This template supports x86-64 Linux. rustup
is required. Arch Linux and Ubuntu are specifically supported, with other platforms possibly requiring some tinkering to make work.
To run this project in the Valida VM, you need the Valida toolchain installed. Go to LLVM Valida releases to find the latest release. Download the release tarball, extract it, cd
into the extracted folder, and run sudo ./
To put the Valida toolchain on your PATH, you can enter the Valida shell by running valida-shell
in your shell. The above installation process should have resulted in valida-shell
being on your PATH
Build the project, from the root directory of this repo:
valida> cargo +valida build --release
Run the program in Valida:
valida> echo '{"path":"$","expected":{"baz":1},"json":{"foo":{"bar":{"baz":1}}}}' | valida run target/valida-unknown-baremetal-gnu/release/json_contains log
path: $
contains json: {"baz":1}