- System
- Automatically persist logs during (and for a short time after) updates
- Webapp
- Update Airplay icon to modern variant
- Add gradient to background to break up the solid color
- Reformat Admin Settings portion of Admin Panel (previously known as the Updater)
- Move home screen, player page controls to bottom of screen on mobile
- Update CSS breakpoints to scale the player page better on the smallest of screens
- Reformat Player page volume controls to look more modern
- Add safeguards in an attempt to reduce volume slider misinputs
- Add ability to create streams, presets from the home screen
- Change Modal buttons to be textual instead of icon based
- Web App
- Ensure that abnormally-shaped album art is still horizontally centered
- Add error handling on browser page for instances where the selected stream isn't browsable
- Add scrollbars to tall modals
- Change how events are handled with Modals to reduce accidental closures
- Rename Updater to Admin Panel
- Add "Admin Settings" tab to the Updater/Admin Panel
- Add toggleable option to persist system logs to Admin Settings
- Move "Set password" page to be accessible via Admin Settings tab
- Add success/fail messages to zones settings changes
- Add state polling to some user workflows (stream starting, stopping; using presets) to remove the illusion of lag
- System
- Make update process properly report errors
- Streams
- Replace Spotify Connect backend
- Replace Spotify Connect backend
- Web App
- Ensure that media device audio streams stop outputting audio when disconnected
- Limit max height of group creation dropdown
- Improve how marquee components look when not scrolling
- Web App
- Fix internet radio search on IOS app
- Update styling on Settings pages, ensure they fit all mobile screens properly
- Change "<- Back to App" button on the updater page to redirect to the settings page rather than the homepage
- Update links on "About" settings tab to open in a new tab
- Add scroll functionality to more modals, hide the scrollbars
- Handle errors better in the stream editing dialog
- Migrate more components to mui, a Material UI implementation
- Add marquee functionality the header of all modals, if the header text doesn't fit it will now scroll instead of pushing all the content down
- Only allow one FM or Bluetooth stream to run at once
- Change how errors are displayed on Stream create/edit modal to be more obvious
- Fix a bug where UI content was cropped on certain mobile platforms
- Ensure that media device audio streams stop outputting audio when disconnected
- Limit max height of group creation dropdown
- Improve how marquee components look when not scrolling
- System
- Fixed a bug where support tunnel addresses would be served when querying for amplipi.local
- Stream validation for URLs has been made more robust
- Minor bugfixes with Airplay 1 stream handling
- Reset API password, support tunnels during factory reset
- Actually move system state to .config/amplipi
- Take a local config backup during every firmware upgrade Streams
- Fixed a bug where streams would disappear during upgrades by disabling validation when loading from disk
- Streams
- Internet radio can now play playlists from the
, andm3u
formats. - Fixed bug where internet radio process would not completely stop when the stream was stopped.
- Fixed bug where internet radio process would permenantly fail during transient network errors
- Fixed a bug where a missing logo prevents saving & showing streams
- Internet radio can now play playlists from the
- Web App
- Fix a bug that caused re-renders on settings modals
- Display
- Status now displays number of playing, paused, stopped, and muted zones.
- Developing
- Delete generated tarball after finishing deploying using scripts/deploy
- Streams
- Add USB Player stream type
- System
- Fixed bug where the logs would be filled with errors when startign Spotify.
- Take regular configuration backups to the backend
- Fix bug where ch0 would not convert mono streams to stereo.
- Web App
- Migrate more inputs to MUI
- Fix internet radio searching during stream creation
- Download appliance config when toggling LMS mode off
- Add hoverover effects on unselected player cards
- Handle missing source selection
- Autoselect newly created sources
- Add marquee support to stream names in player view
- System
- Reduce noisy logging from lms_metadata.py
- Fix install of FM radio software
- Fix latest version checking after an update
- Move system state out of running software directory
- Fix updates on systems with an API password set
- Fix the display service on systems with an API password set
- Streams
- File Players can be temporary. A temporary File Player will remove itself from the list of available streams once disconnected from all sources.
- File Players run their own Python container process similar to Internet Radio Stations, rather than running a cvlc command.
- File Players can now be paused, and restarted by pressing the play button when the track ends.
- Add a play endpoint which supports playing music to a File Player remotely.
- System
- Fix broken API generation
- Permit continuous integration runs in the installer for automated disk image builds
- Make udisks2-listener.service stop spamming logs on startup
- Web App
- Enforce breakpoint styling to ensure that the UI looks the same between mobile, desktop, tablet viewports
- Groups containing disabled zones now behave as though those zones don't exist
- Groups containing only disabled zones no longer selectable
- Only show not-playing streams in the new stream modal
- Ensure that Pandora credentials are valid when adding a Pandora stream
- Increase responsiveness of Config page
- Streams
- Remove stop command (only accessable through API) from Pandora
- Disconnect zones from sources when they are disabled
- Updated Pianobar to fork of 2022.04.01
- Reset buggy LMS clients on a regular basis
- Improved Spotify metadata and status handling
- Updated Spotifyd to 357e1476fd4e987b82d00ac7b70891d1730509e8
- Rewrote MPRIS interface to no longer poll (used by spotify and airplay)
- Fixed bug in spotify with metadata file location
- Fixed Spotify stream field validation to permit spaces
- Web App
- Add initial support for song browser (only Pandora stations for now)
- Add streams to the stream list on the homepage in the order they were added
- Add firmware version for main and expansion units on About page
- Limit length of displayed stream names with ellipsis
- Minor security increase to Pandora passwords
- Add restart stream button to stream modal
- Add dynamic scaling to controls on Player page
- Make update available badge show up on both Settings page and the menu bar
- Fix stream icons
- Make it clearer when a stream needs a zone added on the home screen
- System
- Add serial number to eink display
- Add ability to display status on eink display
- Better logging around failed upgrades
- Make upgrades more stable
- Implement opt-in remote support capabilities from the updater
- Upgrade LMS (Lyrion Media Server, formerly Logitech Media Server)
- Display
- Add serial number
- Add status code field
- Display number of expanders connected
- Reorganize layout to accomodate more text
- Add start-up screen to E-Ink Display
- Streams
- Add DLNA metadata and control support
- Add support for browsing Pandora stations
- Make Pandora like work and pass tests without metadata race condition
- Validate stream fields when creating or reconfiguring stream
- Handle LMS client cleanup better
- Upgrade LMS client, squeezelite
- Fix: Zones playing audio on source used for announcement are not muted while announcement is playing
- Log firmware version for main and expansion units
- Add serial number to API
- Add list of Expanders' serial numbers to API
- Manufacturing
- Display a QR code to the quickstart guide for initial unboxing
- Web App
- Reverse order available sources are used in
- System
- Add version number to config
- Load arbitrary extra fields into /info from file
- Fix a firmware programming bug for extenders
- Add metadata support
- Add support for non-9000 ports
- Upgrade LMS to 8.5.1
- Automatically mount usb storage devices as media drives in LMS
- Streams
- Revert recent Pandora changes for stability reasons
- Web App
- Improve static asset deployment
- Add support for mobile app only functionality
- Fix bug where fields in stream configuration had empty descriptions
- Better form validation on the stream addition and editing modal
- Generate sourcemaps with every deployment
- Replace Pandora controls (like, dislike songs)
- Add "liked state" metadata to Pandora controls
- System
- Add ability to display a special message for shipping on the eink display
- Make eink display clear when the display process is stopped
- Add support for python's logging module for better debugging
- Streams
- Hide FM Radio if hardware is not available
- Make pandora stream album art use HTTPS urls to make sure it is rendered in the ios app
- Make Pandora streams a bit more robust against failure
- Fix internet radio startup bug that caused echo
- Fix AirPlay album art
- Ensure Pandora streams stop when deactivated
- Web App
- Improve functionality of configuration page
- Streams
- Fix Spotify stream creation
- Web App
- Fixed bug that allows disabled streams to be shown & selected
- Close the preset modal when the preset has been executed
- Remove Elastic APM RUM client
- Make zeroconf advertisement more robust to ip address changes
- Remove deprecated old zeroconf advertisement
- System
- Manage the /boot/config.txt Raspberry Pi firmware configuration file for bugfixes
- Streams
- Added aux input stream, a special stream that is always available and is used to select the 3.5mm input.
- Developing
- Make
script bail when the imaging is unsuccessful
- Make
- System
- Fix bug between various hardware versions
- Developing
- Fix software and hardware tests
- Streams
- Add Bluetooth stream
- Updates to spotifyd
- Add support for units without zones
- Testing
- Shorten audio clips used in preamp tests
- Hardware
- Add support for EEPROMS on boards to identify board type and revision
- Add support for E-Ink display
- Web App
- Completely rewritten web app using React
- System
- Add Logitech Media Server as an optional backend
- System
- Fix python dependencies to specific versions
- Streams
- Fix LMS Server parameter
- Docs
- Update 9/12V supply register descriptions
- Web App
- Reject scroll events to volume sliders
- Improve version display
- Streams
- Switch to Spotifyd Spotify client
- Add MPRIS metadata/command interface
- Add LMS Client (no metadata yet)
- Make Airplay use MPRIS
- Add single Airplay2 to Airplay stream
- Add default icon for internet radio
- Simplify stream serialization
- Robustify config loading
- Make RCA inputs look like streams
- Make zones removable
- Web App
- Add link for text log
- Add shutdown and reboot buttons in Settings->Configuration and Reset
- Add factory reset button in Settings->Configuration and Reset
- Add
endpoints - Add
endpoint for version, release, and other system information
- Add
- Storage
- Only log to RAM, drastically reducing disk writes
- Use ram disks for temporary stream configration and metadata storage
- Streams
- Fix stream creation issue, when no streams exist
- Docs
- Use latest rapidoc viewer, fixes several api rendering issues
- Updates
- Upgrade system packages on update
- System Status
- Detect if internet access is available (check every 5 mins)
- Check in the background for available updates (once per day)
- Developing
- Show git hash and branch info for tests deployed by scripts/deploy
- Hardware
- Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.6: support high-power AmpliPi units.
- Front-Panel Display
- Fix bug that caused volumes to not display
- Web App
- Add consistent play/pause/prev/next controls
- Per zone min and max volume configuration, make it easy to restrict volume levels in a room or not blast the music accidentally
- Add internet radio search (thanks @kjk2010)
- Fix misc settings bugs
- Cache on version to force js/css update on refresh
- 0.0 to 1.0 volume controls (using vol_f)
- Sources report the commands currently supported (play/pause/...)
- Streams
- Add Play/Stop functionality to internet radio
- Make internet radio retry on failure
- Fix internet radio lockup condition
- Audio
- Reduce the chance of audio pops during volume changes
- Make the preouts mute when a zone is muted
- Security
- If the password for the
user is stillraspberry
, a new random password will be set and stored in ~/.config/amplipi/default_password.txt. - Newly shipped AmpliPi units will have a random password set already.
- If this default password is still in use, it will be shown on the front-panel display. Otherwise the display will show "User Set".
- It is still recommended to change this password using the
utility since the default password is saved in plain-text.
- If the password for the
- Audio
- All 4 DACs connected to the Raspberry Pi now output the same volume.
- Web App
- Improved mDNS/zeroconf service advertisement (will help with mobile apps currently under development).
- Simplified initial configuration.
- Renamed the Shairport stream to AirPlay.
- Added link to community forums.
- Documentation
- Added better web app documentation and updated examples.
- Improved high-level hardware diagrams and updated them to match the shipped hardware.
- Added new hardware schematics and changelogs.
- Updater
- Show up-to-date status.
- Update directly from releases on Github.
- Programs latest firmware.
- Hardware
- Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.4: support linear voltage fan control on new hardware.
- Auto-add new zones if a new Expansion Unit is detected.
- Web App
- Added stream/input, zone, and group configuration interface.
- Added load/save configuration (and hw reset).
- Automated Plex account connection/authorization.
- Added mDNS/zeroconf advertisement for amplipi-api service.
- Streams
- Added Spotify Metadata using Vollibrespot.
- Added FMRadio stream (requires USB Receiver).
- Added album art endpoint for rendering custom album art sizes (/api/sources/{sid}/image/{height}).
- Moved stream.info to source.info so analog inputs have info as well.
- Added endpoint for PA Style Announcements (api/announce).
- Hardware
- Updated schematics and hardware info for developer units.
- Added production and built in tests.
- Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.3: added PWM fan control for new hardware.