Unorganised list if useful links.
- CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
- Simple PKI - A simple OpenSSL PKI tutorial.
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) - A PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
- WebGoat - A deliberately insecure Web Application.
- IO wargame
- FireEye's Free Security Software
- VulnHub - A large repository of Boot2Root vulnerable virtual machine images.
- Scapy - A powerful interactive packet manipulation program.
- awesome-sec-talks - A curated list of awesome Security talks.
- International Association for Cryptologic Research - A non-profit scientific organization whose purpose is to further research in cryptology and related fields.
- Cyber Security Challenge Australia - A ‘hacking’ competition run by an alliance of Australian Government, business and academic professionals who are committed to finding the next generation of Australian cyber security talent
- Cowrie - A medium interaction SSH and Telnet honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and the shell interaction performed by the attacker.
- Cybrary - Free and Open Source Cyber Security Learning.
- Exploiting Embedded Systems - A tutorial focused on extracting file systems, kernels and code from firmware images.
- @unfo's Path to OSCP: - @unfo's journey of getting their OSCP certification. watch @unfo fail at stuff and explain how you should not repeat my mistakes.
- Scalable and secure access with SSH - Facebook's scalable SSH solution for network and system administration.
- The Bowtie Method - A BowTie is a diagram that visualises the risk you are dealing with in just one, easy to understand picture. The diagram is shaped like a bow-tie, creating a clear differentiation between proactive and reactive risk management.
- PentesterLab - Provides vulnerable systems that can be used to test and understand vulnerabilities.
- tmux - A terminal multiplexer. It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal.
- Divergent Options - Assess national security situations and present multiple options, without recommendations, 1,000 words at a time.
- @vortex's OSCP Exam – Preparation, Exam Day & Report Day - What worked for @vortex, not only on the day of the exam, but in the time leading up to it, and the day after during the exam report preparation day.
- - online editor for wiring your arduino project.
- NSA Open Source Software - technologies developed within the National Security Agency (NSA) and are now available to the public via Open Source Software (OSS).
- Linux Security Tools (Top 100) - Based on reviews and automated analysis. This list is populated with tools that are publicly available.
- FLARE VM - FLARE VM is a freely available and open sourced Windows-based security distribution designed for reverse engineers, malware analysts, incident responders, forensicators, and penetration testers.
- Reverse Engineering Malware 101 - Fundamentals, Malware Techniques, RE Tools, Triage Analysis, Static Analysis, & Dynamic Analysis.
- Hack The Box - An online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with other members of similar interests.
- Practical Pentest Labs - A wide range of vulnerable-by-design hosts that are constantly updated to keep your skills current.
- Exploit Exercises - provides a variety of virtual machines, documentation and challenges that can be used to learn about a variety of computer security issues such as privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering, and general cyber security issues.
- Kali Linux Revealed - he free “Kali Linux Revealed” online course.
- Kali Linux - A penetration testing platform.
- HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver - intentionally vulnerable Windows driver developed for security enthusiasts to learn and polish their exploitation skills at Kernel level.