iOS Smart App Banner polyfill based on web technologies
Native Smart App Banner for iOS is too limitated in certain aspects:
- Only works on Safari for iOS, not even Chrome for iOS
- Constantly buggy in each iOS7 update
- No customizable
- No parametrable
Live example (open from iOS device)
Uses iTunes affiliate API to provide all necesary information, full docs at:
Thanks to @ijason as i was inspired in their JS version
Also thanks to Adam Brace ( for creating an iOS7 Smart App Banner PSD in which i could insipire to create my own
Remember viewport metatag
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" >
Then setup your SmartAppBanner metatag
View in App Store:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app-webversion" content="app-id=595441007">
Open app with params:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app-webversion" content="app-id=595441007, app-argument=yourapp://yourparams">
Force both buttons (Download & Open):
<meta name="apple-itunes-app-webversion" content="app-id=595441007, app-argument=yourapp://yourparams">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" >
SmartAppBannerConfig = {
showDownload: true
Add needed resources:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/smartapp-banner.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/smartapp-banner.min.js" charset="utf-8" async defer></script>
There are some options that could be configured, via SmartAppBannerConfig
global Object.
Default options are:
var SmartAppBannerConfig = {
// Gets browser language for localization and set API to localized iTunes Stores
// Uses ISO country codes:
locale: navigator.language.split('-')[1].toUpperCase(),
// Template selector
tplSelector: '[data-template=smartapp-banner]',
// Template location, must be an absolute path
tplDir: '',
// Show and hide the SmartAppBanner within animation
isAnimated: true,
// Shows price in view button instead of localized string
showPrice: true,
// Enables a custom iTunes Store link (commonly used for link tracking)
// viewURL: 'http://myCustomURL'
viewURL: false,
// Forces to show download button even when we declare the app-argument
showDownload: false,
// Default (US) strings used in template
strings: {
appStoreClaim: 'On the App Store',
viewButton: 'view',
openButton: 'open'
// Spanish (ES) localized strings
strings_ES: {
appStoreClaim: 'En la App Store',
viewButton: 'ver',
openButton: 'abrir'
Access from an iOS device at
- Create
theme - Check for app installed on device (?)
- Improve code