NOTE: In general, this is not intended to be the first example you touch when exploring Equinox (see for a more progressive sequence of things to explore)
This project was generated using:
dotnet new -i Equinox.Templates # just once, to install/update in the local templates store
dotnet new proHotel
The purpose of this template is to demonstrate the core aspects of implementing a Reactor:
- a Domain model that implements the basic behavior of the aggregates in the model (without directly implementing the reaction logic itself)
- a Reactor host project that owns the reactive element of a process, using Propulsion to manage the reading and dispatching of events (the Process implementation itself uses the Domain layer to effect some of the reactions)
- a Process Manager
implemented using
- Unit testing reactions with a MemoryStore (without using Propulsion components or wiring up subscriptions)
- Illustrates how to have a single end-to-end scenario that involves a
requirement for the Reactor application to drive some aspect of the processing
within an application. As part of that, a single scenario implementation is
coupled to one of the available sets of infrastructure
- A MemoryStore integration testing scenario that runs an equivalent of the Reactor host without a store dependency, with deterministic waits for reactions to process after the triggering command is executed
- A Concrete store integration testing scenario that uses wiring that maximizes the wiring code shared with the actual Reactor Host application. In this scenario, steps relying on reaction processing may require retrying parts that rely on a reaction having been carried out in response to a notification propagated from the store's event feed
- while the design is intended to provide for the implementation of correct
behavior in the face of concurrent activity on a given
aggregate (e.g., when two clerks concurrently try to merge a stay into differentGroupCheckout
s), that's intentionally not implemented here in order to allow a reader to absorb the high level structure rather than getting lost in a sea of details.
The aggregates and events are based on the scenario as outlined and implemented in The code (in C#) and video over explains the scenario in full.
Having said that, here's a brief overview of how the behavior or the system is split:
represents the events tracked as part of an individual's stay in the hotel. It's anticipated that the bulk of hotel stays are individually managed. As such, the typical conclusion to the activities is to have a normalCheckedOut
event mark the point at which payment has been accounted for and the stay no longer requires tracking -
records the activity of collectively managing the checkout of a set of Stays.- The clerk identifies a set of stays that are to be checked out ('StaysSelected')
- The reactor visits each in turn, recording the unpaid amount for each Stay
in a
event on the GroupCheckout (or, if the Stay has already been added to another Group, or directlyCheckedOut
, aMergeFailed
is used to record that fact) - (further stays can be added at any time prior to completion)
- A payment can be recorded as
at any time - The GroupCheckout can be
as complete when the total residual amountsStaysMerged
gathered by the Reactor have beenPaid
While the original implementation uses the Saga Pattern and a Message Bus to
coordinate the transfer of the balance of the GuestStay balance onto the
, this implementation uses the following key elements instead:
- Cross-stream work is entirely driven by the processing of events from the store's change feed (this means there is no reliance on a Command Bus / pub-sub queue to hold the in-process work)
- While the
does participate in the process as a whole (noting the id of theGroupCheckout
to which it has been merged into), none of the processing is in reaction to events on theGuestStay
- A
stream maintains a Todo List of stays that the Group has been asked to take over the management of - That Todo list is the State for the Process Manager (the relevant pieces of
the overall State get mapped to
) - Propulsion is used to wire from the subscription to the
event category to theReactor.Handler
. Whenever one or more events are pending processing for a given stream, the relevant backlog ofevents
are passed to thehandler
. Propulsion guarantees that there will only be a single handler invocation in flight at any time for a given stream. - While the
event is the primary event that drives the need for the reactor do carry out activities, we read the full state in order that we don't have to re-visit Stays that we know we have already merged into theGroupCheckout
. Instead, we load the full state of the Checkout and walk only the Stays that have not yet had either a success or failure outcome recorded for them.
The process is not necessarily dependent on the Reactor being able to immediately see the events notified on the change feed.
if event 0 is
, that will trigger the handler. If the Handler attempts to readGroupCheckout
state_ but that event has not yet propagated to the node from which the Handler reads_, the State will beFlow.Action.Ready 0
, and the Handler will immediately yield aSpanResult.OverrideNextIndex 0
if the read does include the
, then the State will beFlow.Action.MergeStays { stays = (6 stayIds) }
. TheGroupCheckoutProcess
(concurrently) visits each of the Stays identified by the current pendingstayIds
. If there are 5 successes and 1 failure, the result isStaysMerged { stays = [{stayId = ..., residual = ...], ...]}
andMergesFailed { stays = [ (stayid) ]}
. After writing those two events to the stream, the version has moved from1
, resulting inSpanResult.OverrideNextIndex 3
.This implies one of the following two possible outcomes:
- Propulsion notes we are at Version 3 and will discard events 1 and 2 on receipt from the change feed, without even entering the streams buffer (and no further handler invocations take place)
- At the point where Propulsion sees the
, events and/or 2 have already been read and buffered ready for dispatch. In this case, the events are removed from the buffer immediately (and no further handler invocations take place)
Depending on the concrete store you choose you'll need some setup.
See the MessageDb section in the Equinox QuickStart
The following steps can establish a local dev test environment for exploration purposes:
- Create a docker-compose file
version: '3.7'
image: ethangarofolo/message-db
- "5432:5432"
- Create the checkpoints table
$ docker-compose up -d # starts the message-db
$ dotnet new tool-manifest # So we can install the propulsion tool
$ dotnet tool install Propulsion.Tool --prerelease
$ dotnet propulsion initpg -cs public -cc "Host=localhost; Username=postgres; Password=postgres" # creates the checkpoint table
- Run the reactor
$ CONNSTR="Host=localhost; Username=message_store; Password=" \
CPCONNSTR="Host=localhost; Username=postgres; Password=postgres" \
dotnet run --project Reactor -- \
--processorname MyProcessor \
mdb -c $CONNSTR -r $CONNSTR -cp $CPCONNSTR -cs public
See the DynamoDB section in the Equinox QuickStart
The following steps can establish a local dev test environment for exploration purposes:
- Create a docker-compose file
(If you want to use a local simulator; if you have an AWS DynamoDB environment available, you can of course use that too; see the QuickStart)
version: '3.7'
image: amazon/dynamodb-local
container_name: dynamodb-local
hostname: dynamodb-local
restart: always
- ./docker-dynamodblocal-data:/home/dynamodblocal/data
- 8000:8000
command: "-jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -dbPath /home/dynamodblocal/data/"
image: aaronshaf/dynamodb-admin
- "8001:8001"
DYNAMO_ENDPOINT: "http://dynamodb-local:8000"
AWS_REGION: "us-west-2"
- dynamodb-local
- Set up the table, indexer, ....
(see the Equinox QuickStart for the steps to initialize the tables)