On a typical Ubuntu or Debian system, you need tools to be able to bootstrap the compilation configuration:
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config
.. and the libraries needed for gmrender, most notably gstreamer.
sudo apt-get update
sudo aptitude install libupnp-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \
(The code will also compile with the older 0.10 of gstreamer)
Then pulseaudio or alsa depending on what output you prefer (personally, I use alsa)
sudo aptitude install gstreamer1.0-alsa
sudo aptitude install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
Get the source. If this is your first time using git, you first need to install it:
sudo apt-get install git
.. Then check out the source:
git clone https://github.com/hzeller/gmrender-resurrect.git
Then configure and build
cd gmrender-resurrect
You then can run gmrender directly from here if you want. The -f
provides the name under which the UPnP renderer advertises:
./src/gmediarender -f "My Renderer"
.. to install, run
sudo make install
The final binary is in /usr/local/bin/gmediarender
(unless you changed the
PREFIX in the configure step).
There is a sample init script in scripts/init.d/gmediarenderer
that could be
a good start if you install things on your system.
A systemd unit file can be found in dist-scripts/debian/gmrender-resurrect.service
(To Linux distribution packagers: please let me know if you have some common changes that might be useful to have in upstream; other than that, just do what makes most sense in your distribution)
If you write your own init script for your gmediarender, then the following options are particularly useful.
Friendly name to advertise. Usually, you want your renderer show up in your controller under a nice name. This is the option to set that name.
UUID to advertise. Usually, gmediarender comes with a built-in static id, that
is advertised and used by controllers to distinguish different renderers.
If you have multiple renderers running in your network, they will all share the
same static ID.
With this option, you can give each renderer its own id.
Best way is to create a UUID once by running the uuidgen
$ sudo apt-get install uuid-runtime
$ uuidgen
You take different generated numbers and hard-code it in each script starting an instance of gmediarender (In my init script, I just generate some stable value based on the ethernet MAC address; see "Init Script" below).
Also, you can do this already at compile time, when running configure
./configure CPPFLAGS="-DGMRENDER_UUID='\"`uuidgen`\"'"
You can set the audio sink and audio device with these commandline
Say, you want to use an ALSA device. You can see the available devices
with aplay -L
. The main ALSA device is typically called sysdefault
so this is how you select it on the command line:
gmediarender --gstout-audiosink=alsasink --gstout-audiodevice=sysdefault
The options are described with
gmediarender --help-gstout
There are other ways to configure the default gstreamer output devices via some global system settings, but in particular if you are on some embedded device, setting these directly via a commandline option is the very best.
This sets the initial volume on startup in decibel. The level 0.0 decibel is 'full volume', -20db would show on the UPnP controller as '50%'. In the following table you see the non-linear relationship:
[decibel] [level shown in player]
0db 100 # this is the default if option not set
-6db 85
-10db 75
-20db 50
-40db 25
-60db 0
So with --gstout-initial-volume-db=-10 the player would show up as being set to #75.
Note, as always with the volume level in this renderer, this does not influence the hardware level (e.g. Alsa), but only the internal attenuation. So it is advised to always set the hardware output to 100% by system means.
If you want to run gmediarender as daemon, the follwing two options are for you:
-d, --daemon Run as daemon.
-P, --pid-file File the process ID should be written to.
--logfile <logfile> Write a logfile.
If you want this on the terminal use --logfile /dev/stdout
This can be big over time, so only do it for debugging.
In particular when you file a bug, please always attach the output of such
a logfile; start gmrender-resurrect in foreground mode (without -d
) on the
commandline and give it a file to log into. Attach that to your bug-report.
The following command makes sure to capture all logs from gmediarender and other log entries that might come from gstreamer plugins not using the gmediarender logging, all in one file:
src/gmediarender -f "MyRender" --logfile=/tmp/gmrender.log >> /tmp/gmrender.log 2>&1
If you're installing gmrender-resurrect on the Raspberry Pi, there have been reports of bad sound quality. For one, the 3.5mm output is very low quality, so don't expect wonders (though it seems that driver changes improved this quality a lot).
You can use gmrender-resurrect with Pulseaudio or ALSA (or whatever other output ways gstreamer supports). Personally, I use ALSA as it is the most simple and robust way (Pulseaudio would be a layer on top of ALSA anyway). See flag --gstout-audiosink above how to tell gmediarender to use alsasink.
By default, ALSA seems to attempt some re-sampling apparently; A user
pointed out that this can be fixed by putting this in your /etc/asound.conf
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0
Stephen Phillips wrote a comprehensive blog-post about installing gmrender-resurrect on the Raspberry Pi (July 2013):
There is an Arch package available here https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gmrender-resurrect-git/
Since Debian 8, the official gmediarender
package uses the gmrender-resurrect code:
There is a Nix package available: https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html?attr=gmrender-resurrect