prove yourselves cowards. Why do you not hate Felix, who drove his friend from his door with contumely? Why do you not execrate the rustic who sought to destroy the saviour of his child? Why, then, it may be asked, did they not operate with equal force upon the princes of the House of Austria? Why, then, still burden the country with his presence? Why did he prefer to employ every other means, however improbable, rather than make trial of the only remedy which could insure success? Why are foreign hands needed for our defence? Why have we made peace if the burdens of war are still to oppress us? Why incur a heavy expense to engage foreigners who will not care for a country which they must leave to-morrow? Why shouldest thou now doubt their loyalty, which, to thy ancestors, they have preserved for so many centuries inviolate? Why, then, send an ambassador to Spain, when as yet nothing has occurred to justify so extraordinary an expedient? Why is that now blamed, which was formerly declared right? Why should not the policy of the government adjust itself to the altered circumstances of the times? Why will we not content ourselves with the measures which have been approved of by the wisdom of such great rulers? Why did they not promptly oppose their first attempts? Why should he, who, in all that he did, was accustomed to consider himself alone, and to make men accommodate themselves to his principles, not his principles to men, undertake so perilous an expedition, when he could see neither the advantage nor necessity of it. "Why only then?" Why should we disturb the repose of a spirit if it is to inform us of nothing more than the ordinary powers of the intellect are capable of teaching us? Why does my son Lorenzo refuse to drink this friendly toast? "Why should he not have deceived us?" Why do you not answer me? Why do you deny it? Why did you revive these recollections in me? "Why not?" Why should she go only once a week? Why always on Saturday, on which day, as Biondello tells me, the church is generally deserted. Why was he brought hither? Why, what a sorry bungler should I be had I not skill enough to pluck a son from a father's heart; ay, though he were riveted there with hooks of steel! Why did I not crawl the first from my mother's womb? * Why to me in particular this snub of the Laplander? Why went she to work in such a partial spirit? Why, what is it but a piece of vanity, the besetting sin of the artist who admires his own works, however hideous they may be? Why should I tremble? Why the devil do we stand here hesitating? Why not? Why, then, should we not also be able to shorten them? Why should not one try one's skill in this line? Why do you remind me of her? Why did I not dream on? Why, you are grown quite stout and jolly! Why, an infant--a plump and ruddy urchin--lying on the floor under a table which was just beginning to burn. Why do you hesitate? Why does not a thunderbolt cleave the impious tongue which utters the criminal proposal! Why was I sent for hither? Why should man prosper in that which he has in common with the ant, while he fails in that which places him on a level with the gods. Why, what the deuce! Why, what the devil, captain! Why am I here? Why dost thou tremble, and before whom? Why, then, are you so often closeted together? Why in such haste? Why so urgent? Why doth it flee mine? Why has my Perillus made of me a brazen bull, whose burning entrails yearn after human flesh? Why, this is a living picture of the day of judgment. Why creeps this shudder through my frame? Why does that word frighten me thus? Why have they been afflicted? Why not evaporate in its decomposition? Why do you turn so suddenly pale? Why not blow it away with a breath of your lips? Why do I shrink from this biting steel? Why, then, am I so cold, so unfeeling, in the midst of this tumult of happiness? Why are ye not weeping also? Why should I, like a thief, any longer conceal a life, which in the counsels of the heavenly ministry has long been forfeited? Why should it trouble us? Why should they not be, my friend? Why pour forth this horrible and monstrous curse against thy guiltless daughter? Why, my child, aspire to such a height? Why, Mr. Fool, they looked like poor knaves---- FIESCO. Why point to her? Why guard the doors? Why these sentinels? Why should I fear? Why so alarmed, my love? Why not these as well? Why is my sorrow denied the balm of being shared with others? Why do you pull my cloak? Why it's as clear as the sun at noonday that he loves her purely for her virtuous soul. Why--why--I only think--I mean--(coughs). Why should I, out of sheer caprice, fasten a husband upon the girl for whom she has no inclination? Why this agitation? Why those anxious looks? Why does the color so suddenly forsake your cheeks? Why not rather give some that are less precious? Why are you so silent regarding those noble qualities which are peculiarly your own? Why am I thus affrighted? Why did you make a public exhibition of enmity to the major? Why should he marry her? Why he? Why venture where nothing can be gained and all may be lost? Why does my heart palpitate so violently? Why do you stare at me so? Why that earnest look, father? Why hast thou used me thus? Why that question? Why hast thou done this? Why, to be sure I ought first to have asked the statesman whether the trick suited his cards. Why, the duchess arrives to-day, we know, And her daughter too-- SERGEANT. Why the roads, as I think, are scarce passable yet. Why, zounds! Why, hark! Why, he sent his dog forward to lead the way, And they call the jail from the dog to this day. Why, who the devil shall say me nay! Why here, in Duke Friedland's headquarters, 'tie plain If for every thunder, and every blast, Which blazing ye from your tongue-points cast, The bells were but rung, in the country round, Not a bellman, I ween, would there soon be found; And if for each and every unholy prayer Which to vent from your jabbering jaws you dare, From your noddles were plucked but the smallest hair, Ev'ry crop would be smoothed ere the sun went down, Though at morn 'twere as bushy as Absalom's crown. Why, what should it be? Why, of all our squadrons these are the best. Why, what the devil should we do there? Why, zounds! Why can we laugh them to scorn? Why, faith, we shall all be bankrupts made; The captains and generals, most of them, paid The costs of the regiments with private cash, And, wishing, 'bove all, to cut a dash, Went a little beyond their means-- but thought, No doubt, that they thus had a bargain bought. Why, 'tis even so--as I just have said. Why, brother, the blessed God above Can't have from us all an equal love. Why, let's tell them we will not go! Why mourns the wench with so sorrowful face? Why, friend! Why not, Count Isolani? Why, were we all the court supposes us 'Twere dangerous, sure, to give us liberty. Why were we not told before that the audience would be held here? Why not? Why, yes! Why not your mother? Why any secret? Why needs he To go at all to that society? Why, I begin to think you fear his father, So anxiously you hide it from the man! Why, where hast been? Why should he not? Why, at this very moment the whole prospect is in bud and blossom! Why, the reason is, that German lord, Tiefenbach, sits at that table. Why, my good Master of the Cellar! Why, in simple verity, your Swedes make no nice inquiries about the season. Why, I seemed to think so too. Why,--why--what! Why dash to earth and crush with heaviest scorn The gray-haired man, the faithful veteran? Why to the baseness of his parentage Refer him with such cruel roughness, only Because he had a weak hour and forgot himself? Why, how comes this? Why is she going? Why does my sister shun me? Why does not your colonel deliver in your request according to the custom of service? Why must our fathers' Unconquerable hate rend us asunder, Who love each other? Why the half eagle only? Why does my mother weep? Why, yes! Why, if he must fall, And will fall, and it can't be otherwise, One would not give place to this Pestalutz. Why, he is at the castle with my husband. Why all this haste? Why, what's the matter, friend? Why are the troopers in pursuit of you? Why, that was help, indeed. Why here's a mumming! Why, even our own good lord of Attinghaus, Who lived in olden times, himself declares They are no longer to be tamely borne. Why do you look So piteously at me? Why in such haste? Why, at the hour when spirits walk the earth, Meet the three Cantons of the mountains here, Upon the lake's inhospitable shore? Why think you so? Why take your crossbow with you? Why thus distress yourself without a cause? Why not, an't please thee, to an empty cap. Why do you seize this man? Why throng the people thus? Why this delay? Why defer Until to-morrow what to-day may do? Why, every day brings forth such fearful deeds; There needs no miracle to tell their coming. Why do you cross me on the public road? Why, let him come, with all his armaments! Why only these? Why was it so decreed? Why should two men, in all things else apart, Concur so fearfully in one desire? Why, methinks, Your majesty, since kings have ruled in Spain, It hath been still the custom for the court To pass the summer months alternately Here and at Pardo,--in Madrid, the winter. Why not? Why thus alone, I say? Why is his look so cold? Why appears he not? Why, this is boldly ventured; I accept The wager, princess. Why from him Who would so gladly hail it? Why should he triumph? Why recall them to me For the brief space that must precede my death? Why must I beg this poisonous draught so long? Why is he not among you? Why, out of millions, should it picture me-- The most unlikely--and present my form To the king's memory? Why then do you shun my thanks? Why did you not? Why should I not? Why, that I readily believe, but what's the matter? Why? Why? Why not tell you, my husband? Why did you then deny the prince's presence? Why, sire! Why do you inquire? Why these suspicions? Why not? Why have you done this? Why? Why do you tremble? Why not Upon your knees, before your king, ye creatures! Why did you not consult us Before you sought the arms of such a man? Why did you rob the office of its victim? Why should it be delusion? Why has the bell been sounded, sister, say? Why, e'en this pillar here bears Moscow's arms; Here terminates the empire of the Poles. Why are they running? Why acts she thus? Why was he in his lifetime not produced Before my face? Why was he then despatched So quickly that he could not be confronted With her whom he accused? Why am I then denied that privilege, That right which e'en the murderer enjoys? Why not my servants, who are both alive? Why, let it make What noise it may. Why, you know that this Was but in sport; when the attack's in earnest The fortress will, no doubt, capitulate. Why hasten then her death? Why not? Why gaze you at me thus? Why not to me? Why let him dare it:--he!--he must with me In mortal contest first deserve the prize! Why! Why shed their blood the daring? Why cling you at my heels Like an infernal spirit! Why these complaints? Why weep ye? Why do I shake? Why this pause, This hesitation? Why upbraid thy child? Why hither always doth she drive her flock? Why bring This fearful omen to our peaceful vale? Why, what boots it you? Why, what is that to thee? Why, whence can she obtain This glorious revelation? Why smilest thou, Dunois? Why? Why am I here to combat against France? Why, through the air! Why tremble at the approach of death? Why, maiden, now hold back my upraised arm? Why check the just decision of the sword? Why, is it not the diadem of France? Why do I behold her not? Why dost thou follow after me and track My steps with quenchless rage? Why check me in the midst of my career? Why bid me falter and forsake my work? Why linger, why withhold the stroke of death? Why was she silent when the gentle youth From Wales entreated thee to spare his life? Why was I doomed to look into his eyes! Why, Holy One, on me impose This dread vocation? Why this emotion? Why stand we idly here? Why doth he conceal himself? Why do the people fear, the princes tremble? Why didst thou leave the army? Why are ye sorely pressed? Why doth the foe Again exalt himself? Why stand we thus, and coldly gaze, While Nature's holy transports burn? Why so long concealed The maid, nor earlier taught our hearts to glow With brother's love? Why this delay? Why stand I thus a prey To torturing fears! Why rage ye thus? Why fix ye on the door That awe-struck gaze? Why have I hoped and trembled? Why do we lift Our suppliant hands, and at the sacred shrines Kneel to adore? Why hast thou saved thy daughter, and defied The curse of heaven, that marked me in thy womb The child of woe? Why should I tremble that have naught to fear? Why have I called you to Messina To find for each a grave? Why from its lord doth thus my soul depart?-- Is it because its native home thou art? Why hastens not my Semele to meet me? Why run the crowd? Why absent only from their ancient stand The priests?--waves Hermes his Caducean rod, And the winged victory struggles from the hand. Why are taste and genius so seldom met with united? --Why, for religion's own sake? Why can the living spirit be never seen by the spirit? Why they form cabals, they lend upon mortgage, they pocket Silver spoons, and fear not e'en in the stocks to be placed. Why, brimstone isn't worse. Why for Elysium care a rush? Why weeps the maiden? Why sorrows she so? Why could the individual Greek be qualified as the type of his time; and why can no modern dare to offer himself as such? Why, it was asked, did Greek poetry have so much power over the mind? Why perfect? Why didst thou come here into this turmoil of splendid slavery, of service and festivals, of sycophants, flatterers, poisoners, orphan- robbers, and false friends? Why should the whole species suffer for the shortcomings of a few members? Why is it not so? Why did M. Jules Furneaux fall dead in a Paris opera house? Why was Sir Crichton Davey murdered? Why did you make no attempt to throw the pursuers off the track, to have them intercepted? Why, he pulled off the quarter-mile championship at the Crystal Palace last year! Why have you not told me before? Why did we not think of it before. Why his life had been spared, I cannot conjecture, but provision had been made against his recovering consciousness and revealing the secret of the shrubbery. Why is retribution delayed! Why? Why do you keep the secrets of that man, when they mean death to so many? "Why have we been spared, Smith?" Why does she cling to that monster? Why will you not trust us? "Why not arrest him now?" Why do you hesitate? Why do you experience this feeling of horror? Why ask permission to go to celebrate a sacrifice to their God? Why so? Why then conceal thy situation? Why Jonathan Scott, LL.D., should have thought to better Galland while Mr. Lane's version is in existence, and has just been reprinted, it is impossible to say. Why also did the critic not inform us that Scott's sixth volume, the only original part of the work, was wilfully omitted? "Why, of course, he, too!" "Why have you not become a Christian yourself?" "Why didn't you wait till spring, before taking your departure?" Why did she not obey his call? Why did she not rush into his open arms? Why, why? Why is it so? "Why, of course." Why not? Why had fate snatched his mother from him just now, why did it deny him the happiness of seeing his parents united? "Why of course." Why do you give the poor fellow no hope? Why did the shriek she uttered sound so agonized? Why did you come? Why does nobody come? "Why was I forgotten?" Why does nobody come? Why don't you put a heap of stones there and pretend it is a rockery? Why doesn't tha' put on tha' own shoes? "Why?" Why! "Why don't you take it to them?" Why should I go out on a day like this? "Why?" Why had Mr. Archibald Craven buried the key? Why," he cried out, "tha' said that as nice an' human as if tha' was a real child instead of a sharp old woman. Why did Mr. Craven hate the garden? "Why did he hate it?" Why shouldn't she go and see how many doors she could count? "Why, our Dickon's eyes nearly started out o' his head, they got that round," answered Martha. Why does tha' care so much about roses an' such, all of a sudden? Why! Why, I thought tha' didn't know nothin' about gardenin'," he exclaimed. Why does tha' want 'em? Why! Why! Why didn't they? "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" Why do you keep looking at me like that? Why? Why is the curtain drawn over her? Why do you look at me like that? Why does it make you angry when you are looked at? Why, th' garden was lyin' here waitin'! Why! Why didn't you get up? Why didn't you come? "Why?" Why? Why did it seem to give him a sense of homecoming which he had been sure he could never feel again--that sense of the beauty of land and sky and purple bloom of distance and a warming of the heart at drawing, nearer to the great old house which had held those of his blood for six hundred years? "Why is that?" Why, his 'form,'" he had returned, "might have made one doubt. "Why, found out about us all there is to find." Why, it's the best cabin and the main deck and the engine-room and the steward's pantry! "Why, from your having brought me safely thus far." "Why, any you like--the one you seemed just now eager to take." Why, for just what you say. Why, the fact that she has no home--absolutely none whatever. Why not? Why I've wanted, I mean, not to miss it. "Why, some good, kind, clever, rich American." "Why, just TO existence--which may contain, after all, in one way and another, so much." "Why shouldn't it do beautifully?" Why, nothing--except their having to recognise that nothing COULD. "Why, in their frustration, in their having the courage to look the facts in the face." "Why hadn't he heard of her from Charlotte herself?" "Why, this--that she couldn't tell her." "Why, if I did do either of them, by any chance, a wrong." Why shouldn't there be when a girl is, after all, all that she is? "Why, of 'this'--as you yourself say." Why in the world not? "Why, what's the matter with it." "Why, it has a crack." Why too, for that matter, had he need of defences, material or other? --how was it a question of dangers really to be called such? Why SHOULD you hold out forever? Why, if you like it, you know, it won't BE a collapse. "Why should that spoil it for me?" Why then haven't you told me about her before? "Why that of having loved so intensely that she's, as you say, 'beyond everything'?" Why, of your finding her at last yourself a husband. "Why," Mrs. Assingham asked after an instant, "should it surprise you?" Why, exactly what those women themselves want to be, and what her effect on them is to make them recognise that they never will. "Why, you've more ways of being kind than anyone I ever knew." "Why so, my dear child?" Why so breathless a start? "Why that his wife shall have made him really believe that SHE really believes." Why, you complain of the very thing that's most charmingly conclusive! "Why, our marriage puts him for you, you see--or puts you for him-- into a new relation, whereas it leaves his relation to me unchanged." Why, but for Mr. Verver's boat, I should have been by this time"--and his quick Italian gesture, an expressive direction and motion of his forefinger, pointed to deepest depths--"away down, down, down. Why not take them, when they occur, as inevitable--and, above all, as not endangering life or limb? "Why, whatever people do when they don't trust." Why, that we like cathedrals; that we inevitably stop to see them, or go round to take them in, whenever we've a chance; that it's what our respective families quite expect of us and would be disappointed for us to fail of. "Why, the very intensity of her conscience about him--the very passion of her brave little piety." "Why not rather say," he asked, "as innocent as they themselves are?" "Why is it such a test?" Why in the world shouldn't she, with every right--if, on consideration, she saw no good reason against it? Why FIRST--that had, later on, kept coming to her; the question dangled there as if it were the key to everything. 'Why, why' have I made this evening such a point of our not all dining together? Why should you 'take on' as if you weren't a perfect dear yourself, capable of all the sweetest things?--as if you hadn't in fact grown up in an atmosphere, the atmosphere of all the good things that I recognised, even of old, as soon as I came near you, and that you've allowed me now, between you, to make so blessedly my own. "Why not?" Why shouldn't Charlotte be just one of MY reasons--my not liking to leave her? Why, the very simplest--if you conscientiously can. Why shouldn't I conscientiously? Why this precautionary view, she asked herself afresh, when her father had complained, at the very least, as little as herself? Why, isn't that just what we have been talking about--that I've affected you as fairly studying his comfort and his pleasure? Why it was that to speak of making her stepmother intervene, as they might call it, in a question that seemed, just then and there, quite peculiarly their own business--why it was that a turn so familiar and so easy should, at the worst, strike her as charged with the spirit of a threat, was an oddity disconnected, for her, temporarily, from its grounds, the adventure of an imagination within her that possibly had lost its way. Why SHOULD she, of a sudden, at this particular moment, desire to ship you off together and to remain here alone with me? Why otherwise, with such an opportunity, hadn't he demanded it? "Why, to the obvious end of getting the Prince a wife--at Maggie's expense." "Why, haven't you said as much yourself?--haven't you put your finger on that awful possibility?" "Why, the pretence that she believes me." Why did I myself keep it from you? Why, the whole case--the case of your having for so long so successfully deceived me. Why, to be as I was. "Why, what you speak of." "Why, just BY that." Why, of course," said the Princess limpidly, "she MUST! Why, exactly what I mean," said Maggie, "is that he will have done nothing of the sort; will, as I say, have maintained the contrary. Why, into the bargain, for that matter--this came to Maggie--couldn't they always live, so far as they lived together, in a boat? Why, I sacrifice you, simply, to everything and to every one. "Why, you make me quite want to ship back myself." Why handsome? Why not call it then frankly his complete success? Why do you speak of the unhappiness of your father's wife? Why is she unhappy if she doesn't know? Why should we be more fastidious and severe than they were? Why am not I, said Minos, there invited? Why not? Why? Why monks are the outcasts of the world; and wherefore some have bigger noses than others. Why didst thou not take me away before her, seeing for me to live without her is but to languish? Why? Why? Why new married men were privileged from going to the wars. Why, replied Panurge, the lately married? Why the codpiece is held to be the chief piece of armour amongst warriors. Why not? Why so, I prithee tell? Why did he cast them off, reject them, and drive them quite out of his chamber, even in that very nick of time when he stood in greatest need of the aid, suffrage, and assistance of their devout prayers and holy admonitions? Why did not he by testament leave them, at least, some jolly lumps and cantles of substantial meat, a parcel of cheek-puffing victuals, and a little belly-timber and provision for the guts of these poor folks, who have nothing but their life in this world? Why didst thou not leave thy purse with the miller? Why the devil didst not thou counsel me as well to hold an emerald or the stone of a hyaena under my tongue, or to furnish and provide myself with tongues of whoops, and hearts of green frogs, or to eat of the liver and milt of some dragon, to the end that by those means I might, at the chanting and chirping of swans and other fowls, understand the substance of my future lot and destiny, as did of old the Arabians in the country of Mesopotamia? Why not? Why do you then doubt of that which you know not? Why? Why? Why it is called Pantagruelion, and of the admirable virtues thereof. Why, then, truly I think on no other way at present but blending the two into one; and, from this marriage of huffing and cringing, there will result a new kind of careless medley, which, perhaps, will work upon both sorts of readers, those who are to be hectored, and those whom we must creep to. Why! Why at night both my gentlemen had kibed heels, a tetter in the chin, a churchyard cough in the lungs, a catarrh in the throat, a swingeing boil at the rump, and the devil of one musty crust of a brown george the poor dogs had to scour their grinders with. Why all this ado? Why monks love to be in kitchens. Why is my Trasia thus sad and melancholy? Why was Nabuzardan, King Nebuchadnezzar's head-cook, chosen to the exclusion of all other captains to besiege and destroy Jerusalem? Why, what would you do with them? Why were they fools? Why did the old folly end now, and no later? Why, how now, Mr. Prate- apace, cried Gripe-men-all, taking him short, marry come up, who made you so saucy as to open your lips before you were spoken to? Why then do we not follow his example, doing as he did in the countries through which we pass? Why then, said Pantagruel, do they put it again into the press? Why! Why don't you swaddle him round with good tight girths, or secure his natural tub with a strong sorb-apple-tree hoop? Why did I not think of bringing provisions? Why, certainly, sir," she replied, with an amiable smile, holding out the dish. "Why, the Prussian officer." Why, there were three others of us, any one of whom he would undoubtedly have preferred. "Why, to the old place." Why did he not call us? Why, twenty of them came to surprise us. "Why?" "Why?" Why are you accompanying the army? Why, we must get up some entertainment, if the commandant will allow us. "Why?" Why does this radiance when it falls on the earth fill us with the joy of living? "Why dreadful?" "Why not?" Why, stay here, doctor; don't go. "Why?" "'Why, when the body is putrefying?" Why had her family cast her off? Why did I suddenly loose my grip of her? Why did I at once experience a shock? Why did she love everything so tenderly and so passionately, everything living that was not a man? Why has this fashion gone out? Why? Why should he die? "Why didn't you bring it with you?" Why should this good, simple, religious man have killed little children, and the very children whom he seemed to love the most, whom he spoiled and stuffed with sweet things, for whom he spent half his salary in buying toys and bonbons? "Why did this sudden conviction of a religious woman cast a terrible doubt in my mind?" Why? Why had He killed my children? Why did you wish to see him? "Why?" Why? Why, it is quite impossible! Why, those are my friends, Monsieur l'Abbe, my best friends, excellent colleagues, charming men. Why spoil the pleasure of our friends by inflicting on them fashionable toilettes on this day of vigorous exercise in the country? Why couldn't he have made up his mind last night? Why does he not show himself? Why not? Why did you not tell me about it? "Why!" Why? "Why, why," remarked Sabot and then was silent. Why, it would be a scandal, a public scandal! "Why--in the confessional." Why, I serve God as best I can, m'sieu le cure. "Why, yes, girls!" "Why, yes, the devil!" "Why, my dear, I thought you would be glad." "Why, yes." "Why, yes, certainly." Why not? Why, my necklace was paste! Why--why --his lady friends, of course. Why did they not come themselves? Why, a blind man could not be mistaken in him. Why? Why, you must be mad. Why do you speak of finding fault? Why, you must be mad, utterly mad! Why could one not see into people's souls? Why was a false, deceptive look the same as a sincere one? Why should a child have less instinct than an animal? "'Why, yes." Why have I always imagined that Madame Chantal's ideas are square? Why, it's a regular romance! "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" "Why, anyone can see that--and it's even on account of her that you delayed for so long your marriage to your cousin who had been waiting for you for six years." "Why?" Why did God make this? Why does not the greatest of feathered songsters sleep like the others? Why does it pour forth its voice in the mysterious night? Why this half-veil cast over the world? Why these tremblings of the heart, this emotion of the spirit, this enervation of the body? Why this display of enchantments that human beings do not see, since they are lying in their beds? "Why should one?" "Why did you take that trouble?" "Why, a chandelier to light the room--a chandelier with wax-candles." "Why do you pity them?" "Why?" "Why?" Why should you manifest? Why, uncle," I said, "in bed still? Why did the remembrance of that piece of furniture haunt me with such insistence that I retraced my steps? "Why don't you speak to her?" Why did she remain with me, with us, who seemed to do so little to amuse her? Why, here in Genoa itself. Why was it given her? "Why do you not go back?" Why, I have nothing to tell. Why? Why? Why, however, am I so persistently possessed with this idea? Why, you are mad. Why the Temps, a serious, sombre, doctrinaire, impartial sheet? Why? Why did I promise? Why did I take that comb with a shudder, and why did I hold in my hands her long black hair that gave my skin a frightful cold sensation, as though I were handling snakes? Why? "Why not?" "Why?" "Why, yes; although I have barely seen her." Why, everybody! "Why, yes--why, yes--" Bondel appeared to hesitate; then, after a short pause, he added: "I even had an idea." Why is this? Why? Why, I gave you a piece of bread only three days ago! "Why, of course not, of course not." "Why--why--why, yes." "Why yes, my dear." Why don't you ask the captain? Why do they do this? Why did you leave it? Why, my hands are tingling, just to think of it. Why? Why had he come to this house? Why? Why had they called him "great rogue"? Why not? Why, take Gisors. Why had he stared so at the woman? Why did his heart beat so uncontrollably at every well-known sound in his room? "'Why, one does not know what may happen." Why, that's nothing at all. Why, it's the delight of my life! Why, gentlemen? Why, that is just where we want to dine! Why? "Why wouldn't he have it?" "Why, what you tell people in your sermons to make them give you sous." "Why, the sooner the better-to-night, if you can." Why? "Why, yes." "Why, that's a fact," exclaimed the others. Why? Why on earth do I never hear Morin's name mentioned without his being called a pig? "'Why?" "'Why, Saint Osyme is good and Saint Pamphilius is not bad." Why--you must be--mad! "Why?" Why? Why didn't he come inside with me? Why is it not intoxicating to kill? Why then is it a crime to kill? Why did I ever meet him? Why do they not go elsewhere? Why not choose some other spot on the long white, unending cliff that extends from the Pas-de-Calais to Havre? Why--why--he is in the coach house. Why? Why? "Why without dreams?" "Why do you say that?" "Why not?" Why, my name is Henri," he replied. "Why did you kill him, then?" Why, this one--this one was in the artichokes. Why? Why? Why had she said this to him, "Great goose, what ails you? Why? Why, you did not ask me anything. Why is she wandering alone through these mountains? Why? "Why do you not wish to show it to us?" Why? Why? "Why, yes." Why, I would defend you, parbleu! Why, it is the strength of those whose strength is exhausted, the hope of those who no longer believe, the sublime courage of the conquered! "Why, no." Why not? Why you had gone none could guess, for your princess still lived--" "Thank God," I interrupted him. Why not take a number of banths and set them loose before us above ground? Why is it that we see no therns? "Why don't they jump in and destroy these fliers?" Why, see how perfectly unguarded they leave their craft, as though they were lying safe in their own hangars at home. Why it had not occurred to me before! Why not the simpler way? "Why should she send for me?" Why then should they not eat of the flesh of the lower orders whose lives and characters they no more understood than do we the inmost thoughts and sensibilities of the cattle we slaughter for our earthly tables. Why not win to freedom? Why, Xodar, you tell me that she even knows my thoughts. Why indeed should they maintain a watch? Why Helium? Why, man, John Carter, Prince of Helium, has been dead for years. Why is it that darkness so magnifies our dangers? Why so long, Tan Gama? Why were these prisoners not disarmed? Why, if Zat Arras even dreamed that I contemplated such a thing he would have my heart cut out of me. "Why, no," replied the black, "it has been no year since she gazed upon the divine glory of the radiant face of--" "No year?" Why, no," insisted Yersted. Why had I forgotten the great difference in the length of Martian and Earthly years! Why not secrete her there until I could return and fetch her away in safety and for ever from this awful place. Why not laughter of mortals also? Why, my chap, you looks as if ye didn't much mind what come t'yer nose, I reckon. Why, you haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! Why, look here. Why, look heer. Why shouldn't I quote Sandoe? Why, what did you say about Blaizes, Rippy? Why, you haven't an atom of courage. Why, you let it out every second of the day. Why, he did not know; but he made it a hard task for Austin to catch him alone, and turned sulky that instant. Why? Why," continued the boy, "I shall hardly be able to keep my fists off him! Why are you making those faces at me? Why was he thus suspected? Why was he not understood? Why couldn't he be open with me? "Why not?" Why, it's next to murder! Why will silly mortals strive to the painful pinnacles of championship? Why are you out so early? Why, Clare was the name he liked best--nay, he loved it. Why must you go? Why not? Why, darling, it was the best omen in the world, their felling the old trees. "Why, boy, before I left you were constantly begging to see town." Why did they lie to me? Why did he twice throw a look into the glass in the act of passing it? "Why did they take her away?" Why didn't she write? Why did she leave? Why did she leave without writing?--Tom! Why should she have left for good without writing? Why did she leave? "Why did you send her away to make her unhappy, Mr." Why, love, and more love! Why can't you let them alone? Why, why, why, what are you laughing at, my dear boy," said Hippias, and was provoked by the contagious exercise to a modest "ha! "Why, what are you laughing at, uncle?" Why, you're quite a scholar, Tom! Why--who shall say? Why, you don't mean to say he's been to the doctor? Why, he tells me he'd back me to do Milo's trick in a week from the present day.--Uncle," he came forward to Hippias, "I hope you'll excuse me for running off as I did. Why," Ripton answered, "I was so hard pushed for it, 'pon my honour, I didn't know what to say. Why did you throw it all upon me? Why, I live on her!--To see her little chin straining up from her throat, as she knelt to me!--there was one curl that fell across her throat".... Ripton listened for more. Why, it's young Torn Blaize--son of our old enemy, Rip! Why should she not believe that she would wreck him by resisting? Why, I shouldn't have let her take any of his quackery. Why," said Mrs. Berry, "your love is out of your eyes, and out of everything ye do. Why, he will, you know, my dear! Why, of course, young Tom had behaved like a man, the rascal! Why, we were coming for you to-day, Richard," said Mrs. Doria, smiling effusion; and rattled on, "We want another cavalier. Why did you undertake to forward such stuff? Why, of course, you wanted to see the world! Why, any one would know that've got eyes in his head. Why do you laugh, young man? Why, seeing that all was chaste and legal, why should she interfere to make them unhappy--so few the chances of happiness in this world! Why, he's under age! Why, that's almost human! Why, they were married in a married woman's ring! Why wouldn't he write? Why didn't he answer one of my letters? Why are you so harsh? Why don't he come? Why didn't you get tipsy, sir? Why mayn't they do what men do? Why mayn't they do what men do? Why doesn't he walk arm-in-arm with her? Why, see her! Why, you're taller," Richard made the discovery. "Why can't you?" "Why can't I?" Why, man, I have blood: I can't become a stone. Why, what's the matter? Why, you're as bad! Why, look at me, close--closer. Why do you have friends of that sort? Why do you sit off there? Why, I know that man's name, my dear. Why, you want to make him a historian, to be sure! Why, to be sure, didn't I know a lady, a widow of a clergyman: he was a postermost child, and afore his birth that women read nothin' but Blair's 'Grave' over and over again, from the end to the beginnin';--that's a serious book!--very hard readin'!--and at four years of age that child that come of it reelly was the piousest infant!--he was like a little curate. Why, yes, I do! Why should I be afraid to do what he would do? Why, it's child's-play, my darlin'. Why can't you go to your wife, Richard? "Why, they all wrote to you." Why can't you feel like other men on the subject? "Why, in ze country?" Why, she played the organ," said Wilfrid. Why do you cut away daisies? Why do you not write yourself, Mr. Why, it's Jim! Why did you leave it? Why did I not look at you during dinner? Why, then I maintain that the magnanimity of Beer would have blazed effulgent on the spot: there would have been louder laughter and fraternal greetings. Why did you run away from me? Why did you go away with Captain Gambier? Why should he do that? Why should he evince anxiety with regard to our opinion of the decency of widows contemplating re-union? Why should we conceal it from ourselves, if it be so? Why doesn't she write plain to the sense? Why not act according to your judgement, which is generally sound? Why do you, Wilfrid--why treat such matters with levity? "Why do you reject this offer that has been made to you?" Why do you tremble? "Why should she?" Why do you talk Irish in the dark? "Why should it not be?" Why do you vacillate, and keep us all in the dark as to what you mean? Why, then of course they were not like her lover! Why did you let me wait? Why were you late? Why should you hear it? "Why not?" Why do you hurt them? "Why not?" Why did I leave her? Why had he not come to her once after reading the line pencilled in the book? Why does he hope? Why...why! "Why did you not tell me this before?" Why do you make her so hideous? Why, what's come to you, my dear? Why, you can see me alone, any day, my dear," said Mr. Why don't the fellow laugh? Why, you're almost like a young man, when you set your mind on a thing. Why should I lose him! Why can't we live in peace, and without bother! Why shouldn't I sleep? Why have you come up? "Why?" Why will it please you if I read that he has flattered you? Why, I can stop this in a minute, and I will. Why, I know her father: he plays in the orchestra. Why,' says I, 'doctor, ye think ut's maguc! Why, where's the secret? Why, isn't cheerful society and champagne the vary best of medicines, if onnly the blood 'll go of itself a little? Why do people make a noise, and not be satisfied to feel? Why do I 'gree to marry Pole? Why, won't that do, ma'am? Why on earth are you here? Why didn't she go to the hotel where the others are, if she wouldn't come here? Why was Brookfield ever bought? Why did she hesitate to touch the blood of the man? Why, what other feeling can I have? Why, what do you look forward to? Why do I talk in that way? Why is it she comes to me now? Why do you think it lost? Why, if they was to be married at the altar, they'd stare and be 'ffendud if ye asked them if they was thinking of their husbands, they would! Why? Why, there's no one thanks you more than she does. Why don't you write? Why had she not made allowance for his miserable situation that night in Devon? Why did she not comprehend his difficulties in relation to his father's affairs? Why did she not know that he could not fail to love her for ever? Why should I keep away? "Why, then, will you not do what Merthyr wishes you to do?" Why did I not tell you so at first? "Why should you?" Why should I prevent him? Why do I always feel such a tyrant with you? Why did he not speak tenderly? Why was he as good as tongue-tied in her presence when he had such fires to pour forth? Why did you bring me here? Why, when it's two or three o'clock in the morning, what's an old fellow to do? Why did not her lover, if his love was passionate, himself cut the knot claim her, and put her to a quick decision? Why, as I say over almost every cup I drink, it ain't to be realized. Why, I have lived like a frozen thing ever since I gave him my word. Why do you come here? Why, look here," he relinquished his ordinary drawl; "I'll tell you something, which you may put down in my favour or not--just as you like. Why, good God! Why was a battle risked at that cruel place! Why, and why? Why it was to be kept secret, they failed to inquire; the mystery was possibly not without its delights to them. "Why, you're like a horse that never was rode!" Why not? "Why, that's safest, brother Tony," said the farmer. Why, don't ye know which one you prefer to choose, man? Why may I not go by you? Why, there ain't another man but myself Boyne's Bank would trust. Why, he farms with brains. Why have you let your dinner get cold? Why, she learnt to speak Italian! Why not write to her, then? "Why not?" Why was my poor darling so upset, when I came in? Why did you go out to meet that fellow? "Why don't you struggle, my girl?" Why do you come to me? Why, sir, I know all about it, because I was a trooper in the regiment your son, Mr. Algernon Blancove, quitted: and his name, if I may take leave to remark so, won't bear printing. Why, you see," Algernon explained, "they, the jewellers--I've got two or three in hand--the fellows are acquainted with my position, and they speculate on my expectations. Why, Ned, you'll have twenty thousand a-year, if you have a penny; and you'll go into Parliament, and give dinners, and a woman like Peggy Lovell 'd intrigue for you like the deuce. Why had he ever quitted it? Why, Bob, as a military man, you ought to acknowledge your superiors. Why, Stephen Bilton, the huntsman, says, Bob, you pulled the young gentleman off his horse--you on foot, and him mounted. Why pull the young gentleman off his horse? Why shouldn't they? "Why, mother, I go by my feelings, and there's no need to think at all, or God knows what I should think." Why shouldn't he? Why is it I can't stop it? Why, she said to me, when Suckling went off from her, the other day, "These are our Guards. "Why not have backed me?" Why? "Why don't you tell him?" Why? Why, great heaven! Why, I'm hardly in the mood," Robert protested. Why was he a different creature now? Why, my girl? Why, who'd have known you? "Why the deuce didn't you say so at once--eh?" Why, he's abroad! Why do you refuse to go, or won't let your husband take you down there; if you like the place that raving-like? Why, in the City. Why do you inflict a torture on me whenever you see me? Why? Why should we submit to a robbery? "Why, he's won!" Why the deuce does she always think I'm a boy? Why, she is not a fool! Why, sir, the last race ain't generally fashionable," said his cabman, appearing from behind his shoulder. "Why, sir; I thought we parted friends, last time." Why, sir, it's no use doing things by halves. Why, my mother dealt with Samuels. "Why, sir, you see," the man, as one who throws off a mask, smiled cordially, after buttoning up the notes; "credit 'd soon give up the ghost, if it hadn't its own dodges,' as I may say." Why had his watch stopped? Why, sir, I've been lurking heer for your return from your larks. Why, you're as quiet heer, sir, as if you was miles away, in a wood cottage, and ne'er a dog near. "Why, Ned has made her an offer." Why? Why, two men rather hang their heads a bit. Why are ladies less particular than girls in Rhoda's place? Why is it not possible? Why not hand it over now? Why is there no place for the unhappy, who do not wish to live, and cannot die? Why didn't I sleep! Why? "Why?" Why, when you were ill, did you not write to me, that I might have come to you? Why did we not lie down together and sleep? Why not? Why are you so decided? Why am I here? "Why, what monstrous delusion is this?" Why, he might live like a gentleman. Why had he ever considered it obscure? "Why, I'm rather slow," said Robert, comparing time with his own watch. Why? --"Why, sir, the way the clerks at that Bank of Mortimer and Pennycuick's rush away from business and close the doors after 'em, as if their day began at four p.m., and business was botheration: it's a disgrace to the City o' London. Why do you cross your arms so close? Why, uncle, will you let me be ashamed of you? Why do you carry so much money about with you in bags, uncle? Why? Why did you take my hand when I was asleep and hurry me so fast? Why did you push me along?--I couldn't see where. "Why, my goodness, one'd say she'd gone through it herself," ejaculated Mrs. Sumfit, terrified. Why, I never saw such a sight as you. Why, I've got matters t' occupy my mind, too, haven't I? "Why not my name?" "Why?" Why, girl, I only ask you to come down and see your husband," he remarked with an attempt at kindliness of tone. "Why did she marry me?" Why does she come here? Why, mother! Why do you ask me in this instance? Why, there was he, consorting with gentlefolks--gay as a lark! Why, you don't mean to say you're going to give me up, and not be friends with me, because we've come back to England? Why do you say "No" like that? Why are you so mysterious, Evan? Why are you so singular this morning, Evan? Why, you dear sentimental boy! Why did you turn away so ungraciously from Mr. Skerne, while he was thanking you for having saved his brother's life? Why, goodness gracious! Why did she tell you? Why the ships, and the houses, and the smoke, to be sure. Why, I thought you despised trade, mademoiselle? Why, our feelings are just the same. Why, do you know, sir, I could go--there, I don't care where it is!--I could go before any magistrate livin', and he'd make ye pay. Why, when I had the last chance, to be sure. Why do you tell me that? Why, no; not exactly that,' Mr. Andrew answered, blinking and passing it by. 'Why don't you speak like that in Parliament? Why do you make such a set against the poor women? Why couldn't we take him into our office, and fix him there, eh? Why, if an enemy should hear of it, it would ruin him--positively blast him--for ever. Why, goodness gracious! Why, mon Dieu! Why, what does this indicate? Why did you dare to couple Miss Jocelyn's name with mine? 'Why, what's the matter? Why, couldn't you tall that? Why, since he had accepted his fate, should he pretend to judge the conduct of people his superiors in rank? Why did not Evan bravely march away? Why, he asked himself, had he come on this cricket-field to be made thus miserable? Why did I defend you? Why did you refuse all your offers? Why? Why, of course, he's your secretary, and my friend, and Mama very properly stopped them, and so will I! Why, now, think, Uncle Mel! Why, it insults me! Why the notion didn't strike me is extraordinary--I ought to have known my man. Why, look how Miss Bonner looks at you, and she's sure to have plenty of money. Why, if I were to tell my Miss Rose some things of him,' Polly went on, 'she'd never so much as speak to him another instant. Why had Rose covered her head and shuddered? Why are you not courting Mrs. Evremonde, naughty Don? Why, Ferdinand, he can beat you in anything! Why, what now, dear one? Why,' said she, 'that's English! Why--ha! Why, I believe--upon my honour, I believe it's a fact--he's supped and thrown dice with the Regent. Why, Van,' he said, as Evan came up to him, 'I thought you were in a profound sleep. Why did you come out, Evan? Why did he ask for it? Why did she hesitate? Why did you not tell me before? Why shouldn't I, Rose? Why should he surrender this darling? Why disturb her at all in her sweet sleep? Why, Evan, we have to fight a battle. Why isn't your name Parsley? Why you don't think I'd have risked their cooling? 'Why, my dear,' the landlady turned to her, 'it seems natural to you to be mistress where you go. Why not, indeed? Why, he'll snap your head off for a word. 'Why must I owe everything to you? 'Why, dear? Why, because, if you do, it's very much better than your owing it to anybody else. 'Why not Mama? Why, Tom, your brother Andrew's here, and makes himself comfortable with us. Why, you made eyes at him. Why is it, Emily, that we are always in excess at pic-nics? Why do you compromise me thus, sir? Why didn't you say what it was? Why," says he, "the word isn't considered polite! Why do you denominate this a pic-nic, Lady Jocelyn? Why not embrace? Why, about my amazing luck! Why shouldn't you button to the one that just suits you? Why did I consent to visit this place? Why are they gone? Why did you come here? Why did you stay? Why do you look so wretched? Why should you lay us under this fresh burden? Why should he condemn himself? Why did he not come to me first? 'Why should Mr. Harrington confess it? Why did I consent to this absurdity? Why don't it last for ever? Why did she not come to him? Why did she not come? Why did we not bring a larger stock of the Andalugian Regenerator? Why, my dear, if he has done it- wretched creature! Why, the boy will be telling you next that he will not permit the Duke to visit you! Why had she swerved from her good rule of open, instant explanations? Why the devil don't they serve me like that; eh? Why the deuce are you running away? Why--but it's no use asking questions. Why did our General see herself cut off from her stronghold, as by a hostile band? Why, my dear Louisa, we've settled that in here this morning,' said Andrew. Why, Mr. Harrington,' said Polly, 'it's Miss Rose: she's had leave from her Ma. Why is he to be kept ignorant of your good fortune? Why, this is a day of meetings. 'Why, ain't you coming back to us, Juley? Why did I doubt him? Why did you not save me? Why did you bring this person up here? Why, what's the meaning of this? Why, I avowed it to Herbert Duffian openly, and he said, that the misfortune of dear Papa's birth did not the less enable him to proclaim himself in conduct a nobleman's offspring--' 'Which he never was. Why, this is my doing! Why, sir,' observed another, stepping forward, 'as you truly say--yes. Why did you lose time? Why did Ferdinand speak to her with that air of gentle authority, bidding her return to the house? Why she wished him to be with her, she could not have said. Why did I come, you would ask? Why did she trust me to be with you here, but that she thinks me engaged to him, and has such faith in me? Why do you refuse his easily afforded bounty? "Why don't you--fool that you are, my Beppo!--pray to the saints earlier?" Why does he do it? Why not be satisfied by a sniff at the blossoms? Why did you grow up from the precious little sweet chuck that you were, Marietta? Why do you cry? Why does our Vittoria cry? Why did the name of la Lazzeruola come in advance of la Vittoria? Why did you do it? Why did you do it? Why did he set upon you, my Carlo? Why, my fine Pericles, your scheme to get this girl out of the way was capitally concerted. 'Why is there not a doubt of it, signore? Why are they after you? Why, he levies contribution upon us in the Valtellina for the good of Milan; and if we don't pay, we're all of us down in a black book. Why, you tremble! Why have they not chosen the sweet ways of peace, which are strewn with flowers, which flow with milk? Why, my daughter, why, but because we do not bow to that Image daily, nightly, hourly, momently! Why? Why can't they let us smoke our cigars in peace? Why am I kept a prisoner? Why do you stand by me, sir? Why are you here? Why not? "Why do we not determine?" Why, it's to find you, signorina. Why there had been any fight at all at Santa Lucia, where nothing was to be gained, much to be lost, he was incapable of telling; but attributed it to an antique chivalry on the part of the king, that had prompted the hero to a trial of strength, a bout of blood- letting. "Why had she been so gentle with him?" Why will you not recognize facts? Why not you, my Carlo? Why am I to pledge myself that I will be useless? Why do you not speak, Carlino? Why can she not come herself? Why did not conspirators like these two take advantage of the amnesty? Why were they not in Rome? Why were they here? "Why, you wouldn't listen to me when I told you," said Wilfrid. "Why does not Count Ammiani come to Rome?" Why are we not all in Rome? Why do you say that? Why? "Why should she die, silly fellow?" Why not from the rich German woman whom he jilted? Why were my senses false, if my principles were true? Why did you deny my words? Why not, when the judgement is in error? Why were they given? Why did Weisspriess come here? Why, what's it o'clock? Why, the man's drunk. 'Why didn't you? Why was I away from him? Why not? 'Why, yes, if you love me one bit. Why should you not have it? Why, of course, young gentlemen, if you want to eat the goose, we'll pluck it for you and cook it for you, all nice,' they said. Why,' said Chaunter, 'you were the first to call her pig-iron. Why! Why . Why, I know all about you, you see. Why, old Sewis,' says he, 'you're acquainted with old Sewis? Why, of course you are. Why, I mean to stay with you,' said I. Why, the lad's my daughter's son: He shall grow up among his tenantry. Why not wander over the country with Kiomi, go to sea, mount the Andes, enlist in a Prussian regiment, and hear the soldiers tell tales of Frederick the Great? Why, who'd have a valentine from any but a lady? 'Why, of course they are, if they hunt,' said Temple. Why are you out so late? Why, you've an appointment with Janet Ilchester,' said I, 'and we may find a pug; we'll buy the hunting-knife and the skates. Why, that's the East there! Why should he take advantage of a couple of boys? Why, it was on account of grog and girls that he was giving us this dish of salt-water to purify us! Why, by learning the whole of Deuteronomy and the Acts of the Apostles by heart! Why,' said he, 'if they're so much as accused of a disobedient act, off they 're scurried, and lose fair wages and a kind captain. Why is a man to be haunted half his life? Why, naturally, I deplore a failure, let the cause be what it will. Why, papa, you always wished for me to go into Parliament,' said I. Why, the law, man, the law--the whole country 'd be up about it. Why, this air is the top of life; it will, and it shall, revive her. Why, the light of morning has come to you, my darling! Why do you say--" It is my question"? Why, you answer me like flags, banners, uhlans' pennons, fullfrocked cardinals ! Why, you do not desire to leave me, do you? Why had Ottilia fainted? Why, the Dragon of Wantley sat on its eggs, you may be convinced! Why, surely it's something! Why is he here? Why, now--now, were it published--that I had condescended-- condescend as I am doing, I should be the laughing-stock of every Court in Europe. Why, goodness gracious me! Why, dearest princess, we have walked up and down here a dozen times and not seen it staring at us! Why did she think and suppose? 'Why not? Why,' said she, 'why can't you undertake this detestable coal-mine, and let your father disport himself? 'Why? Why not? Why, you don't mean to say, Hal, it's not to your taste? Why do they let the men smoke, then? Why, dear Janet, you can reconcile him to anything in a minute. Why, you can't jilt my girl at home! Why does she talk twice as Irish as she used to, Heriot? Why not? Why, William, you were a jolly bachelor once. Why, you 're all but a beggar! 'Why, do you mean to swear to me, on your oath, Dorothy Beltham,' said the squire, amazed at the small amazement he created 'you think these two fellows have been spending within the right margin? Why, hundreds before us have paced the identical way homeward at night under these lamps between the mansions and the park. Why print my name? Why did my name appear in the papers? Why, do you maintain him to be insensible to a title for you? Why, dear boy, I have witnesses, living witnesses, to the ceremony. 'Why, ma'am, you might keep from swearing,' the squire bawled. Why not marry an Englishwoman? Why, you don't expect he'll be locked up in the Tower for a finish, eh? Why, it was clever! Why let our future lie idle while we need succour? Why weren't you here to dine? Why we kept gipsies none could tell. Why did it keep trying to move me? Why did your men pitch into me? Why should they? Why? 'Why did you permit it? 'Why do you fear? Why she had not sent me any message or tidings of herself to Riversley was not a matter that she could imagine to perplex me: she could not imagine my losing faith in her. Why it should sound elsewhere unsatisfactorily blunt, and there possess a finished charm, I could not understand. Why did you keep out of knowledge all this time, Hal? Why, at breakfast you were all t' other way! Why should there be any dispute on a fact that can be ascertained by crossing a street? Why go? Why had he come? Why on earth he should have been sent to--of all men in the world-- your grandad, Richie! Why, short of staring lunacy, did you pass it through the hands of this man? Why did you make a secret of it to make the man think his nonsense?-- Ma'am, behave like a lady and my daughter,' he cried, fronting her, for the sudden and blunt attack had slackened her nerves; she moved as though to escape, and was bewildered. 'Why didn't you do it openly? Why that should afford him peculiar comfort, none of us could comprehend. Why should a man pretend to more? Why? Why,' said Temple, 'of course it was Heriot who put Edbury in Kiomi's hands. Why should he hug a book he owned he could not quite comprehend? Why, that makes us what we are; that is our distinction: we dare not be weak if we would. Why rob her of her young springtime! Why only one? Why Trieste? Why had he not come with her? Why go to the fire when a recantation will save you from it? Why not break the excruciating faggot-bands, and escape, when you have only to decide to do it? Why should he? 'Why not be there? Why it did not do so his antagonists pretended to know, and his friends would smile to hear. Why aren't you a Tory? 'Why not? Why had he not sprung up on a radiant aquiline ambition, whither one might have followed him, with eyes and prayers for him, if it was not possible to do so companionably? Why did you set me bowing to that old boy? Why did you talk about women? Why shouldn't she? Why, here's Lydiard! Why, those brief words were the poetry of noble confidence! 'Why give me just three days? Why? Why, so is the earth to the sowing husbandman, and though we cannot forecast a reaping season, we have in history durable testification that our seasons come in the souls of men, yea, as a planet that we have set in motion, and faster and faster are we spinning it, and firmer and firmer shall we set it to regularity of revolution. Why not? Why, General Sherwin's a perfect gentleman,' Colonel Halkett interjected; and Lord Palmet caught the other name: 'Jenny? Why, casting a stone like that, were it the size of a pebble and the weight of a glance, is to toss the whole cowardly world on an innocent young girl. 'Why, what do you know of it? Why not? Why the downs? Why the deuce, colonel? Why not drag Cecil to Shrapnel? Why do I dance? Why, the man's an infidel! Why should he share his aunt's fortune? Why did she refrain? Why did you tell me to marry? 'Why not? Why do you ask me why not? 'Why? Why not for women? 'Why do you swing your watch-chain, ma'am? Why should I be denied--am I to kill the woman I love that I may go on hammering at them? 'Why, ma'am? Why had she given it to his warmest friend? 'Why, my dear child,' said her father, 'you were all for going, the other day. Why do those Frenchmen everlastingly wear their uniforms?--tell me! Why, my dear, his French party were a fortnight in the country. Why should I talk of it? 'Why, my dear brave girl, what ails you? Why, such an act was comparable to the circular mission of the dog! Why London? Why, ma'am, I don't know you,' he said, coming close to her. Why, I thought some letter of yours had fetched him here! Why do your eyes look so mournfully at me? Why, they're men of education. Why, to be alive, to be quick in the soul, there should be diversity in the companion throbs of your pulses. Why should he object to marry into our aristocracy? Why was he torturing her?--to give himself a holiday? Why not? Why rogue? Why rogue? "Why not?" "Why should we separate?" Why would he not wait to deserve her!--no, not deserve--to reconcile her with her real position; not reconcile, but to repair the image of him in her mind, before he claimed his apparent right! Why was she not free? "Why his face?" Why, sir, when they have grown to be seniors, you find these men mixed up with the nonsense of their youth; you see they are unthrashed. Why he cannot give us daily so good a dinner, one must, I suppose, go to French nature to learn. Why? Why, Vernon, you yourself have said that the English would be very perfect Jews if they could manage to live on the patriarchal system. Why not? "Why on earth should you go?" "Why may not captives expect a release?" Why should not Willoughby be happy? "Why should she be absent?" Why? "Why does she not make a confidant of her father?" "Why, what else should?" Why should she wish to run away from Patterne Hall for a single hour? Why, yes; of course they must. Why should she not appear such as she was? Why? Why, assuredly it was young Crossjay who was the man she loved. Why is Willoughby away to-day? Why? "Why does he trouble himself with such topics?" "Why should he wish to sell?" Why was the man worrying her? Why, in a burning world they would be exercising their minds in absurdities! "Why, you may meet her, Colonel De Craye." "Why did you not depute your mission to me?" Why, what a beast you must be. Why did you pursue me and wish to stop me, Mr. Why is Mrs. Mountstuart at the station to-day? Why should you? "Why, you milksop!" "Why did you?" Why any man? Why, you and I see in a moment that her feelings guide her best. "Why the innocent?" Why, a dinner-party refreshes you! Why not live to gratify our appetites? Why not now? "Why is it of no use to speak to Dr. Middleton today?" Why has she fled? "Why!--" Mrs. Mountstuart mildly gaped. Why, she is as good as married. Why, he must think me dazed with admiration of him to talk to me! "Why, you are at the church door with him!" Why, I have been admiring your management of him! "Why, the man would be a mountebank if he adopted any other." Why, then, we shall be called old coaches," remarked the colonel. Why not whistle the girl away? Why, then he would he free to enjoy, careless, younger than his youth in the rebound to happiness! Why did she not speak of her conversation with Clara? Why should they be robbed of so much of you? Why should you call them foolish? Why press you to speak? "Why?" Why, good heaven! Why, a man's shadow is faithful to him at least. Why were you foolish in thinking of me? Why, my lad, you're not half a campaigner," the colonel called out to him; attributing his uneasiness to the material discomfort of the sofa: and Crossjay had to swallow the taunt, bitter though it was. Why should he fly from a priceless wine to gratify the caprices of a fantastical child guilty of seeking to commit a breach of faith? Why, you, you, you, it was you who craved to be alone with Willoughby! "Why not, Clara?" "Why an empty ceremony, papa?" "Why not make it a vow to me this moment, for this gentleman's contentment, that he shall be your husband within a given period?" Why, there's Miss Dale's cottage! "Why, generally she'll be at the Hall." Why? Why, you upset her, you know, now and then. "Why to me?" "Why should we be prying into the domestic affairs of the Dales?" Why, sir, let the world compare the diverse fortunes of the beggar and the postman: knock to give, and it is opened unto you: knock to crave, and it continues shut. Why, for years I have been prophesying it! Why should they have left Patterne? "Why?" Why had he not used passion before, instead of limping crippled between temper and policy? "Why, that I"--Crossjay got close to her--"why, that I, that I-- you know what you used to say." "Why do you say it is not strange, Clara?" Why--I presume on your tenderness for me; but let me: to-morrow I go-- why will you reject your happiness? "Why did he not speak when he was privileged?--strangely, but privileged." Why do you kiss me? "Why do you tremble and blush so?" "Why did you not explain it to me at once?" "Why, it would be delightful, Willoughby, but it happens I've got a lot of powder I want to let off, and so I've an idea of shouldering my gun along the sea-coast and shooting gulls: which'll be a harmless form of committing patricide and matricide and fratricide--for there's my family, and I come of it!--the gull!" Why, at Alvan's, to be sure; where else could such a breakfast be? Why should we two wait to be introduced? Why? Why, now, this moment, at the snap of my fingers, what is to hinder our taking the short cut to happiness, centaur and nymph? Why will you not rise to my level and fear nothing! Why should she withhold from him a thing so easily given? Why have I unfailingly succeeded?--I never doubted! Why had he done it? Why, then, had he let her out of his grasp? Why, the woman has been in my hands-- I released her, spared her, drilled brain and blood, ransacked all the code, to do her homage and honour in every mortal way; and we two strangers! Why, if you had seen her!--she was lost, and I, this man she now pierces with ice, kept hell down under bolt and bar-worse, I believe, broke a good woman's heart! Why, you unreasonable slut, you have given him up; you have told him you have given him up, and what objection can you have to telling others now you have done it? Why does he not come here? Why did you let that horrible man you take for a friend come here? Why, when you behold it you love it--and you will not encourage it?-- or only when presented by dead hands? Why, he'd never march to battle and they not handy; because when he struck he struck hard, he said. Why were you so late? 'Why not? Why did you not speak before? Why she married, she never told. Why should we seem better than we are? Why had not Diana come to her, she asked herself, and asked her husband; who, as usual, was absolutely unable to say. 'Why, what has happened to it? Why do you smile? Why do you shake your head? Why! Why had he turned? Why, are you unaware that the Mrs. Warwick of that scandal case of Warwick versus Dannisburgh was old Dan Merion's girl--and his only child? Why, sir, wasn't he on show at the Court he applied to for relief and damages? Why not resolutely believe that she had been his uncle's true and simple friend! Why do you torture me? Why waste your whole youth?--and mine as well! Why, a fellow hasn't a chance with her, not a chance. Why not? Why had she not consulted Redworth? 'Why not let me have it before I go? Why should we be asunder? Why, naturally it will. 'Why? Why, what were I without my star? 'Why, what more? 'Why did he not dare? Why should you? 'Why, what are you up to down here? Why, Redworth, I can tell you, when Diana Warwick was a girl! Why, of course, Tom Redworth would be uxorious--the very man! Why, Diana Warwick 's the very woman, of course! Why, then you see the insurgent Saxon seamen (of the names in two syllables with accent on the first), and their Danish captains, and it may be but a remnant of high- nosed old Norman Lord de Warenne beside them, in the criminal box: and presently the Jew smoking a giant regalia cigar on a balcony giving view of a gallows-tree. Why, you know it! 'Why not? Why, Euclid would have theorem'd it out for you at a glance at the trio. Why, we've heard of bloody battles for the possession of women! Why not drive to Paris? Why, when we are not near drowning, catch at apparent straws, which may be instruments having sharp edges? 'Why not have had your pugilistic display in a publican's room in town, where you could have hammer-nailed and ding-donged to your heart's content for as long as you liked! Why not? Why does she come here! Why didn't she go to her husband! Why did he bring her to such a pass! Why be scheming? Why had he roused a slumbering world? Why not, if it exactly hits the signification of the Journal and that which it would have the country do to itself, to keep it going and truly topping? Why, in such a case, the shadow-nimbus of Force is needed to decide the sinking of the scale. Why? Why, the workmen at his house were nigh pitching the contractors all sprawling on a strike, and Mr. Radnor takes train, harangues 'em and rubs 'em smooth; ten minutes by the clock, they say; and return train to his business in town; by reason of good sense and feeling, it was; poor men don't ask for more. 'Why, hulloa, don't I remember her coming out!--and do you mean to tell me,' Mr. Beaves Urmsing brutally addressed the colonel, 'that you were at Eton when . Why think of her as having to act a character! Why was that? 'Why, yes! Why, to Victor! Why, sir! Why, don't you know,' said she, 'we all meet to have tea in Mr. Durance's chambers; and I walk back with you, and there we are joined by mama; and we are to have a feast of literary celebrities. 'Why, you like him! Why speak of him in the past? Why, the case of a man who has cleverly won a bold stroke for his country must be good, as long as he holds his tongue. Why should he do it now? Why can't I drive Ormont? Why did you not enter the service? Why? Why did she come? "Why, my child, how could they go on without it?" Why shouldn't everybody? Why had she no pity for Aminta? Why was she unable to love her husband?--he is not old. Why chastize that man Morsfield at all? Why not tell me of it? Why immediate? Why, yes, poor creature! Why not have come to me? Why will they? Why, indeed, should he stay? Why? Why, Rowsley can't be coming to-day! 'Why? Why, naturally, treated as she was by Rowsley, she dropped soft eyes on a good-looking secretary. 'Why not here as well as elsewhere? Why does the master tarry? Why do we go thus hastily?--my friend, this letter has to be concealed. Why take her to the ball? 'Why, ma'am? Why mention Russett's nonsense to me? Why will she continue to play! Why, of course he was! Why should she? Why marry her to cast her off instantly? 'Why not consent to meet her once, Chillon asks. Why be suspicious, if he was to keep the countess, in sight? 'Why, then we beat a wing--yes. Why, then have we to thank her who teaches it. Why none? 'Why not listen to me? Why give me this? 'Why have me with you, then? Why an interpreter? Why precipitate herself into the jaws of the beast? Why should it be a contention between them? Why, then, he would have to impress his own mysteriously deep character on her portion of understanding. Why not a possible might-be? Why should you desire to do it? Why, then, a pipe is the alternative of a friar's frock for an escape from women. Why did it darken? Why, yes, and no need to lose the rosy wisdom of the children when we wrap ourselves in the patched old cloak of the man's. Why; she's young, in a way. Why should Ines assault Mr. Wythan? Why guess at this rascal more than another? Why? Why, clearly, wealth was the sole origin and agent of the mischief. 'Why do you go back? Why had she primed her brother to propose the council of three? Why had he not chosen a woman to sit beside him who would have fancied his coronet a glory and his luxury a kindness? Why had he married! Why was she absent from her home so long? Why, it's to swear false oaths!-- unless it's possible for a woman to slip out of herself and be another person after a death like that of a love like hers. Why not? Why, Phil has an opportunity stretching forth a hand to him now more than halfway that comes to a young Irishman but once in a century: backed by the entire body of the priesthood of Ireland too! Why, what can you discover to admire in these people? Why not all the benefaction on our side, and a figo for rewards! Why should we not learn to excel in Art? Why, we could, if we pleased, lie by and pass two or three decades as jolly cricketers and scullers, and resume the race for wealth with the rest of mankind, hardly sensible of the holiday in our pockets though we were the last people to do it, we were the sole people that had the option. Why not?--his heart was evidently much more interested in her pursuits than in her niece's. Why not in a tale? Why Bayard in the nineteenth century's a Bedlamite, Irish or no. Why am I not beautiful, was her thought. 'Why not? Why, this is daring all Cologne in our very teeth! Why, there's shrieking now! Why, in the first place, we like well whatso we have done good work for. Why not come up fairly, and ask my business? 'Why, Lisbeth! Why did you fling and run? Why, have you no such thing as fair play in this land of yours? Why, they have become enamoured of monks before now! Why, I've thumped him, lad; pegged and pardoned him. 'Why,' answered several, 'we 've our challenge with the lads of Leutesdorf and Wied to-day. Why, then, was the terrible test brought to bear upon him, of all men? 'Why did you retire? Why, naturally you do. Why . Why, do you mean to tell me that you would have cared for those drawings of mine when marching? Why, madam, did he deliver no message to announce me? Why, madam,' quoth the beau, 'do you not see that he could have been none other than mine own, who could comport himself with that grand air and gracefulness when wounded by his closest relative? Why, how could anybody promise me a thing before ever he saw me? Why, no wonder, is it, now? 'Why, what else? 'Why not, sir, if she be this piece of innocence? 'Why, what fashion have you over here? Why, you have played, Chloe. 'Why should you leave him, Chloe? Why can't you be gay, as you were at the supper-table, Chloe? Why not? Why should he not market for himself? "Why, it was me calling, 'I'm sure I can't see the way." Why the deuce do you let your lodgings, then? Why the deuce he was so fond of that name, I can't tell you; but his dying wish was for me to take it and carry it on. "Why quit the country?" Why did she stick to me? Why should she? Why"--Mrs. Cavely, at the end of her astute advices and cautionings, as usual, gave loose to her natural character--"Why that man came back to England at all, with his boastings of Gippsland, I can't for the life of me find out. Why? Why not get together half-a-dozen friends of the neighbourhood, and make a clean breast of it. Why not? Why, the outer wall's washed away," said Van Diemen. Why don't you come in through the boat-house? Why should he fancy I suffered so terribly? Why? Why, an English boy perpetually bowled by a Christmas pudding would come to loathe the mess. Why am I so persecuted? Why does he not fix his attention upon one of them; Why upon me? Why were you absent from our meeting-place This morning? Why, we have watched your nice preliminaries From the windows half the evening. Why sit they Awaiting me, and looking terrible? Why did neither the one nor the other display and bring into action the whole forces they could have had at their disposal? Why so many partial engagements at a great distance one from the other? Why will he not continue to mix with the world smoothly, appeased by the flattery of her secret and really sincere preference of him, and taking his revenge in satire of it, as she does from her own not very lofty standard, and will by and by do from his more exalted one? Why, to make a slide for a couple of fools. Why, that's a fine pick-a-back for ye, to make twenty Russians look scared! Why did I come here in that dullard fit? --Why, there's the ale-house bench: The furze-flower shining round: And there's my waiting-wench, As lissome as a hound. Why, then it's all chance-work! Why the Lord can permit them, we're still in the dark; He does, and in some sort of way they're His tools. Why not? Why, and of whom, and whence; and tell they truth, The legends of her mission to beguile? Why, then Love's Court of Honour contemplate; And two drowned shorecasts, who, for the life esteemed Above their lost, invoke an advocate In Passion's purity, thereby redeemed. Why, he'll snap your head off for a word Why he enjoyed the privilege of seeing, and was not beside her Wife and no wife, a prisoner in liberty Wilfrid perceived that he had become an old man Will not admit the existence of a virtue in an opposite opinion William John Fleming was simply a poor farmer Win you--temperately, let us hope; by storm, if need be Winds of panic are violently engaged in occupying the vacuum Wins everywhere back a reflection of its own kindliness Winter mornings are divine. Why, in your room, mistress. "Why, you love him, do you not?" "Why have you come here?" Why should I? Why--why? Why now, you damned dogs," he blurted out, "what mean you by this? "Why did Perrot not tell me?" Why did we not? Why did we spare you? Why had she called him Pierre? "Why, see now!" Why, if I see one pursuing party last night--coming up in order, Damn 'em, with their tramp, tramp--I see a hundred. Why, I see the mist shake with the cannon, arter it was broad day,-- But this man"; he had said all the rest, as if he had forgotten my being there; "did you notice anything in him? Why, how ever could Tar come there? Why? Why, here's a J," said Joe, "and a O equal to anythink! Why, here's three Js, and three Os, and three J-O, Joes in it, Pip! "Why didn't you ever go to school, Joe, when you were as little as me?" Why don't I rise? Why, he is a common laboring boy! Why don't you cry? "Why, don't you know," said Mr. Pumblechook, testily, "that when I have been there, I have been took up to the outside of her door, and the door has stood ajar, and she has spoke to me that way." Why sure you don't mean to say, Pip, that there was no black welwet co --ch? "Why, see what a letter you wrote last night!" "Why don't you cry again, you little wretch?" "Why, what's the matter with you?" Why it came natural to me to do so, and why Biddy had a deep concern in everything I told her, I did not know then, though I think I know now. Why don't you answer--" "Pip," returned Joe, cutting me short as if he were hurt, "which I meantersay that were not a question requiring a answer betwixt yourself and me, and which you know the answer to be full well No. "Why, you don't mean to say--" began my sister. Why, what'll you do with a half-holiday, if you get it? Why, of course! Why, you are crying! "Why, yes," said Mr. Wemmick. "Why, you're a regular cross-examiner!" "Why should she wreak revenge on all the male sex?" Why I was trying to pack mine into my tumbler, I am wholly unable to say. "Why, n-no; not to me." Why, if it ain't your footstool! Why, if I was a fortune-teller--" Looking out of the towel, he caught my eye. "Why yes," said Joe, lowering his voice, "he's left the Church and went into the playacting." "Why," said Joe, "yes, there certainly were a peck of orange-peel." "Why, yes, Sir," said Joe, "me and Wopsle went off straight to look at the Blacking Ware'us." Why should a man scrape himself to that extent, before he could consider himself full dressed? Why should he suppose it necessary to be purified by suffering for his holiday clothes? Why of course he is not the right sort of man, Pip," said my guardian, comfortably satisfied beforehand on the general head, "because the man who fills the post of trust never is the right sort of man. Why, from you. Why, you have always told me all day long. Why I didn't look for you these two months; how do you find yourself? Why should you? "Why don't you ask him?" "Why then," said the turnkey, grinning again, "he knows what Mr. Jaggers is." Why repeat it a thousand times? "Why should I call you mad," returned Estella, "I, of all people?" "Why should I look at him?" "Why do you, a stranger coming into my rooms at this time of the night, ask that question?" Why, I wrote from Portsmouth to a person in London, for particulars of your address. Why, Wemmick. Why, look at you, dear boy! "Why, yes, dear boy, it's as good as another,--unless you'd like another." Why, so I must have been, for you have grown quite thin and pale! Why look at her! Why should I loiter on my road, to compare the state of mind in which I had tried to rid myself of the stain of the prison before meeting her at the coach-office, with the state of mind in which I now reflected on the abyss between Estella in her pride and beauty, and the returned transport whom I harbored? Why, they would have it so! "Why must it be done without his knowledge?" Why I fail in my ability to finish it, I cannot explain. Why do you injuriously introduce the name of my mother by adoption? Why I hoarded up this last wretched little rag of the robe of hope that was rent and given to the winds, how do I know? Why did you who read this, commit that not dissimilar inconsistency of your own last year, last month, last week? Why, the deed may not have merited quite so terrible a name," said Herbert, "but, she was tried for it, and Mr. Jaggers defended her, and the reputation of that defence first made his name known to Provis. "Why, of course, my dear boy," returned Herbert, in a tone of surprise, and again bending forward to get a nearer look at me. "Why have you lured me here?" Why have you set upon me in the dark? Why, I know'd you at Gargery's when you was so small a wolf that I could have took your weazen betwixt this finger and thumb and chucked you away dead (as I'd thoughts o' doing, odd times, when I see you loitering amongst the pollards on a Sunday), and you hadn't found no uncles then. "Why?" Why, what do you make out that they done with their buttons then, Jack? "Why, I suppose you have not done such a thing these twelve months." Why, we are not going fishing! "Why you see, old chap," said Joe, in a tone of remonstrance, and by way of getting at it by degrees, "I wouldn't go so far as to say that, for that's a deal to say; but she ain't--" "Living, Joe?" Why, you must turn grinder like myself,' said the other; 'you only want a grindstone; the rest will come of itself. Why,' said the cock, 'I was just now saying that we should have fine weather for our washing-day, and yet my mistress and the cook don't thank me for my pains, but threaten to cut off my head tomorrow, and make broth of me for the guests that are coming on Sunday! Why, I see a table spread with all kinds of good things, and robbers sitting round it making merry. Why, how now, good mother,' said the princess; 'what are you doing there? Why? Why, I can get between the iron window-bars of the parson's house, and throw you out whatever you want. Why, where have you been? 'Why, Gretel? Why not? Why did you leave the steak to fry, and the ale to run, and then spoil all the meal? Why, Frederick,' said she, 'I did not know I was doing wrong; you should have told me before. Why,' answered she, 'I did not know there was any harm in it; you should have told me. Why, what should make me down-hearted? Why then does this enchantment still seem to bind me? Why not? Why do you stand gaping there? "Why will you look at matters in so unfriendly a light?" Why gave he thee the liberty of choosing thine own spiritual director? Why did he not choose for thee? Why did you not say 'no' to the king's suit? "Why did I not do it, ask you?" Why, then, do you interest yourself for this young lady, if you did not know her? Why should not Anne travel that road, since so many had gone it before her? Why does this choice surprise you? "Why do you call her poor, when she can be near you, always behold yon, always hear you?" Why should you trouble yourself with these? Why do you call me princess? Why, that he may marry us! Why do you suppose that Catharine would fly into a passion because Earl Seymour loves me? "Why, Jane, does that surprise you?" Why did the visionary earl, the enthusiastic poet, allow himself a contest with a hero who already knows what he wants, and ever accomplishes what he wills? Why did they envy him her? Why did they not leave him in his sweet delusion? Why will you make a crime of that? Why am I angry with him, do you ask, my mother? Why did you not let me know sooner that your heart cherished a love which is in opposition to this law? Why did you not tell your friend your dangerous secret? Why, then, my lady, have you made your appearance here? Why have you come here, if you have nothing further to say than what I already know--that the Earl of Surrey is a very loyal subject, and a man without any ambition, who neither courts the favor of my people nor thinks of laying his traitorous hands on my crown? Why was it necessary to weave the queen into this gloomy web of guilt and crime? Why did you fill my heart with wrath against the noble and virtuous queen also? Why have you sent him to the Tower? Why long for a life which could be for him now only an isolated, desolate, and gloomy one? Why do you float away from me again, Geraldine? Why must the old Howard bear a ducal title? Why was he not like his son, only an earl, so that the obedient Parliament might condemn him? Why should I not give him my heart, since, thanks to your intercession, I am no longer bound to choose a husband of equal birth? Why did she not wait till the morrow? Why wouldn't you? Why, then, you are not to see anywhere, what you don't see in fact; you are not to have anywhere, what you don't have in fact. Why would you? Why, Mr. Bounderby was as near being Mr. Gradgrind's bosom friend, as a man perfectly devoid of sentiment can approach that spiritual relationship towards another man perfectly devoid of sentiment. Why, I have known that grandmother of mine lie in her bed and drink her four-teen glasses of liquor before breakfast! 'Why, the fact is, I saw the girl myself, for the first time, only just now. Why no, not quite well. Why are you tearing about the streets,' said Mr. Gradgrind, 'in this improper manner? 'Why has he been - so very much - Goosed? Why here she is at a hundred a year (I give her a hundred, which she is pleased to term handsome), keeping the house of Josiah Bounderby of Coketown! 'Why, ma'am,' he returned, 'I am thinking about Tom Gradgrind's whim;' Tom Gradgrind, for a bluff independent manner of speaking - as if somebody were always endeavouring to bribe him with immense sums to say Thomas, and he wouldn't; 'Tom Gradgrind's whim, ma'am, of bringing up the tumbling-girl. Why, what do you know about tumblers? 'Why, of course I do. 'Why, there's one thing to be said of it,' returned Tom, pushing his chair from him, and standing up; 'it will be getting away from home. 'Why was he angry with the dog? Why not? Why don't you go on? Why, you'd have to go to Doctors' Commons with a suit, and you'd have to go to a court of Common Law with a suit, and you'd have to go to the House of Lords with a suit, and you'd have to get an Act of Parliament to enable you to marry again, and it would cost you (if it was a case of very plain sailing), I suppose from a thousand to fifteen hundred pound,' said Mr. Bounderby. 'Why then, sir,' said Stephen, turning white, and motioning with that right hand of his, as if he gave everything to the four winds, ''tis a muddle. Why - there's awmost nobbody but has their troubles, missus. 'Why, I have been otherwise engaged, Loo, in the evenings; and in the daytime old Bounderby has been keeping me at it rather. Why at the Bank, do you think? 'Why, my dear Louisa,' said Mr. Gradgrind, completely recovered by this time, 'I would advise you (since you ask me) to consider this question, as you have been accustomed to consider every other question, simply as one of tangible Fact. 'Why, father,' she pursued, 'what a strange question to ask me! Why can't they do as I have done, ma'am? Why don't you go and do it? Why look at me, ma'am! Why should they? Why, you see,' replied Mr. Bounderby, 'it suits my disposition to have a full understanding with a man, particularly with a public man, when I make his acquaintance. Why, you won't tell me, Mr. Harthouse, that you really suppose my sister Loo does care for old Bounderby. Why, he formed Me that way! 'Why, I have told you,' returned Bounderby. Why don't you? 'Why yes, sir. Why, I come to be with this good lass pretty much as I came to be with you,' said the old woman, cheerfully, taking the reply upon herself. Why, Rachael,' he replied, 'whether I ha lef'n his work, or whether his work ha lef'n me, cooms t' th' same. Why, sir, Friday or Saturday, nigh 'bout. Why should she be shocked or warned by this reiteration? Why, sir,' he would say to a visitor, 'I am told that Nickits,' the late owner, 'gave seven hundred pound for that Seabeach. Why, if I wanted to keep a dozen horses - which I don't, for one's enough for me - I couldn't bear to see 'em in their stalls here, and think what my own lodging used to be. Why, I am going to tell you,' said Bounderby, irritably giving his arm to Mrs. Sparsit. Why, I have got out of the habit of taking it now, ma'am,' said Mr. Bounderby. Why should it be of any importance to me? 'Why should it be of any importance to any one, Mrs. Sparsit, ma'am? 'Why, ma'am, no; not yet. 'Why, when I invite you to my house, ma'am,' said Bounderby, opening his eyes, 'I should hope you want no other invitation. 'Why, I expect to see him to-morrow,' returned the whelp. 'Why do you believe so? 'Why should you stay with me? Why, in my own bed at Bounderby's. Why do I say this? 'Why couldn't you say so, young Tom? Why, what's the matter now! Why, what do you mean by this? Why don't you mind your own business, ma'am? Why didn't he? Why, I've been thinking of it, Thquire. Why Aim to Realize Capacities? Why should we, in the sphere of morals, lay claim to the possession of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Why should we refuse to learn from anyone? Why not add to the first class the pachydermatous indifference to rebuffs which is of such service to the social climber, and, to the second, taste in dress and the habit of not repeating stories? Why, for example, should the king of a primitive community be prohibited from sleeping lying down? Why should it not be regarded as rational and reasonable that, to attain the comprehensive ends of the social will, certain ends consistently chosen by certain kinds of individuals should deliberately be denied? Why take less critical utilitarians as the only exponents of the school? Why strive to rise above the average--and fall into a divine discontent? Why should it strive to attain to new conquests, to awaken in its members new wants and strain to satisfy them? Why? Why should society work out an extraordinary system of rewards for those whom it is already rewarding automatically? Why dilate upon what everybody knows? Why kill a good man, when it is wrong to kill a bad one? Why did they insist so strenuously upon this, and incorporate it into their philosophy? Why shouldn't I try to get charge of one? Why, in God's name? `Why ought I to know? Why not, indeed! Why not? Why in the name of all the gnawing devils of hunger they didn't go for us--they were thirty to five-- and have a good tuck in for once, amazes me now when I think of it. Why do you sigh in this beastly way, somebody? `Why did they attack us? `Why! Why, I've had to save you. "Why, blame it all, we've GOT to do it." Why couldn't you said that before? Why can't a body take a club and ransom them as soon as they get here? Why can't the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole? Why can't Miss Watson fat up? Why," said he, "a magician could call up a lot of genies, and they would hash you up like nothing before you could say Jack Robinson. "Why, they rub an old tin lamp or an iron ring, and then the genies come tearing in, with the thunder and lightning a-ripping around and the smoke a-rolling, and everything they're told to do they up and do it." "Why, whoever rubs the lamp or the ring." Why, you'd HAVE to come when he rubbed it, whether you wanted to or not. Why, there ain't no end to your airs--they say you're rich. Why, looky here. Why, they said he couldn't be sold till he'd been in the State six months, and he hadn't been there that long yet. "Why didn't you roust me out?" Why, how long you been on the island, Jim? "Why, Jim?" Why didn't you get mud-turkles? "Why, live stock--cattle, you know." "Why HE--" I stopped. "Why, are they after him yet?" "Why, a man I met at daybreak this morning, just as I was going to turn into the woods for my regular sleep." Why, I spotted you for a boy when you was threading the needle; and I contrived the other things just to make certain. Why, you'd think it was Christopher C'lumbus discovering Kingdom-Come. "Why, pap and mam and sis and Miss Hooker; and if you'd take your ferryboat and go up there--" "Up where?" "Why, there ain't but one." Why, great goodness, there ain't no chance for 'em if they don't git off mighty quick! Why, how in the nation did they ever git into such a scrape? Why, how you talk! "Why, yes, dat's so; I--I'd done forgot it." "Why, Huck, doan' de French people talk de same way we does?" "Why, he IS a-saying it." "Why, mos' sholy it is." Why didn't you stir me up? Why, hain't you been talking about my coming back, and all that stuff, as if I'd been gone away? Why, what in the nation do you mean? "Why, de fog!--de fog dat's been aroun' all night." Why, ME. Why, she tried to learn you your book, she tried to learn you your manners, she tried to be good to you every way she knowed how. Why didn't you come out and say so? Why, any candle," he says. "Why, he was in the DARK!" "Why, blame it, it's a riddle, don't you see?" Why didn't you step into the road, my boy? "Why, nothing--only it's on account of the feud." "Why, where was you raised?" Why, that old man kep' up his end in a fight one day for half an hour against three Grangerfords, and come out winner. "Why didn't you tell my Jack to fetch me here sooner, Jim?" "Why, how did you get hold of the raft again, Jim--did you catch her?" Why, a MAN'S safe in the hands of ten thousand of your kind--as long as it's daytime and you're not behind him. Why don't your juries hang murderers? Why, I couldn't a thought of them in a year. Why, it was one of his own men! "Why don't it, Huck?" Why, he didn't only look like he was dead, he looked considerable more than that. Why, before, he looked like the orneriest old rip that ever was; but now, when he'd take off his new white beaver and make a bow and do a smile, he looked that grand and good and pious that you'd say he had walked right out of the ark, and maybe was old Leviticus himself. "Why do you reckon Harvey don't come?" Why, Biljy, it beats the Nonesuch, DON'T it? "Why, how you talk--Sheffield ain't on the sea." "Why, you did." "Why, no." "Why, in our pew." "Why, OURN--your Uncle Harvey's." "Why, I thought he'd be in the pulpit." "Why, what do they want with more?" Why, I wouldn't set out such a string as that, not if I NEVER got to glory. "Why, they're for STYLE." Why, Hare-l--why, Joanna, they never see a holiday from year's end to year's end; never go to the circus, nor theater, nor nigger shows, nor nowheres. "Why, Maim, he said--" "It don't make no difference what he SAID--that ain't the thing." Why, how you talk! Why, jest think--there's thous'n's and thous'n's that ain't nigh so well off. Why, the way they played that thing it would fool ANYBODY. Why? Why, they can't collect the money for the NIGGERS yet--they're in the worst kind of a fix, Miss Mary. "Why?" "Why, it's because you ain't one of these leather-face people." "Why, who's got it?" "Why, because it IS the mumps." Why, how you talk. Why, he'll say, 'It's a great pity, but my church matters has got to get along the best way they can; for my niece has been exposed to the dreadful pluribus-unum mumps, and so it's my bounden duty to set down here and wait the three months it takes to show on her if she's got it. Why, you talk like a muggins. Why, yonder he is, now. Why wouldn't they? Why, it was astonishing, the way I felt as light as a feather right straight off, and my troubles all gone. Why, if you WAS to blow on us--" He stopped, but I never see the duke look so ugly out of his eyes before. "Why, child, it 'll be stole!" "Why, Sally, I COULDN'T miss him along the road--YOU know that." "Why, Silas!" Why, Jim is--" He stopped and went to studying. Why, I wouldn't take a hundred dollars for that horse now--I wouldn't, honest; and yet I'd a sold her for fifteen before, and thought 'twas all she was worth. Why, I do believe it's a stranger. "Why, you born fool!" "Why, everybody." "Why, no; I--I--well, no, I b'lieve I didn't." Why, looky here. "Why?" Why, cert'nly it would work, like rats a-fighting. Why, Huck, it wouldn't make no more talk than breaking into a soap factory. "Why, dis-yer runaway nigger." Why, drat it, Huck, it's the stupidest arrangement I ever see. Why, we could work with a torchlight procession if we wanted to, I believe. "Why, you just said a body could lift up the bedstead and slip the chain off." Why, hain't you ever read any books at all?--Baron Trenck, nor Casanova, nor Benvenuto Chelleeny, nor Henri IV., nor none of them heroes? Why, to saw Jim's leg off," he says. "Why, Tom Sawyer, how you talk," I says; "Jim ain't got no use for a rope ladder." Why, it's perfectly ridiculous. "Why, Tom, we can pull a feather out of a goose and make him a better one; and quicker, too." Why, half the time you can't read anything a prisoner writes on a tin plate, or anywhere else. "Why, blame it all, it ain't the PRISONER'S plates." "Why, to dig with." Why, they might as well lend him the key and done with it. Why, look at one of them prisoners in the bottom dungeon of the Castle Deef, in the harbor of Marseilles, that dug himself out that way; how long was HE at it, you reckon? Why can't you stick to the main point? "Why, what else is gone, Sally?" Why, what in the world--plague TAKE the things, I'll count 'm again. Why, Huck, s'pose it IS considerble trouble?--what you going to do?-- how you going to get around it? "Why, a rattlesnake." Why, if dey was a rattlesnake to come in heah I'd take en bust right out thoo dat log wall, I would, wid my head. Why, Jim, you wouldn't be afraid of it after a little. Why, you can get him so in a little while that he'll love you; and sleep with you; and won't stay away from you a minute; and will let you wrap him round your neck and put his head in your mouth. "Why, Mars Tom, I doan' WANT no sich glory." "Why, Mars Tom, I doan' WANT no rats." "Why, I got plenty spring water, Mars Tom." "Why, Mars Tom, I lay I kin raise one er dem mullen-stalks twyste wid spring water whiles another man's a START'N one wid tears." Why, after every last snake had been gone clear out of the house for as much as a week Aunt Sally warn't over it yet; she warn't near over it; when she was setting thinking about something you could touch her on the back of her neck with a feather and she would jump right out of her stockings. "Why, Tom, that 'll make trouble next morning; because, of course, she prob'bly hain't got any but that one." Why, Huck, if it was to do over again, I bet I could fetch two hundred! "Why, me and Sid, and--and--and THE GUNS; that's what I mean." "Why, where ever did you go?" Why, I'd give two dollars to have it read to me; 'n' as for the niggers that wrote it, I 'low I'd take 'n' lash 'm t'll--" "People to HELP him, Brother Marples! Why, they've stole everything they could lay their hands on--and we a-watching all the time, mind you. Why, SPERITS couldn't a done better and been no smarter. Why, they'd steal the very--why, goodness sakes, you can guess what kind of a fluster I was in by the time midnight come last night. "Why, about the way the whole thing was done." "Why, THE whole thing." Why, Aunty, it cost us a power of work --weeks of it--hours and hours, every night, whilst you was all asleep. Why, the runaway nigger, of course. Why, I wanted the ADVENTURE of it; and I'd a waded neck-deep in blood to-- goodness alive, AUNT POLLY! Why, that ain't TOM, it's Sid; Tom's--Tom's--why, where is Tom? "Why, I never heard nothing from you," says Aunt Sally. Why, I wrote you twice to ask you what you could mean by Sid being here. Why should you, who have already produced so many wonderful and charming compositions, still fatigue yourself with such close application? Why shall A. adopt the plan of B., rather than B. that of A.? Why, then, keep the country in a feverish state of excitement upon this question any longer, as it is sure to end, in my opinion, in a complete vindication of the President, if justice be done him by the committee, of which I have no doubt, A. J. Rogers. Why, in the first place, nobody knows where that space is but the learned manager himself, and he is the necessary deputy to execute the judgment of the court. Why? Why should you spend weeks on the coldest, hungriest, windiest, loftiest place on the earth, without even inhabitants? Why should you spend weeks on the coldest, hungriest, windiest, loftiest place on the earth, without even inhabitants? Why did we settle that their house would be all gables and wiggles, and their garden all gamboge-coloured paths? Why the--should I sign after all this bother? "Why shouldn't she?" Why can't the woman leave us alone? "Why?" "Why?" "Why, Ruth!" Why didn't you tell me you knew of it? "Why, you just said it was!" Why should she want another? Why shouldn't she come down? Why had it to be swept away? Why, when you're walking you want, as it were, a breakfast and luncheon and tea during the night as well, and I'd nothing but a packet of Woodbines. "Why better?" Why did he not say, "A lady took my umbrella, another gave me this that I might call for my umbrella"? Why not give him the money itself. Why, Meg? "Why?" "Why's that?" "Why, I thought of you both as anchored there for ever." "Why funny?" Why should he come again? Why, you're all alone," she said. "Why's that?" "Why 'of course'?" "Why, I know Crane: I've been for a drive with Evie once." Why, when Victor, my brother-in-law, collected many tadpoles--" "You are not to say 'stink,'" interrupted Helen; "at least, you may say it, but you must pretend you are being funny while you say it. "Why, was it earlier?" "Why not?" "Why should you put things so bitterly, dearie?" Why did he go so suddenly? Why had poor Mr. Bryce fled from all this beauty? Why should the chauffeurs tackle the girl? Why was she stumbling about amongst the rubble and catching her dress in brambles and burrs? Why not? Why have you come? "Why did he leave?" Why does she call you 'Hen'? "Why?" "Why not?" "Why, to inquire." Why such an early start? Why? Why shouldn't I post it, though? Why didn't I begin with it? Why have we come to the Tyrol, if it comes to that? "Why, Dolly!" "Why has she done that?" "Why does that make any difference, Dolly?" Why has not England a great mythology? Why don't you tell Mr. Why should she be allowed to be so queer, and to grow queerer? "Why?" Why, Charles? Why worry on about it? Why? Why do I connect it with dumbbells? Why send it away? Why not? Why Howards End? "Why should Miss Avery work for us?" Why, indeed? "Why not?" Why had he been afraid? "Why does he want them?" Why is this? Why wonder? Why not let him? Why not be in earnest, and seek God for help, and make improvement? Why go along with crossness, and coldness and snappishness in your life? Why not think much about this mansion? Why do you keep all the kind thoughts and kind words for a man until he is dead? Why did you not tell him that when he was living? Why not be an angel and make a day of paradise for him here? Why, pray, do you set your swift horses at us, men who are tried in labour and pain? Why are you gone away from the city and do not draw near the houses? Why rest you so and are afraid, and do not go ashore nor stow the gear of your black ship? Why can't you be like the Happy Prince? "Why are you weeping then?" Why is he weeping? Why, indeed? Why, indeed? Why, what a wonderful piece of luck! Why, I don't believe you have even got silver buckles to your shoes as the Chamberlain's nephew has"; and she got up from her chair and went into the house. Why, if little Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, and our good supper, and our great cask of red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody's nature. Why, the words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. 'Why, what a good heart you have'! Why! Why, anybody can have common sense, provided that they have no imagination. Why, perhaps the Prince and Princess may go to live in a country where there is a deep river, and perhaps they may have one only son, a little fair-haired boy with violet eyes like the Prince himself; and perhaps some day he may go out to walk with his nurse; and perhaps the nurse may go to sleep under a great elder-tree; and perhaps the little boy may fall into the deep river and be drowned. "Why, you don't even know him," growled the Roman Candle. Why gave I not up the ghost at my birth? Why did the knees prevent me? Why not? Why? Why can't you leave me alone? Why don't you show us your foot quietly? Why, this about if you have faith you can remove mountains. Why should he marry? Why don't you speak? Why don't you know it? Why not? "Why?" "Why don't you want to go to Oxford?" Why don't you matriculate here? Why are you behaving in this way? "Why, it proves that you believe with your generation." Why don't you go to Paris for a year? Why don't you go in for art? Why not make him a doctor like his father? "Why don't you?" Why not? Why d'you want to kiss me? Why do you think? "Why don't you let Miss Wilkinson rest?" Why on earth should you think I do? Why do you not go to Paris and study art? Why, of course you're going to live for ever. Why this is less injurious than most is that the teaching is more incompetent than elsewhere. Why, for centuries it saw horses jumping a fence with all their legs extended, and by Heaven, sir, they were extended. Why shouldn't I? Why should they? "Why not?" "Why shouldn't you?" Why not? Why did you paint him? Why? Why the world was there and what men had come into existence for at all was as inexplicable as ever. "Why?" Why? Why don't you sit down? Why should I? "Why?" "Why?" Why had he given her the alternative that she must dine with him or else never see him again? Why haven't you been in then? Why shouldn't I? Why don't you leave me alone? Why d'you want to marry me then? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Why? "Why?" "Why d'you read then?" Why? Why should its dictates be any better than those of passion? Why, merely the futility of regret. "Why aren't you in bed?" "Why?" Why, what's the matter? Why did you write me such a horrid letter, you naughty boy? Why didn't you tell me at once? Why did he not come on Sunday morning and spend the day? Why don't you come and dine with us? Why on earth did you ask him to dine with us? Why don't you go away with him? Why not? "Why don't you have another try?" "Why on earth didn't you come before?" "Why didn't you tell me at once?" Why should he care? Why don't you give up drinking? Why don't you light the candle? Why not? Why on earth didn't you send me a line? Why, dear boy, I really believe you're distressed. Why, he might die without a soul at hand. "Why don't you come and do your work here every day, and then you'd be near if he wanted anything?" Why d'you want to worry the boy? Why are you only laying one place? "Why on earth not?" Why, when I was in Parliament Street I used to catch the eight-twelve from Herne Hill every morning. Why on earth aren't you in bed? Why, d'you want me to do anything else? "Why not?" "Why, what were you going to do?" "Why, have you got something the matter with you?" "Why won't you live with me as if we were married then?" Why should I? Why on earth should I be? Why on earth did you shut yourself in? Why did you leave your job? "Why?" Why didn't you come here? "Why not?" Why not? Why don't you try your 'and and see what you can do? Why can't I 'ave that? Why don't you do something useful? Why, if I'd remained single I might have a little shop by now, and four or five hundred pounds in the bank, and a girl to do the rough work. "Why don't you go to a hospital?" "Why did you leave it so late?" Why, there's internal bleeding. Why not? Why don't you answer when you're spoken to, Sally? "Why?" Why aren't I good enough to attend her filthy brat? Why didn't you start dinner? Why did you look at the sunset? Why don't you stay here and I'll get rid of that damned fool with his mumps? Why? Why, the first rainy day we had in the winter you'd be crying for London. Why, he don't know a swede from a mangel-wurzel. Why, Mrs. Bridges said to me, I don't know what we should do without Mr. Athelny now, she said. Why should I be? Why did he not come below to take his share in their feast? Why, bless ye, lads, when I left she made me this here present of a real gold watch. Why, look 'ee here, this year my father had these clothes made for me, without which treat I never could have come to the wedding; certain sure, for I never should have dared offer you my arm in my old duds of last year. Why didn't you blow your fog-horn, and be blowed to you, you herd of savages? Why don't ye speak to me, my good girl? Why did he not go? Why don't ye kiss one another, my children? Why, I could ha' made my fortun' out of them beggars, if I hadn't been born and brought up honest myself, and but a sucking-dove in wisdom, saying nothing of my having a sweetheart at Toulon in the millinery line, who could have used any quantity of feathers----" Ha! Why did this day, this hour, this very moment, seem to her more painful than the preceding? "Why?" Why, is that your name? Why, I can get him sent off to Siberia for that alone, if I like; it's sacrilege. "Why, he knows everything--Lebedeff knows everything!" Why, you don't mean to say that she and Lihachof--" cried Rogojin, turning quite pale. Why didn't I die there on the spot? Why, there's Zaleshoff here, too! Why? Why is he here? "Why, don't you, aren't you--" began the general, in alarm. Why, my dear fellow, it's not a question of your rejecting her, it is whether you are prepared to receive her consent joyfully, and with proper satisfaction. Why, this is simply beautiful; look at that, Gania, there's real talent there! Why, my dear fellow, you are not a caligraphist, you are an artist! Why, you can command a situation at thirty-five roubles per month to start with. "Why not?" Why? Why shouldn't he tell us something? "Why?" Why should we be angry? Why make all these excuses? "Why are you ashamed of your stories the moment after you have told them?" "Why?" "Why?" "Why are you so unhappy, mother?" Why-why-WHY didn't you give her the note, you--" "Excuse me; I was able to deliver it almost immediately after receiving your commission, and I gave it, too, just as you asked me to. Why did they fancy you? "Why not?" Why, it's twenty years since my father died. Why invite witnesses when both of us would be walking in eternity in a couple of minutes? Why, what an idiot it is! Why do you tie up your bell? Why, are you a doctor, prince, or what? Why, I took him for the footman, just now, and sent him in to announce me! Why, what business can he have? Why, it's only three months since I lost two hundred roubles of my father's money to you, at cards. Why, I've only to pull out a three-rouble note and show it to you, and you'd crawl on your hands and knees to the other end of the town for it; that's the sort of man you are. Why, I've come now, at this moment, to buy you up! Why, you declare yourself a fool at once," she said, with impudent familiarity, as she rose from the sofa and prepared to go. Why should you suppose she will refuse me? Why does Epanchin insult me? Why have they not got rid of him? Why did you promise her any? Why, he must pay toll for his entrance," explained the latter. "Why, it would be a game to cry over--not to laugh at!" Why, then of course, you won't say anything about it. Why, the last time I simply told straight off about how I stole three roubles. Why did she take it into her head to die at that moment? Why did I do it? Why are you so upset? Why, surely you never really wished to take ME into your family? Why, in your own house and before your own brother and sister, he bargained with me! Why, even Ferdishenko wouldn't have me! Why do you shame yourself by desiring to go with Rogojin? Why do you continually remind us of these facts? Why, he needs a nurse himself! Why, she's mad, isn't she--isn't she, eh? Why do you shout like that? Why should he be so mean now? Why are you smiling, prince? Why 'somewhat'? Why are you laughing? Why did you ask me? Why do you want to know all this? Why so? Why did you ask if he were an Old Believer? "Why did you add that?--There!" Why, she ran away from me, and went to you. Why, you'll die of hunger like this. Why, she has run twice from you, from the very altar rails, as it were. Why, if she did, she would simply be walking to death by drowning or by the knife, with her eyes wide open, when she married you. Why, she always acts as though she were in a delirium now-a-days! Why don't you finish your sentence? Why, what an idea! Why, a man's faith might be ruined by looking at that picture! Why do you ask me whether I believe in God "Oh, no particular reason. Why? Why, here he was on the Petersburg Side already, quite close to the house! Why, he had only come for the sole purpose of seeing her, all the way from Moscow! Why, this is the street, and here's the house, No. Why was his brow clammy with drops of moisture, his knees shaking beneath him, and his soul oppressed with a cold gloom? Why, he had left the Summer Garden on purpose to see them; that had been his "idea. Why, he had himself wished to take Rogojin by the hand and go in together, he had himself determined to go to him on the morrow and tell him that he had seen her, he had repudiated the demon as he walked to the house, and his heart had been full of joy. Why should not Rogojin have as many knives on his table as he chooses? Why on earth not? "Why, of course," replied the clerk, gesticulating with his hands. "Why should it be secret?" Why not? Why, just now Prince S. and Adelaida Ivanovna declared that they upheld 'the poor knight'; so evidently there does exist a 'poor knight'; and if it were not for Adelaida Ivanovna, we should have known long ago who the 'poor knight' was. "Why, how am I to blame?" Why respect? Why this haste? "Why don't you tell him about them?" Why go into these tedious details? "Why, no, it is hardly the same," remarked Gavrila Ardalionovitch, with an air of ingenuous surprise. Why do you offer me your arm now? Why did you come here tonight so insolently? Why do you talk? Why will you not grant my last wish? Why should you refuse to gratify my last wish? Why don't you say something? Why do you keep laughing at me? Why, nothing else; that is all. Why"--he continued with sudden warmth--"does she create the choicest beings only to mock at them? Why, good gracious! "Why should I be offended?" Why not, after confessing, borrow money from him? "Why, Keller said the same thing to me nearly word for word a few minutes ago!" Why are they blackening Evgenie Pavlovitch's reputation? Why? Why are you blushing? Why, she called you an 'idiot' herself. Why? Why haven't you been? Why didn't you come near us all these three days, eh? Why are you smiling? Why, cannot you see that they are all infatuated with pride and vanity? Why conceal your real feelings? Why, even I, when I was young, had nothing like it! Why don't they get married? Why is she unhappy, I wonder? Why has she all but quarrelled with her sisters, even with Alexandra-- whom she respects so much that she always kisses her hands as though she were her mother? Why did she take upon herself to champion him this morning, and burst into tears over it? Why is there an allusion to that cursed 'poor knight' in the anonymous letter? Why doesn't she make fun of him? Why, you are a landed proprietor yourself! Why do you laugh? Why, how strange! Why do you say all this here? Why do you talk like this to THEM? Why do you humiliate yourself like this, and place yourself lower than these people? Why do you debase yourself before them? Why have you no pride? Why does everyone, everyone worry and torment me? Why have they all been bullying me these three days about you, prince? Why, WHY do they torment me and say I am going to marry you? Why do you look at me like that, prince? Why, I declare, here he is! Why, he's shot himself. Why? "Why, how could she--" "What, know of it?" Why, there was a whole crowd round her the moment she appeared on the scenes here. Why? Why, she was immensely surprised to find me there on the verandah, and laughed and talked about TEA! "Why so?" "Why should I?" Why do you hate me so? Why do you avoid me? Why do you hold your hand back from me? Why, then, should there be anger between us? Why? Why, if I were an angel of light, and as innocent before you as a babe, you would still loathe me if you believed that SHE loved me, instead of loving yourself. Why do you suppose she consents to marry you? Why, I've not only heard of it; I see it for myself," he said. Why, if I hadn't heard this report about you, I should never have come all this way into the park--at midnight, too! Why, prince, you've only gone a few steps along this road, I perceive. "Why, what has he done?" "Why?" Why? Why not thirty? Why did he not simply stop short at the number sixty, and keep his secret until his last breath? Why could he not simply leave the monks alone, and go into the desert to repent? Why is it? "Why, look at him--look at him now!" "Why so?" Why wish a man evil, though you do not love him, eh? Why should you suppose it of us? Why you should have frightened me so, why you should have wished to torment me like that, I cannot tell--but you it was. Why did he say 'dreams'? Why did I begin to live, knowing that it was not worthwhile to begin? Why did I attempt to do what I knew to be an impossibility? Why are they always anxious? Why did that fool allow himself to die of hunger with sixty years of unlived life before him? Why can't they be Rothschilds? Why, nearly everything depends on that very man! 'Why, what on earth can have possessed you to come and see ME, Terentieff? Why what's the matter? Why did he not speak? Why, I should die comfortably in their own hospital--in a warm, clean room, with an attentive doctor--probably much more comfortably than I should at home. Why am I to be judged because I could not comprehend the Will and Laws of Providence? Why, you wished to have a talk with me when the others left? Why didn't you bring it? "Why, he didn't die!" Why did you think I invited you out here? Why I should wish to tell you, and only you, this experience of mine, I really cannot say; perhaps it really is because I love you very much. Why not do it? Why, you love her, you know! Why, it's true that I am going to marry Gavrila Ardalionovitch, that I love him and intend to elope with him tomorrow," cried Aglaya, turning upon her mother. Why should not Aglaya meet the prince in the park and have a talk with him, even if such a meeting should be by appointment? Why--" "And--and you won't LAUGH at him? "Why not?" Why do you suppose he went out of his way to tell Colia that he had gone to Wilkin's? Why I would give that man not only my money, but my very life, if he wanted it. Why, who else could I possibly suspect? Why is it that when you awake to the world of realities you nearly always feel, sometimes very vividly, that the vanished dream has carried with it some enigma which you have failed to solve? Why do I wish to unite you two? Why, goodness me, don't you know? Why, they couldn't understand him themselves; and very likely didn't tell me all. Why, who invented the whole thing-- Lebedeff and the prince--a pretty pair! Why, you have no idea what a cunning little animal he is; dirty little gossip! "Why did you get him over here, if you hate him so?" "Why, it was yourself who advised me to bring him over!" Why did you go to the Epanchins' yesterday--tell me that? Why does he call me a screw? Why, you told me yourself that you had searched every corner of the room? Why, by the very fact that he put the purse prominently before you, first under the chair and then in your lining, he shows that he does not wish to deceive you, but is anxious to beg your forgiveness in this artless way. "Why, did you say--" began the prince, and paused in confusion. Why, I know of a murder, for the sake of a watch. Why are you crying, father? Why don't you wish to come back home? Why have you gone out of your mind, like this? Why did no one see it? Why did no one say anything about it? Why was she, Lizabetha Prokofievna, driven to think, and foresee, and worry for everybody, while they all sucked their thumbs, and counted the crows in the garden, and did nothing? Why were things always mismanaged in her house? Why had everybody been in such a frantic hurry in this matter? Why do you speak so? Why do you ask my forgiveness? Why, do you think I should be any happier if I were to feel disturbed about the excavations you tell me of? "Why?" Why, Osterman--the diplomatist. Why should we attempt to climb into the giddy heights of the fashionable world? Why are you so glad that Evgenie Pavlovitch is coming? Why should I be nervous about you? Why did you say anything about it? Why do you talk to me like this? Why, I received a letter, you know, to be handed over--"From whom? Why, I'm yours again now, heart and hand, your slave; there was but a momentary pause in the flow of my love and esteem for you. Why, open it, for the time being, don't you know? Why did you write anonymously to worry so noble and generous a lady? Why should not Aglaya Ivanovna write a note to whomever she pleases? Why was he so agitated? Why had he flown into such transports of delight without any apparent reason? Why this was it would be difficult to say. Why, Socialism is the progeny of Romanism and of the Romanistic spirit. Why is this? Why is this? Why does he then exceed all bounds at once? Why, here are you, now--you are not a bit angry with me for calling you odd,' are you? Why should we disappear and give place to others, when we may still, if we choose, remain in the front rank and lead the battle? Why didn't you send me a message? Why am I a scandal-monger? Why did she call me a scandal-monger? Why, I have been impressing it upon her all this while for her own good. Why did he always feel as though "that woman" were fated to appear at each critical moment of his life, and tear the thread of his destiny like a bit of rotten string? Why should I? Why do you force yourself upon us in this way? Why could you not simply go away from here, instead of writing me those absurd letters? Why do you not NOW marry that generous man who loves you, and has done you the honour of offering you his hand? Why do you speak of a housemaid so contemptuously? Why, I'll call out NOW, if you like, in your presence, 'Rogojin, get out! Why, prince, you yourself gave me your word that you would marry me whatever happened, and would never abandon me. Why does she treat me so-- so shamefully? Why--why did I? Why, she is a child! Why cannot we ever know all about another, especially when that other has been guilty? "Why--is he here?" Why, they don't even know him! Why do you look so amazed? "Why did they tell me he was not at home, then?" Why did you not ask for me at my room if you were in the hotel? Why, Gawain, when he came With Modred hither in the summertime, Asked me to tilt with him, the proven knight. Why mockest thou the stranger that hath been To thee fair-spoken? Why sit ye there? Why not? Why had ye not the shield I knew? Why kneel ye there? Why go ye not to these fair jousts? Why that like was he. Why slight your King, And lose the quest he sent you on, and prove No surer than our falcon yesterday, Who lost the hern we slipt her at, and went To all the winds? Why did the King dwell on my name to me? Why? Why then let men couple at once with wolves. Why weep ye? Why grieves my son? Why stand ye gazing round the dreadful plain, Prepared for flight, but doom'd to fly in vain? Why stand you distant, and the rest expect To mix in combat which yourselves neglect? Why sunk I not beneath the whelming tide, And midst the roarings of the waters died? Why should we gifts to proud Achilles send, Or strive with prayers his haughty soul to bend? Why calls my friend? Why on those shores are we with joy survey'd, Admired as heroes, and as gods obey'd, Unless great acts superior merit prove, And vindicate the bounteous powers above? Why should heaven's law with foolish man comply Exempted from the race ordain'd to die? Why stand you distant, nor attempt a deed? Why not as well Achilles' fate be given To Hector's lance? Why should, alas, a mortal man, as I, Burn with a fury that can never die? Why was my birth to great Aetion owed, And why was all that tender care bestow'd? Why did not all in Hector's cause expire? Why teach ye not my rapid wheels to run, And speed my journey to redeem my son? Why roam thy mules and steeds the plains along, Through Grecian foes, so numerous and so strong? Why gav'st thou not to me thy dying hand? Why stand ye thus Like timid fawns, that in the chase run down, Stand all bewildered, spiritless and tame? Why hath Atrides brought this mighty host To Troy, if not in fair- hair'd Helen's cause? Why sleep'st thou thus all night? Why shouldst thou tremble at the battle strife? Why held as Gods in honour? Why o'er thy shoulder hangs thine idle bow? Why, my brave horses, why be left behind? Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Why, it looks as though Providence had bestowed upon us a strong box in the precious metals locked up in the sterile mountains of the far West, and which we are now forging the key to unlock, to meet the very contingency that is now upon us. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation? Why is it, for instance, that the French nation, after having lived for near a thousand years under a single dynasty, cannot now find a government agreeable to its modern aspirations? Why should we accept the price sent us by the holy Columba? Why did she reject it absolutely and permanently? Why has a Protestant university so many privileges, while a similar Catholic institution is refused recognition? Why this difference? Why should Ireland alone be deprived of such a boon? Why should it not be so? Why, then - being better, I have no longer the same need of a confessor, I think. Why, then, do you bid me desire other flowers when I possess the loveliest of all? "Why did you tell me," said Aramis, "that you were happy here?" Why, that you aspired to nothing? Why, in a word, by thus speaking, do you prevent me from being frank in my turn? "Why?" Why? Why did you not tell me so at once? Why, now," continued Aramis, "does M. Fouquet give the king a _fete?_ - Is it not to please him? Why, this gentleman is one of M. Percerin's chief clerks, and is expected at Saint-Mande to try on the dresses which M. Fouquet has ordered for the Epicureans. Why? "Why not?" Why doubt me? "Why not this evening, seeing that the _lettre de cachet_ bears, both on the direction and inside, '_urgent_'?" Why so? Why, yes, D'Artagnan. "Why does he give these _fetes_, then?" Why did you not dissuade him from it? Why was it necessary to have new liveries and costumes for your whole household? Why did you take some patterns of the king's costumes at Percerin's? Why not, monseigneur? Why did Louis XIV. "Why not?" "Why so?" Why," said Baisemeaux, "this order is the very same that has already passed through my hands. Why, you have gone quite mad. "Why?" Why do you arrest me? Why do you laugh, Monsieur d'Herblay? "Why, you must know that my sword may almost be regarded as part of my own body." Why does the king set me at liberty? "Why should he have pardoned me, then?" Why? Why? Why, in truth," replied Philippe, "you speak that just as your old friend Madame de Chevreuse would speak. "Why do you mention Madame de Chevreuse to me?" "Why, sire - " "I am waiting for him, and he does not come." Why, I call upon you to bid you farewell. "Why, I suppose, what you have always been, monseigneur, - a valiant prince, and an excellent gentleman." "Why, monseigneur, this is mere exaggeration; and hitherto you have shown nothing exaggerated save in bravery." - Why do you not advise me to marry her? "Why, you may have observed, monsieur, my inventory is being taken." Why, then, should he, who was going in quest of such treasure, set any store by the poor utensils of his past life? "Why, and then, monseigneur, as there was a little wind from the southwest, the boat drifted into the sands of Sainte-Marguerite's." Why not? Why have you this fear, Athos? "Why, that by seeing her closely with the eyes of a jealous man - " "Well?" Why, it is that it tells everything, except the thing which exhales, like a mortal poison from your eyes and from your heart; except the senseless love which still consumes you. Why did you not write simply these words: "'MADEMOISELLE, - Instead of cursing you, I love you and I die. Why had they not seen him as usual make his fine horse curvet in such beautiful style, to the delight and astonishment of the curious from the king's balcony? Why," replied D'Artagnan, "yes; there were M. de la Guillotiere, M. de Manchy, M. de Bragelonne - " La Valliere became pale. Why did he not dare to say, from thence to Belle-Isle? Why was not this order on the chest of M. Colbert? "Why not, madame?" Why does he not come on? "Why, _you_ in the first place." Why did you wait till to-day to pay me such a compliment? "Why did not your majesty do his first minister the honor of giving him notice of this in Paris?" "Why, certainly, if you wish to do so." Why did any one presume to order them to enter? Why, by forcing them to assist in this pillage, have they been made accomplices in it? "Why did you leave him on the road?" "Why do you employ the words, 'if you carry it out well'?" Why do you say 'that'? "Why should you see them, Porthos?" "Why, what is there so terrific in the cavern?" "Why, you went in yourself." "Why do you come to accost me with twelve horsemen at your heels, then?" Why surround me with spies? Why disgrace me before the army? Why me, in whom till now you showed the most entire confidence - who for thirty years have been attached to your person, and have given you a thousand proofs of my devotion - for it must be said, now that I am accused - why reduce me to see three thousand of the king's soldiers march in battle against two men? Why have you judged me prematurely? Why should I do it? Why, poor M. Fouquet," continued the falconer, in a low voice. Why have I not seen you? "Why - sire - " said she. Why such a large land army? Why should he not be bad, if he can prosper by wickedness? "Why has he brought so many men with him?" Why, then, should we not reduce our general government to a very simple organization and a very unexpensive one--a few plain duties to be performed by a few servants? Why not assist Hamet to recover his throne? Why not, in frontier parlance, start a back-fire that would make Tripoli too hot for Yusuf? Why not seize the opportunity and strike before the French legions occupied the country? Why? Why did he hesitate? Why not accept the British right of navigation--surely an unimportant point after all--and ask for an express affirmation of fishery rights? Why not proceed to act on our own responsibility and recognize these governments as independent, instead of taking the lead of the Holy Alliance in a course which jeopardizes the happiness of unborn millions? Why, then, yield an incomparably richer and greater territory for that which was bound to become theirs whenever the American people wished to take it? Why," exclaimed Canning, "do you not KNOW that we have a claim? Why, indeed? Why have I alluded to this man? Why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned? Why could I never please? Why was it useless to try to win any one's favour? Why did they send me so far and so lonely, Up where the moors spread and grey rocks are piled? Why do you tremble so violently? Why don't you come when you are called? "Why, I shall soon be away from you, and besides" -- I was going to say something about what had passed between me and Mrs. Reed, but on second thoughts I considered it better to remain silent on that head. "Why?" Why," thought I, "does she not explain that she could neither clean her nails nor wash her face, as the water was frozen? Why, in defiance of every precept and principle of this house, does she conform to the world so openly -- here in an evangelical, charitable establishment -- as to wear her hair one mass of curls? Why, there are only eighty people who have heard you called so, and the world contains hundreds of millions. Why, then, should we ever sink overwhelmed with distress, when life is so soon over, and death is so certain an entrance to happiness -- to glory? "Why?" Why did I not spend these sweet days of liberty with her? Why are you come here, Jane? "Why, Miss Eyre, though Mr. Rochester's visits here are rare, they are always sudden and unexpected; and as I observed that it put him out to find everything swathed up, and to have a bustle of arrangement on his arrival, I thought it best to keep the rooms in readiness." "Why?" "Why, no -- perhaps not." "Why should he shun it?" Why not? Why, you have saved my life! Why had he enjoined me, too, to secrecy? Why my hand shook, and why I involuntarily spilt half the contents of my cup into my saucer, I did not choose to consider. "Why, I suppose you have a governess for her: I saw a person with her just now -- is she gone?" "Why did you not come and speak to me in the room?" Why can she not influence him more, when she is privileged to draw so near to him? "Why, she's a real sorceress!" Why don't you tremble? "Why don't you turn pale?" "Why don't you consult my art?" Why did he so quietly submit to the concealment Mr. Rochester enforced? Why DID Mr. Rochester enforce this concealment? Why had the mere name of this unresisting individual -- whom his word now sufficed to control like a child -- fallen on him, a few hours since, as a thunderbolt might fall on an oak? "Why, you see, Miss Eyre, it is not a common mishap: his life has been very wild: these last three years he gave himself up to strange ways, and his death was shocking." "Why?" Why did I never hear of this? "Why?" Why do you smile, Jane? "Why not, sir?" "Why?" "Why, Jane, what would you have?" Why? Why, the day is already commenced which is to bind us indissolubly; and when we are once united, there shall be no recurrence of these mental terrors: I guarantee that. "Why, Jane?" Why do you importune me about her! Why did you shake your head? Why are you silent, Jane? Why do I struggle to retain a valueless life? Why, she can't he above seventeen or eighteen years old, St. John," said she. "Why?" Why -- nothing. Why are you so very shy, and so very sombre? "Why?" Why should I, when both he and I were happier near than apart? Why not, Mr. Why did he wish it? Why do you remain pertinaciously perched on my knee, when I have given you notice to quit? Why am I not permitted to recount all the little anecdotes of that thrice happy age, at the recollection of whose joys I ever tremble with delight? Why did I not experience a moment of embarrassment, timidity or restraint? Why should I now disguise my thoughts? Why not? Why deprive myself of the actual charm of my enjoyments to inform others what I enjoyed? Why, in naming the most amiable, cannot I recall them and myself also to that happy age in which our moments, pleasing as innocent, were passed with such happiness together? Why, instead of transports that should have intoxicated me with their deliciousness, did I experience only fears and repugnance? Why, my dear friend, do I not see you? Why such a profound mystery? Why disturb the peace of a solitary mortal who had renounced the pleasures of life, that he might no longer suffer the fatigues of them. Why do you both attack me by a weakness which I must overcome, because in the distance by which we are separated, the over-flowings of susceptible hearts cannot bring mine near to you? Why do not you reside at Clarens? Why am I, who am so sensible of the modest generosity of this bookseller, so little so of the noisy eagerness of many persons of the highest rank, who pompously fill the world with accounts of the services they say they wished to render me, but the good effects of which I never felt? Why have I not had reason to shed them more frequently? Why did I not go to Neuchatel? Why came they to see me with such an equipage? Why repeat their visit? Why were they so desirous of having me for their host? Why should they do so? Why irritate to madness these hordes of enthusiasts, who were now entirely pacific, and who marched back to the city, after conclusion of divine service, with perfect decorum? Why do you not redeem your pledge and enable me to leave the place at once. Why should not these mock prosecutions be dispensed with against individuals, now that a common sentence had swallowed the whole population in one vast grave? Why should Meghem's loitering and mutinous troops, arriving at the eleventh hour, share in the triumph and the spoil? --"Why does not your Most Christian master," asked Alva, "order these Frenchmen in Mons to come to him under oath to make no disturbance? Why has the Almighty suffered such crimes to be perpetrated in His sacred name? Why has poor Netherland thus become degenerate and bastard? Why do ye murmur that we do not break our vows and surrender the city to the Spaniards? Why should not the Antwerp executioners claim equal commendation? Why then was it not competent to other provinces, with equal allegiance to the treaty, to sanction the Reformed religion within their limits? Why, being thus oppressed, should they still give their sovereign-- exactly as if he were well conducting himself--the honor and title of lord of the land? Why have I lost my brothers? Why have I left my son so long a prisoner? Why have I put my life so often in, danger? Why was he there? Why had Elizabeth done such violence to her affection as to part with her favourite-in-chief; and so far overcome her thrift, as to furnish forth, rather meagrely to be sure, that little army of Englishmen? Why had the flower of England's chivalry set foot upon that dark and bloody ground where there seemed so much disaster to encounter, and so little glory to reap? Why had England thrown herself so heroically into the breach, just as the last bulwarks were falling which protected Holland from the overwhelming onslaught of Spain? Why, why did you not write yourself? Why, if he were really of so high quality as had been reported, was he thus neglected, and at last disgraced? Why did not they formally offer the sovereignty of the Provinces to the Queen without conditions? Why her Majesty useth me thus strangely, I know not," he observed. Why? Why does your master," said the choleric veteran to the trumpeter, "why does Prince Maurice, being a lusty young commander as he is, not come out of his trenches into the open field and fight me like a man, where honour and fame await him? Why, therefore, these Dunkirk sea-rovers should not on the same principle be allowed to rush forth from their very convenient den to plunder friend and foe, burn ships, and butcher the sailors at pleasure, seems difficult to understand. Why should we not demand, or help ourselves to, a few good cities. Why did the archdukes not declare their intentions openly and at once? Why should they of all other people be made an exception of, and be exempt from, the action of a general edict? Why had Maurice opposed the treaty? Why should van der Myle strut about, with his arms akimbo like a peacock? Why should either Calvinists or Lutherans be tolerated in Styria? Why, indeed? Why, it is only a line in favour of John," said the prisoner, sitting quietly down to write this letter: "Very dear wife and children, it is going to an end with me. Why, government by parties and through party machinery is the only possible method by which a free government can accomplish the purpose of its existence. Why, then, go bid them come ashore, And bring with them their bills of entry: I hope our credit in the custom-house Will serve as well as I were present there. Why, how now, countrymen! Why flock you thus to me in multitudes? Why, let 'em come, so they come not to war; Or let 'em war, so we be conquerors.-- Nay, let 'em combat, conquer, and kill all, So they spare me, my daughter, and my wealth. Why, Barabas, they come for peace or war. Why, Barabas, wilt thou be christened? Why, know you what you did by this device? Why, I esteem the injury far less, To take the lives of miserable men Than be the causers of their misery. Why weep you not to think upon my wrongs? Why pine not I, and die in this distress? Why, Barabas, as hardly can we brook The cruel handling of ourselves in this: Thou seest they have taken half our goods. Why did you yield to their extortion? Why, so. Why, how now, Don Mathias! Why, the rich Jew's daughter. Why should this Turk be dearer than that Moor? Why, this is something: make account of me As of thy fellow; we are villains both; Both circumcised; we hate Christians both: Be true and secret; thou shalt want no gold. Why, loves she Don Mathias? Why on the sudden is your colour chang'd? Why, was there ever seen such villany, So neatly plotted, and so well perform'd? Why, how now, Ithamore! Why, what ail'st thou? Why, know you not? Why, no. Why, the devil inverted a challenge, my master writ it, and I carried it, first to Lodowick, and imprimis to Mathia[s]; And then they met, [and], as the story says, In doleful wise they ended both their days. Why, Abigail, it is not yet long since That I did labour thy admission, And then thou didst not like that holy life. Why, made mine Abigail a nun. Why, master, will you poison her with a mess of rice- porridge? Why, what has he done? Why, what of them? Why, go, get you away. Why does he go to thy house? Why, brother, you converted Abigail; And I am bound in charity to requite it, And so I will. Why, true; therefore did I place him there: The other chambers open towards the street. Why, how now, Jacomo! Why, stricken him that would have struck at me. Why, a Turk could ha' done no more. Why so? Why, want'st thou any of thy tale?<163> PILIA-BORZA. Why, sir, You know I have no child, and unto whom Should I leave all, but unto Ithamore? Why, now I see that you have art, indeed: There, carpenters, divide that gold amongst you; [Giving money. Why, is not this A kingly kind of trade, to purchase towns By treachery, and sell 'em by deceit? Why, heard'st thou not the trumpet sound a charge? Why, then the house was fir'd, Blown up, and all thy soldiers massacred. Why, any: Fraud, Or Covetousness, or LADY VANITY, Or old Iniquity. Why does he go to thy house? Why should I be afraid? Why should I fear? Why have I never been taken among the Monkey People? Why didst thou not warn the man-cub? Why did I not warn thee against the Monkey-Folk instead of breaking thy head? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why can't you be sensible and settle your places quietly? Why can't people stay where they belong? Why should not I eat birds? Why should Petersen Sahib have chosen me to go down with you donkeys of the rice fields? Why, it took me three years to find out what the men were driving at. Why are you so stupid? Why do you come back so late? Why should we? Why does he gaze so fixedly at the people that pass him by, and why do they in turn stand and look at him? "Why do you mock me?" "Why," he said in great surprise. Why the mother will be in a tremendous scare, and before your master and mistress know what to do, you must run after me and rescue the child and take it home safely to its parents, and you will see that when the butcher comes they won't have the heart to sell you. "Why is my liver so important to you?" Why I shall die! Why should I pause, thou villain? Why do you men want so many boats? Why are you so impatient? "Why," answered the old man, "it is a matter of course that a father should bring up his son." Why do you ask such an unnecessary question? Why doesn't he come? Why do you go, sir? Why do ye turn away, Jude? Why should he frighten them away? "Why?" Why, the very sons of the old women who do the washing of the colleges can talk in Latin--not good Latin, that I admit, as a critic: dog- Latin--cat-Latin, as we used to call it in my undergraduate days. Why should he not write to the schoolmaster, and ask him to be so kind as to get him the grammars in Christminster? Why not ask him to send any old second-hand copies, which would have the charm of being mellowed by the university atmosphere? Why, on the limb there where it branches off--close to the moving leaf --there! "Why?" Why are you in such a hurry to go in to-night? "Why do you do such a strange thing?" "Why, of course--little things to make." Why, of course, so unprepared as I was, without a stick of furniture, and hardly a shilling, I shouldn't have hurried on our affair, and brought you to a half-furnished hut before I was ready, if it had not been for the news you gave me, which made it necessary to save you, ready or no.... Good God! Why, statuary? Why, yes, she's the daughter of that clever chap Bridehead who did all the wrought ironwork at St. Silas' ten years ago, and went away to London afterwards. Why must you leave Christminster? "Why don't you try teaching again?" Why, one day when she was walking into the pond with her shoes and stockings off, and her petticoats pulled above her knees, afore I could cry out for shame, she said: 'Move on, Aunty! Why, to the seat of l'arning--the 'City of Light' you used to talk to us about as a little boy! Why couldn't I know better than address utter strangers in such a way? Why, I fell asleep, didn't I? "Why?" "Why not?--frightening me like this!" "Why did you return from Australia?" Why the devil didn't you tell me last, night! Why did you? Why do you look at me like that? "Why do you repeat it?" Why? Why should you be so glad to go back to her if--if what you used to say to me is still true--I mean if it were true then! Why, you'll be suffocated if you stay all night! Why, that's what you were doing when I married you. "Why can't we agree to free each other?" Why can't you act upon them? Why you haven't been here--let me see--since you were married? "Why not?" Why do you change like this? "Why?" Why don't you! Why are you so gross! Why should you get into such a tantrum about nothing? Why shouldn't I? Why should she? Why? "Why did you say that, dear?" Why, that's a long way from here; a'most out in the country; and the folks will be gone to bed. "Why didn't your friends come to meet 'ee?" Why? "Why was that?" Why--it is a wedding here too," he said. Why when I and my poor man were married we thought no more o't than of a game o' dibs! Why? "Why?" Why? "Why mustn't we go there, Father?" Why did you choose to sell gingerbreads? Why, they are windows and towers, and pinnacles! Why don't you go back to school-keeping? Why should they care if they were known? Why should you care so much for Christminster? Why--it is Remembrance Day!--Jude--how sly of you--you came to-day on purpose! "Why the bells--what church can that be?" Why should they have been taken away, and not I! Why don't you speak to me, Jude? "Why did you do it, Sue?" Why didn't I tell him pleasant untruths, instead of half-realities? Why can't I? Why do you talk in such a changed way? Why not? "Why so--in the name of all that's perverse, my dear?" Why should she do that? Why did you intrude here? Why do I come? Why, I should have thought 'twould have united them more. "Why, of course I will." "Why?" "Why, yes it has!" Why! Why didn't you keep your health, deceiving one like this? ... Why do you tempt me so far, Jude! "Why should ye?" Why couldn't he have been here! Why did he die just now! "Why not?" Why then, when Judaea fell, did the Jews remain? Why pay rent? Why not own your own home? Why do you not tell her to try Dr. Lanahan's Life Preservers? Why, since it had been built, no less than four families that their informant could name had tried to buy it and failed. Why, no," said Jadvyga. Why--why--" he exclaimed. Why! Why did you go out again? Why do you lie to me? "Why can't you do it?" Why at least had they not left him alone--why, after they had shut him in jail, must they be ringing Christmas chimes in his ears! Why not, Jurgis? "Why don't yer say so then?" Why, they had put their very souls into their payments on that house, they had paid for it with their sweat and tears--yes, more, with their very lifeblood. Why, it was monstrous--it could not be allowed--there must be some help for it! "Why the hell didn't you say so before?" "Why did you leave there?" Why, he stood as much chance of getting a job in Packingtown as of being chosen mayor of Chicago. Why had he wasted his time hunting? Why don't you hassome supper? Why don't you go home, then, same's me? Why, say, thass good! "Why, Dewey--this' my fren', Mr. Rednose--ole fren' the guv'ner's!" "Why, yes, your Honor, I had--" "What did you have?" Why don't you quit Chicago with me, Jurgis? Why not? Why don't you take your chance and fix yourself? Why not? Why? Why not? "Why, he's one of Scully's biggest men--he's a member of the War-Whoop League, and they talked of sending him to the legislature!" Why, he can send you to Joliet, if he wants to! Why did you come? Why not? Why should any one else speak, after that miraculous man--why should they not all sit in silence? Why should any one want to ask such questions, after an address like that? Why art weeping, lovely Aino, Aino, my devoted daughter? Why so long hast thou been absent, Where hast thou so long been hiding? Why is Tapio so humored, That he gave his dearest treasure, Gave to thee his Forest-apple, Honey-eater of his kingdom? Why should I sing other legends, Chant them in the glen and forest, Sing them on the hill and heather? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities? Why hast thou done this? Why? Why go ye about to kill me? Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why, at the moment when the soul of a dying man shall come up into his throat, And when ye are gazing at him, Though we are nearer to him than ye, although ye see us not:– Why do ye not, if ye are to escape the judgment, Cause that soul to return? Why, then, are ye turned aside from Him? Why dispute about Abraham,27 when the Law and the Evangel were not sent down till after him? Why wittingly hide the truth? Why are ye two parties on the subject of the hypocrites, when God hath cast them off for their doings? Why should God inflict a chastisement upon you, if ye are grateful, and believe? Why didst thou give them leave to stay behind, ere they who make true excuses had become known to thee, and thou hadst known the liars? Why should not a clergyman turn thief as well as anybody else? Why, mother, this very cheque was given to a butcher who had threatened a few days before to post bills all about the county, giving an account of the debt that was due to him, if the money was not paid at once. Why should he not marry Grace--if she would have him--and take her away beyond the reach of her father's calamity? Why should he not throw over his own people altogether, money, position, society, and all, and give himself up to love? Why should he not do the magnificent thing? Why should he not do the magnificent thing after all? Why should I want a lawyer? Why does not your voice ascend to heaven with one loud wail against the cruelty of man? Why are the people here? Why should I want assistance? Why do you trouble the man? Why then had he said that it had come from the dean? 'Why didn't somebody make him have an attorney? Why do you do this? Why should you go? Why should you go about the parish? Why would you persuade me not to go out among my poor? Why is papa up so early? Why did you not come up to dinner? Why had not his twelve o'clock letters been sent up to him to the West End? Why not? Why did Mr Eames know all about it? Why had not Mr Eames not sent them up? Why didn't Jane and Betsy come and help us? 'Why should Mr Thumble retire? Why should I look at the letter? 'Why should I have a lawyer? Why are they not given up to the church, as they ought to be? Why should I? 'Why, such a regular Bluebeard! Why doesn't What's-his-name have real silver forks? Why shouldn't I flirt with her daughter? 'Why not, if you like it? Why should she not be his? 'Why should you? Why Dobbs,' said the painter, 'there's something wrong with you. Why not? Why don't you take my cousin John? Why should it not? Why, you saw her just this last minute,' said Lady Julia. 'Why should two go when one can do the work? Why do you come to me if you won't take my advice? Why should I look at them? 'Why has she refused him? 'Why should I wait? 'Why not today? Why should he teach himself to care for such things, when he has not the spirit to enjoy them,' said the archdeacon to himself. Why do you fret yourself in that way? 'Why should they take three months? Why should they take more than three days--or three hours? Why shouldn't I be glad to see him? Why should she answer any such question? Why shouldn't I smoke in my own room? 'Why should I stay for her? Why don't you trust me out and out, and then I could do a deal better for you. 'Why doesn't he give me a cheque for the money? Why should I take his note-of-hand? Why don't he give it me? Why are you not gone this half-hour? Why should not Dalrymple paint Miss Van Siever as well as any other lady? Why I'm half carried away and half left behind. 'Why do you not do what I tell you? 'Why, he's my cousin--or rather, my wife's. 'Why shouldn't he be as fit as anyone else? Why, Mussy, what d'ye think?--there's Carter, Ricketts and Carter;--I'm blessed if Carter just now didn't beg for two months, as though two months would be all the world to him, and that for a trumpery five hundred pounds. 'Why don't you go to your bankers? Why not, indeed, if you like to have tallow-chandlers next door to you? Why should I be dismissed from your room without a reason? Why didn't you go away when I asked you? Why had he left Lily to go to Madalina? Why the mischief didn't Miss Van Siever come! Why should you? Why don't you have an "it" for yourself? 'Why did you not go away and leave me that day when I told you? Why had not Lady Lufton told him that Henry Grantly was coming to Framley Court? Why had the archdeacon been careful of his money, adding house to house and field to field? Why had the foolish fellow been in such a hurry with his hideous ill- conditioned advertisements? Why had they not told him that she was such a one as this? Why had not Henry himself spoken of the speciality of her beauty? 'Why shouldn't you have a closer interest in it? Why should she be accused of morbid sentiment because she was unable to transfer her affections to a man who had been fixed on as her future husband by the large circle of acquaintances who had interested themselves in her affairs? Why else should she come here with such a story? Why should you take any step till the trial be over? Why, at any rate, should the things be sold before anyone knew whether the father of the young lady was or was not to be regarded as a thief? Why have you come back? Why do you not speak to me? 'Why should he wait below?,' said Mrs Van Siever, very angrily. Why do you not turn round and speak to me properly? Why do you not rally, and get to your work like a man? Why have you taken upon yourself to send that man to Hogglestock? Why should you throw away a chance, even if it be a bad one? Why do you want to know the name of my clerk? Why did he say then that I paid it to him? Why not? Why had John Eames, at the very moment when he should have been doing his best to drive from her breast the memory of past follies--when he would have striven to do so had he really been earnest in his suit-- why at such a moment had he allowed himself to correspond in terms of affection with such a woman as M D? Why was it so? Why am I not to talk about it? 'Why not, Lily? Why should anyone weep for those who go away full of years--and full of hope? 'Why should you not? Why should he? Why, oh why, have I betrayed myself? Why? Why did we meet at that fatal woman's house? Why should I be afraid? Why should you love me? Why, who Am I, my mungrel? Why, I pray you, have I Been countenanced by you, or you by me? Why, so it does. Why, if your part exceed to-day, I hope Ours may, to-morrow match it. Why, so, my good baboons! Why should you wish so? Why now, sir, talk. Why, sir -- [OFFERING TO WHISPER FACE. Why he does ask one but for cups and horses, A rifling fly; none of your great familiars. Why, this changes quite the case. Why then, sir, I'll try. Why, as you please; my venture follows yours. Why, this is strange! Why, how now, Abel! Why, now, you smoaky persecutor of nature! Why, what's the matter? Why, I have heard he must be homo frugi, A pious, holy, and religious man, One free from mortal sin, a very virgin. Why, this is covetise! Why, what have you observ'd, sir, in our art, Seems so impossible? Why, I think that the greater miracle. -- Why sent hither? Why, rascal! Why do you ask? Why, this doth qualify! Why, thus it should be, now you understand. Why, this is a lucky day. Why, would you be A gallant, and not game? Why, Nab here knows him. Why, lay him back awhile, With some device. Why, this is yet A kind of modern happiness, to have Dol Common for a great lady. Why, you are like it. Why, you must entertain him. Why, have them up, and shew them Some fustian book, or the dark glass. Why Dol's employ'd, you know. Why, Her name is so, by her other husband. Why, have you so? Why, sir? Why, if it do, What remedy? Why, you can do't as well, if you would set to't. Why, now's the time, if ever you will quarrel Well, as they say, and be a true-born child: The doctor and your sister both are abused. Why, this is madness, sir, Not valour in you; I must laugh at this. Why? Why, what's the matter? Why this is stranger: The neighbours tell me all here that the doors Have still been open -- FACE. Why, then triumph and sing Of Face so famous, the precious king Of present wits. -- Why do you not thank her grace? Why you the keys? "Why?" Why have we no father, like other boys? "Why do you search for it?" Why? Why not mention these almost divinely childish sayings of kindness? "Why?" "Why do you not go to the inn?" Why did you not carry them away with your forks and spoons? Why? Why Fantine? "Why did you not bring it at once?" Why was that fore-carriage of a truck in that place in the street? Why does that gentleman never come except at nightfall? Why does Mr. So-and-So never hang his key on its nail on Tuesday? Why does he always take the narrow streets? Why does Madame always descend from her hackney-coach before reaching her house? Why does she send out to purchase six sheets of note paper, when she has a "whole stationer's shop full of it? Why? Why, I should be horrible! Why, it is a fortune! Why are they thus? Why did he go away? "Why not?" Why did you not apply to me? Why? Why, I know that man! "Why, I thought that I had said to Monsieur le Maire that the case was to be tried to-morrow, and that I am to set out by diligence to- night." Why, I should be a blackguard! Why should I meddle? (Why Romainville? Why was he hastening? Why was he going to Arras? "Why do you say, `Ah?" "Why not?" Why should he feel joy at turning back? Why are you talking so low? Why does he not come? Why not? Why, certainly. "Why?" Why is everybody pursuing me so furiously? Why did not you place her on my bed against the moment of my waking? Why is water not drawn there? Why? Why? "Why?" "Why!" "Why, the little one, you know!" Why this interest? Why this hideous costume, when he had so much money in his purse? Why? Why, I am covering my melons, of course! Why had not Javert arrested Jean Valjean? Why are you weeping, my child? Why? Why will you have nothing to do with me? Why? Why do you say more often? Why? "Why not?" Why, no," said he, "I have not my card. Why did that fool die? Why? Why are you doing that at the gate? Why? Why was he called Little Gavroche? Why not accept the whole of history? Why not love the whole of France? "Why?" Why should he! Why? Why had his father died so early, before his time, before the justice, the love of his son had come to him? Why? Why was it driving at a walk? Why? Why? "Why?" Why should he do it? Why are they turned out? Why did you leave my house? Why did I follow her? Why, it is his figure, it is his face, only older,--there are people who do not grow old, I don't know how they manage it,--it is the very sound of his voice. Why, in the first place, the other was hideous, and this one is not so bad-looking! "Why?" "Why?" "Why?" Why have you taken off your mask? Why, I'm taking things into consideration and making a sacrifice on my side. "Why, it's the old lady," said the lad. Why? Why? "Why not?" Why had he not called for help? Why had he fled? Why do you wear old hats like this! Why had Jean Valjean quitted the convent of the Petit-Picpus? Why, that is very bad! Why not? "Why?" Why do you not work? Why? Why don't you have a cat? Why, argot is horrible! Why should one not explore everything, and study everything? Why should one halt on the way? Why? Why, no, thy name is Cosette. "Why, yes." Why does there come an hour when one emerges from this azure, and why does life go on afterwards? "Why do you call me you?" Why, it's Monsieur Brujon. "Why do you say you to me?" Why, I should have to have money, and I have none! "Why?" Why? "Why are they fighting?" Why a battle, in the first place? Why? Why did not he attack at once? "Why?" Why, you know perfectly well, I'm the concierge; my name is Mother Veuvain. Why don't you give me a gun? Why not? Why do you insult me? "Why all?" Why sacrifice forty? Why was he there? Why did you not kill the man? Why? Why? Why didn't you toss the man in there? Why is it so? Why? Why was he in these woods? "Why not to-day?" Why did they fight, why did Diomed the divine break over the head of Meriones that great brazen helmet of ten points? Why had this agent preserved silence? Why did this man give no sign of life to Marius, who owed everything to him? Why had not that man appeared again? "Why not?" Why is it so solid? Why should I do it? Why had that man taken to flight on the arrival of the police, instead of entering a complaint? "Why do you change your name?" Why? Why not profit by your riches? Why, no," said Jean Valjean. Why? Why," said she, "Monsieur Jean has not been here today. Why not to-day? Why so many precautions? Why have you stayed away so long? Why did you not let us know? Why tell all that? Why," said the official, in real or feigned astonishment, "this is as much as a first-class lawyer would have charged. Why, we do not know. Why he withheld this report from the public for so many years, especially in view of the general demand for it, does not precisely appear. "Why?" Why did he not save infinite trouble by calling for five-year enlistments at the beginning? Why, it's turning into a sort of mist now, I declare! `Why, it's a Looking-glass book, of course! `Why all round her head, of course,' the Rose replied. `Why, we passed it ten minutes ago! `Why, I do believe we've been under this tree the whole time! Why, his time is worth a thousand pounds a minute! Why, the smoke alone is worth a thousand pounds a puff! `Why do you wish _I_ had made it? `Why, about YOU! Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream! Why, I do believe it's got wings! `Why, I've done all the screaming already,' said the Queen. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Why, it's got branches, I declare! `Why do you sit out here all alone? `Why, because there's nobody with me! Why, if ever I DID fall off-- which there's no chance of--but IF I did--' Here he pursed his lips and looked so solemn and grand that Alice could hardly help laughing. Why, it's as much as _I_ can do to see real people, by this light! `Why one to come and one to go? `Why the Lion and the Unicorn, of course,' said the King. `Why, I beat you all round the town, you chicken! `Why, don't you see, child--' here she broke off with a frown, and, after thinking for a minute, suddenly changed the subject of the conversation. Why, this is passing strange! Why suffer'dst thou so long The pain in silence? Why stand we here idle? Why are the bass strings loaded with coils of wire? Why is this? Why else that solemn warning given, 'If not on earth, we meet in heaven! Why else, to Cambus-kenneth's fane, If eve return him not again, Am I to hie and make me known? Why sounds yon stroke on beech and oak, Our moonlight circle's screen? Why sounds, etc. Why rises high the staghound's cry, Where staghound ne'er should be? Why wakes that horn the silent morn, Without the leave of me? "Why not?" Why, a Yankee crook would be into that with a can-opener. Why won't he get up? Why the disaster? Why this man saved and that man lost? Why fly my thoughts abroad, when everything around me appears at home? Why has nature so many charms for me--calling forth and cherishing refined sentiments, only to wound the breast that fosters them? Why am I talking of friendship, after which I have had such a wild- goose chase. Why? Why, madam," said he to me one day, "you will not meet with a man who has any calf to his leg; body and soul, muscles and heart, are equally shrivelled up by a thirst of gain. Why, to snap the chain of thought, I must say farewell. Why should I weep for myself? Why? Why do you sell nothing but music? Why did you not long ago follow my well-meant advice? Why do you conceal your necessities from me? Why so many dishes? Why, where is Amy's bottle of cologne? Why don't you go and try it? Why, what the dickens has come to the fellow? "Why not?" Why? Why, I owe at least a dozen pickled limes, and I can't pay them, you know, till I have money, for Marmee forbade my having anything charged at the shop. Why, you see, the girls are always buying them, and unless you want to be thought mean, you must do it too. Why not? Why, you are never angry! Why should I complain, when we both have merely done our duty and will surely be the happier for it in the end? "Why not, Cherie?" Why don't you send home for another? Why not? Why didn't you pop out and tell them so on the spot? Why, I left a pair over there, and here is only one," said Meg, looking at the gray cotton glove. Why, there is Ned Moffat, I do declare. Why, you pile up your hands, choose a number, and draw out in turn, and the person who draws at the number has to answer truly any question put by the rest. Why don't you learn? Why, you see, Jo is crazy about horses and so am I, but we've only got an old sidesaddle and no horse. Why don't you say you'd have a splendid, wise, good husband and some angelic little children? "Why did you go alone?" "Why?" Why? Why, Jo, your stories are works of Shakespeare compared to half the rubbish that is published every day. Why? Why don't you go yourself? Why? Why, you see I got fidgety, and so did Grandpa. Why weren't we all boys, then there wouldn't be any bother. "Why not?" Why were you treated so? Why not? Why Mr. March paused a minute just there, and after a glance at Meg, who was violently poking the fire, looked at his wife with an inquiring lift of the eyebrows, I leave you to imagine. "Why didn't you go into the kitchen and make messes, as Sallie says she does to amuse herself, though they never turn out well and the servants laugh at her," said Meg. Why, have you got into a scrape and want to know how he'll take it? "Why should they?" "Why, Mother, how can you think of such a thing?" Why in the world should you spend your money, worry your family, and turn the house upside down for a parcel of girls who don't care a sixpence for you? Why didn't you tell me before I came home? Why not? Why, she wanted a pair of blue boots for Sallie's party, so she just painted her soiled white ones the loveliest shade of sky blue you ever saw, and they looked exactly like satin," added Jo, with an air of pride in her sister's accomplishments that exasperated Amy till she felt that it would be a relief to throw her cardcase at her. "Why, it's funny, and amuses people." Why do you always avoid Mr. Why, girls, you needn't praise me so. Why can't I learn to keep it quiet? "Why, Mother, she has seemed unusually well since the babies came." Why, Mother, Beth's eighteen, but we don't realize it, and treat her like a child, forgetting she's a woman. "Why, you know I don't mind hard jobs much, and there must always be one scrub in a family." "Why, Jo?" "Why, please?" Why everybody liked him was what puzzled Jo, at first. Why not go abroad, as you planned, and forget it? "Why, Jo, how could I, when he was so fond of you?" Why, you see, he hates to travel, and I hate to keep still, so we each suit ourselves, and there is no trouble. "Why, Mother, I thought you'd take my part!" "Why should you, with so much energy and talent?" Why, if you please? Why, I was sure she loved you dearly. Why don't you do something splendid, and make her love you? Why don't you write? Why didn't you let us know afterward? Why, it seems only yesterday that I was buttoning Amy's pinafore, and pulling your hair when you teased. Why Dodo, when she caught him in the china closet half an hour afterward, nearly squeezed the breath out of his little body with a tender embrace, instead of shaking him for being there, and why she followed up this novel performance by the unexpected gift of a big slice of bread and jelly, remained one of the problems over which Demi puzzled his small wits, and was forced to leave unsolved forever. "Why did you let them do that?" Why should I want to please anybody? Why, I can fly, you know, having the wings of an Eagle," explained the Nome. Why should I do that? Why, then you could eat it," said the sailor-man. "Why, to take us to the island." "Why not?" Why, I'm not afraid to go anywhere, if the Cowardly Lion is with me," she said. "Why did you come here, anyway?" Why, that's impossible," declared the Glass Cat. "Why not find the Goose, first?" Why did you do it? Why not? "Why, I haven't any family or any relations," returned the Duck. "Why don't you make a few friends, and find something to do?" Why so? Why didn't you tell me before? Why should I? Why not? Why, the roots are now a part of you, and if you were transformed to a bumblebee the whole of you would be transformed, of course, and you'd be free of this awful island. Why, I ate one of them and the Cowardly Lion ate the other. Why, I'd almost forgotten them," was the reply; "but I believe they are still here in my pocket. Why, I thought you were a dreadful magician," she exclaimed, "and you're only a boy! "Why, in that case, it's lucky for him he drank the Water of Oblivion," said Dorothy. Why, the painter man has not made an ill job," said the landlord, "but I would fain have something more connected with the book that has brought me so much good custom. Why need my tongue the issue tell? Why sits that champion of the dames Inactive on his steed, And sees, between him and his land, 605 Between him and Tweed's southern strand, His host Lord Surrey lead? Why then a final note prolong, Or lengthen out a closing song, Unless to bid the gentles speed, Who long have listed to my rede? Why, save the man, what wisdom's in him that 'a should come to Weydon for a job of that sort this time o' year? Why shouldn't they put 'em up and sell 'em by auction to men who are in need of such articles? Why, begad, I'd sell mine this minute if anybody would buy her! Why did we hinder our time by coming in here? "Why?" Why, surely," said Elizabeth, as they receded, "those men mentioned the name of Henchard in their talk--the name of our relative? Why, 'tis a great public dinner of the gentle-people and such like leading volk--wi' the Mayor in the chair. "Why--O what?" Why do you feel so afraid of him? Why, my good maid, he's the powerfullest member of the Town Council, and quite a principal man in the country round besides. Why, seeing that it was pre-eminently an airy, accessible, and sequestered spot for interviews, the cheerfullest form of those occurrences never took kindly to the soil of the ruin, would be a curious inquiry. Why did you keep silent like this? Why, this difficulty about our living together again, and Elizabeth- Jane. Why, my blessed fathers, what an ado you women make about a trifle! Why would I be? Why do people always want Mr. Why, there's nothing to be angry about! Why should you say it--think it? Why don't they come? Why they stared at her so helplessly, as if waiting for the touch of some wand that should release them from terrestrial constraint; what that chaos called consciousness, which spun in her at this moment like a top, tended to, and began in. "Why?" Why SHOULD death rob life o' fourpence? Why do you lower yourself so confoundedly? Why, ye'll disgrace me to the dust! Why, you are late," she said, taking hold of Elizabeth- Jane's hands. "Why?" Why should she have answered as she did? Why? Why was this? Why, it is a sort of agricultural piano," she said. Why, of course I have called, Lucetta," he said. "Why?" Why did ye let me go on, hey?--when a word of doubt from you or anybody would have made me think twice! Why, he'll soon be Mayor! Why not? Why, you see, sir, all the women side with Farfrae--being a damn young dand--of the sort that he is--one that creeps into a maid's heart like the giddying worm into a sheep's brain--making crooked seem straight to their eyes! "Why did you come here to find me, then?" Why are there so many idlers round the Town Hall to-day? Why? Why, you HAVE married him! Why did you not tell me, instead of teasing me like this? Why the devil didn't they take it?--I don't want what don't belong to me! Why the unhappy hereabout usually chose the bridges for their meditations in preference to a railing, a gate, or a stile, was not so clear. Why d'ye say only a dozen days? Why, if I were to show that to her dear husband-- pooh! Why should he do it? "Why--you old goosey--I was only speaking in a general sense, of course!" "Why, bless the woman!--I packed up every scrap of your handwriting to give you in the coach--but you never appeared." Why--Joe closed wi' me, and we rolled down together, close to his garden hedge. Why--it is your husband's old patron! Why, I've had one too, so we are both under the same cold shade. Why does the infernal fool begin that now! Why didn't ye take your holiday like the rest of the men? Why had he not, before this, thought of what was only too obvious? Why do you take off that? "Why do you say that?" Why that one only?...That performance of theirs killed her, but kept me alive! Why should I still be subject to these visitations of the devil, when I try so hard to keep him away? Why, I came to Casterbridge nine or ten months before that day last week that I found ye out. Why did he go back to the Bertaux now that Monsieur Rouault was cured and that these folks hadn't paid yet? Why did he always offer a glass of something to everyone who came? Why could not she lean over balconies in Swiss chalets, or enshrine her melancholy in a Scotch cottage, with a husband dressed in a black velvet coat with long tails, and thin shoes, a pointed hat and frills? Why did I marry? "Why, you must be mad!" "Why, do you smoke?" Why, at least, was not her husband one of those men of taciturn passions who work at their books all night, and at last, when about sixty, the age of rheumatism sets in, wear a string of orders on their ill-fitting black coat? Why, they'll tear my cloth for me," she went on, looking at them from a distance, her strainer in her hand. Why, my dear fellow, the other day in your room you were singing 'L'Ange Gardien' ravishingly. Why did the doctor's wife give the clerk presents? Why, I could give you some, if need be. Why? Why don't you tell master? "Why?" Why? Why had she not seized this happiness when it came to her? Why not have kept hold of it with both hands, with both knees, when it was about to flee from her? Why, she's taking Monsieur Boulanger's arm. Why," he went on, "allow oneself to be intruded upon by others? "Why?" Why cry out against the passions? Why these festoons, these flowers, these garlands? "Why?" Why? "Why?" Why? Why didn't you bring her? "Why?" "Why, to defend yourself," replied Emma. Why, for example, should not your husband relieve poor Hippolyte of the 'Lion d'Or'? Why, what? Why, haven't you ever seen anything? "Why, of course I love you," he answered. Why did I ever know you? Why were you so beautiful? Why not end it all? Why, Girard, whom I met just now at the door of the Cafe Francais. "Why," asked the druggist, "should she excommunicate actors?" "Why," said the clerk, "he will soon give another performance." "Why?" Why not? Why, you know well enough," cried Lheureux. "Why, like all men," she replied. Why have recovered the arm-chairs? Why, Madame Dubreuil has been dead these ten months! Why, it was he--the Viscount. Why, at any moment could not some extraordinary event occur? Why, hey? Why, he doesn't sell anything," objected her neighbour. Why has she come here? Why, you have been crying! Why, if it were but that," she cried, taking up two studs from the mantelpiece, "but the least of these trifles, one can get money for them. Why? "Why was it?" "Why?" Why, aren't you a Christian? Why desirest thou to lift thyself above another, when there are found many more learned and more skilled in the Scripture than thou? Why wouldest thou see what thou mayest not have? Why art thou disquieted because it happeneth not to thee according to thy wishes and desires? Why wilt thou put off thy resolution? Why dost thou not provide for thyself against the day of judgment, when no man shall be able to be excused or defended by means of another, but each one shall bear his burden himself alone? Why dost thou cast thine eyes hither and thither, since this is not the place of thy rest? Why fearest thou then to take up the cross which leadeth to a kingdom? Why therefore dost thou entangle thyself? Why art thou consumed with vain sorrow? Why art thou wearied with superfluous cares? Why, too, have I given such heed to others? Why doth a little thing spoken against thee make thee sad? Why do I not prepare myself with greater solicitude to receive Thy holy things, when those holy Patriarchs and Prophets of old, kings also and princes, with the whole people, manifested so great affection of devotion towards Thy Divine Service? Why did you not tell me before? Why did he not pay attention to Celia, and leave her to listen to Mr. "Why should I make it before the occasion came?" Why should he? Why not? Why do you catechise me about Sir James? Why should she defer the answer? Why then should her enthusiasm not extend to Mr. Casaubon simply in the same way as to Monsieur Liret? "Why not?" Why not? Why, any upstart who has got neither blood nor position. Why not? "Why, whom do you mean to say that you are going to let her marry?" Why," rejoined Mrs. Cadwallader, with a sharper note, "you don't mean to say that you would like him to turn public man in that way--making a sort of political Cheap Jack of himself? Why? Why does he not bring out his book, instead of marrying," said Sir James, with a disgust which he held warranted by the sound feeling of an English layman. Why, where they lay of old--in human souls. "Why, what else are they?" "Why, that seems just as plain and common." "Why, my dear, doctors must have opinions," said Mrs. Vincy. "Why not this morning?" "Why should you expect me to oblige you by hearing you play the flute, any more than I should expect you to oblige me by not playing it?" "Why should I not take his part?" Why then should you expect me to pen this kind of affidavit, which has no object but to keep up a foolish partiality and secure a foolish bequest? Why couldn't you sit still here till I told you to go? "Why, Camden!" Why was Camden in such haste to take a visitor to his den? "Why, seeing how you long for the monster, I might ask a higher price." Why was he making any fuss about Mrs. Casaubon? Why should Mr. Casaubon's not be valuable, like theirs? Why not? Why, you never threw your leg across a finer horse than that chestnut, and you gave him for this brute. "Why, you said just now his was worse than mine," said Fred, more irritable than usual. Why should you keep such things from me? Why Mr. Wrench should neglect her children more than others, she could not for the life of her understand. "Why, mother," said Mr. Farebrother, after an explosive laugh, "you know very well that Lydgate is of a good family in the North." Why, true. Why do you attribute to me a wish for anything that would annoy you? Why, you might take to some light study: conchology, now: it always think that must be a light study. Why not? Why do you say `poor Rosamond'? Why, Tom, YOU don't wear such gentlemanly trousers-- you haven't got half such fine long legs," said Jonah to his nephew, winking at the same time, to imply that there was something more in these statements than their undeniableness. Why, Trumbull himself is pretty sure of five hundred--THAT you may depend,--I shouldn't wonder if my brother promised him," said Solomon, musing aloud with his sisters, the evening before the funeral. "Why, my dear," said Mrs. Vincy, "you seemed as pleased as could be about it." "Why should I tell you what you cannot alter?" Why should we defer it? "Why so, my dear?" Why didn't he use his interest to get Ladislaw made an attache or sent to India? "Why, yes," said the Rector, taking up the newspaper. Why, yes, my dear, it was quite your hobby to draw plans. Why can't she, Mary? Why, only yesterday--bless me, I don't think I told you!--it was rather odd that two men should have been at me on different sides to do the same bit of valuing. Why, that Rigg, or Rigg Featherstone, was one. "Why, what can a man do when he takes to adoring one of you mermaids?" Why, this. "Why?" "Why not?" Why had he not imagined this beforehand?-- but he could not expect that he should sit in that square pew alone, unrelieved by any Tuckers, who had apparently departed from Lowick altogether, for a new clergyman was in the desk. Why, he has made a codicil to his will, to say the property was all to go away from you if you married--I mean--" "That is of no consequence," said Dorothea, breaking in impetuously. Why should I sit here idle? Why should he be compared with an Italian carrying white mice? "Why has he not done more?" Why should he stay? Why should he not one day be lifted above the shoulders of the crowd, and feel that he had won that eminence well? "Why so, Camden?" Why, I always called you Nick in my heart, and though lost to sight, to memory dear. "Why, if a man has got any heart, doesn't he want to see an old friend, Nick?--I must call you Nick--we always did call you young Nick when we knew you meant to marry the old widow." "Why should I have that, when I have nothing else!" Why, there'll be no stirrin' from one pla-ace to another," said Hiram, thinking of his wagon and horses. "Why, they're Lunnon chaps, I reckon," said Hiram, who had a dim notion of London as a centre of hostility to the country. Why, my lads, how's this? Why--a pity? Why, you must learn to form your letters and keep the line. "Why, you don't like Camden's, then," said Miss Winifred, in some anxiety. Why can we not go to London? Why should you say that? "Why should not you have a good practice, Tertius?" Why should you not mention the sum? Why should you not be open with me? Why? "Why, yes," said Caleb, looking up gravely, "there is something wrong-- a stranger, who is very ill, I think." Why should he have got into any argument about the validity of these orders? Why, very well then: I hope here be truths. "Why, it was on Wednesday I took a glass with him," interposed Bambridge. Why, I read in the `Trumpet' that was what the Duke of Wellington said when he turned his coat and went over to the Romans. Why shouldn't they dig the man up and have the Crowner? Why, I've seen drops myself ordered by Doctor Gambit, as is our club doctor and a good charikter, and has brought more live children into the world nor ever another i' Middlemarch--I say I've seen drops myself as made no difference whether they was in the glass or out, and yet have griped you the next day. Why should I be afraid? Why had he not told her everything? Why should not people do these things? Why had he come obtruding his life into hers, hers that might have been whole enough without him? Why had he brought his cheap regard and his lip-born words to her who had nothing paltry to give in exchange? Why had he not stayed among the crowd of whom she asked nothing-- but only prayed that they might be less contemptible? Why, madam, you've never been in bed this blessed night," burst out Tantripp, looking first at the bed and then at Dorothea's face, which in spite of bathing had the pale cheeks and pink eyelids of a mater dolorosa. Why had Mrs. Casaubon come again? Why should he mind saying anything of that sort to her now? "Why not?" Why then had he chosen her? Why should they? Why not stop this dismal grizzling and carry her off? Why a man should consent to be dealt with as a bale of goods holding an indistinctive ticket--when God gave him legs and a face--passes my understanding. Why should we men play the part of bacteria upon the face of our Mother? "Why can't they get away?" Why, once you are rid of them, should you pester criminals to respect an uncongenial standard of conduct? Why should a modern Utopia insist upon slipping out of the hands of its creator and becoming the background of a personal drama--of such a silly little drama? "Why should they be?" Why, for example, should Britain and France, or either and the United States, or Sweden and Norway, or Holland, or Denmark, or Italy, fight any more for ever? Why should not all these peoples agree to teach some common language, French, for example, in their common schools, or to teach each other's languages reciprocally? Why should they not aim at a common literature, and bring their various common laws, their marriage laws, and so on, into uniformity? Why should they not work for a uniform minimum of labour conditions through all their communities? Why, then, should they not--except in the interests of a few rascal plutocrats--trade freely and exchange their citizenship freely throughout their common boundaries? Why are you standing up? Why do I think of her as dressed in green? Why shouldn't it do? Why could not a modern Utopia be discussed without this impersonation --impersonally? Why didn't you go down yesterday? Why should he take the horse out of the stable? Why, I could have sworn to it. Why should he run wild upon the moor? Why, what is that? Why should a man hold a match to the side of his pipe? Why, I thought that nothing could awake you. Why, I never remember having done such a thing in my life before. Why do you look at me like that, Jack? "Why do you think so?" Why should I consider him in any way? Why had he sent me from London to Birmingham? Why had he got there before me? Why so? Why? Why? 'Why, dear me, it is surely Hudson,' said Mr. Trevor in a tone of surprise. Why, it's thirty year and more since I saw you last. Why, too, should he faint at an allusion to the half-effaced initials upon his arm, and die of fright when he had a letter from Fordingham? "'Why, now that you mention it,' said he, 'I remember that my poor father used to have an invitation from him to shoot over his preserves every autumn." Why, he's the chaplain of this ship--the chaplain, no less! "'Why should we give it?" Why should this servant be so anxious to master this old formula? Why was some one so anxious to get possession of it? Why, I don't see that we have any clue at all. Why, my son Alec had not yet gone to bed, and he would certainly have heard any one moving about. Why on earth should two men write a letter in such a fashion? "Why, they are only waiting for her to come to her senses to arrest her." "Why should any one murder a man in so clumsy a fashion as by hanging him?" Why, that makes it as clear as crystal," said the inspector. Why do you say so? 'Why, if it isn't Mr. Phelps, of the office! Why should the bell ring? Why do you sit moping there, Annie? Why should a thief try to break in at a bedroom window, where there could be no hope of any plunder, and why should he come with a long knife in his hand? Why had Holmes remained at Woking? Why had he asked Miss Harrison to remain in the sick-room all day? Why had he been so careful not to inform the people at Briarbrae that he intended to remain near them? "Why did he try the window on the first occasion," I asked, "when he might have entered by the door?" Why, then, should you think so meanly of him? "Why?" Why, what a rogue you must be, young master. Why, it's only clock-work," I said aloud. "Why," said Mr. Jermyn. Why, haven't you lashed your hammock yet? Why ain't you at work? Why ain't you at work? Why haven't you come for this 'ot water before? Why haven't you washed your hands, boy? "Why, no," said the mate. "Why," Mr. Jermyn said. Why, Jermyn," he said, "we thought we'd found a clever messenger; but we've found a guardian angel. Why," he said, "this strap's almost cut in two. Why, yes," he said. Why, yes," he said. Why," he said, with a grin; "you've not eaten your orange. "Why, then," he answered, "you must keep it for your dinner." "Why," he said, "it's a drink the heathen Turks make out of citron." Why, boy," he said, "there are five hundred spies in Lyme; but they can't hurt us. "Why," she said, very calmly, in the broad burring man's voice which she imitated so exactly. Why, boy, there be eleven thousand soldiers a-marching to put er down. "Why, yes, Aurelia," I said. Why," his mate answered, "they say as he got beat back coming towards London. Why, very well," said the other. Why," said one of them, lowering his pistol, "it be the Duke's young man, as we seed at Lyme. "Why," I said, "I was taken prisoner." Why had Neb not returned unless hope still detained him? Why had Neb not returned? Why not? "Why?" Why! "Why," cried Pencroft, "were we obliged to throw overboard all the weapons we had with us in the car, all our implements, even our pocket- knives?" "Why?" "Why uninhabitable?" "Why, captain?" Why not? Why should not Australia, New Ireland, Australasia, united to the archipelagoes of the Pacific, have once formed a sixth part of the world, as important as Europe or Asia, as Africa or the two Americas? Why, there are nothing but foxes in this country! "Why?" Why," said the reporter, "there is something. Why? Why? "Why, these apes are so cunning," returned Pencroft; "they won't show themselves again at the windows and so we can't kill them; and when I think of the mischief they may do in the rooms and storehouse--" "Have patience," replied Harding; "these creatures cannot keep us long at bay." "Why not donkeys?" "Why so, Mr." Why, the heat of his stomach will melt the ice, and the bone, springing straight, will pierce him with its sharp points. Why did Top so often run round this opening? Why did he utter such strange barks when a sort of uneasiness seemed to draw him towards this well? Why did Jup join Top in a sort of common anxiety? "Why not?" "Why so?" Why did he throw that paper into the sea? Why! "Why, indeed, my dear Cyrus," said Spilett, "we have never thanked you; but frankly, without that fire we should never have been able--" "A fire?" "Why, captain," cried Herbert, "that fire was blazing like a star of the first magnitude!" "Why do you not think so?" "Why, captain," said Pencroft, "you don't suppose that the 'Speedy' simply foundered like a ship which has struck on a rock?" "Why not," observed Neb, "if there are rocks in the channel?" "Why have they not done so?" Why, Mr. Spilett," replied the sailor, "they would only have to start in the night with a good breeze, and they would be out of sight of the island in two hours. "Why, Mr. Spilett," replied the sailor, "we must put that among the unaccountable things, and not think anything more about it." Why, hang it, one man is equal to another! Why don't you laugh if you want to, Cholly? Why shouldn't they av a bit o credit, poor loves? Why didn't you dye your hair? Why should you? Why don't you lea me alown? Why does it keep coming up against you in your mind? Why? Why go back to such an uninteresting and unimportant subject as business? Why not! Why are you taking your badge off? Why, man, you're a genius, master of masters, a god! Why did you leave us? Why, my dear? Why should not Adolphus succeed to the inheritance? Why, man, do you know what my profits are? Why, _I_ only get eight hundred, you know. Why disturb ye my featherlings? Why did I allow this Hare to fool me? Why does n't she come? Why the Apaches are Fierce Pima (Arizona) Elder Brother, Coyote, and Earth Doctor, after the flood vanished, began to create people and animals. Why should he be? Why, if I made him a miller an' farmer, he'd be expectin' to take to the mill an' the land, an' a-hinting at me as it was time for me to lay by an' think o' my latter end. Why, what book is it the wench has got hold on? "Why, the fact is, he's fond of teaching, and wishes to keep up his studies, and a clergyman has but little opportunity for that in his parochial duties." Why, I know of a clergyman who asks a hundred and fifty with his youngest pupils, and he's not to be mentioned with Stelling, the man I speak of. Why should an auctioneer and appraiser thirty years ago, who had as good as forgotten his free-school Latin, be expected to manifest a delicate scrupulosity which is not always exhibited by gentlemen of the learned professions, even in our present advanced stage of morality? "Why, you're like my brother Tom, Luke," said Maggie, wishing to turn the conversation agreeably; "Tom's not fond of reading." "Why, it's--a--new--guess, Maggie!" Why, he wouldn't have minded being punished himself if he deserved it; but, then, he never _did_ deserve it. "Why, Tom?" Why, you don't like that, you silly. Why, there's that dog, now! Why, last 'ear, the meadows was all one sheet o' water, they was. "Why, Jane, what can I do?" Why, whativer is the matter, sister? Why, I don't know her. "Why, she's gone and cut her hair herself," said Mr. Tulliver in an undertone to Mr. Deane, laughing with much enjoyment. "Why, little miss, you've made yourself look very funny," said Uncle Pullet, and perhaps he never in his life made an observation which was felt to be so lacerating. Why, what can you be going to send him to a parson for? Why, because the parsons are the best schoolmasters, by what I can make out," said poor Mr. Tulliver, who, in the maze of this puzzling world, laid hold of any clue with great readiness and tenacity. Why, you see, I've got a plan i' my head about Tom," said Mr. Tulliver, pausing after that statement and lifting up his glass. "Why," said Mr. Tulliver, not looking at Mrs. Glegg, but at the male part of his audience, "you see, I've made up my mind not to bring Tom up to my own business." "Why, I should think that's you, if we're to trust your own tale," said Mr. Tulliver, beginning to boil up again. Why don't you sit still, Maggie? Why, you're too rough, little miss," said uncle Pullet. "Why, you said so last Monday was a week, when we came away from drinking tea with 'em," said Mr. Pullet, beginning to nurse his knee and shelter it with his pocket-hand-kerchief, as was his way when the conversation took an interesting turn. Why should she be sorry? "Why, she's tumbled into some nasty mud," said Mrs. Tulliver, going up to Lucy to examine into the amount of damage to clothes for which she felt herself responsible to her sister Deane. Why, where did you leave her? Why, what a nice little lady you are, to be sure! Why, she's hungry, poor little lady," said the younger woman. Why, what's the meaning o' this? "Why, Maggie, how's this, how's this?" Why, Mrs. G., what have I done now? "Why, what did you call it yesterday, then, leaving your sister's house in a tantrum?" Why, I learn Latin too! "Why, you couldn't read one of 'em," said Tom, triumphantly. Why, how? Why, Pivart's a new name hereabout, brother, isn't it? Why, that's a donkey with panniers, and a spaniel, and partridges in the corn! Why, when I make dogs and horses, and those things, the heads and the legs won't come right; though I can see how they ought to be very well. "Why, were the Greeks great fighters?" Why, how old are _you?_ I'm fifteen. "Why do you like my eyes?" "Why, I think you're fonder of me than Tom is," said Maggie, rather sorrowfully. Why, how is it you're come so early this cold morning, Maggie? Why, I've seen the day when I shouldn't ha' known myself if I'd lain on sacking i'stead o' the floor. "Why don't your children come in, Bessy?" "Why, there's this to be considered," said Mr. Glegg. Why do you come, then," she burst out, "talking and interfering with us and scolding us, if you don't mean to do anything to help my poor mother--your own sister,--if you've no feeling for her when she's in trouble, and won't part with anything, though you would never miss it, to save her from pain? Why, there's Mrs. Moss," said Mrs. Tulliver. "Why, there's this to be thought on, Mrs. Moss," said Mr. Glegg, "and it's right to warn you,--if Tulliver's made a bankrupt, and he's got a note-of-hand of your husband's for three hundred pounds, you'll be obliged to pay it; th' assignees 'ull come on you for it." "Why," said Tom, coloring, but trying to speak firmly, in spite of a boyish tremor, "I remember quite well, before I went to school to Mr. Stelling, my father said to me one night, when we were sitting by the fire together, and no one else was in the room----" Tom hesitated a little, and then went on. Why don't you tell me what you've been a-doing? Why should people give away their money plentifully to those who had not taken care of their own money? Why, let me see, how old are you? Why, with only looking into what went on in the mill,, I found out how there was a waste of five hundred a-year that might be hindered. Why, sir, I hadn't more schooling to begin with than a charity boy; but I saw pretty soon that I couldn't get on far enough without mastering accounts, and I learned 'em between working hours, after I'd been unlading. Why, I'm no mechanic,--I never pretended to be--but I've thought of a thing or two that the mechanics never thought of, and it's made a fine difference in our returns. Why, you know nothing about book-keeping, to begin with, and not so much of reckoning as a common shopman. "Why, no, Mr. Tom," answered Bob, shutting up his knife with a click and returning it to his pocket, where he seemed to be feeling for something else. Why should they buy many books when they bought so little furniture? Why, I think you're the kindest person in the world! "Why, sir, if you'll be so good," said Mrs. Tulliver, starting a little, and speaking more hurriedly,--"if you'll be so good not to buy the mill an' the land,--the land wouldn't so much matter, only my husband ull' be like mad at your having it." "Why, sir, it's none o' my inventing, and I should never ha' thought of it; for my husband, as ought to know about the law, he allays used to say as lawyers had never no call to buy anything,--either lands or houses,--for they allays got 'em into their hands other ways." Why, sir, it was Mr. Glegg and Mr. Deane, as have all the management; and Mr. Deane thinks as Guest &Co. 'ud buy the mill and let Mr. Tulliver work it for 'em, if you didn't bid for it and raise the price. Why--what--have they made me a _bankrupt?_" "Oh, father, dear father! "Why, now the mill and the land's all Wakem's, and he's got everything in his hands, what's the use o' setting your face against him, when he says you may stay here, and speaks as fair as can be, and says you may manage the business, and have thirty shillings a-week, and a horse to ride about to market?" "Why, how is it Tom doesn't come?" Why that should have happened to her which had not happened to other women remained an insoluble question by which she expressed her perpetual ruminating comparison of the past with the present. Why will they not kindle up and be glad sometimes? Why, the gentry stops to look at him; but you won't catch Mumps a-looking at the gentry much,--he minds his own business, he does. "Why?" Why, by sending out a bit of a cargo to foreign ports; because Bob had a particular friend who had offered to do a little business for him in that way in Laceham goods, and would be glad to serve Mr. Tom on the same footing. Why, what ever does this mean, Tom? Why, you must ha' dealt wi' no end o' packmen when you war a young lass--before the master here had the luck to set eyes on you. Why, you see even a squintin' packman's better nor a shopman as can see straight. Why, mum, look at the printed cottons now, an' what they was when you wore 'em,--why, you wouldn't put such a thing on now, I can see. "Why, what goods do you carry in your pack?" Why, 'cause there's a bit of a moth-hole 'i this plain end. Why, it nibbles off three shillin' o' the price i' no time; an' then a packman like me can carry 't to the poor lasses as live under the dark thack, to make a bit of a blaze for 'em. Why, there's but six altogether," said Bob. "Why do you speak so bitterly to me, Philip?" Why don't you wear that gown o' mine? Why, Lucy had got a collar on this blessed day," continued Mrs. Pullet, with her eyes fixed in a ruminating manner, "as I don't say I haven't got as good, but I must look out my best to match it. Why, what's up now, Tom? Why did he not happen to meet Wakem? Why, dear Maggie," she interposed, "you have always pretended that you are too fond of being admired; and now, I think, you are angry because some one ventures to admire you. "Why, if she can remember to put the eyes very near together, and the corners of the mouth very far apart, the likeness can hardly fail to be striking in St." Why, Maggie, you naughty child, haven't you begun to undress? Why will you say that, Tom? Why, sir, forty years ago, when I was much such a strapping youngster as you, a man expected to pull between the shafts the best part of his life, before he got the whip in his hand. Why, because Gell was a fellow whose services were worth a premium. Why had she come out? "Why?" "Why, I believe, if you will let me take Philip Wakem into our confidence,--let me tell him all about your wish to buy, and what it's for; that my cousins wish to have it, and why they wish to have it,--I believe Philip would help to bring it about." Why should _he_ care? Why, Wakem is making himself particularly amiable to your cousin," said Stephen, in an undertone to Lucy; "is it pure magnanimity? Why was he not thoroughly happy? Why, you must ha' picked up half-a-dozen sweethearts at the bazaar; isn't there one of'em the right sort of article? "Why, what did they call us, when we went to see 'em, then, eh, neighbor Pullet?" Why, you're such a big man, you carry all before you, it, seems. Why is not Philip come? Why? Why, young Guest will put up for the borough at the next election. Why, her own brother had turned her from his door; he had seen enough, you might be sure, before he would do that. Why did not Miss Tulliver accept the shelter offered her by her aunt Glegg? Why, they're both here,--both the boats," said Bob, as he got into the one where Maggie was. Why did you break the agreeable repose I was enjoying? ["Why, ruler of Olympus, hast thou to anxious mortals thought fit to add this care, that they should know by, omens future slaughter?... "Why, I say," answered he, "that their pictures are not here who were cast away, who are by much the greater number." ["Why for so short a life tease ourselves with so many projects? ["Why not depart from life as a sated guest from a feast? ["Why seek to add longer life, merely to renew ill-spent time, and be again tormented? Why dost thou complain of me and of destiny? Why dost thou fear thy last day? Why do the physicians possess, before hand, their patients' credulity with so many false promises of cure, if not to the end, that the effect of imagination may supply the imposture of their decoctions? Why, let him laugh at it; it will be more discretion to do so, than to go about to answer it; or let him borrow this pleasant evasion from Aristippus: "Why should I trouble myself to untie that, which bound as it is, gives me so much trouble? Why has he not paid such an one? Why does he not give? Why do we not consider what contradictions we find in our own judgments; how many things were yesterday articles of our faith, that to-day appear no other than fables? Why, sir," he answered, "you go with your face bare: I am all face. Why," replied the fool, "use my receipt to put on all your clothes you have at once, and you'll feel no more cold than I. ["Why do we seek climates warmed by another sun? Why therefore should we, contrary to their laws, enslave our own contentment to the power of another? Why did he fancy he did so great a thing in forbearing to confess it an evil? Why, in like manner, do we not value a man for what is properly his own? Why do you not now at this instant settle yourself in the state you seem to aim at, and spare all the labour and hazard you interpose? Why should not I judge of Alexander at table, ranting and drinking at the prodigious rate he sometimes used to do? Why," said he, "by despising death. --Why dost thou complain of this world? Why is not the jugular vein as much at our disposal as the median vein? Why did Poppea invent the use of a mask to hide the beauties of her face, but to enhance it to her lovers? Why have they veiled, even below the heels, those beauties that every one desires to show, and that every one desires to see? Why do they cover with so many hindrances, one over another, the parts where our desires and their own have their principal seat? Why, there are thirty years that I have thus lived. Why have not we such people?--[As those about to be mentioned. Why should philosophy, which only has respect to life and effects, trouble itself about these external appearances? Why? ["Why does no man confess his vices? Why should they not give ear to our offers and requests, so long as they are kept within the bounds of modesty? Why, goddess, has your confidence in me ceased? Why does not some one of them take it into her head to make that noble Socratical bargain between body and soul, purchasing a philosophical and spiritual intelligence and generation at the price of her thighs, which is the highest price she can get for them? ["Why before the Theban war and the destruction of Troy, have not other poets sung other events? Why did not so noble a conquest fall under Alexander, or the ancient Greeks and Romans; and so great a revolution and mutation of so many empires and nations, fall into hands that would have gently levelled, rooted up, and made plain and smooth whatever was rough and savage amongst them, and that would have cherished and propagated the good seeds that nature had there produced; mixing not only with the culture of land and the ornament of cities, the arts of this part of the world, in what was necessary, but also the Greek and Roman virtues, with those that were original of the country? Why barbarous, because they are not French? Why, then," pursued the other, "what difficult and exemplary thing dost thou think thou doest in embracing that snow? Why do we not imitate the Roman architecture? Why do they not, moreover, forswear breathing? Why did the poor poet of Tennessee, upon suddenly receiving two handfuls of silver, deliberate whether to buy him a coat, which he sadly needed, or invest his money in a pedestrian trip to Rockaway Beach? Why is almost every robust healthy boy with a robust healthy soul in him, at some time or other crazy to go to sea? Why upon your first voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical vibration, when first told that you and your ship were now out of sight of land? Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and own brother of Jove? Why, afore we give it up, Sal used to put our Sam and little Johnny in the foot of it. Why, unite with me in my particular Presbyterian form of worship. Why," said I, "Queequeg, you might have known better than that, one would think. Why not? Why, blast your eyes, Bildad," cried Peleg, Thou dost not want to swindle this young man! "Why," said I, "he's a member of the first Congregational Church." Why don't ye spring, I say, all of ye--spring! Why did the Dutch in De Witt's time have admirals of their whaling fleets? Why did Louis XVI of France, at his own personal expense, fit out whaling ships from Dunkirk, and politely invite to that town some score or two of families from our own island of Nantucket? Why did Britain between the years 1750 and 1788 pay to her whalemen in bounties upwards of 1,000,000 pounds? Why,' thinks I, 'what's the row? *Why this book of whales is not denominated the Quarto is very plain. Why, thou monkey," said a harpooneer to one of these lads, "we've been cruising now hard upon three years, and thou hast not raised a whale yet. Why, now, this pewter had run brimming again, wert not thou St. Vitus' imp--away, thou ague! Why so? Why then, God, mad'st thou the ring? Why should this be so? Why to the man of untutored ideality, who happens to be but loosely acquainted with the peculiar character of the day, does the bare mention of Whitsuntide marshal in the fancy such long, dreary, speechless processions of slow-pacing pilgrims, down-cast and hooded with new-fallen snow? Why such a whale became thus marked was not altogether and originally owing to his bodily peculiarities as distinguished from other whales; for however peculiar in that respect any chance whale may be, they soon put an end to his peculiarities by killing him, and boiling him down into a peculiarly valuable oil. Why don't you break your backbones, my boys? Why don't you snap your oars, you rascals? Why in the name of gudgeons and ginger-cakes don't ye pull?--pull and break something! Why it is that all Merchant-seamen, and also all Pirates and Man-of- War's men, and Slave-ship sailors, cherish such a scornful feeling towards Whale-ships; this is a question it would be hard to answer. 'Why not? "Why not?" "Why, do ye see, the old man is hard bent after that White Whale, and the devil there is trying to come round him, and get him to swap away his silver watch, or his soul, or something of that sort, and then he'll surrender Moby Dick." Why, they say as how he went a sauntering into the old flag-ship once, switching his tail about devilish easy and gentlemanlike, and inquiring if the old governor was at home. Why, diving after the slowly descending head, Queequeg with his keen sword had made side lunges near its bottom, so as to scuttle a large hole there; then dropping his sword, had thrust his long arm far inwards and upwards, and so hauled out our poor Tash by the head. Why," said Stubb, eyeing the velvet vest and the watch and seals, "you may as well begin by telling him that he looks a sort of babyish to me, though I don't pretend to be a judge. Why, since he takes it so easy, tell him that now I have eyed him carefully, I'm quite certain that he's no more fit to command a whale- ship than a St. Jago monkey. Why, let me see; yes, you may as well tell him now that--that--in fact, tell him I've diddled him, and (aside to himself) perhaps somebody else. "Why, he's getting it by heart--hist!" Why tell the whole? Why, Captain Ahab, thou hast here, then, the best and stubbornest stuff we blacksmiths ever work. Why, my little man, you have pretty red hair, but you couldn't get afire now. Why, you King-Post, you, I suppose you would have every man in the world go about with a small lightning-rod running up the corner of his hat, like a militia officer's skewered feather, and trailing behind like his sash. Why don't ye be sensible, Flask? "Why, faith, sir, it's only a sort of exclamation-like-- that's all, sir." Why this strife of the chase? Why sing ye not out for him, if ye see him? Why fly ye not, O Ahab! Why then here does any one step forth?-- Because one did survive the wreck. Why should there be bitter words between us? Why so soon disheartened! Why, we are nigh the spot that Providence first placed them at, but where, it seems, they were too rebellious to stay. "Why die at all!" Why linger to add to the number of the victims of our merciless enemies? "Why," repeated the scout, looking about him proudly; "because it is better for a man to die at peace with himself than to live haunted by an evil conscience!" "Why did the chief of the Canadas bring his young men into the woods, and fire his cannon at the earthen house?" "Why, I believe it is natur' to give a preference to one's own quarrels before those of strangers." Why did not the grand Frencher, he who is captain-general of the Canadas, bury the tomahawks of the Hurons, if a word from a white can work so strongly on the natur' of an Indian? Why should they not? Why should they brighten their tomahawks and sharpen their knives against each other? Why should they not? Why should I not? Why! Why did you wish to stop my ears? Why remind them of their injuries; their ancient greatness; their deeds; their glory; their happiness; their losses; their defeats; their misery? Why tell the Delawares of good that is past? Why should not such a predilection be encouraged! Why hast thou left us, pride of the Wapanachki? Why do my brothers mourn? Why should Tamenund stay? Why, what? Why, what can you earn? 'Why, can you live without victuals? Why,' says he, 'we have been talking of her below-stairs this half- hour. Why, sister,' says the gentleman very gravely, 'what do you mean? Why, then,' says he, 'I'll take care of you and provide for you, and the child too; and that you may see I am not in jest,' says he, 'here's an earnest for you,' and with that he pulls out a silk purse, with an hundred guineas in it, and gave it me. 'Why, look you, child,' says he, 'that they are uneasy about you, that is true; but that they have the least suspicion of the case as it is, and as it respects you and I, is so far from being true, that they suspect my brother Robin; and, in short, they are fully persuaded he makes love to you; nay, the fool has put it into their heads too himself, for he is continually bantering them about it, and making a jest of himself. Why, then,' says Robin, 'I will be free with you; I do love her above all the women in the world, and I will have her, let them say and do what they will. 'Why,' says I, smiling, 'I can stop all their mouths at one clap by telling him, and them too, that I am married already to his elder brother. 'Why,' says I, 'should I be at a loss? 'Why,' says I, 'what can I do? Why, then, my dear,' says he, 'we have no time to talk further now. 'Why, sister, you must acknowledge she is very handsome,' says the elder brother. 'Why, madam,' says Robin, again, very honestly, 'do you think I'd let the poor girl die for love, and of one that is near at hand to be had, too? Why, then, the question was, whether there way anything between her son Robert and me. 'Why, but, child,' says the old lady, 'she is a beggar. 'Why, then, madam, she has the more need of charity,' says Robin; 'I'll take her off the hands of the parish, and she and I'll beg together. Why, truly, madam,' said I 'that matter stands as I wish it did not, and I shall be very sincere with you in it, whatever befalls me for it. 'Why, madam,' says he, 'the case is plain enough upon me, it explains itself; she won't have me, she says; is not that plain enough? 'Why, Robin,' says the mother again, 'are you really in earnest? Why,' says I, ''tis a little hard upon me, and 'tis harder upon you. Why, my dear,' says she very kindly, 'what need these things trouble you? 'Why,' says I, 'the next is, that you will not blame me for not discovering the secret of it to you before I knew it. Why, then, his request was, he said, to let him see my purse. Why,' says I, 'if you can get any woman you like to take your word, I suppose your wife would not dispute the liberty with you that she takes herself. 'Why,' says he, 'I wish you would satisfy me that an honest woman would take me; I'd venture it'; and then turns short upon me, 'Will you take me, madam? 'Why, madam,' says he, 'my case is as distracted as yours can be, and I stand in as much need of advice as you do, for I think if I have not relief somewhere, I shall be made myself, and I know not what course to take, I protest to you. 'Why, sir,' says I, ''tis easy to give advice in your case, much easier than it is in mine. 'Why,' says I, 'if your case is so plain as you say it is, you may be legally divorced, and then you may find honest women enough to ask the question of fairly; the sex is not so scarce that you can want a wife. 'Why so? Why,' says I to him, 'this has been a hellish juggle, for we are married here upon the foot of a double fraud; you are undone by the disappointment, it seems; and if I had had a fortune I had been cheated too, for you say you have nothing. Why, then, my dear, tell me plainly,' says he, 'will the little you have keep us together in any figure, or in any station or place, or will it not? 'Why, my dear,' said he, 'I'll confess the whole scheme to you as I had laid it; I purposed here to ask you something about your estate, as you see I did, and when you, as I expected you would, had entered into some account with me of the particulars, I would have made an excuse to you to have put off our voyage to Ireland for some time, and to have gone first towards London. Why,' said I, 'what did I say? Why, first,' says I, 'you give a piece of money to these people to take the child off the parent's hands, and to take care of it as long as it lives. 'Why,' said I, 'do you think, mother, that when I come to see my child, I shall be able to conceal my being the mother of it? Why, ay,' says he, 'that's the question I wanted to have you ask me'; so he unrolls them and takes out a little shagreen case, and gives me out of it a very fine diamond ring. Why,' says I, 'are you distracted? Why, you were fully satisfied that I would comply and yield at first word, or resolved to take no denial. Why,' said he, 'my dear, he seemed to scruple whether it was not some young girl stolen from her parents, and I assured him we were both of age to command our own consent; and that made him ask to see you. Why, I shall be take next time, and be carried to Newgate and be tried for my life! Why,' says I, 'they can't be so base to stop me, when I carry it to them again? Why,' says her friend, 'he had been at Hampstead to visit a gentleman of his acquaintance, and as he came back again he was set upon and robbed; and having got a little drink too, as they suppose, the rogues abused him, and he is very ill.' 'Robbed! Why,' says her friend, 'they took his gold watch and his gold snuff- box, his fine periwig, and what money he had in his pocket, which was considerable, to be sure, for Sir ---- never goes without a purse of guineas about him. Why, in the head,' says her friend, 'and one of his hands, and his face, for they used him barbarously. Why,' said she, 'of your being robbed coming from Knightbr----; Hampstead, sir, I should say,' says she. Why, we have her already; there she sits,' says he, 'and Mr.----,' says he, 'can swear this is she. Why are you merry? Why, but, mistress,' says he, 'how much are you willing to give? 'Why, that's honestly said too,' says the countryman. 'Why, mistress,' says he, 'I have a horse that will carry double, and I don't much care if I go myself with you,' and the like. Why, look ye, mistress,' says he, 'I won't be out of reason with you, then; if I carry you to Colchester, it will be worth five shillings for myself and my horse, for I shall hardly come back to-night. Why,' says he, 'I won't flatter you, I would have you prepare for death, for I doubt you will be cast; and as they say you are an old offender, I doubt you will find but little mercy. Why, then,' said he, 'it was you that saved my life at that time, and I am glad I owe my life to you, for I will pay the debt to you now, and I'll deliver you from the present condition you are in, or I will die in the attempt. Why, she cried after you like a child,' 'Ay,' says I again, 'she would give a hundred pounds, I believe, to deliver me from this dreadful condition I am in. Why,' says she, 'that old gentleman going to England, when he was a young man, fell in love with a young lady there, one of the finest women that ever was seen, and married her, and brought her over hither to his mother who was then living. "Why not?" "Why, then, do you introduce scientific questions if you have never studied them?" Why are you here? Why, my worthy friend, we should have to turn you out of doors! Why did we not hear the detonation of the Columbiad? "Why?" "Why?" Why no, my friends," Michel answered quickly; "it was I who wished to awake you by this rural sound. "Why should we not succeed?" Why," said Michel, "they make their skins into drums. "Why?" "Why that enormous meteor which we met." Why do they grease the axles of the wheels? "Why not?" Why that expletive? Why cannot we walk outside like the meteor? Why cannot we launch into space through the scuttle? Why did we not fasten a thread to our projectile, and we could have exchanged telegrams with the earth? "Why?" Why do we not arrive? "Why?" Why," said he, "should not these unaccountable appearances be simply phenomena of vegetation? "Why?" Why, having passed within such a short distance of the moon--about twenty-five miles only-- why the projectile had not fallen? "Why not?" "Why not?" Why am I angry because of mine enemy? Why do ye set your hearts upon riches? Why do ye commit whoredoms and spend your strength with harlots, yea, and cause this people to commit sin, that the Lord has cause to send me to prophesy against this people, yea, even a great evil against this people? Why will ye yield yourselves unto him that he may have power over you, to blind your eyes, that ye will not understand the words which are spoken, according to their truth? Why do not angels appear unto us? Why do ye look for a Christ? Why do ye teach this people that there shall be no Christ, to interrupt their rejoicings? Why do ye speak against all the prophecies of the holy prophets? Why will ye die? Why has he forsaken you? Why have ye transfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring damnation upon your souls? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies--because of the praise of the world? Why couldn't he have stayed and died at home? Why, man, they'd laugh at me. Why, child, I've seen the beginning of the world, and I've seen the end of it. Why didn't I die? Why should Li Po say one thing and Saint Paul another? Why must they not look with their eyes? Why should there be sin? Why should I go back? Why is it especially important for Americans to know something of their writings? Why could fine poetry not be reasonably expected in early Virginia and New England? ... "Why stand we here idle? Why is the _Declaration of Independence_ likened to the old battle songs of the Anglo-Saxon race? Why are Brown's romances called "Gothic"? Why does it not make us dislike the Dutch? Why is this _History_ an original work? Why have _Rip Van Winkle_ and _The Legend of Sleepy Hollow_ been such general favorites? Why does he retain his preeminence among American orators? Why is it said that the Ten Commandments reign supreme in Hawthorne's world of fiction? Why does the negro select him for his hero? Why are Cable's stories called romantic? Why is Eugene Field called the poet-laureate of children? Why is he so widely popular? Why is he said to belong to the school of Cervantes? Why is it desirable that each school should hold the other in check? Why does he select the lilacs, evening star, and hermit thrush, as the _motifs_ of the poem, _When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd?_ In _Patrolling Barnegat_, do you notice any resemblance to Anglo-Saxon poetry of the sea, _e.g._ to _Beowulf_ or _The Seafarer?_ In _With Husky-Haughty Lips, O Sea!_ what touches are unlike those of Anglo- Saxon poets? Why, darst thou presume to call on Christ, Without the intercession of some Saint? Why suffer you that peasant to declaime? Why let us burne him for a heretick. Why I am no traitor to the crowne of France. Why? Why, the brave things she did, the splendid things! Why, Cap., don't you know, it's as much as a hundred times worse in there now than it was when he first got a-going. Why were they seized with senile debility in the sixteenth century? Why not let him keep his custom! Why the smell of burning leather should he offensive to spirits it would perhaps be fruitless to speculate on. Why that poor fellow is dead. Why, I believe old Jink's been trying to improve his bad shooting here. Why, anybody could shoot big game. Why was he able to stand in the place of the scarecrow, hidden by nothing but an old hat? Why are you the officer in charge now? Why can you conduct the inquiry on your own lines now? Why, I'll be--" and the rest was lost in muffled, but exultant, cries. Why it's Horne Fisher! Why not open my mind's eye for me? Why, I came on purpose to see it. Why don't you speak plainer? Why should you, of all people, be so passionate about it? Why of course it's as good as it can be. Why, he's been across already. Why do you cry out before you're hurt? "Why, dear me!" Why, I remember the man called Hugo quite well! Why, I met the murderer this morning! Why he's bearing down on you now in all his glory. "Why did he quarrel with you?" Why, don't you know," he observed quietly, "that I am the fool of the family? Why compliment him on being a romantic reactionary aristocrat? Why talk about his blue blood? Why do we talk to people in Somerset about nothing but slums and socialism? Why don't we give the squire's land to the squire's tenants, instead of dragging in the county council? Why doesn't somebody start a yeoman party in politics, appealing to the old traditions of the small landowner? Why do you object? Why couldn't he speak? "Why, you lunatic," cried Henry, in tones of ringing sincerity, "you don't suppose you were meant to WIN the seat, did you?" Why does Attwood unmuzzle you like a dog at this moment, after all these years? Why you not run when I say? `Why he not help my papa? `Why, ma'am, it was simple enough; he pulled the trigger with his big toe. `Why aren't you always nice like this, Tony? `Why, just like this; like yourself. Why do you all the time try to be like Ambrosch? `Why, it's Lena! Why hadn't we had a tent before? `Why, sure, Jim. `Why didn't you ever tell me that before? Why had the Spaniards come so far? Why had Coronado never gone back to Spain, to his riches and his castles and his king? `Why, I'm not going to marry anybody. `Why don't you go out and see your grandfather's tenant, the Widow Steavens? Why, it flashed across me that though so much had happened in her life and in mine, she was barely twenty-four years old. `Why, it's Jim! `Why don't we show Mr. Why did she cry out? Why, afore I went a soldier in the Bang-up Locals (as we was called), in the year four," chimed in Grandfer Cantle brightly, "I didn't know no more what the world was like than the commonest man among ye. Why did ye reveal yer misfortune, Christian? Why, 'tis Mis'ess Yeobright," said Fairway. Why, you'll be safe to meet the reddleman that I told ye of," said Fairway. Why, yes, I do! Why should you think it necessary to ask me? "Why didn't he bring you back?" "Why, I thought you would be pleased to have a bonfire." Why do you not leave me alone? Why shouldn't I have a bonfire on the Fifth of November, like other denizens of the heath? Why should there have been a bonfire again by Captain Vye's house if not for the same purpose? Why did I try to recall you? Why did a woman of this sort live on Egdon Heath? "Why, yes, you be--your hand is bleeding." Why did Miss Vye want a bonfire so bad that she should give you sixpence to keep it up? Why did you originally go away from me? Why should we stay here? Why do you say that--as if you doubted me? Why, take you from this place, and carry you away with me abroad. Why don't people judge me by my acts? Why is it that we are never friendly with the Yeobrights? "Why shouldn't I?" Why, there's a glove on it! Why does Mrs. Yeobright give parties of this sort? Why not go in, dancing or no? "Why did you?" Why should you tell me that? Why did not Mr. Wildeve come in? "Why can't you do it as well as others?" Why didn't you? Why didn't you tell me that you were going away at this time? Why doesn't he look after her? Why didn't you do it in Paris?--it is more the fashion there. Why is it that a woman can see from a distance what a man cannot see close? Why, the raffle. Why, sir," he said in a confidential whisper to Wildeve, who was near his left hand, "if I could only use this power that's in me of multiplying money I might do some good to a near relation of yours, seeing what I've got about me of hers--eh? Why doesn't that which belongs to the wife belong to the husband too? Why don't you burn, you little fools? Why is this? "Why?" Why do you speak in such a strange way? "Why will you force me, Clym, to say bitter things?" "Why not?" "Why is he sleeping there?" "Why does he go out at all!" "Why do you, every time you take a step, go like this?" "Why not tonight?" "Why do you want to do that at this particular time, when at every previous time that I have proposed it you have refused?" Why, in not sticking to him when you had him. Why didn't you tell me today when you came? "Why do you say so?" Why didn't she come to my house? Why did you never mention this? Why do you return so early? "Why?" "Why?" Why did not you kick him out, and let her in, and say I'll be an honest wife and a noble woman from this hour? Why did I do that? "Why did you do it?" Why should I not die if I wish? Why did he stay so long without advancing and looking over? "Why have you been living here all these days without telling me?" Why didn't you go away? "Why didn't he take you with him?" Why have you not come before? Why, I thought nothing could frighten you. Why do you wander so much in it yourself if you so dislike it? Why, it is Diggory Venn's van, surely! Why should it be she? Why should it be she? Why should you say such desperate things? Why don't you answer? Why? Why don't you speak? Why, 'tis they back again--I didn't expect 'em yet this half-hour. Why might he not impose on a few persons in St. Helena, when he was able to impose on France and Europe, respecting many acts which emanated from him during the long duration of his power? Why have they let in all that rabble! Why, then, am I declared suspected without being heard, and arrested eight days after I heard the news of the tyrant's death I am declared suspected, and my papers are placed under seal. Why then fight for a few paltry villages? Why, in the devil's name, have they served me thus? Why this silence? Why be silent on so important an event? Why then should it be put upon record? --"Why, General, I hope you may have reason on your part to be pleased with him. --" Why should I be in uniform? --"Why, I must confess I do sometimes amuse myself in that way," replied I; "but I assure you, General, I was now thinking of something else. --"Why, look here, you fool! Why do you return with the First Consul? --"Why;" replied he, "your confounded trench does not reach to my knees. Why are you vexed at such trifles? Why the devil, then, do you come to me for advice? Why should not France, if it ceases to be free, prefer the race of her ancient kings? Why did you go and get into debt with that -----? Why," he said, addressing me hastily, "why was not my letter delivered yesterday evening? Why not anticipate her? Why allow her to have all the advantages of the first step? -- "Why should I not? Why was he not tried along with them, on the ground of his being an actual accomplice; or of being compromised, by communications with them; or, in short, because his answers might have thrown light on that mysterious affair? Why should I have dreaded it? Why, then, attribute to me the madness of aiming to get myself made Dictator by the aid of the adherents of the old French Princes, of persons who have fought in their cause since 1792? Why did he get Talleyrand to ask me for a passport? Why did he not apply for a passport as every one else does? Why should the Russians have the right of opposing destiny and thwarting our just designs? Why, the property of Robespierre was confiscated! Why should she wish to place herself immediately within the reach of my tyranny? Why Napoleon should have been offended at this I know not, but I received orders to return Jerome's present immediately, and these orders were accompanied with bitter reproaches for my having accepted it without the Emperor's authority. --'Why did you wish to kill me? --'Why did you wait so long before you attempted the execution of your project? Why does he make himself a Neapolitan? Why is he not a Frenchman? Why did they wink at the accumulation in the Tuileries of the contributions and exactions levied in, conquered countries? Why did you not make your complaints in private to me? Why do you remain Minister of the Police if you wish to betray me? Why should I not stay here? Why not America? Why did the cannon-balls spare me only to die in this deplorable manner? "Why speakest thou to me of men, dear brother mine?" Why tell ye not Siegfried of the thing? Why begin ye not the games, of which the queen doth deal so great a store? Why he wanted this, none heard him say. Why should I refuse her whom I bear in heart? Why should I give up so many a knight, who with the warrior doth owe us service? Why should I refuse King Etzel before I've learned her wish? "Why," spake then Gunther, "should I not consent?" "Why?" Why would ye let such beauty wither? "Why dost thou rebuke me, Hagen?" "Why should I guard me?" Why will Hagen and my brother not let their shields be taken in charge? Why give ye not way before us knights? Why should my courtesie to these knights go all for naught? Why have so many castles been given to Rudeger, of which he doth hold such store from the king in fief? Why weep ye so sore, Knight Helfrich? Why do ye let us wait thus? Why give that? Why did you quit the service? Why, what is the matter? --"Why, it has been only six months since you gave them to me. Why is he not here? --"Why, that is very singular; for I saw at the ball last night a domino who had exactly your foot and boots. Why did you wish to kill me? Why could they not wait a little? Why is it fate decreed that the Emperor should not be allowed time to carry out his extensive plans for the glory and happiness of France of which he so often spoke? --"Why have you no cross? Why, that is remarkable! --"Why is that? Why not? Why the very name will get the shares up to a premium in ten days. Why not, sir? Why, that's the very thing,' replied Mr Nickleby, as though his thoughts were about them at that moment. 'Why, I think I will,' replied Ralph, suiting the action to the word, and placing his hat on the table before him. Why, that depends in a great measure on the pattern,' replied Miss La Creevy. Why, the milk will be drownded. Why the wheel a-top of my head would have been far preferable to it. 'Why, then,' replied the other, 'the good in this state of existence preponderates over the bad, let miscalled philosophers tell us what they will. Why, yes, I am," answered the figure; "they're doing a pretty brisk business in my way, over in England and France just now, and my time is a good deal taken up. '"Why not? Why, certainly," said Von Koeldwethout, "nothing is too bad to be retrieved. 'Why,' replied the youth, drawing closer to his questioner's side, 'I was with him at night, and when it was all silent he cried no more for friends he wished to come and sit with him, but began to see faces round his bed that came from home; he said they smiled, and talked to him; and he died at last lifting his head to kiss them. 'Why, your father has got some nonsense in his head that he's the son of a poor gentleman that died the other day,' said Mrs Squeers. Why, and here's Fanny in tears now! Why, my dear, you are right there,' said Miss La Creevy, 'in the main you are right there; though I don't allow that it is of such very great importance in the present case. Why, it does not, and that's the truth,' answered Miss La Creevy; 'and then people are so dissatisfied and unreasonable, that, nine times out of ten, there's no pleasure in painting them. 'Why, yes,' replied Miss La Creevy, considering with the pencil end of her brush in her mouth. 'Why, I anticipated something of the kind,' said Ralph; 'and--though I object very strongly, mind--have provided against it. Why didn't you think of all this before-- you are so careless--we might have asked Miss La Creevy to keep us company or borrowed a dog, or a thousand things--but it always was the way, and was just the same with your poor dear father. Why, we should not have had anything but the bed we bought yesterday, to lie down upon, if it hadn't been for his thoughtfulness! 'Why, if you will have it, miss, it's this,' said the servant girl. 'Why, my dear,' said Squeers, 'the fact is, that Smike is not to be found. 'Why must he? Why do you kneel to me? Why, it IS a queer hour, isn't it? Why should you conceal it from me? Why, then you may rouse my indignation or wound my pride,' rejoined Nicholas; 'but you will not break my rest; for if the scene were acted over again, I could take no other part than I have taken; and whatever consequences may accrue to myself from it, I shall never regret doing as I have done--never, if I starve or beg in consequence. Why should I stop here, my dears? Why the fact is,' said Crowl, who had been listening at Newman's door with all his might and main; 'the fact is, that they have been talking so loud, that they quite disturbed me in my room, and so I couldn't help catching a word here, and a word there; and all I heard, certainly seemed to refer to their having bolted from some place or other. Why--dear me, how stupid I am,' replied Miss Petowker, hesitating. Why didn't I! Why, goodness gracious mercy, where's your taste? Why, your poor dear papa's cousin's sister-in-law--a Miss Browndock-- was taken into partnership by a lady that kept a school at Hammersmith, and made her fortune in no time at all. 'Why, that Mr Watkins, my dear,' said Mrs Nickleby slowly, as if she were making a tremendous effort to recollect something of paramount importance; 'that Mr Watkins--he wasn't any relation, Miss Knag will understand, to the Watkins who kept the Old Boar in the village; by- the-bye, I don't remember whether it was the Old Boar or the George the Third, but it was one of the two, I know, and it's much the same-- that Mr Watkins said, when you were only two years and a half old, that you were one of the most astonishing children he ever saw. Why, how you colour, child! Why don't you make some arrangement? Why did I speak, and destroy such a pretty little picture? Why, I think I should even have known you if I had met you in the street,' said Miss La Creevy, with a smile. Why do you say "IF Nicholas has done what they say he has," mama? Why will it vex itself, and twist its little face into bewitching nutcrackers? Why, who can help thinking so, Kate, my love? Why won't you tell me? 'Why not? 'Why do you think you had once? Why--what would you like? 'Why, then I'll tell you what,' rejoined the landlord. Why, as he is now,' said the manager, striking his knee emphatically; 'without a pad upon his body, and hardly a touch of paint upon his face, he'd make such an actor for the starved business as was never seen in this country. Why, so I saw,' observed Mr Crummles. 'Why not? Why, then, I'll tell you one,' said Mr Crummles, throwing his pipe into the fire, and raising his voice. 'Why, so it is,' replied Nicholas, hardly less surprised; 'but not by day, Smike--not by day. Why I KNOW of fifteen and sixpence that came to Southampton one night last month, to see me dance the Highland Fling; and what's the consequence? 'Why--yes,' replied Nicholas: 'that is the course of the piece. Why, isn't it obvious? Why, when did you come here? 'Why, then, he's a lucky fellow,' replied Nicholas. Why, that's what I came to explain to you,' replied the collector of water-rate. 'Why, no,' said the collector; 'they couldn't very well dispose of her at night, and so she is staying with an acquaintance of hers, and another young lady; they both belong to the theatre. Why,' said the collector, with a rueful face, 'they WILL have four bridesmaids; I'm afraid they'll make it rather theatrical. 'Why didn't you say this before? Why not? Why actually--Kate, my dear, Kate. 'Why who--who on earth is that you have with you, mama? Why here it is, done in four-and-twenty hours. Why, she complains of suffering from the fright of last night,' said the lady. Why, she might have moved among grovelling people for twenty years, and never heard of it. Why, what a dull blockhead this fellow must be! Why, so they say,' replied Nicholas, laughing, 'only a great deal handsomer. 'Why, it is a long story,' replied Nicholas, 'and one you would have some difficulty in comprehending, I fear. 'Why, I'll tell you how it is,' said Mr Folair, sitting himself down in a chair with great coolness. Why, applause from the house when you first come on. 'Why, I don't think it would,' replied Mr Folair, scratching his head, 'because there wouldn't be any romance about it, and he wouldn't be favourably known. Why he don't mean to say he's going! Why, the who he is and what he is, and how you two, who are so different, came to be such close companions,' replied Mr Folair, delighted with the opportunity of saying something disagreeable. Why, you know, Lenville says--' 'I thought I had silenced him effectually,' interrupted Nicholas, reddening. Why, there's air about her, sir,' whispered the collector, 'that I never saw in anybody. 'Why not? Why, the truth is, Mr Noggs,' said Miss La Creevy, 'that I have been out on a visit--the first visit I have made for fifteen years. Why, she was here twice while I was away,' returned Miss La Creevy. 'Why, he has a troublesome affair of business,' replied Crowl, 'and will not be home before twelve o'clock. 'Why should I tell you what we know so well? Why don't you ask your uncle, my dear Nicholas, what he can possibly mean by it? Why, if I was to say to them, "I'm told your friend Sir Mulberry is a base wretch," they'd laugh at me. Why, that leaves you fifty,' retorted Ralph. Why is she so excruciatingly beautiful that I cannot be angry with her, even now? 'Why, this IS a surprise! Why you can hardly get up enough of him between your finger and thumb to pinch him anywheres. Why you couldn't shut a bit of him in a door, when he's had his dinner. Why, when Mrs Squeers was brought to bed with little Wackford here, we ran the hooping-cough through half-a-dozen boys, and charged her expenses among 'em, monthly nurse included. Why he's a miracle of high feeding, that boy is! Why, he wasn't young,' answered Squeers; 'that is, not young for a boy, you know. Why, what does the man mean? Why not? 'Why do you talk thus, poor boy, if your life is a happy one with me? Why, here's a dismal face for ladies' company!--my pretty sister too, whom you have so often asked me about. Why, I recollect old Tim Linkinwater quite a little boy, don't you? Why, ma'am,' said Mr Kenwigs, 'it's not exactly for me to say what they may be, or what they may not be. Why, I do declare,' said Mr Kenwigs, standing opposite the door so as to get the earliest glimpse of the visitor, as he came upstairs, 'it's Mr Johnson! 'Why, Kate,' said Mrs Nickleby, putting her feet upon the fender, and drawing her chair close to it, as if settling herself for a long talk. Why, mother--' Nicholas stopped short; for there was an indescribable expression of placid triumph, mingled with a modest confusion, lingering between the borders of Mrs Nickleby's nightcap, which arrested his attention suddenly. Why what in the deyvle's name, Hawk, have you and Nickleby been talking about? Why, who'd have thought of this? 'Why, in the top back room, at my lodging,' replied Squeers, 'with him on one side, and the key on the other. Why didn't 'ee punch his head, or lay theeself doon and kick, and squeal out for the pollis? 'Why, where have you seen her? 'Why is it,' said the old gentleman, coming up a step higher, and leaning his elbows on the wall, with as much complacency as if he were looking out of window, 'why is it that beauty is always obdurate, even when admiration is as honourable and respectful as mine? Why no,' replied the man, looking into his hat, throwing his handkerchief in at one dab, and putting it on again. 'Why then, I just tell you this, Kate,' returned Mrs Nickleby, 'that, he is nothing of the kind, and I am surprised you can be so imposed upon. Why, I told t'oother chap to look sharp ootside door, and tell 'un d'rectly he coom, thot we war faint wi' hoonger. Why, John," says she--and she coom a deal closer and squeedged a deal harder than she'd deane afore--"dost thou think it's nat'ral noo, that having such a proper mun as thou to keep company wi', I'd ever tak' opp wi' such a leetle scanty whipper-snapper as yon? Why, what's the matter? Why, I don't believe now,' added Tim, taking off his spectacles, and smiling as with gentle pride, 'that there's such a place in all the world for coincidences as London is! Why, of course it's not. Why I would have it if I were dying; in that case I should only be the more determined to have it, and that without delay--I mean if I were he. Why then, harkye, Mr--, I don't know by what name I am to call you,' said Ralph. 'Why then, harkye, Mr Brooker,' said Ralph, in his harshest accents, 'and don't expect to draw another speech from me. Why do you say all this before so many listeners? Why, his father's my friend; he's to come back to me directly, he is. Why should I,' thought Nicholas, 'why should I throw difficulties in the way of this benevolent and high-minded design? Why, how are we to do without? 'Why, you have a sleek and slinking way with you that makes me seem so by contrast,' returned Ralph. 'Why, who the devil should there be? Why, he owes you money! Why, supposing I had a knowledge of some property--some little property--very little--to which this pretty chick was entitled; which nobody does or can know of at this time, but which her husband could sweep into his pouch, if he knew as much as I do, would that account for--' 'For the whole proceeding,' rejoined Ralph, abruptly. Why should I hint, and beat about the bush? 'Why, of course it would,' retorted Mr Bray, in an exasperated tone. Why, how often do men of family and fortune, who haven't your excuse, but have all the means and superfluities of life within their reach, how often do they marry their daughters to old men, or (worse still) to young men without heads or hearts, to tickle some idle vanity, strengthen some family interest, or secure some seat in Parliament! 'Why, it's pretty sure to be something uncommon, I suppose,' rejoined Mr Crummles. Why this is indeed a joy I had not looked for! Why I think it is, my dear,' said Miss La Creevy. Why, Kate,' said Nicholas, drawing his sister towards him and kissing her, 'let me see your face. Why did you never give those confounded papers the lie? 'Why, don't you remember what passed on the subject one night, when I was laid up with a broken limb? Why not do? Why don't you wear your every-day clothes, like a man--eh? Why, isn't it enough to make me? 'Why, then, I'll tell you what,' tittered Arthur, 'we'll drink--he, he, he!--we'll drink a lady. Why, then he lurked about and dogged me in the street. Why didn't you tell me? 'Why not? Why, I see you a shaving of a baker, when I was a looking through the winder, last week,' said the coal-heaver. Why was my heart so faint? Why didn't I boldly open it to Bray myself, and save one thousand four hundred and seventy-five, four, three? Why do you make those grimaces, man? 'Why, how stands the fact? Why, everybody knows what easy things to understand and to control, women are. Why not? 'Why, I suppose she'll not come till she is obliged,' returned Ralph, looking at his watch, 'and she has a good half-hour to spare yet. Why is such a great fuss made because this Miss Magdalen is going to marry somebody who is older than herself? Why that, my dear,' returned Mrs Nickleby, 'is just the point upon which I am not yet satisfied. Why, to be sure, that would place HIM in a better situation with them,' said Nicholas, 'but we should still be open to the same suspicions; the distance between us would still be as great; the advantages to be gained would still be as manifest as now. Why, how many lies, what mean and abject evasions, what humbled behaviour from upstarts who, but for my money, would spurn me aside as they do their betters every day, would that ten thousand pounds have brought me in! 'Why, sir,' said Mr Squeers, 'I'm pretty well. Why, it an't necessary to mention. 'Why, you know,' said Squeers, fidgeting in his chair, 'if you come to that, I might say where's yours? 'Why, sir,' returned Squeers, almost overpowered by the determination which Ralph displayed to make everything tell against him, and by his stern unyielding manner, 'in a measure it was. Why, in a measure means," returned Squeers, 'as it may be, that it wasn't all on my account, because you had some old grudge to satisfy, too. 'Why no, I don't suppose you would,' Squeers replied. Why, I only mean that if it was me, I wouldn't keep papers as might hang me, littering about when they might be turned into money--them as wasn't useful made away with, and them as was, laid by somewheres, safe; that's all,' returned Squeers; 'but everybody's the best judge of their own affairs. 'Why, what a man you are to ask! Why, this,' said Squeers, 'seems, from the two letters that's with it, to be a bond from a curate down in the country, to pay half a year's wages of forty pound for borrowing twenty. Why, your man, your informing kidnapping man, has been and broke it,' rejoined Squeers sulkily; 'that's what's the matter with it. 'Why have you not sent to me? 'Why, I suppose they can't do much to me, if I explain how it was that I got into the good company of that there ca-daverous old Slider,' replied Squeers viciously, 'who I wish was dead and buried, and resurrected and dissected, and hung upon wires in a anatomical museum, before ever I'd had anything to do with her. Why, THE document,' replied Squeers. 'Why should I go there? 'Why, so I should,' said Nicholas, 'should I not? Why, I'll tell you what, sir,' said Tim, standing in his favourite attitude and pointing to the cage with the feather of his pen, 'it's a very extraordinary thing about that bird, that the only people he ever takes the smallest notice of, are Mr Charles, and Mr Ned, and you, and me. Why, this is almost the best of all! Why, Mr Nickleby and Mr Frank were to have been in your room for I don't know how long; and I don't know what you weren't to have told them before you came out with the truth. 'Why should you cry? Why on earth should Miss La Creevy and Tim Linkinwater have said all this in a whisper? Why shouldn't we both be married, instead of sitting through the long winter evenings by our solitary firesides? Why shouldn't we make one fireside of it, and marry each other? Why, what hearty laughs we have had since we've known each other! 'Why, God bless your soul! Why they left us here on purpose. 'Why, I never heard such a thing in my life! "Why should I hinder it?" Why should I hazard what I have? Why will not Hagen and my brother give up their shields? "Why ask this grace?" Why hath Rudeger so many castles from the king? Why weepest thou so bitterly, Sir Helfrich? Why tarry ye? "Why dost thou ask?" Why didst thou ride to the Thing, if thou wilt not tell me thy secret? Why rodest thou hither? Why," said Skamkell, "if it were a low-born man it would have been said that he had wept. Why is thine axe bloody? Why so slow, Skarphedinn? Why," said Flosi, "should I need these more? "Why do ye talk thus of the sons of Sigfus, or what do ye know about them?" Why," said the other, "because the prey is now before thy hand. Why didn't I ask him! Why, it's actually you, Levin, at last! "Why not?" "Why, because there's nothing in it." Why it was the three young ladies had one day to speak French, and the next English; why it was that at certain hours they played by turns on the piano, the sounds of which were audible in their brother's room above, where the students used to work; why they were visited by those professors of French literature, of music, of drawing, of dancing; why at certain hours all the three young ladies, with Mademoiselle Linon, drove in the coach to the Tversky boulevard, dressed in their satin cloaks, Dolly in a long one, Natalia in a half-long one, and Kitty in one so short that her shapely legs in tightly-drawn red stockings were visible to all beholders; why it was they had to walk about the Tversky boulevard escorted by a footman with a gold cockade in his hat --all this and much more that was done in their mysterious world he did not understand, but he was sure that everything that was done there was very good, and he was in love precisely with the mystery of the proceedings. Why, surely you're a member of the board? Why? "Why, is it over for you already?" Why not possible? Why do you ask? Why you ought to know Vronsky is that he's one of your rivals. "Why, what is it?" Why not? Why, has be been here long? Why do you ask me? Why should there not be some new force, still unknown to us, which..." "When electricity was discovered," Levin interrupted hurriedly, "it was only the phenomenon that was discovered, and it was unknown from what it proceeded and what were its effects, and ages passed before its applications were conceived. "Why, you've..." The prince was crying wrathfully. Why are the children here? "Why, are there balls where one always enjoys oneself?" "Why should not _I_ be dull at a ball?" Why do you always look down on me and Matvey? Why, have yo met? Why I should be lowering myself, I don't understand. Why a locksmiths' association in a village? "Why?" Why not? Why don't you get married? Why not? "Why low-spirited?" Why, I've grown up from a little thing with them. Why, what is it? Why, am I not so nice as she? Why, we didn't expect you! Why would they try to cure her with pills and powders? Why, hasn't he gone into the country yet--to see about selling that forest? "Why are you tormenting me?" "Why, whatever loathsome thoughts can you have?" Why didn't you come to dinner? "Why, whatever hope can you have?" "Why are you telling me these horrible stories?" "Why, where was the difficulty?" "Why, have you been at the Schuetzburgs?" "Why don't you like her husband?" Why one ought to have confidence-- that is to say, complete conviction that his young wife would always love him--he did not ask himself. Why, what is it? Why isn't the carpenter at the thrashing machine? Why, what do I keep you for? "Why not sow all?" Why, but I told you during Lent to put in pipes," he cried. Why ever shouldn't you manage it? "Why, I don't think you take much rest as it is." "Why is it you have earth that's not sifted?" Why, you'll see in the summer time. "Why, it's a spring such as the old men don't remember the like of." "Why, sir, it was you taught us the year before last." "Why, who prevents you?" Why was it none would give it, then? "Why, because he has an understanding with the merchants; he's bought them off." Why, you've got the forest for nothing as it is," he said. "Why should I give you my goods for nothing?" Why, I'm buying it, upon my honor, simply, believe me, for the glory of it, that Ryabinin, and no one else, should have bought the copse of Oblonsky. Why didn't you offer Ryabinin something? Why not shake hands with him? Why didn't you fight it out? Why didn't you turn up at the Red Theater yesterday? "Why, are you gaining weight?" Why does everybody feel called upon to concern himself about me? Why, you saved that Levin from disagreeable consequences. Why, if I were a man, I could never care for anyone else after knowing you. "Why should you be like anyone?" Why, you did nothing wrong? Why, what is there shameful? "Why so?" "Why, what for?" "Why, what is important?" Why, what? Why has she given up sending the children and coming to see us? "Why, did you know her, papa?" Why don't you go up to him? Why, there's time one would give a month of for sixpence, and time you wouldn't give half an hour of for any money. "Why not?" Why are you so red? Why was I rude to her? Why be in such a hurry? Why is it you can do nothing? "Why have schools?" "Why not cut it?" Why, there was scarcely a drop. "Why, two years old." "Why did you nurse her so long?" Why was it you did not come to see us nor them when you were in Moscow? Why, for over a year he was innocent as a babe himself, and bashful too," answered the old man. Why was it I wanted to tell him and did not tell him? Why she said this, which she had not thought of a second before, she could not have explained. Why, you live in the liveliest set in Petersburg," said Anna. Why weren't you at the races yesterday? Why aren't they independent men? Why did she fix on this place to meet me, and why does she write in Betsy's letter? "Why do you tell me that?" "Why can't they?" Why, acquitted them. "Why, manage like Mihail Petrovitch, or let the land for half the crop or for rent to the peasants; that one can do--only that's just how the general prosperity of the country is being ruined." "Why do they spoil things?" Why shouldn't we seek them for ourselves? Why, as 'tis, they're saying, 'Your master will be getting some honor from the Tsar for it. Why, what for? Why do you keep fidgeting, why don't you go to sleep? Why, he's dying--yes, he'll die in the spring, and how help him? "Why so?" Why did you find it so tiresome? Why take money for posting-horses when everyone knows that there are railways everywhere now? Why, Alexey Alexandrovitch, what are you cutting us like this for? "Why so soon?" Why, that's just what I came for! Why can't you? "Why so?" Why, good heavens, it's four already, and I've still to go to Dolgovushin's! Why shouldn't it be the truth? Why, have you been going in for gymnastics again? Why such a conquering hero? Why is it you have never married? Why did you give them me? "Why didn't you let me nurse her, when I begged to?" Why, I believe it's nine years since I've taken the sacrament! "Why so?" "Why, my dear soul, she looks more dead than alive!" Why is it Marie's in lilac, as bad as black, at a wedding? Why has she been crying? Why mine? "Why so?" "Why should I, of all people, have such happiness!" Why shouldn't I go? Why should you..." "Why? Why out of the question? Why do you say it's out of the question? Why did you, if you regret it? Why should she suffer as I am suffering? Why, with you I should have got well long ago. Why do you think so? Why do you think so? "Why, is there any harm in her being in love with Karenin?" Why does he keep me off; why doesn't he love me? Why, you're sitting on my clothes! Why do you ask with such alarm? Why shouldn't I go? "Why so?" Why are we living here apart and not seeing each other? Why can't I go? Why aren't you going to faire la cour a Madame Karenina? "Why, what do you want there?" "Why, what is one to think?" "Why?" Why not speak of him? Why, how can you be dissatisfied with yourself if you are happy? Why not? Why, now..." And suddenly there was an unexpected quiver in the princess's voice. Why, maman, they've not been in Moscow since! Why should I go? Why, how can one want to go to bed! Why, what can you be thinking about! Why is the chestnut on the right? "Why, upon my word, sir," the carpenter said with a contemptuous smile. "Why, to be sure, it'll start from the bottom and go up and go up, and come out so," the carpenter said obstinately and convincingly. Why, it'll go up, and up, and come out like this. Why don't you stop her? Why do they offer it? Why is it we spend our time riding, drinking, shooting, doing nothing, while they are forever at work? Why not, if it amuses him? Why are you up so early, my dear? Why, this spring Natalia Golitzina died from having an ignorant doctor. "Why, what has she done?" Why grieve? Why, even if we suppose the greatest good luck, that the children don't die, and I bring them up somehow. Why haven't you written to me? "Why?..." Why so? Why, Kostya, you here too! Why, at this rate, they won't admit anyone. Why, what is there to understand? Why don't we cut down our parks for timber? Why, as you said, to keep the fire in. Why not talk about it? "Why, you know, that's my one desire." Why so early? Why, I suppose you used to pay calls before you were married, didn't you? "Why, what's happened?" Why, that fat one; he's famous for his bon mots. "Why, is he losing?" "Why especially now?" "Why, you will look at everything in the worst light." Why wasn't he here all the evening? Why should she suffer? Why, it's like keeping a condemned criminal for six months with the rope round his neck, promising him perhaps death, perhaps mercy. Why should I remember? Why wait here for the divorce? Why, did she swim in some special way, then? Why, the sooner the better! Why, there's no meaning in it! Why, you said yesterday that I don't love my daughter, that I love this English girl, that it's unnatural. Why didn't I die? Why didn't you show it to me? Why, when there was a tempest in her soul, and she felt she was standing at a turning point in her life, which might have fearful consequences--why, at that minute, she had to keep up appearances before an outsider, who sooner or later must know it all--she did not know. Why, I love him! Why, he loves me! Why, this isn't it, this isn't he! Why, it's I! Why, I'm going out of my mind! Why, then, he has never received it! Why fret yourself so, Anna Arkadyevna? Why, there's nothing out of the way. Why is it they're always painting and building? Why our? Why does Kitty shrink from me? Why these churches and this singing and this humbug? Why did the conductor run along the footboard, why are they shrieking, those young men in that train? Why, you ought to have said something--just a few words, you know, to encourage them; you do that so well," he added with a soft, respectful, and discreet smile, moving Sergey Ivanovitch forward a little by the arm. Why, what is the meaning of such desperate passions? Why is it all being done? Why am I standing here, making them work? Why, to be sure, in truth, in God's way. Why, they'd die of hunger! Why so? Why have not private persons the right to do so? Why, it's not possible that all..." "But what was it in church on Sunday? Why hello, Old Chris. Why didn't you never come out West to see me? Why don't that guy stay where he belongs? Why, sure. Why not? Why, sure. Why don't you say something? Why not, I'd like to know? Why don't you beat it? Why, listen! Why d'you want to keep on kicking me? Why ain't you done what you said you was going to? Why ain't you got that ship was going to take you to the other side of the earth where you'd never see me again? Why? Why, the whole point, the real sting of it lay in the fact that continually, even in the moment of the acutest spleen, I was inwardly conscious with shame that I was not only not a spiteful but not even an embittered man, that I was simply scaring sparrows at random and amusing myself by it. Why, it is absolutely no matter whether I am going away or not going away. Why should I not have made up my mind? Why, when they are possessed, let us suppose, by the feeling of revenge, then for the time there is nothing else but that feeling left in their whole being. Why, of course, the laws of nature, the deductions of natural science, mathematics. Why, how am I, for example, to set my mind at rest? Why, just the same. Why, in the first place, when in all these thousands of years has there been a time when man has acted only from his own interest? Why, to maintain this theory of the regeneration of mankind by means of the pursuit of his own advantage is to my mind almost the same thing ... as to affirm, for instance, following Buckle, that through civilisation mankind becomes softer, and consequently less bloodthirsty and less fitted for warfare. Why, suffering is the sole origin of consciousness. Why are you explaining? Why do you apologise? Why not try? Why I inflicted this torture upon myself, why I went to the Nevsky, I don't know. Why must you invariably be the first to move aside? Why is it you and not he? Why not? "Why are you cross-examining me?" "Why are you clacking away like that, my good sir, eh?" Why, aren't you going to drink it? Why are you barring our way? Why do you refuse me? Why did I invite myself to this dinner yesterday? Why, what class are they? "Why did you leave them?" "Why water in the grave?" Why, there must have been water at the bottom a foot deep. "Why?" "Why?" Why, the place is waterlogged. Why, some day you will die, and you will die just the same as that dead woman. "Why a little later?" "Why, indeed?" Why are you so cross? Why have you come here? Why so? Why are you--" she began and stopped. Why, you ..." "What? "Why, you ... speak somehow like a book," she said, and again there was a note of irony in her voice. Why, do you suppose he really loves you, that lover of yours? Why, she's on her side! Why dishonest? Why, how fail to understand? Why, besides, you called me a 'torturer,' for which I can summon you at the police-station at any time for insulting behaviour. Why have you come to me, tell me that, please? Why have you come? Why are you shuddering? Why didn't you throw it in my teeth when I was giving you that sermon: 'But what did you come here yourself for? Why, it's not once in a lifetime a man speaks out like this, and then it is in hysterics! Why do you still stand confronting me, after all this? Why are you worrying me? Why don't you go? Why was I ashamed? Why is it strange? Why? Why, to tell long stories, showing how I have spoiled my life through morally rotting in my corner, through lack of fitting environment, through divorce from real life, and rankling spite in my underground world, would certainly not be interesting; a novel needs a hero, and all the traits for an anti-hero are EXPRESSLY gathered together here, and what matters most, it all produces an unpleasant impression, for we are all divorced from life, we are all cripples, every one of us, more or less. Why, we have come almost to looking upon real life as an effort, almost as hard work, and we are all privately agreed that it is better in books. Why are we perverse and ask for something else? Why, we don't even know what living means now, what it is, and what it is called? "Why, how can I tell!" Why, you simpleton," said Napoleon, playfully; "just look here. Why should not the President ? Why can I not tear her image from my heart? Why give rise to property, where there cannot possibly be any injury? Why call this object MINE, when upon the seizing of it by another, I need but stretch out my hand to possess myself to what is equally valuable? Why should I bind another, by a deed or promise, to do me any good office, when I know that he is already prompted, by the strongest inclination, to seek my happiness, and would, of himself, perform the desired service; except the hurt, he thereby receives, be greater than the benefit accruing to me? Why raise landmarks between my neighbour's field and mine, when my heart has made no division between our interests; but shares all his joys and sorrows with the same force and vivacity as if originally my own? Why create magistrates, where there never arises any disorder or iniquity? Why abridge our native freedom, when, in every instance, the utmost exertion of it is found innocent and beneficial? Why is this peach-tree said to be better than that other; but because it produces more or better fruit? Why do philosophers infer, with the greatest certainty, that the moon is kept in its orbit by the same force of gravity, that makes bodies fall near the surface of the earth, but because these effects are, upon computation, found similar and equal? Why so anxious to inform us of the great company which you have kept; the obliging things which were said to you; the honours, the distinctions which you met with; as if these were not things of course, and what we could readily, of ourselves, have imagined, without being told of them? Why rake into those corners of nature which spread a nuisance all around? Why dig up the pestilence from the pit in which it is buried? Why is it more doubtful, that the enlarged virtues of humanity, generosity, beneficence, are desirable with a view of happiness and self-interest, than the limited endowments of ingenuity and politeness? Why, I bred him! Why? Why did the Earl start perceptibly each time that he looked into her face? Why was I born? Why cannot I love Alexis? Why! Why should he be angry? Why should I live now that I have known a perfect love? Why does Otto seem to avoid me? Why," she cried, "should the wife of a man in the penitentiary wear a ring. Why," he continued, showing for the first time a sort of animation in his talk, "what was the use of it? Why, they stood at the corner of the street. Why should we? "Why," answered my strange acquaintance, "it died out of itself." "Why," I said with enthusiasm, "by means of the telephone we could talk to anybody, call up anybody, and talk at any distance." "Why, yes," he said, "there's always the danger of getting broken." Why," said the Man in Asbestos, "I suppose it's what you would call being dead. Why have them? "Why," I said, "our first fifteen years or so were spent in getting education." "Why," I said, "one had, of course, to work, and then, to tell the truth, a great part of one's time and feeling was devoted toward the other sex, towards falling in love and finding some woman to share one's life." Why," asked the chieftain stolidly, "do I see so many of my father's young men standing in the street with their guns? Why not meet the trouble at its source by capturing the British posts and suppressing the commandants whose orders were mainly responsible for the atrocities? Why should we quarrel for riches. Why must my morning sun go down at noon? Why a servingman has pleasure beyond all sort of measure, With his hawk on his fist, as he does stand; For the game that he does kill, and the meat that does him fill, Are pleasures for the servingman. Why it is a gallant thing to ride out with a king, With a lord, duke, or any such man; To hear the horns to blow, and see the hounds all in a row, That is pleasure for the servingman. Why the diet that we eat is the choicest of all meat, Such as pig, goose, capon, and swan; Our pastry is so fine, we drink sugar in our wine, That is living for the servingman. Why the clothing that we wear is delicate and rare, With our coat, lace, buckles, and band; Our shirts are white as milk, and our stockings they are silk, That is clothing for a servingman. 'Why then,' quoth the knight, 'hap better or worse, I weigh not true love by the weight of the purse, And beauty is beauty in every degree, Then welcome to me, my dear pretty Bessee. 'Why, then,' says the farmer, 'I'll take sword in hand, By honour I'll gain her when she shall command. 'Why, I can plough, and I can zow, And zometimes to the market go With Gaffer Johnson's straw or hay, And yarn my ninepence every day! Why then thou must marry some red-nosed squire, [Who'll buy thee a settle to sit by the fire,] For I'll to Margery in the valley, She is my girl, so farewell Malley. 'Why, you old fool! 'Why, you old fool! 'Why, you old fool! 'Why, you old fool! 'Why, you old fool! 'Why, you old fool! Why, it's what I'm obliged to keep a little of in the house, to put into the blessed infants' Daffy, when they ain't well, Mr. Bumble,' replied Mrs. Mann as she opened a corner cupboard, and took down a bottle and glass. 'Why, you're quite a literary character, sir! 'Why, he IS rather small,' replied Mr. Bumble: looking at Oliver as if it were his fault that he was no bigger; 'he is small. Why don't you let the boy alone? Why everybody lets him alone enough, for the matter of that. Why, the husband sends back word that the medicine won't suit his wife's complaint, and so she shan't take it--says she shan't take it, sir! Why, he was so angry, Oliver, that he forgot even to ask after you! Why, what's the matter with the boy! Why, a beak's a madgst'rate; and when you walk by a beak's order, it's not straight forerd, but always agoing up, and niver a coming down agin. Why, THE mill--the mill as takes up so little room that it'll work inside a Stone Jug; and always goes better when the wind's low with people, than when it's high; acos then they can't get workmen. Why are you awake? Why didn't you come here before? Why, really, my dear, I don't know,' answered the old lady in a good- humoured manner. Why, sure you're not afraid of it? Why! Why, what should he say? Why, how's this? Why, the traps have got him, and that's all about it,' said the Dodger, sullenly. Why, what the blazes is in the wind now! Why didn't you come in afore? Why, you're just the very person for it,' reasoned Mr. Sikes: 'nobody about here knows anything of you. Why, the gentleman's got him,' replied the officer. Why have they taken it away? 'Why? Why, it's Nancy! Why didn't you write, my dear, and say you were coming? Why, Nancy! Why, you little wretch--' 'Stop, Mrs. Mann, stop! Why didn't you take my advise in the beginning; you would if he hadn't had a fever, I suppose, eh? Why don't you put yourself under Fagin, Oliver? Why, where's your spirit? Why,' whispered Sikes, 'as you cross the lawn--' 'Yes? Why, you don't mind the old girl, do you, Fagin? Why, do you think? 'Why not? Why here's one man that, in consideraton of his wife and large family, has a quartern loaf and a good pound of cheese, full weight. Why, you don't mean to say--' began Toby, turning pale. Why have they not been here? Why, the sight of you, Mr. Fagin, would cure the hoptalymy! Why not have kept him here among the rest, and made a sneaking, snivelling pickpocket of him at once? Why, do you mean to say you couldn't have done it, if you had chosen? Why, we can't afford to do that just now, my dear,' replied the Jew, smiling; 'and, besides, that sort of thing is not in our way; or, one of these days, I might be glad to have it done. Why didn't you send? Why, that would NOT be an extraordinary thing, under the circumstances,' replied the doctor; 'though I don't think he is. 'Why not? 'Why, indeed! 'Why, thank you, miss! Why, you are not in the same mind or intention two half-hours together! 'Why, my dear--' urged Mr. Bumble submissively. Why, you mean Oliver! 'Why, you don't mean to say, you'd be hard upon me to-night, Bill,' said the girl, laying her hand upon his shoulder. Why not? Why, damme, now, the girls's whining again! Why, what evil wind has blowed you here? Why, Nance!,' exclaimed the Jew, starting back as he put down the candle, 'how pale you are! Why, burn my body! Why? Why do you wish to return to companions you paint in such terrible colors? 'Why should you be? Why, you get blinder every day, Bedwin,' said Mr. Brownlow, rather testily. 'Why not? Why, you yourself are worth fifty women; I never see such a precious sly and deceitful creetur as yer can be when I let yer. 'Why, one need be sharp in this town, my dear,' replied the Jew, sinking his voice to a confidential whisper; 'and that's the truth. 'Why, I suppose if I wasn't, I shouldn't be here,' replied Noah. 'Why, I did mention that, and I shouldn't mind turning my hand to it sometimes,' rejoined Mr. Claypole slowly; 'but it wouldn't pay by itself, you know. 'Why, if he didn't mind--' observed Fagin. Why, now she's on the other tack! 'Why, for what,' said the gentleman in a kinder tone, 'for what purpose can you have brought us to this strange place? Why not have let me speak to you, above there, where it is light, and there is something stirring, instead of bringing us to this dark and dismal hole? Why I told yer that before. 'Why--why? 'Why, that she couldn't very easily get out of doors unless he knew where she was going to,' said Noah; 'and so the first time she went to see the lady, she--ha! Why can't I lie by for a week or so, and, forcing blunt from Fagin, get abroad to France? Why do you talk to me of brothers? Why, or whithter, none can tell. 'Why didn't you, blunder-head! Why, look'e, young gentleman,' said Toby, 'when a man keeps himself so very ex-clusive as I have done, and by that means has a snug house over his head with nobody a prying and smelling about it, it's rather a startling thing to have the honour of a wisit from a young gentleman (however respectable and pleasant a person he may be to play cards with at conweniency) circumstanced as you are. Why isn't it! Why are we brought here to answer to such nonsense as this? Why does it please thee so, perfidious lord, Two hearts should with a different measure beat? Why thus the good possessed remember still, Amid the cruel penance I endure? Why not have armed, and rather let them wring My heart out of my breast? Why was not in the cave thy wish made known, Where I their shadows might as well have shown? Why should I other's judgment deem more true Than the belief that's warranted by sight? Why seek you not Jerusalem to free From renegades? Why sank I not in ocean, (was her cry,) When first I reared my sail upon the main? Why fence and guard myself, lest bearing high, Wise words, and beauty rare should pleasure me? Why should I fear, that on my horn depend For certain succour? Why should this be so? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined? Why, on the theory of Creation, should this be so? Why should all the parts and organs of many independent beings, each supposed to have been separately created for its proper place in nature, be so invariably linked together by graduated steps? Why should not Nature have taken a leap from structure to structure? Why should the degree of sterility be innately variable in the individuals of the same species? Why should some species cross with facility, and yet produce very sterile hybrids; and other species cross with extreme difficulty, and yet produce fairly fertile hybrids? Why should there often be so great a difference in the result of a reciprocal cross between the same two species? Why, it may even be asked, has the production of hybrids been permitted? Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Why ancient and extinct forms often tend to fill up gaps between existing forms, sometimes blending two groups previously classed as distinct into one; but more commonly only bringing them a little closer together. Why, it may be asked, has the supposed creative force produced bats and no other mammals on remote islands? Why should this be so? Why should the brain be enclosed in a box composed of such numerous and such extraordinarily shaped pieces of bone? Why should similar bones have been created in the formation of the wing and leg of a bat, used as they are for such totally different purposes? Why should one crustacean, which has an extremely complex mouth formed of many parts, consequently always have fewer legs; or conversely, those with many legs have simpler mouths? Why should the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils in any individual flower, though fitted for such widely different purposes, be all constructed on the same pattern? Why are not all organic beings blended together in an inextricable chaos? Why does not every collection of fossil remains afford plain evidence of the gradation and mutation of the forms of life? Why, again, do whole groups of allied species appear, though certainly they often falsely appear, to have come in suddenly on the several geological stages? Why do we not find great piles of strata beneath the Silurian system, stored with the remains of the progenitors of the Silurian groups of fossils? Why, if man can by patience select variations most useful to himself, should nature fail in selecting variations useful, under changing conditions of life, to her living products? Why, for instance, should the colour of a flower be more likely to vary in any one species of a genus, if the other species, supposed to have been created independently, have differently coloured flowers, than if all the species of the genus have the same coloured flowers? Why, it may be asked, have all the most eminent living naturalists and geologists rejected this view of the mutability of species? Why don't you join? Why in 'ell didn't you use mud? Why not write a sketch and break Tommy in as an actor? Why not use the rafters overhead, call them boxes, and charge two francs for a seat on them? Why, the other sentry said they'd pardon me. Why didn't "D" Company fire on them? Why were they so strangely silent? Why didn't it open fire and save them? Why she should think a shell wound was more of a distinction beats me. Why, here is a good chance to try my new powder! Why don't you change me into a goat, or a chicken? "Why, then," said the Pumpkinhead, in a tone that expressed surprise, "you must be my creator my parent my father!" Why, it's the center of the Land of Oz, and the biggest town in all the country. Why don't you sit down? Why, there are two kinds of horses," returned Tip, slightly puzzled how to explain. Why not? Why, so you are! "Why don't you make him some ears?" "Why, I didn't think of it," answered the Pumpkinhead; "I didn't need to, for it's the simplest and easiest thing to do." Why, a horse has bigger ears than a man; and a donkey has bigger ears than a horse," explained Tip. Why didn't you stop when I yelled 'whoa? "Why, hold on to his ears," replied Tip, after a moment's hesitation. Why, I don't understand your language. Why, it's little Jellia Jamb! Why, it's impossible. Why, to my friend the Tin Woodman, who 100 Line-Art Drawing rules over the Winkies, and calls himself their Emperor," was the answer. Why, I said he was a jewel, and so your man locked him up in the royal treasury," said Jack. Why do you think, my dear friend, that we have gone astray? "Why, here before us is a great field of sunflowers -- and I never saw this field before in all my life." Why, we've had a revolution, your Majesty as you ought to know very well," replied the man; "and since you went away the women have been running things to suit themselves. Why, when it comes to Law, I have nothing to, say" answered that personage. Why don't you marry the Queen? Why don't you send her back to her mother, where she belongs? Why don't you shut her up in a closet until she behaves herself, and promises to be good? Why, dear father, did you not make me out of tin -- or even out of straw -- so that I would keep indefinitely. Why the Woggle-Bug selected this article he could not have explained, except that it had aroused his curiosity. Why, it can be fastened to the back end for a tail," answered the Pumpkinhead. Why, yes; the lower bottom unscrews," said the Tin Woodman. "Why, this is a very valuable discovery!" "Why not stuff him with money?" Why not use the money? "Why not start counting at a half of one?" Why not? Why, the three pills are in the box again! "Why, she stole the throne from me," said the Scarecrow. Why, indeed! Why, it's Jellia Jamb! "Why do you seek me?" Why -- it is black! Why, I'm no Princess Ozma -- I'm not a girl! Why should he take such a poor girl as you by the hand, as your letter says he has done twice? Why should he stoop to read your letter to us; and commend your writing and spelling? Why that word virtuous, said he, I pray you? Why, sir, said she, she is a poor innocent young creature, and I believe has so much confidence in me, that she would take my advice as soon as she would her mother's. Why, Mrs. Jervis, said he, are there any men that will not let her alone, that you know of? Why then, sir, said I, I will not tell a lie for the world: I did tell Mrs. Jervis; for my heart was almost broken; but I opened not my mouth to any other. Why, now, and please your honour, said I, (for I was quite courageous just then,) you could not have asked me this question, if you had not taken from me my letter to my father and mother, in which I own I had broken my mind freely to them, and asked their advice, and poured forth my griefs! Why can't they make their game without me? Why, yes, says Mrs. Jervis, Pamela is very pretty indeed; she's but in the closet there:--Pamela, pray step hither. Why, child, you far surpass your sister Pamela! Why then you are a justice of peace, and may send me to gaol, if you please, and bring me to a trial for my life! Why, sauce-box, says he, did not my good mother desire me to take care of you? Why, then, said I, if your honour must know, I said, That my good lady did not desire your care to extend to the summer-house, and her dressing-room. Why what makes him provoke one so, then?--I'm almost sorry for it; but I would be glad to get away at any rate. Why, Mrs. Jervis, said I, so I am, a little; 'tis a folly to deny it. Why, I'll tell you freely, my dear Pamela, said she, and I trust to your discretion to conceal what I say: my master has been often desiring me to put you upon asking him to let you stay---- Yes, said I, Mrs. Jervis, let me interrupt you: I will tell you why I could not think of that: It was not the pride of my heart, but the pride of my honesty: For what must have been the case? Why, says she, he was very angry with you. Why, said she, it signifies nothing to tell you all he said but it was enough to make me fear you would not be so safe as I could wish; and, upon my word, Pamela, I don't wonder he loves you; for, without flattery, you are a charming girl! Why, said he, your eyes always look red, I think. Why, dear father and mother, to be sure he grows quite a rake! Why, this it is that makes every one be thought of alike: And, alack-a-day! Why, and please your honour, said Mr. Longman, every body-- and was going on, I believe, to say something more in my praise, but he interrupted him, and said, Not a word more of this Pamela. Why, pr'ythee now, insinuator, said he, say the worst you can before Longman and Mrs. Jervis. Why, no more nor less, than that I am like the grasshopper in the fable, which I have read of in my lady's book, as follows:--[See the Aesop's Fables which have lately been selected and reformed from those of Sir R. L'Estrange, and the most eminent mythologists. Why then the case is this: I am to enter upon a point of equity and conscience, Mrs. Jervis; and I must beg, if you love me, you'd let me have my own way. Why, he will make my poor father and mother's life comfortable. Why, said he, thou art the veriest fool that I ever knew. Why then, Pamela, said he, suppose I find a man of probity, and genteel calling, for a husband for you, that shall make you a gentlewoman as long as you live?--I want no husband, sir, said I: for now I began to see him in all his black colours!--Yet being so much in his power, I thought I would a little dissemble. Why, your daughter has made a strange racket in my family; and if I thought it would have disturbed you so much, I would have e'en let her go home; but what I did was to serve her, and you too. Why, London is a great way off, said the 'squire, and I can't send for her back presently. Why, surely, man, thou forgettest whom thou talkest to. Why, Goodman Andrews, I think thou hast read romances as well as thy daughter, and thy head's turned with them. Why, sir, said he, pray forgive me; but there is no harm to say, What bishop's, or whereabouts? Why that, said the poor man, will be some comfort. Why, said I, how can that be? Why, said I, suppose he should bid you cut my throat, Would you do it? Why now, says she, how strangely you talk! Why, said she, I am wholesome, and cleanly too, I'll assure you. Why, barbarous Mrs. Jewkes, said I, only to look a little up the elm- walk, since you would not let me go to church. Why, sure thou'rt in love, John. Why then (wrote I) she would do me the favour to let me know, what I have done to be made her prisoner; and what she thinks is to become of me. Why then, of consequence, (scribbled I,) she would let me see her instructions, that I may know how far to blame, or to acquit her. Why, said she, what can you doubt, when my master himself assures you of his honour? Why, said she, what does he call honour, think you?--Ruin! Why, said I, are you afraid I should confederate with them to commit a robbery upon my master? Why, what would you do, said I, if you were he?--Not stand shill-I-shall-I, as he does; but put you and himself both out of your pain.--Why, Jezebel, said I, (I could not help it,) would you ruin me by force?--Upon this she gave me a deadly slap upon my shoulder: Take that, said she; whom do you call Jezebel? Why suppose, sir, said I, you give her shelter in your house, with your spouse and niece, till she can get to her friends. Why then, said she, I will give it you freely; E'en send to him to come down. Why, may be, said she, as he loves you so well, you may prevail upon him by your prayers and tears; and for that reason, I should think, you'd better let him come down. Why is it necessary to imprison me, to convince me of it? Why, sir, I humbly ask, why all this, if you mean honourably?--It is not for me to expostulate so freely, but in a case so near to me, with you, sir, so greatly my superior. Why, every thing turns as I said it would! Why did you come up in such a manner to attack such weak spirits? Why, Mrs. Jewkes, said I, is all this fishing about for something, where there is nothing, if there be an end of your watchments, as you call them? Why, Mrs. Jewkes? Why, this, said she, is a sad letter indeed: I am sorry for it: But I feared you would carry your niceties too far!-- Leave me, leave me, Mrs. Jewkes, said I, for a while: I cannot speak nor talk.--Poor heart! Why, said I, should you be so concerned? Why, Mrs. Jewkes, said he, you tell me she remains very sullen still, and eats nothing. Why don't you come, when I bid you?--Fie upon it, Mrs. Pamela, said she. Why that, lambkin, will be pretty!--Then, said the wicked one, you'll have all the talk to yourself!--Then how will the tongue of the pretty lambkin bleat out innocence, and virtue, and honesty, till the whole trial be at an end!--You're a wicked woman, that's certain, said I; and if you thought any thing of another world, could not talk thus. Why can't I hate him?--But don't be uneasy, if you should see this; for it is impossible I should love him; for his vices all ugly him over, as I may say. Why sure, said she, if you had, you would not have offered to read my letters! Why, truly, for a pair of diamond ear-rings, a necklace, and a diamond ring for my finger; which would not become me: For a few paltry fine clothes, which, when I wore them, would make but my former poverty more ridiculous to every body that saw me; especially when they knew the base terms I wore them upon. Why, truly, for that, being a divine, and a good man, he had the fear of God before his eyes, and was willing to forego all his expectations of interest, and assist an oppressed poor creature. Why, tell me, said he, what answer you would make? Why, then, sir, said I, you cannot be my late good lady's son; for she loved me, and taught me virtue. Why, said I, (struggling from him, and in a great passion,) to be sure you are Lucifer himself, in the shape of my master, or you could not use me thus. Why don't you say, you never will again offend me? Why, Pamela, said he, a little seriously, why this behaviour, for my goodness to you in the garden?--This is not of a piece with your conduct and softness there, that quite charmed me in your favour: And you must not give me cause to think that you will be the more insolent, as you find me kinder. Why, said he, you discourage his address in appearance; but no otherwise than all your cunning sex do to ours, to make us more eager in pursuing you. Why, said he, tell me truly, have you not continued your account till now? Why then, sir, I will not tell an untruth; I have.--That's my good girl! Why, sir, little did I think I should have such occasion for them; but, when I went away from your house, I begged some of each of good Mr. Longman, who gave me plenty. Why, sir, answered I, I have sometimes hid them under the dry mould in the garden; sometimes in one place, sometimes in another; and those you have in your hand, were several days under a rose-bush, in the garden. Why, sir, said I, I don't doubt but you have very good thoughts sometimes, though not towards me. Why, that if you can read my reflections and observations upon your treatment of me, with tranquillity, and not be moved, it is a sign of a very cruel and determined heart. Why, then, unkind sir, if it must be so, here they are. Why, this, said he, my girl, is a very moving tale. Why, home, said she, to your father and mother. Why, Pamela, said he, 'tis old Longman's hand: an officious rascal as he is!--But I have done with him. Why, your good angel, Pamela, said he; for when I began to consider, that it would have made you miserable, and me not happy; that if you should have a dear little one, it would be out of my own power to legitimate it, if I should wish it to inherit my estate; and that, as I am almost the last of my family, and most of what I possess must descend to a strange line, and disagreeable and unworthy persons; notwithstanding that I might, in this case, have issue of my own body; when I further considered your untainted virtue, what dangers and trials you had undergone by my means, and what a world of troubles I had involved you in, only because you were beautiful and virtuous, which had excited all my passion for you; and reflected also upon your tried prudence and truth! Why, said I, should your so much obliged Pamela refuse to answer this kind question? Why, sir, both he and Goody Andrews, after they had conferred together upon your letter, madam, came out, weeping bitterly, that grieved my very heart; and they said, Now all was over with their poor daughter; and either she had written that letter by compulsion, or had yielded to your honour; so they said; and was, or would be ruined! Why, said he, there is a turning in the road, about five miles off, that goes round a meadow, that has a pleasant foot-way, by the side of a little brook, and a double row of limes on each side, where now and then the gentry in the neighbourhood walk, and angle, and divert themselves.-- I'll shew it you next opportunity.--And I stept out of my chariot, to walk across this meadow, and bid Robin meet me with it on the further part of it: And whom should I 'spy there, walking, with a book in his hand, reading, but your humble servant Mr. Williams! Why, said she, was it your choice then?--I am glad of that: though I am sure your person must give, and not take, ornament from any dress. Why should I? Why, said he, does it want courage to see him? Why, said Sir Simon, here's ado indeed! Why, Pamela, says my good master, may it not be performed on Tuesday? Why you look like a lady already! Why, Pamela, added he, very generously, why so strange, where you have once been so familiar? Why, good Mr. Andrews, said my master, should you say so?--I know that story, and Mr. Williams will confirm what I say, that my good girl here will confer at least as much honour as she will receive. Why, my Pamela, said he, that's another thing: It will be best for me to think you will; and it will be kind in you to think you shan't; and then we shall always have an excellent rule to regulate our conduct by to one another. Why then, sir, replied I, you must do as you please; for I cannot sing it. Why then, proceeded he, the case was this: Pamela, I find, when she was in the time of her confinement, (that is, added he, when she was taken prisoner, in order to make me one; for that is the upshot of the matter,) in the journal she kept, which was intended for nobody's perusal but her parents, tells them, that she was importuned, one Sunday, by Mrs. Jewkes, to sing a psalm; but her spirits not permitting, she declined it: But after Mrs. Jewkes was gone down, she says, she recollected, that the cxxxviith psalm was applicable to her own case; Mrs. Jewkes having often, on other days, in vain, besought her to sing a song: That thereupon she turned it more to her own supposed case; and believing Mrs. Jewkes had a design against her honour, and looking upon her as her gaoler, she thus gives her version of this psalm. Why, said my master, it is turned with beautiful simplicity, thus: IV. Why, then, said Miss Darnford, the more need one has to be as light- hearted and merry as one can. Why flattered you then my fond heart, replied he, with the hope that it might?--Sir, said I, I will tell you what I had thought, if you'll vouchsafe me your attention. Why, girl, said he, 'twill be seven months till next Monday. Why, indeed, said he, my dear girl, I am not a very dreadful enemy, I hope! Why, first, sir, answered I, because she is your sister; and, to be sure, may very well think, what all the world will, that you have much undervalued yourself in making me happy. Why, said he, we intend to-morrow, privately as possible, for our wedding-day; and Mr. Peters and Mr. Williams are to be here, as to breakfast with me, and to shew Mr. Peters my little chapel. Why, Mrs. Jewkes, answered I, there can be but one reason given; and that is, that I am a sad fool!--But, indeed, I am not ungrateful neither; nor would I put on a foolish affectation: But my heart, at times, sinks within me; I know not why, except at my own unworthiness, and because the honour done me is too high for me to support myself under, as I should do. Why this absence of mind, and sweet irresolution? Why, indeed, sir, said I, I will set about a reformation this instant. Why, sir, said she, I knew a bashful young lady, as madam may be, married to--Dear Mrs. Jewkes, interrupted I, no more of your story, I beseech you; I don't like the beginning of it. Why, said he, we can make Monday evening do for that purpose, if they won't excuse us. Why then, said he, of your own accord, reward me for my cheerful compliance, with one sweet kiss--I instantly said, Thus, then, dear sir, will I obey; and, oh! Why, dear sir, said I, you have seen the poor fellow's penitence in my letters.--Yes, my dear, so I have; but that is his penitence for his having served me against you; and, I think, when he would have betrayed me afterwards, he deserves nothing to be said or done for him by either. Why then, continued he, I shall, in the usual course, and generally, if not hindered by company, like to go to bed with my dearest by eleven; and, if I don't, shan't hinder you. Why, let me see, my dearest, said he--But I think of no more at present: For it would be needless to say how much I value you for your natural sweetness of temper, and that open cheerfulness of countenance, which adorns you, when nothing has given my fairest apprehensions for her virtue: A sweetness, and a cheerfulness, that prepossesses in your favour, at first sight, the mind of every one that beholds you.--I need not, I hope, say, that I would have you diligently preserve this sweet appearance: Let no thwarting accident, no cross fortune, (for we must not expect to be exempt from such, happy as we now are in each other! Why, then, answered I, I should perhaps have less reason to like this gentleman, than where I am. Why she'll toss us all by and by! Why now tell me, Pamela, from thy heart, hast thou not been in bed with thy master? Why, please your ladyship, said her kinsman, what signifies all you say? Why, how now, Mrs. Pamela, said she; since you provoke me to it, I'll tell you a piece of my mind. Why, what, madam, does it signify what I think? Why, I'll lay thee a wager, child, thy stomach's too full to eat, and so thou may'st fast till thy mannerly master comes home. Why, pray observe the reason--Hem! Why, his dearest love, you are mighty happy in such a lover! Why, I can't tell, madam, said I: But if you can collect from it any other circumstances, I might hope I should not be the worse treated. Why, what hindered it, my dear? Why, she would make me wait at table upon her, with her woman, because she would not expose herself and me before the men-servants; which you know, sir, was very good of her ladyship. Why, my dear, said he, I know she came on purpose to quarrel; and had she not found herself under a very violent uneasiness, after what had passed between us, and my treatment of her lord's letter, she would not have offered to come near me. Why, said I, I was a little saucy once or twice; and she would have given me a cuff on the ear, if her woman and Mrs. Jewkes had not interposed. Why did you not come out at the door? Why, tell me, wench, said she-- But I think I must not tell you what she said. Why, sir, said I, her ladyship went on in the same manner; but said, one time, (and held me by the hand,) she would give me an hundred guineas for one provoking word; or, if I would but say I believed myself married, that she might fell me at her foot: But, sir, you must not be angry with her ladyship. Why, said he, do you charge me with a conduct to you, that you bring upon yourself?--Is it not surprising that you should take the liberty with me, that the dear mother you have named never gave you an example for to any of her relations?--Was it not sufficient, that I was insolently taken to task by you in your letters, but my retirements must be invaded? Why, aunt, said he, if they are actually married, there's no help for it; and we must not make mischief between man and wife. Why dost thou not rise, and take the glass from thy property? Why, replied he, about your lord's not coming down, as he had promised. Why, that would, may be, said she, be the only inducement for me to bear her near me, in my chariot.--But, how then?--Why then, when we came home, we'd get Lord Davers to come to us, and stay a month or two. Why, all these are things of course. Why, a good reason, said I, may be assigned for that: I thought myself in danger: I looked upon every one as my enemy; and it was impossible that I should not be fretful, uneasy, jealous. Why these: 1. Why, said she, as far as I can find, 'tis a mercy you are here now. Why, said she, 'tis the more extraordinary, because I believe, if the truth was known, you loved the wretch not a little. Why, I cannot contain myself for joy! Why, so it was, said he, both innocent and pleasant: and I won't forgive you, if you don't say as he says. Why, replied I, bluntly, to my mother's waiting-maid. 'Why, really, gentlemen, said I, I should be glad to please all my friends; but I can't expect, till they know my motives and inducements, that it will be so immediately. Why, replied I, if you'll all go and take a dinner with me, you shall see her with all my heart. Why, my dear friend, said my master, I must tell you, as I have said before now, that her person made me her lover, but her mind made her my wife. Why so? Why, sir, replied I, I cannot help being grieved for the poor mother of this sweet babe, to think, if she be living, that she must call her chiefest delight her shame: If she be no more, that she must have had such remorse on her poor mind, when she came to leave the world, and her little babe: And, in the second place, I grieve, that it must be thought a kindness to the dear little soul, not to let her know how near the dearest relation she has in the world is to her.--Forgive me, dear sir, I say not this to reproach you, in the least. Why, my dear, said he, I was much moved, you may be sure, when I came to reflect: But, at first, I was so assured of being a successful tempter, and spoiling her voyage, that I was vexed, and much out of humour; but when I came to reflect, as I said, I was quite overcome with this instance of her prudence, her penitence, and her resolution; and more admired her than I ever had done. Why, said he, the dean himself looked more upon you than his book. Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week. Why must SHE be scampering about the country, because her sister had a cold? Why could he not keep on quarreling with you, as his father did before him? "Why, indeed; he does seem to have had some filial scruples on that head, as you will hear." Why did you not seek legal redress? "Why will you think so?" Why should HE have it more than anybody else? Why should they try to influence him? Why does she not come in? "Why did not you all learn?" Why was he to be the judge? "Why, at that rate, you will have been here only six weeks." Why should they not go on to Scotland if that had been the case? Why any fear of detection? Why must their marriage be private? Why did the Forsters ever let her go out of their sight? Why, if he came only to be silent, grave, and indifferent," said she, "did he come at all? Why, he has four or five thousand a year, and very likely more. "Why, I must confess that I love him better than I do Bingley." Why, especially, when you called, did you look as if you did not care about me? Why is this? Why," said he, "grant a capital of $35,000,000 when the first company only had $11,000,000? Why shouldn't our pretty little Pannychis lose her maidenhead when the opportunity is so favorable? Why, sure," he replied, "even your slave could explain that; there's no riddle, everything's as plain as day! Why, only the other day he said good morning' to me, and I almost think I'm talking to him now! Why, not a drop of water or a crumb of bread so much as passed his lips for five days; and yet he joined the majority! Why do we have to put up with an AEdile here, who's not worth three Caunian figs and who thinks more of an as than of our lives? Why, Hermogenes could trim the claws of a flying hawk, and no snake ever hatched out a rope yet! Why, you're always keeping me awake at night yourself. Why do you pray to me? Why hasn't one of you asked my Fortunata to dance? Why, last year," answered the stenographer, "for that reason the item has not appeared in the accounts. Why could not the earth have opened and swallowed me," I wailed aloud, between the many deep-drawn groans, "or the sea, which rages even against the guiltless? Why are we not busy,' he whispered! Why would it not be better to take refuge in boldness," I asked, "slide down a rope into the ship's boat, cut the painter, and leave the rest to luck'? Why die before our time? Why not shake off this womanish weakness and enjoy the blessings of light while you can? Why smash not the gates, why not level the walls of the cities, Their treasures to pillage? Why that gait, so precise that not a footstep deviates from its place, unless you wish to show off your figure in order to sell your favors? Why, didn't my maid tell you that I am called Circe? "Why ask me," I replied, "why not try me instead?" Why will our Catos with their frowning brows Condemn a work of fresh simplicity'? Why recall past memories which can only cause pain," said I to myself. Why," she cried, "what has brought you into my cell as if you were visiting a newly made grave? Why should I tell you of small things? Why they arrive at this conclusion, except as arguing, from the spot where these bas-reliefs were found, that they were meant to perpetuate the remembrance of the old statue of Marsyas, is certainly not very apparent from anything in the figure itself. Why do you treat me like this? Why, then, giving modest names to immodest sentiments, do men call personal beauty virtue, being in reality lovers of youth rather than lovers of wisdom? Why should we not pursue those pleasures which are mutual, which cause equal enjoyment to those who receive and to those who afford them? Why wage campaigns that send no laurels home? Why does Orion's sword too brightly shine? Why planets leave their paths and through the void Thus journey on obscure? Why plunge in novel crime To settle which of them shall rule in Rome? Why now renew The tale of Catulus's shade appeased? Why spoil delight by mutilating thus, The head of Marius? Why should men die who wish to bear the yoke And shrink not from the tyranny to come? Why further stay thee? Why hither turn'st thou now Thy rapid march? Why beat thy breast? Why, madman, weep? Why delay the fates, Thou cause of evil to the suffering world? Why with darts, Madmen, assail him and with slender shafts, 'Gainst which his life is proof? Why dost thou keep From Caesar's throat the swords of all the world? Why laws and rights Sanctioned by all the annals designate With consular titles? Why leavest thou then His standards helpless? Why desert This reeking plain? Why alone Should this our country please thee in thy fall? Why bringst thou here the burden of thy fates, Pharsalia's curse? Why, with thoughtless hand Confine his shade within the narrow bounds Of this poor sepulchre? Why doth it please you not yet more to earn Than life and pardon? Why further, then, Seek we our deities? Why fertile thus in death the pestilent air Of Libya, what poison in her soil Her several nature mixed, my care to know Has not availed: but from the days of old A fabled story has deceived the world. Why did he draw His separate sword, and in the toil that's ours Mingle his weapons? Why fear these titles, why this chieftain's strength? Why say ye so? Why should ye ought? Why stand ye still ye virgins in amaze, Upon her so to gaze, Whiles ye forget your former lay to sing, To which the woods did answer, and your eccho ring? Why blush ye, love, to give to me your hand, The pledge of all our band! Why, alas, and are you he? Why so? Why so? Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? Why swell'st thou then? Why do I prate Of women, that are things against my fate! Why so Pale and Wan? Why so dull and mute, young sinner? Why, man of morals, tell me why? Why do we precious ointments shower?-- Nobler wines why do we pour?-- Beauteous flowers why do we spread Upon the monuments of the dead? Why does your brand sae drop wi' blude, And why sae sad gang ye, O? Why weep ye so, ye burgess wives, Why look ye so on me? Why then should I seek further store, And still make love anew? Why, O why should I despair! Why bade ye else, ye Pow'rs! Why the boys should drive away Little sweet maidens from the play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That 's the thing I never could tell. Why should kings and nobles have Pictured trophies to their grave, And we, churls, to thee deny Thy pretty toys with thee to lie-- A more harmless vanity? Why shrieks for help yon wretch, who goes With millions, from a world of woes, Unto the land which no one knows? Why dost borrow The natural hue of health, from vermeil lips?-- To give maiden blushes To the white rose bushes? Why dost borrow The lustrous passion from a falcon-eye?-- To give the glow-worm light? Why dost borrow The mellow ditties from a mourning tongue?-- To give at evening pale Unto the nightingale, That thou mayst listen the cold dews among? Why dost borrow Heart's lightness from the merriment of May?-- A lover would not tread A cowslip on the head, Though he should dance from eve till peep of day-- Nor any drooping flower Held sacred for thy bower, Wherever he may sport himself and play. Why have ye left your bowers desolate, Your lutes, and gentler fate? Why have ye left your forest haunts, why left Your nuts in oak-tree cleft? Why are we weigh'd upon with heaviness, And utterly consumed with sharp distress, While all things else have rest from weariness? -- Why should we only toil, the roof and crown of things? Why, all men strive and who succeeds? Why put the posy in the cold dead hand? Why plant the rose above the lonely grave? Why bring the corpse across the salt sea-wave? Why deem the dead more near in native land? Why did my Summer not begin? Why did my heart not haste? Why such beauty, to be blighted By the swarm of foul destruction? Why such innocence delighted, When sin stalks to thy seduction? Why FOR a name unknown, Whose fame unblown Sleeps in the hills For ever and aye; For her who hears The stir of the years Go by on the wind By night and day; And heeds no thing Of the needs of spring, Of autumn's wonder Or winter's chill; For one who sees The great sun freeze, As he wanders a-cold From hill to hill; And all her heart Is a woven part Of the flurry and drift Of whirling snow; For the sake of two Sad eyes and true, And the old, old love So long ago. Why should I not? ``Why could not one submit to it,'' the tsar continued, ``the positive rights of nations, assure the privilege of neutrality, insert the obligation of never beginning war until all the resources which the mediation of a third party could offer have been exhausted, having by this means brought to light the respective grievances, and tried to remove them? Whyte (1900). : 'Why Socrates, who was not a poet, while in prison had been putting Aesop into verse? Why, is he not a philosopher? Why then should he repine when the hour of separation arrives? Why, if he is dead while he lives, should he fear that other death, through which alone he can behold wisdom in her purity? Why should the mean, the weak, the idiot, the infant, the herd of men who have never in any proper sense the use of reason, reappear with blinking eyes in the light of another world? Why should the wicked suffer any more than ourselves? Why, said Socrates,--is not Evenus a philosopher? Why do you say, enquired Cebes, that a man ought not to take his own life, but that the philosopher will be ready to follow the dying? Why are they the happiest? Why, because each pleasure and pain is a sort of nail which nails and rivets the soul to the body, until she becomes like the body, and believes that to be true which the body affirms to be true; and from agreeing with the body and having the same delights she is obliged to have the same habits and haunts, and is not likely ever to be pure at her departure to the world below, but is always infected by the body; and so she sinks into another body and there germinates and grows, and has therefore no part in the communion of the divine and pure and simple. "Why, yes, didn't you know?" "Why, no, the ghost!" "Why should he hold his tongue?" "Why, no!" Why had so great a treasure been kept from them all that time? "Why, my dear fellow, these two are mad with jealousy!" "Why, he leaves them on the little shelf in the box, of course." ... Why did she laugh when he reminded her of the incident of the scarf? Why did she not recognize him? Why, my poor father, who is dead. Why did she not come to roam with him through the country where they had so many memories in common? "Why, yours, sir, the stable of the Opera." "Why, we want trained horses for the processions in the Juive, The Profeta and so on; horses `used to the boards." Why, the Angel of Music! Why no! Why no!...You know as well as I do that Christine couldn't marry, even if she wanted to! Why, he, the man who hides behind that hideous mask of death!...The evil genius of the churchyard at Perros!...Red Death!...In a word, madam, your friend... your Angel of Music!...But I shall snatch off his mask, as I shall snatch off my own; and, this time, we shall look each other in the face, he and I, with no veil and no lies between us; and I shall know whom you love and who loves you! Why did you give me every reason for hope, at Perros... for honest hope, madam, for I am an honest man and I believed you to be an honest woman, when your only intention was to deceive me! ... Why do you not go home?...What have you been doing this past fortnight?...What is this tale about the Angel of Music, which you have been telling Mamma Valerius? Why did you try to reassure me? Why deceive us further? Why torture me still more? Why did you stand up, with radiant features, as though you were really hearing angels?...Ah, it is a very dangerous voice, Christine, for I myself, when I heard it, was so much fascinated by it that you vanished before my eyes without my seeing which way you passed! "Why, you have both of them already, my dear betrothed!..." "Why?" Why did you not at once rid yourself of that abominable nightmare? Why wait for to-morrow? "Why, my dear, he knows all about it!" Why do you think that you are safer in this room than on the stage? "Why, by going straight to the edge of the lake." Why don't you answer, Gabriel?...Ah, so you know something! Why, I thought that only crabs walked backward! Why, you saw him! Why had he not put them out for good? Why had he not killed him? Why had she toyed with the threatening catastrophe? Why toyed with the monster's heart? Why, in a final access of pity, had she insisted on flinging, as a last sop to that demon's soul, her divine song: "Holy angel, in Heaven blessed, My spirit longs with thee to rest! "Why, sir," exclaimed the box-keeper, stopping the pleasant nodding of the black feathers in her dingy bonnet, "I assure you no one has ever doubted that!" Why? "Why, of course not," she said. Why? Why, I've just caught you in a lie, you old witch! Why? Why do you ask if Christine Daae is here, M. LE COMMISSAIRE? Why, the counterbalance that lifts the whole of this wall on to its pivot. "Why should he?" Why try to enter my house? Why has he fastened you, mademoiselle? Why did he ring? Why did you cry out, Christine? Why, what's that? "Why, of course not...no one!" "Why...as there is no one there?" ...Why had he not returned?...He could not really expect Christine ever to consent to become his voluntary prey!...Why had he not returned? "Why do you shake me like that?" Why were you there with that little chap? Why may it not be done? Why, what's the matter? Why, Sir, this burden upon my back is more terrible to me than all these things which you have mentioned; nay, methinks I care not what I meet with in the way, if so be I can also meet with deliverance from my burden. Why, in yonder village -- the village is named Morality -- there dwells a gentleman whose name is Legality, a very judicious man, and a man of very good name, that has skill to help men off with such burdens as thine are from their shoulders: yea, to my knowledge, he hath done a great deal of good this way; ay, and besides, he hath skill to cure those that are somewhat crazed in their wits with their burdens. Why, he asked me whither I was going, and I told him. Why, truly, I do not know what had become of me there, had not Evangelist happily met me again, as I was musing in the midst of my dumps; but it was God's mercy that he came to me again, for else I had never come hither. Why, the Son of the Blessed is very pitiful. Why, I thought that the day of judgement was come, and that I was not ready for it: but this frighted me most, that the angels gathered up several, and left me behind; also the pit of hell opened her mouth just where I stood. Why came you not in at the gate which standeth at the beginning of the way? Why, did you hear him tell his dream? Why, there I hope to see him alive that did hang dead on the cross; and there I hope to be rid of all those things that to this day are in me an annoyance to me; there, they say, there is no death; and there I shall dwell with such company as I like best. Why, my wife was afraid of losing this world, and my children were given to the foolish delights of youth: so what by one thing, and what by another, they left me to wander in this manner alone. Why, what's the matter? Why, we were almost in the Valley of the Shadow of Death; but that, by good hap, we looked before us, and saw the danger before we came to it. Why, the Valley itself, which is as dark as pitch; we also saw there the hobgoblins, satyrs, and dragons of the pit; we heard also in that Valley a continual howling and yelling, as of a people under unutterable misery, who there sat bound in affliction and irons; and over that Valley hangs the discouraging clouds of confusion. Why, I trow, you did not consent to her desires? Why, at first, I found myself somewhat inclinable to go with the man, for I thought he spake very fair; but looking in his forehead, as I talked with him, I saw there written, "Put off the old man with his deeds. Why, what did he say to you? Why, go to him, and enter into some serious discourse about the power of religion; and ask him plainly (when he has approved of it, for that he will) whether this thing be set up in his heart, house, or conversation. Why, what difference is there between crying out against, and abhorring of sin? Why did they not stay, that we might have had their good company? Why, they, after their headstrong manner, conclude that it is duty to rush on their journey all weathers; and I am for waiting for wind and tide. Why art thou so tart, my brother? Why, I did but compare thee to some of the birds that are of the brisker sort, who will run to and fro in untrodden paths, with the shell upon their heads; but pass by that, and consider the matter under debate, and all shall be well betwixt thee and me. Why did not Little-faith pluck up a greater heart? Why, man, do you think we shall not be received? Why, my brother? Why, what was it that brought your sins to mind again? Why; I thought thus with myself. Why, I think of God and heaven. Why, the Word of God saith that man's ways are crooked ways; not good, but perverse. Why, how dost thou think in this matter? Why, to be short, I think I must believe in Christ for justification. Why, man! Why, art thou weary of this discourse? Why, then," replied they, "do you not lead us to them, before our blood is dried up in us? Why then," said he, "tell us whom you will punish. Why, therefore, should we put Mithridates upon this resource, who as yet does not see now he may best fight with us, and disdains to stoop to Tigranes; and not rather allow him time to gather a new army and grow confident again, that we may thus fight with Colchians, and Tibarenians, whom we have often defeated already, and not with Medes and Armenians. Why therefore should you come to see me, or why not rather have left to her evil genius one who has brought upon you her own ill-fortune? Why take pains to expose the city to the terrible conflagration now so near? Why, then," replied Cato, "did you not give me a sword, that I might stab him, and free my country from this slavery? Why, if you make it your policy to receive and assist all offenders, you will find that just as many of your dependencies will come over to us, and the principle that you establish will press less heavily on us than on yourselves. Why, this trifle contains the whole seal and trial of your resolution. Why, the fact is that continentals generally give us but little alarm; the liberty which they enjoy will long prevent their taking precautions against us; it is rather islanders like yourselves, outside our empire, and subjects smarting under the yoke, who would be the most likely to take a rash step and lead themselves and us into obvious danger. Why doubt this? Why should their Lord Envy them that? Why hast thou, Satan, broke the bounds prescribed To thy transgressions, and disturbed the charge Of others, who approve not to transgress By thy example, but have power and right To question thy bold entrance on this place; Employed, it seems, to violate sleep, and those Whose dwelling God hath planted here in bliss! Why shouldst not thou like sense within thee feel When I am present, and thy trial choose With me, best witness of thy virtue tried? Why then was this forbid? Why, but to awe; Why, but to keep ye low and ignorant, His worshippers? Why comes not Death, Said he, with one thrice-acceptable stroke To end me? Why else this double object in our sight Of flight pursued in the air, and o'er the ground, One way the self-same hour? Why is life given To be thus wrested from us? Why should not Man, Retaining still divine similitude In part, from such deformities be free, And, for his Maker's image sake, exempt? Why they did not arrange to build their vaults and incubators nearer home has always been a mystery to me, and, like many other Martian mysteries, unsolved and unsolvable by earthly reasoning and customs. Why, oh, why will you not learn to live in amity with your fellows, must you ever go on down the ages to your final extinction but little above the plane of the dumb brutes that serve you! Why was it, then! Why should I care what she thought? Why are you so quiet, Dejah Thoris? Why will she not speak to me? Why," he added, "the people really worship the ground she walks upon and since her loss on that ill-starred expedition all Helium has been draped in mourning. Why no man in all Helium but would prefer death to the selling of our loved princess to the ruling house of Zodanga. Why, even I, a midget beside him, felled him with a single blow of my fist. Why not Universal Pensions for Life? Why, the young General Bonapart's pounding of the Paris mob to pieces in 1795, called in playful approval by our respectable classes "the whiff of grapeshot," though Napoleon, to do him justice, took a deeper view of it, and would fain have had it forgotten. Why do you not affirm him? Why not keep to the elements? Why, if the atoms have weight of their own, as M. Liebig appears to believe, may they not also have electricity and life of their own? Why, then, suppose now an inertia which definitions contradict, now an external potentiality which nothing proves? Why, then, refuse to follow to the end the road opened by science, and to admit an hypothesis which is the inevitable result of experience itself? Why does a purely NUMERICAL or GEOMETRICAL difference in the composition and form of atoms give rise to PHYSIOLOGICAL properties so different? Why need I insist further? Why have religious men, Christians, Senecas, given utterance in concert to so many immoral maxims? Why, then, is he not indemnified? Why has the calendar, so useless to the early hordes, who only needed the alternation of night and day, as of winter and summer, become at last so indispensable, so unexpensive, so perfect? Why, then, do they not see that money is the written law of commerce, the type of exchange, the first link in that long chain of creations all of which, as merchandise, must receive the sanction of society, and become, if not in fact, at least in right, acceptable as money in settlement of all kinds of transactions? Why do not the economists, if they believe, as they appear to, that the labor of each should leave an excess, use all their influence in spreading this truth, so simple and so luminous: Each man's labor can buy only the value which it contains, and this value is proportional to the services of all other laborers? Why, after having uttered these profound words in his lectures, has M. Rossi thought it his duty to retract them afterwards in a review, and to compromise gratuitously his dignity as a philosopher and an economist? Why this religious depreciation of labor, if it is true, as economic science already shows, that labor is the father of love and the organ of happiness? Why this jealousy of our advancement? Why, then, should not instruction also be free? Why, by the side of this refined aristocracy, has the mass remained so uncultivated? Why is it not seen that these ideas are mutually repellent, and that, if, by some impossibility, the proletaire could reach a certain degree of intelligence, he would make use of it in the first place to revolutionize society and change all civil and industrial relations? Why, moreover, if such was the origin of the idea as well as of the thing, should they not have said, instead of serv-us, serv-atus, in conformity with grammatical deduction? Why, then, should that which is true of society not be true of the individual also, since, after all, society is man and entire humanity lives in each man? Why substitute for the immediate object of emulation, which in industry is personal welfare, that far-away and almost metaphysical motive called general welfare, especially when the latter is nothing without the former and can result only from the former? Why then, if competition had not been a principle of social economy, a decree of destiny, a necessity of the human soul, why, instead of ABOLISHING corporations, masterships, and wardenships, did they not think rather of REPAIRING them all? Why, instead of a revolution, did they not content themselves with a reform? Why this negation, if a modification was sufficient? Why is our agriculture so prodigiously backward? Why do not people see that liberty bears the burdens of privilege, and that, if, by some impossibility, all industries were to be treated like the tobacco industry, the source of subsidies failing, the nation could no longer balance its receipts and its expenses, and the State would become a bankrupt? Why do they not harmonize? Why so much beating about the bush? Why will they never understand that fraternity can be established only by justice; that justice alone, the condition, means, and law of liberty and fraternity, must be the object of our study; and that its determination and formula must be pursued without relaxation, even to the minutest details? Why do writers familiar with economic language forget that superiority of talents is synonymous with superiority of wants, and that, instead of expecting more from vigorous than from ordinary personalities, society should constantly look out that they do not receive more than they render, when it is already so hard for the mass of mankind to render all that it receives? Why then continually interject fraternity, charity, sacrifice, and God into the discussion of economic questions? Why is it, then, that this interest on capital is not regarded as a sufficient supplement of net product? Why is it not itself the net product? Why have no teachers of renown warned public opinion? Why have not those who demand political rights for the workingman proclaimed that he is robbed? Why have the economists kept silent? Why? Why provide in the constitution that each shall freely enjoy the fruit of his labor and industry, when, by the fact or the tendency of the tax, this permission is granted only to the extent of a dividend of fifty-six and a half centimes a day,--a thing, it is true, which the law could not have foreseen, but which would necessarily result from progression? Why, then, is the practice of the government always the opposite of its theory? Why, in the first place, a TEMPORARY monopoly in manufacture, while land monopoly is PERPETUAL? Why has the legislator given hands to this conspiracy of monopolies, to this interdict upon theories belonging to all? Why, then, do you call yourselves the State, Power, Authority, Police, if the work of Police must be performed by the good sense of the public? Why not a registration of the sowing, of the harvest, of the vintage, of the pasturage, and of the cattle, as well as a stamp for newspapers, circulars, and orders, or an administration for brewers and wine-merchants? Why should the prince have received power simply to weaken it, and why should he labor, with a view to order, for his own elimination? Why should he not try rather to fortify himself, to add to his courtiers, to continually obtain new subsidies, and finally to free himself from dependence on the people, the inevitable goal of all power originating in the people? Why, then, do you oppose a reform which, putting power in the hands of the people, would second your views so well? Why is it an unheard-of thing for masters to occasionally relieve their slaves, for princes, magistrates, and priests to change places with mechanics, and for nobles to assume the task of the peasants on the land? Why this hostility of interests? Why this reciprocal enmity? Why has preventive, repressive, and coercive legislation always been necessary to set a limit to liberty? Why, finally, since he promises the just a never-ending bliss after death, or, in other words, gives us the idea and desire of happiness, does he not cause us to enjoy this life by stripping us of the temptation of evil, instead of exposing us to an eternity of torture? Why did he not correct our judgment at the start? Why did he abandon us to our imperfect logic, especially when our egoism must find a pretext in his acts of injustice and perfidy? Why, instead of fascinating us with contradictory opinions, did he not reverse experience by causing us to reach the antinomies by the path of analysis of synthetic ideas, instead of leaving us to painfully clamber up the steeps of antinomy to synthesis? Why? Why, by your silence, have you unchained egoism within me? Why have you submitted me to the torture of universal doubt by the bitter illusion of the antagonistic ideas which you have put in my mind? Why has man, who from his birth has known directly and with out a telescope his body, his soul, his chief, his priest, his country, his condition, been obliged to see himself as in a mirror, and without recognizing himself, under the fantastic image of God? Why on the part of man this transcendental confession of society, when society itself was there, present, visible, palpable, willing, and acting,--when, in short, it was known as society and named as such? Why, then, once more, this tautology of Society-Divinity, if it is true, as is pretended, that the theological hypothesis contains nothing other than the ideal of human society, the preconceived type of humanity transfigured by equality, solidarity, labor, and love? Why, we may get up a very thrilling bit of superstition upon this hint. "Why, to speak de troof, massa, him not so berry well as mought be." "Why, massa, taint worf while for to git mad about de matter - Massa Will say noffin at all aint de matter wid him - but den what make him go about looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose?" "Why, massa, I mean de bug - dare now." "Why I mean de bug." "Why taint noffin but a skull - somebody bin lef him head up de tree, and de crows done gobble ebery bit ob de meat off." Why dis berry curous sarcumstance, pon my word - dare's a great big nail in de skull, what fastens ob it on to de tree. "Why, having carefully taken the bearings of the tree, I turned homewards." "Why, to be frank, I felt somewhat annoyed by your evident suspicions touching my sanity, and so resolved to punish you quietly, in my own way, by a little bit of sober mystification." Why, my dear sir, that cameleopard is no other than Antiochus Epiphanes, Antiochus the Illustrious, King of Syria, and the most potent of all the autocrats of the East! Why is it folly to suppose that the murder was committed _within five minutes_ after the girl's quitting her mother's house? Why is it folly to suppose that the murder was committed at any given period of the day? Why, otherwise, since it was about dusk, should she make a point of the haste? Why I did so I can hardly tell. Why I did this was not at first apparent even to my own perception. Why, yes; and not exactly that, either. Why, I will tell you," replied the Prefect, as he gave a long, steady and contemplative puff, and settled himself in his chair. "Why the fact is, we took our time, and we searched every where." "Why so?" Why, a very great deal - a very liberal reward - I don't like to say how much, precisely; but one thing I will say, that I wouldn't mind giving my individual check for fifty thousand francs to any one who could obtain me that letter. "Why, yes," said Dupin, drawlingly, between the whiffs of his meerschaum, "I really - think, G--, you have not exerted yourself - to the utmost in this matter." "Why - puff, puff - you might - puff, puff - employ counsel in the matter, eh?" "Why - it did not seem altogether right to leave the interior blank - that would have been insulting." Why _should_ that lady blush ! Why would they not be gone? Why then, as I perused them, did the hairs of my head erect themselves on end, and the blood of my body become congealed within my veins? Why, bless my soul, Gordon," said he, after a long pause, "why, why,- whose dirty cloak is that you have on? Why shall I pause to relate how, time after time, until near the period of the gray dawn, this hideous drama of revivification was repeated; how each terrific relapse was only into a sterner and apparently more irredeemable death; how each agony wore the aspect of a struggle with some invisible foe; and how each struggle was succeeded by I know not what of wild change in the personal appearance of the corpse? Why, why should I doubt it? "Why, in the name of all that is angelic, don't you know who she is?" Why, what is it you mean? Why, papa, Captain Pratt went round Cape Horn, and Captain Smitherton doubled the Cape of Good Hope. Why attempt to describe the terrible scene which ensued? Why, the fellow is all O! Why, sir, there beant an o in the office, neither a big un nor a little un! Why then give a date to this story I have to tell? "Why, thank you -- upon second thoughts, no." "Why, as for that, a madman is not necessarily a fool, as I have already observed; and it is my honest opinion that his treatment was a much better treatment than that which it superseded." Why did I rush upon my fate? "Why, yes, madam, there is." Why, surely you are not serious," retorted De L'Omelette. Why, bless me, he's the ma-a-an" --- "_Mr_. Why need I paint, Charmion, the now disenchained frenzy of mankind? Why they hesitated I never could tell, unless they did it by way of a joke. Why, your eyes are shining already! Why sir," said the philosopher, "why sir, to speak sincerely - I I imagine - I have some faint - some very faint idea - of the remarkable honor-" "Oh! "Why, we are sometimes exceedingly pushed for provisions." Why, there are several ways of managing. Why, sir, the body is not at all affected by the transaction. Why possession of his faculties, mental and corporeal? "Why," replied the Count, very much astonished, "I am little more than seven hundred years old!" "Why not altogether." "Why, I perceive -- a deplorable condition of ignorance!" "Why, it is the general custom in Egypt to deprive a corpse, before embalmment, of its bowels and brains; the race of the Scarabaei alone did not coincide with the custom." Why and what art thou dreaming here? Why didst thou sigh so deeply? Why dost thou pause, Politian? Why dost thou pause, Politian? Why dost thou turn so pale? Why preyest thou thus upon the poet's heart, Vulture, whose wings are dull realities? Why don't you go? Why?--because he must remain at his post where the god has placed him, as he remained at Potidaea, and Amphipolis, and Delium, where the generals placed him. Why then has he never taken part in public affairs? Why do I mention this? Why do you think so, Meletus? Why should they too support me with their testimony? Why, indeed, except for the sake of truth and justice, and because they know that I am speaking the truth, and that Meletus is a liar. Why should I? Why should I not confess it, gentlemen? Why, for instance, in spite of the virtues and talents for which they are so noted, are the academies generally centres of intellectual repression, stupidity, and base intrigue? Why, then, to this other question: WHAT IS PROPERTY! Why! Why are taxes paid? Why, the police have more to fear from a few hundred laborers, out of work, than from two hundred thousand electors! Why, he prefers his country-seat to all the popular pleasures; and when he wants to enjoy himself, he does not wait for the greased pole! Why have they acknowledged the right before settling the question of origin? Why will he return to it? Why, then, has society recognized a right injurious to itself, where there is no producing cause? Why, in according possession, has it also conceded property? Why has the law sanctioned this abuse of power? Why, then, have they lost in laboring for you what you have gained in not laboring for them? Why, then, are some of his children regarded as legitimate, while others are treated as bastards? Why, then, is the earth appropriated? Why do we not preserve a like attitude towards political and philosophical questions? Why this ridiculous mania for affirming that every thing has been said, which means that we know all about mental and moral science? Why is the proverb, THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN, applied exclusively to metaphysical investigations? Why has the law created property? Why offered for sale? Why is not this principle universal? Why is the benefit of this pretended law confined to a few and denied to the mass of laborers? Why does the tenant no longer acquire through his labor the land which was formerly acquired by the labor of the proprietor? Why, then, is not this rule applicable to the man who improves the land, as well as to him who clears it? Why not accord to both equal property? Why do you talk of wages? Why do the very persons, who laid down this principle, now refuse to be guided by it? Why do the Says, the Comtes, the Hennequins, and others--after having said that property is born of labor--seek to fix it by occupation and prescription? Why, then, is it sold at so high a price?--Because men are not free. Why not one hundred thousand francs, two hundred thousand francs? Why! Why should they wish their proportion of bread, wine, meat, clothes, shelter, &c., to be doubled, if they can neither consume nor exchange them? Why should the price of a loan be governed by the skill and strength of the borrower, rather than by the utility sacrificed by the proprietor? Why have our jurists and our theologians failed, with all their shrewdness, to check the extension of the right of increase? Why should the marriageable age of the latter be fixed at eighteen years, while that of the former is postponed until thirty? Why is so much latitude allowed to the proprietor in accumulating property and charging interest,--to the judge in recognizing and fixing the domain of property,--to the State in its power to levy new taxes continually? Why is this right, which is at bottom the right of property itself, denied to the workingman? Why is the workingman prohibited from charging a like interest for his capital, which is himself? Why has the social instinct, so trustworthy among the animals, erred in the case of man? Why is man, who was born for society, not yet associated? Why do they, the deadly enemies of civilization, borrow from it, nevertheless, its most pernicious fruits,-- property, inequality of fortune and rank, gluttony, concubinage, prostitution, what do I know? Why these endless denunciations of morality, metaphysics, and psychology, when the abuse of these sciences, which they do not understand, constitutes their whole system? Why this mania for deifying a man whose principal merit consisted in talking nonsense about things whose names, even, he did not know, in the strongest language ever put upon paper? Why, at all epochs, have the ministers of State been so reluctant to meddle with the question of wages? Why have they always refused to interfere between the master and the workman? Why should Europe get into such a turmoil over this petty Sultan and his old Pasha, if it is only a question whether we or the English shall civilize the Orient,--shall instruct Egypt and Syria in the European arts, and shall teach them to construct machines, dig canals, and build railroads? Why did his condition improve? Why should it not be bold enough to-day to resolutely condemn capitalistic property? Why has not the legislator fixed the conditions differently?--why, instead of twenty and thirty years, is not a single year sufficient to prescribe?--why are not voluntary absence and confessed idleness as good grounds for dispossession as involuntary absence, ignorance, or apathy? Why is not an action to acquire possession equally conceivable with an action to be reinstated in possession? Why, having wanted no detached forts seven years ago, do we want them to-day? Why this air of suspicion of the government, unless an intrigue has been planned between the government and M. Thiers? Why should the allies fear your doctrines, when you cannot even control yourselves? Why is society constituted in such a way that the destiny of the country depends upon the safety of the capital? Why, in case our territory be invaded and Paris besieged, cannot the legislative, executive, and military powers act outside of Paris? Why this localization of all the vital forces of France? Why should the national unity be attached to a certain place, to certain functionaries, to certain bayonets? Why should the Place Maubert and the Palace of the Tuileries be the palladium of France? Why do artists, like mechanics, find the means to live? Why, then, does M. Villemain feel so strong an interest in setting himself up as the chief of the literary classes, in playing for their benefit the role of Trissotin in the councils of the State, and in becoming the accomplice and associate of a band of profligates,--_soi- disant_ men of letters,--who for more than ten years have labored with such deplorable success to ruin public spirit, and corrupt the heart by warping the mind? Why," say the authors, "should not the work of genius pass in like manner to the heirs of the man of genius? Why, then, while laboring with such laudable enthusiasm for the establishment of equality, should you retain an expression whose equivocal meaning will always be an obstacle in the way of your success? Why, then, this excessive mediocrity of M. Lamennais considered as a thinker, a mediocrity which disclosed itself at the time of the publication of the "Essai sur l'Indifference!"? Why has the apostle of love become an apostle of anger and revenge? Why not furnish an unequivocal explanation of its object? Why have I never taken part in a review? Why should the people trust in tribunes, when kings perjure themselves? Why did the English finally prevail in the struggle for the Atlantic seaboard? Why is the study of democracy increasingly important? Why is stability not a feature of some of the Latin-American republics which have adapted our check and balance system? Why may America be called the land of Hope? Why is it important that a constitution be a written document? Why is it dangerous to suspend the constitutional guarantees of personal liberty? Why democracy is best. Why is there nothing to be gained by debating whether or not American democracy is imperfect? Why has the circle of our problems been steadily widening during the last century? Why is our domestic trade of relatively greater importance than our foreign trade? Why has the animal life of the North American continent declined in significance since colonial times? Why is it extremely difficult to measure the wealth of the United States? Why does each industry not utilize some other form of power than that actually used? Why is barter not extensively used in modern industry? Why were precious metals first coined? Why coinage is necessary. Why was this distribution of relatively small importance prior to the Industrial Revolution? Why does the capitalist receive interest? Why does the laborer receive wages? Why is the tenant willing to pay rent for this plot? Why is he able to pay rent? Why does the employer pay some high wages and others low wages? Why is there competition? Why are diamonds high in price? Why is bread low in price? Why? Why is coöperation backward in this country? Why has coöperation succeeded in Great Britain? Why is bolshevism of interest to students of American democracy? Why did Lenin return to capitalism? Why would socialism tend to give rise to a bureaucratic government? Why is it necessary for non-socialists to advance a program of industrial reform? Why is the wage system a necessary feature of modern industrial life? Why is there no simple remedy for the defects of capitalism? Why does the elimination of poverty demand something more than justice? Why will higher wages result from an increase in the demand for labor? Why is the program outlined not an immediate panacea for all social and economic ills? Why does the need for justice arise? Why is this undesirable? Why are there differences of wages in different occupations? Why are we accustomed to speak of labor and capital as the two chief factors in production? Why have labor organizations arisen? Why is industrial warfare undesirable? Why do women generally get lower wages than men? Why is child labor not always the cheapest labor? Why are Asiatics excluded? Why? Why should the Americanization worker make himself familiar with the condition under which the immigrant works? Why is it necessary to reform our criminal procedure? Why is the social condition of the Negro unsatisfactory? Why have we delayed the development of a comprehensive plan for meeting the needs of the Negro? Why is the economic readjustment of the Negro important? Why is the modern family in a period of transition? Why is law not the ultimate cure for family instability? Why is our divorce rate increasing? Why is almsgiving inadequate as a method of treating dependency? Why is coördination a necessary step when social service agencies have become highly specialized? Why is it difficult to classify the causes of poverty? Why did the Charity Organization Society arise? Why is the rural problem of recent origin? Why is the marketing of farm products a problem? Why is public interest in business necessary? Why did State regulation fail to eliminate these evils? Why must municipal utilities be regulated or controlled? Why did the railroads receive liberal help from state and Federal governments during the period of railroad development? Why is tariff practically always a compromise? Why was there a trend toward protection after the World War? Why has the wages argument increased in importance within the last half century? Why may the present outlook for conservation be said to be optimistic? Why is coöperation essential to the conservation movement? Why should the Conservation movement be carried forward as rapidly as possible? Why should a banking system be elastic? Why do you suppose it is located in this city? Why is the cost of government increasing? Why is it difficult to tax intangible property? Why is the suffrage important in a representative democracy? Why was the suffrage in the eastern states widened in the nineteenth century? Why have parties arisen? Why the best men do not go into politics. Why did the nominating convention arise? Why are American legislatures overwhelmed with work? Why should the opinions of individuals be clarified and organized? Why must the minority be free to express its dissent? Why was the presidential election of 1876 disputed? Why was the veto power originally bestowed upon the President? Why great men are not chosen Presidents. Why does the Constitution provide that one third of the Senate shall retire every second year? Why has the legislative session been shortened in some states? Why are state laws frequently of inferior quality? Why did county government develop in the rural South? Why is there a growing demand that local institutions be placed under the supervision of the state government? Why the Princess Has a Story About Her 2. Why, what have you been doing with your eyes, child? Why, child? Why didn't you tell me, then? 'Why, who are you? Why not? Why they come so soft, I declare I haven't an idea. Why should he marry an outlandish woman like that-one of our natural enemies too? 'Why do they wear shoes up there? 'Why, what do you mean? Why couldn't I find you before, great-great-grandmother? 'Why, please? 'Why? Why don't you put out your moon? Why, what's the matter? 'Why do you call yourself old? Why doesn't she want it now? Why do we not destroy them entirely, and use their cattle and grazing lands at our pleasure? Why it's very Pat, Sir - Plain without a word. 'Why, you were singing loud! 'Why, how ever did you come here, Irene? Why do you think so? Why weren't you in your workroom when we came up, grandmother? Why should she? Why should I, when I know you will not believe me? 'Why, what else could he be? 'Why can't you help it now? Why they did not use a dog or a plumber seems strange; but all the ways of royalty are strange. "Why, so in sooth I did: I do remember ." Why should he whip THEE for faults of mine? Why, truly thou art better than thy looks. Why, man, he hath no more sympathy with a jest than hath a dead corpse!--come, and we will speak further. Why, I know this old hall, these pictures of my ancestors, and all these things that are about us, as a child knoweth its own nursery. Why will you waste the precious time? Why not go and try to get speech of him and beg for justice? Why did people do that with their two faces? Why is the county of Kildare like the leg of a fellow's breeches? Why did he not tell it? Why did Mr Barrett in Clongowes call his pandybat a turkey? --Why then, said Mr Casey, it is a most instructive story. --Why? Why did the five fellows out of the higher line run away for that? Why is he on his knees? Why is he on his knees, Father Arnall? --Why are you not writing like the others? --Why is he not writing, Father Arnall? Why did he say he knew that trick? Why could he not remember the name when he was told the first time? --Why so? Why, he's only a rhymester! Why, Johnny Cashman, you must be nearing the century. Why, by God, they wouldn't be seen dead in a ten-acre field with them. Why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if Jesus `Christ be present body and blood, soul and divinity, in the bread alone and in the wine alone? Why, sir? Why not? Why did you sin? Why did you lend an ear to the temptings of friends? Why did you turn aside from your pious practices and good works? Why did you not shun the occasions of sin? Why did you not leave that evil companion? Why did you not give up that lewd habit, that impure habit? Why did you not listen to the counsels of your confessor? Why did you not, even after you had fallen the first or the second or the third or the fourth or the hundredth time, repent of your evil ways and turn to God who only waited for your repentance to absolve you of your sins? Why was he kneeling there like a child saying his evening prayers? Why? Why was it that when he thought of Cranly he could never raise before his mind the entire image of his body but only the image of the head and face? Why did he feel that it was not unwatchful? Why do you make a scene about it? Why don't you learn Irish? Why did you drop out of the league class after the first lesson? Why did you tell me those things? --Why not, indeed? Why was he gazing upwards from the steps of the porch, hearing their shrill twofold cry, watching their flight? Why were they not Cranly's hands? Why is that? --Why not? Why, that bloody bleating goat Temple has ideas. Why is it, then, in the face of the self-evident fact that maximum prosperity can exist only as the result of the determined effort of each workman to turn out each day his largest possible day's work, that the great majority of our men are deliberately doing just the opposite, and that even when the men have the best of intentions their work is in most cases far from efficient? "Why should I work hard when that lazy fellow gets the same pay that I do and does only half as much work?" Why are better results attained under scientific management than under the other types? Why is it, in a trade which has been continually practiced since before the Christian era, and with implements practically the same as they now are, that this simplification of the bricklayer's movements, this great gain, has not been made before? Why couldn't he? Why didn't you say so before? Why shouldn't I? Why not? Why not! Why do you say this to me? Why didn't you go for it yourself? Why don't you marry that missus of yours? Why? Why? Why should she die of influenza? Why didn't you leave me where you picked me out of--in the gutter? Why, six months ago you would have thought it the millennium to have a flower shop of your own. Why need you start bothering about that in the middle of the night? Why-- The parlor-maid comes in and breaks off the conversation. Why would she buy me clothes? Why? Why did you take my independence from me? Why did I give it up? Why it is called, as here, the P'oo-na has yet to be explained. Why should there not have been schools in those monasteries in India as there were in China? Why, he's a sort of chairman of different boards of colleges, and he knows all the heads of the schools, and the professors, so it's no wonder that if he offers to give a pension, or anything, they take it. Why not? Why, don't you see what's happened? Why, he's giving his entire fortune to the university. Why not go to those lawyers that manage things for the company and get them to arrange it all for you with the college? Why don't you just drop everything and go to Canada?--perfectly quiet, not a soul there, and, I believe, nowadays quite fashionable. Why don't you go down to Nagahakett on the Atlantic? "Why last night?" Why, it's--" Norah began, and then she stopped. Why? Why, Edward," cried his sister, Philippa, as her motor stopped beside him, "how doleful you look! Why, Edward, the man is gentleness and kindness itself. Why look what's being done every day everywhere, from the Standard Oil Company downwards. "Why, then," said Mr. Newberry, "at the time of our discussion tonight, you were in the position of having no minister." Why, these fellows down at the city hall are simply a pack of rogues. Why don't you supply the city? Why didn't you want to go to Butterfield? "Why not?" Why, what's that? "Why didn't the Eskimo keep it?" Why, he must be lost," she said to the shaggy man. "Why?" "Why, yes," said Dorothy; "that seems reas'n'ble, Shaggy Man." "Why, so we are!" "Why?" "Why, everybody knows you, my dear," said the Fox-King. Why, yes; we are in Kansas now, aren't we? Why? "Why, so are we," said Dorothy, smiling; "but we don't cry about it." Why not? "Why not?" Why, my father stretched his rainbow over here this morning, so that one end of it touched this road," was the reply; "and I was dancing upon the pretty rays, as I love to do, and never noticed I was getting too far over the bend in the circle. Why, he's a reg'lar musicker! Why, I b'lieve he's proud of it," exclaimed Dorothy; "and seems to me I've heard worse music than he makes. Why, he's the tin man I told you about. Why, I melted her with a bucket of water, and that was the end of her," replied Dorothy. Why, it's a mirror! Why did you name them all with the same name? "Why not?" "Why?" Why, it's Ozma's own royal chariot! Why didn't you send me word you were going to have a birthday party? "Why did you steal it?" Why, your face has been newly painted! "Why do they call you Chick?" Why, don't I see you every Christmas Eve, when you're asleep? "Why, so you shall!" Why the Negro is Black XXXIV.-The Sad Fate of Mr. Fox Plantation Proverbs His Songs I. "Why, certaiuly, Uncle Remus." "Why, have you killed anybody?" "Why, I thought you killed him?" Why should they not be? Why, my good friend, I said, how can any one answer who knows, and says that he knows, just nothing; and who, even if he has some faint notions of his own, is told by a man of authority not to utter them? Why, he said, you made the attempt a minute ago, and you failed. Why do you ask such a question, I said, when you ought rather to be answering? Why, what else is there? Why, he said, you should give them the ordinary conveniences of life. Why? Why, a dog, whenever he sees a stranger, is angry; when an acquaintance, he welcomes him, although the one has never done him any harm, nor the other any good. Why? Why, because he distinguishes the face of a friend and of an enemy only by the criterion of knowing and not knowing. Why, yes, said he, those stories are extremely objectionable. Why not? Why not? Why, I conceive that there is a gymnastic which, like our music, is simple and good; and especially the military gymnastic. Why, I said, you join physicians and judges. Why, I said, do you not see that men are unwillingly deprived of good, and willingly of evil? Why so? Why, yes, he said, and there is no harm; were it not that little by little this spirit of licence, finding a home, imperceptibly penetrates into manners and customs; whence, issuing with greater force, it invades contracts between man and man, and from contracts goes on to laws and constitutions, in utter recklessness, ending at last, Socrates, by an overthrow of all rights, private as well as public. Why, I said, every one who calls any State courageous or cowardly, will be thinking of the part which fights and goes out to war on the State's behalf. Why, yes, said I, you may, and if you add the words `of a citizen,' you will not be far wrong;--hereafter, if you like, we will carry the examination further, but at present we are we w seeking not for courage but justice; and for the purpose of our enquiry we have said enough. Why so? Why, because temperance is unlike courage and wisdom, each of which resides in a part only, the one making the State wise and the other valiant; not so temperance, which extends to the whole, and runs through all the notes of the scale, and produces a harmony of the weaker and the stronger and the middle class, whether you suppose them to be stronger or weaker in wisdom or power or numbers or wealth, or anything else. Why so? Why, my good sir, at the beginning of our enquiry, ages ago, there was justice tumbling out at our feet, and we never saw her; nothing could be more ridiculous. Why, I said, they are like disease and health; being in the soul just what disease and health are in the body. Why, I said, that which is healthy causes health, and that which is unhealthy causes disease. Why, he said, we think that you are lazy, and mean to cheat us out of a whole chapter which is a very important part of the story; and you fancy that we shall not notice your airy way of proceeding; as if it were self-evident to everybody, that in the matter of women and children `friends have all things in common. Why not? Why yes, I said, but the fact is that when a man is out of his depth, whether he has fallen into a little swimming bath or into mid-ocean, he has to swim all the same. Why do you say so? Why, we valiantly and pugnaciously insist upon the verbal truth, that different natures ought to have different pursuits, but we never considered at all what was the meaning of sameness or difference of nature, or why we distinguished them when we assigned different pursuits to different natures and the same to the same natures. Why, no, he said, that was never considered by us. Why, in the first place, although they are all of a good sort, are not some better than others? Why, I said, the principle has been already laid down that the best of either sex should be united with the best as often, and the inferior with the inferior, as seldom as possible; and that they should rear the offspring of the one sort of union, but not of the other, if the flock is to be maintained in first-rate condition. Why, said I, and so they ought. Why, of course they will go on expeditions together; and will take with them any of their children who are strong enough, that, after the manner of the artisan's child, they may look on at the work which they will have to do when they are grown up; and besides looking on they will have to help and be of use in war, and to wait upon their fathers and mothers. Why, you see, there is a difference in the names `discord' and `war,' and I imagine that there is also a difference in their natures; the one is expressive of what is internal and domestic, the other of what is external and foreign; and the first of the two is termed discord, and only the second, war. Why, yes, he said: how can any reasonable being ever identify that which is infallible with that which errs? Why, I said, we know that all germs or seeds, whether vegetable or animal, when they fail to meet with proper nutriment or climate or soil, in proportion to their vigour, are all the more sensitive to the want of a suitable environment, for evil is a greater enemy to what is good than what is not. Why, that all those mercenary individuals, whom the many call Sophists and whom they deem to be their adversaries, do, in fact, teach nothing but the opinion of the many, that is to say, the opinions of their assemblies; and this is their wisdom. Why, where can they still find any ground for objection? Why, you know, I said, that the eyes, when a person directs them towards objects on which the light of day is no longer shining, but the moon and stars only, see dimly, and are nearly blind; they seem to have no clearness of vision in them? Why, yes, I said, and for two reasons:--in the first place, no government patronises them; this leads to a want of energy in the pursuit of them, and they are difficult; in the second place, students cannot learn them unless they have a director. Why indeed, he said, when any name will do which expresses the thought of the mind with clearness? Why not? Why great caution? Why, yes, I said, of course they answer truly; how can the Muses speak falsely? Why, there is a mixture, I said; but one thing, and one thing only, is predominantly seen,--the spirit of contention and ambition; and these are due to the prevalence of the passionate or spirited element. Why? Why not, as Aeschylus says, utter the word which rises to our lips? Why, he said, there is little to be squeezed out of people who have little. Why, yes, he said, to that extent the people do share. Why so? Why, because he is the author of the pregnant saying, Tyrants are wise by living with the wise; and he clearly meant to say that they are the wise whom the tyrant makes his companions. Why, clearly, he said, then he and his boon companions, whether male or female, will be maintained out of his father's estate. Why, you do not mean to say that the tyrant will use violence? Why not? Why is that? Why, I said, what was ever great in a short time? Why should any one insist on spelling it "Tolstoi" (with one, two or three dots over the "i"), when he himself writes it "Tolstoy"? Why did you give it him? "Why did he come in?" Why did I not stop her? Why, it nearly sent me to sleep! Why, I heard them say he was six foot five high; I should think he must have weighed about 20 stones. Why, we've got her to Siberia. Why, we did not put in our answer 'Guilty, but without intent of causing death. Why, he has a real talent for art; I have it from Repin's own lips," she added, turning to Kolosoff. Why is it she is not ashamed of lying so? Why are you in low spirits? Why do you not wish to speak out now? Why, I loved her, really loved her with a good, pure love, that night; I loved her even before: yes, I loved her when I lived with my aunts the first time and was writing my composition. Why, it happens, ducky, they'll even give you a heap of money sometimes, that's sure," the watchman's wife began, in her singing voice: "Yes, we were wondering, 'Why's she so long? Why such a hard sentence? Why so hard? Why, he won't spit at you for less than a thousand roubles. Why do you sell spirits? Why? "Why, Schegloff; him as has just gone by." Why, he ran twice from Siberia. Why, they'll be required again," she said. Why, I taught her how to sew. Why should you place it to your account? Why must you? Why--don't they admit us yet? Why? Why, he has about twelve million roubles, and he cannot speak correctly; and if he can get a twenty-five rouble note out of you he'll have it, if he's to wrench it out with his teeth. Why, don't we, too, 'lose bits of flesh in the inkstand? Why, is it a visiting day to-day? Why do they all seem so confused? Why did the sergeant-major make a sign to him? Why do you serve in this capacity? Why, we have more than 2,000 persons here. Why should I be calm? Why should they not do good? Why? Why? Why should I leave you? Why, surely he has not changed his mind about marrying? "Why, indeed!" Why, I was swinging my scythe, or something of the kind, the livelong day, till the day seemed as long as a year, and so I fell asleep while watching the herd of horses at night, and it got into your oats, and now you're skinning me. "Why, don't we respect you?" Why, you could twist us into a rope; we are in your hands. Why so badly? Why, I hire out as a labourer; and then I borrowed some money from your honour. "Why, it's 17 roubles for my household." Why not? Why, she sells spirits," the thin, pink little boy answered decidedly. Why, she is my niece. Why, I know all about it. Why should one let an innocent soul languish when the mother is dying? Why did it sicken? Why do you torment the beast, and the children, too, who want their milk? Why sign? Why, these very peasants--say that white-haired one, or the dark one, who were refusing, are intelligent peasants. Why did Nikolenka Irtenieff die? Why am I living? Why that war? Why my subsequent lawless life? Why, to your commune, and not to that of Deminsk. "Why, you are the master, and you give it as you like." "Why, everything." Why stupid? "Why is that?" Why do not they stay in the village? Why better? Why not now? Why, it must be 10 years since then. Why so? "Why, what makes it so?" "Why not?" "Why can you not bear them?" Why, I and my sisters have even been in love with you," she said, in French. Why have they been keeping her? Why, I served with your father. Why? Why; where is the harm of it? Why with disgust? Why, it's only some kind of whimsical folly. Why, everybody knows what you are doing. Why not? "Why has she been removed?" "Why, this is anarchism," Rogozhinsky said, quietly defining his brother-in-law's words. Why, they are all against me, and torment and torture me through their mediums. Why has this happened? Why has what happened? Why they die of sunstroke, you mean? Why, have you not got any water? "Why?" Why are you going? Why not tell her all I am thinking? Why, what was I thinking about? Why did you do it? Why,' says she, 'because he's hateful to me. Why, I must thank God for it all the days of my life. Why do you call him? Why need she be sent for? Why, we thought you had gone back to Russia," she said. Why did you not come? Why, we'll have a regular ball to-day. "Why?" Why? Why should I ruin Mr. Simonson, too? Why, I used to be glad when they locked me up," said Nabatoff cheerfully, wishing to dispel the general depression. Why don't you pray, old chap? Why should you live here and suffer? Why had he suffered? Why had he lived? Why dost thou, then, suggest to me distrust Knowing who I am, as I know who thou art? Why should I? Why should that Cause thy refusal? Why art thou Solicitous? Why, of course, the attempted murder of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. "Why should the tramp burn the body?" "Why?" Why, Holmes, it is a child's drawing," I cried. Why should you attribute any importance to so grotesque an object? "Why?" `Why, we should have the whole county laughing at us. Why, Mr. Holmes, the crime was only committed at three this morning. Why should he come because you have asked him? Why, otherwise, should he be so desperately anxious that she should not get so near him as to see his features? Why, Mr. Holmes, you'll hardly believe it, but ever since that girl has been in my employment I never once let her go past this house, where I knew the rascals were lurking, without following her on my bicycle, just to see that she came to no harm. "Why didn't you tell her of her danger?" Why was that? "Why did he go?" "Why?" "Why, Mr. Reuben Hayes," said Holmes, coolly, "one might think that you were afraid of our finding something out." "Why should I tell you?" Why should I not? Why did you drive me to such extremities? Why any burglar should take such a thing passes my understanding, for it was only a plaster cast and of no real value whatever. Why did he not break it there, since it is evident that every yard that he carried it increased the risk of someone meeting him? Why, it's Beppo. Why, here, near the door. Why did you pass these other chairs? Why should he be pacing his room all the time? "Why, Bannister, the servant." Why should a perfectly honest man--Well, well, here's a large stationer's. Why, Holmes, you had only two yesterday. Why did you not tell me of this, Hopkins? Why should you cling so hard to that wretched life of yours, Sergius? Why, Morton or Johnson, the Oxford fliers, could romp round him. Why, Mr. Holmes, I thought you knew things," said he. Why, I was first reserve for England against Wales, and I've skippered the 'Varsity all this year. "Why to Lord Mount-James?" Why, then, does he make these long journeys, which must be exceedingly irksome to him, and who is it that he visits? "Why do you not write them yourself?" "Why not?" Why should it break three inches from the top, as this one has done? Why should anyone desire to steal it or to publish it? "Why should he be missing?" "Why not?" Why is it held back? "Why, it is simple enough." Why not in autumn and winter? Why in spring and summer? Why so? Why, that is the happiness enjoyed by the spirits in heaven; you can't have that. Why should I bestow all my tediousness upon you, because I have you in my power, and have ink, paper, and time before me? Why, Frank, you do not even understand the beggarly trade you have chosen. Why not go to Westminster or Eton at once, man, and take to Lilly's Grammar and Accidence, and to the birch, too, if you like it? Why, a Scotch sort of a gentleman, as I said before," returned mine host; "they are all gentle, ye mun know, though they ha' narra shirt to back; but this is a decentish hallion--a canny North Briton as e'er cross'd Berwick Bridge--I trow he's a dealer in cattle. Why, we must forswear your alliance. Why, when my uncle was informed that you were to be his guest for some time, and that your father desired to have one of his hopeful sons to fill up the lucrative situation in his counting-house which was vacant by your obstinacy, Mr. Francis, the good knight held a _cour ple'nie're_ of all his family, including the butler, housekeeper, and gamekeeper. Why, partly his and partly mine. "Why, he wished to have me for his scholar, and he could but teach me that which he knew himself--he was not likely to instruct me in the mysteries of washing lace-ruffles, or hemming cambric handkerchiefs, I suppose." Why, Percie, Thornie, John, Dickon--Wilfred himself, might be your instructor. Why should you use the ceremony of knocking," said Miss Vernon, "when you knew that I was not alone? Why, what can I do, my dear friend? Why might not"--(he added, laughing, for it was part of his manner to keep much of his discourse apparently betwixt jest and earnest)--"why might not Cardinal Osbaldistone have swayed the fortunes of empires, well-born and well-connected, as well as the low-born Mazarin, or Alberoni, the son of an Italian gardener? "Why, ay, her father's commands, and a certain family-contract, destined her to marry one of Sir Hildebrand's sons." Why should I witness embarrassments which I cannot relieve, and mysteries which I offend you even by attempting to penetrate? Why, man! "Why, he's--ahay!--he's--ahem!--Where did ye meet with Mr. Robert Campbell, as ye ca' him?" Why, ye are to understand," said Mr. Jarvie in a very subdued tone--"I speak amang friends, and under the rose--Ye are to understand, that the Hielands hae been keepit quiet since the year aughty-nine--that was Killiecrankie year. Why," said he, "if these bills are not paid, the Glasgow merchant comes on the Hieland lairds, whae hae deil a boddle o' siller, and will like ill to spew up what is item a' spent--They will turn desperate--five hundred will rise that might hae sitten at hame--the deil will gae ower Jock Wabster--and the stopping of your father's house will hasten the outbreak that's been sae lang biding us. Why dinna ye tak him awa'? "Why," resumed MacGregor, "ye ken weel eneugh that women and gear are at the bottom of a' the mischief in this warld." "Why call Madame Velma the `surprise packet'?" "Why didn't you open it?" Why can't somebody teach him to step out? Why don't you go? Why, Velma herself was a pupil of the great madame. "Why not elsewhere?" Why are people of that sort allowed to be called 'mothers'? Why should she disappoint those expectations because of the imperious demands of a very highly excited boy? Why had she felt so restless and dissatisfied and lonely? Why did I not realise it before? Why do I feel so inclined to tease him? Why not take Pauline and me along? Why, of course, I shall go straight to Garth. Why? Why should this little man be lying on his own account? Why not let me send for this pleasant lady? Why shouldn't I get up and try that chair of yours? Why certainly you may ask, Nurse Rosemary Gray," he said, "though I wonder you think it necessary to do so. "Why do you always chaff Miss Gray about being small, Dr." "Why, that letter is from her," replied Garth, surprised. Why did you not say so? "Why certainly," he said. Why, she helped me to live again! Why not? Why didn't I come a cropper over any of them? Why not marry this charming, capable, devoted nurse, and have her constantly about him in his blindness? "Why do you say 'loved'?" Why of course, Mr. Dalmain. Why? Why? Why? "Why, do you know the little chap?" "Why?" "Why?" "Why certainly," said Garth. Why, what is the matter; Sweet? Why should I? Why not, darling? Why don't they take me, sir? Why did you say 'at last'? Why aren't you serving your country? Why, I'm working night and day for it. "Why not?" Why did you let me do such a silly thing? Why didn't you foresee such a contingency? "Why," asked Marigold woodenly, "didn't you or I, sir, or many wiser than us, foresee the war?" Why should he go and be killed or maimed for life? Why," said I, "there's Phyllis Gedge. Why? Why should he have his knife into Randall? Why, the young beggar might summon him for assault. Why had he sent his mother on ahead? Why? Why can't they give me a billet in the Army Pay and let me release a man sounder of wind and limb? Why should he be tearing about aimlessly on a motor bicycle this May morning when he ought to be in France? "Why?" Why? Why South Africa? "Why?" Why, I asked, should we assume that the poor child was led astray by a villain? Why didn't you say I was dead? Why? Why do you want to know? Why, you silly little baggage, my condition is that you should marry him. Why should I marry him? Why has he come to spoil it all? "Why?" Why won't you marry me? Why are my father and you persecuting me to marry you? Why couldn't he go to his own home? Why the dickens do you spring things like that on people while they're shaving? Why, it's 'The Rosary,' sir. Why not let me tackle Mrs. Tufton while she is in this beautifully chastened and devotional mood? Why can't people take a line and stick to it? Why, in spite of all my open- heartedness, did he still contrive to leave me with a sense of the enigmatic? Why had he suggested a dinner party? Why hadn't Anthony asked the Boyces to dine quietly with Edith and himself--with me thrown in, for instance, if they wanted exotic assistance? Why jealousy? Why should Leonard Boyce be such a vastly important person? Why shouldn't a woman? "Why didn't you tell me?" "Why gratefully?" "Why didn't you ask her to come in to see me?" "Why, my dear chap, haven't I told you?" Why should he have taken to his heels? Why not take it at its face value? Why not? Why not put her into his confidence before they started? Why enlist? Why not he? Why not a tremendous man like him? Why haven't you told him? Why? Why? Why? Why hadn't I warned him? Why, then? Why should he have kept up a correspondence with Gedge? Why this should be I do not rightly know. Why do you live on the bank of a river? "Why should I want another man's fish?" Why should you wonder at a woman in a chariot? Why, you are as much to blame as I am. Why so? "Why?" "Why don't you run, my pulse?" Why are you killing the boy? Why, we are here," cried Mongan; "where else should we be? "Why should you be happy?" Why do you bind these woes on me? Why should you think that? "Why did you let him near you?" Why not,' he might have thought within himself, 'why all this is futile? Why, you might go to the master and ask him what is the essence of Buddhism? Why do you not preach? Why do you waste your energy in the construction of the Three Worlds? Why do you bother yourself about such an idle question? Why not, then, these trees, grass, etc., the alphabets of Nature when they compose the Volume of the Universe? Why, then, do I not hear them? Why do the sun and the earth seem changeless and constant to you? Why do we value the morning glory, which fades in a few hours, more than an artificial glass flower, which endures hundreds of years? Why do we prefer an animal life, which passes away in a few scores of years, to a vegetable life, which can exist thousands of years? Why do we prize changing organism more than inorganic matter, unchanging and constant? 'Why,' said the teacher, 'art thou so late? Why, we must ask, do you trouble yourself so much about death? Why, then, do you trouble yourself about it? Why did Lao Tsz, Chwang Tsz, Cheu Kung[FN#304] and Confucius do such a useless task as to found their doctrines and lay down the precepts for men? Why does it wait for some direct or indirect causes (to gain its knowledge), and to acquire them through study and instruction? Why are trees and grass which were also formed of the same Gas unconscious? Why so many to be low and so few to be high? "Why, I did sew it with white!" Why don't you DO it? "Why, ain't THAT work?" Why don't you tell me, Mary?--what do you want to be so mean for? "Why, what's the matter, Tom?" "Why, spunk-water." "Why, he told Jeff Thatcher, and Jeff told Johnny Baker, and Johnny told Jim Hollis, and Jim told Ben Rogers, and Ben told a nigger, and the nigger told me." "Why, he took and dipped his hand in a rotten stump where the rain- water was." Why, that ain't a-going to do any good. "Why, you take your cat and go and get in the graveyard 'long about midnight when somebody that was wicked has been buried; and when it's midnight a devil will come, or maybe two or three, but you can't see 'em, you can only hear something like the wind, or maybe hear 'em talk; and when they're taking that feller away, you heave your cat after 'em and say, 'Devil follow corpse, cat follow devil, warts follow cat, I'm done with ye!" Why, Tom, I KNOW she is. "Why, that's awful." "Why, how you talk!" "Why, engaged to be married." Why it ain't like anything. "Why, that, you know, is to--well, they always do that." "Why, yes, everybody that's in love with each other." Why, me and Amy Lawrence--" The big eyes told Tom his blunder and he stopped, confused. Why don't you fall? Why don't you fall yourself? "Why, that ain't anything." "Why, I can't do that, it ain't in the book." "Why, you two was scuffling, and he fetched you one with the headboard and you fell flat; and then up you come, all reeling and staggering like, and snatched the knife and jammed it into him, just as he fetched you another awful clip--and here you've laid, as dead as a wedge til now." "Why, I KNOW it, Tom." Why, he'd kill us some time or other, just as dead sure as we're a laying here. Why had he not been called--persecuted till he was up, as usual? Why didn't you leave? Why, I never see anything like it. "Why, Huck, you'd HAVE to." "Why, I just wouldn't stand it." Why, the pirates. Why, that door's open, I believe. Why, of course it is. "Why, many a time I've looked at people smoking, and thought well I wish I could do that; but I never thought I could," said Tom. Why, he'd keel over just with two draws. Why, I bet you Johnny Miller couldn't any more do this than nothing. "Why, Wednesday night I dreamt that you was sitting over there by the bed, and Sid was sitting by the woodbox, and Mary next to him." "Why, she was here!" "Why, no!" Why, it's funny I didn't see you. "Why, you see, when you got to talking about the funeral, I just got all full of the idea of our coming and hiding in the church, and I couldn't somehow bear to spoil it." "Why, yes, I did." "Why, yes, I did, auntie--certain sure." "Why, Tom Sawyer, we wouldn't be alive two days if that got found out." Why, if I wanted that half-breed devil to drownd me they could get me to tell. "Why, is it hid all around?" "Why, robbers, of course--who'd you reckon?" "Why, Tom, it'll take all summer." "Why, so as to have something to live on, by and by." Why, they used to fight all the time. Why, we only guessed at the time. Why, they're a dern sight worse'n dead people. "Why, he was one of the greatest men that was ever in England--and the best." "Why, of course!" "Why, it'll be night, sure." Why, he might 'a' found out he couldn't get his revenge, and be going right after that money. "Why, it's ha'nted with whiskey!" Why not give it up and turn in? Why call Tom now? "Why, who are you?" Why, what's the MATTER with you? Why didn't you come and wake me? "Why, no." "Why, I reckon maybe they are." "Why?" "Why, Huck, I never told on that tavern-keeper." Why, it seems 'bout a year ago. "Why, it's real bully, Tom." Why, it's not as light as it might be. "Why, old Mr. Jones is going to try to spring something on the people here to-night, but I overheard him tell auntie to-day about it, as a secret, but I reckon it's not much of a secret now." Why, they'd say, 'Mph! Why, it's a million times bullier than pirating. Why, here's Sally! Why, I wouldn't so much as drink a glass of ale with one o' them murderin' Frenchmen, and nothin' `d make me change my opinions. Why! Why! "Why should you try, Madame?" Why should she have done such a thing? Why! Why she wished to get closer to him, she could not have said: perhaps she was impelled by an all-powerful fatality, which so often seems to rule the destinies of men. Why do you stare at me like that? Why did not Chauvelin come and tell her the result of his watch? Why does your ladyship ask? Why should he take all this trouble? Why should he--who was obviously a serious, earnest man--wish to appear before his fellow-men as an empty-headed nincompoop? Why! Why do you shake your head and look so glum? Why did she not with unearthly screams, that would re-echo from one end of the lonely beach to the other, send out a warning to him to desist, to retrace his steps, for death lurked here whilst he advanced? Why do you ask? Why, Sister Carrie! Why, how are all the folks at home? Why, any one, if you please," she answered. Why don't we go to the theatre to-night? Why, yes, didn't you know that? Why, he's manager of the Grand Opera House. Why, hello, Charlie, old man," said Hurstwood, as Drouet came in that evening about eight o'clock. Why don't you keep part of your money and buy yourself one? Why, how are you, Carrie? Why, you can't live on it, can you? Why don't you stay down town and go to the theatre with me? Why don't you rent a furnished room and leave them in that for a week? Why are you going home? Why not get yourself a nice little jacket? Why not? Why? Why don't we get married? Why shouldn't she win? Why, if he would just let Carrie see one such little incident as that of Thursday, it would settle the matter. Why, I was just over there this afternoon--Mrs. Hale and I. Why, I should think," she said, turning upon him large eyes which were full of sympathy and feeling, "that you would be very happy. Why not come down to The Fair," he suggested, "next Tuesday? Why, hello, Charles," he called affably; "back again? Why not? Why, my lodge entertainment. Why, how do you do, Mr. Why, George, how are you? Why, the scene between Ray and me when I refuse him. Why, woman," he exclaimed, "you did it for me! Why do you not come back to her? "Why, nearly every day." Why did she look so disturbed when he had asked her how many times Hurstwood had called? Why, even last night she had been as friendly toward him as could be, and Hurstwood too. Why don't you come away? Why? Why do you feel so bad about that affair of this morning? Why, I went for a walk," said Carrie. Why, Hurstwood," said Drouet, noting the effect and feeling that he was delivering a telling blow. Why, I know it. Why did he bring Hurstwood out--Hurstwood, a married man, and never say a word to her? Why hadn't he warned her? Why not stay here now and be quiet? Why don't you tell me all about this thing," he said, after a time, "and let's call it off? "Why do you want to start on that again?" Why should she taunt him this way unless she had good grounds? Why don't I shut the safe? Why did he wish to move about so quietly. Why, he could live quietly with Carrie for years. Why be afraid? Why, hello, George, old man! Why not? Why? Why, certainly, dear. Why didn't you tell me before? Why don't you come with us? Why don't you get yourself one of those nice serge skirts they're selling at Lord & Taylor's? "Why don't you?" Why, it's Hurstwood! Why, Mrs. Wheeler," said Mrs. Vance, looking Carrie over in a glance, "where have you been? Why haven't you been to see me? Why, I'm living down town here. Why don't you come and see me? Why not raise it five more? Why," he said, actually stammering, "how do you do? Why don't you get out and look for work? Why could not Carrie assist him a little until he could get something? "Why didn't you?" Why don't he get something? Why don't you do it then? Why doesn't he get something to do? Why don't you take anything, George, temporarily? Why don't you let her head that line? Why, after a little, he would be standing anything. Why not? Why don't you come down here and get these stones off the track? Why? Why don't you come over with me today? "Why, no," said Lola, going for her purse. "Why, that's all right," said the manager, when the kick came. "Why, you little sinner," the latter exclaimed, as she saw Carrie coming toward her across the now vacant stage. "Why, any time you like," said Carrie. Why don't you see him," suggested Lola, "and hear what he has to say? "Why, there're lots of places," returned Lola, who was thinking of her own lightsome tourneys with the gay youths. Why don't you jump, you bloody fool? Why, how are you? "Why that affair in Chicago--the time he left." "Why," said Drouet, puzzled at her tone, "you knew that, didn't you?" "Why, no," said Carrie. Why, George," she said; "what's the matter with you? Why don't you tell me what's the matter with you? Why? Why don't you get into some good, strong comedy-drama? Why had she lost it? Why, just this. Why, hello, Harry! Why, the degenerate fellow might as well have been a fiddler! Why should he toil and moil, and be at so much trouble to pick himself up out of the mud, when, in a little while hence, the strong arm of his Uncle will raise and support him? Why should he work for his living here, or go to dig gold in California, when he is so soon to be made happy, at monthly intervals, with a little pile of glittering coin out of his Uncle's pocket? Why, gossips, what is it but to laugh in the faces of our godly magistrates, and make a pride out of what they, worthy gentlemen, meant for a punishment? Why not announce thyself openly, and cast me off at once? "Why dost thou smile so at me?" Why, with such rank in the learned world, had he come hither? Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace? Why should a wretched man--guilty, we will say, of murder--prefer to keep the dead corpse buried in his own heart, rather than fling it forth at once, and let the universe take care of it! Why, then, had he come hither? Why, mistress, I hear good tidings of you on all hands! Why hast thou not avenged thyself on me? Why did I not understand? Why shouldst thou tarry so much as one other day in the torments that have so gnawed into thy life? Why did we not find it sooner? "Why doth the minister sit yonder?" Why does he do so, mother? "Why, know you not," cried the shipmaster, "that this physician here-- Chillingworth he calls himself--is minded to try my cabin-fare with you?" "Why?" "Why not?" Why, I shall say--Oh dear, I don't know. Why not, my friend? Why had no word of any kind come from him? Why, yes. Why, doctor,' I said, 'I guess I feel an almighty fool, but I owe it to you to let you know that it wasn't the Bill Sikes business I was up to. Why, fancy that! Why shouldn't he be? "Why?" "Why should he?" Why, every one in the building would hear the report. Why not? "Why?" "Why, yes." "Why not?" Why don't you take it? Why didn't you kill me off at once before I regained consciousness? Why not convert imagination into reality? "Why not?" Why not let this kind gentleman here cut my throat without delay? Why shouldn't it be? "Why shouldn't it be?" Why blame her because she had been true to her creed? Why had he not let them know that he was still working on the case? Why? Why, no. Why? Why? Why, you wouldn't recognize a frog croaking if you heard it. "Why not?" Why do you still keep me with you? Why? "Why?" Why didn't you say? Why, Jane, the only reason I had the supper at the Savoy was so that I could drive you home. Why? Why should you be less fortunate than your mother? Why, he is down here every year. Why should you imagine, Elinor, that we did not go there, or that we did not see the house? Why they should not openly acknowledge to her mother and herself, what their constant behaviour to each other declared to have taken place, Elinor could not imagine. Why else should he have shewn such unwillingness to accept your invitation here? Why do you not ask Marianne at once," said she, "whether she is or she is not engaged to Willoughby? "Why should you think so!" Why should they ask us? Why did not you ask the Gilberts to come to us today? Why they are your cousins, you know, after a fashion. Why don't he, in such a case, sell his horses, let his house, turn off his servants, and make a thorough reform at once? Why, their visit is but just begun! "Why, I hope not that." "Why, to be sure," said he, seeming to recollect himself, "people have little, have very little in their power." "Why so?--we were all his friends, and Lucy has been the longest known to him of any." Why they WERE different, Robert exclaimed to her himself in the course of a quarter of an hour's conversation; for, talking of his brother, and lamenting the extreme GAUCHERIE which he really believed kept him from mixing in proper society, he candidly and generously attributed it much less to any natural deficiency, than to the misfortune of a private education; while he himself, though probably without any particular, any material superiority by nature, merely from the advantage of a public school, was as well fitted to mix in the world as any other man. Why would you be persuaded by my uncle, Sir Robert, against your own judgment, to place Edward under private tuition, at the most critical time of his life? Why Mr. Ferrars was to have been written to about it in such a hurry, she could not immediately comprehend. "Why did you call, Mr." {Why then, take steps to make available through the Gutenberg Project an article arguing AGAINST the right of women to vote--an article written by a woman? Why has not woman educated herself in past ages, as man has done? Why not enlarge the criminal classes from whom the suffrage is now withheld? Why not exclude every man convicted of any degrading legal crime, even petty larceny? Why, we had enough to build a biography of Shakespeare! Why? Why, the Supposers, the Perhapsers, the Might-Have-Beeners, the Could- Have- Beeners, the Must-Have-Beeners, the Without-a-Shadow-of- Doubters, the We-are-Warranted-in-Believingers, and all that funny crop of solemn architects who have taken a good solid foundation of five indisputable and unimportant facts and built upon it a Conjectural Satan thirty miles high. Why weren't they? Why did not the inquirer hunt them up and interview them? Why even Messrs. Garnett and Gosse 'suspect' that he was a soldier! Why a dozen, instead of only one or two? Why, it is just like being the past tense of the compound reflexive adverbial incandescent hypodermic irregular accusative Noun of Multitude; which is father to the expression which the grammarians call Verb. Why was this hope not torture? Why became cheeks, wan with the kiss of death, _4315 Paler from hope? Why watched those myriads with suspended breath Sleepless a second night? Why, her heart must have been tough: How did it end? Why, dust and clay, What should they be? Why, yesternight you dared to look With disobedient insolence upon me, Bending a stern and an inquiring brow On what I meant; whilst I then sought to hide That which I came to tell you--but in vain. Why so it is. Why, the very conscience Which ye would sell for gold and for revenge Is an equivocation: it sleeps over A thousand daily acts disgracing men; And when a deed where mercy insults Heaven... _30 Why do I talk? Why, when none else is conscious, but myself, _95 Of my misdeeds, should my own heart's contempt Trouble me? Why did I yield? Why did I not sustain Those torments? Why, I have three Even by my own confession; there may be Some more, for what I know, for 'tis my mind _80 To call my friends all who are wise and kind,- And these, Heaven knows, at best are very few; But none can ever be more dear than you. Why should they be? Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart? Why must I think how oft we two Have sate together near the river springs, Under the green pavilion which the willow Spreads on the floor of the unbroken fountain, Strewn, by the nurslings that linger there, _65 Over that islet paved with flowers and moss, While the musk-rose leaves, like flakes of crimson snow, Showered on us, and the dove mourned in the pine, Sad prophetess of sorrows not her own? Why shake the chains ye wrought? Why not I with thine?-- 2. Why do I peer Into the darkness of the day to come? Why do we fear or hope? Why come you here to ask me what is done With the wild oxen which it seems you miss? Why look so at thine? Why do you let that fair girl pass from you, Who sung so sweetly to you in the dance? Why dost thou shroud thy vestal purity In penury and dungeons? Why is the aged husbandman more experienced than the young beginner? Why is the old statesman more skilful than the raw politician) Because, relying on the necessary conjunction of motive and action, he proceeds to produce moral effects, by the application of those moral causes which experience has shown to be effectual. Why may not human minds unveil The dim mists of futurity?-- _20 6. Why is it said thou canst not live In a youthful breast and fair, Since thou eternal life canst give, Canst bloom for ever there? Why does he doff his clothes joyfully, _110 As he skips, and prances, and flaps his wing, As he sidles, leers, and twirls his sting, And dares, as he is, to appear? Why Mr. Locock should call line 12 an 'unmetrical line,' I cannot see. Why do I peer : It is not blasphemy to hope that Heaven : It is the day when all the sons of God : It lieth, gazing on the midnight sky : It was a bright and cheerful afternoon : Kissing Helena, together : Let there be light! Why are there so few palaces and gentlemen's seats,' he would ask, with some emotion, as he walked across the room, 'throughout so many delicious provinces in France? Why this cause of sorrow, therefore, was thus reserved for my father and uncle, is undetermined by me. Why, Sir, I should be undone;--at this very moment that I am going here to fill up one place against a critick,--I should have made an opening for a couple. Why is Peireskius, or any man else, to be abused for an appetite for that, or any other morsel of sound knowledge: For notwithstanding I know nothing of the chariot in question, continued he, the inventor of it must have had a very mechanical head; and tho' I cannot guess upon what principles of philosophy he has atchieved it;--yet certainly his machine has been constructed upon solid ones, be they what they will, or it could not have answered at the rate my brother mentions. Why, in the first place, I believe there is no probability that either of them will employ the power I put into their hands to my disadvantage;--I consider that honesty serves the purposes of this life:--I know their success in the world depends upon the fairness of their characters.--In a word, I'm persuaded that they cannot hurt me without hurting themselves more. Why? Why, Sir, your Julius Caesar, who gave the operation a name;--and your Hermes Trismegistus, who was born so before ever the operation had a name;--your Scipio Africanus; your Manlius Torquatus; our Edward the Sixth,--who, had he lived, would have done the same honour to the hypothesis:--These, and many more who figured high in the annals of fame,--all came side-way, Sir, into the world. Why, there is not time for a man to be sick in it, replied he--What a cursed lyar! Why weavers, gardeners, and gladiators--or a man with a pined leg (proceeding from some ailment in the foot)--should ever have had some tender nymph breaking her heart in secret for them, are points well and duly settled and accounted for, by ancient and modern physiologists. Why then, an' please your honour, is a black wench to be used worse than a white one? Why did you keep me standing there in the cold? Why, what is the matter with you, John? Why, that your poor dear father was off his head, of course," I answered, testily. Why had I been such a fool as to leave them? Why," said Leo, with a gasp as he put down the brandy bottle, "there is the head the writing talks of, the 'rock carven like the head of an Ethiopian. Why," I said, "but how can that be? Why should I fright ye? Why look, they have asked Mahomed to dine, too. Why art thou so frightened, stranger? Why, if I remember, so said one of their prophets that it should be. Why dost thou befool me, oh Queen? Why, dost thou believe that I, who am all-powerful, I, whose loveliness is more than the loveliness of the Grecian Helen, of whom they used to sing, and whose wisdom is wider, ay, far more wide and deep than the wisdom of Solomon the Wise--I, who know the secrets of the earth and its riches, and can turn all things to my uses--I, who have even for a while overcome Change, that ye call Death--why, I say, oh stranger, dost thou think that I herd here with barbarians lower than the beasts? Why in ten thousand years scarce will the rain and storms lessen a mountain top by a span in thickness? Why cannot man be content to live alone and be happy, and let the women live alone and be happy too? Why did that stranger bring thee back to me after this sort? "Why doth not that woman leave us, my Holly?" Why dost thou always dispute? Why, Job, you old son of a gun, where the deuce have we got to now-- eh? Why didst thou this thing? Why, how is this? Why, what is it--what is it? Why, his mane that was ripe as corn is white like the snow. Why did he, the irreproachable one, have to wash off sins every day, strive for a cleansing every day, over and over every day? Why had Gotama, at that time, in the hour of all hours, sat down under the bo-tree, where the enlightenment hit him? Why not? Why did you take the axe along? Why have you told me this about the stone? Why should you, for a mere passing pleasure, risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? "Why, hardly," he answered, leaning back luxuriously in his arm- chair, and sending up thick blue wreaths from his pipe. "Why, of course I knew that you had not written a letter, since I sat opposite to you all morning." Why, too, should he write a letter now, rather than six years ago? Why, we have got him, that's all," said he. Why, the house seems to be as full as a rabbit-warren! Why, of course I do! "Why, bless you, sir, it is in the steam launch that he has gone." Why, Mary, your fortune depends upon the issue of this search. "Why so, Mrs." Why do you say that? 'Why, as to that, gentlemen,' I answered, trying also to be cool, but feeling as excited as he did, 'there is only one bargain which a man in my position can make. Why don't you get your grandmother to make you a new pair? Why do you treat me thus," cried Unktomi, "I was just going out in search of medicine to rub on my arrows, so I can kill the witches. Why, my dear grandchild, you are just in time for dinner. Why, I am not in any particular hurry, so if you want to go I will take care of my little nephews until you return. Why, Ajut, did I gaze upon thy graces? Why are footmen and chambermaids paid on every side for keeping secrets, which no caution nor expense could secure from the all penetrating magnet? Why, Seged, wilt not thou partake the blessings thou bestowest? Why shouldst thou only forbear to rejoice in this general felicity? Why should thy face be clouded with anxiety, when the meanest of those who call thee sovereign, gives the day to festivity, and the night to peace? Why are riches collected but to purchase happiness? Why then, many will ask, should we examine and even propose major excursions and changes if the country occupies this position of military superiority? Why the need for a concept of Rapid Dominance? Why not build a Division force equivalent using technology and doctrine to provide a "heavy division equivalent" force using far fewer troops featuring speed, shock, precision fire while avoiding the manpower costs of dollars that in peacetime include added costs for recruitment, training, and sustaining and in war have an even greater added cost computed in blood? Why don't we do this? Why train technicians? Why should they be grateful for the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table? Why should he? Why not here, and perhaps elsewhere, plant deeply and for all time centres of learning and living, colleges that yearly would send into the life of the South a few white men and a few black men of broad culture, catholic tolerance, and trained ability, joining their hands to other hands, and giving to this squabble of the Races a decent and dignified peace? Why should he strive? Why is this? Why didn't he buy land! Why is this? Why do not the Negroes become land-owners, and build up the black landed peasantry, which has for a generation and more been the dream of philanthropist and statesman? Why, you niggers have an easier time than I do," said a puzzled Albany merchant to his black customer. Why," said he, "they were all black. Why was his hair tinted with gold? Why had not the brown of his eyes crushed out and killed the blue?-- for brown were his father's eyes, and his father's father's. Why may I not rest me from this restlessness and sleep from this wide waking? Why,--why," he faltered, "but--I haven't grad- uated! Why, I remember my closest playfellow in boyhood was a little Negro named after me, and surely no two,--WELL! "Why, no,--but Sally, our girl, told my wife a lot of rot." Why, it's little black John, Peggy's son,--your old playfellow. Why, your little brother even wouldn't tell a story that way, now would he? Why, there isn't even a girl worth getting up a respectable flirtation with," he growled. Why, I never noticed before what a trim little body she is. Why, you haven't kissed me since I came home," he said gaily. Why, he was Jones, and he wondered what they would all say when they knew, when they knew, in that great long dining-room with its hundreds of merry eyes. Why should AEschylus have sung two thousand years before Shake- speare was born? Why has civilization flourished in Europe, and flickered, flamed, and died in Africa? Why, you stink like so many bloat-herrings newly taken out of the chimney. Why, says he, in the sea-service, it is impossible to do any thing without them, there being not more than three men of the whole King's side that are fit to command almost; and these were Captain Allen, Smith, and Beech; and it may be Holmes, and Utber, and Batts might do something. Why, what, pox," says Sir Charles Sydly, "would he have him have more, or what is there more to be had of a woman than the possessing her? Why will not people lend their money? Why will they not trust the King as well as Oliver? Why do our prizes come to nothing, that yielded so much heretofore? Why," says he, "after all the sickness, and himself spending all the last year in the country, one of his men is now dead of the plague, and his wife and one of his mayds sicke, and himself shut up;" which troubles me mightily. Why," says he, "it is my sister of Richmond's, some frolick or other of hers of some certain person; and there is nothing of the King's name in it, but it is only said to be his by supposition, as is said. Why," says H. Bellasses, "you will not hurt me coming out, will you? Why so? --"Why," says he, "if you are, let us drink his health. --"Why, let us," says the King. --"Why," says the Duke of Buckingham, "I do suffer him to do this, that I may hereafter the better command him. "Why then," said Eacus, "convey him hence To walke with lovers in our field of loue And the course of euerlasting time Vnder greene mirtle- trees and cipresse shades." Why waile I, then, wheres hope of no redresse? Why, so, Tam armis quam ingenio: Where wordes preuaile not, violence preuailes. Why stands Horatio speecheles all this while? Why, make you doubt of Pedringanos faith? Why sit we not? Why linger ye? Why then, farewell! Why hast thou thus vnkindely kild the man? Why, because he walkt abroad so late. Why, tell me, Don Lorenz, -- tell me, man, If ought concernes our honor and your owne! Why, sirra hangman, I take it that that is good for the body is likewise good for the soule: and it may be in that box is balme for both. Why, wherefore stay you? Why, I? Why, rascall, by my pardon from the king. Why did I not giue you gownes and goodly things, Bought you a wistle and a whipstalke too, To be reuenged on their villanies? Why bends thou thus thy minde to martir me? Why! Why, Lorenzo, wherein ist That I neglect my reputation so As you, or any, need to rescue it? Why, then, remembring that olde disgrace Which you for Don Andrea had indurde, And now were likely longer to sustaine By being found so meanely accompanied, Thought rather, for I knew no readier meane, To thrust Horatio forth my fathers way. Why might not a man love A calfe as well, or melt in passion over A frisking kid, as for a sonne? Why, let them enter, and let me see them. Why then, Lorenzo, listen to my words: It is suspected, and reported too, That thou, Lorenzo, wrongst Hieronimo, And in his sutes toward his Maiestie Still keepst him back and seekes to crosse his sute. Why commest thou sadly to salute vs thus? Why, my l[ord], I thought you had done. Why, is not this a miserable thing, my lord? Why this is freely doone, Hieronimo. Why then, I see that heauen applies our drift, And all the saints doe sit soliciting For vengeance on those cursed murtherers. Why, Nero thought it no disparagement, And kings and emperours haue tane delight To make experience of their wit in plaies! Why, this is well! Why thus, my lord, we must resolue, To soothe his humors vp. Why, so! Why hast thou done this vndeseruing deed? Why hast thou murdered my Balthazar? Why hast thou butchered both my children thus? Why speakest thou not? Why was it so? Why, then, this accusation? Why, since the old controversies, with all their lights and shadows, have passed away, is the political firmament covered by one dark pall, the funeral shade of which increases with every passing year? Why is it, I say, that you are thus agitated in relation to the domestic affairs of other communities? Why is it that the peace of the country is disturbed in order that one people may assume to judge of what another people should do? Why, then, in the absence of all control over the subject of African slavery, are you agitated in relation to it? Why, then, I would ask, do we see these lengthened shadows, which follow in the course of our political day? Why should not the State have an armory for the repair of arms, for the alteration of old models so as to make them conform to the improved weapons of the present day, and for the manufacture on a limited scale of new arms, including cannon and their carriages; the casting of shot and shells, and the preparation of fixed ammunition? Why not stay in the city just as we have? Why, there was the time I earned the money With which to go away to school, And my father suddenly needed help And I had to give him all of it. Why, it wasn't worth a damn! Why, with all of my errant steps Did I miss the fate of Willard Fluke? Why do you not plant a few For the millions of children not yet born, As well as for us? Why Can never contests of great moment spring From worthy things, not little? "Why," said the saint, "did I go into the forest and the desert?" Why not be like me--a bear amongst bears, a bird amongst birds? Why sufficeth not the beast of burden, which renounceth and is reverent? Why hath the preying lion still to become a child? Why stealest thou along so furtively in the twilight, Zarathustra? Why? Why didst thou say that the poets lie too much? "Why?" Why dost thou believe it? Why did the ghost cry: 'It is time! Why do I not give it? Why wouldst thou wade through this mire? Why didst thou live so long by the swamp, that thou thyself hadst to become a frog and a toad? Why wentest thou not into the forest? Why should one live? Why so hard! -- Why so soft? Why so soft, so submissive and yielding? Why is there so much negation and abnegation in your hearts? Why is there so little fate in your looks? Why look'st thou hither, Of human pain not weary, With mischief- loving, godly flash-glances? Why dost thou disturb them? Why dost thou tempt me? 'Why doth he not come who hath so long announced himself? "Why!" Why didst THOU get converted? Why do ye dissemble and disguise yourselves before me! Why is it so long night? Why dost thou praise me? Why dost thou conceal thyself? Why, at Netley's butcher shop (established in 1882) there are no less than four men working on the sausage machines in the basement; at the Newspacket office there are as many more job-printing; there is a long distance telephone with four distracting girls on high stools wearing steel caps and talking incessantly; in the offices in McCarthy's block are dentists and lawyers with their coats off, ready to work at any moment; and from the big planing factory down beside the lake where the railroad siding is, you may hear all through the hours of the summer afternoon the long-drawn music of the running saw. Why, you take the dining-room side of it," continued Mr. Smith, looking round at the group, "there's thousands in it. Why, look at the license system they had in Sweden; yes, and in Finland and in South America. Why, no wonder; it seemed like the finger of Providence. Why, sudden as a flash of lightning, it seemed, the news came over the wire to the Mariposa Newspacket, that they had struck a vein of silver in the Northern Star as thick as a sidewalk, and that the stock had jumped to seventeen dollars a share, and even at that you couldn't get it! Why, to those as don't want it, every time. Why, everybody's here. Why, it is just the little things like this that give zest to a day on the water. Why, of course she did. Why, in the big concerns in the city, if they found out a man was educated, they wouldn't have him,--wouldn't keep him there a minute. Why, Judge Pepperleigh disposed of the case and dismissed the protest of the company in less than fifteen minutes! Why, what makes you ask that? Why, Neil was so clever that he used to be able to play billiards at the Mariposa House all evening when the other boys had to stay at home and study. Why, I've known Pupkin at the Fireman's Ball lean against the wall in his dress suit and talk away to Jim Eliot, the druggist, without giving the faintest hint or indication that Eliot's note for twenty- seven dollars had been protested that very morning. Why? Why stop them? Why, Pupkin's father,--what's the use of trying to conceal it any longer?--was the senior partner in the law firm of Pupkin, Pupkin and Pupkin. Why, there's no money in that! Why, a man like that could ruin young Pupkin in Mariposa in half a day, and Pupkin knew it. Why, she had told Pupkin one night in the canoe that she would only marry a man who was poor and had his way to make and would hew down difficulties for her sake. Why, if you shut the hotels you simply drive the people to the soda fountains and there's more drinking than ever, and not only of the men, too, but the girls and young boys and children. Why, you could see it taking effect even on his aides-de-camp and the people round him, so imagine how the prince must have felt! Why they can't fight it merely on the question of graft," continued the old war horse, rising from his seat and walking up and down, "Heaven only knows. Why, it appeared that on the very first day when reciprocity was proposed, he had come home and said to Mrs. Gingham that he thought it simply meant selling out the country. Why, you knew that train at one time better, I suppose, than any other single thing in the city, and loved it too for the little town in the sunshine that it ran to. Why, look, that great space that seems to open out in the half-dark of the falling evening,--why, surely yes,--Lake Ossawippi, the big lake, as they used to call it, from which the river runs down to the smaller lake,--Lake Wissanotti,--where the town of Mariposa has lain waiting for you there for thirty years. Why, gentlemen, if you know neither the road you are going, nor where you are, nor the road you came, the first thing I have to inform you is, that--you have lost your way. Why, man, that's because I do want to steal out of the room. Why, George, I can't say fine things to them; they freeze, they petrify me. Why, really, sir, as for supper I can't well tell. Why, really, sir, your bill of fare is so exquisite, that any one part of it is full as good as another. Why, with his usual Gothic vivacity, he said I only wanted him to throw off his wig, to convert it into a tete for my own wearing. Why, boy, I AM ruined in earnest. Why, one would think, child, you kept the bar before you were born. Why, man, she talked of showing me her work above stairs, and I am to improve the pattern. Why will you increase my distress by this groundless dispute? Why, Dick, will you talk of fortune to ME? Why where should I leave them but where I found them? Why, that's it, mon. Why, or whence, the first of the Sulpicii who had the cognomen of Galba, was so called, is uncertain. Why should I be the means of making him uncomfortable, when he can afford me no pleasure? Why Nature should scatter such floral gems upon such a stony sterile region it is difficult to understand, but such a variety of lovely flowers of every kind and colour I had never met with previously. Why," I said, "for health and cleanliness, to be sure. Why," said he, "nobody won't eat it. "Why, what is there against him?" Why, this article," I said, pointing at it with my egg spoon as I sat down to my breakfast. Why, that he was a retired sergeant of Marines. "Why, it is just such a chance as you have been longing for." Why was that corner chosen to write it on? Why, it means that the writer was going to put the female name Rachel, but was disturbed before he or she had time to finish. "Why, the height of a man, in nine cases out of ten, can be told from the length of his stride." Why, that's true, sir," he said; "though how you come to know it, Heaven only knows. Why shouldn't we use a little art jargon. "Why?" "Why, the man in the brown coat -- our florid friend with the square toes." Why should he fear a trap? Why, sir, we have the man under lock and key. Why don't you introduce this pattern at Scotland Yard? Why not here, as well as in a feather bed, twenty years hence," he muttered, as he seated himself in the shelter of a boulder. "Why didn't you say so before?" Why, of course, now as long as we die we'll be with mother again. "Why don't you say some yourself?" Why," I cried, "you have an aortic aneurism! Why should he change his name in a country where no one knew his original one? Why, in authorizing Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama to form constitutions and become separate States, did Congress include within their limits extensive tracts of Indian lands, and, in some instances, powerful Indian tribes? Why should it be on this? Why should not the same principle be applied to acts of insubordination, cowardice, or other misconduct on the part of masters and mariners producing injury or death to passengers on the high seas, beyond the jurisdiction of any of the States, and where such delinquencies can be reached only by the power of Congress? Why is it, then, that discontent now so extensively prevails, and the Union of the States, which is the source of all these blessings, is threatened with destruction? Why may not our country at some time average as many? Why should there be delay in making this improvement in so far as it involves the extension of the parking system and the construction of greatly needed public buildings ? Why not try it? Why? Why should we ignore it now? Why are we there ? Why did men come to that once forbidding land ? Why, then, this restlessness? Why can't we? Why is it that we can build a nation with our prayers, but we can't use a schoolroom for voluntary prayer? Why? Why do we want guaranteed private insurance? Why that chapter should be singled out, however, is not clear. Why then should carriage and transportation cause exhaustion on the highways?--The answer is, that not victuals alone, but all sorts of munitions of war have to be conveyed to the army. Why, you are delirious! Why not take it just as it is and scatter it to the four winds? Why not?-- The voice of the old man shook with anger. Why be so upset? Why lie awake nights worrying about this? Why the blazes couldn't you have come home and brought me a bit of peat from the pit? Why shouldn't the cows here be up and down just the same as other cows? Why does a chicken cross the road? Why, your Grand Grace," he cried, "there won't be anything of that sort. Why can't he give us chaps a chance? Why? Why, then, does he say no more? Why does he say 'Ladies and Gentlemen,' but no more? Why, even now some of the biggest stars can't go to some towns because they always cop it there. "Why, that's more than either of those horrid generals got." Why, this is Count de Coude, of France. Why so grave, my dear Raoul? "Why do you not cease persecuting me, Nikolas?" Why, I never did believe it, even back in the wilds of your African jungle, when you tore the raw meat of your kills with mighty jaws, like some wild beast, and wiped your greasy hands upon your thighs. Why did they lure me there? Why, your every word and act was an open invitation to him, and he had not the sense to see it. "Why did you do it, Jean?" Why does monsieur ask? Why, when Bolgani, the king gorilla, tore me almost to pieces, while I was still but a little boy, did I have a nice soft bed to lie on? Why, Kadour ben Saden is in Sidi Aissa this very night. Why do they wish to kill you, m'sieur? Why did you not tell me that you contemplated ambushing those fellows? Why are you here? Why did you do that? Why, she is the very best friend I have in the world. Why, what do you mean? Why do you not find the means to search Monsieur Caldwell's stateroom --eh? Why? Why, Jane Porter! Why, I can't believe my own eyes. Why, she could not have told. Why, of course you'll come," responded Tennington. Why don't you say that you are joking! "Why, yes, Jane; I know perfectly well who he was--his name was John Caldwell; he was from London." Why, only this morning, after I had been forced to relinquish my surveillance for a brief half hour he was entirely missing upon my return. `Why, Mr. Philander,' he said, `I am surprised that you, sir, a man of letters yourself, should have the temerity so to interrupt the progress of science. Why did he not do something? "Why, Jane," he cried, "what do you mean?" "Why do they fear to come here?" "Why have they not seized me?" `Why, where in the world are you bound, professor? Why, sir, I haven't had a piece of mail in weeks. Why he was sent, is, however, of little moment to this story, for he never made an investigation, nor, in fact, did he ever reach his destination. Why, it could not even find food alone, and more than twelve moons had passed since Kala had come upon it. Why it spread half across his face! Why, then, this hesitancy! Why? Why, Mr. Clayton," she cried, "what does this mean? Why had he gone to all this labor without knowing the value of the contents of the chest? Why, they even tipped in the opposite direction from all that he had ever examined either in printed books or the difficult script of the few letters he had found. Why did he not return? "Why, Esmeralda!" Why? Why, Sabor, single handed, could exterminate a thousand of you. Why man, you are Lord Greystoke. "Why not?" Why was I not told? Why, Mr. Clayton, what have you done? Why do you want to put me under such terrible obligations? "Why can't you, Jane?" Why did you not return? Why, his very name echoed his mysterious origin and his savage life. Why do you ask? Why do you not cook the game which I brought? Why he was made minister of marine is difficult to say, as Spain did not possess any; perhaps, however, from his knowledge of the English language, which he spoke and wrote nearly as well as his own tongue, having indeed during his sojourn in England chiefly supported himself by writing for reviews and journals, an honourable occupation, but to which few foreign exiles in England would be qualified to devote themselves. Why should there not be a marriage? Why should there not be bodas between the son of Don Carlos and the heiress of England? Why do you call them Irish Christians? "Why do you suppose we are Catalans?" Why these people are called Miguelets it is not easy to say, but it is probable that they have derived this appellation from the name of their original leader. Why? Why did you not go to my village? Why should I? Why should I be ashamed of their company when my Master mingled with publicans and thieves? Why, or I greatly err, one chapter of his life, had it been written, would have unfolded more of the wild and wonderful than fifty volumes of what are in general called adventures and hairbreadth escapes by land and sea. Why, there is every probability that the great body of the Spanish nation speak, think, and live precisely as their forefathers did six centuries ago. Why is that place called the Castle of Villaluenga? Why should I interfere with him? Why, I'd grow fat on it! Why, the old feller; the one in the cart there. Why, I've known the show towns to be thirty miles apart, an' them was the times when we had lively work of it. "Why, what a little chap you are!" Why, Uncle Dan'l used to say that I ate twice as much as I ought to, an' it never made me any bigger. Why, that's just the cuteness of the old fellow -- he watches you to see if he can't do just as you do, an' that's all there is about it. "Why, you won't have any work to do tomorrow, Toby -- it's Sunday." "Why don't you take me with you?" Why don't you sit down, little boy? "Why, you're a perfect little -- little -- fairy!" Why, you can't get away for a while, anyhow, an' you'd better try to amount to something while you are here. Why don't you go home, then? "Why not?" "Why, that's you!" "Why, you know that I've been wantin' to get away from the circus," said Toby, a little impatient that his friend should be so wonderfully stupid, "an' I think that I'll have as good a chance now as ever I shall, so I'm goin' to try it." Why? Why then did I hate the Greek classics, which have the like tales? Why then was my delight of such sort that I did it not alone? Why is it, that man desires to be made sad, beholding doleful and tragical things, which yet himself would no means suffer? Why then be perverted and follow thy flesh? Why, since we are equally men, do I love in another what, if I did not hate, I should not spurn and cast from myself? Why say more? Why not this? Why then fear we and avoid what is not? Why so then? Why that? Why standest thou in thyself, and so standest not? Why not now? Why seek they to hear from me what I am; who will not hear from Thee what themselves are? Why then does not the disputer, thus recollecting, taste in the mouth of his musing the sweetness of joy, or the bitterness of sorrow? Why then joy they not in it? Why am I more stung by reproach cast upon myself, than at that cast upon another, with the same injustice, before me? Why then do I lay in order before Thee so many relations? Why, I beseech Thee, O Lord my God? Why then is this said of Thy Spirit only, why is it said only of Him? Why should he trouble me, as if I could enlighten any man that cometh into this world? Why, your da'ter is one o' the members. Why, Tess Durbeyfield, if there isn't thy father riding hwome in a carriage! Why not all of us--just for a minute or two--it will not detain us long? Why did 'er? Why, I danced and laughed only yesterday! Why, sir, if I tell you, it will seem---" Tess's sense of a certain ludicrousness in her errand was now so strong that, notwithstanding her awe of him, and her general discomfort at being here, her rosy lips curved towards a smile, much to the attraction of the swarthy Alexander. Why, Tess," he answered, after another whiff or two, "it isn't a brave bouncing girl like you who asks that? Why, I always go down at full gallop. "Why, this mare." "Why do you have such a horse?" Why, you are quite cross because you can't do it. Why haven't you told me when I have made you angry? Why, where be we? "Why, dear?" Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order. Why did you slip away by stealth like this? Why go off like this? Why didn't ye think of doing some good for your family instead o' thinking only of yourself? Why didn't you tell me there was danger in men-folk? Why didn't you warn me? Why did she not feel the chill of each yearly encounter with such a cold relation? Why do nott cows give less milk in a year than horned? Why has this been sent to my house? Why--it is a system of philosophy. Why, that it may be used for the honour and glory of man, father. Why do you look so woebegone all of a sudden? Why," he said with some enthusiasm, "I should be only too glad, my dear Tess, to help you to anything in the way of history, or any line of reading you would like to take up--" "It is a lady again," interrupted she, holding out the bud she had peeled. "Why not?" Why, our little Retty Priddle here, you know, is one of the Paridelles --the old family that used to own lots o' the lands out by King's Hintock now owned by the Earl o' Wessex, afore even he or his was heard of. Why, Crick--that maid we had years ago, do ye mind, and how the butter didn't come then---" "Ah yes, yes!--but that isn't the rights o't. Why--he was standing over the whey-tub to let off the whey, and the shade of his face came upon the wall behind, close to Izz, who was standing there filling a vat. Why? Why it that? Why? Why don't ye speak, Izz? Why do you cry, my darling? Why should you think, Felix, that I am likely to drop my high thinking and my moral ideals? Why don't somebody tell him all about me? Why do you disappoint me so? Why do you think that? Why, 'tis later than I thought," he said. Why, he is the very man who had that rumpus with my father I told you of. Why do you cry, dearest? Why didn't you stay and love me when I--was sixteen; living with my little sisters and brothers, and you danced on the green? Why not a fortnight from now? Why? Why, it is seven o'clock? Why, she bade us goodbye with the rest----" "Yes. Why--Tess!--my chil'--I thought you was married!--married really and truly this time--we sent the cider----" "Yes, mother; so I am. "Why, yes." Why they are all Roman Catholics there surely! "Why, you wicked man, a cloister implies a monk, and a monk Roman Catholicism." Why is that? "Why was that falling-off?" Why not be revenged on society by shaping his future domesticities loosely, instead of kissing the pedagogic rod of convention in this ensnaring manner? Why, surely, it is the young wench who was at Trantridge awhile--young Squire d'Urberville's friend? Why is your cwomely face tied up in such a way? Why, here's Izz! Why had her husband not written to her? "Why?" Why didn't you write to me when you felt your trouble coming on? Why is that? "Why so positive?" Why not? "Why," he said aridly; "I have come all the way here to see you today!" Why I did not despise you was on account of your being unsmirched in spite of all; you withdrew yourself from me so quickly and resolutely when you saw the situation; you did not remain at my pleasure; so there was one petticoat in the world for whom I had no contempt, and you are she. Why, souls above us, your face is as if you'd been hagrode! Why do you trouble me so! "Why, you can have the religion of loving-kindness and purity at least, if you can't have--what do you call it--dogma." Why do you not see this? Why had he not known the difference between the political value and the imaginative value of these things? Why, he thinks we are the same family; and will be quite satisfied! Why is it? Why, of course 'tis, and that's where we will camp, girls, till the place of your ancestors finds us a roof! Why he did so he could not say, but something seemed to impel him to the act. Why did you go away--why did you--when I loved you so? Why? Why didn't you tell me next day? Why should we! Why should we put an end to all that's sweet and lovely! Why should we not have stayed there? Why comes he not in battle's van His country's chief to be?-- To stand a comrade by my side, The sharer of my fame, And worthy of a brother's pride And of a brother's name? Why then risk thyself in the battle with a perjury upon thee? "Why must you?" Why, the mother of Arjuna! Why set a bottomless chasm between Arjuna and myself, turning the natural attachment of kinship to the dread attraction of hate? Why is such splendour about you to lure the heart of one who is nothing? Why so? Why, then, hast thou outraged my honour and entered my house and played the traitor with me and tookest no thought unto that which I have done thee of benefits? Why, then, dost thou postpone the putting him to death? Why, then, hast thou not looked upon her? Why, then,' asked he, 'didst thou lay hold of him and kiss him! Why didst thou not tell me? Why wilt thou slay me? Why art thou purposed to depart and leave me to despair? Why to estrangement and despite inclin'st thou with the spy? Why, then, O my lord," asked the nurse, "didst thou conceal the secret of thy rank and lineage and passedst thyself off for a wayfarer? Why yes," said the other, "we are now close to a well, which is never without the pulley and a large bucket; 'tis but a step thither, and we will wash him out of hand. Why, Sir," said Ambrogiuolo, "they were given me by a Genoese lady, with whom I once spent a night, Madam Zinevra by name, wife of Bernabo Lomellin, who prayed me to keep them as a token of her love. Why, when he is tired of thee, he will cast thee out to thy most grievous dishonour. Why, here they are; she brought them to me in tears with her own hand. Why, I have heard you say a thousand times:--'Who fasting goes to bed, uneasy lies his head. Why throw I my youth away? Why dost not answer, vile dog? Why seclude they not themselves, if they misdoubt their power to lead continent and holy lives? Why gave she not the priest of the wine that is in the cask by the wall? Why then," said Fra Alberto, "I will even do to-day what 'tis long since I did, to wit, undress, that I may see if you say sooth. Why tarries Cabestaing? Why," said I, "his paw seems like a little boxing-glove full of claws. Why, it's enough to put any man into an abnormal condition, to have such an assemblage of horrors round him, and to breathe the atmosphere which they exhale. Why not now? Why, even if it were that the attack, the physical attack, on Mr. Trelawny had been made by some one residing in the house and not within the sphere of suspicion, the oddness of the stupefyings would still remain a mystery. Why, there they are before your eyes! Why, that's just it," I said. Why you and I searched the place ourselves from end to end; and there was not a sign of a lamp. Why watching by me? Why did you think so? Why, when this matter was fresh to me, I offered to go on with it to the end. Why was this? Why, we are risking already a woman's life; the dearest life to me in all the world, and that grows more dear with every hour that passes. Why, this woman can tell us what the world was like before what is called 'the Flood'; can give us the origin of that vast astounding myth; can set the mind back to the consideration of things which to us now seem primeval, but which were old stories before the days of the Patriarchs. Why, BRIGHT opposes it! Why are we not in the Commons where we could have so much more power? Why is this nominal rank given us, at the price of substantial influence? Why do we not fear that she would do this, or any approach to it? Why should he work? Why, according to popular belief is it rather characterised by the very contrary? Why should not the rest of our administration be as good if we did but apply the same method to it? `Why? Why? Why had the Morlocks taken my Time Machine? Why, too, if the Eloi were masters, could they not restore the machine to me? Why should I trouble myself? Why is it that at a bachelor's establishment the servants invariably drink the champagne? Why all these cups? Why cucumber sandwiches? Why such reckless extravagance in one so young? Why, one may be accepted. Why on earth do you say that? Why are you Ernest in town and Jack in the country? Why are there no cucumber sandwiches? Why? Why on earth don't you go up and change? Why, we have been engaged for the last three months. Why on earth then do you allow tea-cake to be served up for your guests? Why don't you go! Why did you pretend to be my guardian's brother? Why should there be one law for men, and another for women? Why, say, Theridamas, wilt thou be a king? Why, that's well said, Techelles: so would I;-- And so would you, my masters, would you not? Why, then, Casane,<111> shall we wish for aught The world affords in greatest novelty, And rest attemptless, faint, and destitute? Why, then, Theridamas, I'll first assay To get the Persian kingdom to myself; Then thou for Parthia; they for Scythia and Media; And, if I prosper, all shall be as sure As if the Turk, the Pope, Afric, and Greece, Came creeping to us with their crowns a-piece.<112> TECHELLES. Why may not I, my lord, as well as he, Be term'd the scourge and terror of<39> the world? Why, I thank your majesty. Why, so he<168> is, Casane; I am here: But yet I'll save their lives, and make them slaves.-- Ye petty kings of Turkey, I am come, As Hector did into the Grecian camp, To overdare the pride of Graecia, And set his warlike person to the view Of fierce Achilles, rival of his fame: I do you honour in the simile; For, if I should, as Hector did Achilles, (The worthiest knight that ever brandish'd sword,) Challenge in combat any of you all, I see how fearfully ye would refuse, And fly my glove as from a scorpion. Why, madam, think you to mock me thus palpably? Why gave you not your husband some of it, If you lov'd him, and it so precious? Why, shall I sit and languish in this pain? Why then is that rather a misfortune than this a good fortune? Why then am I dissatisfied if I am going to do the things for which I exist and for which I was brought into the world? Why dost thou think that this is any trouble? Why do unskilled and ignorant souls disturb him who has skill and knowledge? Why then dost thou not wait in tranquillity for thy end, whether it is extinction or removal to another state? Why, what else than to venerate the gods and bless them, and to do good to men, and to practice tolerance and self-restraint; but as to everything which is beyond the limits of the poor flesh and breath, to remember that this is neither thine nor in thy power. Why then am I angry? Why, what can take place without change? Why then dost thou too choose to act in the same way; and why dost thou not leave these agitations which are foreign to nature to those who cause them and those who are moved by them; and why art thou not altogether intent upon the right way of making use of the things which happen to thee? Why dost thou wonder? Why art thou disturbed? Why, then, art thou disturbed? Why then should a man cling to a longer stay here? Why, Johnny Hayes, the Marathon victor, and at one time world champion, one of my valued friends and supporters, was a floor-walker in Bloomingdale's big department store. Why, I never stole a horse in my life--leastways from a white man. Why" (with the air of a man announcing an astounding discovery), "that lunatic didn't have his right senses! Why, again and again these very same machine politicians take just as good care of henchmen of the opposite party as of those of their own party. Why, Colonel, can't I keep him for myself? Why, there are hundreds of books like these, each one of which, if really read, really assimilated, by the person to whom it happens to appeal, will enable that person quite unconsciously to furnish himself with much ammunition which he will find of use in the battle of life. Why should people wonder that Mr. Bryan clings to silver? Why, the ideas that I have championed as to controlling and regulating both competition and combination in the interest of the people, so that the people shall be masters over both, have been in the air in this country for a quarter of a century. Why, shiver my timbers, if I hadn't forgotten my score! Why, what a precious old sea-calf I am! Why not give them the berths here beside the cabin?--second point. Why, by the powers," cried Long John, "if we do, we'll miss the morning tide! Why, most on 'em aboard here, and glad to get the duff--been begging before that, some on 'em. "Why, where might you suppose it was?" "Why, we're all seamen aboard here, I should think," said the lad Dick. "Why, how many tall ships, think ye, now, have I seen laid aboard?" Why, it makes me young again. Why, now, who's to hinder you? Why, no, not in particular," I answered. Why," I cried, "the squire's a gentleman. Why, yes," returned the captain, scratching his head; "and making a large allowance, sir, for all the gifts of Providence, I should say we were pretty close hauled. Why, in a place like this, where nobody puts in but gen'lemen of fortune, Silver would fly the Jolly Roger, you don't make no doubt of that. Why, from about noon observation to about six bells. "Why, Silver," said the captain, "if you had pleased to be an honest man, you might have been sitting in your galley." Why, there you all are together like a happy family, in a manner of speaking. Why, in the name of Davy Jones," said he, "is Dr. Livesey mad? "Why no," says I. Why I should have done so I can hardly say. "Why, yes," says I, "with all my heart, Mr." Why, I ain't sich an infernal lubber after all. Why, I haven't no ch'ice, not I! "Why?" "Why?" "Why, so," he replied: "you take a line ashore there on the other side at low water, take a turn about one of them big pines; bring it back, take a turn around the capstan, and lie to for the tide." Why had not I, long before, reprimed and reloaded my only weapons? Why, hillo! Why, you was gettin' quite a leadin' man in this here crew. Why did they want out? Why, it was Anderson, and Hands, and you, George Merry! Why, I give you my word, I'm sick to speak to you. Why, that's John Silver. Why the doctor had given it to him was more than I could fancy. Why, how do I know? Why, John, you're not afraid? Why, this is the mischief in person. "Why, sir, I do my possible, which that ain't," said Silver. Why, nobody minds Ben Gunn," cried Merry; "dead or alive, nobody minds him. `Why, nay,' quod he, `by god and by my trouthe! Why, put not impossible thus thy cure, Sin thing to come is ofte in aventure. Why, lord! -- `Why, freend,' quod he, `now do right as the leste. Why so? Why nere I deed? `Why, no, parde; what nedeth more speche? Why nay, pardee! Why, nay, with-outen doute. Why, nay, y-wis; They wenen al be love, if oon be hoot; Do wey, do wey, they woot no-thing of this! Why, don this furred cloke up-on thy sherte, And folowe me, for I wol have the wyte; But byd, and lat me go bifore a lyte. `Why, uncle myn,' quod she, `who tolde him this? Why doth my dere herte thus, allas? `Why do ye with your-selven thus amis? Why ne hadde I swich on with my soule y-bought, Ye, or the leeste Ioye that was there? Why niltow over us hove, As longe as whanne Almena lay by Iove? Why niltow do me deye? Why wiltow me fro Ioye thus depryve? Why lystow in this wyse, Sin thy desyr al holly hastow had, 395 So that, by right, it oughte y-now suffyse? Why niltow lete hir fro thyn herte go? Why niltow love an-other lady swete, That may thyn herte setten in quiete? Why sholde than for ferd thyn herte quake? `Why, so mene I,' quod Pandarus, `al this day. Why ne hastow to thy-selven som resport, 850 Why woltow thus thy- selve, allas, for-do? Why do ye so, Syn wel ye woot the tyme is faste by, That he shal come? Why, Troilus, what thenkestow to done? `Why trowe ye my fader in this wyse Coveiteth so to see me, but for drede Lest in this toun that folkes me dispyse 1340 By-cause of him, for his unhappy dede? `Why nil I make at ones riche and pore To have y-nough to done, er that she go? Why nil I bringe al Troye upon a rore? Why nil I rather with a man or two Stele hir a-way? Why wol I this endure? Why nil I helpen to myn owene cure? Why leet ich hir to go? Why twinned be we tweyne? Why, nay, so mote I goon! Why leet I you from hennes go, For which wel neigh out of my wit I breyde? Why we attribute a continued existence to objects, even when they are not present to the senses; and why we suppose them to have an existence DISTINCT from the mind and perception. Why? Why distance weakens the conception and passion: Why distance in time has a greater effect than that in space: And why distance in past time has still a greater effect than that in future. Why? Why we annex the idea of virtue to justice, and of vice to injustice. Why then look any farther, or multiply suppositions without necessity? "Why have your companions deserted you?" "Why not?" Why, regarded as a workman, you're as lifeless as a doornail, while, seeing that you weren't born to be a master, you'll all your life continue chattering in corners, like a plummet swinging at the end of a string! Why, the soldier broke one, didn't he? "Why?" Why, the ice hasn't the sense to care. Why scare people? Why, then, nothing, with your permission. Why do you shave your beard? "Why do you ask?" Why spoil those apples? "Why should you have?" Why, what can the brutes have been drinking meanwhile? Why do you look at us like that? Why, for ever so long I shouted and shouted to you! "Why?" "Why should you say that?" "Why, all his brains put together wouldn't grease one of my boots!" Why so? "Why should they?" "Why so?" Why so? Why is it that you have been trying to teach him strange words? Why not, indeed, seeing that at least it would have brought comfort to the poor people of this place? Why did that man live? Why have you gone and put yourself THERE? Why should I have done that? Why, the winch is at the stern, damn you! Why, did he not entice his father into the hut, and then shut the door upon him, and throw a coat over his head? "Why shouldn't I?" Why are you travelling? "Why should I?" Why did you play us such a trick, damn you? Why should I do so? "Why so?" Why do you ask? Why are you doing this? "Why not?" Why stare at me with those eyes, eyes so like the eyes of a child? Why are YOU tramping? Why do you keep tramping up and down like an old hen? Why, I was tried in court together with her! Why should she not have been? Why, the fellow must be a Mennonite or a Molokan, though the two, really, are one, and absolutely indistinguishable, as well as equally foolish. Why not return to Riazan? Why, damn it, the causes are many. Why should that be? Why lie sprawling about the deck like this? "Why is it that you always say 'With us,' and 'Among us,' and so on?" Why, such a statement is absurd. "Why not?" "Why is there not?" Why should he have said that I was a nuisance to the whole country? Why, surely it believes the time to be night! "Why so?" "Why NOT, seeing that from one's earliest years one hears of nothing but the Caucasus, the Caucasus?" Why, even our old General used to harp upon the name, with his moustache bristling, and his eyes protruding, as he did so. Why, the fellow would do ANYTHING for a piatak '[A silver five-kopeck piece, equal in value to 2 1/4 pence. Why, it is the Sagaidak, of course. "Why do you ask?" Why, a man who neither speaks nor listens, but for ever keeps baying at the moon like a dog! "Why is it that the dogs have failed to bark?" Why should I? Why do you go roaming about as you do--what is it you hope to gain by your tramping? Why does Titania cross her Oberon? 'Why, mistress,' said the foolish clown, 'if I have wit enough to find the way out of this wood, I have enough to serve my turn. Why it must be requited! Why, that is no great argument of her folly. Why, to say truth,' said Hero, 'I never yet saw a man, how wise soever, or noble, young, or rarely featured, but she would dispraise him. 'Why,' said the duke, 'the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence. Why then,' said Valentine, 'you must visit her by night. Why, look you,' said Shylock, 'how you storm! Why then, Antonio,' said Portia, 'you must prepare your bosom for the knife': and while Shylock was sharpening a long knife with great eagerness to cut off the pound of flesh, Portia said to Antonio: 'Have you anything to say? Why had her sisters husbands, if (as they said) they had no love for anything but their father? Why do you start and look pale at my words? Why, then,' said the king 'young Bertram, take her; she is your wife. Why, how now, Kate,' said Petruchio; 'I hope you are not mad. Why, your worship's wife, sir,' replied Dromio. Why, so I did,' replied Adriana. Why her unhappy brother? Why then, let my brother marry Juliet,' said Isabel. Why do you give me this shame? Why would she have me killed? Why should we care? Why were men saved? Why can't I die now? Why, he's scarce ten years old. Why, of HIM. Why, all that WE know--and heaven knows what else besides! "Why, it's that the child may keep it up--and that the child assuredly WILL--without my knowing it." Why not break out at her on the spot and have it all over?-- give it to her straight in her lovely little lighted face? Why did you pull the curtain over the place to make me think you were still there? "Why, of the very things that have delighted, fascinated, and yet, at bottom, as I now so strangely see, mystified and troubled me." Why did they never resent my inexorable, my perpetual society? Why, when I went down--went out of the house. Why, it was to show you I could! "Why, the way I'm going on." "Why, by his coming down." Why in the world, to worry us so--and take our thoughts off, too, don't you know?-- did you desert us at the very door? "Why, sending for their uncle." "Why, the letter from his old place." "Why, of course I heard you." "Why, the way you bring me up." Why, the candle's out! Why, where are your things? "Why, that of dealing with me to her uncle." Why, just FOR that: to get her away. "Why not now?" 'Why not! Why, you're not going to cut my throat, nor put me into the Ecclesiastical Court! Why, listen to this fellow Bold, and that other low pettifogger, Finney--and get up this petition too. Why didn't you tell Bunce to destroy the petition? 'Why shouldn't they! 'Why, if I am to be ruined, certainly. Why, my men, you must be mad; and you talk about John Hiram's will! Why not? Why,' said he at last, 'I've taken up the case of these twelve old men of Hiram's Hospital, and of course that brings me into contact with Mr Harding. Why, it's a long story, and I don't know that I can make you understand it. Why is that lean doctor so slow-- cadaverous man with hollow jaw and sunken eye, ill beseeming the richness of his mother church! Why shouldn't you like him? 'Why, in the first place:--but you're no lawyer, warden, and I doubt you won't understand it; the gist of the matter is this:--under Hiram's will two paid guardians have been selected for the hospital; the law will say two paid servants, and you and I won't quarrel with the name. 'Why should it not be known? Why should he bear all this? Why should he die, for he felt that he could not live, under such a weight of obloquy? Why, my lord,' he said, speaking to his father: and when he called his father 'my lord,' the good old bishop shook in his shoes, for he knew that an evil time was coming. Why, my lord, there are two ways of giving advice: there is advice that may be good for the present day; and there is advice that may be good for days to come: now I cannot bring myself to give the former, if it be incompatible with the other. Why his good nature should not be rewarded, when such reward would operate to the disadvantage of none, Mary, who had more sense than romance, could not understand; and she said as much. Why an almshouse should have a warden we cannot pretend to explain, nor can we say what special need twelve old men can have for the services of a separate clergyman, seeing that they have twelve reserved seats for themselves in Barchester Cathedral. Why yes, my love. Why should we look to Lord John Russell--why should we regard Palmerston and Gladstone, when Tom Towers without a struggle can put us right? Why, oh why, ye earthly ministers, why have ye not followed more closely this heaven-sent messenger that is among us? Why, yes, rather; or I should say rather not. Why, it wouldn't give him a moment's uneasiness to change his politics tomorrow, if the paper required it. Why, this divan was a paradise! Why should he respect any but himself? Why, Mr Harding, how do you mean to live? Why,' at last he said--and angels might have blushed at the rebuke expressed in his tone and emphasis--'Why did you go off from Barchester so suddenly? Why did you take such a step without giving us notice, after what had passed at the palace? Why should one sister who was so rich predict poverty for another? 'Why, Eleanor will expect me tonight; and I've so much to do; and--' 'Much to do! Why, God bless me! Why then need we suffer under a fruitless sympathy, when there is a way to enjoy both the wish and the entertainment at once. Why is the sycophant thus added to the hypocrite, and the man who pretends to govern, sunk into the humble and submissive memorialist? Why are there so many unpaid certificates in almost every man's hands, but from the parsimony of not providing sufficient revenues? Why then does Mr. Burke charge outrages of this kind on a whole people? Why then not trace the rights of man to the creation of man? Why then has he declined the only thing that was worth while to write upon? Why, that the nation has no right at all in the case; that the government is perfectly arbitrary with respect to this point; and he can quote for his authority the precedent of a former Parliament. Why, then, is man thus imposed upon, or why does he impose upon himself? Why are not Republics plunged into war, but because the nature of their Government does not admit of an interest distinct from that of the Nation? Why pay men extravagantly, who have but little to do? Why, then, should we do otherwise with respect to constitutions? Why is it that scarcely any are executed but the poor? Why then, does Mr. Burke talk of his house of peers as the pillar of the landed interest? Why not leave them as free to make their own bargains, as the law- makers are to let their farms and houses? Why is that little, and the little freedom they enjoy, to be infringed? Why may we not suppose, that the great Father of all is pleased with variety of devotion; and that the greatest offence we can act, is that by which we seek to torment and render each other miserable? Why it has been called the Mosaic account of the creation, I am at a loss to conceive. Why are we to give this church credit, when she tells us that those books are genuine in every part, any more than we give her credit for everything else she has told us; or for the miracles she says she has performed? Why then are we to believe the same thing of another girl whom we never saw, told by nobody knows who, nor when, nor where? Why then is it to be supposed they have changed with respect to man? Why don't you trust me more? Why? Why? Why should I bring it down? Why don't you play them as I do? Why had they chosen all that part? --Why, sir? Why in? Why not endless till the farthest star? Why, I wonder. Why is that, I wonder, or does it mean something perhaps? Why? Why are their tongues so rough? Why is that? Why? Why Ophelia committed suicide. Why did you enclose the stamps? Why the cannibals cotton to it. Why didn't you tell me before. Why? Why? --Why? Why this infliction? Why he took such a rooted dislike to me. Why they call him Doughy Daw. Why did you write it then? Why not bring in Henry Grattan and Flood and Demosthenes and Edmund Burke? Why bring in a master of forensic eloquence like Whiteside? Why he fixed on me. Why those plainclothes men are always courting slaveys. Why do they call that thing they gave me nutsteak? Why? Why we left the church of Rome. Why we think a deformed person or a hunchback clever if he says something we might say. Why did I? Why did he come? Why does he send to one who is a BUONAROBA, a bay where all men ride, a maid of honour with a scandalous girlhood, a lordling to woo for him? Why? Why did he take them rather than others? Why is the underplot of KING LEAR in which Edmund figures lifted out of Sidney's ARCADIA and spatchcocked on to a Celtic legend older than history? --Why? Why? --Why then not much, Father Cowley said. --Why, God eternally curse your soul, Ben Dollard growled furiously, I threw out more clothes in my time than you ever saw. Why do I always think Figather? --Why don't you grow? Why the barber in Drago's always looked my face when I spoke his face in the glass. Why did she me? Why do you call me naught? Why minor sad? Why do they hide their ears with seaweed hair? Why? Why? --Why not? Why have women such eyes of witchery? Why I bought her the violet garters. Why not? Why not? Why that highclass whore in Jammet's wore her veil only to her nose. Why she waved her hand. Why Molly likes opoponax. Why did I smell it only now? Why me? Why hast thou done this abomination before me that thou didst spurn me for a merchant of jalaps and didst deny me to the Roman and to the Indian of dark speech with whom thy daughters did lie luxuriously? Why, he could not but hear unless he had plugged him up the tube Understanding (which he had not done). Why, you're as bad as dear little Father Cantekissem, that you are! Why think of them? Why did I run? Why? Why? Why, look at our public life! Why they fear vermin, creeping things. Why I left the church of Rome. Why not? Why pay more? Why? Why do you not write your poetry in that language? --Why, the sailor replied, relaxing to a certain extent under the magic influence of diamond cut diamond, it might be a matter of ten years. --Why, the sailor answered upon reflection upon it, I've circumnavigated a bit since I first joined on. --Why, the sailor said, shifting his partially chewed plug. --Why, the sailor answered with a slow puzzled utterance, my son, Danny? Why? Why, as he reflected, Irishtown strand, a locality he had not been in for quite a number of years looked different somehow since, as it happened, he went to reside on the north side. --Why, answered the seafarer with the tartan beard, who seemingly was a bit of a literary cove in his own small way, staring out of seagreen portholes as you might well describe them as, I uses goggles reading. Why they put tables upside down at night, I mean chairs upside down, on the tables in cafes. Why was he doubly irritated? Why did absence of light disturb him less than presence of noise? Why could he then support that his vigil with the greater equanimity? Why did Bloom refrain from stating that he had frequented the university of life? Why was the chant arrested at the conclusion of this first distich? Why was the host (victim predestined) sad? Why was the host (reluctant, unresisting) still? Why was the host (secret infidel) silent? Why similarly, why differently? Why might these several provisional contingencies between a guest and a hostess not necessarily preclude or be precluded by a permanent eventuality of reconciliatory union between a schoolfellow and a jew's daughter? Why would a recurrent frustration the more depress him? Why did he desist from speculation? Why did he not elaborate these calculations to a more precise result? Why solitary (ipsorelative)? Why mutable (aliorelative)? Why, firstly and secondly, did he not consult the work in question? Why with satisfaction? Why did Bloom experience a sentiment of remorse? Why for the observer impressionability in addition to vigour, corporal proportion and commercial ability? Why more abnegation than jealousy, less envy than equanimity? Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Why, it looks as though Providence had bestowed upon us a strong box in the precious metals locked up in the sterile mountains of the far West, and which we are now forging the key to unlock, to meet the very contingency that is now upon us. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation? Why, the fact is, Haley, Tom is an uncommon fellow; he is certainly worth that sum anywhere,--steady, honest, capable, manages my whole farm like a clock. Why, last fall, I let him go to Cincinnati alone, to do business for me, and bring home five hundred dollars. Why, I've got a friend that's going into this yer branch of the business--wants to buy up handsome boys to raise for the market. `Why, Tom,' I used to say, `when your gals takes on and cry, what's the use o' crackin on' em over the head, and knockin' on 'em round? Why, I don't see no harm in their cryin',' says I; `it's natur,' says I, `and if natur can't blow off one way, it will another. Why, yes, sir, I may say so. Why, Eliza child, what ails you? Why, you silly child, who do you think would want to buy your Harry? Why, I never heard you talk so; I'm afraid you'll do something dreadful. Why does he let things be so? "Why--but you were married to _me_, by the minister, as much as if you'd been a white man!" Why, she makes pies--sartin she does; but what kinder crust? Why, I shouldn't sleep a wink for a week, if I had a batch of pies like dem ar. Why, dey wan't no 'count 't all. "Why, you've just done it sir," said the trader. "Why, I invited him; I had some accounts with him," said Shelby. Why, my dear, what put that into your head? Why sell them, of all on the place, if you must sell at all? "Why not make a pecuniary sacrifice?" "Why, wife, you are getting to be an abolitionist, quite." "Why, not a cruel man, exactly, but a man of leather,--a man alive to nothing but trade and profit,--cool, and unhesitating, and unrelenting, as death and the grave." "Why, you don't know, I s'pose, that Lizy's cut stick, and clared out, with her young un?" Why have you been loitering so, Sam? "Why, Sam, you just _have_ said it again." "Why, Mas'r," said Sam, in a deprecating tone, "I believe you mean to kill us all clar, horses and all." Why, Mas'r won't think of startin' on now till arter dinner. Why, what's this? Why, if 'tan't Shelby's gal! Why, Loker, how are ye? Why, re'lly, she did seem to me to valley the child more 'cause _'t was_ sickly and cross, and plagued her; and she warn't making b'lieve, neither,--cried about it, she did, and lopped round, as if she'd lost every friend she had. "Why, Tom, you're cross," said Haley; "why can't ye take it pleasant, now, when a feller's talking for your good?" "Why, when you have a job in hand that may bring a clean profit of somewhere about a thousand or sixteen hundred, why, Tom, you're onreasonable," said Haley. "Why, Sam, what _do_ you mean?" Why, now," said Sam, "'t was jist dis yer way. "Why, but Sam, yer telled me, only this mornin', that you'd help this yer Mas'r to cotch Lizy; seems to me yer talk don't hang together," said Andy. "Why, Mary, you are getting to be a politician, all at once." "Why, yes, my dear; that would be aiding and abetting, you know." "Why, there's that old bombazin cloak, that you keep on purpose to put over me when I take my afternoon's nap; you might as well give her that,--she needs clothes." "Why not?" Why, this is an uncommon handsome un," he said to the senator. Why, Chloe, you bar it better 'n we do! Why, ye needn't go to fetterin' him up this yer way. Why, now, stranger, what's that for? Why, my boys have been to Cincinnati, with five hundred dollars' worth of colts, and brought me back the money, all straight, time and agin. Why, all the use they make on 't is to get round you. "Why are you sorry, sir?" Why, to see you, as it were, setting yourself in opposition to the laws of your country. "Why, George, no--no--it won't do; this way of talking is wicked-- unscriptural." "Why, George, this state of mind is awful; it's getting really desperate George." Why, sir, I've been so hungry that I have been glad to take the bones they threw to their dogs; and yet, when I was a little fellow, and laid awake whole nights and cried, it wasn't the hunger, it wasn't the whipping, I cried for. Why, now comes my master, takes me right away from my work, and my friends, and all I like, and grinds me down into the very dirt! "Why, it's a bill of sale, signed by John Fosdick," said the man, "making over to you the girl Lucy and her child." "Why, I reckon she _is_ tol'able fair," said Haley, blowing the smoke out of his mouth. Why, why,--where? Why, now, suppose 't was my John, how should I feel? Why, that ar fellow managed his master's whole farm. Why, he's been called a preacher in them parts he came from. "Why, aunty, we are only going up home;--what is the use?" Why, aunty, what'll you do now? "Why don't you let Jane or Rosa take her place, a night or two," said St. Clare, "and let her rest?" "Why," said Miss Ophelia, bluntly, "I suppose you think your servants are human creatures, and ought to have some rest when they are tired." "Why, send them to the calaboose, or some of the other places to be flogged." Why, I thought I was talking good, quite remarkably for me. Why, I was obliged to let him understand explicitly that I preferred to keep _some_ of my clothes for my own personal wearing; also, I put his magnificence upon an allowance of cologne-water, and actually was so cruel as to restrict him to one dozen of my cambric handkerchiefs. Why, after all, what's the harm of the poor dog's wanting to be like his master; and if I haven't brought him up any better than to find his chief good in cologne and cambric handkerchiefs, why shouldn't I give them to him? Why not? Why, I don't know, it seems so dreadful! "Why not?" "Why, you know, papa," she said, in a whisper, "cousin told me that God wants to have us; and he gives us everything, you know; and it isn't much to do it, if he wants us to." "Why," said Miss Ophelia, "don't you believe in these views?" "Why, which do you like the best,--to live as they do at your uncle's, up in Vermont, or to have a house-full of servants, as we do?" Why so? Why, it makes so many more round you to love, you know," said Eva, looking up earnestly. Why, I feel rich and strong, though we have nothing but our bare hands. Why does he let such things happen? Why not? Why Tom, what's the case? "Why, Tom, what's got into you?" "Why don't you mix your biscuits on the pastry-table, there?" Why should they be? "Why don't you instruct?" "Why do you wish you were dead?" Why, Mr. St. Clare's so impudent! Why should ye? "Why, he's _the Lord_," said Tom. Why not, Miss Eva? Why not? Why, because my brother Quashy is ignorant and weak, and I am intelligent and strong,--because I know how, and _can_ do it,-- therefore, I may steal all he has, keep it, and give him only such and so much as suits my fancy. Why, cousin, that mother has been all that has stood between me and utter unbelief for years. Why, the fact is, this concern belonged to a couple of drunken creatures that keep a low restaurant that I have to pass by every day, and I was tired of hearing her screaming, and them beating and swearing at her. Why, Eva, where did you get your necklace? Why, I've had it on all day," said Eva. "Why, Missis said I must 'fess; and I couldn't think of nothin' else to 'fess," said Topsy, rubbing her eyes. "Why, Topsy, I don't want to whip you." Why, it always has done children good. Why, laws me, Missis! Why, how much 'd dat ar be? Why-e! "Why don't they?" "Why, Eva, you've really taken such a fancy to Dodo, that I shall be jealous." Why didn't you ever take to the stump;--you'd make a famous stump orator! "Why, elevate your own servants, for a specimen," said Alfred, with a half-scornful smile. "Why can't you?" Why, Eva, you wouldn't have me! "Why, Miss Eva?" "Why, dear child, what has made your poor little heart so sad?" "Why, Eva, child, don't you think they are well enough off now?" "Why, if your Gospel is not strong enough to save one heathen child, that you can have at home here, all to yourself, what's the use of sending one or two poor missionaries off with it among thousands of just such?" Why won't you try and be good? "Why, Eva, your room is full now." Why, that any one, who could be a bright angel, and live with angels, should go all down, down down, and nobody help them!--oh dear! "Why do you insist that I shall believe such a cruel thing, Eva?" Why do you ask me? "Why, Uncle Tom, what makes you think so?" Why did they? Why was no word spoken between the two? Why, Tom, you must know I know the most. "Why, Tom, don't you think, for your own part, you've been better off than to be free?" "Why, Tom, you couldn't possibly have earned, by your work, such clothes and such living as I have given you." "Why, even a poor fellow like me has a work from the Lord; and Mas'r St. Clare, that has larnin, and riches, and friends,--how much he might do for the Lord!" "Why, I gave her to you, " said Augustine. Why, what's the matter? "Why, mother, the man said we were both likely, and would sell well." "Why, yes, I may say so," said Simon, with a hearty laugh. Why, the Bible. Why, what do ye think ye are? Why shouldn't we go? Why, men and women of America, does your heart's blood thrill at that word, for which your fathers bled, and your braver mothers were willing that their noblest and best should die? Why shouldn't he?--he made more cotton by it, and gained his wager; and if it wore out a few more hands, he could buy better ones. Why, what you told of--" "I didn't tell you anything," said Cassy, with dogged sullenness. Why not? "Why, they can see us yet," said Emmeline. Why didn't I never hear this before? Why should the "quiver" of poverty be so very full? Why? Why unfortunately? Why are you calling the chickens? Why cannot you look calmly at a woman unless she is yours? Why do I find it so hard to breathe? Why do you do that? Why did I not fall in love with her then and propose to her? Why am I so old? Why won't she understand me? Why, he has been pestering all the towns of Russia with his gout! Why not? Why do you want to resemble the common people that drink and play cards? Why, oh, why, do you destroy yourself? Why not be friends? Why are you crying? Why do you laugh? Why should you languish here? Why good-bye? Why should I ask questions? Why spoil such pleasant relations? Why do you want to frighten us? Why don't you go to see them off? Why didn't you ever think of that before? Why not again? Why are you so pale and tired looking? Why do they hurry so? Why are you not at work? Why, Bobby Gillian, there's only one logical thing you could do. Why have I not been shown your mother's let- ters? Why, I'm afraid something will happen to me be- fore morning. "Why did you come, then?" Why can't you go back South and kill Con- gressmen and clay-caters and let us alone? Why don't you go up on Fifth Avenue and kill millionaires that keep their money locked up and won't let young fools marry because one of 'em lives on the wrong street? Why," said be, "I had no idea one absinthe would do that. Why, Tom Beedle once -- say, you folks, excuse me a while -- this is an old friend of mine -- Mr. -- what was it? Why did you kill Norcross? Why, tell him it's some one who wants to talk to him about the Norcross murder. Why? Why don't you pad? "'Why didn't you ever meet her?" Why, man, what are you talking about? Why, do you think Miss Pinkerton will come out and order me back to the black-hole? Why, will the black footman tell tales? Why not she as well as another, Mrs. Sedley? Why? Why, your friend has worked miracles. Why, he had the yellow fever three times; twice at Nassau, and once at St. Why, man, you couldn't stand--you made everybody laugh in the Gardens, though you were crying yourself. Why should I spare him? Why, hang it, Pitt! Why did you ask that scoundrel, Rawdon Crawley, to dine? Why, she's the only person fit to talk to in the county! "Why, you goose!" Why the devil is all the regiment to know that I am going to be married? Why is that tattling old harridan, Peggy O'Dowd, to make free with my name at her d--d supper-table, and advertise my engagement over the three kingdoms? "Why, hang it, sir, don't push me too hard." "Why, sir, didn't you order me to marry her, and ain't I a good boy?" Why, ma'am, of all the young fellows I've seen out of the line, I think this fellow's the greenest. "Why not?" Why, they never condescended to speak to me, or to ask me into their house, whilst I was staying with Amelia; but we poor governesses, you know, are used to slights of this sort. Why don't you answer? Why, why, Mr. Clump, did you not inform me sooner? Why, sir?--because I trusted the Emperor of Russia and the Prince Regent. Why the Black Princess, though she has only just left school, must be two or three and twenty. "Why, surely it must be Miss Swartz, the parlour boarder," Emmy said, remembering that good-natured young mulatto girl, who had been so hysterically affected when Amelia left Miss Pinkerton's academy. Why was she so violently agitated at Dobbin's request? Why had not George's marriage been delayed? "Why, hang it, man, you don't call offering him eight or ten thousand a year threatening him?" Why, hang me, those are the very words my gentleman used himself when he gave himself airs, last Thursday was a fortnight, and talked about the British army to his father who made him. Why should I? Why couldn't we have waited? Why need we pay it? Why am I always to be worried? Why, my dear creature, how could we, with our means, live at all, but for a friend to share expenses? Why, he was ready to eat me for going with you to visit that foolish little wife of yours; as if I care a pin for either of you," Crawley's wife said, with a pert toss of her head. Why don't you prevent him, you little careless creature? Why don't you come to us of an evening, instead of moping at home with that Captain Dobbin? Why had he married her? Why had he disobeyed his father, who had been always so generous to him? Why, my stupid love," she would say, "we have not done with your aunt yet. Why are you here, Rebecca? Why did you come between my love and me? Why don't you pour, you rascal? Why, indeed? Why, why am I to recant and accept the Rodgers' articles now? Why, either of my boys would whop him with one hand. "Why are you going to marry an Earl's daughter?" Why, only last term, just before I was rusticated, that is, I mean just before I had the measles, ha, ha--there was me and Ringwood of Christchurch, Bob Ringwood, Lord Cinqbars' son, having our beer at the Bell at Blenheim, when the Banbury bargeman offered to fight either of us for a bowl of punch. Why not have a Danish dog? Why, I'll lay my life I've got a better glass of wine, and pay a better figure for it, and can show a handsomer service of silver, and can lay a better dinner on my mahogany, than ever they see on theirs-- the cringing, sneaking, stuck-up fools. Why mayn't I hear her singing? Why don't she ever sing to me--as she does to that baldheaded man with the large teeth? Why? Why, Lord Steyne cut me at the levee last year; they are beginning to find out that Pitt Crawley is some one at last. Why, you silly man," she continued, "where do you suppose I got them? --all except the little clasp, which a dear friend of mine gave me long ago. Why Amelia can be so fond of her, or have her in her room so much, or walk out with her so constantly, Mrs. Sedley cannot conceive. Why, he rides to see the boys at the little school, too, and to show off before them his new wealth and splendour. Why every trinket you have on your body is paid for by me. Why ain't you at home? Why? Why was he to pass a night in a post-chaise instead of a great large undulating downy feather-bed which was there ready to replace the horrid little narrow crib in which the portly Bengal gentleman had been confined during the voyage? Why did he not take her in his arms and swear that he would never leave her? Why, I didn't think he could say Bo to a goose'--but I know he could, couldn't he, Mamma? "Why?" Why has she left her husband? Why, he was born the same year with Georgy, who is--" "I know, I know," Becky cried out, who had in fact quite forgotten all about little Rawdon's age. Why did you not wait for me, sir, to escort me downstairs? Why, you don't mean to say you are going to have that woman into the house? Why, what is the moment to help her but when she is so miserable? Why--they're putting the horses to Dob's carriage. Why, when your papa was a little boy," she said, "he often told me that it was William who defended him against a tyrant at the school where they were; and their friendship never ceased from that day until the last, when your dear father fell. Why pine, or be ashamed of my defeat? Why, the man was weary of you, and would have jilted you, but that Dobbin forced him to keep his word. Why did you insure your life? "Why do you say 'in this instance'?" "Why did he write at all?" Why did he not simply drop it? Why should I be surprised? Why not? Why should he? Why are they lying, and what is the truth which they are trying so hard to conceal? Why a cut-off shotgun of all weapons -- and an American one at that? Why did your guilty couple do all this, Watson? Why should we not get him? Why should I pull her into it? "Why, I thought the country was full of it." "Why, I seem to have read of the Scowrers in Chicago." Why haven't you seen Boss McGinty yet? Why, I am a member of that order myself. "Why should we not leave together?" Why did you leave Chicago? Why won't you tell me? Why did you shoot him? "Why the coal country?" Why, with such a wonderful art at his command, McMurdo should condescend to work at all was a perpetual mystery to his companions; though he made it clear to anyone who asked him that if he lived without any visible means it would very quickly bring the police upon his track. "Why did you not put your name to the note?" "Why not?" Why were you so scared of me? Why else should you hold it from me? "Why did he shoot him?" Why should these pages be stained by further crimes? Why, man, you're crazy," he said. Why did you come to me? Why, Brother Morris, we'll have to elect you Bodymaster yet; for you've surely saved the lodge. "Why not go right down now and fix him?" Why dost thou laugh so, man? Why should you be thus scrupulous, pray you, sir? Why, if you'll mount, you may; yes truly, you may: And so you may be seen, down to the foot. Why? Why! Why is this higher Then all the rest? Why, this is no more. Why i'faith, it is her modesty, I must quit her. Why art thou mazed to see me thus revived? Why should we defer our joys? Why, if your knight have set you to beg shirts, Or to invite me home, you might have done it A nearer way, by far: LADY P: This cannot work you Out of my snare. Why, your gold Is such another med'cine, it dries up All those offensive savours: it transforms The most deformed, and restores them lovely, As 'twere the strange poetical girdle. Why should you stay here? Why, think that these good works May help to hide your bad. Why dost thou egg me on hereto so busily? Why are ye sitting here? Why sleep ye life away? Why doth it grieve you nought? Why should he lead us from love of ourselves to the sublime emotions which the discovery of his wisdom and goodness excites, if these feelings were not set in motion to improve our nature, of which they make a part, and render us capable of enjoying a more godlike portion of happiness? Why must the female mind be tainted by coquetish arts to gratify the sensualist, and prevent love from subsiding into friendship or compassionate tenderness, when there are not qualities on which friendship can be built? Why have men of superior endowments submitted to such degradation? Why do men halt between two opinions, and expect impossibilities? Why do they expect virtue from a slave, or from a being whom the constitution of civil society has rendered weak, if not vicious? Why was Rousseau's life divided between ecstasy and misery? Why are women to be thus bred up with a desire of conquest? Why are girls to be told that they resemble angels; but to sink them below women? Why, for instance, should the following caution be given, when art of every kind must contaminate the mind; and why entangle the grand motives of action, which reason and religion equally combine to enforce, with pitiful worldly shifts and slight of hand tricks to gain the applause of gaping tasteless fools? Why is the ardour of youth thus to be damped, and the luxuriancy of fancy cut to the quick? Why should we injure our health by close study? Why are we to love prejudices, merely because they are prejudices? Why in the name of decency are sisters, female intimates, or ladies and their waiting women, to be so grossly familiar as to forget the respect which one human creature owes to another? Why, indeed should they? Why then do philosophers look for public spirit? Why subject her to propriety--blind propriety, if she be capable of acting from a nobler spring, if she be an heir of immortality? Why do we thus go back for principles that should always rest on the same base, and have the same weight to-day that they had a thousand years ago--and not a jot more? Why should the minds of children be warped as they just begin to expand, only to favour the indolence of parents, who insist on a privilege without being willing to pay the price fixed by nature? Why do people hurry to noisy scenes and crowded circles? Why should not the same thing be done here--the more so as nature has already accomplished the preliminary work? Why is it not then a very mean thing for us not to yield up that to the public benefit which we must yield up to fate? Why do you trample upon dead bodies in this temple? Why the shots ceased after the tenth no one on earth has attempted to explain. Why not shell the darned things strite off and finish 'em? Why are these things permitted? Why? Why were you walking about the common," I said, "instead of being here? Why was I wandering alone in this city of the dead? Why was I alone when all London was lying in state, and in its black shroud? Why, the Academy people would be so outraged that they would not even write to poor Giotto to tell him to come and take his fresco away. Why, I might have married again and become the father of a second and perhaps more affectionate family, etc., etc. Why, my father was a common carpenter, and here you are both of you at public schools, costing me ever so many hundreds a year, while I at your age was plodding away behind a desk in my Uncle Fairlie's counting house. "Why yes, my dear," rejoined Mrs Allaby complacently, "that's what one rather feels." Why, I knew a young man once who got hold of his mistress's skates and slept with them for a fortnight and cried when he had to give them up. Why had he never treated his sisters in this way? Why should the generations overlap one another at all? Why cannot we be buried as eggs in neat little cells with ten or twenty thousand pounds each wrapped round us in Bank of England notes, and wake up, as the sphex wasp does, to find that its papa and mamma have not only left ample provision at its elbow, but have been eaten by sparrows some weeks before it began to live consciously on its own account? Why, it was a miracle! Why, it might die of cold if we are not on the look-out for it. Why should she? Why, when he was translating Livy the other day he slipped out Handel's name in mistake for Hannibal's, and his mother tells me he knows half the tunes in the 'Messiah' by heart. Why? Why do you think so? Why it is the whole duty of a father, but it is the mystery-making which is the worst evil. Why, if such a room looked out both back and front on to a blank dead wall it would still be a paradise, how much more then when the view is of some quiet grassy court or cloister or garden, as from the windows of the greater number of rooms at Oxford and Cambridge. Why, I ask myself, do I see much that I can easily admire in Homer, Thucydides, Herodotus, Demosthenes, Aristophanes, Theocritus, parts of Lucretius, Horace's satires and epistles, to say nothing of other ancient writers, and yet find myself at once repelled by even those works of AEschylus, Sophocles and Euripides which are most generally admired. Why, if he had thought there was the remotest chance of Towneley's marrying Charlotte he would have gone down on his knees to him and told him what an odious young woman she was, and implored him to save himself while there was yet time. Why, then, do I insist upon them? Why, one of Ernest's friends was in the University eleven, and he had actually been in Badcock's rooms and had slunk off on saying good- night as meekly as any of them. Why, my dear fellow, can you really be ignorant? Why, if the thing succeeds, and I really cannot see what is to hinder it, it is hardly possible to exaggerate its importance, nor the proportions which it may ultimately assume," etc., etc. Why there were between fifteen and twenty thousand poor in the parish, of whom but the merest fraction ever attended a place of worship. Why might he not stand and preach as he saw the Dissenters doing sometimes in Lincoln's Inn Fields and other thoroughfares? Why did he see in a moment that it was a bad one now, though he had been unable to see it when he had taken it from Pryer? Why had he felt tacitly rebuked as soon as he had met Towneley? Why, when he had heard Mrs Holt screaming "murder," he had cowered under the bed clothes and waited, expecting to hear the blood dripping through the ceiling on to his own floor. Why, he told me to my face that I was a-getting old; old indeed! Why then should it have been upon them, of all people in the world, that this tower of Siloam had fallen? Why, but for the steam, I should not have sold 10s. "Why, Ellen," said he, "what nonsense you talk; you haven't been in prison, have you?" Why not take a little shop yourself? Why, all that time when he used to come breakfasting with Mr Pontifex morning after morning, it took me to a perfect shadow the way he carried on. Why," said the woman who had summoned him, "she'll drink anything she can stand up and pay her money for. Why, Master Ernest," said he, with his strong northern accent, "I was thinking of you only this very morning," and the pair shook hands heartily. Why, you see," said John, "I was always main fond of that lass Ellen, whom you remember running after, Master Ernest, and giving your watch to. Why, Lord love the man, whatever is the matter with him? Why, never was anyone half so fortunate as I am. Why," he said to me, "If I was a well-bred horse, or sheep, or a pure- bred pigeon or lop-eared rabbit I should be more saleable. Why he, Theobald, had never been able to afford such a portmanteau in his life. Why, my dear," she said in a deprecating tone, "this is more than ever your papa has had"; but Ernest calmed her by suggesting that if Miss Pontifex had known how large the sum would become she would have left the greater part of it to Theobald. "Why so?" Why, as for Jack here, he's almost as good a bargeman as I am. Why should I take them from where they are," said Ernest to me in the train as we went home, "to send them to schools where they will not be one half so happy, and where their illegitimacy will very likely be a worry to them? Why should I complain of being among the mediocrities? "Why?" "Why, don't you know?" "`Why, he is a man,' said the other, and I quite agreed with him." Why do you want water? "Why do you wish to see Oz?" "Why, I guess so," Dorothy answered. Why didn't you walk around the hole? Why don't you run and jump? Why, I am a Queen--the Queen of all the Field Mice! Why, he would eat us all up. "Why not?" Why, it is said that he never lets anyone come into his presence. "Why do you wish to see the terrible Oz?" "Why?" Why should I do this for you? "Why should I do this for you?" "Why should I do this?" "Why should I give you courage?" Why didn't we think of that before? Why do you have to obey the charm of the Golden Cap? Why do you seek me? Why, as for that," answered Oz, "I think you are wrong to want a heart. "Why are those needles and pins sticking out of your head?" Why should we imagine that the precious metals are likely to do so? Why should the dealers in one sort of goods, it seems to have been thought, be more favoured than those in another ? Why do I not find the way to seek for the hidden treasure I so much longed for? Why has he not cut off this cumberer of the ground long ago? "Why don't you go and get it then?" Why did not the writer relieve me by giving the information I most needed? Why don't she come away as your other daughter did? "Why, Mrs. Haviland!" "Why, no!" "Why did you introduce a defective bill?" "Why, no, she is a very steady, nice young woman." "Why didn't you tell me that before?" Why, I can't hold still. "Why?" Why, Mother Haviland," he exclaimed, "you can never go with only that. Why do you allow such a man to occupy the responsible position of surgeon in charge of hundreds of the sick and wounded soldiers? "Why do you permit such a surgeon to have the care of the sick, wounded, and dying soldiers?" "Why did you cry?" "Why, it's an iron collar to wear on the neck." Why all this painstaking to get away from their masters, if they are so attached to them? Why don't you report Judge Attocha? "Why?" Why do you remain with her? Why does the head of this serpent rise up at almost every point? Why honey,' she answered, 'you's got 'ligion; praise de Lord! Why, yes, I thought, they are my daughters; but what are their names? Why not? Why the apparent ease with which I seemingly deceived them did not rouse my suspicions I know not, unless it was that my mind was still so full of that fleeting glimpse of my beloved princess that there was room in it for naught else. Why not end my misery now rather than drag out a few more wretched days in this dark pit? Why, I risk my life by even entertaining you here within the forbidden precincts of my station. Why had the sight of that evil countenance not warned me to greater caution? Why had I permitted the rapid development of new situations to efface the recollection of that menacing danger? Why did you come home, Prune? Why did I come back, Ursula? Why had she wanted to submit herself to it, did she still want to submit herself to it, the insufferable torture of these ugly, meaningless people, this defaced countryside? 'Why does he do it? 'Why indeed, why indeed! Why seek to draw a brand and a curse across the life that had caused the accident? Why? 'Why, Ursula, what did you notice that was so impudent? Why should every man decline the whole verb. Why do you? Why have you come back? Why did you come back? Why, have you ever seen blood, except in a dentist's spittoon? Why do they call you Pussum, because you're like a cat? Why should it? Why should Gerald even dislike it, why did it seem to him to detract from his own dignity. Why is it art? Why not do something original? Why not? Why wouldn't you bathe? Why should he pretend to have anything to do with human beings at all? Why doesn't he ride away till it's gone by? Why couldn't he take the horse away, till the trucks had gone by? Why yes--I don't make much of a success of my days. 'Why should you always be DOING? Why, why are people all balls of bitter dust? Why do you bother about humanity? 'Why do I? Why did they move her so strongly and mystically? Why are they so lovely,' she cried. Why do I think them so lovely? 'Why did you do it, Gerald? Why make her stand all that time at the crossing? 'Why should she? Why should a horse want to put itself in the human power? Why does he ask Gudrun as well? Why should love be a bond? Why isn't it enough? Why you're as silly as they are, to take any notice,' said Mrs Brangwen also becoming angry now he was really enraged. Why,' thought Gudrun churlishly, 'don't they have the manners to put their coats on, and not to assume such intimacy in their appearance. 'Why? Why have you come? Why not like that? Why do you want to drive them mad? Why should I think that? 'Why alarming? 'Why not? Why? Why? 'Why should they look for me? Why don't you help him? Why should you interfere? Why come to life again? Why should love be like sleep? 'Why shouldn't you be serious? Why should we ask what comes after the experience, when the experience is still unknown to us? Why ask about the next but one? Why you ARE angels tonight,' she said softly. Why don't you stay in bed when you are seedy? Why should we consider ourselves, men and women, as broken fragments of one whole? Why are you laid up again? Why? 'Why do you get up from dinner?--send them off,' his wife would say abruptly. Why don't you establish open house for them? 'Why, she's sunk very low, Mester Crich, she's a'most gone, she is--' Sometimes, it seemed to Mrs Crich as if her husband were some subtle funeral bird, feeding on the miseries of the people. Why should the master be so out-of-all-proportion rich? Why were they not immolated on the pyre of the husband, like the sati in India? Why that's Looloo! Why doesn't it move? Why should you hate the moon? 'Why did you never write? 'Why was there nothing to say? Why are there no daffodils now? 'Why England? Why! Why did he ever forget it? Why? Why! Why should I? Why should I say anything? Why do you both want to bully me? Why, it's a pity you can't be bullied into some sense and decency. Why? Why not do it? Why, what did she mean by that? Why? Why aren't you sure? Why bother! Why strive for a coherent, satisfied life? Why not drift on in a series of accidents-like a picaresque novel? Why not? Why bother about human relationships? Why take them seriously-male or female? Why form any serious connections at all? Why not be casual, drifting along, taking all for what it was worth? Why should you? 'Why did you buy them then? Why should I? Why should I mind? Why could they not remain individuals, limited by their own limits? Why this dreadful all-comprehensiveness, this hateful tyranny? Why not leave the other being, free, why try to absorb, or melt, or merge? Why should YOU take it on yourself? Why don't you go away! Why not? Why don't you believe it? Why did she so lose courage? Why don't you give me the glass--it is so clumsy for you,' he said. Why certainly I know where he lives, back your life I do! Why have you come? Why do you ask? Why aren't you enthusiastic? Why should you want my opinion? Why must you always praise the past, at the expense of the present? Why don't you want it for yourselves, if you've just bought it? Why should I want him to be free, if it isn't his business? 'Why should we? Why should you hanker after other people? Why should you need them? Why should you NEED others? Why must you force people to agree with you? Why can't you be single by yourself, as you are always saying? Why not? Why, does anybody know anything about you, you shifty bitch! Why? 'Why did he bully you? 'Why? Why don't you be happy as well? Why DOES every woman think her aim in life is to have a hubby and a little grey home in the west? Why is this the goal of life? Why should it be? Why how do you know? Why, I've got one in my pocket. Why is Rupert such a FOOL as to write such letters to them? Why does he give himself away to such canaille? Why? Why should it be? Why not a bath of pure oblivion, a new birth, without any recollections or blemish of a past life. Why should he turn like this? Why are you like this? Why not be bestial, and go the whole round of experience? Why not? Why I don't know, I don't know enough about them yet, to be able to say. Why the poor girl is lying at this moment overwhelmed, dying with love for you. 'Why funny, what is funny? Why to see you working it on her,' she said, with a half reproach that confused the male conceit in him. Why,' said Ursula, 'did you make the horse so stiff? Why Maud Allan? Why did you have such a young Godiva then? Why not? 'Why how's that? Why work on an old wound? Why don't I love you? Why must you repeat it so often, that there is no love? Why do you torture me? Why then should he forego it? Why should he close up and become impervious, immune, like a partial thing in a sheath, when he had broken forth, like a seed that has germinated, to issue forth in being, embracing the unrealised heavens. Why did she betray the two of them so terribly, in embracing the glow of the evening? Why did she leave him standing there, with the ice-wind blowing through his heart, like death, to gratify herself among the rosy snow- tips? Why do you grovel before it? Why should you crawl abject before the understanding of a flea? Why deny it--why make any question of it? Why must she do it? Why wasn't there somebody who would take her in their arms, and hold her to their breast, and give her rest, pure, deep, healing rest. 'Why aren't I enough? Why isn't it the same with you? Why should you! Why quarrel with an old man concerning his thoughts? Why I want to talk to you of the matter I don't know. Why should I concern myself with what I eat. Why do I tell myself lies? Why doesn't some- thing happen? Why am I left here alone? Why I don't kill every woman I see I don't know. Why now should I be tempted? Why do you not look at the sky and then run away as I used to do when I was a boy back there in Winesburg, Ohio? Why don't he get a new one? Why look here, Mook, father doesn't know that his store there in town is just a queer jumble, that he'll never sell the stuff he buys. Why are you always puttering? Why should I pay? Why should Hal pay? Why should anyone pay? Why should I care? Why does he want to be bragging? Why don't he shut up? Why has fate given you two such splendid children? Why no, my dear fellow," said the astonished narrator, shrugging his shoulders. Why, they are sending ambassadors to compliment the usurper. Why should I mind Monsieur Pierre being here? Why is it? Why is it so long? Why, you go giddy even on a staircase," exclaimed several voices. "Why do you say this young man is so rich?" Why, our mothers used to be married at twelve or thirteen. "Why does she bother me?" Why, we settled how everything was to be. Why should you? "Why don't you speak, cousin?" Why do you remain silent when heaven knows who permits herself to interfere, making a scene on the very threshold of a dying man's room? Why are we not together as we were last summer, in your big study, on the blue sofa, the confidential sofa? Why cannot I now, as three months ago, draw fresh moral strength from your look, so gentle, calm, and penetrating, a look I loved so well and seem to see before me as I write? Why do you suppose that I should look severely on your affection for that young man? Why, this is a palace! Why, I have not yet had time to settle down! Why speak of me? Why do you say all this to me? Why a blue coat? Why, have you too much money? Why are you so glum? Why are you not eating anything, gentlemen? "Why did you not succeed in impressing on Bonaparte by diplomatic methods that he had better leave Genoa alone?" Why, the French have crossed the bridge that Auersperg was defending, and the bridge was not blown up: so Murat is now rushing along the road to Brunn and will be here in a day or two. Why are you going? Why are you going? Why didn't you mention it, Prince? Why," thought Prince Andrew, "that's the captain who stood up in the sutler's hut without his boots. Why are they running? Why are they here? Why did this thought never occur to me before? Why his son is coming I don't understand. Why did they write, why did Lise tell me about it? "Why is it you were never at Annette's?" Why? Why? "Why should you be ashamed?" Why are you crying, Mamma? Why do you shout so? Why? Why have you thrown that away? "Why 'What the devil'?" "Why not?" "Why?" Why negotiate, and above all why retreat, when to retreat is so contrary to his method of conducting war? Why not?... Why, don't you hear it? Why have we stopped? Why aren't you beginning, Michael Ilarionovich? Why are you hindering us? Why doesn't the red-haired gunner run away as he is unarmed? Why doesn't the Frenchman stab him? Why should I envy them? Why, that one, right at the end, the big one. Why, is it late? "Why did Sonya run away?" Why, you remember before you went away?... Why should he not love her now, and even marry her, Rostov thought, but just now there were so many other pleasures and interests before him! "Why terrible?" Why, I didn't recognize you! "Why don't you renew the acquaintance?" Why did I bind myself to her? Why did I say 'Je vous aime'* to her, which was a lie, and worse than a lie? Why did I tell her that 'Je vous aime'? Why? Why shouldn't I speak? Why is there a baby there? Why, if he was so jealous, as I see things he should have shown it sooner, but he lets it go on for months. Why don't you play? Why such a terrible misfortune? Why do they want to make her sing? Why isn't she dull and ashamed? Why have you, who do not believe in the truth of the light and who have not seen the light, come here? Why have you quarreled with Helene, mon cher? Why shouldn't S- S- get the same distinction? Why so? "Why is it wrong?" "Why not wash?" "Why aren't you serving in the army?" "Why, for this reason!" Why are you silent? Why do I alone not see what you see? Why did you come to me?... Why, this one seems..." he began, turning to the assistant. Why is she so happy? Why is she so glad? "Why not?" Why do I strive, why do I toil in this narrow, confined frame, when life, all life with all its joys, is open to me? Why doubt what you cannot but know? Why speak, when words cannot express what one feels? Why do you say that? Why a year?... Why not? Why shouldn't I marry her? Why he had to go he did not know; but after his after-dinner nap he gave orders to saddle Mars, an extremely vicious gray stallion that had not been ridden for a long time, and when he returned with the horse all in a lather, he informed Lavrushka (Denisov's servant who had remained with him) and his comrades who turned up in the evening that he was applying for leave and was going home. Why this delay? Why no betrothal? Why? Why, you've given a village for each of your borzois! Why don't you enter the service, Uncle? Why have you shut it? Why should she marry? Why are you wandering about like an outcast? Why should I be wasted like this, Mamma? Why, fleas, crickets, grasshoppers," answered the buffoon. Why is it hard to imagine eternity? Why are you sitting there like conspirators? Why? Why is it others see things and I don't? Why? Why could that not be as well? Why can't you understand? Why doesn't he come to the house? Why doesn't he come to the house? Why doesn't he openly ask for your hand? Why, you have read his letter and you have seen him. Why do you think so badly of me? Why this secrecy? Why should I joke about it? Why, they'll have you in the criminal court...." "Oh, nonsense, nonsense! Why joke? Why, she'll rush out more dead than alive just in the things she is wearing; if you delay at all there'll be tears and 'Papa' and 'Mamma,' and she's frozen in a minute and must go back- but you wrap the fur cloak round her first thing and carry her to the sleigh. Why have you interfered at all? Why? Why? Why carry you off as if you were some gypsy singing girl?... Why has he taken on himself such a responsibility? Why does Prince Andrew, who sees this, say nothing to me about his sister? "Why do you say that?" Why do you say that, when you are going to this terrible war, and he is so old? Why? Why ask me? Why, you yourselves know everything better than I do. Why, the water streams from them! Why should I kill him? Why, you meant to spend the evening with us.... You don't often come nowadays as it is, and this girl of mine," said the count good- naturedly, pointing to Natasha, "only brightens up when you're here. Why are you going? Why are you upset? Why are they leaving the town? Why are you here? "Why are you here?" Why didn't you come in? Why are these people with frightened faces stopping me? "Why shouldn't you go away, your excellency?" "Why are there none?" Why don't you speak? "Why should we give up everything?" Why don't you want to go? Why didn't he let me be there instead of Tikhon? Why didn't I enter the room? Why didn't I go in then? "Why, we've not done any harm!" "Why?" Why and how were the battles of Shevardino and Borodino given and accepted? Why was the battle of Borodino fought? Why was it more strongly fortified than any other post? Why should you be God knows where out of sight, during the battle? Why so? Why, when we were retreating from Sventsyani we dare not touch a stick or a wisp of hay or anything. Why, so as not to lay waste the country we were abandoning to the enemy," said Prince Andrew with venomous irony. Why, one who foresees all contingencies... and foresees the adversary's intentions. Why did we lose the battle at Austerlitz? Why take prisoners? Why ride into the middle of the battalion? Why's that fellow in front of the line? Why have you come here, Count? Why haven't they carried him away? Why... she's wounded! Why was I so reluctant to part with life? Why is he here? Why did he not take up a position before reaching Fili? Why did he not retire at once by the Kaluga road, abandoning Moscow? Why did they go? Why, we were beginning to despair! "Why, nothing," answered Pierre without raising his eyes or changing the thoughtful expression of his face. Why, it's a mercy if we can get the carpets alone into three cases," said the butler's assistant. Why does Mamma object? "Why, the wounded!" Why, didn't you know, Miss? Why are you like this? Why? "Why, to the police, of course!" "Why talk nonsense?" Why not? Why were the holy relics, the arms, ammunition, gunpowder, and stores of corn not removed? Why were thousands of inhabitants deceived into believing that Moscow would not be given up- and thereby ruined? Why were bundles of useless papers from the government offices, and Leppich's balloon and other articles removed? Why should that cause the masses to riot? Why, that must be the Anferovs," said an old deacon, addressing a pockmarked peasant woman. Why, are...? Why am I not free? Why was I in such a hurry with Sonya? Why don't I pray for what I want? Why do you come in without being called? Why had he fought the marauder? Why was he in the yard of a burning house where witnesses had seen him? "Why, are you a soldier then?" Why talk of me? Why too much? Why too much?... "Why, there, over at Echkino," said a Cossack officer, pointing to a country house in the far distance. Why didn't you say who you were? Why, that's our Tikhon," said the esaul. Why did you push yourself in there by daylight? Why didn't you bwing that one? Why didn't you bwing the first one? Why, he says: 'I'm a general's son myself, I won't go! Why shouldn't I go? Why not? "Why, I've not said anything!" Why aren't you asleep, sir? Why, this gentleman's saber. Why is it howling? Why was the Russian army- which with inferior forces had withstood the enemy in full strength at Borodino- defeated at Krasnoe and the Berezina by the disorganized crowds of the French when it was numerically superior? Why does he have that pain? Why did you bring me away? Why, it was hot. Why talk rubbish, lout that you are- a real peasant! Why this was necessary he did not know, but he knew for certain that it was necessary. Why had such a splendid boy, so full of life, to die? Why is it true? Why? Why did it happen in this and not in some other way? Why does she come prowling here? "Why, you said yourself you don't want even to see her." Why? Why, whatever is the matter, my dearest? Why is he cross with me? Why did you bring him here? Why more than ever! "Why, this..." "Come into my study," said Nicholas. Why this," began Pierre, not sitting down but pacing the room, sometimes stopping short, gesticulating, and lisping: "the position in Petersburg is this: the Emperor does not look into anything. Why are you here? "Why?" "Why, the position of assistants." "Why?" Why should not the same sort of thing happen to me? Why did it happen? Why was Napoleon III a criminal when he was taken prisoner at Boulogne, and why, later on, were those criminals whom he arrested? Why war and revolution occur we do not know. Why should false painting imitate his cheek, And steel dead seeming of his living hue? Why should poor beauty indirectly seek Roses of shadow, since his rose is true? Why should he live, now Nature bankrupt is, Beggar'd of blood to blush through lively veins? Why with the time do I not glance aside To new-found methods, and to compounds strange? Why write I still all one, ever the same, And keep invention in a noted weed, That every word doth almost tell my name, Showing their birth, and where they did proceed? Why should my heart think that a several plot, Which my heart knows the wide world's common place? Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? Why hast thou cast into eternal sleeping Those eyes that taught all other eyes to see? Why should he not hate them? Why you'd have to hire a man 'specially to take care of 'm. "Why, it would be rank ridiculousness for me to take that dog along," he broke out after another pause. 'Why? 'Why, sir, she is my late master's daughter: Catherine Linton was her maiden name. Why did you speak to him, Edgar? Why have you that silk frock on, then? Why do you love him, Miss Cathy? Why? Why are you so damp and pale, child? Why not have up Mrs. Dean to finish her tale? Why did you not say so to Catherine? Why have you disregarded my request? 'Why, ma'am,' I answered, 'the master has no idea of your being deranged; and of course he does not fear that you will let yourself die of hunger. Why, what is the matter? Why am I so changed? Why, I met on the road a lad that fetches milk here,' she stammered, 'and he asked whether we weren't in trouble at the Grange. Why, man,' I exclaimed, facing him angrily, 'this is not a place to sleep in. Why, this is the road upstairs, child! Why shouldn't you suffer? Why should you be anxious to conceal them? Why, she's a liar to the end! Why, guess! Why didn't mamma and he live together, as other people do? 'Why, Master Linton,' said I, 'three hundred miles is a great distance; and ten years seem very different in length to a grown-up person compared with what they do to you. Why? Why don't you visit at the Grange with Linton? 'Why did you quarrel? 'Why, where the devil is the use on't? 'Why didn't you come before? 'Why did HE wish to see me? Why cannot you say at once you don't want me? Why didn't you send to absolve me from my promise, when you wished I wouldn't keep it? Why, the man is mad! Why should you wish to force me to do what I'll willingly do of myself? 'Why not let Catherine continue here,' I pleaded, 'and send Master Linton to her? Why are you stopping there? Why should I? Why, almost bright and cheerful. Why did you hold the candle horizontally? 'Why, Joseph will take care of the house, and, perhaps, a lad to keep him company. Why should I not go with thee? Why wouldst thou know? Why didst thou not flee from him before? Why hast thou not taken it already? Why, who should know that, if thou knowest it not, Richard of Swevenham? Why dost thou not tell the young knight what she was clad withal; since save for their raiment all women of an age are much alike? Why not? "Why wilt thou do this?" "Why, lo you!" "Why, what now?" "Why," quoth Ralph still angrily, "is thy Lord master of all the world?" Why not? Why dost thou not hail me? Why, brother," said Hugh, "I think my blessing will abide the morrow's morn, for I have nought so fair and dear to show our father and mother as thou hast. Why speak ye not with our Captain? Why didn't you tell him----' `Well, why didn't YOU say----' `You might have reminded him----' and so on, in the usual way; but, of course, it was then much too late, as is always the case. `Why, who SHOULD interfere with him? `Why didn't you invite me, Ratty? `Why, certainly,' said the good-natured Rat, jumping to his feet and dismissing poetry from his mind for the day. Why dance jigs around a door-scraper? Why, you must be perished. Why, it must be quite close by him at that moment, his old home that he had hurriedly forsaken and never sought again, that day when he first found the river! Why did I bring you to this poor, cold little place, on a night like this, when you might have been at River Bank by this time, toasting your toes before a blazing fire, with all your own nice things about you! `Why, only just now I saw a sardine-opener on the kitchen dresser, quite distinctly; and everybody knows that means there are sardines about somewhere in the neighbourhood. `Why, certainly, sir,' replied the field-mouse respectfully. `Why, Toad's hour! `Why, what do you want a doctor for? Why, we've found him ourselves, miles from home, and quite self- possessed and cheerful! Why, there he is, the little fellow! Why this craving for change? Why not stay on quietly here, like us, and be jolly? `Why do you ever come back, then, at all? Why, sometimes I dream of the shell-fish of Marseilles, and wake up crying! `Why, where are you off to, Ratty? Why, I'm going that way myself,' replied the barge- woman. `Why, what do you mean? `Why, so you are! Why, that comes to exactly four shillings, and no more. `Why strive? Why, Toad, of course; clever Toad, great Toad, GOOD Toad! Why, you must have managed to escape, you clever, ingenious, intelligent Toad! Why, of course, dear Badger! Why the man that I mean is above forty. Why, what's the matter? Why, this is nothing to what he used to do:- before he found out this way, I have known him call for himself - FAIN. Why he would slip you out of this chocolate-house, just when you had been talking to him. Why, you have an uncle, have you not, lately come to town, and lodges by my Lady Wishfort's? Why, that's enough. Why do you think so? Why, you profess a libertine. Why had not you as good do it? Why, what will you do? Why did you make me marry this man? Why do we daily commit disagreeable and dangerous actions? Why was I so long? Why, one makes lovers as fast as one pleases, and they live as long as one pleases, and they die as soon as one pleases; and then, if one pleases, one makes more. Why, you make no more of making of lovers, madam, than of making so many card-matches. Why, sir, it will be impossible I should remember myself. Why dost thou not fetch me a little red? Why dost thou not stir, puppet? Why didst thou not bring thy thimble? Why, I am arrantly flayed: I look like an old peeled wall. Why this wench is the PASSE-PARTOUT, a very master-key to everybody's strong box. Why should a man be any further from being married, though he can't read, than he is from being hanged? Why, what dost thou not know me, friend? Why, then, send somebody hither that does. Why, then, belike thou dost not know thy lady, if thou seest her. Why, truly, sir, I cannot safely swear to her face in a morning, before she is dressed. Why, 'tis like you may, sir: if you are not satisfied with the information of my boots, sir, if you will step to the stable, you may enquire further of my horse, sir. Why, yours, sir. Why, brother Wilfull of Salop, you may be as short as a Shrewsbury cake, if you please. Why, then, let him hold his tongue in the meantime, and rail when that day comes. Why, then, belike it won't stay till I pull off my boots. Why, then, Foible's a bawd, an errant, rank match-making bawd. Why, faith, I'm thinking of it. Why dost thou not speak? Why, have you not been naught? Why, if she should be innocent, if she should be wronged after all, ha? Why you must an you are a Christian. Why does not the man take me? Why, I wouldn't have a child of mine, an impressionable little thing, live in such a room for worlds. Why darling! Why, how can I, dear? Why there's John at the door! Why do the women wear these things? Why do you wash? Why did not he go himself to have Moshobotwane sprinkle medicine to drive away his leprosy. Why did he allow the boat to come there? Why did you fire a gun, a little while ago? Why should it be forgotten? Why, the devil's in it! Why, Fritz, you know the story? Why did he? Why this change in our order, Marshal? "Why shouldn't we go to the lodge?" Why, as I told you, your very face is changed. Why, cousin? "Why, by keeping him waiting." Why did he urge me so little about the princess? Why should I? "Why doesn't it say "the King"?" Why this," I answered. "Why keep up the farce?" Why no, sire; I am here because I desired to oblige the British Ambassador. "Why, yes," said I, my eye involuntarily travelling towards the Castle. Why are you angry? Why can't you wait? Why, madame, is there another man in Ruritania like the King? Why, he's as like the King as one pea to another, madame! Why do you let them torment me? Why not? Why, you might become an ambassador!