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Stimulus Easepick Datepicker

npm version

Getting started

Experience the power of simplicity with our lightweight, zero-dependency datepicker powered by easepick. This Stimulus controller wrapper brings you:

  • Seamless integration with Stimulus
  • Minimal footprint for optimal performance
  • Rich functionality without the bloat

Transform date input fields into intuitive, user-friendly datepickers with minimal effort.


Ensure you have the following dependencies installed in your project:

  • @hotwired/stimulus v3 or later
  • @easepick/bundle v1.2 or later

Integrate stimulus-easepick into your project:

npm install stimulus-easepick
# yarn add stimulus-easepick

Register the datepicker controller with your Stimulus application:

// app/javascript/controllers/index.js
import { Application } from "@hotwired/stimulus";
import Datepicker from "stimulus-easepick";

const application = Application.start();
application.register("datepicker", Datepicker);


<div data-controller="datepicker" data-datepicker-format-value="D MMM YYYY">
  <input data-datepicker-target="input" />


Attribute Default Type Description
data-datepicker-first-day-value 1 Number Day of start week. (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, etc…)
data-datepicker-lang-value en-US String Language. This option affect to day names, month names via Date.prototype.toLocaleString() and also affect to plural rules via Intl.PluralRules.
data-datepicker-date-value String, Number Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must satisfy the option format).
data-datepicker-format-value YYYY-MM-DD String The default output format. See tokens format.
data-datepicker-grid-value 1 Number Number of calendar columns.
data-datepicker-calendars-value 1 Number Number of visible months.
data-datepicker-readonly-value false Boolean Add readonly attribute to element.
data-datepicker-inline-value false Boolean Show calendar inline.
data-datepicker-enable-lock-value false Boolean Enable Lock Plugin.
data-datepicker-lock-min-date-value String, Number Lock Plugin. The minimum date that can be selected. Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must satisfy the option format).
data-datepicker-lock-max-date-value String, Number Lock Plugin. The maximum date that can be selected. Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must satisfy the option format).
data-datepicker-lock-select-backward-value false Boolean Lock Plugin. Select second date before the first selected date.
data-datepicker-lock-select-forward-value false Boolean Lock Plugin. Select second date after the first selected date.
data-datepicker-lock-min-days-value null Number Lock Plugin. The minimum days of the selected range.
data-datepicker-lock-max-days-value null Number Lock Plugin. The maximum days of the selected range.
data-datepicker-enable-time-value false Boolean Enable Time Plugin.
data-datepicker-time-seconds-value false Boolean Enable seconds picker.
data-datepicker-time-step-hours-value 1 Number Step for hours.
data-datepicker-time-step-minutes-value 5 Number Step for minutes.
data-datepicker-time-step-seconds-value 5 Number Step for seconds.
data-datepicker-time-twelve-format-value false Boolean Display 12H time.
data-datepicker-enable-amp-value false Boolean Enable Amp Plugin.
data-datepicker-amp-reset-button-value false Boolean Adds a reset button to clear the current selection.
data-datepicker-amp-months-value false Boolean Enable the months dropdown in the calendar.
data-datepicker-amp-years-value false Boolean Enable the years dropdown in the calendar.
data-datepicker-amp-min-year-value 1950 Number The minimum year that can be selected in the dropdown.
data-datepicker-amp-max-year-value null Number The maximum year that can be selected in the dropdown.
data-datepicker-enable-range-value false Boolean Enable Range Plugin.
data-datepicker-range-delimiter-value - String Delimiter between dates.
data-datepicker-range-tooltip-value true Boolean Showing tooltip with how many days will be selected.
data-datepicker-range-start-date-value null String, Number Preselect start date. Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must satisfy the option format).
data-datepicker-range-end-date-value null String, Number Preselect end date. Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must satisfy the option format).
data-datepicker-enable-preset-value false Boolean Enable Preset Plugin. Range plugin must be enabled.
data-datepicker-preset-position-value left String Position of preset block (left, right, top, or bottom).
data-datepicker-enable-kbd-value false Boolean Enable Keyboard Plugin.
data-datepicker-kbd-unit-index-value 1 Number tabIndex for elements except days elements.
data-datepicker-kbd-day-index-value 2 Number tabIndex for days elements.


Do not hesitate to contribute to the project by adapting or adding features! Bug reports or pull requests are welcome.

Don't forget to drop a 🌟 on GitHub to support the project.


This project is released under the MIT license.