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Snap Collector Plugin — Apache Mesos

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This Snap plugin collects metrics from an Apache Mesos cluster. It gathers information about cluster resource allocation and utilization, as well as metrics about running containers.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Documentation
  3. Community Support
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Acknowledgements

Getting Started

System Requirements

At a minimum, you'll need:

To enable metrics collection from the perf_event cgroups subsystem, you'll also need a kernel that supports it, and the userland tools that enable you to run the perf command. On Ubuntu, this includes the following packages:

  • linux-tools-common
  • linux-tools-generic
  • linux-tools-$(uname -r)

Note: see the Caveats section below for known issues with Mesos and the cgroups/perf_event isolator.


Download the Mesos plugin binary

You can download pre-built binaries for Linux x64 from this plugin's GitHub Releases page.

Building the plugin from source

Clone this GitHub repository:

$ git clone
$ cd snap-plugin-collector-mesos

Build the plugin by running make:

$ make

After compilation has finished, the binary will be available in build/rootfs/snap-plugin-collector-mesos

Configuration and Usage

First, be sure that you've familiarized yourself with the Snap framework by reading the Getting Started documentation.

To specify the hostname or IP address and port that this plugin should connect to, add the following to the Snap global configuration, in the collector object:

    "mesos": {
      "all": {
        "master": "",
        "agent": ""

Typically, you should only need to provide a value for master or agent, unless you're running the master and agent on the same machine (e.g. in development). This plugin will automatically determine which service(s) you provided a host/port combination for and collect metrics from the master and/or the agent.

Snap and this plugin should then be deployed to each machine in the Mesos cluster. This allows collection to happen as close to the agent as possible.


When monitoring the Mesos masters, the plugin queries the local Mesos master to determine if it's currently the leader. If it is, metrics collection will occur normally. If the local master is not currently the leader, a message will be recorded to the plugin log, and metrics collection will not happen on that machine.

Once Snap is configured and this plugin is loaded, you'll be able to start collecting metrics from the Mesos cluster. For examples on how to do this, see the Examples section below.


Mesos is a complex system and its installation and administration is outside the scope of this README. There are a few resources you might want to consider taking a look at to get started with Mesos:

Design documents and RFCs pertaining to this plugin are tracked via the "RFC" label in GitHub Issues.

Also, you may want to consider checking out the following tests to understand how this plugin works:

Collected Metrics

This plugin collects hundreds of metrics from Mesos masters and agents. As such, there are too many to list them all here, so instead we've provided a quick overview.

List of collected metrics is described in

To get a complete list of available metrics, you can run the following commands:

$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-collector-mesos
$ snaptel metric list

Mesos framework metrics

At the highest (per-cluster) level, this plugin returns select metrics from the /master/frameworks API endpoint on the leading Mesos master. Specifically, we collect the following metrics on a per-framework basis:

  • Offered CPUs, memory, and disk
  • Allocated CPUs, memory, and disk
  • Used CPUs, memory, and disk

Mesos master/agent metrics

This plugin returns all available metrics from the /metrics/snapshot API endpoint on Mesos masters and agents. A few of the available metrics that are collected include:


  • master/cpus_total and master/cpus_used
  • master/disk_total and master/disk_used
  • master/mem_total and master/mem_used
  • master/slaves_active
  • master/tasks_running
  • registrar/state_store_ms/p90, registrar/state_store_ms/min, registrar/state_store_ms/max
  • system/load_1min, system/load_5min, system/load_15min


  • slave/tasks_running and slave/tasks_failed
  • slave/cpus_total and slave/cpus_used
  • slave/disk_total and slave/disk_used
  • slave/mem_total and slave/mem_used
  • slave/executors_running
  • system/load_1min, system/load_5min, system/load_15min

For a complete reference, please consult the official Mesos documentation.

Mesos monitoring statistics (executor/container metrics)

This plugin returns most of the available metrics from the /monitor/statistics API endpoint on the Mesos agent, which includes metrics about running executors (containers) on a specific Mesos agent. The metrics available via this endpoint largely depend on the features enabled in Mesos. There are far too many metrics to list here, so instead we provide links to the code that describes the structure.

Note: the available metrics are defined in the mesos.proto protobuf, which has been compiled to Golang for the purposes of this plugin. More information is available in GitHub issue #11.

  • The base ResourceStatistics struct is provided for each running executor on the cluster.
  • If Mesos was built with the --with-network-isolator option and the network/port_mapping isolator is enabled, you'll also be able to collect various network metrics.
  • If the necessary perf-related packages are installed, Mesos is configured to use the cgroups/perf_event, and values are provided to the --perf_events option on the Mesos agent, you'll also be able to collect per-container perf metrics as defined in the PerfStatistics struct.

Metric tags

Namespace Tag Description
/intel/mesos/** source IP and port of the Mesos master/agent that this plugin is connecting to. Depending on the network configuration of a system, the value of this tag could be different than the value of the built-in plugin_running_on tag in Snap.
/intel/mesos/master/*/** framework_id The UUID that the Mesos master assigned to a given framework.
/intel/mesos/agent/*/*/** framework_id The UUID that the Mesos master assigned to a given framework. Allows executors to be grouped/queried on a per-framework basis.
/intel/mesos/agent/*/*/** executor_id The ID that a scheduler assigned to a specific executor (container) running on a Mesos agent.


There are examples of the Snap global configuration and various tasks located in the examples directory. Specifically, these include:

  • Snap global configuration
  • Snap tasks (publish to file and publish to InfluxDB)
  • Grafana dashboard for visualizing cluster telemetry

Note: these scenarios will work with the Vagrant development environment included in this repo. For more info on how to get started with Vagrant, please see

Publishing metrics to a file

To start collecting Mesos metrics and publish them to a file, you'll need to perform the following steps.

Set up the Snap framework, run snapteld (in this case with logging set to 1, trust disabled and global configuration saved in snap-config-example.json):

$ snapteld --plugin-trust 0 --log-level 1 --config examples/configs/snap-config-example.json \
    > /tmp/snap.log 2>&1 &

Download and load snap-plugin-publisher-file, for example:

$ wget
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-publisher-file_linux_x86_64

Build or download mesos plugin according to the instruction and go to directory with plugin binary file.

Load mesos collector plugin:

$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-collector-mesos

Get the available metrics for your system:

$ snaptel metric list

Create a new Snap task:

$ snaptel task create -t examples/tasks/mesos-all-file.json

Stop the task:

$ snaptel task stop <task ID>

Visualizing cluster telemetry with Grafana and InfluxDB

To help you get up and running quickly, this repo also includes a more extensive example of how to publish Mesos cluster metrics to InfluxDB (using snap-plugin-publisher-influxdb) and visualize this data with Grafana. We assume that you already have a working InfluxDB and Grafana installation, and that you have all the necessary Snap plugins and configuration loaded.

Note: you'll need to modify the values for the host, user, and password options in the example tasks.

On the Mesos master(s), run the following command:

$ snaptel task create -t examples/tasks/mesos-master-influxdb.json

On the Mesos agent(s), run the following command:

$ snaptel task create -t examples/tasks/mesos-agent-influxdb.json

Finally, load the example Grafana dashboard. The following commands assume that Grafana is running at and using the default username of admin, and the default password of admin.

$ COOKIEJAR=$(mktemp)

$ curl -sH 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'              \
    --data-binary '{"user": "admin", "email": "", "password": "admin"}' \
    --cookie-jar "$COOKIEJAR" "${GRAFANA}/login"

$ curl -sH 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --cookie "$COOKIEJAR" \
    [email protected] "${GRAFANA}/api/dashboards/db"

You should now see some basic metrics about your Mesos cluster:


Known Issues and Caveats

  • Currently, the address of the Mesos master and/or agent is provided via Snap's global configuration file. When this plugin is loaded (using snaptel) it plugin will query a Mesos master and/or agent for its available metrics and use the resulting JSON structure to build Snap's metrics catalog. However, a configuration change on the Mesos master or agent could alter the metrics reported by Mesos (e.g., enabling the network isolator). Therefore, if you modify the configuration of a Mesos master or agent and expect more (or fewer) metrics to be collected, you should reload this Snap plugin at the same time.
  • Due to a bug in Mesos, the parsing logic for the perf command was incorrect on certain platforms and kernels. When the cgroups/perf_event isolator was enabled on an agent, the perf object would appear in the JSON returned by the agent's /monitor/statistics endpoint, but it would contain no data. This issue was resolved in Mesos 0.29.0, and was backported to Mesos 0.28.2, 0.27.3, and 0.26.2. For more information, see MESOS-4705.
  • There is an ongoing effort to rename the Mesos "slave" service to "agent". As of Mesos 0.28.x, this work is still in progress. This plugin uses the newer "agent" terminology, but some metrics returned by Mesos may still use the older "slave" term. For more information, see MESOS-1478.


For version 2, we intend to support additional deployment options as documented in GitHub issue #14. Otherwise, there isn't a formal roadmap for this plugin, but it's in active development. If you have a feature request, please open a new issue on GitHub or submit a pull request.

Community Support

This repository is one of many plugins in Snap, a powerful telemetry framework. To reach out to other users in the community, check out the full project at


We love contributions!

There's more than one way to give back, from examples to blog posts to code updates. See our recommended process in


Snap, along with this plugin, is open source software released under the Apache Software License, version 2.0.
