Fast HTML5 Parser with CSS selectors (based on lexborisov's HTML5 parser lexbor). This is successor of myhtml and expected to be faster and use less memory. Usage is almost equal to myhtml.
Install dependency cmake:
sudo apt install cmake
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: kostya/lexbor
require "lexbor"
html = <<-HTML
<div id="t1" class="red">
<a href="/#">O_o</a>
<div id="t2"></div>
lexbor =
lexbor.nodes(:div).each do |node|
id = node["id"]?
if first_link = node.scope.nodes(:a).first?
href = first_link["href"]?
link_text = first_link.inner_text
puts "div with id #{id} have link [#{link_text}](#{href})"
puts "div with id #{id} have no links"
# Output:
# div with id t1 have link [O_o](/#)
# div with id t2 have no links
require "lexbor"
html = <<-HTML
<table id="t1">
<table id="t2">
lexbor =
p lexbor.css("#t2 tr td:first-child").map(&.inner_text).to_a
# => ["123", "foo", "bar", "xyz"]
p lexbor.css("#t2 tr td:first-child").map(&.to_html).to_a
# => ["<td>123</td>", "<td>foo</td>", "<td>bar</td>", "<td>xyz</td>"]
git clone
cd lexbor
crystal src/ext/
crystal spec
Parse google results page(1.5Mb) 1000 times, and 5000 times css select.
lexbor-program myhtml-program crystagiri-program nokogiri-program
Running on Ryzen 3800x.
Lang | Lib | Parse time, s | Css time, s | Memory, MiB |
Ruby 2.7 | Nokolexbor(lexbor) | 4.07 | 1.80 | 112.5 |
Crystal | lexbor | 4.75 | 0.80 | 12.3 |
Crystal | myhtml(+modest) | 5.98 | 1.22 | 12.2 |
Crystal | Crystagiri(libxml2) | 14.20 | - | 31.7 |
Ruby 2.7 | Nokogiri(libxml2) | 18.67 | 92.69 | 398.4 |
Running on Apple M1.
Lang | Lib | Parse time, s | Css time, s | Memory, MiB |
Crystal | lexbor | 2.77 | 0.62 | 26.4 |
Ruby 2.7 | Nokolexbor(lexbor) | 3.41 | 1.11 | 268.8 |
Ruby 2.7 | Nokogiri(libxml2) | 18.22 | 87.21 | 232.8 |
Crystal | Crystagiri(libxml2) | 126.25 | - | 26.8 |