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File metadata and controls

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OpenVINO™ Model Server Example Client

This document contains examples to run GetModelStatus, GetModelMetadata, Predict functions over gRPC API and REST API.

Stateful model example to run Predict functions over gRPC and REST API on stateful Kaldi model.

It covers following topics:


Note: Provided examples and their dependencies are updated and validated for Python 3.6+ version. For older versions of Python, dependencies versions adjustment might be required.

Install client dependencies using the command below in the example_client directory:

pip3 install -r client_requirements.txt

Access to Google Cloud Storage might require proper configuration of https_proxy in the docker engine or in the docker container. In the examples listed below, OVMS can be started using a command:

docker run -d --rm -e "http_proxy=$http_proxy" -e "https_proxy=$https_proxy" -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 openvino/model_server:latest --model_name resnet --model_path gs://ovms-public-eu/resnet50 --port 9000 --rest_port 8000

gRPC API Client Examples

Model Status API

  • Command
python --help
usage: [-h] [--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS]
                           [--grpc_port GRPC_PORT] [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                           [--model_version MODEL_VERSION]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS Specify url to grpc service. Default:localhost
--grpc_port GRPC_PORT Specify port to grpc service. Default: 9000
--model_name MODEL_NAME Model name to query. Default: resnet
--model_version MODEL_VERSION Model version to query. Lists all versions if not specified
  • Usage Example
python --grpc_port 9000 --model_name resnet

Getting model status for model: resnet

Model version: 1
Error code:  0
Error message:

Model Metadata API

  • Command
python --help
usage: [-h] [--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS]
                           [--grpc_port GRPC_PORT] [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                           [--model_version MODEL_VERSION]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS Specify url to grpc service. Default:localhost
--grpc_port GRPC_PORT Specify port to grpc service. Default: 9000
--model_name MODEL_NAME Define model name, must be same as is in service. Default: resnet
--model_version MODEL_VERSION Define model version - must be numerical
  • Usage Example
python --grpc_port 9000 --model_name resnet --model_version 1

Getting model metadata for model: resnet
Inputs metadata:
	Input name: data; shape: [1, 3, 224, 224]; dtype: DT_FLOAT
Outputs metadata:
	Output name: prob; shape: [1, 1000]; dtype: DT_FLOAT

Predict API

Submitting gRPC requests based on a dataset from numpy files:

  • Command
usage: [-h] --images_numpy_path IMAGES_NUMPY_PATH
                              [--labels_numpy_path LABELS_NUMPY_PATH]
                              [--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS]
                              [--grpc_port GRPC_PORT]
                              [--input_name INPUT_NAME]
                              [--output_name OUTPUT_NAME]
                              [--transpose_input {False,True}]
                              [--transpose_method {nchw2nhwc,nhwc2nchw}]
                              [--iterations ITERATIONS]
                              [--batchsize BATCHSIZE]
                              [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                              [--pipeline_name PIPELINE_NAME] 
                              [--server_cert SERVER_CERT]
                              [--client_cert CLIENT_CERT]
                              [--client_key CLIENT_KEY]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h,--help Show help message and exit
--images_numpy_path Numpy in shape [n,w,h,c] or [n,c,h,w]
--labels_numpy_path Numpy in shape [n,1] - can be used to check model accuracy
--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS Specify url to grpc service. Default:localhost
--grpc_port GRPC_PORT Specify port to grpc service. Default: 9000
--input_name Specify input tensor name. Default: input
--output_name Specify output name. Default: resnet_v1_50/predictions/Reshape_1
--transpose_input {False,True} Set to False to skip NHWC>NCHW or NCHW>NHWC input transposing. Default: True
--transpose_method {nchw2nhwc,nhwc2nchw} How the input transposition should be executed: nhwc2nchw or nhwc2nchw. Default nhwc2nchw
--iterations Number of requests iterations, as default use number of images in numpy memmap. Default: 0 (consume all frames)
--batchsize Number of images in a single request. Default: 1
--model_name Define model name, must be same as is in service. Default: resnet
--pipeline_name Define pipeline name, must be same as is in service
--tls enables TLS communication with gRPC endpoint
--server_cert SERVER_CERT Path to the server certificate, used only with TLS communication
--client_cert CLIENT_CERT Path to the client certificate, used only with TLS communication
--client_key CLIENT_KEY Path to the client key, used only with TLS communication
  • Usage example
python --grpc_port 9000 --images_numpy_path imgs.npy --input_name data --output_name prob --transpose_input False --labels_numpy_path lbs.npy
Start processing:
	Model name: resnet
	Iterations: 10
	Images numpy path: imgs.npy
	Images in shape: (10, 3, 224, 224)

Iteration 1; Processing time: 26.54 ms; speed 37.67 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 airliner 404 ; Correct match.
Iteration 2; Processing time: 22.23 ms; speed 44.99 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus 279 ; Correct match.
Iteration 3; Processing time: 21.72 ms; speed 46.03 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 bee 309 ; Correct match.
Iteration 4; Processing time: 20.71 ms; speed 48.28 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 golden retriever 207 ; Correct match.
Iteration 5; Processing time: 20.53 ms; speed 48.71 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla 366 ; Correct match.
Iteration 6; Processing time: 20.37 ms; speed 49.08 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 magnetic compass 635 ; Correct match.
Iteration 7; Processing time: 20.97 ms; speed 47.68 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 peacock 84 ; Correct match.
Iteration 8; Processing time: 22.82 ms; speed 43.83 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 pelican 144 ; Correct match.
Iteration 9; Processing time: 22.16 ms; speed 45.13 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 snail 113 ; Correct match.
Iteration 10; Processing time: 21.17 ms; speed 47.24 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
	 0 zebra 340 ; Correct match.

processing time for all iterations
average time: 21.40 ms; average speed: 46.73 fps
median time: 21.00 ms; median speed: 47.62 fps
max time: 26.00 ms; min speed: 38.46 fps
min time: 20.00 ms; max speed: 50.00 fps
time percentile 90: 22.40 ms; speed percentile 90: 44.64 fps
time percentile 50: 21.00 ms; speed percentile 50: 47.62 fps
time standard deviation: 1.74
time variance: 3.04
Classification accuracy: 100.00

Submitting gRPC requests based on a dataset from a list of jpeg files:

  • Command
usage: [-h] [--images_list IMAGES_LIST]
                              [--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS]
                              [--grpc_port GRPC_PORT]
                              [--input_name INPUT_NAME]
                              [--output_name OUTPUT_NAME]
                              [--model_name MODEL_NAME] [--size SIZE]
                              [--rgb_image RGB_IMAGE]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--images_list Path to a file with a list of labeled images
--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS Specify url to grpc service. Default:localhost
--grpc_port GRPC_PORT Specify port to grpc service. Default: 9000
--input_name Specify input tensor name. Default: input
--output_name Specify output name. Default: resnet_v1_50/predictions/Reshape_1
--model_name Define model name, must be same as is in service. Default: resnet
--size SIZE The size of the image in the model
--rgb_image RGB_IMAGE Convert BGR channels to RGB channels in the input image
  • Usage example
python --grpc_port 9000 --input_name data --output_name prob
	Model name: resnet
	Images list file: input_images.txt

Start processing:
	Model name: resnet
	Images list file: input_images.txt
images/airliner.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 23.40 ms; speed 42.73 fps
	 1 airliner 404 ; Correct match.
images/arctic-fox.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 21.09 ms; speed 47.42 fps
	 2 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus 279 ; Correct match.
images/bee.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 21.04 ms; speed 47.52 fps
	 3 bee 309 ; Correct match.
images/golden_retriever.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 20.03 ms; speed 49.92 fps
	 4 golden retriever 207 ; Correct match.
images/gorilla.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 21.95 ms; speed 45.57 fps
	 5 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla 366 ; Correct match.
images/magnetic_compass.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 247.0
Processing time: 21.51 ms; speed 46.48 fps
	 6 magnetic compass 635 ; Correct match.
images/peacock.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 20.81 ms; speed 48.05 fps
	 7 peacock 84 ; Correct match.
images/pelican.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 21.90 ms; speed 45.66 fps
	 8 pelican 144 ; Correct match.
images/snail.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 248.0
Processing time: 22.38 ms; speed 44.68 fps
	 9 snail 113 ; Correct match.
images/zebra.jpeg (1, 3, 224, 224) ; data range: 0.0 : 255.0
Processing time: 22.22 ms; speed 45.00 fps
	 10 zebra 340 ; Correct match.
Overall accuracy= 100.0 %
Average latency= 21.2 ms

Multiple input example for HDDL

The purpose of this example is to show how to send inputs from multiple sources (cameras, video files) to a model served from inside the OpenVINO model server (inside docker)

  • Pre-requisite

To run this example you will need to run the OpenVINO hddldaemon and OpenVINO model server separately. Below are the steps to install and run them (provided for Linux OS):

  1. Setup OpenVINO & HDDL:

  2. Setup OVMS to use HDDL:

  • Command
python --help
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h,--help Show help message and exit
-n NETWORK_NAME, --network_name NETWORK_NAME Network name
-l INPUT_LAYER, --input_layer INPUT_LAYER Input layer name
-o OUTPUT_LAYER, --output_layer OUTPUT_LAYER Output layer name
-d FRAME_SIZE, --frame_size FRAME_SIZE Input frame width and height that matches used model
-c NUM_CAMERAS, --num_cameras NUM_CAMERAS Number of cameras to be used
-f FILE, --file FILE Path to the video file
-i IP, --ip IP IP address of the ovms
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of the ovms
  • Sample Output
TERMINAL 1: <openvino_installation_root>/openvino/inference_engine/external/hddl/bin/hddldaemon
TERMINAL 2: docker run --rm -it --device /dev/ion:/dev/ion -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp -v /opt/ml:/opt/ml
            -p 8001:8001 -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest 
            --model_path /opt/ml/model5 --model_name SSDMobileNet --port 9001 --rest_port 8001 --target_device HDDL

Using with video file
Set `camera` count to `0` with `-c 0`.
TERMINAL 3: python3.6 -n SSDMobileNet -l image_tensor -o DetectionOutput -d 300 -c 0
            -f /var/repos/github/sample-videos/face-demographics-walking.mp4 -i -p 9001

Console logs:
[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Exiting thread 0
[$(levelname)s ] Good Bye!

Using with video file and camera
Set `camera` count to `1` with `-c 1`.
TERMINAL 3: python3.6 -n SSDMobileNet -l image_tensor -o DetectionOutput -d 300 -c 1
            -f /var/repos/github/sample-videos/face-demographics-walking.mp4 -i -p 9001

Console logs:
[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Video1 fps: 7, Inf fps: 7, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Camera0 fps: 8, Inf fps: 8, dropped fps: 0
[$(levelname)s ] Exiting thread 0
[$(levelname)s ] Good Bye!

NOTE: You should also be seeing the GUI showing the video frame and bounding boxes drawn with the detected class name

REST API Client Examples

Model Status API

  • Command
python --help
usage: [-h] [--rest_url REST_URL]
                                [--rest_port REST_PORT]
                                [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                                [--model_version MODEL_VERSION]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--rest_url REST_URL Specify url to REST API service. Default:http://localhost
--rest_port REST_PORT Specify port to REST API service. Default: 5555
--model_name MODEL_NAME Model name to query, must be same as is in service. Default : resnet
--model_version MODEL_VERSION Model version to query - must be numerical. List all version if omitted
  • Usage Example
python --rest_port 8000 --model_version 1
 "model_version_status": [
   "version": "1",
   "state": "AVAILABLE",
   "status": {
    "error_code": "OK",
    "error_message": "OK"

Model Metadata API

  • Command
python --help
usage: [-h] [--grpc_address GRPC_ADDRESS]
                           [--grpc_port GRPC_PORT] [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                           [--model_version MODEL_VERSION]
  • Arguments
Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--rest_url REST_URL Specify url to REST API service. Default: http://localhost
--rest_port REST_PORT Specify port to REST API service. Default: 9000
--model_name MODEL_NAME Model name to query, must be same as is in service. Default: resnet
--model_version MODEL_VERSION Model version to query - must be numerical. List all version if omitted
  • Usage Example
python --rest_port 8000
 "modelSpec": {
  "name": "resnet",
  "signatureName": "",
  "version": "1"
 "metadata": {
  "signature_def": {
   "@type": "",
   "signatureDef": {
    "serving_default": {
     "inputs": {
      "data": {
       "dtype": "DT_FLOAT",
       "tensorShape": {
        "dim": [
          "size": "1",
          "name": ""
          "size": "3",
          "name": ""
          "size": "224",
          "name": ""
          "size": "224",
          "name": ""
        "unknownRank": false
       "name": "data"
     "outputs": {
      "prob": {
       "dtype": "DT_FLOAT",
       "tensorShape": {
        "dim": [
          "size": "1",
          "name": ""
          "size": "1000",
          "name": ""
        "unknownRank": false
       "name": "prob"
     "methodName": ""

Predict API

  • Command :
python --help
usage: [-h] --images_numpy_path IMAGES_NUMPY_PATH
                              [--labels_numpy_path LABELS_NUMPY_PATH]
                              [--rest_url REST_URL] [--rest_port REST_PORT]
                              [--input_name INPUT_NAME]
                              [--output_name OUTPUT_NAME]
                              [--transpose_input {False,True}]
                              [--transpose_method {nchw2nhwc,nhwc2nchw}]
                              [--iterations ITERATIONS]
                              [--batchsize BATCHSIZE]
                              [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                              [--request_format {row_noname,row_name,column_noname,column_name}]
                              [--model_version MODEL_VERSION]
                              [--client_cert CLIENT_CERT]
                              [--client_key CLIENT_KEY]
                              [--server_cert SERVER_CERT]
  • Arguments :
Argument Description
-h, --help Show help message and exit
--images_numpy_path IMAGES_NUMPY_PATH Numpy in shape [n,w,h,c] or [n,c,h,w]
--labels_numpy_path LABELS_NUMPY_PATH Numpy in shape [n,1] - can be used to check model accuracy
--rest_url REST_URL Specify url to REST API service. Default: http://localhost
--rest_port REST_PORT Specify port to REST API service. Default: 5555
--input_name INPUT_NAME Specify input tensor name. Default: input
--output_name OUTPUT_NAME Specify output name. Default: resnet_v1_50/predictions/Reshape_1
--transpose_input {False,True} Set to False to skip NHWC>NCHW or NCHW>NHWC input transposing. Default: True
--transpose_method {nchw2nhwc,nhwc2nchw} How the input transposition should be executed: nhwc2nchw or nhwc2nchw
--iterations ITERATIONS Number of requests iterations, as default use number of images in numpy memmap. Default: 0 (consume all frames)
--batchsize BATCHSIZE Number of images in a single request. Default: 1
--model_name MODEL_NAME Define model name, must be same as is in service. Default: resnet
--request_format {row_noname,row_name,column_noname,column_name} Request format according to TF Serving API:row_noname,row_name,column_noname,column_name
--model_version MODEL_VERSION Model version to be used. Default: LATEST
--client_cert CLIENT_CERT Specify mTLS client certificate file. Default: None
--client_key CLIENT_KEY Specify mTLS client key file. Default: None
--ignore_server_verification Skip TLS host verification. Do not use in production. Default: False
--server_cert SERVER_CERT Path to a custom directory containing trusted CA certificates, server certificate, or a CA_BUNDLE file. Default: None, will use default system CA cert store
  • Usage Example
python --images_numpy_path imgs.npy --labels_numpy_path lbs.npy --input_name data --output_name prob --rest_port 8000 --transpose_input False
('Image data range:', 0, ':', 255)
Start processing:
	Model name: resnet
	Iterations: 10
	Images numpy path: imgs.npy
	Images in shape: (10, 3, 224, 224)

output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 1; Processing time: 57.42 ms; speed 17.41 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'airliner', 404, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 2; Processing time: 57.65 ms; speed 17.35 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus', 279, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 3; Processing time: 59.21 ms; speed 16.89 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'bee', 309, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 4; Processing time: 59.64 ms; speed 16.77 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'golden retriever', 207, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 5; Processing time: 59.96 ms; speed 16.68 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'gorilla, Gorilla gorilla', 366, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 6; Processing time: 59.41 ms; speed 16.83 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'magnetic compass', 635, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 7; Processing time: 59.45 ms; speed 16.82 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'peacock', 84, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 8; Processing time: 59.91 ms; speed 16.69 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'pelican', 144, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 9; Processing time: 63.17 ms; speed 15.83 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'snail', 113, '; Correct match.')
output shape: (1, 1000)
Iteration 10; Processing time: 52.59 ms; speed 19.01 fps
imagenet top results in a single batch:
('\t', 0, 'zebra', 340, '; Correct match.')

processing time for all iterations
average time: 58.30 ms; average speed: 17.15 fps
median time: 59.00 ms; median speed: 16.95 fps
max time: 63.00 ms; max speed: 15.00 fps
min time: 52.00 ms; min speed: 19.00 fps
time percentile 90: 59.40 ms; speed percentile 90: 16.84 fps
time percentile 50: 59.00 ms; speed percentile 50: 16.95 fps
time standard deviation: 2.61
time variance: 6.81
Classification accuracy: 100.00