An eCommerce, MultiTenant app with a selection of music stores with unique offerings
- Clone this repo.
- cd into it
bundle install
rake db:setup
rake db:seed
rails server
- visit
Keys Reguired: -Twitter OminAuth -AWS -Twilio
- Launch on - Heroku
- Turing School of Software & Design
User login credentials required in headers How to do this?
- "/api/v1/most_active_customers"
- "/api/v1/most_expensive_orders"
- "/api/v1/most_sold_items"
- "/api/v1/top_selling_items"
- "/api/v1/top_selling_stores"
- Rails, Ruby, JavaScript, JQuery, ActiveRecord, HTML, CSS, ERB, Postgresql, and Heroku.
- Want to contribute? Open an issue and join the fun.