A simplified version of what I have for my website for i18n localization.
I spent enormous effort trying to figure out the most convenient ways to provide i18n solutions, and this is what I came up with.
Basically, this is how it goes:
- Server app uses some kind of a template engine.
- Prepare 2 templates for English and Japanese.
- Include them in one page.
- Use JS to switch between the DOM elements.
I'm not saying you should go back to the 90s. From designers perspective, they don't want to deal with a collection of random texts scattered around in JSON format. Instead, they want HTML, or to work on a group of DOM elements as a chunk.
So, the idea behind is this:
Pass the data as DOM elements from the server-side.
In reality, I am using SolidJS to provide the feature as a WebComponent widget.
Whenever I want translations for a page, I embed the widget, and the widget takes care everything.
(Check out my website for one of the pages)
- Always have 2 templates for 2 languages which is intuitive to manage.
- You can avoid hundreds of locale files scattered around the project which is hard to grasp.
(which happens when managing i18n on JS side) - Designers get to work on the page as HTML, not meaningless JSON key-values.
# Install NPM packages for server apps
cd server
npm install
# Launch the Express server
cd ../
make watch.server
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