- ✨ Add
in macro context, allowing custom macros to create code splitting points. - ✅ Originally main module updates were ignored, now the page is reloaded. (It is still possible to accept updates to the main entrypoint and handle them gracefully if you set it up).
- ✨: Add
option to generate JSON and HTML size reports.
- 🐛 Fix issue with macros needing to be wrapped in quotes. Macros which use double quotes will still not work until (#31)[#31] is fixed.
- ✅ Upgraded to haxe-modular 0.10.9, for improved splitting logic
- ✅ Add console error if using
-lib modular
in combination with webpack-haxe-loader. - ✅ Project maintenance: set up Travis CI and automated testing.
- ✅ Documentation improvements.
- 🐛 Fix sourcemap paths on Mac.
- 🐛 Fix NPM release - the last release included code that had not been committed to Github.
- 🐛: Upgrade to Haxe Modular 0.9.3 as the 0.9.2 release was buggy.
- ✨: Add
to be used in combination with haxe-modular manual code splitting. See https://github.com/elsassph/haxe-modular/blob/master/doc/advanced.md#controlled-bundling - ✅: Upgraded to haxe-modular 0.9.2 for the change above, as well as improved build times.
- 💔: Revert change from 0.5.0. Now, as was the case in 0.4.1, NodeJS files will
also be compiled by webpack. If you would like to avoid compiling NodeJS files,
you can use
-D prevent-webpack-js-output
in your hxml file. - 🐛: Upgraded to Haxe Modular 0.8.0 to fix issue with nested async requires. See #16
- ✨: Treat NodeJS builds the same as non-JS builds - watch and recompile, but don't process with webpack.
- ✅: Update to haxe-module 0.6.0, which fixed the error "Expecting single root statement in program". See #7
- ✅: Updated haxelib release (0.2.1) - Hotfix for relative paths on Windows. See #8
- ✅: Updated haxelib release (0.2.0) - Rename
✨ React HMR (Hot Module Replacement) support. This allows you to deep refresh the provided React component when a module is reloaded.
var rootComponent = ReactDOM.render(...); #if debug ReactHMR.autoRefresh(rootComponent); #end
✅: Updated haxelib release (0.1.0)
- ✅: Now auto-detecting the Main class and some other codegen optimisations (sharing of requires)
- ✅: Pointing to released Haxe Modular
- ✅: Haxe modular has been refactored and now requires the main class as 1st module
- 🐛: Add
as a dependency.
- 💔: Rename
so the API is less ambiguous when using 'import Webpack.*' - ✨: Adding code splitting capability
- ✨: Add
macro for requiring files relative to the hx file. - ✨: Loader options: add 'extra' with extra haxe compiler options.
- 🐛: Fix error where "watch" stopped watching after a Haxe error.
- ✅: Removed tink_macro dependency
- 💔: Breaking change
- ✨: New feature
- 🐛: Bugfix