flowchart LR
A((PHP)) --> B((Installation and Setup))
B ---> BB(File Setup)
A ---> C((Introduction to PHP))
C ---> CA(Echo, Print)
C ---> CB(Variable,Variable Scope)
C ---> CC(Constants)
C ---> CD(Data Types)
C ----> CE(Operators)
C ---> CF(Comments)
C ---> CG(PHP Keywords)
CE --->CEA(Arithmetic Operators)
CE --->CEB(Assignmment Operators)
CE --->CEC(Bitwise Operators)
CE --->CED(Comparison Operators)
CE --->CEE(Increment/Decrement Operators)
CE --->CEF(logical Operators)
CE --->CEG(String Operators)
CE --->CEH(Array Operators)
CE --->CEI(Type Operators)
CE --->CEJ(Execution Operators)
CE --->CEK(Error Control Operators)
A ---> D((Control Statement))
D ---> DA(If Else)
D ---> DB(Switch)
D ---> DC(For Loop)
D ---> DD(While Loop)
D ---> DE(Do While Loop)
D ---> DF(Break)
D ---> DG(Continue)
A ---> E((Arrays))
E ---> EA(Array)
E ---> EB(Indexed Array)
E ---> EC(Associative Array)
E ---> ED(Multidimensional Array)
E ---> EE(Array Functions)
A ---> F((Functions))
F ---> FA(Functions)
F ---> FB(Call By Value)
F ---> FC(Call By Reference)
F ---> FD(Default Arguments)
F ---> FE(Variable Arguments)
F ---> FF(Recursive Function)
A ---> G((Strings))
G ---> GA(String)
G ---> GB(String Functions)
A ---> H((Math))
H ---> HA(Math Functions)
A ---> I((PHP Form))
I ---> IA(Form Handling)
I ---> IB(Form Validation)
I ---> IC(Form Required)
I ---> ID(Form uRL/E-Mail)
I ---> IE(Form Complete)
I ---> IF(Get, Post)
A ---> J((PHP Advanced))
J ---> JA(Cookie)
J ---> JB(Session)
J ---> JC(Date and Time)
J ---> JD(Filters)
J ---> JF(Exceptions)
A ---> K((PHP Include))
K ---> KA(Include & Require)
A ---> L((File))
L ---> LA(File Handlinng)
L ---> LB(Open File)
L ---> LC(Read File)
L ---> LD(Write File)
L ---> LE(Append File)
L ---> LF(Delete File)
A ---> M((Upload/Download))
M ---> MA(Upload File)
M ---> MB(Download File)
A ---> N((OOP))
N ---> NA(Introduction to OOP)
N ---> NB(Class/Objects)
N ---> NC(Constructor)
N ---> ND(Destructor)
N ---> NE(Access Modifiers)
N ---> NF(Inheritance)
N ---> NG(Abstract Classes)
N ---> NH(Interfaces)
N ---> NI(Static Methods)
N ---> NJ(Static Properties)
N ---> NK(Namespaces)
N ---> NL(Traits)
N ---> NM(Iterables)
A ---> O((MySQL))
O ---> OA(MySQL Database)
O ---> OB(MySQL Connect)
O ---> OC(MySQL Create DB)
O ---> OD(MySQL Create Tabel)
O ---> OE(MySQL Insert Data)
O ---> OF(MySQL Get ID)
O ---> OG(MySQL Insert Multiple)
O ---> OH(MySQL Prepared)
O ---> OI(MySQL Select Data)
O ---> OJ(MySQL Where)
O ---> OK(MySQL Order By)
O ---> OL(MySQL Delete Data)
O ---> OM(MySQL Update Data)
O ---> ON(MySQL Limit Data)
A ---> P((What Next?))
P ---> PA(Projects)
P ---> PB(Laravel)
Free Resource Links ---⬆️---
Resource | Links |
PHP | link |
Laravel | link |
flowchart RL
A((LARAVEL)) --> B((Installation and Setup))
B --> BA(XAMPP / Laragon Installation)
B ---> BB(Composer Installation)
B ---> BC(Git Installation)
B ---> BD(First Laravel Project)
B ---> BE(Laravel Application Structure)
A ---> C((Routing))
C ---> CA(About Basic Routing)
C ---> CB(Routing Parameters)
C ---> CC(Named Routers)
C ---> CD(Middleware)
C ---> CE(Route Groups)
A ---> D((Controllers))
D ---> DA(Laravel Controllers)
D ---> DB(Routing Controlers)
D ---> DC(Resource Controllers)
D ---> DD(Controller Middleware)
A ---> E((Laravel Views))
E ---> EA(Laravel Views)
E ---> EB(Passing data to views)
A ---> F((Laravel Blade Template))
F ---> FA(Blade Template)
F ---> FB(Template Inheritance)
F ---> FC(laravel Forms)
A ---> G((Laravel Migration))
G ---> GA(Laravel Migration)
G ---> GB(Migration Structure)
G ---> GC(Generating Migration)
G ---> GD(Migration Commands)
A ---> H((Laravel Database))
H ---> HA(Laravel Database)
H ---> HB(Laravel Eloquent)
H ---> HC(Laravel Relationship)
H ---> HD(Laravel Tinker)
H ---> HE(Laravel CRUD)
A ---> I((What Next?))
I ---> IA(Projects)
GO-TO ---⬆️---