"arlo-fhem" is a module for sending control commands from FHEM to ARLO and also receving status information from ARLO and saving them to FHEM.
It is written in Python and based on the Arlo Python library "pyarlo" (https://github.com/twrecked/pyaarlo).
"pyarlo" is able to handle the Arlo two factor authentication by default, so you do not need to handle that.
I am using this daemon to automatically activate and deactivate my Arlo cams from FHEM. E.g. if I open the door to the garden, FHEM automatically disables the cameras there so that I do not get alarms and recordings as long as I am outside.
So it is currently only supporting these basic commands but not something like motion detection etc.
- FHEM (https://fhem.de/) with TELNET access enabled
Remark: The script expects a password prompt from TELNET so you should not use "localhost" as your FHEM server (as no password is needed in this case) but use the public IP/DNS name instead. If TELNET is only available via "localhost" then you need to adapt the Python module.
- Python 3.8 installed on the FHEM server
- Debian command "unbuffer" ("apt install expect")
- Debian command "nc" ("apt install netcat")
- Several Python modules
- requests ("apt install python-requests")
- monotonic ("apt install python3-monotonic")
- configparser ("apt install python-configparser")
- sseclient
- unidecode ("apt install python3-unidecode")
- cloudscraper ("pip install cloudscraper")
On the FHEM server run the following commands as the user who is running FHEM:
cd /opt/fhem
git clone https://github.com/m0urs/arlo-fhem.git
cd arlo-fhem
To create the Debian service for the arlo-fhem daemon, run the following command as "root" on the FHEM server:
ln -s /opt/fhem/arlo-fhem/arlo-fhem.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reloads
systemctl enable arlo-fhem
systemctl start arlo-fhem
The daemon sends all log messages to the Debian syslog ("/var/log/syslog")
The script is looking for a config file where you define several parameters. See "arlo-fhem.cfg.sample" as a sample of how the file looks like.
The config file is named "arlo-fhem.cfg" and needs to be put in the same directory as "arlo-fhem.py". You can also specifiy a different name and path for that file by adding the "--configfile|-c" switch.
# Arlo account user name
USERNAME = _arlo_username_
# Arlo account password
PASSWORD = _arlo_password_
# Host name of IMAP sever for 2FA authentication token
IMAPSERVER = _imap_hostname_
# IMAP user name
IMAPUSER = _imap_user_
# IMAP user password
IMAPPASSWORD = _imap_password_
# IP address of communication socket with FHEM (mostly "")
# Socket port number of communication socket
TCP_PORT = 5005
# Buffer size for communication socket (normally no need to change)
# Maximum of login attempts
# Time in seconds between every login attempt
# FHEM host name
FHEM_HOST = _fhem_host_
# FHEM telnet port
FHEM_PORT = 7072
# FHEM telnet password
FHEM_PASSWORD = _fhem_password_
The daemon is running as a Debian service in the background.
It first tries to logon to the Arlo account. If the account is protected with 2FA, it automatically gets the 2FA token from the IMAP account provided in the config file.
If the login attempt was not successful, it tries to relogin several times. You can provide the number of times and the waiting time between retries in the config file.
If the login was not successfull it ends the service.
After it was successfully able to login to the Arlo account, the daemon is waiting for commands.
The commands are sent as text messages to a TCPIP socket. To send messages you can use the "nc" (netcat) command.
Linux ("netcat" package):
echo 'command' | nc -N 5005
Windows (ncat.exe from https://nmap.org/ncat/):
echo command | c:\tools\ncat.exe --send-only 5005
where "5005" is the port number you had defined as socket port number in the config file.
We provided a command file for sending commands. "cl.bat" for Windows, and "cl.sh" for Linux. Just use the syntax
cl.bat <your command>
./cl.sh <your command>
The following commands are currently implemented:
Command | Example | Purpose |
quit | quit | quit the daemon (you can also end via service like "systemctl stop arlo-fhem" ) |
set-mode <mode> | set-mode aktiviert | Set a specified mode (see next table for all supported modes) |
get-mode | get-mode | Reads all modes and writes the modes as readings to a device in FHEM |
set-brightness <device> <level> | set-brightness Terrasse 3 | Set the brightness level for the specified camera device (where level is one of -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3) not yet implemented |
list-base | list-base | Writes a list of all Arlo base stations to syslog. The list includes also the device ID and all supported modes |
list-cameras | list-cameras | Writes a list of all cameras and their IDs to syslog |
list-lights | list-lights | Writes a list of all lights and their IDs to syslog |
Mode | Purpose |
aktiviert | Activate (Arm) all cams |
deaktiviert | Deactivate (Disarm) all cams |
aktiviert_tag | Set several custom modes for my different cams with different sensitivity during the day |
garten | Only activate some of my cams |
garten_hinten | Only activate some of my cams |