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Ram+enlargement #23

049940 opened this issue Dec 8, 2023 · 0 comments

Ram+enlargement #23

049940 opened this issue Dec 8, 2023 · 0 comments


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049940 commented Dec 8, 2023

xrange = range

dataset = tf_mnist_loader.read_data_sets("mnist_data")
save_dir = "chckPts/"
save_prefix = "save"
summaryFolderName = "summary/"

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
simulationName = str(sys.argv[1])
print("Simulation name = " + simulationName)
summaryFolderName = summaryFolderName + simulationName + "/"
saveImgs = True
imgsFolderName = "imgs/" + simulationName + "/"
if os.path.isdir(summaryFolderName) == False:
# if os.path.isdir(imgsFolderName) == False:
# os.mkdir(imgsFolderName)
saveImgs = False
print("Testing... image files will not be saved.")

start_step = 0
#load_path = None
load_path = save_dir + save_prefix + str(start_step) + ".ckpt"

to enable visualization, set draw to True

eval_only = False
draw = False
animate = False


translateMnist = 1
eyeCentered = 0

preTraining = 0
preTraining_epoch = 20000
drawReconsturction = 0

about translation

translated_img_size = 60 # side length of the picture

fixed_learning_rate = 0.001

if translateMnist:
img_size = translated_img_size
depth = 3 # number of zooms
sensorBandwidth = 12
minRadius = 8 # zooms -> minRadius * 2**<depth_level>

initLr = 1e-3
lr_min = 1e-4
lrDecayRate = .999
lrDecayFreq = 200
momentumValue = .9
batch_size = 64

img_size = MNIST_SIZE
depth = 1 # number of zooms
sensorBandwidth = 8
minRadius = 4 # zooms -> minRadius * 2**<depth_level>

initLr = 1e-3
lrDecayRate = .99
lrDecayFreq = 200
momentumValue = .9
batch_size = 20

model parameters

channels = 1 # mnist are grayscale images
totalSensorBandwidth = depth * channels * (sensorBandwidth **2)
nGlimpses = 6 # number of glimpses
loc_sd = 0.22 # std when setting the location

network units

hg_size = 128 #
hl_size = 128 #
g_size = 256 #
cell_size = 256 #
cell_out_size = cell_size #

paramters about the training examples

n_classes = 10 # card(Y)

training parameters

max_iters = 1000000
SMALL_NUM = 1e-10

resource prellocation

mean_locs = [] # expectation of locations
sampled_locs = [] # sampled locations ~N(mean_locs[.], loc_sd)
baselines = [] # baseline, the value prediction
glimpse_images = [] # to show in window

set the weights to be small random values, with truncated normal distribution

def weight_variable(shape, myname, train):
initial = tf.random_uniform(shape, minval=-0.1, maxval = 0.1)
return tf.Variable(initial, name=myname, trainable=train)

get local glimpses

def glimpseSensor(img, normLoc):
loc = tf.round(((normLoc + 1) / 2.0) * img_size) # normLoc coordinates are between -1 and 1
loc = tf.cast(loc, tf.int32)

img = tf.reshape(img, (batch_size, img_size, img_size, channels))

# process each image individually
zooms = []
for k in range(batch_size):
    imgZooms = []
    one_img = img[k,:,:,:]
    max_radius = minRadius * (2 ** (depth - 1))
    offset = 2 * max_radius

    # pad image with zeros
    one_img = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(one_img, offset, offset, \
                                           max_radius * 4 + img_size, max_radius * 4 + img_size)

    for i in range(depth):
        r = int(minRadius * (2 ** (i)))

        d_raw = 2 * r
        d = tf.constant(d_raw, shape=[1])
        d = tf.tile(d, [2])
        loc_k = loc[k,:]
        adjusted_loc = offset + loc_k - r
        one_img2 = tf.reshape(one_img, (one_img.get_shape()[0].value, one_img.get_shape()[1].value))

        # crop image to (d x d)
        zoom = tf.slice(one_img2, adjusted_loc, d)

        # resize cropped image to (sensorBandwidth x sensorBandwidth)
        zoom = tf.image.resize_bilinear(tf.reshape(zoom, (1, d_raw, d_raw, 1)), (sensorBandwidth, sensorBandwidth))
        zoom = tf.reshape(zoom, (sensorBandwidth, sensorBandwidth))


zooms = tf.stack(zooms)


return zooms

implements the input network

def get_glimpse(loc):
# get input using the previous location
glimpse_input = glimpseSensor(inputs_placeholder, loc)
glimpse_input = tf.reshape(glimpse_input, (batch_size, totalSensorBandwidth))

# the hidden units that process location & the input
act_glimpse_hidden = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(glimpse_input, Wg_g_h) + Bg_g_h)
act_loc_hidden = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(loc, Wg_l_h) + Bg_l_h)

# the hidden units that integrates the location & the glimpses
glimpseFeature1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(act_glimpse_hidden, Wg_hg_gf1) + tf.matmul(act_loc_hidden, Wg_hl_gf1) + Bg_hlhg_gf1)
# return g
# glimpseFeature2 = tf.matmul(glimpseFeature1, Wg_gf1_gf2) + Bg_gf1_gf2
return glimpseFeature1

def get_next_input(output):
# the next location is computed by the location network
core_net_out = tf.stop_gradient(output)

# baseline = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(core_net_out, Wb_h_b) + Bb_h_b)
baseline = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(core_net_out, Wb_h_b) + Bb_h_b)

# compute the next location, then impose noise
if eyeCentered:
    # add the last sampled glimpse location
    # TODO max(-1, min(1, u + N(output, sigma) + prevLoc))
    mean_loc = tf.maximum(-1.0, tf.minimum(1.0, tf.matmul(core_net_out, Wl_h_l) + sampled_locs[-1] ))
    # mean_loc = tf.clip_by_value(tf.matmul(core_net_out, Wl_h_l) + Bl_h_l, -1, 1)
    mean_loc = tf.matmul(core_net_out, Wl_h_l) + Bl_h_l
    mean_loc = tf.clip_by_value(mean_loc, -1, 1)
# mean_loc = tf.stop_gradient(mean_loc)

# add noise
# sample_loc = tf.tanh(mean_loc + tf.random_normal(mean_loc.get_shape(), 0, loc_sd))
sample_loc = tf.maximum(-1.0, tf.minimum(1.0, mean_loc + tf.random_normal(mean_loc.get_shape(), 0, loc_sd)))

# don't propagate throught the locations
sample_loc = tf.stop_gradient(sample_loc)

return get_glimpse(sample_loc)

def affineTransform(x,output_dim):
affine transformation Wx+b
assumes x.shape = (batch_size, num_features)
w=tf.get_variable("w", [x.get_shape()[1], output_dim])
b=tf.get_variable("b", [output_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
return tf.matmul(x,w)+b

def model():

# initialize the location under unif[-1,1], for all example in the batch
initial_loc = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, 2), minval=-1, maxval=1)

# initial_loc = tf.tanh(initial_loc + tf.random_normal(initial_loc.get_shape(), 0, loc_sd))
initial_loc = tf.clip_by_value(initial_loc + tf.random_normal(initial_loc.get_shape(), 0, loc_sd), -1, 1)


# get the input using the input network
initial_glimpse = get_glimpse(initial_loc)

# set up the recurrent structure
inputs = [0] * nGlimpses
outputs = [0] * nGlimpses
glimpse = initial_glimpse
REUSE = None
for t in range(nGlimpses):
    if t == 0:  # initialize the hidden state to be the zero vector
        hiddenState_prev = tf.zeros((batch_size, cell_size))
        hiddenState_prev = outputs[t-1]

    # forward prop
    with tf.variable_scope("coreNetwork", reuse=REUSE):
        # the next hidden state is a function of the previous hidden state and the current glimpse
        hiddenState = tf.nn.relu(affineTransform(hiddenState_prev, cell_size) + (tf.matmul(glimpse, Wc_g_h) + Bc_g_h))

    # save the current glimpse and the hidden state
    inputs[t] = glimpse
    outputs[t] = hiddenState
    # get the next input glimpse
    if t != nGlimpses -1:
        glimpse = get_next_input(hiddenState)
        first_hiddenState = tf.stop_gradient(hiddenState)
        # baseline = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(first_hiddenState, Wb_h_b) + Bb_h_b)
        baseline = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(first_hiddenState, Wb_h_b) + Bb_h_b)
    REUSE = True  # share variables for later recurrence

return outputs

def dense_to_one_hot(labels_dense, num_classes=10):
"""Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors."""
# copied from TensorFlow tutorial
num_labels = labels_dense.shape[0]
index_offset = np.arange(num_labels) * num_classes
labels_one_hot = np.zeros((num_labels, num_classes))
labels_one_hot.flat[index_offset + labels_dense.ravel()] = 1
return labels_one_hot

to use for maximum likelihood with input location

def gaussian_pdf(mean, sample):
Z = 1.0 / (loc_sd * tf.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi))
a = -tf.square(sample - mean) / (2.0 * tf.square(loc_sd))
return Z * tf.exp(a)

def calc_reward(outputs):

# consider the action at the last time step
outputs = outputs[-1] # look at ONLY THE END of the sequence
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, (batch_size, cell_out_size))

# get the baseline
b = tf.stack(baselines)
b = tf.concat(axis=2, values=[b, b])
b = tf.reshape(b, (batch_size, (nGlimpses) * 2))
no_grad_b = tf.stop_gradient(b)

# get the action(classification)
p_y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(outputs, Wa_h_a) + Ba_h_a)
max_p_y = tf.arg_max(p_y, 1)
correct_y = tf.cast(labels_placeholder, tf.int64)

# reward for all examples in the batch
R = tf.cast(tf.equal(max_p_y, correct_y), tf.float32)
reward = tf.reduce_mean(R) # mean reward
R = tf.reshape(R, (batch_size, 1))
R = tf.tile(R, [1, (nGlimpses)*2])

# get the location

p_loc = gaussian_pdf(mean_locs, sampled_locs)
# p_loc = tf.tanh(p_loc)

p_loc_orig = p_loc
p_loc = tf.reshape(p_loc, (batch_size, (nGlimpses) * 2))

# define the cost function
J = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[tf.log(p_y + SMALL_NUM) * (onehot_labels_placeholder), tf.log(p_loc + SMALL_NUM) * (R - no_grad_b)])
J = tf.reduce_sum(J, 1)
J = J - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(R - b), 1)
J = tf.reduce_mean(J, 0)
cost = -J
var_list = tf.trainable_variables()
grads = tf.gradients(cost, var_list)
grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, 0.5)
# define the optimizer
# lr_max = tf.maximum(lr, lr_min)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
# optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, momentumValue)
# train_op = optimizer.minimize(cost, global_step)
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, var_list), global_step=global_step)

return cost, reward, max_p_y, correct_y, train_op, b, tf.reduce_mean(b), tf.reduce_mean(R - b), lr

def preTrain(outputs):
lr_r = 1e-3
# consider the action at the last time step
outputs = outputs[-1] # look at ONLY THE END of the sequence
outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, (batch_size, cell_out_size))
# if preTraining:
reconstruction = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(outputs, Wr_h_r) + Br_h_r)
reconstructionCost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(inputs_placeholder - reconstruction))

train_op_r = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr_r).minimize(reconstructionCost)
return reconstructionCost, reconstruction, train_op_r

def evaluate():
data = dataset.test
batches_in_epoch = len(data._images) // batch_size
accuracy = 0

for i in range(batches_in_epoch):
    nextX, nextY = dataset.test.next_batch(batch_size)
    if translateMnist:
        nextX, _ = convertTranslated(nextX, MNIST_SIZE, img_size)
    feed_dict = {inputs_placeholder: nextX, labels_placeholder: nextY,
                 onehot_labels_placeholder: dense_to_one_hot(nextY)}
    r =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
    accuracy += r

accuracy /= batches_in_epoch
print(("ACCURACY: " + str(accuracy)))

def convertTranslated(images, initImgSize, finalImgSize):
size_diff = finalImgSize - initImgSize
newimages = np.zeros([batch_size, finalImgSizefinalImgSize])
imgCoord = np.zeros([batch_size,2])
for k in range(batch_size):
image = images[k, :]
image = np.reshape(image, (initImgSize, initImgSize))
# generate and save random coordinates
randX = random.randint(0, size_diff)
randY = random.randint(0, size_diff)
imgCoord[k,:] = np.array([randX, randY])
# padding
image = np.lib.pad(image, ((randX, size_diff - randX), (randY, size_diff - randY)), 'constant', constant_values = (0))
newimages[k, :] = np.reshape(image, (finalImgSize

return newimages, imgCoord

def toMnistCoordinates(coordinate_tanh):
Transform coordinate in [-1,1] to mnist
:param coordinate_tanh: vector in [-1,1] x [-1,1]
:return: vector in the corresponding mnist coordinate
return np.round(((coordinate_tanh + 1) / 2.0) * img_size)

def variable_summaries(var, name):
"""Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor."""
with tf.name_scope('param_summaries'):
mean = tf.reduce_mean(var)
tf.summary.scalar('param_mean/' + name, mean)
with tf.name_scope('param_stddev'):
stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(var - mean)))
tf.summary.scalar('param_sttdev/' + name, stddev)
tf.summary.scalar('param_max/' + name, tf.reduce_max(var))
tf.summary.scalar('param_min/' + name, tf.reduce_min(var))
tf.summary.histogram(name, var)

def plotWholeImg(img, img_size, sampled_locs_fetched):
plt.imshow(np.reshape(img, [img_size, img_size]),
cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'), interpolation="nearest")

plt.ylim((img_size - 1, 0))
plt.xlim((0, img_size - 1))

# transform the coordinate to mnist map
sampled_locs_mnist_fetched = toMnistCoordinates(sampled_locs_fetched)
# visualize the trace of successive nGlimpses (note that x and y coordinates are "flipped")
plt.plot(sampled_locs_mnist_fetched[0, :, 1], sampled_locs_mnist_fetched[0, :, 0], '-o',
plt.plot(sampled_locs_mnist_fetched[0, -1, 1], sampled_locs_mnist_fetched[0, -1, 0], 'o',

with tf.device('/gpu:1'):

with tf.Graph().as_default():

    # set the learning rate
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
    lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(initLr, global_step, lrDecayFreq, lrDecayRate, staircase=True)

    # preallocate x, y, baseline
    labels = tf.placeholder("float32", shape=[batch_size, n_classes])
    labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size), name="labels_raw")
    onehot_labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, 10), name="labels_onehot")
    inputs_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, img_size * img_size), name="images")

    # declare the model parameters, here're naming rule:
    # the 1st captical letter: weights or bias (W = weights, B = bias)
    # the 2nd lowercase letter: the network (e.g.: g = glimpse network)
    # the 3rd and 4th letter(s): input-output mapping, which is clearly written in the variable name argument

    Wg_l_h = weight_variable((2, hl_size), "glimpseNet_wts_location_hidden", True)
    Bg_l_h = weight_variable((1,hl_size), "glimpseNet_bias_location_hidden", True)

    Wg_g_h = weight_variable((totalSensorBandwidth, hg_size), "glimpseNet_wts_glimpse_hidden", True)
    Bg_g_h = weight_variable((1,hg_size), "glimpseNet_bias_glimpse_hidden", True)

    Wg_hg_gf1 = weight_variable((hg_size, g_size), "glimpseNet_wts_hiddenGlimpse_glimpseFeature1", True)
    Wg_hl_gf1 = weight_variable((hl_size, g_size), "glimpseNet_wts_hiddenLocation_glimpseFeature1", True)
    Bg_hlhg_gf1 = weight_variable((1,g_size), "glimpseNet_bias_hGlimpse_hLocs_glimpseFeature1", True)

    Wc_g_h = weight_variable((cell_size, g_size), "coreNet_wts_glimpse_hidden", True)
    Bc_g_h = weight_variable((1,g_size), "coreNet_bias_glimpse_hidden", True)

    Wr_h_r = weight_variable((cell_out_size, img_size**2), "reconstructionNet_wts_hidden_action", True)
    Br_h_r = weight_variable((1, img_size**2), "reconstructionNet_bias_hidden_action", True)

    Wb_h_b = weight_variable((g_size, 1), "baselineNet_wts_hiddenState_baseline", True)
    Bb_h_b = weight_variable((1,1), "baselineNet_bias_hiddenState_baseline", True)

    Wl_h_l = weight_variable((cell_out_size, 2), "locationNet_wts_hidden_location", True)
    Bl_h_l = weight_variable((1, 2), "locationNet_bias_hidden_location", True)

    Wa_h_a = weight_variable((cell_out_size, n_classes), "actionNet_wts_hidden_action", True)
    Ba_h_a = weight_variable((1,n_classes),  "actionNet_bias_hidden_action", True)

    # query the model ouput
    outputs = model()

    # convert list of tensors to one big tensor
    sampled_locs = tf.concat(axis=0, values=sampled_locs)
    sampled_locs = tf.reshape(sampled_locs, (nGlimpses, batch_size, 2))
    sampled_locs = tf.transpose(sampled_locs, [1, 0, 2])
    mean_locs = tf.concat(axis=0, values=mean_locs)
    mean_locs = tf.reshape(mean_locs, (nGlimpses, batch_size, 2))
    mean_locs = tf.transpose(mean_locs, [1, 0, 2])
    glimpse_images = tf.concat(axis=0, values=glimpse_images)

    # compute the reward
    reconstructionCost, reconstruction, train_op_r = preTrain(outputs)
    cost, reward, predicted_labels, correct_labels, train_op, b, avg_b, rminusb, lr = calc_reward(outputs)

    # tensorboard visualization for the parameters
    variable_summaries(Wg_l_h, "glimpseNet_wts_location_hidden")
    variable_summaries(Bg_l_h, "glimpseNet_bias_location_hidden")
    variable_summaries(Wg_g_h, "glimpseNet_wts_glimpse_hidden")
    variable_summaries(Bg_g_h, "glimpseNet_bias_glimpse_hidden")
    variable_summaries(Wg_hg_gf1, "glimpseNet_wts_hiddenGlimpse_glimpseFeature1")
    variable_summaries(Wg_hl_gf1, "glimpseNet_wts_hiddenLocation_glimpseFeature1")
    variable_summaries(Bg_hlhg_gf1, "glimpseNet_bias_hGlimpse_hLocs_glimpseFeature1")

    variable_summaries(Wc_g_h, "coreNet_wts_glimpse_hidden")
    variable_summaries(Bc_g_h, "coreNet_bias_glimpse_hidden")

    variable_summaries(Wb_h_b, "baselineNet_wts_hiddenState_baseline")
    variable_summaries(Bb_h_b, "baselineNet_bias_hiddenState_baseline")

    variable_summaries(Wl_h_l, "locationNet_wts_hidden_location")

    variable_summaries(Wa_h_a, 'actionNet_wts_hidden_action')
    variable_summaries(Ba_h_a, 'actionNet_bias_hidden_action')

    # tensorboard visualization for the performance metrics
    tf.summary.scalar("reconstructionCost", reconstructionCost)
    tf.summary.scalar("reward", reward)
    tf.summary.scalar("cost", cost)
    tf.summary.scalar("mean(b)", avg_b)
    tf.summary.scalar("mean(R - b)", rminusb)
    summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()

    ####################################### START RUNNING THE MODEL #######################################

    sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)
    sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=sess_config)

    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    b_fetched = np.zeros((batch_size, (nGlimpses)*2))

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    if eval_only:
        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summaryFolderName, graph=sess.graph)

        if draw:
            fig = plt.figure(1)
            txt = fig.suptitle("-", fontsize=36, fontweight='bold')
            plotImgs = []

        if drawReconsturction:
            fig = plt.figure(2)
            txt = fig.suptitle("-", fontsize=36, fontweight='bold')

        if preTraining:
            for epoch_r in range(1,preTraining_epoch):
                nextX, _ = dataset.train.next_batch(batch_size)
                nextX_orig = nextX
                if translateMnist:
                    nextX, _ = convertTranslated(nextX, MNIST_SIZE, img_size)

                fetches_r = [reconstructionCost, reconstruction, train_op_r]

                reconstructionCost_fetched, reconstruction_fetched, train_op_r_fetched =, feed_dict={inputs_placeholder: nextX})

                if epoch_r % 20 == 0:
                    print(('Step %d: reconstructionCost = %.5f' % (epoch_r, reconstructionCost_fetched)))
                    if epoch_r % 100 == 0:
                        if drawReconsturction:
                            fig = plt.figure(2)

                            plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
                            plt.imshow(np.reshape(nextX[0, :], [img_size, img_size]),
                                       cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'), interpolation="nearest")
                            plt.ylim((img_size - 1, 0))
                            plt.xlim((0, img_size - 1))

                            plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
                            plt.imshow(np.reshape(reconstruction_fetched[0, :], [img_size, img_size]),
                                       cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'), interpolation="nearest")
                            plt.ylim((img_size - 1, 0))
                            plt.xlim((0, img_size - 1))

        # training
        for epoch in range(start_step + 1, max_iters):
            start_time = time.time()

            # get the next batch of examples
            nextX, nextY = dataset.train.next_batch(batch_size)
            nextX_orig = nextX
            if translateMnist:
                nextX, nextX_coord = convertTranslated(nextX, MNIST_SIZE, img_size)

            feed_dict = {inputs_placeholder: nextX, labels_placeholder: nextY, \
                         onehot_labels_placeholder: dense_to_one_hot(nextY)}

            fetches = [train_op, cost, reward, predicted_labels, correct_labels, glimpse_images, avg_b, rminusb, \
                       mean_locs, sampled_locs, lr]
            # feed them to the model
            results =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            _, cost_fetched, reward_fetched, prediction_labels_fetched, correct_labels_fetched, glimpse_images_fetched, \
            avg_b_fetched, rminusb_fetched, mean_locs_fetched, sampled_locs_fetched, lr_fetched = results

            duration = time.time() - start_time

            if epoch % 20 == 0:
                print(('Step %d: cost = %.5f reward = %.5f (%.3f sec) b = %.5f R-b = %.5f, LR = %.5f'
                      % (epoch, cost_fetched, reward_fetched, duration, avg_b_fetched, rminusb_fetched, lr_fetched)))
                summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, epoch)
                # if saveImgs:
                #     plt.savefig(imgsFolderName + simulationName + '_ep%.6d.png' % (epoch))

                if epoch % 5000 == 0:
          , save_dir + save_prefix + str(epoch) + ".ckpt")

                ##### DRAW WINDOW ################
                f_glimpse_images = np.reshape(glimpse_images_fetched, \
                                              (nGlimpses, batch_size, depth, sensorBandwidth, sensorBandwidth))

                if draw:
                    if animate:
                        fillList = False
                        if len(plotImgs) == 0:
                            fillList = True

                        # display the first image in the in mini-batch
                        nCols = depth+1
                        plt.subplot2grid((depth, nCols), (0, 1), rowspan=depth, colspan=depth)
                        # display the entire image
                        plotWholeImg(nextX[0, :], img_size, sampled_locs_fetched)

                        # display the glimpses
                        for y in range(nGlimpses):
                            txt.set_text('Epoch: %.6d \nPrediction: %i -- Truth: %i\nStep: %i/%i'
                                         % (epoch, prediction_labels_fetched[0], correct_labels_fetched[0], (y + 1), nGlimpses))

                            for x in range(depth):
                                plt.subplot(depth, nCols, 1 + nCols * x)
                                if fillList:
                                    plotImg = plt.imshow(f_glimpse_images[y, 0, x], cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'),
                                    plotImgs[x].set_data(f_glimpse_images[y, 0, x])
                            fillList = False

                            # fig.canvas.draw()

                        txt.set_text('PREDICTION: %i\nTRUTH: %i' % (prediction_labels_fetched[0], correct_labels_fetched[0]))
                        for x in range(depth):
                            for y in range(nGlimpses):
                                plt.subplot(depth, nGlimpses, x * nGlimpses + y + 1)
                                plt.imshow(f_glimpse_images[y, 0, x], cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'), interpolation="nearest")


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