"keep tabs on your tabs"
WebTime is a dead-simple Chrome extension that keeps track of how much time you spend on certain sites each day.
You configure a list of sites on which you want to track time, and a daily time limit. WebTime gives you a colored icon in the toolbar to help you keep track of your daily time on those sites.
The toolbar icon changes slowly from green --> yellow --> orange --> red. When you're on a listed site, it shows you your total minutes today on your site list. If you've gone over your alotment, it adds '!'.
I find it useful to know how much time I'm spending 'unproductively'. I set my list to be domains that I go when I'm bored, e.g. 'cnn.com', 'techcrunch.com', etc.
PRIVACY: WebTime runs only on your computer and never sends any data anywhere. WebTime only knows what URL you have open.
- Right click the extension icon on the right side of your Chrome toolbar, and select 'options'. The icon should be a green circle.
- Set the time limit per day.
- Add the list of sites on which you'd like to keep track of your time.
- Open Chrome, go to 'chrome://extensions'
- Make sure 'Developer Mode' is selected
- Click 'Load unpacked extension...'
- Select the 'WebTime/app' directory and click 'Open'
- Run 'npm install'
- Run 'grunt'. Grunt will stay running in 'watch' mode to build any changes you make to the source code. You can just kill it with 'Ctrl+C'.
- Make changes in 'src'. Grunt will build them to 'app'.
- Open 'chrome://extensions' in a Chrome tab.
- Click 'Reload' on the WebTime extension (or hit 'Ctrl+R').