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TS with JSDoc

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Add a tsconfig.json to your repo that extends the default aegir ts config:

  "extends": "aegir/src/config/tsconfig.aegir.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "dist",
    "emitDeclarationOnly": true
  "include": [

Add types configuration to your package.json:

"types": "dist/src/index.d.ts",

types will tell tsc where to look for the entry point type declarations.

When a packages needs to allow type imports other than the entry point, you can use this workaround:

"typesVersions": {
  "*": {
    "src/*": [
    "src/": [

typeVersions will tell tsc where to look for every other files inside the src folder. Note: This might get smaller when this issue is resolved or a proper way is introduced.

Use this hack only if you really need it, this might change from the TS side at any time and break type checks.

Github Action

To run the typechecker in the CI you can use this action and you will get the errors reported inline with the code.

Installing package from a git url

When installing a dependency from a git url (ie. PRs depending on other PRs) the types won't be packed in. To fix this you need to add a npm script called prepare to run aegir build.

"scripts": {
    "prepare": "aegir build --no-bundle"

yarn needs a .npmignore file to properly install dependencies with prepare scripts that create extra files that need to be packed in.

Adding types with JSDoc

Typescript can infer lots of the types without any help, but you can improve your code types by using just JSDoc for that follow the official TS documentation

Manage dependencies types

When dependencies don't publish types you have two options.

1. NPM from DefinitelyTyped

npm install @types/tape

2. Vendor type declarations

Create a types folder at the root of your project to keep all your vendored types. Inside create one folder per dependency using the dependency name as the folder name and inside a create index.d.ts file with the types.

Tell TS where to look for types when a package doesn't publish them.

"compilerOptions": {
  "baseUrl": "./",
  "paths": {
    "*": ["./types/*"]
"include": [

Scoped packages folder name need to use __ instead of /, ie. the folder for @pre-bundle/tape would be pre-bundle__tape.

Aegir will copy the types folder to the dist folder (ie. dist/types) when you build or run the types typescript preset. This way all your types, vendored and from source, will be published without broken imports.

Reference: voxpelli/types-in-js#7 (comment)

Rules for optimal type declarations and documentation

This list is a WIP, more rules will be added as we identify them.

1. Commonjs default exports

When using commonjs modules, only use default exports when exporting a single class.


class IPFS {}

module.exports = IPFS

IPFS.hash = ()=>{}

module.exports = IPFS

// BAD
function hash() {}

module.exports = hash


function hash() {}
function hash2() {}

module.exports = hash
exports.hash2 = hash2

2. Commons js named exports

When using commonjs modules, always use named exports if you want to export multiple references.

function hash() {}
function hash2() {}
class IPFS {}
module.exports = {

// BAD
exports.hash2 = hash2() {}
exports.hash = hash() {}
exports.IPFS = IPFS

3. Use a types.d.ts file

When writing types JSDoc can sometimes be cumbersome, impossible, it can output weird type declarations or even broken documentation. Most of these problems can be solved by defining some complex types in typescript in a types.d.ts file.

// types.d.ts
export type IntersectionType = Type1 & Type2
// index.js
/** @type { import('./types').IntersectionType } */
const list

You can also organize your source types in the same way as vendored types.

Create a folder inside the types folder called self or the package name. Then you can import like you would a third party type.

 * @typedef {import('self').CustomOptions} CustomOptions
 * /

4. JSDoc comments bad parsing

Some TS tooling may have problems parsing comments if they are not very well divided.

// BAD - the base typedef can be parsed as a comment for Square
 * @typedef {import('./index') Base} Base

class Square {}

/** @typedef {import('./index') Base} Base */

 * Cool Square class
 * @class
class Square {}

5. Always put your @typedef at the top of file

Keep in mind rule nº 4 above

Check ipfs/community#474

const { Adapter, utils } = require('interface-datastore')
const fs = require('fs')

 * @typedef {import('interface-datastore/src/types').Datastore} Datastore
 * @typedef {import("interface-datastore/src/types").Options} Options
 * @typedef {import("interface-datastore/src/types").Batch} Batch
 * @typedef {import('interface-datastore/src/key')} Key
 * @typedef {import('interface-datastore/src/adapter').Query} Query
 * @typedef {import('./types').KeyTransform} KeyTransform

Must read references

10 Insights from Adopting TypeScript at Scale Typescript official performance notes TypeScript: Don’t Export const enums TypeScript: Prefer Interfaces Typescript Narrowing


TS with JSDoc Discussions Tackling Typescript Effective Typescript