These instructions assume you already have bitcoind and lnd nodes set up on regtest.
The network we'll build will look like this:
LND --> Eclair --> Eclair2
Eclair2 will create an offer and we'll make sure lnd can pay the offer with the help of lndk.
For Eclair to create an offer to pay, we need to install the tipjar plugin. Pull down this branch ( and build eclair-plugins
mvn package -DskipTests
The resulting jar will be located at eclair-plugins/bolt12-tip-jar/target/bolt12-tip-jar-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Set up two eclair directories, for example at ~/eclair1
and ~/eclair2
with the following configuration within (at eclair.conf
eclair {
server {
public-ips = [ "https://localhost" ]
bitcoind {
api {
enabled = true
port = 8181
password = "testing2"
features {
option_route_blinding = optional
tip-jar {
description = "donation to eclair"
default-amount-msat = 100000000 // Amount to use if the invoice request does not specify an amount
max-final-expiry-delta = 1000 // How long (in blocks) the route to pay the invoice will be valid
- Set the correct bitcoind values.
- Make sure that
are different for each Eclair node.
Install the dependencies for Eclair and install Eclair with mvn package -DskipTests
. After unzipping the eclair bin (located in target
), run two eclair nodes, each pointing to the appropriate datadirs we set above, and load in the tipjar plugin:
./ /eclair-plugins/bolt12-tip-jar/target/bolt12-tip-jar-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Declair.datadir="~/eclair1
./ ../../../../../eclair-plugins/bolt12-tip-jar/target/bolt12-tip-jar-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Declair.datadir="~/eclair2
Using Eclair's API, open two channels: 1) from LND to Eclair1, 2) from Eclair1 to Eclair2. Mine several blocks using bitcoind and make sure those channels are confirmed.
Have Eclair2 create an offer with:
eclair-cli tipjarshowoffer
Then pay the offer. Run lndk-cli pay-offer
using the instructions above.