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libavformat doesn't find any subtitles and does not attempt to load any subtitle even though subtitle is present. .sub #3091

shirishag75 opened this issue Apr 29, 2016 · 10 comments


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Hi all,

I had put up #3089 which was promptly closed with helpful comments about how to go about debugging or verbose output. Hence I tried it : -

[$] ls

abcd.mkv  abcd.idx  abcd.sub

So as can be seen there are three files, Here looking at the files in another way :-

[$] ls -lh

total 816M
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 813M Apr 29 09:35 abcd.mkv
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish  33K Apr 29 04:35 abcd.idx
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 3.8M Apr 29 04:35 abcd.sub

Then I tried to use the method shared : -

[$] mpv -v --mute abcd.mkv

(null) requires an argument
[cplayer] Command line options: '-v' '--mute' 'abcd.mkv'
[cplayer] mpv 0.14.0 (C) 2000-2015 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on UNKNOWN
[cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       55.17.103
[cplayer]    libavcodec      57.24.102
[cplayer]    libavformat     57.25.100
[cplayer]    libswscale      4.0.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     6.31.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   2.0.101
[cplayer] ffmpeg version: 3.0.1-3
[cplayer] Configuration: ./waf -v configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --confdir=/etc/mpv --zshdir=/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions --enable-cdda --enable-sdl2 --enable-sndio --enable-zsh-comp --enable-libmpv-shared --disable-build-date
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa asm atomics audio-input av-avpacket-int64-duration av-new-pixdesc av-pix-fmt-mmal av-subtitle-nopict av-version-info avcodec-chroma-pos-api avframe-metadata avframe-skip-samples c11-tls cdda cplayer debug-build dlopen drm dvbin dvdnav dvdread egl-x11 enca encoding fchmod gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libass libass-osd libav libavdevice libavfilter libbluray libdl libguess libm libmpv-shared librt libswresample linux-fstatfs lua nanosleep optimize oss-audio oss-audio-native posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn pthreads pulse resampler rubberband sdl2 shm sndio sse4-intrinsics stdatomic subprocess termios tv tv-v4l2 vaapi vaapi-egl vaapi-glx vaapi-hwaccel vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vdpau-hwaccel videodev vt.h wayland x11 xext xinerama xrandr xss xv zlib zsh-comp
[global] config path: '' -> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -> '/home/shirish/.mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/etc/mpv/config'
[cplayer] Reading config file /home/shirish/.mpv/config
[cplayer] Setting option 'alang' = 'eng,en,english' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'slang' = 'en,eng,english' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Reading config file /home/shirish/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
[cplayer] Setting option 'volume' = '50' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[cplayer] Setting option 'mute' = '' (flags = 8)
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/input.conf'
[input] Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
[osc] Loading script @osc.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[osc] loading mp.defaults
[osc] loading @osc.lua
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found. 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input, mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[cplayer] mouse_btn2 script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[cplayer] mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] mouse_btn2_dbl ignore
[cplayer] del script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[cplayer] Done loading @osc.lua.
[ytdl_hook] Loading script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_load, 1, 10]
[cplayer] Done loading @ytdl_hook.lua.
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/watch_later'
[cplayer] Playing: abcd.mkv
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_load]
[ifo] Opening abcd.mkv
[ifo/dvdnav] Opening abcd.mkv
[bdmv/bluray] Opening abcd.mkv
[file] Opening abcd.mkv
[file] Stream opened successfully.
[demux] Trying demuxer: disc (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: edl (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: cue (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: rawaudio (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: rawvideo (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: tv (force-level: normal)
[demux] Trying demuxer: mkv (force-level: normal)
[mkv] Found the head...
[mkv] + a segment...
[mkv] Parsing seek head...
[mkv] |+ segment information...
[mkv] | + muxing app: libebml v1.3.0 + libmatroska v1.4.0
[mkv] | + writing app: mkvmerge v6.3.0 ('You can't stop me!') built on Jun 28 2013 20:09:41
[mkv] | + timecode scale: 1000000
[mkv] | + duration: 5707.040s
[mkv] | + segment uid ba f8 59 c3 38 13 c7 52 aa 19 8c 68 0b 5b 64 99
[mkv] |+ segment tracks...
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 1
[mkv] |  + Track type: Video
[mkv] |  + Video track
[mkv] |   + Display width: 720
[mkv] |   + Display height: 306
[mkv] |   + Pixel width: 720
[mkv] |   + Pixel height: 306
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 42
[mkv] |  + Language: und
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 41.667ms ( = 24.000 fps)
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 2
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 6
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_AC3
[mkv] |  + Language: ger
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 32.000ms ( = 31.250 fps)
[mkv] |+ found cluster
[mkv] Deferring reading cues.
[mkv] All headers are parsed!
[mkv] Aspect: 2.352941
[demux] Detected file format: Matroska
[find_files] Loading external files in .
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/etc/mpv/sub/'
[cplayer]  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264)
[cplayer]  (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=ger (*) (ac3)
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'wayland'
[vo/opengl/wayland] failed to connect to a wayland server: check if a wayland compositor is running
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11probe'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 1600x900 (":0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1600, 900] @ 60.000000 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
[vo/opengl] GLX chose FB config with ID 0x3c233ab0
[vo/opengl] GLX chose visual with ID 0x73
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0x7f723c205c40, resourceid: 12a, serial: 36
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Could not create GL3 context. Retrying with legacy context.
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='2.1 Mesa 11.1.3'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 2.1.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 '
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 110/GL_EXT_unpack_subimage.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 300/GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 300/GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 320/GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 0/GLX_SGI_swap_control.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 0/GLX_SGI_video_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 430/GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] No vdpau support found - probing more things.
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11egl'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 1600x900 (":0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1600, 900] @ 60.000000 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
[vo/opengl] Could not create EGL context!
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 1600x900 (":0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1600, 900] @ 60.000000 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 60.000000
[vo/opengl] GLX chose FB config with ID 0x3c20f330
[vo/opengl] GLX chose visual with ID 0x73
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0x7f723c230140, resourceid: 12a, serial: 36
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Could not create GL3 context. Retrying with legacy context.
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='2.1 Mesa 11.1.3'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 2.1.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 '
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 210/builtin.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 110/GL_EXT_unpack_subimage.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 300/GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 300/GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 320/GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 0/GLX_SGI_swap_control.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 0/GLX_SGI_video_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded functions for 430/GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] 16 bit texture depth: 8.
[vo/opengl] Display depth: R=8, G=8, B=8
[vo/opengl] Testing user-set FBO format (0x805b)
[vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16
[vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[vo/opengl] Assuming 60.000000 FPS for display sync.
[vd] Container reported FPS: 24.000000
[vd] Codec list:
[vd]     lavc:h264 - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[vd]     lavc:h264_crystalhd (h264) - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (CrystalHD acceleration)
[vd]     lavc:h264_vdpau (h264) - H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (VDPAU acceleration)
[vd] Opening video decoder lavc:h264
[vd] Using software decoding.
[vd] Detected 2 logical cores.
[vd] Requesting 3 threads for decoding.
[vd] Selected video codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 [lavc:h264]
[vo/opengl/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[ad] Codec list:
[ad]     lavc:ac3 - ATSC A/52A (AC-3)
[ad]     lavc:ac3_fixed (ac3) - ATSC A/52A (AC-3)
[ad] Opening audio decoder lavc:ac3
[ad] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[ad] Selected audio codec: ATSC A/52A (AC-3) [lavc:ac3]
[cplayer] Starting playback...
[af] Audio filter chain:
[af]   [in] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch floatp
[af]   [out] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch floatp
[af]   [ao] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch floatp
[ao] Trying audio driver 'pulse'
[ao/pulse] requested format: 48000 Hz, 5.1(side) channels, floatp
[ao/pulse] Library version: 8.0.0
[ao/pulse] Proto: 30
[ao/pulse] Server proto: 4294967295
[ao/pulse] Channel layouts:
[ao/pulse]  - #fl
[ao/pulse]  - #fr
[ao/pulse]  - #fc
[ao/pulse]  - #lfe
[ao/pulse]  - #bl
[ao/pulse]  - #br
[ao/pulse]  - #flc
[ao/pulse]  - #frc
[ao/pulse]  - #bc
[ao/pulse]  - #sl
[ao/pulse]  - #sr
[ao/pulse]  - #tc
[ao/pulse]  - #tfl
[ao/pulse]  - #tfc
[ao/pulse]  - #tfr
[ao/pulse]  - #tbl
[ao/pulse]  - #tbc
[ao/pulse]  - #tbr
[ao/pulse] result: 5.1(side)
[ao/pulse] device buffer: 2000 samples.
[ao/pulse] using soft-buffer of 9600 samples.
[cplayer] AO: [pulse] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch float
[cplayer] AO: Description: PulseAudio audio output
[af] Adding filter lavrresample 
[af] Audio filter chain:
[af]   [in] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch floatp
[af]   [lavrresample] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch float
[af]   [out] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch float
[af]   [ao] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch float
[vd] Using container aspect ratio.
[vf] Video filter chain:
[vf]   [vd] 720x306->0x0 yuv420p auto/auto CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[vf]   [in] 720x306 yuv420p bt.601/limited CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[vf]   [out] 720x306 yuv420p bt.601/limited CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[cplayer] VO: [opengl] 720x306 yuv420p
[cplayer] VO: Description: Extended OpenGL Renderer
[vo/opengl/x11] not waiting for MapNotify
[vo/opengl] Resize: 720x306
[vo/opengl] Window size: 720x306
[vo/opengl] Video source: 720x306 (720x306)
[vo/opengl] Video display: (0, 0) 720x306 -> (0, 0) 720x306
[vo/opengl] Video scale: 1.000000/1.000000
[vo/opengl] OSD borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/opengl] Video borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0
[vo/opengl] Testing user-set FBO format (0x805b)
[vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16
[vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 0: 720x306
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 1: 360x153
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 2: 360x153
[vo/opengl] Reinit rendering.
[vd] set video colors output-levels=0 
[vo/opengl] recompiling a shader program:
[vo/opengl] [  1] vec4 color = texture(texture0, texcoord0);
[vo/opengl] [  2] color.g = texture(texture1, texcoord1).r;
[vo/opengl] [  3] color.b = texture(texture2, texcoord2).r;
[vo/opengl] [  4] // color conversion
[vo/opengl] [  5] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[vo/opengl] [  6] color.a = 1.0;
[vo/opengl] [  7] // color management
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.0.1 (COMPLEX)
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/shirish/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf, 0, DejaVuSans
[cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[cplayer] playback restart complete
[statusline] AV: 00:00:32 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:32 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[osd/libass] fontselect: (mpv-osd-symbols, 400, 0) -> mpv-osd-symbols-Regular, 0, mpv-osd-symbols-Regular
[vo/opengl] recompiling a shader program:
[vo/opengl] [  1] // OSD (libass)
[vo/opengl] [  2] vec4 color = vec4(ass_color.rgb, ass_color.a * texture(osdtex, texcoord).r);
[vo/opengl] [  3] // color management
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:32 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:32 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding1]
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding2]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[statusline] AV: 00:00:33 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000
[cplayer] Run command: quit, flags=9, args=[0]
[cplayer] EOF code: 6  
[ad] Uninit audio filters...
[ffmpeg] SWR: discarding 1000 audio samples
[ad] Uninit audio decoder.
[af] Removing filter lavrresample 
[vd] Uninit video.
[cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 3)
[cplayer] Exiting... (Quit)
[ytdl_hook] Exiting...
[osc] Exiting...
[ao/pulse] draining...
[vo/opengl/x11] Enabling screensaver.
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...

Except at the starting there is no mention of libavformat nor anything about the subtitle. Even if it fails, it should give some output.

Look forward to answers.

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Hrxn commented Apr 29, 2016

What do you expect to see?

I don't see any error with libass, for example, are the subs not displayed properly?

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ghost commented Apr 29, 2016

It doesn't find any subtitles and does not attempt to load any subtitles. As if the subtitle file wasn't there.

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Hrxn commented Apr 29, 2016

I think the issue title is a bit misleading then..

@shirishag75 shirishag75 changed the title libavformat doesn't talk about subtitle even when using the -v flag libavformat doesn't find any subtitles and does not attempt to load any subtitle even though subtitle is present. .sub Apr 29, 2016
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@Hrxn I changed it, couldn't think of anything shorter, am open to suggestions to make it even more smaller, just need to get the point across.

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ghost commented Apr 29, 2016

It's not libavformat which searches for subtitles.

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shirishag75 commented Apr 29, 2016

@wm4 I was under the impression that it is libavformat which is responsible for finding subtitles and reading them, I saw #2821 . Maybe you can guide/correct me which of ffmpeg library is responsible for this ?

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Hrxn commented Apr 30, 2016

Yes, libavformat deals with subtitles, correct so far. But the actual handling is done by mpv itself, libavformat doesn't act on its own.

Did you try to run it with --sub-file=FILE ?
Or maybe try a specific --sub-demuxer=DEMUXER

I guess mpv prefers SSA/ASS subs.
I basically never use any subtitles, can't speak from own experience here..

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ghost commented May 2, 2016

It looks like --msg-level=find_files=trace should give more logging in this case.

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shirishag75 commented May 2, 2016

umm... got this -

[$] mpv --msg-level=find_files=trace abcd.mkv

(null) requires an argument
Playing: abcd.mkv
[find_files] Loading external files in .
[find_files] Potential external file: "abcd.idx"  Priority: 0
[find_files] Potential external file: "abcd.sub"  Priority: 0
 (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=ger (*) (ac3)
[vo/opengl] Could not create EGL context!
AO: [pulse] 48000Hz 5.1(side) 6ch float
VO: [opengl] 720x306 yuv420p
AV: 00:00:08 / 01:35:07 (0%) A-V:  0.000

I did it with another media file which had an .srt and there the Priority of the Potential external file was 3.

Now it seems possible that the .sub file may be corrupt. Is there some foss tool to check whether a sub file is good or not and better yet if a .sub and .idx file could be exported to an .srt file with times and all. I know both the queries fall outside the issue in question, so you could just point to some solutions and I'll try to find out more from them.

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mia-0 commented Nov 6, 2016

My own .sub/.idx files autoload fine. Try newer FFmpeg+mpv.

@mia-0 mia-0 closed this as completed Nov 6, 2016
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