TL;DR: EIP-4844引入了一种称为“blob”的数据格式,这种格式的数据不参与EVM执行,而是存储在共识层,每个数据块的生命周期为4096个epoch(约18天)。blob存在于l1主网上,由新的type3 transaction携带,每个区块最多能容纳6个blob,每个transaction最多可以携带6个blob。
Ethereum Evolved: Dencun Upgrade Part 5, EIP-4844
EIP-4844, Blobs, and Blob Gas: What you need to know
- submitter —— 负责将rollup数据发送到L1的组件
- fetcher —— 将L1的数据(旧rollup数据/deposit交易等)同步到L2中
- blob相关定义与实现 —— 如何获取和结构blob数据等内容等
- 其他相关设计部分 —— 如客户端支持blob类型交易的签名、与fault proof相关的设计等
Pull Request(8767) encoding & decoding
BlobSize = 4096 * 32
type Blob [BlobSize]byte
official specs about blob encoding
需要注意的是,此specs对应的是最新版本的代码,而下方PR截取的代码则为最初的简化版本。主要区别在于:Blob类型被分为4096个字段元素,每个字段元素的最大大小受限于特定模的大小,即math.log2(BLS_MODULUS) = 254.8570894...,这意味着每个字段元素的大小不会超过254位,即31.75字节。最初的演示代码只使用了31字节,放弃了0.75字节的空间。而在最新版本的代码中,通过四个字段元素的联合作用,充分利用了每个字段元素的0.75字节空间,从而提高了数据的使用效率。 以下为Pull Request(8767)的部分截取代码 通过4096次循环,它读取总共31*4096字节的数据,这些数据随后被加入到blob中。
func (b *Blob) FromData(data Data) error {
if len(data) > MaxBlobDataSize {
return fmt.Errorf("data is too large for blob. len=%v", len(data))
// encode 4-byte little-endian length value into topmost 4 bytes (out of 31) of first field
// element
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b[1:5], uint32(len(data)))
// encode first 27 bytes of input data into remaining bytes of first field element
offset := copy(b[5:32], data)
// encode (up to) 31 bytes of remaining input data at a time into the subsequent field element
for i := 1; i < 4096; i++ {
offset += copy(b[i*32+1:i*32+32], data[offset:])
if offset == len(data) {
if offset < len(data) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fit all data into blob. bytes remaining: %v", len(data)-offset)
return nil
func (b *Blob) ToData() (Data, error) {
data := make(Data, 4096*32)
for i := 0; i < 4096; i++ {
if b[i*32] != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid blob, found non-zero high order byte %x of field element %d", b[i*32], i)
copy(data[i*31:i*31+31], b[i*32+1:i*32+32])
// extract the length prefix & trim the output accordingly
dataLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[:4])
data = data[4:]
if dataLen > uint32(len(data)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid blob, length prefix out of range: %d", dataLen)
data = data[:dataLen]
return data, nil
switch c.DataAvailabilityType {
case flags.CalldataType:
case flags.BlobsType:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown data availability type: %v", c.DataAvailabilityType)
func (l *BatchSubmitter) sendTransaction(txdata txData, queue *txmgr.Queue[txData], receiptsCh chan txmgr.TxReceipt[txData]) error {
// Do the gas estimation offline. A value of 0 will cause the [txmgr] to estimate the gas limit.
data := txdata.Bytes()
var candidate *txmgr.TxCandidate
if l.Config.UseBlobs {
var err error
if candidate, err = l.blobTxCandidate(data); err != nil {
// We could potentially fall through and try a calldata tx instead, but this would
// likely result in the chain spending more in gas fees than it is tuned for, so best
// to just fail. We do not expect this error to trigger unless there is a serious bug
// or configuration issue.
return fmt.Errorf("could not create blob tx candidate: %w", err)
} else {
candidate = l.calldataTxCandidate(data)
intrinsicGas, err := core.IntrinsicGas(candidate.TxData, nil, false, true, true, false)
if err != nil {
// we log instead of return an error here because txmgr can do its own gas estimation
l.Log.Error("Failed to calculate intrinsic gas", "err", err)
} else {
candidate.GasLimit = intrinsicGas
queue.Send(txdata, *candidate, receiptsCh)
return nil
func (l *BatchSubmitter) blobTxCandidate(data []byte) (*txmgr.TxCandidate, error) {
var b eth.Blob
if err := b.FromData(data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("data could not be converted to blob: %w", err)
return &txmgr.TxCandidate{
To: &l.RollupConfig.BatchInboxAddress,
Blobs: []*eth.Blob{&b},
}, nil
GetBlob负责获取blob数据,其主要逻辑包括利用4096个字段元素构建完整的blob,并通过commitment验证构建的blob的正确性。 同时,GetBlob也参与了上层L1Retrieval中的逻辑流程。
func (p *PreimageOracle) GetBlob(ref eth.L1BlockRef, blobHash eth.IndexedBlobHash) *eth.Blob {
// Send a hint for the blob commitment & blob field elements.
blobReqMeta := make([]byte, 16)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(blobReqMeta[0:8], blobHash.Index)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(blobReqMeta[8:16], ref.Time)
p.hint.Hint(BlobHint(append(blobHash.Hash[:], blobReqMeta...)))
commitment :=
// Reconstruct the full blob from the 4096 field elements.
blob := eth.Blob{}
fieldElemKey := make([]byte, 80)
copy(fieldElemKey[:48], commitment)
for i := 0; i < params.BlobTxFieldElementsPerBlob; i++ {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(fieldElemKey[72:], uint64(i))
fieldElement :=
copy(blob[i<<5:(i+1)<<5], fieldElement[:])
blobCommitment, err := blob.ComputeKZGCommitment()
if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(blobCommitment[:], commitment[:]) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid blob commitment: %w", err))
return &blob
除了以上几个主要模块外,还包含例如负责签署type3类型transaction的client sign模块,和fault proof相关涉及的模块,fault proof会在下一章节进行详细描述,这里就不过多赘述了