Connect your webshop to your MailPlus account.
NOTE: This version is for Magento 2.2 or higher. Please use version 1.3.4 for Magento 2.1. A MailPlus eCom account is required to utilize the following features. Please contact MailPlus to setup your account.
cd <magento-folder>
composer config repositories.mailplus vcs
composer require mailplus/mailplus-connector
bin/magento module:enable MailPlus_MailPlus
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- Contact details are automatically synchronized with MailPlus. So you are always ready for a new mailing.
- All products are synchronized to MailPlus. So you can simply add the products to your newsletter.
- In eCom Business & Enterprise all orders are synchronized which you can use for RFM selections.
- Select a product from the catalog. MailPlus places it directly in the newsletter with your own design.
- Show the number of rating stars per product. This information is automatically synchronized with your webshop.
- Let your recipients easily share products in your newsletter via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
- Follow the behavior of your recipients outside your newsletter with the automatically added analytics code.
- Next to the mailing statistics you will also see a report of the conversion in your store as a result of the mailing.
- A unique feature is the possibility of comparing the response of multiple similar e-mails.
- Abandoned cart: Send your customers an automatic message when they abandon their shopping cart.
- Win-back: Send a special offer to customers who haven't placed any order in the last 6 months.
- Birthday: Encourage sales and involvement with a personal birthday greeting.
- Product review: Easily collect valuable reviews for more conversion and better search engine visibility.
- Welcome: A registration confirmation will be sent automatically to new subscribers to your newsletter.
- Find out who are your most loyal customers with a selection on the number of orders.
- Who are the 'big spenders'? Make a selection in MailPlus based on revenue.
- Make selections based on a product or brand. Useful for a recall or special offer.
Run composer install
- This should install dependencies to ../vendor (Intellij should add these as library roots for code completions
- You might need to create a app/etc/vendor_path.php file
Run vagrant up
Uncomment the synced folders in the vagrant file and vagrant reload (you can move the vagrantfile to a separate change set so it's not committed in git)
Enable the plugin by running (in the vagrant box)
magento module:enable --clear-static-content MailPlus_MailPlus
magento setup:upgrade
magento setup:di:compile