A simple benchmark has been created using the jvm-compressor-benchmark.
The full benchmark is available in the benchmarks folder.
You can add JBlosc to the benchmark driver set that is available in jvm-compressor-benchmark. Follow these steps:
- Add the following class to the jvm-compressor-benchmark sources:
package com.ning.jcbm.jblosc;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import org.blosc.JBlosc;
import org.blosc.PrimitiveSizes;
import com.ning.jcbm.DriverBase;
* Driver for jblosc codec from [https://github.com/blosc/jblosc].
public class jbloscDriver extends DriverBase {
JBlosc jb = new JBlosc();
public jbloscDriver() {
protected int compressBlock(byte[] uncompressed, byte[] compressBuffer) throws IOException {
int SIZE = uncompressed.length;
int oBufferSize = SIZE + JBlosc.OVERHEAD;
int iReturn = jb.compress(7, 0, PrimitiveSizes.BYTE_FIELD_SIZE, uncompressed, SIZE, compressBuffer,
return iReturn;
protected int uncompressBlock(byte[] compressed, byte[] uncompressBuffer) throws IOException {
int SIZE = uncompressBuffer.length;
int iReturn = jb.decompress(compressed, uncompressBuffer, SIZE);
return iReturn;
protected void compressToStream(byte[] uncompressed, OutputStream rawOut) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected int uncompressFromStream(InputStream compIn, byte[] inputBuffer) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- Add the required jars
Create a lib\jblosc folder inside the downloaded jvm-compressor-benchmark-master\ folder Then add there the jblosc.jar (You have to compile jblosc from the sources and export to jar) and jna-4.4.0.jar (or any jna version starting from 4.x) in that folder.
- Add the jblosc driver to any test case you want to run
The test cases are in the cfg folder of jvm-compressor-benchmark-master. You can, for example, copy the tests-minimal.xml into tests-minimal-jblosc.xml, and inside this file add the jblosc driver:
<driver name="jblosc/block" normal="false">
<description><div xmlns=""><p>jblosc, block mode</p></div></description>
<param name="japex.classPath" value="build/classes"/>
<param name="japex.classPath" value="lib/jblosc/*.jar"/>
<param name="japex.driverClass" value="com.ning.jcbm.jblosc.jbloscDriver"/>
- Create a .sh that launches the new test case:
For example:
echo "About to run minimal sanity test on 3 input files, couple of codecs"
java -server -cp lib/japex/\* \
-Xmx256M \
-Djava.library.path=lib/jni \
-Djava.awt.headless=true \
-Djapex.runsPerDriver=1 \
-Djapex.warmupTime=5 \
-Djapex.runTime=15 \
-Djapex.numberOfThreads=1 \
-Djapex.reportsDirectory=reports/minimal \
-Djapex.plotGroupSize=5 \
-Djapex.inputDir="testdata/canterbury" \
com.sun.japex.Japex \
echo "Done!";
In order to run this shell on windows you can use cygwin or similar, or create your own .bat script.