diff --git a/admin-guides/sprint-calls-prep.md b/admin-guides/sprint-calls-prep.md index 5cf915eb..08c2670a 100644 --- a/admin-guides/sprint-calls-prep.md +++ b/admin-guides/sprint-calls-prep.md @@ -1,26 +1,40 @@ -# Prep for Sprint Calls +# Prep for Weekly Calls -## Who does this Prep +## Who is Responsible -Ideally, the lead of each call, or a specific person. +- The host stays the same for each month. +- On the last week of each month, identify a host for the following month. +- If the host can’t make it some week, they are responsible for delegating to someone and making sure they have permissions at least a day ahead. -## Steps to Take - -**Advanced preparation** +## Host Responsibilities On Wednesday of the preceding week: - Make sure that [node-github-issue-bot](https://github.com/ipfs/node-github-issue-bot) has created the next sprint issue. It should use templates from [here](https://github.com/ipfs/node-github-issue-bot/tree/master/templates). If it breaks, look at [the README in ipfs/infrastructure](https://github.com/ipfs/infrastructure/tree/master/sprintbot). - Manually fill out the Notes link with [the templates](https://github.com/ipfs/pm/tree/master/templates). To not do this manually, follow [this issue](https://github.com/ipfs/node-github-issue-bot/issues/8). -By Friday of the preceding week: -- Adjust the calendar times to match the Sprint issue. To not manually do this, follow [this issue](https://github.com/ipfs/node-github-issue-bot/issues/4). +#### Before the Call + +1. Make sure the agenda is posted with the GitHub issue beforehand, using the current format (see [#647](https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/647) for an example). Ideally, this should be done a day or more in advance, so people can add items before the meeting begins. (Also consider proposed changes in [#636](https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/636).) +1. A few minutes prior to the meeting's start time, post a notice on IRC (#ipfs & #ipfs-dev) and Twitter (@ipfsbot). A second notice should be sent out at the meeting's start time as well. +Something along the lines of "IPFS all-hands call is about to start (16UTC) \" -**Before the Call** +#### During the Call -1. Launch a Zoom call and share the URL with [@dignifiedquire](https://github.com/dignifiedquire) or [@kubuxu](https://github.com/Kubuxu). -1. Announce the call in IRC using `sprinthelper: announce`. To do this, manually copy over the name of the call, the number of the issue, the notes URL, the zoom call URL, and the Stream URL (which should be gotten from dig or Kuba). To automate this, close [this issue](https://github.com/ipfs/sprint-helper/issues/17). +1. Be on Zoom promptly at the start time. +1. Identify a notetaker. The bot that does this is down as of June 2018, but you can call for volunteers and nudge people who haven’t taken notes recently. +1. Moderate the call: keep time and stack, and facilitate discussion as needed. -**After the Call** +#### After the Call -1. Close the previous week's sprint issue. +1. Close the previous week’s sprint issue. +1. Upload the recording to YouTube. 1. Make sure that the Notetaker PRed the notes to `ipfs/pm/meeting_notes`. + +## Permissions + +The 1Password “IPFS Calls” vault contains credentials for: +- Zoom to host & record call +- YouTube to upload recordings +- Twitter to announce meetings + +If you are hosting and need access to the vault, ping @flyingzumwalt, @diasdavid, or @mishmosh.