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javaScript Interview Questions

Language Fundamentals:

What is the difference between null and undefined?

In all programming languages, you see null values, but javascript is unique in this case; because it has both null and undefined values. Most of the languages have data types for variables, javascript also has, but when of variable declaration, there is no type decided. Then after the value is assigned to the variable, it decides the data type. So before any value is assigned to a variable in javascript, the variable contains undefined.

let x;
console.log(x);     // undefined
console.log(typeof x);      // undefined

let x = 1996;
console.log(x);     // 1996
console.log(typeof x);      // number

“Null” is the same as other programming languages, “null” means nothing. When you have a variable or object, which you want to make empty, then you assign “null” to variable.

let x = null;
console.log(x);     // null
console.log(typeof x);      // object - It is not true

let y;
console.log(x==y);  // True, Because null and undefined both represent nothing-ness
console.log(x===y); // False, Bacause null and undefined have different data types

Relative Questions:

What is undefined in javascript? A variable, which is not assigned a value is undefined.

let x;

What will be the output of undefined == null and undefined === null ? and why? undefined == null is simple comparison, and it is going to return true, but undefined === null is strict comparison, which checks both value and data type. Undefined itself is a data type but null is a primitive data type. So the return value is false.

Can you explicitly assign undefined to a variable? Yes, because undefined itself is a kind of keyword in javascript, which you can use:

let x = undefined;
console.log(x);     // undefined

What is the difference between function scope and block scope?

First, we need to understand what is the scope of a variable? The scope can be of a variable and function, so the logic remains the same. The Scope of a variable is the lifetime or availability of a variable.

function first() {
    let x = 3;

function second() {
    console.log(x); // Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined
    /* Variable x is not available because it is defined inside first function, and we are trying to access
    it inside second function. This means the scope of variable 'x' is limited to first function, in the 
    other words, variable x is local to function first().
    * */


The Scope of a variable can be local or global. Let's make x variable global. Global variable will be accessible for all functions.

let x = 10;

function first() {
    x += 5;     // 10 + 5

function second() {
    console.log(x);     // 15


Both function first and second are referring to the same variable. X variable is global and available for an entire piece of code.

Function scope vs. Block scope:

ES5 has function scope, and that is because of hoisting, But ES6 does not have hoisting, It has block scope. If you declare a variable with “var” keyword, then hoisting will be there.

console.log(x);     // undefined
var x;

What if we have this piece of code:

console.log(x);     // undefined
var x = 10;

It is still undefined because the javascript compiler internally transforms code above (finds all variable declarations, which are declared with var keyword and brings all the declarations to the top) to this one:

var x;
console.log(x);     // undefined
x = 10;

At a time with “var” keyword, you can declare only one variable in a function with the same name. Hoisting means bringing the declarations on top. Block scope is introduced from ES6 onwards.

let x = 9;
    let x = 8;
    console.log(x);     // 8
console.log(x);     // 9

Javascript compiler does not hoist variables declared with “let” keyword.

console.log(x);     // Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access “x” before initialization.
let x;

Relative Questions:

What is hoisting in javascript? A process, which is happening behind the scene, internally it is bringing the declarations on top.

How does block scope work? It is nothing but the brackets {}, in if conditions, for loop, do while loop, etc. That is block created, which creates separate scope for declarations existing in that block.

What is scope of a variable? It is the availability or visibility or lifetime of a variable.

What is Automatic Semicolon Insertion(ASI)?

You must have used ";" many times in javascript code. Almost all lines are terminated by a “;”. If you forget to write ";" then also javascript will not show any error. The reason for not showing error is that the compiler automatically adds a semicolon at the end of those lines.

console.log("Hi")   // javascript inserts “;” at the end of line. aka ASI

Writing a ";" at the end of line is optional in javascript. Javascript does not insert a ";" on every line break that is on every new line.

let a = 4 *
console.log(a);     // 20

Let's see another example:

function test() {
    return      // ASI is happened here - there is a semicolon here.

const obj = test();
console.log(obj);   // undefined

Relative Questions:

Should you terminate all lines by a ";"? It is a good practice to have a ";" at the end.

Can “use strict” statement, or the strict mode changes the behavior of ASI? No, It does not change the behavior if you write “use strict” it does not mean you have to end all lines with ";".

Difference between rest and spread operator?

From ES6 onwards, there are … used in many places. Sometimes they are called the rest operator and sometimes the very same … are called spread operator. Imagine a situation where you have to create a function called sum, which can take any number of arguments, and at the end it should return the sum of all the parameters passed to it:

function sum(...nums) { // rest operator
    return nums.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item, 0);

sum(1, 2, 3);   // 6

For multi-parameter functions, the rest operator must be the last one:

function logger(a, ...b) {
    console.log(a, b);      // 1 [2, 3, 4, 5]

logger(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

The rest operator is part of ES6. In ES5 we have an array-like object called arguments, which does not work with arrow functions, so we avoid it:

function foo() {
    console.log(arguments); // {"0": 5, "1":8}

foo(5, 8);

If we convert the function above to arrow function, It won't work:

const foo = () => {
    console.log(arguments); // Uncaught ReferenceError: arguments is not defined in foo

foo(5, 8);

In order to make it work properly, we need to use rest operator:

const foo = (...nums) => {
    console.log(nums);  // [5, 8]

foo(5, 8);

So whenever we use … with function to deal with any number of parameters, then we call it rest operator (for the rest of parameters). As the rest operator puts the separate data values into one array, the spread does the opposite:

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let arr2 = [...arr1, 6, 7, 8];
console.log(arr2);  // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Let's see another example of spread operator. In this example, we want to find the biggest element in the array using math module methods:

const array = [2, 6, 12, 97, 1, 0, 999, 567, 254];
console.log(Math.max(array));   // NaN - Not a number error

We need to use spread operator to feed array numbers into max method:

const array = [2, 6, 12, 97, 1, 0, 999, 567, 254];
console.log(Math.max(...array));    /// 999

Relative Questions:

Can we use arguments object in arrow functions? It cannot be used. If it is the traditional way, it works, otherwise it won't.

Which is the best way to create a new array with assignments? Using spread operator:

const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
const arr2 = [...arr1, 4, 5, 6];
console.log(arr2);  // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

How can you handle the n number of parameters passed to a function?

const func = function(...numbers) { // rest operator
    console.log(...numbers);    // spread operator - 1 2 3 4 5

func(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Is this piece of code valid? Give a reason.

// function test(...a, b) {
//     console.log(a,  b);
// }

We can not have rest parameter in the beginning of the parameter list. If we have just the parameter list, it is ok, but if we have more parameters then, the rest parameter should be at the last position because it is the rest of the parameters.

When do you get infinity or (-infinity) as output?

Infinity is a special integer value, which is greater than any value or in other words, it is the highest possible value available in javascript. There are two possibilities for infinity:

  1. Positive infinity(POSITIVE_INFINITY)
  2. Negative infinity(NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
console.log(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);      // Infinity
console.log(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);      // -Infinity

In javascript the numbers are stored in 64-bit format. It means any value which cannot fit in the 64-bit format will return infinity. It cannot hold the value, value is larger than 64-bit.

console.log(9e4);       // 90000
console.log(-9e4);      // -90000
console.log(9e400);     // Infinity
console.log(-9e400);    // -Infinity
console.log(Number.MAX_VALUE);      // 1.7976931348623157e+308
console.log(Number.MIN_VALUE);      // 5e-324
console.log(Number.MAX_VALUE * 2);      // Infinity
console.log(-Number.MAX_VALUE * 2);     // -Infinity

All codes above are generating the infinity, but this is not the purpose. Ideally when you expect that in some calculation you might get some huge value, and you want to put a validation, then it is useful. For example:

if (num === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return "Negative Infinite Value";
else return num;    // Or some calculation on num

Relative Questions:

How will you go put a validation for positive or negative infinity?

if (num === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Positive Infinite Value";
else return num;    // Or some calculation on num

if (num === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return "Negative Infinite Value";
else return num;    // Or some calculation on num

What is the output of the following code?

console.log(1/0);   // Infinity

When do you get NaN as output?

NaN is a global property representing "Not-A-Number". You normally get this error when there is a non-numeric value or operation performed.

const a = 5;
const b = "javascript";
console.log(a * b);     // NaN - Because number and string cannot perform mathematical operations

How will you make sure that you always have validation on such values? By using a method called isNaN(). This method is a function which returns true or false depending on the expression:

if (isNaN(a * b)) return "Invalid";
else if (!isNaN(a * b)) return "Valid";

NaN is a unique value in the other words, NaN does not match with itself. NaN return a unique value each time you refer it:


We prefer to write isFinite() method which not only checks for NaN but also checks for infinity and -infinity as well. isFinite() method checks whether the value is a regular number or not:

const a = 4;
const b = "test string";
console.log(isFinite(a * b));       // false
console.log(isFinite(4 * 5));       // true
console.log(isFinite(Number.MAX_VALUE * 5));        // false
console.log(isFinite(Infinity));        // flase

Relative Questions:

What will be the output of the below statement?

console.log(NaN == NaN);        // false
console.log(NaN === NaN);       // false

What is the difference between isNaN() and isFinite()? isNan() method is going to check whether the value is Not-a-number or not, while isFinite() method checks for NaN as well as infinity values.

Explain must know points of arrow function:

In most javascript interviews, you will be asked about arrow functions. You should talk about functional behaviour aspects rather than just the syntax. Three functional behaviour that you must discuss is:

  1. "this" object doesn't work with arrow function
  2. "arguments" object doesn't work with arrow function
  3. You can't use "new" to call arrow functions
// Function definition
function test1() {
    // code is here

// Function expression
const test2 = function() {
    // code is here

Arrow function is a function expression:

// An arrow function without any parameter:
const test3 = () => {
    console.log("Without any parameter");

// An arrow function with a single parameter:
const test4 = greetMessage => {

// An arrow function with multiple parameters:
const test5 = (a, b) => {
    console.log(a + b);
test5(8, 5);

If our arrow function is a one liner single return statement function, we can write it this way:

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
sum(2, 5);  // 7

We can build IIFE(immediately Invoked Function Expression) using arrow functions:

// Regular IIFE:
(function IIFE() {

// IIFE using arrow function(IIAF - Immediately Invoked Arrow Function):
(() => {

Let's talk about those three functional behaviours: Assume the following function:

const test6 = () => {
    console.log(this);  // window

If we run code above on the browser, we get the window. If we write the following code, it means that, "this" object can have the local reference in this type of function; if this function be called with "new" keyword:

function test7() {

But if we use arrow function, we can not have current reference, I will always point to global envirenment:

const test8 = () => {

The following code is a clear explanation to what i've mentioned above:

const obj = {
    test() {
        console.log(this);  // {test: f}


const otherObj = {
    test: () => {
        console.log(this);  // Window


The reason is earlier the function also had a job of class. That is the function used to act as a class also, depending on the way it is called. If you call the function with the new keyword, then it will behaves as a class; But arrow function does not have that duty, it is just a function.

The arguments object does not work with arrow functions:

function test() {
    console.log(arguments);     // [1, 2, 3, 4]
test(1, 2, 3, 4);

const testArrow = () => {
    console.log(arguments);     // Uncaught ReferenceError: arguments isn't defined
testArrow(1, 2, 3, 4);

We can use rest operator, in order to fix this issue:

const testArrow = (...args) => {
    console.log(args);      // [1, 2, 3, 4]
testArrow(1, 2, 3, 4);

You can't use "new" to call arrow functions:

const test = () => {
    console.log("Test function ran!");

const obj = new test();     // Uncaught TypeError: test10 is not a constructor

Relative Questions:

Explain the syntactical features of arrow function? Already discussed above.

Why "this" does not work in arrow functions? Already discussed above.

Explain the output of the following code with a reason:

const obj = {
    method: () => {
        console.log(this);  // Already discussed above

How can you handle arguments object like functionality in arrow function? Already discussed above.

Can you write IIFE with arrow function syntax? Already discussed above.

How does the closure work in javascript?

When a function comes under another function, a closure is created. Closure pattern remembers outer variable and also helps to access outer scope members:

function outer() {
    function inner() {
        console.log("Inner called!");
inner();    // ReferenceError: inner is not defined.

we should write this instead in order to call inner function:

function outer() {
    function inner() {
        console.log("Inner called!");
outer();    // Inner called!

Running inner function using closure:

function outer() {
    function inner() {
        console.log("Inner called!");
    return inner;
const inFunc = outer();
inFunc();   // Inner called!

or in ES6 syntax:

const outer = () => {
    return () => {
        console.log("Inner called!");
const inFunc = outer();
inFunc();   // Inner called!

Let's see another example:

const addOne = () => {
    let counter = 0;
    return counter;
console.log(addOne());      // 1
console.log(addOne());      // 1
console.log(addOne());      // 1

Because we reinitialize counter variable every time we call the addOne function. We can fix it using the following code:

const addOne = () => {
    let counter = 0;    // this is kind of global variable for arrow function below
    return () => {
        return counter++;
const clb = addOne();
console.log(clb());     // 0
console.log(clb());     // 1
console.log(clb());     // 2

It is going to keep the last value of counter variable inside javascript environment. When we use closure, we are making private members globally available. Closure is useful when we want to make few private members available globally when needed.

Relative Questions:

How can you access private variable or a function outside the scope? We can do this using closure. Using returning a function without parentheses.

Explain the advantages of the closure? The main advantage of closure is that any member which is private for certain scope, can be accessed keeping it private so that the variable is away from any accidental change of value. Accessing private members with a closure pattern assure better approach of making a variable global.

How can sum(5)(6) return 11?

This way is actually call as currying. Currying is supported by many programming languages. It's a unique way to call inner functions where you can pass arguments partially or pass multiple arguments in a function but 1 argument at a time.

sum(5, 6);  // two arguments
sum(5)(6);  // one argument at a time

Let's see how actual code can be:

const sum = function (a) {
    return function (b) {
        return a + b;

const cl = sum(5);  // 5 is passed to a and cl has the reference of inner function and stored in lexical environment
const answer = cl(6);   // 6 is passed to b
console.log(answer);    // 11

Simplifying the code above using currying:

const sum = a => b => a + b;

const answer = sum(5)(6);   // Currying happens here
console.log(answer);    // 11

So the question is what is the practical use of currying? Let's see an example:

const priceCalculator = function (price) {
    return (discountPercentage) => {
        return price * discountPercentage;

const discountAmount = priceCalculator(300);
console.log(discountAmount(0.1));       // 30
console.log(discountAmount(0.2));       // 60
console.log(discountAmount(0.3));       // 90
console.log(discountAmount(0.4));       // 120
console.log(discountAmount(0.5));       // 150

Relative Questions:

What is function currying? It is a way to call functions where you can pass arguments partially or pass multiple arguments in a function but one argument at a time.

What will this statement do? Explain in detail.

const multiplication = a => b => c => a * b * c;

Code above is the simplified version of the following code using currying:

const multiplication = a => {
    return b => {
        return c => {
            return a * b * c;

Explain practical usage of function currying? Currying is an incredible useful technique of functional programming which solves various purposes like passing partial parameters or avoiding unwanted repetitions.

Iterable & Iterators:

The iterator concept is newly introduced in ES6. It is kind of new mechanism to iterate or traverse through data structures. As you know Array is an iterable. It means if you want to put a for ... of loop on an array, you can easily do that.

const arr = [4, 5, 6, 7];
for (let i of arr) {

Similarly, strings, maps, sets, etc are all iterables. But image you have an object literal such as the following code:

let obj = {
    val1: 10,
    val2: 20,

And you want to use for ... of loop on this object; In short, you want to make this object literal an iterable object. You can do this in ES6 using Symbol.iterator . Let's see an example:

let arr = [4, 5, 6, 7];
let itr = arr[Symbol.iterator]();   // returns iterable object
console.log(itr);   // Object [Array Iterator] {};     // {value: 4, done: false};     // {value: 5, done: false};     // {value: 6, done: false};     // {value: 7, done: false};     // {value: undefined, done: true}

Now we are going to iterate over an object literal:

let obj = {
    start: 10,
    end: 15,

for (let i of obj) {
    console.log(i);     // TypeError: obj is not iterable

Let's see the rules first of all:

  • When you want to make an object literal iterable, it should have method having key value as Symbol.iterator.
  • The object literal should also have the next() method.
let obj = {
    start: 10,
    end: 15,

obj[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
    const itr = {
        next() {
            if (obj.start <= obj.end) return {value: obj.start++, done: false};
            else return {done: true};
    return itr;

for (let i of obj) {


The key part is you put a method inside the object, which returns an iterable object. Symbol.iterator must return the object itself because there won't be any reference otherwise.

Relative Questions:

What is the purpose of the iterator? The use of an iterator is to make a data structure iterable which is not. When you create an object which should have facility of putting for ... of loop on it, then you need to create the iterator.

How do you create an iterator? The Symbol.iterator method must be implemented which should return an iterator object and should also have a next() method which returns the object.

Explain the practical use of an iterator? The use of an iterator is not very prompt when you use it in the same scope as we have seen earlier. As the custom data structure needs to have a provision of for ... of kind of loop then if your object is not iterable then it won't work. You are creating a pointer to move in data structure which you have provided to the end user who is actually a programmer.


Generators can help you to pause and resume the code. Normally when you write a function, it returns a single value. You can think of generators as a kind of functions which can return multiple values in phases. The function* is the keyword used to define a generator function and yield is an operator which pauses the generator; yield also helps to receive input and send output.

const genFunction = function* () {
    yield "YieldedValue.";  // At this time the function will be paused
    yield;  // yield itself is capable of returning any value

const gObj = genFunction();
console.log(gObj);      // Object [Generator] {}

When a generator function is called, It does not call the function, instead it returns a generator object. There is a next() method which starts the execution till the yield operator.

console.log(;       // Hello  {value: "YieldedValue.", done: false}
console.log(;       // World! {value: undefined, done: false}
console.log(;       // JavaScript {value: undefined, done: true}
console.log(;       // {value: undefined, done: true}

Generators are iterable, So we can put for ... of loop on them:

for (let o of gObj) console.log(o);

Since generators are iterable, So we can use spread operator with them:

const gArr = [...genFunction()];    // This will create an array with returned values
[ 'YieldedValue.', undefined ]

We can refactor our previous code related to iterator section using generators:

let obj = {
    start: 10,
    end: 15,
    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        for (let i = this.start; i <= this.end; i++) yield i;

for (let i of obj) console.log(i);


We can also get all values as an array:

let obj = {
    start: 10,
    end: 15,
    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        for (let i = this.start; i <= this.end; i++) yield i;

console.log([...obj]);  // [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Generators work well with iterators. The yield operator is only used in generator functions. When it comes to recursive functions or calling one generator function from another, yield* syntax is used:

function* gen1() {

function* gen2() {
    const g1 = gen1();;   // We need to move the function pointer using the next() method

const g2 = gen2();;      // Hello

We can summarize code snippet above like the following code:

function* gen1() {

function* gen2() {
    yield* gen1();

const g2 = gen2();;      // Hello

In case we have a recursive function:

function* factorial() {
    const certainCondition = true;
    if (certainCondition) {
        // Exit Code
    yield* factorial();

The generator object has next() method which we have already seen and it returns an object like the following:

{value: val, done: true/false}

It also has two other methods; return() and throw(). return() method is similar to next() method, but it returns object like the following:

{value: val, done: true}

And it terminates the generator. So return method is used to terminate the generator. Let's see an example:

function* gen() {
    yield "One";
    yield "Two";

const gObj = gen();
console.log(;       // {value: "One", done: false}
console.log(;       // {value: "Two", done: false}
console.log(;       // {value: undefined, done: true}

But if we use return() method:

function* gen() {
    yield "One";
    yield "Two";

const gObj = gen();
console.log(gObj.return());         // {value: undefined, done: true}
console.log(;           // {value: undefined, done: true}
console.log(;           // {value: undefined, done: true}

So when you want to come out of generator function or terminate it, you can use return() method. We can also pass the condition message to return method in order to terminate generator function:

function* gen() {
    yield "One";
    yield "Two";

const gObj = gen();
console.log(gObj.return("Condition Done!"));         // {value: "Condition Done!", done: true}
console.log(;           // {value: undefined, done: true}
console.log(;           // {value: undefined, done: true}

We can also suspend the termination using try...finally block:

function* gen() {
    try {
        yield "One";
        yield "Two";
    } finally {
        yield "Finally";

const gObj = gen();
console.log(;       // {value: "One", done: false}
console.log(gObj.return());     // {value: "Finally", done: false}
console.log(;       // {value: undefined, done: true}

Writing yield inside finally block won't allow the return() to terminate.

The throw() method throws an exception at the location of yield which made the last suspension in the generator function.

function* gen() {
    try {
        yield "One";
        yield "Two";
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`Error is ${err}`);

const gObj = gen();
console.log(;       // {value: "One", done: false}
console.log(gObj.throw());      // Error is undefined   {value: undefined, done: true}

If there is an error condition, you will use throw() or return() methods. The methods shown earlier are used in some situations only, with if condition or switch case, etc.

Generator functions are rarely used in javascript code, but for asynchronous processes, iterators and generators combined call work well.

Relative Questions:

What are generator functions? Explain the syntax. Generator functions give you a way where you can pause a process and continue from there after some time.

Which is the right syntax?

function* first() {
    // Some Code

// or

function *second() {
    // Some other code

Both are valid. You can write any syntax from blow:

  1. function* (){}
  2. function *(){}
  3. function*(){}

But the first one is commonly used syntax.

Explain all methods of generator object?

  1. next(): It moves the function pointer to the next line from last suspended yield
  2. return(): It allows to terminate the generator function
  3. throw(): It can help to raise an error with the generator object

Explain the use of yield* syntax? It is used to call generator function from another generator function or even to call recursive generator function.

Can you prevent return() from terminating the generator function? Yes, by using yield statement inside try...finally block:

function* gen() {
    try {
        yield "One";
        yield "Two";
    } finally {
        yield "Finally";

Memory Management & Garbage Collection:

What is the concept of garbage collection? When you declare a variable, object, array or function, all are stored somewhere in the memory. When program is ended, the data inside memory location needs to be cleared. In some programming languages you can call routines to clear garbage and some languages manage it automatically. In short, clearing memory location of objects, variables and functions is the process of collecting the garbage. Javascript is a high-level programming language, so you don't need to allocate memory. Memory allocation and releasing happens automatically. Making the memory free in the process of garbage collection and there is a routine who does it, called garbage collector. GC process is also called automatic memory management with reference to javascript. The garbage collection considers references, and it tries to release memory if the location is not reachable. Let's see an example:

let obj = {name: "js"}; // obj has a reference to name
obj = null; // name won't have any reference and which needs to be cleared
flowchart TB
    obj x-.-x |name is unreachable| location{"name(js)"}
    obj --> null{null}

Nothing can access this value(js) without any reference, so it is not reachable. Let's expand code above:

let obj = {name: "js"};
let obj1 = obj;
obj = null;
obj1 = null;
flowchart TB
    obj & obj1 x-.-x |name is unreachable| location{"name(js)"}
    obj & obj1 --> null{null}

name won't be reachable without any reference.
There is an algorithm called Mark and Sweep, this algorithm starts from the root object and checks for the linked references. In case if this algorithm finds unreachable locations, then those are the ones to be removed.

flowchart TB
    global[global] --> val1{val1} & val2{val2} & val3{val3} & val4{val4}
    global x-..-x |Unreachable| val5{val5} & val6{val6}

The memory locations related to val5 and val6 will be released.
All the modern browsers use Mark and Sweep algorithm. In older browsers, in case of circular reference, there was a situation of memory leaks. For example:

class Teacher {};
class Student {};

const teacher = new Teacher();
const student = new Student();
// Circular reference:
teacher.student = student;
student.teacher = teacher;

Relative Questions:

How does garbage collection work in javascript?
Mark and sweep algorithm is used for garbage collection. This algorithm will start from the global object and it makes the referenced values and unreachable locations are cleared.

Explain Mark and Sweep algorithm's pattern?
The algorithm begins with the root element, and then it starts to marking the referenced values and unmarked values will be cleared.

Which situation can create a memory leak?
Circular reference:

class Teacher {};
class Student {};

const teacher = new Teacher();
const student = new Student();
// Circular reference:
teacher.student = student;
student = null;     // The reference is lost(unreachable)
student.teacher = teacher;

Handling Errors in JavaScript:

Error handling is one of the very important concepts in any programming language. When you write the code, it may have errors in runtime. In case if error is appeared, the program will break. It will stop execution in between. Ideally you should write code with proper validations but still there are some unforeseen situations where the program breaks in between. In such cases the end user is stuck. Ideally what should happen is that when the program faces errors, even after validations, it should handle it and notify the user with proper error details like error number and description.

let a = 10;
console.log(`value of a: ${a}`);    // 10
letb = 20;  // Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined
console.log(`value of b: ${b}`);

In order to handle this kind of situation where you don't face any error at compile time but at runtime if you face any error then, you can use the try ... catch block:

try {
    let a = 10;
    console.log(`value of a: ${a}`);
    letb = 20;
    console.log(`value of b: ${b}`);
} catch (err) { // Error object is always passed with the catch block and it has name, message and stack properties
    console.log(;  // ReferenceError
    console.log(err.message);   // b is not defined
    console.log(err.stack); // This contains all information above as well as where the error is occured

It might also happen that you want to generate your own custom errors, you can generate custom errors by using throw operator. Here is an example:

let a = 10;
let ageError = new Error("Invalid Age");
try {
    if (a < 18) throw ageError;
    else console.log("Valif Age");
} catch (err) {
    console.log(err.message);   // Invalid Age

Let's see an example of type error:

let a = 10;
try {
    if (typeof a !== "string") throw TypeError("a has invalid type!");
    else console.log("a has valid type")
} catch (e) {
    console.log(e.message);     // a has invalid type!

There is one another block which we can add to try block and that is finally block. Let's see an example:

try {
    // Some code
} catch (e) {
    // Some other code
} finally {
    // This code is executed at the end and is always executed
let a = 10;
try {
    if (typeof a !== "string") throw TypeError("a has invalid type!");
    else console.log("a has valid type")
} catch (e) {
    console.log(e.message);     // a has invalid type!
} finally {
    console.log("Final Code Ran!");     // Final Code Ran

Relative Questions:

When do you need try...catch block?
This block is something which is handled at runtime, so when the code executed; Some portion of code needs to be managed properly so that the program does not stop in between then you use the try...catch block.

How can you generate an error?
You can generate custom errors with throw statement.

let ageError = new Error("Age Error");
try {
    if (a < 18) throw ageError;

// Or

throw new TypeError("Type of a is string!");

Can you generate SyntaxError or ReferenceError kind of error?
Yes, but you should use throw statement to raise the javascript built-in errors.

What is the purpose of the finally block?
The finally block is always executed whether there is an error or not. So the code which shall to be executed we put it in finally block.

How can you refer to the name and description of an error?

try {
    // some code is here
} catch (err) {

Can we have finally block without a catch block as well?

    // Some code is here
} finally {
    // Some other code which is always executed