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Ti.DrawerLayout Documentation

You can create a Drawer by calling createDrawer on the module. It must be added as a top-level view to a Ti.UI.Window. You may want to pass a contentView property at creation-time. In addition, you can also pass either a leftView or rightView property to add an actual drawer view to your layout. All of them (contentView, leftView and rightView) must be instances of Ti.UI.View.

Here's an example:

var TiDrawerLayout = require('com.tripvi.drawerlayout');
var contentView = Ti.UI.createView();
var leftView = Ti.UI.createTableView({ backgroundColor: '#ccc' });

var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
	centerView: contentView,
	leftView: leftView

And this is how you'd do it in Alloy:

		<Drawer id="drawer" module="com.tripvi.drawerlayout" />
var menu = Alloy.createController('menu');
var main = Alloy.createController('main');

$.drawer.setLeftView( menu.getView() );
$.drawer.setCenterView( main.getView() );


  • leftView (Ti.UI.View) - sets the left drawer
  • rightView (Ti.UI.View) - sets the right drawer
  • centerView (Ti.UI.View) - sets the center View
  • isLeftDrawerOpen (Boolean) - wether the left drawer is currently in an open state or not
  • isLeftDrawerVisible (Boolean) - wether the left drawer is currently visible on-screen or not
  • isRightDrawerOpen (Boolean) - wether the right drawer is currently in an open state or not
  • isRightDrawerVisible (Boolean) - wether the right drawer is currently visible on-screen or not
  • leftDrawerWidth (Number/String) - sets the width of the left drawer
  • rightDrawerWidth (Number/String) - sets the width of the right drawer
  • drawerIndicatorEnabled (Boolean) - wether it should use the ActionBarDrawerToggle or not
  • drawerIndicatorImage (String) - (DEPRECATED) path to a custom drawer indicator image
  • drawerLockMode (Number) - sets the lock mode constant. TiDrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED (default), TiDrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED, TiDrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_OPEN
  • dragMargin (Number) - defines the width of the area the user can swipe the drawer in
  • hideToolbar (Boolean) - hides the toolbar


  • setLeftView() - sets the value for the leftView property
  • setRightView() - sets the value for the rightView property
  • setCenterView() - sets the value for the centerView property
  • replaceCenterView(view, backstack) - (DEPRECATED) same as setCenterView but with second parameter
    • view (Ti.UI.View) - the new centerView
    • backstack (Boolean) - set this to true if you want to add this to the backstack
  • toggleLeftWindow() - opens or closes the left drawer
  • openLeftWindow() - opens the left drawer
  • closeLeftWindow() - closes the left drawer
  • toggleRightWindow() - opens or closes the right drawer
  • openRightWindow() - opens the right drawer
  • closeRightWindow() - closes the right drawer
  • getIsLeftDrawerOpen() - returns the value of the isLeftDrawerOpen property
  • getIsLeftDrawerVisible() - returns the value of the isLeftDrawerVisible property
  • getIsRightDrawerOpen() - returns the value of the isRightDrawerOpen property
  • getIsRightDrawerVisible() - returns the value of the isRightDrawerVisible property
  • setLeftDrawerWidth() - sets the value for the leftDrawerWidth property
  • setRightDrawerWidth() - sets the value for the rightDrawerWidth property
  • setDrawerIndicatorEnabled() - sets the value for the drawerIndicatorEnabled property
  • setDrawerIndicatorImage() - (DEPRECATED) sets the value for the drawerIndicatorImage property
  • setDrawerLockMode() - sets the value for the drawerLockMode property
  • setLeftDrawerLockMode() - sets the value for the drawerLockMode property for the left drawer
  • setRightDrawerLockMode() - sets the value for the drawerLockMode property for the right drawer
  • setArrowState(value) - (DEPRECATED) sets the state of the drawerArrowIcon
    • value (Number) - state (1 is arrow, 0 is hamburger, but you can set everything between)
  • setToolbarHidden - sets the value for hideToolbar property


  • change - fires when the drawer motion state changes

    • state (Number) - the new drawer motion state
    • idle (Boolean) - indicates that any drawers are in an idle, settled state. No animation is in progress
    • dragging (Boolean) - indicates that a drawer is currently being dragged by the user
    • settling (Boolean) - indicates that a drawer is in the process of settling to a final position
  • drawerslide - fires when a drawer's position changes

    • offset (Number) - the new offset of this drawer within its range, from 0-1
    • drawer (String) - left or right
  • draweropen - fires when the drawer motion state changes

    • drawer (String) - left or right
  • drawerclose - fires when the drawer motion state changes

    • drawer (String) - left or right

Tricks & Pitfalls

  • Themes: Actionbar vs. Toolbar

    • There are two ways to setup the drawer module according to the App bar:
      1. Traditional: Drawer below App bar (using the Actionbar)
        • use default Theme.AppCompat or Theme.AppCompat.Light
      2. Material: Drawer covers App bar (using the Toolbar)
        • use Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar or Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar
        • add toolbar padding
  • Using Drawer for Navigation

    • This module only provides the layout itself. The Navigation logic must be done in your own code.
    • I've put together an example app to demonstrate this here: NavigationDrawer Demo App
  • Customizing the drawerArrowToggle

    • This is done in your ActionBar theme like this:
     <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
     	<item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/DrawerArrowStyle</item>
     <style name="DrawerArrowStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle">
     	<item name="spinBars">true</item>
     	<item name="color">@android:color/white</item>

    Android Docs:

  • TabGroup & Drawer

    • Please refer to my answer here