Returns a Promise for sendMail
if callback is not defined
Added priority option (high, normal, low) for setting Importance header
Replaced hyperquest with needle. Fixes issues with compressed data and redirects
Maintenance release. Bumped dependencies to get support for unicode filenames for QQ webmail and to support emoji in filenames
Use mailcomposer instead of built in solution to generate message sources. Bumped libmime gives better quoted-printable handling.
Added new message option watchHtml
to specify Apple Watch specific HTML part of the message. See this post for details
Maintenance release, bumped buildmail version to get fixed format=flowed handling
Maintenance release, bumped dependencies
Maintenance release, upgraded dependencies. Replaced simplesmtp based tests with smtp-server based ones.
Maintenance release, upgrades buildmail and libmime. Allows using functions as transform plugins and fixes issue with unicode filenames in Gmail.
Proper handling of data uris as attachments. Attachment path
property can also be defined as a data uri, not just regular url or file path.
Bumped libmime and mailbuild versions to properly handle filenames with spaces (short ascii only filenames with spaces were left unquoted).
Allow using encoded strings as attachments. Added new property encoding
which defines the encoding used for a content
string. If encoding is set, the content value is converted to a Buffer value using the defined encoding before usage. Useful for including binary attachemnts in JSON formatted email objects.
Return deprecatin error for v0.x style configuration
Bumped nodemailer-direct-transport dependency. Updated version includes a bugfix for Stream nodes handling. Important only if use direct-transport with Streams (not file paths or urls) as attachment content.
Added new method resolveContent()
to get the html/text/attachment content as a String or Buffer.
Bugfix release. HTML node was instered twice if the message consisted of a HTML content (but no text content) + at least one attachment with CID + at least one attachment without CID. In this case the HTML node was inserted both to the root level multipart/mixed section and to the multipart/related sub section
Fixed a bug where Nodemailer crashed if the message content type was multipart/related
Upgraded nodemailer-smtp-transport to 0.1.11. The docs state that for SSL you should use 'secure' option but the underlying smtp-connection module used 'secureConnection' for this purpose. Fixed smpt-connection to match the docs.
Implemented missing #close method that is passed to the underlying transport object. Required by the smtp pool.
Total rewrite. See migration guide here:
- Upgraded aws-sdk to 2.0.5
- Bumped version to v0.7.0
- Fix AWS-SES usage [5b6bc144]
- Replace current SES with new SES using AWS-SDK (Elanorr) [c79d797a]
- Updated about Node Email Templates (niftylettuce) [e52bef81]
- Bumped version to v0.6.5
- Use tildes instead of carets for dependency listing [5296ce41]
- Allow clients to set a custom identityString (venables) [5373287d]
- bugfix (adding "-i" to sendmail command line for each new mail) by copying this.args (vrodic) [05a8a9a3]
- update copyright (gdi2290) [3a6cba3a]
- Bumped version to v0.6.4
- added npmignore, bumped dependencies [21bddcd9]
- Add AOL to well-known services (msouce) [da7dd3b7]
- Bumped version to v0.6.3
- Upgraded simplesmtp dependency [dd367f59]
- Bumped version to v0.6.2
- Added error option to Stub transport [c423acad]
- Use SVG npm badge (t3chnoboy) [677117b7]
- add SendCloud to well known services (haio) [43c358e0]
- High-res build-passing and NPM module badges (sahat) [9fdc37cd]
- Bumped version to v0.6.1
- Do not throw on multiple errors from sendmail command [c6e2cd12]
- Do not require callback for pickup, fixes #238 [93eb3214]
- Added AWSSecurityToken information to README, fixes #235 [58e921d1]
- Added Nodemailer logo [06b7d1a8]
- Bumped version to v0.6.0
- Allow defining custom transport methods [ec5b48ce]
- Return messageId with responseObject for all built in transport methods [74445cec]
- Bumped dependency versions for mailcomposer and readable-stream [9a034c34]
- Changed pickup argument name to 'directory' [01c3ea53]
- Added support for IIS pickup directory with PICKUP transport (philipproplesch) [36940b59..360a2878]
- Applied common styles [9e93a409]
- Updated readme [c78075e7]
- bumped version to v0.5.15
- Updated README, added global options info for setting uo transports [554bb0e5]
- Resolve public hostname, if resolveHostname property for a transport object is set to
- bumped version to v0.5.14
- Expose status for direct messages [f0312df6]
- Allow to skip the X-Mailer header if xMailer value is set to 'false' [f2c20a68]
- bumped version to v0.5.13
- Use the name property from the transport object to use for the domain part of message-id values (1598eee9)
- bumped version to v0.5.12
- Expose transport method and transport module version if available [a495106e]
- Added 'he' module instead of using custom html entity decoding [c197d102]
- Added xMailer property for transport configuration object to override X-Mailer value [e8733a61]
- Updated README, added description for 'mail' method [e1f5f3a6]
- bumped version to v0.5.11
- Updated mailcomposer version. Replaces ent with he [6a45b790e]
- bumped version to v0.5.10
- added shorthand function mail() for direct transport type [88129bd7]
- minor tweaks and typo fixes [f797409e..ceac0ca4]
- bumped version to v0.5.9
- Update for 'direct' handling [77b84e2f]
- do not require callback to be provided for 'direct' type [ec51c79f]
- bumped version to v0.5.8
- Added support for 'direct' transport [826f226d..0dbbcbbc]
- bumped version to v0.5.7
- Replace \r\n by \n in Sendmail transport (rolftimmermans) [fed2089e..616ec90c] A lot of sendmail implementations choke on \r\n newlines and require \n This commit addresses this by transforming all \r\n sequences passed to the sendmail command with \n
- bumped version to v0.5.6
- Upgraded mailcomposer dependency to 0.2.4 [e5ff9c40]
- Removed noCR option [e810d1b8]
- Update wellknown.js, added FastMail (k-j-kleist) [cf930f6d]
- bumped version to v0.5.5
- Updated mailcomposer dependnecy version to 0.2.3
- Remove legacy code - node v0.4 is not supported anymore anyway
- Use hostname (autodetected or from the property) for Message-Id instead of "Nodemailer" (helps a bit when messages are identified as spam)
- Added maxMessages info to README
- bumped version to v0.5.4
- added "use strict" statements
- Added DSN info to README
- add support for QQ enterprise email (coderhaoxin)
- Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
- DSN options Passthrought into simplesmtp. (irvinzz)
- bumped version v0.5.3
- Using a stub transport to prevent sendmail from being called during a test. (jsdevel)
- closes #78: sendmail transport does not work correctly on Unix machines. (jsdevel)
- Updated PaaS Support list to include Modulus. (fiveisprime)
- Translate self closing break tags to newline (kosmasgiannis)
- fix typos (aeosynth)
- bumped version v0.5.2
- Merge pull request #177 from MrSwitch/master Fixing Amazon SES, fatal error caused by bad connection