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A tiny WASM animation using Perlin Noise


View Demo
Click the canvas to toggle between 3 different visualization modes.

1. About
2. Dev + Build
3. What I Did
    [Step 1] Creating Source Directory
    [Step 2] Creating Build Directory
    [Step 3] Writing
    [Step 4] Subdirectory Issue
    [Step 5] Creating a Symlink
    [Step 6] wasm-loader
    [Step 7] import.meta (or file://)
    [Step 8] application/wasm
4. Installed NPM Packages
    4-1. All
    4-2. Babel
    4-3. Webpack
    4-4. Other Build Tools
5. References

Update: 2023.4.15
If you want the latest WASM app using Perlin noise, check out perlin-experiment-2. Instead of using JS for canvas animation, the whole thing is written in WASM for this new version. Or, if you want a simpler WASM app for your learning, check out very-simple-wasm-2023.

1. About

While majority of the codes are dedicated for animations, this app intends:

  1. to demonstrate the use of wasm-pack to build a WASM app,
  2. to bind the WASM app to specific DOM element(s), and
  3. to pass configurations from JS to the WASM app.

Here are the features:

  • Handles 2 DOM elements: #wave and #control
  • Generates organic looking waves using Perlin Noise
  • Clicking the canvas to toggle between 3 modes: Wave, Equalizer, and Solar
  • Displays the current amplitude value in control panel

The key is to make a symlink from JS to the WASM package.
Without the symlink, Webpack is NOT able to find the package.
In our case, for Webpack to locate perlin-wave, I must run:

yarn link "perlin-wave"

To get a grasp of what I mean, take a look at the app structure:

├── public
│   ├── assets
│   │   │ # This is the Webpack output
│   │   │ # directory where JS, CSS,
│   │   │ # or any other resources
│   │   │ # will be served.
│   │   │
│   │   ├── app.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.js
│   │   └── favicon.ico
│   │
│   │ # While `index.html` is usually
│   │ # emitted to Webpack output directory,
│   │ # instead, emitting `index.html`
│   │ # to its UPPER DIRECTORY.
│   │
│   ├── index.html
│   │
│   └── wasm
│       └── perlin-wave
│           │ # After `cargo build`, we run
│           │ # `wasm-pack` in ``
│           │ # and output the generated
│           │ # set of package here.
│           │
│           ├── package.json
│           ├── perlin-wave_bg.wasm
│           ├── perlin-wave_bg.wasm.d.ts
│           ├── perlin-wave.d.ts
│           └── perlin-wave.js
├── src
│ # This is where JS codes reside.
└── src_for_wasm
    │ # This is where Rust codes reside.
    └── perlin-wave
        ├── Cargo.lock
        ├── Cargo.toml
        ├── src
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   ├── graphics
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   └──
        │   ├──   # This is the module root
        │   ├── panels
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   └──
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        └── target
            │ # This is where `cargo build`
            │ # will build WASM binaries.
            └── wasm32-unknown-unknown


2. Dev + Build



After you clone the repo, make sure that you:

1. Build the WASM app
2. Make a symlink

git clone
cd perlin-experiment
yarn build:wasm

cd public/wasm/perlin-wave
yarn link
cd ../../../src
yarn link "perlin-wave"

Further details described in:
# 3. What I Did - [Step 5] Creating a Symlink

Once you have the WASM built and the symlink, then you are all set for development.

Run the following:

yarn start

it will first run a debug build for WASM. Once it is done, it will start a devServer at:



This will build for both JS and WASM:

yarn build


3. What I Did

Many steps are similar to my previous example, iced-dynamic-import-sample, but using wasm-pack this time instead of using wasm-bindgen.

When imporing WASM from JS, we need special preparations.
I will describe the steps in detail:

[Step 1] Creating Source Directory

First of all, I need a source directory:

mkdir src_for_wasm
cargo new perlin-wave
cd perlin-wave

[Step 2] Creating Build Directory

Secondly, I need a build directory.

When running cargo build, it will emit binaries under:


wasm-pack will use these files to generate a package under:


So, I must create one.

mkdir -p public/wasm/perlin-wave

[Step 3] Writing

By running yarn build:wasm, I am runing:

sh ./ perlin-wave release

Let's have a look at

#!/usr/bin/env bash




cd "$SRC_DIR"
wasm-pack build "--$PROFILE" --target web --out-name "$APP" --out-dir "$OUT_DIR"

Running will generate the following files:

$ ls -1 public/wasm/perlin-wave/


  "name": "perlin-wave",
  "collaborators": [],
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "files": ["perlin-wave_bg.wasm", "perlin-wave.js", "perlin-wave.d.ts"],
  "module": "perlin-wave.js",
  "types": "perlin-wave.d.ts",
  "sideEffects": false

[Step 4] Subdirectory Issue

Now, let me talk about serving path...

Let's first take a look at HTML:

<div id="container">
  <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="wave"></div>
    <div id="control"></div>

and JS:

import init, * as PerlinWave from 'perlin-wave';

import './styles.css';

const WASM_PATH =
  NODE_ENV && NODE_ENV === 'production'
    ? 'wasm/perlin-wave/perlin-wave_bg.wasm'
    : void 0;

const COLOR = '#c0e822';
const COLOR_DARK = '#759203';

const APP_CONFIG = {
  bgcolor: '#222',
  panels: [
      id: 'control',
      ratio: 15.0 / 1.0,
      color: COLOR,
      color2: COLOR_DARK,
      id: 'wave',
      ratio: 3.0 / 1.0,
      color: COLOR,
      color2: COLOR_DARK,
  ].reduce(panelsReducer, []),

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    .then(() => {;
    .catch(err => {

if (typeof !== 'undefined') {;

function panelsReducer(acc = [], { id, ratio, color, color2 }) {
  const key = `#${id}`;
  const el = document.querySelector(key);
  if (el) {
    const width = (el.offsetWidth || 0).toFixed(1);
    const height = (width / ratio).toFixed(1);
    }); = `${height}px`;
  return acc;

You will notice it mainly does nothing about WASM app, but just calculates width and height.

However, if you take a closer look, you will notice a weird constant WASM_PATH being passed as an argument. What the heck is this all about? Why is it passing WASM_PATH as an argument?

Well, this is about the directory you want to serve your assets from.
If I were to serve my assets from site's directory root, there is no need for passing the argument.
Like this:

  .then(() => {

However, I am serving all the assets from the following subdirectory:

Let's say we feed nothing for init, then it would fetch following (which results in 404):
Instead, I want this:

When the path is not given, it will fetch for: /perlin-wave/perlin-wave_bg.wasm
This is not even close to /mina/perlin-waves where I have my assets!!!!
So, the point is, when a path is not given, it will fetch for the ABSOLUTE PATH as a default.
To avoid this, I must explicity pass a RELATIVE PATH which is wasm/perlin-wave/perlin-wave_bg.wasm


Also, I need to be careful with what to set for publicPath in Webpack config.

Currently, I have this:

  output: {
    filename: '[name].[fullhash].js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public/assets'),
    publicPath: 'assets',

Meaning, I am serving the JS assets from:
What if, instead of assets, I had /assets?
Well... That would be disasterous...
When my HTML page is generated, it will look like this:

<script src="/assets/app.f459b8e437cbd3fa6595.js">

As you can see, it will result in 404...

So, if you had your assets in a subdirectory, make sure you have a RELATIVE PATH for publicPath.


Notice, also, that I am explicitly specifying void 0 (which is another way of saying undefined) when we are not passing a path to the WASM file. This does not usually become an issue, but it may sometimes become a cause of raising a runtime error especially when we are using canvas related features.

We need to explicitly pass undefined because a predicate defined in init strictly checks against undefined. Otherwise, when initializing the WASM app, in:

WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports);

the first argument becomes empty.


Also, for those of you don't know, Webpack5 was released on Jan. 12, 2021, and it no longer supports process.env, and you need to manually define envs like NODE_ENV yourself in Webpack config.


[Step 5] Creating a Symlink

In order for JS to lookup perlin-wave as a module (not runtime, but build-time), we are using yarn link to create a symlink within src so that it links to public/wasm/perlin-wave.

Notice that we have "perlin-wave" for the package name because is defined so in public/wasm/perlin-wave/package.json (which we generated with

cd public/wasm/perlin-wave
yarn link
yarn link v1.22.5
warning package.json: No license field
warning package.json: No license field
success Registered "perlin-wave".
info You can now run `yarn link "perlin-wave"` in the projects where you want to use this package and it will be used instead.
Done in 0.08s.

Now, visit src, and link it to the one just registered:

cd src
yarn link "perlin-wave"

[Step 6] wasm-loader

We need more setups to handle *.wasm files. First of all, we must tell Webpack, instead of file-loader, but to use wasm-loader:


    test: /\.wasm$/,
    include: path.resolve('public/wasm'),
    use: [
        loader: require.resolve('wasm-loader'),

[Step 7] import.meta (or file://)

Now, if you take a look at public/wasm/perlin-wave/perlin-wave.js, init function starts like this:

async function init(input) {
    if (typeof input === 'undefined') {
        input = import.meta.url.replace(/\.js$/, '_bg.wasm');

Notice import.meta syntax for which Webpack has no idea how to deal with it. So, we will add babel-plugin-bundled-import-meta in babel.config.js to tell Webpack that we are importing *.wasm files as CJS modules.


  plugins: [
        bundleDir: 'public/wasm',
        importStyle: 'cjs',

This is not just about import.meta, but this is about explicitly telling Webpack how to dynamically import *.wasm. Without it, Webpack attempts to fetch it via file://, and that is not what we want. Also, notice bundleDir: 'public/wasm' is needed only when the directory you have WASM files are differnt from your Webpack output directory.

[Step 8] application/wasm

Remember that we are using webpack-dev-server in development. And, you certainly need to print a MIME header for *.wasm files.

  devServer: {
    contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname, './public'),
    hot: true,
    port: 8080,
    // Access to `/assets` should resolve (without 404)
    writeToDisk: true,
    before: app => {
      app.get('*.wasm', (req, res, next) => {
        const options = {
          root: path.join(__dirname, 'public/wasm'),
          dotfiles: 'deny',
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/wasm',
        res.sendFile(req.url, options, err => {
          if (err) {

Make sure also that you have .htaccess (or whatever for clouds) in your production server to print application/wasm for any *.wasm files served.

Here is what I have:

% cat .htaccess
AddType application/wasm .wasm

Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From All

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php


4. Installed NPM Packages

4-1. All

yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/cli core-js@3 @babel/runtime-corejs3 babel-loader babel-plugin-bundled-import-meta webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server file-loader css-loader style-loader postcss-loader wasm-loader autoprefixer webpack-merge clean-webpack-plugin html-webpack-plugin copy-webpack-plugin mini-css-extract-plugin license-webpack-plugin prettier pretty-quick

4-2. Babel

For @babel/polyfill has been deprecated, we use core-js.

  • @babel/core
  • @babel/cli
  • @babel/preset-env
    • useBuiltIns: 'usage' in babel.config.js will automatically insert polyfills.
  • core-js@3
    • For @babel/polyfill has been deprecated.
  • @babel/runtime-corejs3
  • babel-loader
    • We want Babel to read .babelrc (or babel.config.js).
  • babel-plugin-bundled-import-meta
    • WASM package uses import.meta syntax to dynamically import *.wasm files, and we want Babel to treat them as CJS modules. Also, we want to avoid the files to be fetched via file://.
yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/cli core-js@3 @babel/runtime-corejs3 babel-loader babel-plugin-bundled-import-meta

4-3. Webpack

  • webpack
  • webpack-cli
  • webpack-dev-server
  • file-loader
  • css-loader
  • style-loader
    • This is for development only. For production, we are using mini-css-extract-plugin.
  • postcss-loader
  • wasm-loader
    • Instead of file-loader.
  • autoprefixer
  • webpack-merge
  • clean-webpack-plugin
  • html-webpack-plugin
    • Template is in src/index.html, and outputs public/index.html.
  • copy-webpack-plugin
    • Just to copy src/assets to public/assets.
  • mini-css-extract-plugin
    • While we are extracting CSS files, and write them to disks, this is for production only.
  • license-webpack-plugin
    • Extracts license information for production.
yarn add --dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server file-loader css-loader style-loader postcss-loader wasm-loader autoprefixer webpack-merge clean-webpack-plugin html-webpack-plugin copy-webpack-plugin mini-css-extract-plugin license-webpack-plugin

4-4. Other Build Tools

  • prettier
  • pretty-quick
yarn add --dev prettier pretty-quick


5. References


6. License

Dual-licensed under either of the followings.
Choose at your option.


A tiny WASM animation using Perlin Noise



Unknown and 2 other licenses found

Licenses found






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