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141 lines (103 loc) · 4.09 KB


cmakew is a cmake wrapper which is desinged to help you using cmake easily.

how to use

cd /path/to/your cmake project
curl -LO
chmod +x cmakew

# following instrutions is optional, and these instructions only worked in zsh
./cmakew integrate zsh
autoload -U compinit && compinit

cmakew command usage

  • show help of this command

    ./cmakew -h
    ./cmakew --help
  • show version of this command

    ./cmakew -V
    ./cmakew --version
  • show current machine os and environment varables

    ./cmakew env
  • integrate zsh-completion script

    ./cmakew integrate zsh
    ./cmakew integrate zsh -x
    ./cmakew integrate zsh --china
    ./cmakew integrate zsh --china -x

    I have provide a zsh-completion script for cmakew. when you've typed ./cmakew then type TAB key, it will auto complete the rest for you.

    Note: to apply this feature, you may need to run the command autoload -U compinit && compinit

  • upgrade this software

    ./cmakew upgrade
    ./cmakew upgrade -x
    ./cmakew upgrade --china
    ./cmakew upgrade --china -x
  • generate config

    ./cmakew config [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ] [ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr | -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release | -B DIR | ... ]
  • clean the cached config

    ./cmakew clean [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]
  • build

    ./cmakew build [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]
  • install

    ./cmakew install [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]
  • pack

    ./cmakew pack [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]
  • run tests

    ./cmakew test [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]
  • run cppcheck static analysis

    ./cmakew cppcheck [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]


cmakew.rc is also a POSIX shell script. It is a extension of cmakew. It will be automatically loaded if it exists. you can specify a different one via --rc-file=FILE.

a typical example of this file looks like as follows:

perform_config_pre() {
    regist_dependency required exe cc:gcc:clang
    regist_dependency required exe pkg-config ge 0.18
    regist_dependency required exe perl
    regist_dependency required exe python3:python:python3.5:python3.6:python3.7:python3.8:python3.9 ge 3.5
    regist_dependency optional exe

perform_xxxx() {
    # do whatever you want."

perform_xxxx is declared a subcommand of cmakew called xxxx, we can invoke it via run following command:

./cmakew xxxx [ -x | -d | --rc-file=FILE ]

Note: clean config build install pack test have been used, if you redeclare these functions, origin function will be overrided.

the function can be declared in autogen.rc

function overview
perform_XX(){} declared subcommand of cmakew, invoke it via run ./camkew XX
perform_XX_pre(){} XX = config/build/install/clean/pack/test
run before perform_XX(){}
perform_XX_post(){} XX = config/build/install/clean/pack/test
run after perform_XX(){}

the function can be invoked in perform_XX_pre

regist_dependency <required|optional> <command|python|python2|python3|perl> NAME [OP VERSION]

the function can be invoked in cmakew.rc

function example
print print 'your message.'
echo echo 'your message.'
info info 'your infomation.'
warn warn "warnning message."
error error 'error message.'
die die "please specify a package name."
success success "build success."
sed_in_place sed_in_place 's/xx/yy/g' config.h

the variable can be used in cmakew.rc

variable overview
DEBUG [ "$DEBUG" = 'true' ] && echo xx
NATIVE_OS_TYPE current machine os type.
NATIVE_OS_NAME current machine os name.
NATIVE_OS_VERS current machine os version.
NATIVE_OS_ARCH current machine os arch.
PROJECT_DIR the project dir.
PROJECT_NAME the project name.
PROJECT_VERSION the project version.
CMAKE_VERSION_MREQUIRED min required version of cmake.