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Release Notes: Sprint 15
Live Development
- Auto reload w/ Live Preview: The page is automatically refreshed when you save changes to any file other than .css (CSS changes are reflected instantly - no need to save).
- Overall UI
General Code Editing
- Tab size setting: Click the number in the lower-right of the status bar to choose tab size. This is currently a global setting, across all files and file types. We may refine this in future stories.
- Major editor performance improvements: Almost doubles scrolling FPS, cuts 1/3 from keystroke response latency, and fixes freezes in files with very long lines (e.g. minified code).
- Incremental search while typing in the Find bar
- Delete Line(s) command: Ctrl+Shift+D / Cmd+Shift+D deletes the line the cursor is on (or all lines the selection spans).
- Research migration to CodeMirror 3: See wiki for notes on the next steps.
HTML Code Editing
- Code hinting for href/src attributes: Hints for relative URLs based on files on disk. Press Tab to accept the selected hint for a folder name and drill down to its contents.
- Auto-insert closing tags
Files & Folders
- New Folder command
- Rename command
- "Show in File Tree" command: Selects and shows the current editor's file in the left-hand file tree.
- Remove recent projects dropdown entries: Open the dropdown and roll over an item to show "X" button.
- Localization
Full change logs: brackets and brackets-shell
Status bar - The JSLint star icon has moved from the upper-right to the lower-right, in the new status bar. A gold star means no errors (as before), while a red star (new) means errors are listed. Change tab settings by clicking the "Spaces" and "4" labels in the lower right (the former is the same as toggling Edit > Use Tab Characters).
EditorManager focusedEditorChange event - Now reliably triggered whenever focus moves from one Editor to another. See comment at top of EditorManager for details.
AppInit.appReady() event - Now occurs after extensions are done loading, instead of before. See #1854.
Code hinting - Code hint provider's handleSelect()
is now passed a 4th argument: a boolean indicating whether the user prefers to close code hints or continue showing suggestions for the next piece of code. True indicates hints should remain closed (user pressed Enter or clicked a suggestion); false indicates more hints should be shown after inserting the suggestion (user pressed Tab).
Code tokens - New TokenUtils module with APIs for traversing the tokens in a given editor. See #1753.
#1551: Changes within an extension (or a unit test) are not reflected by a simple "Debug > Reload Brackets." Workarounds:
- Quit and re-launch Brackets to pick up the changes.
- Open Developer Tools, click the gear icon in the lower-right, and select "Disable cache." This setting is remembered, but is only in effect so long as the Developer Tools browser tab remains open.
- Debug > Run Tests is disabled in the installer/DMG distributions of Brackets, because the unit test code is not included. To run unit tests, pull Brackets from GitHub instead.
- Debug > Show Developer Tools opens in a new tab in Chrome, rather than a new window in Brackets. This is a temporary(ish) change due to CEF3. But on the upside, CEF3's developer tools include many updated features!
- #1283: Text selection highlight sometimes jiggles when horizontally resizing window.
- #1473: Uninstalling on Windows sometimes does not remove the Start menu shortcut for Brackets.
- Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) by default will not allow Brackets to run since it's not digitally signed yet. To work around this, right click the Brackets app and choose Open. You only need to do that once -- afterward, launching Brackets the normal way will work also.
- Status bar by Chema Balsas
- Resizable bottom panels (JSLint & search results) (plus follow-up fixes) by Chema Balsas
- Delete Line(s) command by Mihai Corlan
- Add connection checkmark to Live Preview menu item by "ckarande"
- Italian translation by Antonello Pasella
- Spanish translation by Chema Balsas
- Brazilian Portuguese translation by Massimiliano Giroldi, with followup fixes & updates by Bruno Cardoso
- Fix #1147: Top of UI is cut off on some smaller-screen Macs by Dennis Kehrig
- Fix #1064: Make URLs line-wrap in various parts of UI by Jake Stoeffler
- Fix #1256: Don't close entire inline editor when a file some of its results is deleted by Dennis Kehrig
- Fix #1606: Inline editor layout glitch when switching back to file in certain cases by Dennis Kehrig
- Misc bug fixes by Jonathan Diehl
- Improved log error message for key binding conflicts by Dennis Kehrig
- Trigger AppInit.appReady() after loading extensions, as originally intended by Dennis Kehrig
- Fix GotoAgent (disabled by default) to work with paths containing spaces by Dennis Kehrig
For details on the bugs addressed, please refer to closed sprint 15 bugs. A few of the fixed bugs might not be caught by this search query, however.