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moleculekayak edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 9 revisions

Understanding fertilizer configuration

You can configure fertilizer two ways - either through a file or through environment variables.

Config file

This file will automatically be used if it's found at src/fertilizer/config.json. If it's in another location (like when installing via PyPi or Docker) you can specify its location with the -c flag.

Default Locations:

PyPi Install: You can create your config.json in any directory that you'd like (see: Installation). Once created, you pass it to fertilizer with the -c flag: fertilizer [...] -c /path/to/config.json

Docker: Inside the directory you mounted to /config as config.json

Direct download: src/fertilizer/config.json

Config environment variables

All config options can also be given as environment variables. The name of the env var is the same as you'd find in the config file except in all caps. For instance, if you want to set the injection_link_directory, you'd set the INJECTION_LINK_DIRECTORY env var.

You can combine env vars and a config file. The config file takes precedence over env vars.

Mandatory settings

  • red_key: The API key you've generated for RED
  • ops_key: The API key you've generated for OPS

Direct torrent injection settings (optional)


Be sure to read the Wiki on direct torrent injection before messing around with these settings


You can only set up one client for direct injection. For example, don't set up both deluge_rpc_url and qbittorrent_url

  • inject_torrents: Enables direct torrent injection when set to true. Defaults to false
  • injection_link_directory: Where to link the files that have been downloaded by the original torrent. Required if inject_torrents is enabled
  • deluge_rpc_url: The URL used to connect with Deluge. The usual format is http://:<password>@<host>:<port>/json but you can skip the :<password>@ portion if you don't use a password.
    • Examples: http://:supersecret@localhost:8112/json or http://deluge:8112/json
  • qbittorrent_url: The URL used to connect with qBittorrent provided in the format http://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>. However, many setups bypass authentication for local/whitelisted IPs so you may be able to omit the <username>:<password>@.
    • Examples: http://admin:supersecret@localhost:8080 or http://qbittorrent:8080
  • transmission_rpc_url: The URL used to connect with Transmission provided in the format http://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>. However, many setups bypass authentication for local/whitelisted IPs so you may be able to omit the <username>:<password>@
    • Examples: http://admin:supersecret@localhost:51314 or http://transmission:51314