Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Option<i32> | [optional][readonly] | |
url | Option<String> | [optional][readonly] | |
display | Option<String> | [optional][readonly] | |
content_types | Vec | ||
r#type | Option<String> | The type of data this custom field holds | [optional] |
object_type | Option<String> | [optional] | |
data_type | Option<String> | [optional][readonly] | |
name | String | Internal field name | |
label | Option<String> | Name of the field as displayed to users (if not provided, the field's name will be used) | [optional] |
group_name | Option<String> | Custom fields within the same group will be displayed together | [optional] |
description | Option<String> | [optional] | |
required | Option<bool> | If true, this field is required when creating new objects or editing an existing object. | [optional] |
search_weight | Option<i32> | Weighting for search. Lower values are considered more important. Fields with a search weight of zero will be ignored. | [optional] |
filter_logic | Option<String> | Loose matches any instance of a given string; exact matches the entire field. | [optional] |
ui_visibility | Option<String> | Specifies the visibility of custom field in the UI | [optional] |
default | Option<serde_json::Value> | Default value for the field (must be a JSON value). Encapsulate strings with double quotes (e.g. "Foo"). | [optional] |
weight | Option<i32> | Fields with higher weights appear lower in a form. | [optional] |
validation_minimum | Option<i32> | Minimum allowed value (for numeric fields) | [optional] |
validation_maximum | Option<i32> | Maximum allowed value (for numeric fields) | [optional] |
validation_regex | Option<String> | Regular expression to enforce on text field values. Use ^ and $ to force matching of entire string. For example, ^[A-Z]{3}$ will limit values to exactly three uppercase letters. |
[optional] |
choices | Option<Vec> | Comma-separated list of available choices (for selection fields) | [optional] |
created | Option<String> | [optional][readonly] | |
last_updated | Option<String> | [optional][readonly] |