- :help help.txt ---> all documents(help home page)
- :help index.txt ---> a list of all commands for each mode
- :help motion.txt ---> cursor motions
- :help scroll.txt ---> scroll page up/down/left/right
- :help pattern.txt ---> Search and replace used patterns, e.g. regular expression, exscaping, etc.
- :help magic ---> Use magic to ease pattern escaping
- :help object-select ---> How to select a word, inner word, etc.
- :help cmdline.txt ---> Command line mode help
- :help function-list ---> builtin functions of vim (:help functions also work)
- :help option-list ---> a list/toc of all vim options, such as viminfo, etc.
- :help keycodes ---> List key codes
- :help key-notation ---> list all recognized keys (for key map definition)
his / q: ---> list command history :sav <name> ---> Save the file as
:set ---> list all currently options which are different from the default
:version ---> Check features enabled/compiled in vim
:colorscheme desert ---> Change color schemes
:set [no]wrap ---> world wrap
:set relativenumber ---> Show line number relatively based on current line
:messages ---> Show all messages, including errors
:echo &abc ---> Show the value of an option/value
:echo &buftype ---> Show current file's buffer type(quickfix, location list, etc.)
:retab ---> Replace tab as space based on tabstop
:RemoveTrailingSpaces ---> Remove all trailing spaces
:ccl / :cclose ---> Close quickfix window (:h quickfix)
:lcl / :lclose ---> Close location list window(:h location-list)
:set autoread ---> Auto read file if the external file has changed(such as a live log file)
:set conceallevel=0 ---> Stop hiding quotes for some files, such as json, markdown
:help filetype-overview ---> help for filetype plugin indent
:map ---> list all currently mapped keys
:verbose <command> ---> Show verebose information while running a command
:help key-notation :verbose imap <tab> :verbose nmap <c-q> :verbose nmap qq
:List supported file types and syntax highlight
:echo glob($VIMRUNTIME . '/ftplugin/*.vim') ---> List supported(builtin) file types :echo glob($VIMRUNTIME . '/syntax/*.vim') ---> List supported(builtin) syntax highlight
Get Values - :set <option name>? ---> Get option value, e.g., set ft? - :echo <variable name>/&<option name>/&l:<local variable name>/@<register name>
- * ---> Search the word under the cursor
- K ---> Open the manual(man) for the word under the cursor
- Ctrl + p ---> Auto complete
- Ctrl + y ---> Insert without line break for auto completition
- Ctrl + n/p ---> Select the next/previous choice from the auto completition list
- Ctrl + ] ---> Jump to the section under the cursor while browsing VIM documents (such as :help index)
- Ctrl + ^ ---> Jump back to origin file from alternative file
- Ctrl + u/d ---> Scroll up/down half screen (:help usr_03.txt)
- Ctrl + b/f ---> Scroll back/forward one full screen
- {} ---> Jump to previous/next paragraph
- Ctrl + G ---> Show the full path of the file being edited
- Reference ---> Refer to https://vim.rtorr.com/
- :map -> check existing map - :map <C-e>: checking the current key mapping for Ctr + e - :verbose map <C-e>: checking the current key mapping for Ctr + e with verbose information - :verbose imap <Tab>: checking the current key mapping for Tab with verbose information
- Examples - map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> - map <C-t> :Tagbar<CR>
- v - select range of text
- shift + v - select extire lines
- v/shift + v XG - select from current/line to the X line
- ctrl + v - select columns(may be some other key maps based on customization)
- v/foo - select from current position to the next instance of 'foo', n to next 'foo', ...
- ggvG - select all
- ma -> :<line num> -> shift + v -> 'a - select from mark 'a' to line num
- Copy all: ggyG
- Delete until/upto(also valid for c/y) - t/f
- dtx: delete until next character 'x'
- dfx: delete up to the previous character 'x'
- Delete until based on search - d/<pattern>
- Delete based on object-selection
- daw
- diw
- dab
- ...
- Delete the whole line matching a pattern
- :help :g
- :g/pattern/d
- Delete the whole line which does not match a pattern
- :help :v
- :v/pattern/d
Ctrl + V ---> column mode | V Select the columns and rows | V Shift + I ---> insert mode in column mode | V Type text | V Esc
- :jumps ---> Display Jumplist
- Ctrl + o ---> Jump backward
- Ctrl + i ---> Jump forward
- q<letter>: start recording to register letter, say d
- cmds : commands to make changes
- q : stop recording
- @<letter>: execute macro from register letter, say from register d
- @@ : execute the macro again
- Built-in tabs: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Using_tab_pages
- :help tabedit
- :help tabnext/tabn
- :help tabprevious/tabp
- tabedit <file name>: open file in a new tab
- gt/gT : go to next/previous tab
- vim tips: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Best_Vim_Tips
- vim plugins: http://vimawesome.com/
help digraphs: digraph intro help i_CTRL-V_digit: how to enter special chars help digraph-table: find the special chars to be used, and remember their hex representations, e.g., 0x00 and 2218 - input the special chars: enter insert mode -> <C-v>u<hex num. w/o 0x>, e.g., <C-v>u00, <C-v>u2218
- :help split
- shortcuts:
- <C-w>n : new horizontal split (editing a new empty buffer)
- <C-w>s : split window horizontally (editing current buffer)
- <C-w>v : vsplit window vertically (editing current buffer)
- <C-w>c : close window
- <C-w>o : close all windows, leaving only the current window open
- commands:
- :sp : split window horizontally (editing current buffer)
- :vsp : vsplit window vertically (editing current buffer)
- :sp <file> : open file in a horizontally splitted window
- :vsp <file> : opne file in a vertically splitted window
- :new : split window horizontally (editing an new/empty buffer)
- :vnew : vsplit window vertically (editing an new/empty buffer)
- split with an exisitng buffer
- :sb <num> : split horizontally and edit the existing buffer <num>
- :vert[ical] sb <num> : split vertically and edit the existing buffer <num>
- :help wincmd
- <C-w>r/R : rotate
- <C-w>K/J : rotate to top/bottom
- <C-w>H/L : rotate to left/right
- <C-w>T : move the splitted window as a tabview(another way to maximize window)
- <C-w>w : go to next window
- <C-w>p : go to previous window
- <C-w> + Up/Down/Left/Right : go to window above/below/left/right
- <C-w>| : maximize currentl vertically splitted window
- <C-w>_ : maximize current horizontally splitted window
- <C-w>= : make window size equally
- OR
- :resize +/- <num>
- :vert[ical] resize +/- <num>
Search lines which do not contain a word (refer to https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Search_for_lines_not_containing_pattern_and_other_helpful_searches):
/\v^((.*word.*)@!.)*$ /\v^(.*word)@!.*$
- \v: magic pattern (:help magic), ease the use of escape for special characters
- @!: does not match the preceding word
# :help search-range # search "pattern" between line 100(\%>100l) and 200(\%<200l) /\%>100l\%<200lpattern
- <pattern>c or c<pattern>(help \c): ignore case search/replace
- <pattern>C or C<pattern>(help \C): search/replace respecting case
- Examples:
- /helloc: match hello, Hello, HELLO, etc.
- /HelloC: match only Hello
Use \=: the result of evaluating the following expression.
Insert current line num. before each line
:%s/^/\=printf('%-4d', line('.'))
Insert current line num. relative to the selection
:'<,'>s/^\S/\=printf("%d.\t", line(".") - line("'<") + 1)
# normal mode # to center zz # top top zt # to bottom zb
- :h diff.txt - get help
- ]c - next difference
- [c - previous difference
- do - diff obtain
- dp - diff put
- zo - open folded text
- zc - close folded text
- :diffupdate - re-scan the files for differences
Some plugins may lead to vim slow reponse. Profiling can help identify the culprit.
:profile start profile.log :profile func * :profile file * " At this point do slow actions :profile pause :noautocmd qall!
set ft? - Show current filetype
set ft=text/log/json/... - Set file type
set ff? - Show fileformat, which is local to each buffer
set ffs? - Show fileformats, which is global and specifies which file formats will be tried when Vim reads a file
Covert dos/unix to unix
:update :e ++ff=dos :setlocal ff=unix :w
Convert from dos/unix to dos
:update :e ++ff=dos :w
- Select lines to be capitalized/lowered with visual selection
- U/u
- Use () to store matches
- Use x to refer to the saved contents, 0 is the full original content, 1 is the first match, etc.
- Refer to :help regexp for re details
- r equals new line
By default, search and replace in vim are greedy. To perform non-greedy operations, use ".\{-}" instead of ".*". Refer to :help non-greedy for details.
- Shortcut: 1, then Ctrl + G
- Status line: set statusline+=%F
# create a command "TagbarToggle" which calls VoomToggle markdown for ft=markdown # since TagbarToggle already exists, this works as an overwriting when current buffer # is with ft=markdown # refer to :help command for "command" details autocmd FileType markdown call SetVoomMD() function SetVoomMD() command! -buffer TagbarToggle VoomToggle markdown endfunction
# vim.log will record all debug info with verbose lever 9, default is 10 vim -V9vim.log /path/to/some/file
# % stands for current file name w/ cmdline mode # :help filename-modifiers :Git add % :python %