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Breaking Changes to Java Deploy Configuration

Eric Jizba edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

The deploy behavior for Java projects has changed in version 0.14.0 of the Azure Functions extension. Previously, the extension would automatically run mvn clean package and detect the folder to deploy. However, there was no way to change or prevent this behavior and it was inconsistent with other languages. Going forward, Java projects should leverage the settings described below. New projects will have them set by default and existing projects will be prompted to add them.

  • azureFunctions.preDeployTask: This describes the task to run before every deploy. By default, it is set to package, referencing the following task in your .vscode/tasks.json file:
      "version": "2.0.0",
      "tasks": [
          "label": "package",
          "command": "mvn clean package",
          "type": "shell"
  • azureFunctions.deploySubPath: This describes the folder to deploy. By default it is set to target/azure-functions/<functionAppName>/

NOTE: The previous runFunctionsHost task used for debugging has also been replaced by a much simplified func: host start task. However, this was not a breaking change and either version should work.