Vending Machine kata done in Android, with UI
Please use Android Studio to run the application and the associated tests.
Due to my losing a fight with Robolectric, you may need to run the tests from the command line - I'm unsure if my Run Configurations saved over source control.
The tests can be run from the command line with "gradlew :app:testDebugUnitTest".
If you'd prefer to run them within the UI, I believe you'll need to hit Edit Configurations and add the Module Directory as the working directory for the test run configuration (per
Thanks for your time and consideration!
Kyle Engan
NOTE: For meeting the "next time the status display is checked..." requirements (e.g. after displaying the price of a product), the status display is tappable. In a perfect world, I'd have used a timer, but I lost the fight on how to TDD those. Apologies!