id | title | description |
collector-properties | |
This file allows you to tune the internal processes of Installed Collectors to fit your needs. |
For Collector versions 19.182-25 and later the
file can be modified on existing Collectors allowing you to configure its internal processes for specific uses. This file is generated automatically when installing a Collector.
Starting with collector 19.170+, the installation directory is secured to users belonging to the sumologic_collector group. Modifying
may require sudo privileges. For more information, see Enhanced File System Security for Installed Collectors.
Stop the Sumo Logic Collector service.
- On Windows:
net stop sumo-collector
- On Linux:
sudo ./collector stop
- On Windows:
Navigate to the installation directory of an existing Installed Collector and open the
file in the config directory with a text editor. An example path is:/<sumo_home>/config/
Add the parameters you need, see all of the available parameters in the parameters table below.
:::important Keep all of the existing parameters already in the file. If you remove any, the Collector will not be able to restore them and could result in collection issues. :::
Save the file in the same location. Maintain UTF-8 format.
Start the Sumo Logic Collector service.
- On Windows:
net start sumo-collector
- On Linux:
sudo ./collector start
- On Windows:
The default collector installation locations are:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sumo Logic Collector
C:\Program Files\Sumo Logic Collector
The example below has parameters that were automatically added by the Collector based on the configuration of the file, such as cpuTarget
. The file is different, only modify parameters found in the parameters table below. If you see another parameter you want to adjust, check to see if it's an available configuration parameter.
The parameter collector.localfile.inputType
has been added and set to nonblocking
to tell the Collector to use the Windows Rollable path for UNC file paths. That is the only parameter in this example.
receiver.url =
windows.remote.jni = true
cpuTarget = -1
json.sync.mode = UI
logIngestStatus = Normal
collector.debug.forceRestart = -1
collector.localfile.inputType = nonblocking
The table below has parameters that you can manage.
:::important Do not modify any other parameters found in the file, it could result in collection issues.
Collector versions 19.253-26+ support wrapper configuration parameters. :::
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
alerts.ttl.min | integer | Duration in minutes before deleting alerts stored in the Collector directory. | 180 |
aws.metadata.cache.enabled | boolean | Enable fetching and caching AWS-specific local metadata. | true | | integer | HTTP connection timeout in milliseconds when attempting to fetch AWS-specific local metadata. | 1000 |
aws.metadata.cache.url | string | AWS-specific URL to fetch local metadata to cache. | |
collector.backoff.max.timeInMillis | integer | Maximum backoff duration in milliseconds for Windows Event Log Sources. | 60000 |
collector.backoff.min.timeInMillis | integer | Initial backoff duration in milliseconds for Windows Event Log Sources. | 5000 |
collector.connection.fixCount | integer | Specifies a fixed number of connections to establish when sending data to Sumo Logic. Must be less than or equal to collector.connection.max . |
-1 |
collector.connection.max | integer | Maximum number of connections to establish when sending data to Sumo Logic. | 3 |
collector.localfile.inputType | string | Override for the type of local file reading mechanism. Possible override values include "nonblocking" and "simple". | NULL |
collector.localFile.oldFileMaxEps | integer | Number of events per second used to determine how long to sleep when monitoring an old file. | 500 |
collector.localFile.oldThresholdMillis | integer | Duration in milliseconds after which to move a monitored file to "old" working set. | 900000 |
collector.metrics.dumper.millis | integer | Time period in milliseconds to log Collector metrics and usage information to collector-usage.log. | 600000 |
collector.pipeline.maxMessageCount | integer | Number of messages to accumulate before flushing the log outbound queue. | 1000 |
collector.pipeline.maxMessagesSize | integer | Size in bytes to accumulate before flushing the log outbound queue. | 1048576 |
collector.pipeline.metrics.maxMessageCount | integer | Number of messages to accumulate before flushing the metrics outbound queue. | 1000 |
collector.pipeline.metrics.maxMessagesSize | integer | Size in bytes to accumulate before flushing the metrics outbound queue. | 1048576 |
collector.pipeline.metrics.windowSizeMillis | integer | Time period in milliseconds to flush the metrics outbound queue. | 200 |
collector.pipeline.windowSizeMillis | integer | Time period in milliseconds to flush the log outbound queue. | 1000 | | integer | Delay in milliseconds for Collector registration. | 0 |
collector.syslog.udp.readBufferSize | integer | Maximum size in bytes to buffer payloads received via UDP with Syslog Sources. | 2048 |
collector.wildcard.fpSize | integer | Fingerprint size to use (in bytes) when determining new file rotation. | 2048 |
collector.wildcard.pathMatcher | string | Path expression matcher to use when evaluating file paths. | RegexPathExpressionMatcher |
collector.winlog.dcom.connectionTimeout | integer | WMI connection timeout in milliseconds for Windows Event Log Sources. | 60000 |
collector.winlog.dcom.notificationSessionTimeout | integer | WMI notification session timeout in milliseconds for Windows Event Log Sources. | 1800000 |
collector.winlog.dcom.querySessionTimeout | integer | WMI query session timeout in milliseconds for Windows Event Log Sources. | 30000 | | integer | Duration in milliseconds to sleep before checking for missed events between catch up and first notification. | 10000 |
collector.winlog.maxThreads | integer | Maximum number of threads to use when processing Windows events. | 16 |
collector.winlog.queryBatchSize | integer | Number of elements to fetch during catch up for Windows Event Log Sources. | 20000 |
collector.winlog.queryDoCatchup | boolean | Enable running catchup queries for Windows Event Log Sources. | true |
collector.winlog.queryLongWaitTime | integer | Duration in milliseconds to sleep for long queries performed by Windows Event Log Sources. | 3000 |
collector.winlog.queryShortWaitTime | integer | Duration in milliseconds to sleep for short queries performed by Windows Event Log Sources. | 250 |
collector.winlog.retryConnection | integer | Duration in milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed connection on Windows Event Log Sources. | 15000 |
command.fetch.maxRetry | integer | Maximum number of times to retry fetching remote commands from Sumo Logic before closing the command channel. | 15 |
command.fetch.retryInterval | integer | Time period in milliseconds to retry fetching remote commands from Sumo Logic. | 5000 |
docker.apiVersion | string | Override for Docker API version to use when collecting from Docker container sources. | NULL |
docker.blockProblematicContainerInMs | integer | Maximum time in milliseconds to block retry for error-producing Docker container sources. | 900000 |
docker.maxContainerErrorPerMinute | integer | Maximum number of error retry attempts per Docker container source. | 20 |
docker.maxPerContainerConnections | integer | Maximum number of Docker container connections to monitor per source. | 40 |
forwarding.hcp.dateStamperFormat | string | Timestamp format to use when forwarding data to a REST sink source. | yyyy-MM-dd |
forwarding.http.iso8859 | boolean | Enable forwarding ISO-8859 entities to a REST sink source. | false |
forwarding.syslog.maxMessageSize | integer | Sets the segment size in bytes of forwarded syslog messages. | 1024 |
freeSpace.threshold.percent | integer | Percentage threshold of free disk space after which the Collector enters flushing mode. | 10 |
graphite.hostname | string | Override the hostname of the syslog server for legacy Graphite sources. | NULL |
http.connectionTimeout | integer | HTTP connection timeout in milliseconds when attempting to send data to Sumo Logic. | 60000 |
http.socketTimeout | integer | HTTP socket timeout in milliseconds when attempting to send data to Sumo Logic. | 60000 | | integer | Duration in milliseconds to sleep before retrying sending on connection failure. | 5000 |
httpAppender.disable | boolean | Disable diagnostic HTTP appender for Collector logging. | false |
json.sync.sleep.time | integer | Time period in milliseconds to check for changes to the Sources JSON sync file. | 1000 | | integer | Duration in milliseconds to wait before retrying to sync to a JSON source sync file after failure. | 600000 | | string | Override for the type of local Windows event collection. Possible override values include "0" for legacy mode. | NULL | | string | Override for the type of local Windows event collection. Possible override values include "1" for legacy mode. | NULL |
localWindowsEventLog.batchSize | integer | Number of elements to fetch per batch for Windows Event Log Sources. | 512 |
localWindowsEventLog.sleepIntervalMs | integer | Sleep time in milliseconds to wait in between fetching events for Windows Event Log Sources. | 0 |
LogSender.pause.override | boolean | Pause sending HTTP data from the log sender to Sumo Logic. | false |
metadata.cache.expiration.sec | integer | Duration in seconds to expire and retry fetching local metadata cached by the Collector. | 600 |
MetricsSender.pause.override | boolean | Pause sending HTTP data from the metric sender to Sumo Logic. | false |
multiline.maxCharLength | integer | Sets the size in KB the Collector reads up to for detecting multiline messages. See [Collecting Multiline Logs](/docs/send-data/reference-information/ for details. | 524288 |
multiline.maxLines | integer | Sets the number of lines the Collector reads up to for detecting multiline messages. See Collecting Multiline Logs for details. | 2000 |
offline.numRetries | integer | Number of retry attempts before entering offline collection mode on connection failure. | 3 |
paging.lowerbound.mb | integer | Size in megabytes of free storage space available after which the Collector exits flushing mode. | 32 |
paging.upperbound.mb | integer | Size in megabytes of free storage space available after which the collector enters flushing mode. | 2048 |
pileAggregator.maxBatchPayloadSize | integer | Maximum size in bytes to accumulate to flush aggregated piles for log pipeline. | 4194304 |
pileAggregator.maxPiles | integer | Maximum number of piles to aggregate before flushing piles for log pipeline. | 5 |
pileAggregator.metrics.maxBatchPayloadSize | integer | Maximum size in bytes to accumulate to flush aggregated piles for metrics pipeline. | 1048576 |
pileAggregator.metrics.maxPiles | integer | Maximum number of piles to aggregate before flushing piles for metrics pipeline. | 10 |
pileAggregator.metrics.period | integer | Time period in milliseconds to flush aggregated piles for metrics pipeline. | 1000 |
pileAggregator.period | integer | Time period in milliseconds to flush aggregated piles for log pipeline. | 1000 |
queue.checking.interval.sec | integer | Time period in seconds the collector will calculate outbound queue statistics. | 300 | | integer | Size in gigabytes for on-disk outbound queue for log sources. | 3 |
queue.max.memory.mb | integer | Size in megabytes for in-memory outbound queue for log sources. | 8 | | integer | Size in gigabytes for on-disk outbound queue for metric sources. | 1 |
queue.metrics.max.memory.mb | integer | Size in megabytes for in-memory outbound queue for metric sources. | 8 |
refresh.event.session.period | integer | Time period in milliseconds to refresh the event session for Windows Event Log Sources. | 3600000 |
refresh.local.log.names.period | integer | Time period in milliseconds to retrieve log names for new event logs for Windows Event Log Sources. | 86400000 |
remote.file.connect.retries | integer | Number of retry attempts when connecting to a remote file host. | 3 |
source.max.threads.num | integer | Maximum number of threads to use when scanning files for a given source. | 6 |
source.scan.file.cacheTtl | integer | Maximum time duration in milliseconds before repopulating directory hierarchy. | 1800000 |
source.scan.file.maxAge | integer | Maximum age in days of files to be considered when scanning. | 36500 | | string | File path of SSH host key verification file to use when verifying remote hosts. | NULL |
streaming.metrics.hostname | string | Override the hostname of the syslog server for Streaming Metrics source types. | NULL |
syslog.dns.cache.timeout | integer | Timeout in milliseconds to resolve DNS host lookup information for Syslog Sources. | 300000 |
syslog.hostname | string | Host name that identifies the network interface Syslog Sources should bind to. | NULL | | integer | Duration in milliseconds socket timeout to use for Syslog Sources. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. | 120000 |
threadDumps.enabled | boolean | Enable periodic thread dumps to be printed to the collector.log file. | false |
threadDumps.frequencyMs | integer | Time period in milliseconds to log thread dumps when thread dumps are enabled. | 60000 | | boolean | Enable automatic upgrade check for the Collector. | false |
upgrade.check.frequency | integer | Time period in seconds to check for upgrades when automatic upgrades are enabled. | 3600 |
waiting.time.before.stop.thread | integer | Duration in milliseconds to wait before the monitoring of the Sources JSON sync file is stopped. | 15000 |
wildcard.inputs.handler.removed.input.timeout | integer | Duration in milliseconds to wait before the monitoring of an unmodified file is stopped. | 1800000 |
windows.local.jni | boolean | Enable using JNI for local Windows Event Log Sources. | true |
wrapper.out.oom | string | Custom message to log upon OutOfMemory exception from Wrapper. | The JVM has run out of memory. |
wrapper.out.stop | string | Custom message to log upon stopping the Wrapper. | Wrapper Stopped |