- Update Gradle to 8.9 thanks to Christophe!
- replace length = 0 checks with isEmpty() — thanks to Juiceman!
- do not recommend disabling js helpers in fproxy (these are reviewed)
- add more resilient plugin list exception handling
- Remove gc meddling that hasn’t been necessary for many Java releases
- Add webp filter, thanks to Torusrxxx!
- Update Japanese localization, thanks to qupo1!
- Fix build info with gradle daemon, thanks to Bombe!
- Improve IPv6 handling, thanks to Torusrxxx!
- Hide no longer relevant new load management statistics, thanks to Torusrxxx!
This release resolves the last blocker for Freenet / Hyphanet 0.8 by providing an official Debian package. Additionally it optimizes the networking and data transfer core and provides many improvements for website authors and user experience.
Starting with this release, Freenet / Hyphanet has an official Debian package built automatically via github actions. This was the most important high-impact-task and the last release blocker of version 0.8 in our Roadmap. Big thanks go to DC*!
With this finally realized, the next step is to get in contact with
the many privacy focussed distributions which build on Debian to make
available where it is most important. Once this is
done, tools which build on Hyphanet — like FMS, but also jSite and
tools from pyFreenet — can be packaged to work out of the box, using
Hyphanet as an ordinary background service. That’s a step towards
Hyphanet as decentralized, privacy-preserving communication backend for
other applications.
Another step towards this is accepting the Schema hypha[net] to simplify writing browser extensions that forward hypha:-links to Hyphanet.
The networking layer was optimized significantly. Searching packet types is often stopped early and common or cheaper checks are done before less common or time-consuming checks. This gives significant reductions of CPU load, especially for very fast nodes.
Juiceman fixed a bug limiting MTU to 1280 where not needed.
And recently failed and data not found cooldown times were reduced to 5 minutes and 3 minutes, reducing one of the big annoyances when accessing a site quickly after upload.
On the data transfer layer, healing was optimized. After 1495 strongly increased the amount of healing to keep large files available for longer, 1498 specializes healing to keys close to the node location. This reduces healing per file, but improves privacy, because healing inserts are then more similar to forwarding — they mostly send data close to the nodes location — and it reduces the network load of healing, because the specialized healing inserts need fewer hops to reach the optimal storage location in the network.
In addition to these changes deep down, there are a number of directly visible improvements.
The plugins KeepAlive and Sharesite are updated (the latter now uses the new Night Zen Garden style). The UPnP2 plugin is now visible in simple mode. It can replace UPnP and should work better. On the flipside the Library plugin is moved to advanced plugins, because it does not work reliably enough.
The plugin list is easier to navigate by removing the defunct option to download plugins from the clearnet and by adding better styling. Downloading from the clearnet was an unnecessary privacy risk since we’ve been bundling essential plugins with the installer for a few years now.
The noderef for friend-to-friend connections is shown in simple mode again, because it is robust enough with the changes in recent years. This should remove a barrier to adding direct connections and enabling fully confidential messages between friends.
There are new configuration options to allow connecting via local services. That’s a step towards making it easy to add a second layer of security, for example confining connections to a local network. Thanks goes to s7r for these changes!
When bandwidth detection fails, the upload bandwidth now defaults to 160KiB/s. Also the NLM config is now disabled statically. This was a testing setup which could still be active in old nodes, but it would break connectivity nowadays.
The default bookmarks include the Opennet SeedNodes statistics, the generate media site to create decentralized streaming sites, and the high-impact-tasks. The bookmarks are also re-ordered to be a better match for newcomers. Starting category: first steps, clean spider, Index of Indexes. For the software category ordered by ease of use from fproxy.
For website authors, more CSS elements, selectors and combinators
, word-wrap: anywhere
, focus-within
, ^=
, $=
, *=
, +
, ~
) and additional HTML elements (summary
, details
<meta name="Viewport"...>
) are available. This strongly expands the
possibilities of websites authors in Hyphanet, because Javascript or
webassembly are no viable options in an environment where a privacy
breach could put people at risk. We’ve seen with Java applets, that
untrusted code will always break out of its containment. The CSS
improvements in contrast provide a safe way to enable limited
Streaming support via m3u lists was improved to allow accessing segments of up to 200MiB.
And using -1
as version in a USK now properly finds version 0
, if
this is the only existing version.
There were a number of Java 21 fixes, including all our tests (thanks to Bombe!), and improvement to the github actions (thanks to AHOHNMYC).
In addition to that there was a lot of polish. Bert Massop and Veniamin Fernandes replaced our homegrown CurrentTimeUTC with modern Java options. Alex fixed the pronoun used in strings. Bombe added getters for all direct field access in the node. Hiina reduced logging level of store warnings so no unneeded backtraces are created for node with large stores and Juiceman updated code to use more modern structures.
Time-dependence of compressor selection was removed. This caused non-determinism for inserts and could cause keys to be non-reproducible on systems with faster or slower network.
And finally the new exe signing workflow we built to fulfill the requirements of SignPath, our new windows installer signing provider for the upcoming releases, runs the verify-build script on every release to ensure that the jar we release has actually been built from the sources. This provides a second safety net, in addition to anonymous users running the script and posting the results (thanks to all who did this — please keep it up, otherwise people have to fully trust github). The release is not yet byte-by-byte reproducible, because the jar MANIFEST defines among other info the exact java version used to compile it, and the java version available differs by distribution and time, so it would get harder over time to verify the build.
A special thanks goes to Bombe for many careful reviews!
merge debian package as default build action thanks to DC*/desyncr! This resolves one of our high impact tasks.
Update KeepAlive to commit 86e47a101f26fd1d3be0437681a043aa4ae3f22c Update Sharesite to 0.5.1 Move UPnP2 to normal plugins. It does not seem broken, but UPnP does Move Library plugin to advanced plugins because new users tend to get lost with it 💄 Add better styling to the plugin list in winterfacey to make it easier to understand at a glance — thanks to Bombe 🔥 Remove option to load plugins from central server — thanks to Bombe! This was an unnecessary privacy risk, since we’re already bundling essential plugins with the installer, and it made plugin handling harder to understand.
Add high-impact-tasks to bookmarks Add generate media site to the default bookmarks Add Opennet SeedNodes stats site Reorder starting bookmarks: FFS → clean spider → Index of Indexes Reorder default software bookmarks by ease of use from fproxy Disable activelink for Index of Indexes (workaround, because it fails)
break early when condition is met — thanks to Juiceman Check the HashCode before equals. This saves ~20% method-runtime. Re-order or’ed MessageFilters so the most likely is checked first specialize healing to keys close to the node fix healing decision: do not divide 0-1 by MAX_VALUE — thanks to Bombe for the review! Reduce recently failed and data not found wait times
CSS: Fix: checked only the first char of the key part of CSS selectors, Add test that would catch too lax filtering. CSS: Support pseudo-element checked. This enables limited interactivity via CSS. CSS: Support the attribute selectors ^= $= *=, Add tests. CSS: Support Combinators > + and ~, add test for ~ and simplify the implementation CSS: Support word-wrap: anywhere and CSS selector focus-within. HTML: allow summary and details html element. Thanks to naejadu HTML: accept <meta name="Viewport" ...>, thanks to torusrxxx
Show the noderef in basic-mode: it is now robust enough
accepting localhost in NodeIPPortDetector and allowBindToLocalhost configurable — thanks to s7r! Provide static methods for simpler boolean config creation Increase default bandwidth to 160KiB upload, when detection fails disable setting for new-load-management (NLM broke nodes) add utility to disable a config option, thanks to Bombe
add m3u-player insertion test: is added at end of body [CI] Update actions, fix actions cache ♻️ add and use getters and setters for access to node fields Increase max transparent passthrough to 200MiB links in m3u-lists. Remove time-dependence of compressor selection. This caused non-determinism for inserts and could cause keys to be non-reproducible. improve date object construction in CurrentTimeUTC.get() Support Schema hypha[net] to simplify writing browser extensions that forward hypha://-links to Hyphanet. polish: show datastore size warning with GiB suffix Remove hash generation to native big integer to reduce dependencies. This had come in when merging an old pull request and added a new dependency without need.
Replace indexOf with .contains() Change more string comparisons into .isEmpty() checks Capitalize L in literal longs Add missing Global flag to GetFailed FCP message. Thanks to oishii and Bombe! Fix links to mailing lists and IRC in — thanks to Juiceman! Deprecated custom datetime handling class CurrentTimeUTC replace GregorianCalendar with java.time.OffsetDateTime in CurrentTimeUTC — thanks to Veniamin Fernandes Refine ClientRequestSelectorTest, PersistentJobRunnerImplTest, SplitFileFetcherStorageTest, and SplitFileInserterStorageTest — thanks to Veniamin Fernandes Change deprecated jcenter() maven repo to mavenCentral() — thanks to Veniamin Fernandes Added tests for PebbleUtils — thanks to Bombe! 🐛 Fix NPE when subsets are not initialized — thanks to Bombe reduce logging for too many excluded sub-arrays thanks to Hiina fix the flag size of nepal — thanks to Percept0r@NYZkOs7eQ…! Switch swiss flag to civil and state ensign — thanks to Percept0r@NY
Thanks to Bombe all our tests work again on Java 21! 🐛 Fix JarClassLoader’s ability to work with ServiceLoader — thanks to Bombe! gzip: replace test workaround by fixing the output of the compressor — thanks to Bombe for the SingleOffsetReplacingOutputStream! fix: invalid max store size showed bytes with GiB suffix
Also a special thanks to Bombe for many careful reviews!
- fixed severe path folding vulnerability.
- fix keepalive regression — thanks to PlantEater for tracking it down and fixing it!
- fix negative maxsize per new fetch override
- also override maxTempLength
- LowLevelGetException also return the throwable because the error doesnt help, the real gets hidden
- update translations, thanks to the translators on transifex, especially the Russian ones!
- add meta charset tests
- replace unmaintained freemail site by maintained one — thanks to Cynthia!
- add missing test annotations — thanks to vwoodzell!
- new theme: sky-dark-static
- m3u-player: skip broken files
- m3u-player: only inline the m3u player if the page contains media tags
- new firsttime wizard (single-step joining with clearer defaults)
- Client getter honor max size argument
- finally merged the HashingAPI by unixninja92, a GSoC project that had gotten lost in the pull requests. This provides an easy and well-tested way to create and verify different types of Hashes from byte arrays, including Sha256 and TigerTree. #258
- Add web+freenet and ext+freenet as supported schemas to support extensions. Thanks to TheSeeker
- upgrade unit tests to junit4, thanks to vwoodzell!
- Eleriseth pending keys merged (performance)
- healing size increased (better lifetime for popular files)
- CSS: enable sticky — thanks to Spider Admin
- CSS: enable transition and word-wrap — thanks to naejadu, thanks to vwoodzell for the review!
- re-organize default bookmarks: first section has "starting points", thanks to vwoodzell for the review!
- old announcement fixes by toad finally merged
- Show a user alert (once every Freenet update) if the datastore is below 10% of available space with a link to the store size wizard page to make it easy to increase the store ― thanks to Trivuele
- Do not store blocks in the cache, if they are eligible for the store (should increase usable cache size) thanks to Trivuele
- m3u-player: more robust sizes, do not use overlay for audio. This finally enables convenient Samizdat Radio
- randomize pitch black defense times and wait at least 12 hours between pitch black mitigations to prevent timing attacks
- bandwidth settings: parse bit suffix correctly
- improve /imagecreator/ thanks to Oleh from Redwerk
- Disable write local to datastore functionality when opennet is enabled; it can be useful on a small darknet, but on opennet it makes it easier to find downloaders. thanks to Trivuele
- make it easier to build fred without network access thanks to Trivuele
- fix build with modern Java: add opens jvmargs on java 17
- fix: a FOAF mitigation wasn t operational, because it lacked a conversion to percent. thanks to freedom-of-depression
- remove Frost on ChatForumsToadlet from non-updated translations (removed 2019 from the original english)
- fix parts of the German translation
- Update the wrapper files in to 3.5.30 This change sets a consistent wrapper-version for Windows, *Nix, and also OSX, thanks to operhiem1 for the review
- Pseudonymous people found found a bug in our splitfile inserter that TheSeeker tracked down to its source. It threw an exception if the checksum was exactly [0,0,0,0], thanks to operhiem1 for the review
- Update default bookmarks: Replace inactive indexes, add Shoeshop, show active sites first. Thanks to AC4BB21B for the review!
- Fix FreenetURI intern() to not forget edition of USK — thanks to debbiedub!
- Replace Pointer.SIZE with Native.POINTER_SIZE for JNA 5.x — thanks to Leo3418 and Bombe
- fix peer scaling for very fast peers: Very fast nodes have more peers to fix a conceptual mistake (did not take the aggregated bandwidth limit of the peers into account). Thanks to TheSeeker for the review!
- more resilient noderef parsing for easier friend-to-friend connections try replacing spaces by newlines in noderefs when parsing fails
- Accept FreenetURI in add peer field; only try regular url on failure — thanks to desyncr for the review
- Add warning about surveillance through voice recognition tech
- Updater changes to add Java 17 support for existing nodes to wrapper.conf (required module opens for Java 17 to wrapper.conf) during the following update (to 1494)
- Installer changes:
- Java 17 support
- increase default datastore size to 100GiB, because SSDs are much faster today
- Set standard thread limit to 1000
- decrease default thread stack size for reduced memory usage (512KiB)
- Increase default bandwidth to 32KiB/s. This should improve performance for new nodes where UPnP does not give the speed. thanks to operhiem1 for the review
- add output of filtered file to the OggFilterTest
The diagnostics component provides thread runtime statistics. Thanks to DC*. #727
The multi-node test to show that the mitigation against the pitch black attack works. #736
The m3u-player for video on demand over Freenet now prevents most visual flickering. #734
Clickable labels for checkboxes. Thanks to AC4BB21B. #741
Fix: skip in must return non-negative. Thanks to dennisnez. #737
Fix: NodeConfig was reading a particular config from default on every start up. Thanks to desyncr. #739
OpenJDK 16+ compat: add wrapper.conf argument to allow access to internal openjdk modules. #740
Fix: Correct "current size" option in Wizard => datastore size. Thanks to AC4BB21B. #742
KeyUtils: Fix API call to allow compiling, and Fix extra bytes display for composed SSK. both thanks to TheSeeker. hyphanet/plugin-KeyUtils#17 hyphanet/plugin-KeyUtils#16
Library: search with unchecked boxes thanks to redwerk hyphanet/plugin-Library#14 -
custom index docname thanks to TheSeeker hyphanet/plugin-Library#18
Spider: Fix writing to the bucket and Replace SortedIntSet thanks to redwerks hyphanet/plugin-Spider#6
Fix build thanks to Juiceman hyphanet/plugin-Spider#5
FlogHelper Add new media tags in tool menu: audio and video thanks to AlexandreRio hyphanet/plugin-FlogHelper#19 (you can simply set an uploaded m3u file as as source of a video and it will show up on your flog as video on demand)
related: nextgens fixed our website build (Thank you!), so we can release there again. I polished our theme and the messaging on the index-page.
- disable pitch black defense if swapping is disabled because the node uses opennet this should resolve problems to the network structure introduced during the pitch-black fix because opennet nodes started swapping when they had network-issues. Sorry for that :-(
- start pitch black defense 10 minutes after startup, not 1 minute after startup further reduce the probability of stray swapping
- fix streaming: deal with proxies providing a http node via https streaming should now work over proxies.
- m3u compability for mobile devices - thanks to DC* some mobile browsers answer the query "supports m3u" with "maybe" O_o
- add OpenBSD support thanks to jv@D7b92AQB2664AkrR
- Add compatibility method for plugins (SCGIPublisher needs it)
- recover constructor for compatibility with plugins
- Fixed several unused variables issues - thanks to Jan Gerritsen
- Fix label for logged attribute RoutingDisabled - thanks to Jan Gerritsen
streaming in the browser,
mitigating the pitch black attack, and
providing the windows-installer from the node again.
inject vanilla Javascript m3u-player into Freesites to get in-browser playlist streaming (with config to disable if needed). Thanks to nextgens and desyncr for the review!
mitigate the pitch black attack following[email protected]/msg55182.html Thanks to nextgens and x for the review!
triple the UOM transfer max sizes so the windows-installer provided by nodes gets updated again. Thanks to desyncr for the review!
- Add m3u support with mp3, ogg, oga, ogv, and flac. Thanks to Bombe for reviewing!
- Reduce max backoff times from 3 hours to 8 minutes; the one safe change from the let-it-burn patchset. This might increase bandwidth available. Thanks to TheSeeker.
- add explicit license for Libre-JS to progresspage.js
- rewrite checkall, match the class for all input elements, and add explicit license for Libre-JS
- update translations to make Freenet more inviting for people around the world: update French, add Hungarian.
- The windows-installer and wintray are now being built by our continuous integration system using a more secure code-signing setup. This should reduce the scary warnings on install, reduces our dependency on specific setup of the release manager, and provides earlier checks whether something in fred broke the installer.
- Accept Android Java as not EOL to simplify the mobile-node maintenance (see
- Set context class loader when terminating plugin (by Bombe)
- Cleanups of some old deprecated code.
- Plugin-updates: KeepAlive (redwerk fixes: now ready as official plugin), plugin-FlogHelper (audio- and video-tag and more translations), Sharesite (better default CSS, clearer wording), Freemail (use newer WoT API and cleanup), KeyUtils (adjust for internal API change).
- Add UPnP2 plugin for testing.
- new jarsigner certificate should remove some ugly warnings - thanks to operhiem1 and nextgens!
- update jna to 4.5.2, because our Windows build stops working otherwise
- no longer accept certain invalid SSKs and USKs - thanks to Bombe!
- update tests from JUnit 3 to 4 - thanks to Bombe!
- increase max size for passthrough to our Windows installer should spread over UOM again
- provide more bandwidth to darknet connections than to opennet connections - thanks to Alex Williams!
- offer connection speed upgrade when increased speed is detected - thanks to Oleh from Redwerk!
- improve CSS for small devices - thanks to Oleh from Redwerk!
- improve Winterfacey style - thanks to Oleh from Redwerk!
- avoid quadratic memory allocation if PooledFileRandomAccessBuffer is swapped to disk (should fix startup loops)
- compressor: skip LZMA (old) if it is not the only requested compression method
- remove the contrib submodule from the fred repo because gradle does not need it and it hinders self-hosting
- switch to java8 as the minimum required version
- fix bug7102: don't attempt to pre-allocate when we truncate
- capture fetchKeyBoxAboveBookmarks from the theme as default value
- skip file compression where compression typically does not yield much improvement
- If there are *.fref files in a peers-offers/ folder, ask user whether to connect to them
- Theora fixes thanks to redwerk: can filter Video now!
- fix config parsing bug (thanks to redwerk)
This release fixes the last blocking problems with the new build based on gradle and JNA. �[5~ Thanks to thesnark and operhiem1 we have a fix to a way to circumvent the content filter: on Firefox uploading a file as MIME type text/plain caused Firefox to guess the filetype and present the user with a download-or-open dialog. This could have resulted in handing an insecure file to an external (and potentially vulnerable) program without showing a warning to the user. Please update ASAP to avoid that. See CVE-2019-9673 for details.
Also uploads without compression now survive restarts of the node again.
Also this release finally includes the ogg-filter from Spencer Jacksons Google Summer of Code project. It still needs polishing and has some inefficiencies, but you can now listen to a FLAC from Freenet directly from your browser. For example via the following key: CHK@tOwwq70fTosZuCnpZP4j1vMkEKiFuRIblmC351CbgpE,w6BTgWSJBDOM1~lWnsE83K2gOv3huEGHzSPWFBN4xFc,AAMC--8/infinite-hands-free-software.flac
Ogg Theora is merged, too, but currently garbles most files. If you’d like to fix that, please file a pull-request!
As a sidenote: Freenet supports listening to mp3 files in the browser since version build 1473 (2016-05-21). You can also use mp3s in a HTML5 audio-tag.
As main user-visible change: If you use the default theme, you will now see the Winterfacey theme. If you changed it to some other theme, Freenet will continue to use that other theme.
The main networking change is to apply the less recently failed branch by toad. This should decrease the number of recently failed errors, but it could have side-effects.
For darknet friends, the 1024 character limit of n2n messages is lifted. You can now send messages of up to 128 kiB.
And thanks to Redwerk, there is now a "Send confidential message" button on the friends page. Just tick the checkbox of the friends you want to contact to send n2n messages to them.
Further changes:
update WoT plugin to build 20. Thanks to xor.
replace handler.outputHandler.queue by handler.send - thanks to patheticcockroach
update plugin Freemail_wot to v0.2.7.4 with better detection of contacts missing from WoT - thanks to Redwerk
update Sharesite version to 0.4.7
peer list: Add spacing between flag and IP address - Thanks to Bombe
increase scaling to 3 again because 1480 nodes otherwise slow down updated nodes.
plugin manager cleanup: more readable code
m3u filter: can stream playlists (running in external players still needs experimentation)
avoid losing download state on restart - thanks to ChristmasMuch from FMS
only FMS and Sone on ChatForums suggestion page to fit the projects longstanding stance. If you disagree, you can create a freesite to promote it.
update included seednodes
increase scaling to 3 again because 1480 nodes otherwise slow down updated nodes
plugin manager cleanup: more readable code
new ogg theora, vorbis, flac filter: can show ogg-files! - thanks to Spencer Jackson, finally merged it
m3u filter: can stream playlists
make winterfacey theme the default
update WoT plugin to build 20. Thanks to xor.
update Sharesite version to 0.4.7
avoid losing download state on restart - thanks to ChristmasMuch from FMS
re-apply much less recently failed - thanks to toad
only FMS and Sone on ChatForums suggestion page to fit the projects longstanding stance. If you disagree, you can create a freesite to promote it.
update included seednodes
prevent content sniffing in FF. See CVE-2019-9673 for details. Thanks to thensark and operhiem1
remove the 1024 limit for node-to-node messages
peer list: Add spacing between flag and IP address - Thanks to Bombe
replace handler.outputHandler.queue by handler.send - thanks to patheticcockroach
add "send confidential message" button to friends page - thanks to Redwerk
update plugin Freemail_wot to v0.2.7.4 with better detection of contacts missing from WoT - thanks to Redwerk
improvement in Winterfacey
- new default theme: sky static
- included experimental winterfacey theme
- switch to gradle with witness as build system
- run in background mode
- switch from jni to jna
- Override list request identifier
- use fallocate
- ipv6 fixes
- fix warnings
- optimization
- Persist "Bookmark Updated" notifications across restarts
- minimum bandwidth increased to 10KiB again
- undo update of pinned SSL certificates (site no longer exists)
- add config option to move the fetch key box above the bookmarks
- Ship new Windows Installer and Tray
- Update Freemail to v0.2.7.3-r2
optimized network settings for the new structure since the link length fix : less peers for the same bandwidth should result in higher throughput per connection. This allows for less powerful devices to join (with low bandwidth settings) and should provide better bandwidth utilization for very fast nodes.
Re-enable RSA-based ciphers for SSL-connections to the node
add jfniki index bookmark (use "add default bookmarks" to get it)
l10n: pull translations from transifex
plugins: WebOfTrust build0019, Changelog: source available at CHK@gt
foMPFR5ZAhOhSOsFw68f5PBjJuCYpeZXPPA1t6g,pk7h34mG5hRsBPhVFWr5UllVbJXU-PS7tC9rbILvoOk,AAMC--8/WebOfTrust-build0019-source.tar.bz2 -
plugins: Freemail v0.2.7.3 (new translations) source available at CHK@ZOfWMdsxhS1Lg6QKWK4CJZvVt9RYkkjFnU6-PCizHbg,zfTEQX6DexdUm9-eGyDSP5vKvp76b38SCBS7W9zkoGE,AAMC--8/Freemail-v0.2.7.3-source.tar.bz2
1478 (2017-04-05):
- prepare pinned certs for the new Amazon-web-services based site.
1477 (2017-03-09):
- fix a potential clickjacking vulnerability in legacy browsers
- patch open redirect and header injection vulnerability introduced in 1476
- SSL with RSA certificates on fproxy has been broken in 1475, fix that
1476 (2017-03-02):
- FOAF efficiency enhancements for fast nodes
- gif filter
- harden the SSL configuration of fproxy
- logger fix
- spare bitmap efficiency optimization
- reduce custom code
- show semi-persistent update info next to bookmarks
- plugin updates: Sharesite 0.4.4, Library v37, Freereader 6
1475 (2016-06-25):
- 0006745: Disk crypto: Should type password twice when setting it
- 0006344: Change default compatibility mode to COMPAT_1466
- 0006488: using “visit freesite” to visit a freesite with a hash (#) fails instead of opening it and jumping to the anchor.
- fix a critical bug: prevent announcement loops
- drop support for negtype9 (non-cummulative ack logic)
- start to warn user that java7 is EOL
- PluginInfoMessage: Fix wrong "does not provide FCP" info about plugins
- Stop warning users that java9 isn't recent enough
- Don't use FOAF if the HTL isn't high enough
- Attempt to update
- l10n improvements
- cooldown improvements
- load-limiting changes (token buckets)
- MessageFilter improvements
- relax the CSS parser (see #446)
- support for HTML Audio tags
- ask/confirm the disk-crypto password in the wizard
- make the paste-a-key control usable on the WelcomeToadlet
- the default compatibility mode for inserts is now COMPAT_CURRENT
- remove the DSA related parameters from noderefs
- Fix a major bug that might explain the poor connectivity since 1473
1473 (2016-05-22):
- MP3 filter fixes
- Reduce test memory usage
- Fix opennet announcements not having location set
- Fix binary blob download over FCP
- Add The Filtered Index to the default bookmark list
- Wait for running transfers on RouteNotFound
- Mark Freenet traffic with QoS
- Fix handling of filenames with non-ASCII spaces
1472 (2016-03-19):
- Fix uploads stalling when using MAXIMUM physical security.
- Fix lots of "setNativePriority(X) has failed!", which was caused by a serious thread priority problem. This might fix nodes unexpectedly losing peers.
- Order alerts within a category by time: if you have lots of messages from darknet peers they will remain nicely sorted.
- There is now a caching layer which should significantly reduce I/O load.
- Update WebOfTrust from build 15 to build 18. Its changelogs are separate, but the changes reduce CPU load. Incremental score recomputation requires roughly 3 percent of the time of full recomputation, and queuing trust lists to disk lowers thread usage.
- Add partial Greek translation.
- Update German, Bokmål, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese translations.
- Fix Bokmål localization loading.
- Remove Gantros Index from the default bookmark list because it stopped updating.
- Remove Linkageddon from the default bookmark list because it stopped updating.
- New version of UPnP to fix some instability and compatibility problems. Thanks to 007pig we have a new UPnP plugin in development which supports UPnP2, but it is not yet included.
- New version of KeyUtils.
1471 (--):
- (skipped)
1470 (2015-08-15):
- FIX Freemail problems that prevented sending mail
- remove a compromised opennet seed node
- Freemail gains a new message link on the inbox page, links to senders' WoT profiles, and new translations
1469 (2015-07-19):
- FIX two bugs introduced in build 1468. One caused very slow operation and high CPU usage with large files and physical security levels above None (i.e. Freenet-level disk encryption). The other prevented interactive usage (e.g. freesite browsing) while finishing large downloads or starting large uploads.
1468 (2015-07-11):
Replace DB4O
- Existing unfinished downloads and uploads will be imported to a new format, which requires restarting them from the beginning.
- Space for downloads is now all allocated at the start, so machines very low on disk space may run out, which causes downloads to temporarily fail until more space is available.
- CHKs will change due to metadata bugfixes.
- Some unofficial plugins will need to be updated because of API changes. Sone already works, as do all official plugins.
- The queue format changes should make it extremely rare to lose the entire queue: the impact of corruption will almost always be localized.
- Multi-container / site uploads can now be persistent, making it more practical to upload large sites.
- Passworded physical security is now much stronger. (Full-disk encryption is still preferable.)
Improve Windows installer
- The Windows installer now defaults to starting Freenet on login.
- There is a new Windows tray app with some useful features that is included with new installations.
- The list of download keys moved from downloads/listFetchKeys.txt to downloads/listKeys.txt.
- A list of upload keys is now available at uploads/listKeys.txt
- Gantros' index is now in the default bookmarks. It uses the same software as Enzo's index, which is no longer updated.
- The obsolete and deprecated XMLLibrary and XMLSpider plugins are no longer officially supported. They will still load for those who have them added, but are no longer shown on the plugin page.
- In the interests of releasing this build more quickly, the new version of FlogHelper does not support exporting and importing backups from the web UI. The old backup code did not work with the new Freenet version after removing db4o. People can instead back up "plugins.floghelper.FlogHelper" files in the plugin-data directory. These can be dropped into the directory after unloading FlogHelper to restore a backup.
- ThawIndexBrowser works again. Thanks saces!
- Fred translations are updated.
- Add two seed nodes, one sponsored by - the Polish radio/meshnet darknet users group, and another run by ArneBab. Thanks!
- Update existing seed node references.