Produced by OpenMix:
A highly efficient HTTP library.
go get
Function | Description |
xhttp.NewRequest(method string, u string, opts ...RequestOption) (*Response, error) | Execute an http request. |
xhttp.SendRequest(req *http.Request, opts ...RequestOption) (*Response, error) | Execute an http request. |
xhttp.WithBody(body Body) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithHeader(header http.Header) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithContentType(contentType string) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithDebugFunc(f DebugFunc) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithRetry(f RetryIfFunc, opts ...retry.Option) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.WithMiddleware(middlewares ...Middleware) RequestOption | Set configuration item. |
xhttp.BuildJSON(v interface{}) Body | Generate json string. |
xhttp.BuildQuery(m map[string]string) Body | Generate urlencoded query string. |
xhttp.Shutdown(ctx context.Context) | Do shutdown. |
By configuring DebugFunc
, you can use any logging library to print log information here.
- Global configuration
xhttp.DefaultOptions.DebugFunc = func(l *Log) {
- Single request configuration
f := func(l *Log) {
xhttp.NewRequest("POST", url, xhttp.WithDebugFunc(f))
The log object contains the following fields
type Log struct {
Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"`
Request *Request `json:"request"` // The Request.RetryAttempts field records the number of retry attempts
Response *Response `json:"response"` // If request error this field is equal to nil
Error error `json:"error"`
Set the conditions for determining retries, and specify various options such as the number of attempts.
url := ""
retryIf := func(resp *xhttp.Response, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid status_code: %d", resp.StatusCode)
return nil
resp, err := xhttp.NewRequest("GET", url, xhttp.WithRetry(retryIf, retry.Attempts(2)))
Network error, no retry.
url := ""
retryIf := func(resp *xhttp.Response, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Join(err, xhttp.ErrAbortRetry)
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid status_code: %d", resp.StatusCode)
return nil
resp, err := xhttp.NewRequest("GET", url, xhttp.WithRetry(retryIf, retry.Attempts(2)))
Middleware configuration before or after.
logicMiddleware := func(next xhttp.HandlerFunc) xhttp.HandlerFunc {
return func(req *xhttp.Request, opts *xhttp.RequestOptions) (*xhttp.Response, error) {
// Before-logic
fmt.Printf("Before: %s %s\n", req.Method, req.URL)
// Call the next handler
resp, err := next(req, opts)
// After-logic
fmt.Printf("After: %s %s\n", req.Method, req.URL)
return resp, err
resp, err := xhttp.NewRequest("GET", "", xhttp.WithMiddleware(logicMiddleware))
Before shutdown, all requests will be completed and work with middleware to save the response results to the database.
ch := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
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