This plugin provides a consumer for use with Arista Networks’ Latency Analyzer (LANZ)
Metrics are read from a stream of data via TCP through port 50001 on the switches management IP. The data is in Protobuffers format. For more information on Arista LANZ
This plugin uses Arista's sdk.
You will need to configure LANZ and enable streaming LANZ data.
servers = [
For more details on the metrics see
- lanz_congestion_record:
- tags:
- intf_name
- switch_id
- port_id
- entry_type
- traffic_class
- fabric_peer_intf_name
- source
- port
- fields:
- timestamp (integer)
- queue_size (integer)
- time_of_max_qlen (integer)
- tx_latency (integer)
- q_drop_count (integer)
- tags:
- lanz_global_buffer_usage_record
- tags:
- entry_type
- source
- port
- fields:
- timestamp (integer)
- buffer_size (integer)
- duration (integer)
- tags:
Get the max tx_latency for the last hour for all interfaces on all switches.
SELECT max("tx_latency") AS "max_tx_latency" FROM "congestion_record" WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10s), "hostname", "intf_name"
Get the max tx_latency for the last hour for all interfaces on all switches.
SELECT max("queue_size") AS "max_queue_size" FROM "congestion_record" WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10s), "hostname", "intf_name"
Get the max buffer_size for over the last hour for all switches.
SELECT max("buffer_size") AS "max_buffer_size" FROM "global_buffer_usage_record" WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(10s), "hostname"
lanz_global_buffer_usage_record,entry_type=2,,port=50001, timestamp=158334105824919i,buffer_size=505i,duration=0i 1583341058300643815
lanz_congestion_record,entry_type=2,,intf_name=Ethernet36,port=50001,port_id=61,,switch_id=0,traffic_class=1 time_of_max_qlen=0i,tx_latency=564480i,q_drop_count=0i,timestamp=158334105824919i,queue_size=225i 1583341058300636045
lanz_global_buffer_usage_record,entry_type=2,,port=50001, timestamp=158334105824919i,buffer_size=589i,duration=0i 1583341058300457464
lanz_congestion_record,entry_type=1,,intf_name=Ethernet36,port=50001,port_id=61,,switch_id=0,traffic_class=1 q_drop_count=0i,timestamp=158334105824919i,queue_size=232i,time_of_max_qlen=0i,tx_latency=584640i 1583341058300450302