Control NEC commercial displays over Ethernet.
Based on the protocol described in ExternalControlManual-RS232LANX461SX551S_en.pdf and ExternalControlManual-VSeries321-421-461_en.pdf, available via the Internet in select areas.
This was written for an internal project at my workplace. The full protocol is not -- and probably will never be -- implemented, simply because we don't need it. The basic framework (i.e., "the hard part") is done, though, and extending it should be trivial if you need additional functionality. You are encouraged to fork this project and add to it. This repository may not be actively maintained, but it is provided as a convenience to whoever may need a starting point for such a thing. I admit that a majority of the code handling and message structure is 'dirty' and inconsistent, but it currently serves its purpose.
git clone
npm install
- Edit nec-minion.js to configure settings
node nec-minion.js
node nec-minion.js
Set up your Faye secret and inventory list in nec-minion.js.
- nec-minion.js (runs as daemon, uses nec-lib.js; intended to be controlled from a Faye network, eg. from a front-end webpage also connected to Faye)
- nec-lib.js (built from protocol document, maintains TCP connection(s) to NEC displays, handles command throttling)
NEC displays <- nec-lib.js <- nec-minion.js <- faye commands <- front-end
NEC displays -> nec-lib.js -> nec-minion.js -> faye replies -> front-end
faye.publish('/tv/cnc', {cmd: 'set', who: name, param: 'volume', value: ev.value});
faye.publish('/tv/cnc', {cmd: 'get', who:, param: 'volume'});
faye.publish('/tv/cnc', {cmd: 'inventory'});
var setSliderValue = function (message) {
if(typeof message.payload === 'undefined' || typeof message.payload.value['ok'] === 'undefined' || message.payload.value['ok'] !== true) {
console.log('-- Error querying display', message.who);
.slider('setValue', message.payload.value.value);
var tvs = faye.subscribe('/tv/reply', function(message) {
if(typeof message.cmd === 'undefined') return;
switch(message.cmd) {
case 'inventory': /* initInventory(scope, message); */ break;
case 'get': setSliderValue(message) /* be lazy, assume we're getting back a volume, so we set the sliders. If we ever add more controls,
we need to build in more smarts right here: inspect message.param, message.value, etc -hj 2014-02-02*/
default: return; break;