There may be some issues when installing ORCA on Windows that cannot be easily resolved. We highly recommend conducting experiments on WSL2, which has undergone more thorough verIfication.
The installation of MetaUrban requires the following tools:
make, cmake, gcc
Please check the installation of these tools via
make -v
cmake --version
gcc -v
If not installed, use commands on WSL2 and Linux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make cmake gcc
Please check the installation of these tools via
make -v
cmake --version
gcc -v
If not installed, use commands on MacOS
sudo brew install make cmake gcc
If there is no brew on your PC, use
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
nano ~/.zshrc
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"
source ~/.zshrc
to install brew
Additionally, we highly recommend that use bash via
If you meet issues about path like
no 'bind' (in /PATH/TO/METAURBAN/metaurban/policy/
If your PC is without monitor, you can only use offscreen rendering mode by setting
and add some specIfic lines in scripts to warm up the environment
from metaurban.envs.base_env import BASE_DEFAULT_CONFIG
from metaurban.engine.engine_utils import initialize_engine, close_engine
config_warmup = BASE_DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
config_warmup["debug"] = True
before spawning environment
env = SidewalkStaticMetaUrbanEnv(config)
o, _ = env.reset(seed=0)
There may be some minor dIfference of rendering qualities among dIfferent systems, which is normal.
You can test the cameras via
If everything functions properly, you should observe paired images like the example below
If you plan to train RL agents on your PC, make sure to adjust the number of environments in the scripts:
This will help prevent out-of-memory (OOM) errors or high CPU usage. However, due to the inherent characteristics of RL, setting the number of environments too low may compromise the effectiveness of agent training.
We provide RL models trained on the task of navigation, which can be used to preview the performance of RL agents.
python -m metaurban.examples.drive_with_pretrained_policy
and the target result would be