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File metadata and controls

332 lines (267 loc) · 10.7 KB


react-file-uploader is a set of customizable React components that helps you to build a file uploader in your application easily.

It is expected to be production ready from v1.0.0, although v0.4.1 provides a stable but very simple and limited usage.

The uploading implementation is coupled with superagent, and the method, header and data are configurable with props.


To install:

npm install --save react-file-uploader


this module currently contains 4 major entities, which are

  1. Receiver
  2. UploadManager
  3. UploadHandler
  4. File Status


Receiver helps you to manage the Drag and Drop functionality. Once you mounted the Receiver component, your application will start listen to dragenter, dragover, dragleave and drop events.

import { Receiver } from 'react-file-uploader';

    visual layer of the receiver (drag & drop panel)


  • wrapperId - string: Optional HTML element id for the DnD area. If not given, window will be used instead.
  • customClass - string | array: the class name(s) for the div wrapper
  • style - object: the style for the div wrapper
  • isOpen - boolean required: to control in the parent component whether the Receiver is visble.
  • onDragEnter - function required: when isOpen is false, this will be fired with the window event of dragenter once .

You may make use of the drag & drop event callbacks.

// @param e Object DragEvent
function onDragEnter(e) {
	this.setState({ isReceiverOpen: true });
  • onDragOver - function: this will be fired with the window event of dragover.
// @param e Object DragEvent
function onDragOver(e) {
	// your codes here
  • onDragLeave - function required: when the drag event entirely left the client (i.e. dragLevel === 0), this will be fired with the window event of dragleave once.
// @param e Object DragEvent
function onDragLeave(e) {
	this.setState({ isReceiverOpen: false });
  • onFileDrop - function required: this will be fired with the window event of drop. You may execute any validation / checking process here i.e. size, file type, etc.
// @param e Object DragEvent
// @param files Array the files dropped on the target node
function onFileDrop(e, uploads) {
	// check if the files are drop on the targeted DOM
	const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.uploadPanel);
	if ( !== node) {
	let newUploads = => {
		// check file size
		if ( > 1000 * 1000) {
		  return Object.assign({}, upload, { error: 'file size exceeded 1MB' });
	// put files into state/stores by setState/action
		uploads: this.state.uploads.concat(newUploads)),
	// close the Receiver after file dropped
	this.setState({ isReceiverOpen: false });


Upload Manager serves as a high order component which helps you to manage the upload related parameters and functions. It prepares the upload function with superagent the children elements, and helps you to update the lifecycle status of the uploading files.

import { UploadManager } from 'react-file-uploader';

	// UploadHandler as children
	{ => (
			<UploadHandler key={file._id} file={FILE_INSTANCE} autoStart={BOOLEAN} />


  • component - string: the DOM tag name of the wrapper. By default it is an unordered list ul.

  • customClass - string | array: the class name(s) for the wrapper

  • formDataParser - DEPRECATED this prop function is renamed as uploadDataHandler starting from v1.0.0.

  • onUploadAbort - function: this will be fired when the upload request is aborted. This function is available from v1.0.0.

 * @param fileId {string} identifier of a file / an upload task
 * @param changes {object} changes object containing the new property of an upload
 * @param changes.status {number} file status ABORTED
let onUploadAbort = (fileId, { status }) => { ... }
  • onUploadStart - function: this will be fired when the upload request is just sent.
 * @param fileId {string} identifier of a file / an upload task
 * @param changes {object} changes object containing the new property of an upload
 * @param changes.status {number} file status UPLOADING
let onUploadStart = (fileId, { status }) => { ... }
  • onUploadProgress - function: this will be fired when the upload request returns progress. From v1.0.0, this callback is debounced for props.progressDebounce ms.
 * @param fileId {string} identifier of a file / an upload task
 * @param changes {object} changes object containing the new property of an upload
 * @param changes.progress {number} upload progress in percentage
 * @param changes.status {number} file status UPLOADING
let onUploadProgress = (fileId, { progress, status }) { ... }
  • onUploadEnd - function required: this will be fired upon the end of upload request.
 * @param fileId {string} identifier of a file / an upload task
 * @param changes {object} changes object containing the new property of an upload
 * @param changes.error {object} error returned from `props.uploadErrorHandler`
 * @param changes.progress {number} upload progress in percentage, either 0 or 100 with a corresponding FAILED or UPLOADED status
 * @param changes.result {object} upload result / response object returned from `props.uploadErrorHandler`
 * @param changes.status {number} file status, either FAILED or UPLOADED
// @param file Object the file object returned with either UPLOADED or FAILED status and 100% progress. When it is wilh FAILED status, error property should be also assigned to the file object.
let onUploadEnd = (fileId, { error, progress, result, status }) => { ... }
  • progressDebounce - number: debounce value in ms for the callback on superagent progress.
  • reqConfigs - object: the exposed superagent configs including accept, method, timeout and withCredentials.
  • style - object: the style property for the wrapper.
  • uploadUrl - string required: the url of the upload end point from your server.
  • uploadDataHandler - function: this function is to parse the data to be sent as request data. From v1.0.0, the first argument will become a upload task object instead of the File instance.
let uploadDataHandler = (upload) => {
	// for FormData
	const formData = new FormData();
	formData.append('custom-key', 'custom-value');
	return formData;

	// for AWS S3
  • uploadErrorHandler - function: this function is to process the arguments of (err, res) in superagent.end(). In this function, you can resolve the error and result according to your upload api response. Default implementation is available as defaultProps.
function uploadErrorHandler(err, res) {
  const body = res.body ? clone(res.body) : {};
	let error = null;

	if (err) {
		error = err.message;
	} else if (body.errors) {
		error = body.errors;

	delete body.errors;

	return { error, result: body };
  • uploadHeader - DEPRECATED this prop is deprecated and replaced by uploadHeaderHandler.

  • uploadHeaderHandler - function: the function is to parse the header object to be sent as request header.

let uploadHeaderHandler = (upload) => {
	// for AWS S3
	return {
		'Content-Disposition': 'inline'


Upload Handler helps you to execute the upload lifecycle, which is start, progress and end. It also acts as the presentation layer of a file, showing users the info of the uploading / uploaded file.

import { UploadHandler } from 'react-file-uploader';

		// From v1.0.0, you can pass a render function as children, so to have access to the prepared `upload` and `abort` function.
		({ upload, abort }) => (
					<span className="file__id">{} </span>
					<span className="file__type">{} </span>
					<span className="file__size">{ / 1000 / 1000} MB</span>
					<span className="file__progress">{file.progress}%</span>
					<span className="file__status">
					<span className="file__error">{file.error}</span>
						((index % 2 === 1 && file.status === 0) || file.status === -2) && (
							<button onClick={upload}>Upload</button>
						file.status === 1 && (
							<button onClick={abort}>Abort</button>


  • abort - function the function to abort the upload request. It is provided by UploadManager HOC by default.
  • autoStart - boolean: when autoStart is set, upon the UploadHandler componentDidMount, it will detect if the file i.e. as props is with the PENDING status and initialise an upload request which is sent to the uploadUrl you passed to the UploadManager.
  • component - string: the DOM tag name of the wrapper.
  • customClass - string | array: the class name(s) for the wrapper
  • style - object: the style for the wrapper
  • file - object required: the file object that is uploaded / going to be uploaded.
  • upload - function: the function that contains the upload logic, you may pass it directly when you are using UploadHandler alone, or it could be prepared by UploadManager.
// @param url String API upload end point
// @param file Object File Object
let upload = (url, file) => { ... }

File Status

react-file-uploader defines a set of status constants to represent the file status. The corresponding status will be assign to a file object throughout the uploading life cycle.



  • complete test cases
  • add real-world example
  • verify and provide better support to Amazon Simple Storage Service
