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File metadata and controls

140 lines (113 loc) · 13.3 KB

pgmoneta configuration

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -c flag or /etc/pgmoneta/pgmoneta.conf.

The configuration of pgmoneta is split into sections using the [ and ] characters.

The main section, called [pgmoneta], is where you configure the overall properties of pgmoneta.

Other sections doesn't have any requirements to their naming so you can give them meaningful names like [primary] for the primary PostgreSQL instance.

All properties are in the format key = value.

The characters # and ; can be used for comments; must be the first character on the line. The Bool data type supports the following values: on, yes, 1, true, off, no, 0 and false.

See a sample configuration for running pgmoneta on localhost.


Property Default Unit Required Description
host String Yes The bind address for pgmoneta
unix_socket_dir String Yes The Unix Domain Socket location
base_dir String Yes The base directory for the backup
metrics 0 Int No The metrics port (disable = 0)
metrics_cache_max_age 0 String No The number of seconds to keep in cache a Prometheus (metrics) response. If set to zero, the caching will be disabled. Can be a string with a suffix, like 2m to indicate 2 minutes
metrics_cache_max_size 256k String No The maximum amount of data to keep in cache when serving Prometheus responses. Changes require restart. This parameter determines the size of memory allocated for the cache even if metrics_cache_max_age or metrics are disabled. Its value, however, is taken into account only if metrics_cache_max_age is set to a non-zero value. Supports suffixes: 'B' (bytes), the default if omitted, 'K' or 'KB' (kilobytes), 'M' or 'MB' (megabytes), 'G' or 'GB' (gigabytes).
management 0 Int No The remote management port (disable = 0)
compression zstd String No The compression type (none, gzip, client-gzip, server-gzip, zstd, client-zstd, server-zstd, lz4, client-lz4, server-lz4, bzip2, client-bzip2)
compression_level 3 Int No The compression level
workers 0 Int No The number of workers that each process can use for its work. Use 0 to disable. Maximum is CPU count
workspace /tmp/pgmoneta-workspace/ String No The directory for the workspace that incremental backup can use for its work
storage_engine local String No The storage engine type (local, ssh, s3, azure)
encryption none String No The encryption mode for encrypt wal and data
none: No encryption
aes | aes-256 | aes-256-cbc: AES CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode with 256 bit key length
aes-192 | aes-192-cbc: AES CBC mode with 192 bit key length
aes-128 | aes-128-cbc: AES CBC mode with 128 bit key length
aes-256-ctr: AES CTR (Counter) mode with 256 bit key length
aes-192-ctr: AES CTR mode with 192 bit key length
aes-128-ctr: AES CTR mode with 128 bit key length
create_slot no Bool No Create a replication slot for all server. Valid values are: yes, no
ssh_hostname String Yes Defines the hostname of the remote system for connection
ssh_username String Yes Defines the username of the remote system for connection
ssh_base_dir String Yes The base directory for the remote backup
ssh_ciphers aes-256-ctr, aes-192-ctr, aes-128-ctr String No The supported ciphers for communication. aes | aes-256 | aes-256-cbc: AES CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode with 256 bit key length
aes-192 | aes-192-cbc: AES CBC mode with 192 bit key length
aes-128 | aes-128-cbc: AES CBC mode with 128 bit key length
aes-256-ctr: AES CTR (Counter) mode with 256 bit key length
aes-192-ctr: AES CTR mode with 192 bit key length
aes-128-ctr: AES CTR mode with 128 bit key length. Otherwise verbatim
s3_aws_region String Yes The AWS region
s3_access_key_id String Yes The IAM access key ID
s3_secret_access_key String Yes The IAM secret access key
s3_bucket String Yes The AWS S3 bucket name
s3_base_dir String Yes The base directory for the S3 bucket
azure_storage_account String Yes The Azure storage account name
azure_container String Yes The Azure container name
azure_shared_key String Yes The Azure storage account key
azure_base_dir String Yes The base directory for the Azure container
retention 7, - , - , - Array No The retention time in days, weeks, months, years
retention_interval 300 Int No The retention check interval
log_type console String No The logging type (console, file, syslog)
log_level info String No The logging level, any of the (case insensitive) strings FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG (that can be more specific as DEBUG1 thru DEBUG5). Debug level greater than 5 will be set to DEBUG5. Not recognized values will make the log_level be INFO
log_path pgmoneta.log String No The log file location. Can be a strftime(3) compatible string.
log_rotation_age 0 String No The age that will trigger a log file rotation. If expressed as a positive number, is managed as seconds. Supports suffixes: 'S' (seconds, the default), 'M' (minutes), 'H' (hours), 'D' (days), 'W' (weeks). A value of 0 disables.
log_rotation_size 0 String No The size of the log file that will trigger a log rotation. Supports suffixes: 'B' (bytes), the default if omitted, 'K' or 'KB' (kilobytes), 'M' or 'MB' (megabytes), 'G' or 'GB' (gigabytes). A value of 0 (with or without suffix) disables.
log_line_prefix %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S String No A strftime(3) compatible string to use as prefix for every log line. Must be quoted if contains spaces.
log_mode append String No Append to or create the log file (append, create)
blocking_timeout 30 Int No The number of seconds the process will be blocking for a connection (disable = 0)
tls off Bool No Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS)
tls_cert_file String No Certificate file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root.
tls_key_file String No Private key file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root. Additionally permissions must be at least 0640 when owned by root or 0600 otherwise.
tls_ca_file String No Certificate Authority (CA) file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root.
libev auto String No Select the libev backend to use. Valid options: auto, select, poll, epoll, iouring, devpoll and port
backup_max_rate 0 Int No The number of bytes of tokens added every one second to limit the backup rate
network_max_rate 0 Int No The number of bytes of tokens added every one second to limit the netowrk backup rate
manifest sha256 String No The hash algoritm for the manifest. Valid options: crc32c, sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512
keep_alive on Bool No Have SO_KEEPALIVE on sockets
nodelay on Bool No Have TCP_NODELAY on sockets
non_blocking on Bool No Have O_NONBLOCK on sockets
backlog 16 Int No The backlog for listen(). Minimum 16
hugepage try String No Huge page support (off, try, on)
pidfile String No Path to the PID file. If not specified, it will be automatically set to unix_socket_dir/pgmoneta.<host>.pid where <host> is the value of the host parameter or all if host = *.
update_process_title verbose String No The behavior for updating the operating system process title. Allowed settings are: never (or off), does not update the process title; strict to set the process title without overriding the existing initial process title length; minimal to set the process title to the base description; verbose (or full) to set the process title to the full description. Please note that strict and minimal are honored only on those systems that do not provide a native way to set the process title (e.g., Linux). On other systems, there is no difference between strict and minimal and the assumed behaviour is minimal even if strict is used. never and verbose are always honored, on every system. On Linux systems the process title is always trimmed to 255 characters, while on system that provide a natve way to set the process title it can be longer.

Server section

Property Default Unit Required Description
host String Yes The address of the PostgreSQL instance
port Int Yes The port of the PostgreSQL instance
user String Yes The replication user name
wal_slot String Yes The replication slot for WAL
create_slot no Bool No Create a replication slot for this server. Valid values are: yes, no
follow String No Failover to this server if follow server fails
retention Array No The retention for the server in days, weeks, months, years
wal_shipping String No The WAL shipping directory
workspace /tmp/pgmoneta-workspace/ String No The directory for the workspace that incremental backup can use for its work
hot_standby String No Hot standby directory
hot_standby_overrides String No Files to override in the hot standby directory
hot_standby_tablespaces String No Tablespace mappings for the hot standby. Syntax is [from -> to,?]+
workers -1 Int No The number of workers that each process can use for its work. Use 0 to disable, -1 means use the global settting. Maximum is CPU count
backup_max_rate -1 Int No The number of bytes of tokens added every one second to limit the backup rate. Use 0 to disable, -1 means use the global settting
network_max_rate -1 Int No The number of bytes of tokens added every one second to limit the netowrk backup rate. Use 0 to disable, -1 means use the global settting
manifest sha256 String No The hash algoritm for the manifest. Valid options: crc32c, sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512
tls_cert_file String No Certificate file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root.
tls_key_file String No Private key file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root. Additionally permissions must be at least 0640 when owned by root or 0600 otherwise.
tls_ca_file String No Certificate Authority (CA) file for TLS. This file must be owned by either the user running pgmoneta or root.
extra String No The source directory for retrieval on the server side (details are in the extra section)

The user specified must have the REPLICATION option in order to stream the Write-Ahead Log (WAL), and must have access to the postgres database in order to get the necessary configuration parameters.

Note, that PostgreSQL 13+ is required, as well as having wal_level at replica or logical level.

Note, that if host starts with a / it represents a path and pgmoneta will connect using a Unix Domain Socket.

extra parameter

The extra configuration is set in the server section. It is not required, but if you configure this parameter, when you perform a backup using the CLI pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf backup primary, it will also copy all specified files on the server side and send them back to the client side.

This extra feature requires the server side to install the pgmoneta_ext extension and also make the user repl a SUPERUSER (this will be improved in the future). Currently, this feature is only available to the SUPERUSER role.

You can set up pgmoneta_ext by following the README to easily install the extension. There are also more detailed instructions available in the DEVELOPERS documentation.

The format for the extra parameter is a path to a file or directory. You can list more than one file or directory separated by commas. The format is as follows:

extra = /tmp/myfile1, /tmp/myfile2, /tmp/mydir1, /tmp/mydir2

pgmoneta_users configuration

The pgmoneta_users configuration defines the users known to the system. This file is created and managed through the pgmoneta-admin tool.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -u flag or /etc/pgmoneta/pgmoneta_users.conf.

pgmoneta_admins configuration

The pgmoneta_admins configuration defines the administrators known to the system. This file is created and managed through the pgmoneta-admin tool.

The configuration is loaded from either the path specified by the -A flag or /etc/pgmoneta/pgmoneta_admins.conf.

If pgmoneta has both Transport Layer Security (TLS) and management enabled then pgmoneta-cli can connect with TLS using the files ~/.pgmoneta/pgmoneta.key (must be 0600 permission), ~/.pgmoneta/pgmoneta.crt and ~/.pgmoneta/root.crt.