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Elasticsearch Mesos Framework



  • Deployment ✓
  • Durable cluster topology (via ZooKeeper) ✓
  • Web UI on scheduler port 31100 ✓
  • Support deploying multiple Elasticsearch clusters to single Mesos cluster ✓
  • Fault tolerance ✓
  • Customised ES configuration ✓
  • Configurable data directory ✓
  • Scale cluster horizontally ✓
  • Snapshot and restore ✓


  • High availability (master, indexer, replica)
  • Upgrading configuration
  • Scale cluster vertically
  • Upgrade
  • Rollback

Blocked features

Developer Tools

  • Local environment (Docker-machine) ✓
  • Rapid code + test (Mini Mesos) ✓
  • Build automation (Gradle and Jenkins) ✓

User tools

  • One JSON post to marathon install ✓

Getting Started

We recommend that users install via marathon, using a docker container.

This framework requires:

  • A running Mesos cluster on version 0.25.0
  • The use of Marathon is strongly recommended to provide resiliency against scheduler failover.
  • That the slaves have routable IP addresses. The ES ports are exposed on the slaves, so that the ES cluster can discover each other. Please double check that your slaves are routable.

Users Guide

Mesos version support

The framework currently supports Mesos 0.25.0. It may work with newer or older versions of Mesos, but the tests are only performed on this version.

How to install on Marathon

Create a Marathon file like the one below and fill in the IP addresses and other configuration. This is the minimum viable command; there are many more options.

  "id": "elasticsearch",
  "container": {
    "docker": {
      "image": "mesos/elasticsearch-scheduler",
      "network": "HOST"
  "args": ["--zookeeperMesosUrl", "zk://ZOOKEEPER_IP_ADDRESS:2181/mesos"],
  "cpus": 0.2,
  "mem": 512.0,
  "env": {
    "JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms128m -Xmx256m"
  "instances": 1

Then post to marathon to instantiate the scheduler: curl -k -XPOST -d @marathon.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://MARATHON_IP_ADDRESS:8080/v2/apps

Note: the JAVA_OPTS line is required. If this is not set, then the Java heap space will be incorrectly set.

Other command line options include:

Usage: (Options preceded by an asterisk are required) [options]
       The host data directory used by Docker volumes in the executors. [DOCKER
       MODE ONLY]
       Default: /var/lib/mesos/slave/elasticsearch
       The elasticsearch binary to use (Must be tar.gz format). E.g. ''
       [JAR MODE ONLY]
       Default: <empty string>
       Name of the elasticsearch cluster
       Default: mesos-ha
       The amount of CPU resource to allocate to the elasticsearch instance.
       Default: 1.0
       The amount of Disk resource to allocate to the elasticsearch instance
       Default: 1024.0
       The elasticsearch docker image to use. E.g. 'elasticsearch:latest'
       Default: elasticsearch:latest
       Number of elasticsearch instances.
       Default: 3
       Override Mesos provided ES HTTP and transport ports. Format
       `HTTP_PORT,TRANSPORT_PORT` (comma delimited, both required).
       Default: <empty string>
       The amount of ram resource to allocate to the elasticsearch instance
       Default: 256.0
       Path or URL to ES yml settings file. Path example:
       '/var/lib/mesos/config/elasticsearch.yml'. URL example: ''.
       In Docker mode a volume will be created from /tmp/config in the container to
       the directory that contains elasticsearch.yml.
       Default: <empty string>
       Option to force pull the executor image. [DOCKER MODE ONLY]
       Default: false
       The name given to the executor task.
       Default: elasticsearch-executor
       One or more labels given to the executor task. Example: 'environment=prod bananas=apples'
       Default: <empty string>
       Use external volume storage driver. By default, nodes will use volumes on
       Default: <empty string>
       External volume driver options.
       Default: <empty string>
       The time before Mesos kills a scheduler and tasks if it has not recovered
       Default: 2592000.0
       The name given to the framework.
       Default: elasticsearch
       The principal to use when registering the framework (username).
       Default: <empty string>
       Used to group frameworks for allocation decisions, depending on the
       allocation policy being used.
       Default: *
       The path to the file which contains the secret for the principal
       (password). Password in file must not have a newline.
       Default: <empty string>
       The framework will use docker if true, or jar files if false. If false,
       the user must ensure that the scheduler jar is available to all slaves.
       Default: true
       When starting in jar mode, if java is not on the path, you can specify
       the path here. [JAR MODE ONLY]
       Default: <empty string>
       If true, the framework will resolve the local ip address. If false, it
       uses the hostname.
       Default: false
       TCP port for web ui interface.
       Default: 31100
       The timeout for connecting to zookeeper for Mesos (ms).
       Default: 20000
  * --zookeeperMesosUrl
       Zookeeper urls for Mesos in the format zk://IP:PORT,IP:PORT,...)
       Default: zk://mesos.master:2181

Framework Authorization

To use framework Auth, and if you are using docker, you must mount a docker volume that contains your secret file. You can achieve this by passing volume options to marathon. For example, if you wanted to use the file located at /etc/mesos/frameworkpasswd, then could use the following:

    "docker": {
      "image": "mesos/elasticsearch-scheduler",
      "network": "HOST"
    "volumes": [
        "containerPath": "/etc/mesos/frameworkpasswd",
        "hostPath": "/etc/mesos/frameworkpasswd",
        "mode": "RO"

Please note that the framework password file must only contain the password (no username) and must not have a newline at the end of the file. (Marathon bugs)

Using JAR files instead of docker images

It is strongly recommended that you use the containerized version of Mesos Elasticsearch. This ensures that all dependencies are met. Limited support is available for the jar version, since many issues are due to OS configuration. However, if you can't or don't want to use containers, use the raw JAR files in the following way:

  1. Requirements: Java 8, Apache Mesos.
  2. Set the CLI parameter frameworkUseDocker to false. Set the javaHome CLI parameter if necessary.
  3. Run the jar file manually, or use marathon. Normal command line parameters apply. For example:
  "id": "elasticsearch",
  "cpus": 0.2,
  "mem": 512,
  "instances": 1,
  "cmd": "java -jar scheduler-1.0.0.jar --frameworkUseDocker false --zookeeperMesosUrl zk:// --frameworkName elasticsearch --elasticsearchClusterName mesos-elasticsearch --elasticsearchCpu 1 --elasticsearchRam 1024 --elasticsearchDisk 1024 --elasticsearchNodes 3 --elasticsearchSettingsLocation /home/ubuntu/elasticsearch.yml",
  "uris": [ "" ],
  "env": {
    "JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms256m -Xmx512m"
  "ports": [31100],
  "requirePorts": true,
  "healthChecks": [
      "gracePeriodSeconds": 120,
      "intervalSeconds": 10,
      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 6,
      "path": "/",
      "portIndex": 0,
      "protocol": "HTTP",
      "timeoutSeconds": 5

Jars are available under the (releases section of github)[].

External volumes

The elasticsearch database can be given a third layer of data resiliency (in addition to sharding, and replication) by using exernal volumes. External volumes are storage devices that are mounted externally to the application. For example, AWS's EBS volumes. To enable this feature, simply specify the docker volume plugin that you wish to use. For example: --externalVolumeDriver rexray. This will create volumes prefixed with the framework name and a numeric ID of the node, e.g. elasticsearch0data. Volume options can be passed using the --externalVolumeOptions parameter.

The most difficult part is setting up a docker volume plugin. The next few sections will describe how to setup the "rexray" docker volume plugin.

Docker mode installation of the rexray docker volume plugin

In docker mode, the applications rexray and dvdcli:

Below is a script that will install these applications for you on AWS. Ensure the following AWS credentials are exported on your host: $TF_VAR_access_key, $TF_VAR_access_key. To use, simply run the script with an argument pointing to an agent. E.g. ./

Install Rexray

Then to use external volumes, simply pass the required argument. Below is an example marathon json:

  "id": "es-rexray",
  "cpus": 1.0,
  "mem": 512,
  "instances": 1,
  "args": [
    "--zookeeperMesosUrl", "zk://$MASTER:2181/mesos",
    "--elasticsearchCpu", "0.5",
    "--elasticsearchRam", "1024",
    "--elasticsearchDisk", "1024",
    "--externalVolumeDriver", "rexray"
  "env": {
    "JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms32m -Xmx256m"
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "mesos/elasticsearch-scheduler:latest",
      "network": "HOST",
      "forcePullImage": true
  "ports": [31100],
  "requirePorts": true

Jar mode installation of the rexray docker volume plugin

It is possible to use in jar mode using the mesos-module-dvdi project, or the mesos-flocker project. Testing has been performed with the mesos-module-dvdi project.

The following script (in addition to the previous docker script) will install the required software. To use, simply run the script with an argument pointing to an agent. E.g. ./

Install Rexray Lib

Data directory

The ES node data can be written to a specific directory. If in docker mode, use the --dataDir option. If in jar mode, set the option in your custom ES settings file.

The cluster name and slaveID will be appended to the end of the data directory option. This allows users with a shared network drive to write node specific data to their own seperate location.

For example, if the user specifies a data directory of /var/lib/data, then the data for the agent with a Slave ID of S1 will be written to /var/lib/data/mesos-ha/S1.

User Interface

The web based user interface is available on port 31100 of the scheduler by default. It displays real time information about the tasks running in the cluster and a basic configuration overview of the cluster.

The user interface uses REST API of the Elasticsearch Mesos Framework. You can find the API documentation here:

Cluster Overview

Cluster Overview

Cluster page shows on the top the number of Elasticsearch nodes in the cluster, the overall amount of RAM and disk space allocated by the cluster. State of individual nodes is displayed in a bar, one color representing each state and the percentage of nodes being in this state.

Below you can see Performance Overview with the following metrics over time: number of indices, number of shards, number of documents in the cluster and the cluster data size.



This simple interface allows you to specify a number of nodes to scale to.

Tasks List

Tasks List

Tasks list displays detailed information about all tasks in the cluster, not only those currently running, but also tasks being staged, finished or failed. Click through individual tasks to get access to Elasticsearch REST API.



This is a read-only interface displaying an overview of the framework configuration.

Query Browser

Query Browser

Query Browser allows you to examine data stored on individual Elasticsearch nodes. In this example we searched for the word "Love" on slave1 node. You can toggle between tabular view and raw results view mode, which displays the raw data returned from Elasticsearch /_search API endpoint.

Known issues

  • Issue #177: Executors keep running if the scheduler is killed unless the DCOS CLI is used.

Developers Guide

For developers, we have provided a range of tools for testing and running the project. Check out the minimesos project for an in-memory Mesos cluster for integration testing.


You can run Mesos-Elasticsearch using minimesos, a containerized Mesos cluster for testing frameworks.

How to run on Linux


  • Docker
$ ./gradlew build buildDockerImage system-test:main

How to run on Mac


  • Docker Machine
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 --virtualbox-cpu-count 2 mesos-es
$ eval $(docker-machine env mesos-es)
$ sudo route delete; sudo route -n add $(docker-machine ip mesos-es)
$ ./gradlew build buildDockerImage system-test:main

System test

The project contains a system-test module which tests if the framework interacts correctly with Mesos, using minimesos. We currently test Zookeeper discovery and the Scheduler's API by calling endpoints and verifying the results. As the framework grows we will add more system tests.

How to run system tests on Linux

  • Docker

Run all system tests

$ ./gradlew build buildDockerImage system-test:systemTest

Run a single system test

$ ./gradlew -DsystemTest.single=DiscoverySystemTest system-test:systemTest

How to release

  1. First update the by listing fixed issues and bugs
  2. Update the version number in the Configuration.class so that the Web UI shows the correct version number.
  3. Push changes
  4. Verify that the Continuous Build Pipeline completes successfully.
  5. Run the Release Build and pick a release type: patch, minor or major.
  6. Done!


Get in touch with the Elasticsearch Mesos framework developers via [email protected]


This project is sponsored by Cisco Cloud Services


Apache License 2.0